Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 04, 1901, Image 3

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    1' '
T5he Bondm-aox
CHAPTER IV. (Continued.)
"Come, then," said Jason, "the
guada have gone that way to Reyk
javik. It's this way to Thingvellir
over the hill yonder, and through the
Chasm of All Men, and down by the
lake to Mount of Laws."
Then Jaaon wound his right arm
about the waist of Sunlocks, and Sun
locks rested his left hand on the shoul
der of Jason, and so they started out
again over that gaunt wilderness that
was once a sea of living Are. Bravely
they struggled on, with words of cour
age and good cheer passing between
them, and Sunlocks tried to be strong
for Jason's sake, and Jason tried to be
blind for sake of Sunlocks. If Sun
locks stumbled, Jason pretended not
to know it. though his strong arm bore
him up, and when Jason spoke of
water and said they would soon come
to a whole lake of it, Sunlocks pre
tended that be was no longer thirsty.
Thus, like little children playing at
make-believe, they tottered on, side by
side, arm through arm, yoked together
by a bond far tighter than ever bound
them before, for the love that was
their weakness was God's own
But no power of spirit could take
the place of power of body, and Sun
locks grew faint and very feeble.
"Is the sun atill shining?" he aske'l
at one time.
"Yes," said Jason.
Whereupon Sunlocks added, sadly,
"And am I blind blind blind."
"Courage," whispered Jason, "the
lake is yonder. I can see it plainly.
We'll have water soon."
"It' not that," said Sunlocks, "but
something else that troubles me."
"What else?" said Jason.
"That I am blind, and sick, and have
a broken hand, a broken heart, and a
broken brain, and am not worth sav
ing." "Lean heavier on my shoulder, and
wind your arm about my neck," whis
pered Jason.
Sunlocks struggled on a little longer,
and then the power of life fell low in
him, and be could walk no farther.
"Let me go," be said, "I will lie down
here awhile."
And. when Jason had dropped him
gently to the ground, thinking be
meant to rest a little and then con
tinue bis journey, Sunlocks said, very
"Now, save yourself. I am only a
burden to you. Escape, or you will
be captured and taken back."
"What?" cried Jason, "and leave you
here to die?"
"That may be my fate In any case,"
said Sunlocks faintly, "so go, brother
go farewell and God bless you!"
"Courage," whispered Jason again.
"I know a farm not far away, and the
food man that keeps It. He wilt give
us milk and bread; and we'll sleep un
der his roof tonight, and start afresh
In tie morning."
But the passionate voice fell on a
deaf ear, for Sunlocks was unconscious
before half the words were spoken.
Then Jason lifted him to his shoulder
once more, and set out for the third
time over the rocky waste.
It would be a weary task to tell of
the adventures that afterwards befell
blm. Ia the fading sunlight of that
day he crossed trackless places, void
of any sound or sight of life; silent,
save for the horse croak of the raven;
without sign of human forcgoer, ex
cept somo pryamldal heaps of stones,
that once served as mournful sentinels
to point the human scapegoat to the
cities of refuge.
He came up to the lake and saw that
It was poisonous, for the plovers that
flew over It fell dead from Its fumes;
and when be reached the farm he
found It a ruin, the good farmer gone,
and his hearth cold. He tolled
through mud and boggy places, and
crossed narrow bridle paths along per
pendicular sides of precipices. The
night came on as he walked, the short
Bight of that northern summer, where
the sun never sets In blessed darkness
tat weary eye may close In sleep, but
a blood-red glow burns an hour In the
northern sky at midnight, and then
the brlfht rises again vr the unrest
ed world. He was faint for bread, and
athlrst for water, but still he strug
gled on on on on over the dismal
Sometimes when the pang of thirst
was strongest he remembered what be
had beard of madness that comes of
It that the afflicted man walks round
In a narrow circle, round and round
over the self-same place aa If the
devil's bridle bound blm like an un
broken horse) until nature fails and
he faint and falls. Yet thinking of
himself so, In that weary spot, with
Sunlocks over him, he shuddered, but
took heart of strength and struggled
And all this time Sunlocks lay Inert
and lifeless on bis shoulder. In a deep
unconsciousness that was broken by
two moments of complete sensibility.
In the first of these he said:
" must have been dreaming, for I
thought I had found my brother."
"Your brother?" said Jason.
"Yes, my brother; for I have got one,
though I have never seen him." said
Sunlocks. "We were not together In
childhood, as other brothers are, but
when we grew to be men I set out In
search of htm. I thought I had found
blm at last but It was In bell."
