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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1901)
Press-Journal Thcmpat, July, 4ib, wui. T. Canon, Editor and Prop, T. E. k M. V K. Ji. lime Ulilf. Going Wwt Going East. Mo. 6. UtUt-U. IOtMINo. 6. mixed 7:50 North-Western H K LINE V. R. R is to and from the F. E. M the best BLACK HILLS, DEADWOOD ASD HOT SPUISUS, SOUTH DAKOTA. Red Front Meat Market Choice, Fresh and borne enred Meats and home rendered lard, salt Fish, fioe line of Grocer ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and Candies, Nuts and green Apples. Highest price paid for Hides and Produce, at Smith's IecL Trent, Oo to J. E. Phinnky's for wall pap er. The county "dads" have been busy tins week checking up the county Treas urer. Commissioner Meng, spent Sunday with bis collegue Commissioner L. C. Lewis of Andrews. Merchant Bartell, will use the corner room which was until recently the horns of the "Sun" for a ware house. O. W. Hester, lias been quite indis. xsed during some time past from the ef fects of a severe cold, is now slowly im proving. Miss Claudia Hester, went to Lusk, on last Saturday, to remain until after 1be4lh. She was accompanied by Mas ter Cecil. Several of onr business men attend etl Masonic lodge at Crawford on last Thursday night, and returned the follow ing d;iy. Mrs. J. 1L Bartell. who has been bedfast during the past week, is now much better and will be able to be about in a short time. -Mrs. Valdex, will spend the 4th in South Dakota vitb her hubby who is employed at present. The children will retrain witn Grandma. Our home nine, are billed to play the Pleasant Ridge, nine at Lusk, on the 4th. Which team do we tbink wilt come out champions? Harrison of course. -N. L. Tipton, and Charley Umfthen our. returned from Lusk, Wyo., Monday evening where they have been shearing beep for the past Ave or six weeks. The J. W. tmith. sale held on last Saturday was a succcese, everything sold 'well. June and his family will spend a week in the ralley aid then start for the coast A letter from the factory states a car of barb-wire will be shipped July IS, nod should arrive about the 2nd of the month, (5. W. HESTER. When yoii want a modern, iip-to. dle physic, try Chamberlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablet. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Stunples free at J. E. PKINXEY S drug Store. We are in receipt of a large, display poster from the managers of the G. A. R. Encampment, to lie held oo Bodeaux creek, 7 or 8 mile the other side of Chadron. An extraordinory good time will be had at the Encampment, there being such speakers as Oil. Akers, Recei ver of the Alliance Land Office, and ex Senator, W, V, Allen, and others, hich is sufficient proof f f the success of the entertainment. Everybody should go that can. Prof. Pliipps, of Chndron, was doing business, in town, the first of this week, while in town, he dropped in for a chat with ye editor. Prof. Phipps is well and favorably known in Sioux County hav ing been connected with our institute work, on one or two Oceanian. The Prof, was elected superintendent, of the Chadron public Schools and is amply qnaliAed for the position. MARRIED At the residence of Judge J., ft," Bertell. in this city, Saturday. Juae, CT, 1901 at 8: o'clock p. tn. Miss Ka Hatchioe to Mr. Harry Tempany. A red respectively 18 and 21 years. Both of the contracting parties are residents of Dawes county and live in, or near Fort Robinson. While we are not personally acquainted wltb item we wish them a lonr and prosperous journey through We. The hall, which ha been under pro- eeaa of repair for the past month, It now . oweUii a4 without doabt it one of Cm ke to Kortk-weet Nebraska. There . am two Of wea oo the same Moor, sepi mtHtm 9f a oetitieo; oao to especially ar wm irmot4tn, the other to be est! fc faktlo MtorttloBoata and gth ' Theea two fcalle won 14 bo ft : ftitoftottjtf fw ee tea tfcomftoi Buy your wall paper at the drug stcre. Read Marstellar Hros., new Shoe ad tms weev. Ourceuntyfathers completed their arderous duties yesterday, Mrs. Thayer, will resume ru g weav ing after the 4th. At the same price. This is hot vou bet today, look out for hail and rain tiie 4th usullv brings it. The unofilieh nor l-vs ate dm Hie store room formerly occupied by J. 1L Bartell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Simlar, and children of Indian creek, will spend the fourth at Grandpa Nutto's in the canyon. 