"God-a-mercy!" cried Jason.
"And when I looked at him," said
Sunlocks, "It seemed to me that he was
you. Yes, you; for ho had the face of
my yoke-fellow at the Mines. I thought
you wero my brother Indeed."
"Sit still, brother," whispered Jason;
"lie still and rest."
In Jhn second moment of bis con
sciousness Sunlocks said, "Do you
think the judges will listen to us?"
'Nothing else?"
"Who Is this other man?" asked tb
"What man?" said Oreeba.
Then tbey told ber that her husband
WH gone, having been carried off by a
fellow-prisoner, who had effected the
ipe of Mtn 01 mem.
"They must they shall," said Jason.
"But the governor himself may be
one of them," said riunlocks.
"What matter?" said Jason.
"He Is a hard man do you know
who he is?"
"No," said Jason; but he added
quickly, "Wait! Ah, now I remember.
Will he be there?"
"So much the better."
"Why?" said Sunlocka.
And Jason answered, with heat and
flame of voice, "XJecauae 1 hate and
loathe him."
"Has he wronged you also?" said
"Yes, ' said Jason, "and I have wait
ed and watched Ave years to requite
"Have you never met with him?"
"Never! But I'll see him now. And
if he denies me this justice, I'll "
At that he paused, and then said
quickly, "No matter."
But Sunlocks understood and said,
"God forbid it."
Half an hour later, Red Jason, still
carrying Michael Sunlocka, was pass
ing through the Chasm of All Men, a
grand, gloomy diabolical fissure open
ing into the valiey of Thingvellir. It
was morning of the day following his
escape from the Sulphur Mines of Kri
suvik. The air was clear, the sun was
bright, and a dull sound, such as the
sea makes when far away, came up
from the plain below. It was a deep
multitudinous hum of many voices.
Jason heard it, and his heavy face
lightened with the vividness of a grim
And now, that we may stride on the
faster, we must step back a pace or
two. What happened to Greeba after
she parted from ber father at Krusi
vlk, and took up her employment as
nurse to the sick prisoners, we partly
know already from the history of Rer
Jason and Michael Sunlocks. Accused
of unchastlty, she was turned away
from the hospital; and suspected of
collusion to effect the escape of sonvi
prisoner unrecognized, she was ordered
to leave the neighborhood of the Sul
phur Mines. But where her affections
are at stake a woman's wit is more
than a match for a man's cunning,
and Greeba contrived to remain at Krl
suvik. For her material needs she
still had the larger part of the money
that her brothers, in their scheming
selfishness, had brought ber, and she
had her child to cheer her solitude.
It was a boy, unchrlstened as yet, save
In the secret place of her heart, where
it bore a name that she dare not
speak. And it its life was her shame
In the eyes of the good folk who gave
her shelter, it was a dear and sweet
dishonor, for well she knew and loved
to remember that one word from ber
would turn it to glory and to joy.
"If only I dare tell," she would whis
per into her babe's ear again and
again. "If I only dare!"
But it's father's name she never ut
tered, and so with pride for her se
cret, and honor for her disgrace, she
clung the closer to both, though they
were sometimes hard to bear, and
she thought a thousand times tbey
were a loving and true revenge on him
that had doubted her love and told her
she had married him for the poor glory
of his place.
Not daring to let herself to be seen
within range of the Sulphur Mines, she
sought out the prisoner priest from
time to time, where he lived In the
partial liberty of the Free Command,
and learned from him such good tid
ings of her husband as came his way.
The good man knew nothing of the
Identity of Michael Sunlocks in that
world of bondage where all identity
was lost, save that A25 was the bus
band of the woman who waited with
out. But that was Greeba's sole se
cret, and the true soul kept It.
And soon the long winter passed, and
the summer came, and Greeba was
content to live by the side of Sun
Inrka, content to breathe the air he
breathed, to have the same sky above
her, to share the same sunshine and
the same rain, only repining when she
remembered that while she was look
ing for love Into the eyes of their
child, be was slaving like a beast of
burden; but waiting, waiting, waiting,
withal for the chance she knew not
what that must release him yet, she
knew not when.
Her great hour came at length, but
an awful blow came with it. One day
the prlBoner-priest hurried up to the
farm where she lived, and said, "I have
sad news for you; forgive me; pris
oner A25 has met with an accident."
She did not stay to bear more, but
with her child In her arms she hur
ried away to the Mines, and there In
the tempest of her trouble the secret
of months went to the winds in an
"Where Is he?" she cried. "Let me
see him. He is my husband."
"Your husband!" said the warders,
and without more ado they laid hands
upon ber and carried ber off to their
"This woman," they said, "turns out
to be the wife of A25."
"As I suspected," the Captain an
swered. "Where Is my husband?" Greeba
cried. "What accident has befallen
him? Take me to him."
"First tell me why you came to this
place," said the Captain.
"To be near my husband," said
"Escaped!" cried Greeba, with a look
of bewilderment, glancing from face
to fare of the men about her. "Then
It Is not true that be has met with an
accident Thank Ood, ohl thank
Ood!" And she clutched ber child
closer to her breast, and kissed it
"We know nothing of that either
way," said the Captain. "Out tell us
who and what is this other man? His
number here was B26. His nam is
"Jason?" shs cried.
"Yes, wb Is be?" the Captain asked.
And Oretba answered, after a pause,
"His own brothn-."
"We might have thought as much,"
said the Captain.
There was another pause, and then
Greeba said, "Yes, bis own brother,
who has followed him all bis life to
kill him."
(To be continued.)
Botanical EiptrlmwiU,
Some curious botanical experiments
made at a zoological laboratory at Na
ples are reported by Hans Winkler. A
flowerless aquatic plant, that grows
normally with its roots in t':e sand
and leaves in the water, was inverted,
specimens being placed with the leaves
buried in the sand and the roots float
ing in the water In strong light. The
roots changed to stems and lep.ves,
the burled parts became roots.
Tan American Coofraft
The ofliclals of the state department
are encouraged In the hope that the
Pan-American congress at Mexico will
meet after all with a full attendance
of the republics of the two continents.
Exchanges now in progress are la
such satisfactory shape that the de
partment expects that Chile, on ths
one side, and Peru and Bolivia on
the other, will compromise their dif
ficulties. Philadelphia Times.
Books Hint Out World.
I no sooner come into the library
but I bolt the door to me.excludlng
Lust, Ambition, Avarice and all such
vices, whose nurse Is Idleness, the
mother of Ignorance and Melancholy.
In the very lap of eternity, among so
many divine souls, I take my seat wil'a
so lofty a spirit and sweet content
that I pity all that know not this hap
piness. Heinsius.
Medal for Great lira Terr.
William Allen, a workman In a pat
ent fuel factory in Sunderland, has
been given a gold medal as the bravest
man in England during the year 1900.
On March 15 of that year a fellow
workman was oveiowered by fumes
In an empty still. Two rescuers also
succumbed. Nevertheless, Allen insist
ed on being lowerd Into the still and
eventually saved all hree.
Vegetarian Object ts Vaccination
A London physician called on a
lady the other day to offer to vaccinate
her child. The lady refused.. "May I
ask," said the doctor, "what your ob
jection is?" The ledy said she feared
the transmission of disease. "But,
madam," said the doctor, "we use the
purest calf-lymph." "Then, Doctor
," replied the lady, "that settles it.
for we are vegetarians, you know."
Men Who Have Man? Fa tent.
Thirty-eight inventors have taken
out a hundred or more each of United
States patents since the beginning of
the year 1872. Mr. Edison leads ail,
with 742 patents;' Professor Ellhu
Thomson is credited with 444 and Mr.
Westlnghouse and Sir Hiram S. Max
im both occupy high places ot this
roll of honor.
Initial "J" In Late Hurlr-llarlr.
It is noted that the initial letter J
played a conspicuous part in the names
of tnose who were to the fore in Wall
street's recent hurly-burly. J. Pier
pont Morgan, 2. R. Keene, J. J. Hill,
J. Stillman, J. Schift, J. H. Moore, J.
W. Gates, J. Loeb and George J. Gould
are some of the more notable instan
ces. Growth of the Beard.
It has been calculated that the hatr
of the beard grows at the rate of one
and a half lines a week. This will
give a length of six and a half Inches
in the course of a year. For a man M
years of age no less, than twenty-seven
feet of beard must have fallen before
the edge of the rsor.
iMtlf Educator's Honorable Position.
Miss Beale has been elected to the
senate of the University of London
as a member of Its matriculation
board, having received the largest
number of votes of the aeveuUwU can
didates for the position. Miss Beale
Is the founder and principal of the
Ladles' College, Cheltenham.
Soap Factories In Barcelona.