8ul.iec.t Snndav at 8 P. m. will be - j , "Christian patriotism and George Wash mgton.V Autoharp solo, "Tlie oU house at home." Master nenrv Moravek. who has been employed at a sheep camp during the nast few month's, came home tlie first ef this week, to spend the 4tb. J. E. Marsteller, went to Crawford, on last evening to meet his mother who is billed to arrive there this morning from Pennsylvania, to make her children here an extended visit. We understand thai Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyon will occupy tlie ware house just recently vacated by merchant Bar tell. Ernest thinks paying rent does not make a man rich. A good man can get a job of work by aurlvin? to Dave Collville, who needs a man to go with a car of horses to North Pakota. and after arriving there to take care ol a herd of horses. Mr. and Mrs.;jake Henry, spent last night with the latters parents in the can yon, and this morning nccompanied by the Misses Nulto, t!iey boarded the early train for Lusk, to celebrate the glorious 4 th. Miss Lizzie Cottman, the Sioux county "heroine was married on last Wednesday at the Blaine, parlors, tn Chadron, and with her other half will reside on a ranch a short distance from Crawford. -Next week Gerlacbs will have a car load of the celebrated. Deeriog Harvest ers, Uiant 8 it mowers, ami maicniess Deering rakes anJ Deeriug Twine direct from Chicago. The weater for the past week or ten days, except Monday, has been very warm. Yet, according to the daily pa pers, 8ioux county ha been quite frigid compared to the weather in the eastern states, where scores of fatilities have re sulted from the torrid weather. George Gerlach, returned Tuesday from his long and tedious trip overland to North Dakota, where he went about six or eight weeks ago to assist in driv ing a herd of horses belongin g to Dave Collville for a range fer the future. He is all o. k, and is ready for the glorious 4th. Joe Ludwig and John Lacy, left Moo- day evening for Kansas City, where they went to visit tlie rural districts of South eastern Kansas and North-western Miss ouri with a view we underetand of spy ing out the country for future locations. We beleive the boys will miss it if they don't stay with Sioux county. E. F. Pontius, our highly esteemed and ever courteous agent, who has been enjoying a well earned rest during the past week or two, io the hills country returned to routine duty on last Saturday All of our people appreciate Mr. Pontius at the depot. The supply agent left for other points on the same evening. Yesterday, Phil Dunn, was in town from tlie valley north, and lie says the grass hoppers are going after the grass with wonderful rapidity. In his opinion they have got about all the best grass in his neighborhood and that the litte pests are cutting it ofT clost down to the roots but we hope it Is not near so bad as Phil seems to see it. A letter from Mrs. R M. Wallace to Mrs. Eu&eoe B.gelow states they are at Cokeville, and that Frank is sick of Mountain fever, also that they were still in Wyoming, and tired of traveling, and if the boys could find work, they would accept it for the time being. Mrs. Wallace, has a host of friends here, who will be glad to hear any word from her. On last Thursday afternoon county Surveyor Ruffing, had a narrow escape from what might have proved a serious run-a-wny. Just as he was harnessing up, preparatory to starting for Lome, one of his horses which was being held by Mr. Ru (Ting's little son, got away and took the other with it, however before they had gone very far or did very much damage, some of our citizens bad caught them. Mr. Ruffing was detained a little later in town, by his having to have his wagon tongue repaired. MARRIED Under the blue vault or heaven, with the beautiful canopy of the forest a an umbrella, near the home of the bride's parent, at 8: o'clock on Inst Sunday afternoon Rev. Warren, of Harrison, performing the ceremony. Mr. O. W. Clapp. of Marsland Neb., and Mine Deloria E. Eldrige. of Plearant Ridge Wyo. Aged respectfully 27 and 20, We are not peraonally acquainted with the contracting parties but we wish them all the joy and hepptoe, which this world is pab!e of giving to IU votaries, but the best of all wo wish tliem the true ha peine s hereafter. Sir, and Mr. Clapp will reside al Marsland. Mrs. Clapp, is a oanghterof a & Eldrige, of Pleasant Kids F. E. k X- V. R. R. Special Rates o Acc't Stock convention, at Douglas nr. - T..U 1ftk-1 14k. 14 wttirvt trio , J , , u . j - - -- .1 - ' a fare of 5.50 is autburized. Dates of sale July 10th, 11th and 12, good returning July 13. On July a speclial train will leave Chadron at 10: o'clock a. m. arriv ing at Harrison about 7: or 7:30 a. m. for Douglas. E. F. Pontius, Agt. Fly Nets for sale at E. Rohwer's Harness Shop. A goodly