In the province of Barcelona In
Spain there are over 100 soap factor
ies. Including the extensive works of
the firm of Rocamora Hermanoa, which
are among the largest soap factories
of Europe. Their soap Is manufactur
ed almost exclusively for export, Cuba
being the best market.
Farmer Minister to China.
Colonel Charles benby, former min
ister to China, Is said to have a knowl
edge of the Chinese language and liter,
ature equaled by but few persons In
this country. He speaks the bigbet
sort of Chinese dialects almost as a
native and reads tho language quits
as well as be does English.
Tale Woman Practices Law.
Miss Mary Phllbrok, Nfw Jersey's
first woman lawyer, appeared before
the New Jersey court of errors and
appeals recently to argue the case of
a client It was the first time In the
history of this court that a woman ap
peared at Its bar.
Woman Soperlntendent of Schools.
Miss Helen Bennett of Dead wood, S.
D., has been elected a county superin
tendent of public schools. She Is a
graduate of Wellcslcy, and for several
rears has been manager of a theater
fa Deadwood.
Never put off till tomorrow the cred
itor you can put off for thirty days.
Weight questions ask for deSberste
Typhoid fever, . being a disease that
always requires the personal attend
ance of a physician, may' be' properly
referred to from the point of view of
It is well known that typhoid fever
is a water-bone disease,- and is com
monly taken Into the system in drink
ing water which has become contaroi
nlted from the excreta of persons suf
fering from the disease. Freezing does
not in any way impair tho vitality of
the bacillus of typhoid, so that ice
from a river or pond may convey the
disease to consumers hundreds of
miles, perhaps, from the source of in
fection. Carried la Milk.
Milk has moro than once been the
means of conveying the disease. For
tunately most milk dealers are aware
of the necessity of cleanliness in the
preparation of milk for shipment. In
most modern dairies the bottles, be
fore being filled, are subjected to the
sterilizing effects of steam. Epidemics
of typhoid fever traced to dairies have
In most cases been due to the bottles
having been washed with water from
an Infected well or pond. -
Oysters that have been bedded in
bodies of water which receive the con
tents of sewerage pipes have likewise
been the means of conveying typhoid
fever. Only oysters eacen raw or on
the half-shell can carry infection to the
consumer, since cooking destroys the
A pure water supply is rightly
looked upon as one . of the greatest es
sentials to the healthfulness of a com
munity. Many foods salads, for ex
ample cannot be cooked or subjected
to the effects of a high temperature;
while, on the other hand, washing
them In infected water may render
them the means of conveying disease.
Cara of the Ntomaeh.
Among the chief ways of preventing
typhoid fever must be mentioned the
care of the stomach Itself. It seems
highly probable that the natural
juices of the healthy stomach are able
to destroy many germs of disease; but
the number which any stomach may
be able to digest, and thus render its
owner safe from attack, must always
be uncertain, and it is not desirable
to test its capacity in this direction.
The fact that only certain persons
out of a number who have partaken
of food or drink infected with disease
germs may suffer is explainable on
the ground of their different general
physical condition, or of the varying
states of their digestive organs.
Electricity, according to the Scien
tific American, played a curious part
in a recent law suit. A certain tele
graph company was not allowed, to
have its wire run into a race course.
Telegraphic operators were stationed
In a cupola of a hotel opposite the
grounds, and signals were transmitted
to them from the race track by means
of electric lights concealed in the hats
of the party seated in a carriage, in
cluding the coachman on the carriage.
The results of the races and the bet
ting were thus communicated to the
operators, who were enabled to send
out the information to all poolrooms.
The gentlemen who were electrically
equipped were arrested, and after some
years a verdict of $5,000 was obtained
against the detectives' who made the
Prof. Flinders Pctrie has recently
announced a new revelation from his
latest Egyptian excavations. This
time be has thrown new light upon
the alphabet, and makes the announce
ment that he has set back the earliest
use of letters by nearly 2,000 years.
The discovery is of far-reaching Im-
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portance to the literary world, adding
at It does nearly twenty centuries
more of culture to the ancient peoples
than hitherto dreamed of. He arrives
at this conclusion as follows: As early
as 5000 B. C. some trade existed
around the Mediterranean, as proved
by the Imports Into Egypt. ' At that
time the slgnary, or signs of the alpha
bet, was probably In the dim and un
certain beginning of Its course. Some
few signs have already been found at
that age, and these are likely to have
been carried, therefore, from land to
The slgnary continued and develop
ed, held together a good deal of -intercourse,
but with much variation in dif
ferent lands. By 2iJ00 B. C. it con
tained over a hundred signs in Egypt
Ian form. '
The accompanying Illustration shows
five periods of the Egyptian signary
collected by Mr. Arthur Evans from
recent excavations on the island of
Crete, dating 2000 B. C. The Karin
is that collected by Prof. Sayce. The
Spanish is the weU-known alphabet of
inscription. By Prof. Pctrie's arrange
ment the table is self-explanatory and
points out to the reader at a glance
the various identical letters as they
appeared in the different periods of
remote time, and their comparison
with those recently excavated by him.
Many aids for the kindergartners are
already in common use in school for
the smaller children, and now the
typewriter is to be added, making it
possible to spell the name of any ob
ject and aid the children in learning
the alphabet. Below is shown a pic
ture of the machine designed for this
purpose by Newman R. Marshman of
New York City, a portion of the type
writer being cut away to -show the
key mechanism. The type faces are
formed on separate blocks inserted In
the face of a circular band, which is
rotated by the left hand to bring the
letter desired opposite the striking
hammer, the latter being connected
with the key by the horizontal rod. The
circular projections on either side of
the hammer contain inking rollers,
and as the type faces are revolved to
bring the desired one in front of the
striker it is inked by one of the rollers.
The paper is inserted in a sliding car
riage in conjunction with the hammer
when it is desired to write a word
or sentence, and by associating a pic
ture with the letter the child soon
learns to recognize the latter at sight.
If it is desired to vary the pictures
the printing disc can be removed and
another inserted in its place. The maj
chine is also capable of use for writing
business letters, and has cheapness and
simplicity to recommend it.
The problem of the exact field of
usefulness of liquid air has been sim
plified by the elimination, for the pres
ent at least, of one class of work for
which it was claimed that the new
liquid would prove highly efficient,
namely, for use as a blasting agent. A
paper recently read before the British
Institution of Mining and Engineers
by Mr. A. Larsen, described some tests
recently made in the Simplon tunnel
with cartridges which consisted of a
wrapper filled with a carbonaceous ma
terial, and placed bodily in liquid air
until It was completely saturated. The
cartridges were kept in the liquid, at
the working face of the rock, until
they were required for use, when they
were lifted out, quickly placed in the
shot-holes and detonated with a small
guncotton primer and detonator. It
was found that, owing to the rapid
evaporation, the useful life of the
charges was very short. The cart
ridges, which were three inches In di
ameter by eight inches In length, had
to be fired within fifteen minutes after
being taken out of the liquid air;
otherwise there was danger of a mis
fire. It was chiefly on this account
that the tests were discounted. The
disruptive effects, however, were said
to be comparable to those of dyna
A writer In Nature, discussing the
rise of the new chemical industry of
producing artificial perfumes, makes a
significant remark concerning the
sense of smell In human beings. He
declares that It la, as yet, wholly un
cultured. "In walking through the
country," he says, "we can rarely Iden
tify a particular odor caught until the
sight of the plant from which it
emanates makes us wonder at our hesi
tation." He suggests that the growth
of the perfume Industry, which results
in tho continual production of new
odors, may lead to a cultivation of the
neglected sense of smell, which may
be capable of as artistic development
as that which color perception has at
tained. Music from the Electric Arc.
A London electrician, Mr. W, Dud
dell, recently gave an exhibition of a
novel musical Instrument, composed of
a series of electric arc lights, which
played a popular air. When tho cur
rent is passing through solid carbons
they give oft a musical sound with a
keyboard, Mr. Duddell was able to
vary the sounds through the scale of
two octaves. The keyboard served to
vary the self-induction and capacity
in tho shunt circuit, and by employing
four arcs in series, the intensity of the
sounds was made sufficiently great
Men make most of their enemies In
society and women make theirs at auctions.
11 '
Mala Men Hears Animals la Order to
tndy Varieties, '
After eight years of experimenting
and study in rearing young foxes, Dr.