number of our town's people took the train for Lusk, Wyo.. where they went to spend their fourth of July, and in all probability they will listen to the reading of that ancient, worn out and obsolite document called the Declaration of Independence, once the addored teonent of this nation. Tuesday, Mrs. Solteau and three or four children came to town from the valley and complained to the county commissioners that her liege Lord and Master whom she has been living with out of wedlock since coming to our oounty eight or nine years ago, had giv en her a severe whipping and run her to gether with the children off the place. It is high time that this man should be given to understand that the penitentiary is the proper place for a persou like him, who has broken all moral and civil low. Of courae we believe the woman is in a measure a much to blame as he is, but, as we have said before on a simular occasion by the same parties, that is ro reason why she should be beat and driven from her home, with helpless children to starve. It T. Ilibblen and Henry Pelluck, who have been, for the past two months up in Wyoming, hunting and trapping gray wolves and coyotes, succeeded in bagging 44 gray wolves and 116 coyotes which we understand, the bounty alone netted them each, about $60, per month. If the boys had been doing their work within the bounds of the Running water Wolf association's prescribed district, the association would have been all but bank ru lit now. Such slaughter of Wolves and coyotes as that means the siving of thousands of cattle, sheep and horses to our ranchmen. We believe it would be profitable to the stockmen of Converse Co. Wryo., and Sioux if they would keep the two boys constantly em ployed att'O per month each, waging war upon the destructive pests of the cattle, sheep and horse beards. Minutes of the fllh Anmini S. S, Convention. The Ninth Annual Convention of the Sioux .jountv S. 8. Association was held at Glen, June, 25th, and 26th 1901 Sioux county has four Sundav schools and tliey were all represented but one. Though the numbers were not as great as ia former year, the convention was one of interest to those who were pres ent. The two days were largely spent in a study of Genesis as a preparation for the lessons of the six monhts to come, with such practical discussions as gre out of this study, such as family religion sod the Sabbathot Genesis uid of today The paper on the, "Christian Babbittr by Mrs. Ray of of Crawford was especial ly interesting. Reports of schools show a falling off of numbers except in Harrison, but in most cases no decrease in inter est. No school lias been lost during the year. One reported an increased earn estness and interest in Bible Study, When we remember the many christian families that have left Sioux Co., since the time of our last meeting snd that outside of Ilirrison there has bevn no regular preaching In the cour.ty sioce last fall, we feol that tlie reports were encouraging. JL tiers were read row the followinz Sioux Co.. workers who have left us, sending greetings and tell ing of christian activities in their new homes, Mrs. J. L. KeruUll, Houston Ida ho, The Knott family Ceutral City, Neb and H. 8. dough. Alberta. Mr. and Mr J. L. Kendall, ha under their care four Sandny Schools that were not in exis lance a year ago and Mr. Clough is sup erintendent of the Nebraska Sunday School which has been in working order ever since the Canada parties left u year ago last May. It has hxn held wagons and tent and the small houses the settlers put up at Orst and is to have a permanent abiding place in the frame school house which is coon to be. The officer and teachers and most of the pu pits are from our Sioux couotv Sunday Schools, and the school now numbers 06. The Olen Sunday school provided moet bountifully for our entainment. Dinner Supper the Orst day and dinner the sec ond were served in the church and the time between, sessions, was pleasantly spent in social intercourse. Tito next meeting will be held at Uuioo Sta Church on Little Cottonwood in 1002 Mrs. C. E. Rk:b "Ism indebted to One Minute Congl Cure for my present goood health and mv life I was treated in vain by doctor fur lung trouble following lagrippo. took One Minute Cough cure, and reco ered my health." Mr. E. fl. Wise, Mad Isoo, Oa.-J. E. PHiJcmtY. The Piles that aonoy you so will quickly and permanently healed if you useDeWltt's Witch llarel Blve. IV war of worthies oeuoterfeiu. J. Puivm. L. Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Stater Load Office. Fire Insurance written in reliablf sompanies. fjr-Legal papers carefully drawn. Uakrbox. - Nebraska. M. J. 0'ConneII, - - Co. Attorney, Will Practice in All Court. Special Attention Ulreu to Land Of fice Business. Collections and all business entrust ed to me w 1 1 1 reee I ve prompt attention. II.Uir.iso5 - Nebraska. . E. PHINNEY, M. I). rhylsclan and Surgeon. ill calls Riveu prompt nttention. Office in lirug Store. -HAIUUSON NEBRASKA. E. HOHWEH, Lumber, Ilarncsn, 8nil!!es, (ruin and Fcel, Doors anI Windows, Heavy Hardware. K6TRAYED. Estrayed seven head of Middle horses Branded rfCTSS on left hip or thigh and all have mVon nylit thigh and other old hra ml a nn fiAni T will tnv ft rpfi. onahle reward for their delivery to me at the KO ranch, or information leading to their recovery. Deep Creek Uve Stock. Co, J. H. H ALUKTtT, (foreman,) Glen, Nebraska. FOR SALE- As the unders'gned iiitecds to close out al! his horses, ho oilers his Imported Clydesdale Stallion Whibton, for sale at a barg-ain. Whiston, stunds about 7 hands high, and weighs aWiut ISOO lb, and is as good a foal getter as there s in the state, and is sound in every particular. JU. J, UAYHART, Montroee, Sioux Co. Neb. Ice for Sale. See George Williams or in my absence H. Wilhermsdorfor, at the harness sliop will supply you. C-kokhe Williams. For Sale. One pure bred, refristered Hereford bull 21 months old, has only served 2 cows, one 1 shipiied id last March. 1 have more than I ned, Jons L. Kay, Marsland, Neb. FOR SALE. 14 acres, Millet on ground and 4 acres corn fodder, also what Hay can be cut on half section of laud, and panlure for rent. Address, M. J. Differ. EJsemont, 8. Uak. SfOTICK TO TAX-PAYEHS. o All tax-payers of Sioux county, that know themselves to be delinquent in pay ing their personal taxes, are hereby notified to call at the county treasurers olflce and settle them at once and avoid costs, J jIIX Sebrr, Co. Treasurer. Cattle Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auc tiou at his raoch, three miles south of Belmont. Neb. Monday. July 13. 205 head of cattle, W. J. LkWitt. Heartburn. When tlie quantity of food taken Is too lare or the quality Uo rich, h-artburn Is likely to follow, and etjiocially so if the digestion has been weaken by const i pa tion. Ktt slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate tlie f lOd thoroughly. Ixt six hours elapse be tween meals and when you feel a full nest and weight io the region of the stomach after eating, Indicating that vou have eaten too much, take one of Cham berlain" fttomarh and Liver Tablets ad the heartburn mav be avoided. For sale by J. E. PlliNSKY druj;it. A had complexion genelty results from fn.ictive liver and bowel. In all such rases, Ik-Witts Utile I'.irlv Risers produce eratifyir.g results. J, K. F'nm It m easier Io keep well than tret curd DaWitt' Utile erly Risers taken now and then will alw."M s kwp your bowels iu order, 'f hey bever gripe but piomote an easy grntle actioo.-J. E I'u xriv, BROS., HANDLE THE -CELEBRATED- SELL Custom Shoes for Men. Styles and shapes may change with the Reason and the fashion but the k1 comfort and staunch wearing ties of Selz Custom Shoes Buy one pair of Selz Shoes and the limit of the purchasing power of your money is reached. It sents the greatest snoe sau&iai. tion possible to realize. Look for the sign of -Sclz" It marks the Popular Dealer. Solz Shoes for Men, Women and ere Satisfactory Shoes Price Comfort Stylo. Selz, Schwab & Co., Chicago. IlU RoVi BlCuc!" Liricll MtnuLciurer. of Boo., ind Shot. Is lh World. The Commercial HARRISON, NEBRASKA. DIBEOTOBS. C. F. Coffee, President. F. V Clause, Cashier. CnAS. C. Jameson. II. S. Clakke, A. McGinlkv, Stockmen having u?e for a bank at this ixiiit may rely us to handle their entire Tanking but-ines. We are prepared to take care of onr tradn at all timep 4 ROCK, ENGLISH SHIRE -O- Will stand at our barn at HARRI SON, this season. TERMS-8,00 to up and suck. DEICKMANN & LACY Harrison, Nebraska. WISDOM r. PEDIGREE. WISDOM JR, Sired by imported CLYDE, Dam 7-eightn SIIIlli;- weight 1,500 Iba. PRICE; $5.00, to insure liv ing colt. Tlie money for Her vice of Htallion will be due and payable at oncf in UN) mares are sold or removed from the county. ROBERT KEEL. WOODMEN RATE One fare for round trip to St. Paul, Minn. DATES SALE June 7, 8 and t. LIMITS Leaving St. Paul June 10 to 18, inclusive. quali rever. repre Children Quality on Bank. STALLION. insure colt to stand STALLION Will make the season at my place on Monroe Oresk 7 miles north-west of Harrison. EXTENTION Depot-it tickets J une 10 to 18, get extention to July 15. ROUTE. J "NoRTii-Wi-iTF.its Line." "The Bent of Everytblng.' J. U. Bl'CIIAXAN, S General Pawienger Agent, y Omaha, Neb. v