Samuel Watson of Lincoln, Me., is of
the opinion that the silver. gray vari
ety is the fox of the future, end that
the common red breed is running out,
to. be replaced by . the worthless cross
fores and the almost priceless gray
ones. It has been his custom to catch
female foxes in trapB in March and to
keap them in easy confinement until
they give birth to pups. As a rule a
mother fox will produce seven young
at a litter, of which two or three will
be silver grays. Until the eyes of the
-jupa are opened and they are able to
nn about the pen the mother treats all
-f her offspring alike, giving them food
.'.id protecting them from danger with
a strict impartiality. After that the
motherly instinct centers on the red
pups and the grays have a hard strug
gle to live. The mother will not only
deny food them, but also take pains
to bite them without any apparent
provocation. In course of a few weeks
the Kravs become emaciated and weak
from lack of nourishment and care and
lie down to die from starvation. In
some cases the mother gets so dis
gusted with the young grays that she
'alls upon them and bites them to
death by nipping them in the neck
back of the ears. In the time he has
been studying the habits ot these ani
mals Dr. Watson has kept more than
300 young foxes in custody, and though
nearly 70 gray pups were born into
the world in good health he has suc
ceeded in raising only six to maturity.
While the experiments of Dr. Watson
have not been conducted over a period
long enough to arrive at accurate con
clusions, it is his belief that the pro
portion of gray pups in an average lit
ter is slowly growing. In every in
stance under his supervision the gray
pups are larger and more vigorous
than the reds at the time of birth, and
continue to hold the lead until then
parents begin their peculiar method of
weeding out undesirable progeny
Chicago Journal.
Handy Man to Have About a Newspaper
OAtca in an Emergency.
- The musical critic was unable to at
tend the pianoforte recital, but the
bandy man on the paper allowed that
he could do the thing easy enough, says
the Boston Transcript. And this, is
how he did it: "Herr Diapson's recital
last evening at Acoustic hall was the
most recherche event of the musical
season. Herr Diapson is a master lb
cantilever, and both in his automobilia
and in his tour de force he wrought
wonders of tonic stimulation. He was
especially potent In his dolce far niente
passages, and in his diminuendo cres
cendo appoggiatura he displayed a
technological skill that was simply
wonderful. There was also a marvel
ous muslclanly abandon in the mute
bars, the instrument in these parts of
the score being forcefully, impressive
in silent fortissimo. But It was per-
haps in andante capriscioso that-he
excelled himself. Here he discovered a
coloratura, a bravura and an ensemble
that fairly electrified his audience.
Herr Diapson, it is true, occasionally
erred in an overponderosity of utabaga
and. again In a too lambent Inst spiel;
but these lapses were hardly notice'
able in bis rendering of cantabillous
intermezzo. The recital, upon the
whole, was a marvelous exhibition of
poca hontas instrumentation and in
candescent cavatina." Slug four, who
takes lessons, said there was some
thing wrong about it, although he
couldn't say exactly what, 'and the
managing editor, upon looking the
critique over, was free to admit that it
was all Greek to him ; still he said that
it seemed to read all right, so far as he
could discover to the contrary, and it
was quite in the line of the regular
critic's composition more ' luminous,
Indeed, and he didn't see why it
shouldn't be printed. It was lucky, he
said, that they had so able an all
around writer on the staff.
This Prlneeet Binds Booka.
Princess Victoria of England, the un
married daughter of Edward VII., has
the most curious hobby of any in a
family that has several unusual fads.
She is deeply Interested in book bind
ing. few months ago several book
covers sent to an exhibition in the
name of "Miss Matthews" were favor
ably noticed by the judges and received
eceral prizes. Nobody knew who the
exhibitor wag until the prizes were
awarded. Then it was discovered that
it was the Princess Victoria. The
princess takes her bobbies very seri
ously. Following the lea ! of her moth
er, Queen Alexandra, who is deeply In
terested in medicine and hospital
work. Princess Victoria began to study
nursing some years ago. She took an
examination In theoretical work and
when she passed announced ber. in
tention of becoming a hospital nurse.
It was current gossip In London at the
time that the Prince and Princess of
Wales bad great difficulty In convinc
ing ber that it wouldn't be wise for
her to do so, and that Victoria sub
mitted only after many tears.
The Wor d's Long-est Mile,
The Swedish mile is the longest
mile In the world. A traveler in Swe
den when told that be Is only about a
mile from a desired point would better
hire a horse, for the distance he will
have to walk If be chose in bis Ignor
ance to adopt that mode of travel Is
exactly 11,700 yards.
Thieves Fteao the Wat eh ling.
A florist of Newark, N. J., kept what
ho believed to be a valuable watch
dog chained in his greenhouse In Elis
abeth venue as a protection against
thieves. One morning thieves not only
carried off valuable plants, but also
stole the wattthdog, chain, collar tad