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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1901)
Harrison Press-Journal GEO. D. CANON. Publisher. HARRISON. NEBRASKA The undergraduate body of Roan oke College, Salem, Va., includes four Korean one of them a son of the emperor and five native Porto Rl cans. A Korean recently won the prize for English declamation. The tree planted at the Naval Train ing Station in Newport an dedicated to the memory of Admiral Philip, who commanded the Texas at Santiago, will typify the vitality and growth of the hero's fame. His record Illustrated at once the valor and humaneness that characterize the model officer. He did not fear a fighting enemy, nor fail to succor a dying foe. The fifth of an extraordinary series of weddings has just been celebrated in Paradise Valley, near Orovllle, Cal. The first was that of Johr Weer, a Cornish widower with four good look ing daughters. Some years ago he wedded Mrs. Malaria, a French widow with four sons. The boys and girls have now been all mated and the five couples live under the same roof. The experiments are for the purpose of Improving and perfecting bombs that are now made for the purpose of exposing the position of an enemy at night, and to reveal the character of defenses to be attacked. These pro jectiles explode on impact, liberating a flaming compound. One compound, consisting of sulphur, saltpetre, and hydrocarbon, is a blue light mixture. The illumination lasts as long as the saltpetre supplies oxygen to maintain combustion. President John Henry Barrows of Oberlin College, announces that John D. Rockefeller has offered Oberlin $200,000 on condition that the college raise 1300,000 during the present year. As $150,000 of this is already pledged, there seems to be no doubt that the college wil claim the gift before Janu ary 1. During the two years of the presidency of Dr. Barrows, the endow ment has been increased by 700,000, not counting the $500,000 expected from the sources just mentioned. In electing Henry P. Davison to the presidency of the Liberty National bank in New York last week the stockholders of that institution p;acecl In control of their property a man who Is today the youngest bank presi dent In the metropolis. Mr. Davison, at the age of thirty-three, ranks not only as president of a national bank in the financial center of the continent, hut also as the secretary of the New York clearing house, the organization of the banking Interests. "'Russia has decided that it wants the American bicycle, having tired of the more clumsy English and German ar ticle. Such are the comforting reports received by the managers of the Amer ican Bicycle company, which does much of the exporting of American machines. Russia finds more popular use for the machine at a moderate price than it has found heretofore, and the many American-made machines that travelers about Europe have seen have convinced them of the superiority of our machines over those of Euro pean make. So there la an unusual de mand this year, a fact which pleases the American maker who finds the de mand here falling off as compared with that which existed when all America was bicycle mad. "Threatened men live long," some times when, for instance, they chance to be criminals whose counsel are anx ious to make a record. Almost ten years ago a man In the state of Wash lngton was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged. That sentence has been thrice reaSnsed, but the man has not bees hanged yet The state supreme court and the United States Supreme court have had the case before them, in the form of exceptions and objections, dur ing these ten years, and the con demned man's attorney declares that he has still "many cards to play." Such attempts to "cheat the gallows" have the evil effect of arousing against a convict a sentiment which is not easily to be distinguished from vln dlctiveness. Few persons know that the United States government derives an Income from some of the largest bathing es tablishments in America, if not In the world. The hot springs of Arkansas, which have been a resort for invalids (or many years, are owned by Uncle Sam, and be extracts a payment of $30 a tub tor the use of the medicated wa ter. As there are (34 tubs, the spring brings him an Income from that source of $16,020 a year. The various hot springs, which are said to number seventy-three, Issuing from the west side and the base of Hot Springs moun tain, and which are now obscured from tWw, have been converged In many In stances from several different issuei into om outlet by development work done on the reservation under the su pervision of the various tunerintend- Acoordlag to correspondence Issued by the London foreign office, M per ess of the slaves of Zanzibar and foal prefer to remain slaves. Fewer tfavss afpltod for freedom la itoo than t IO, cause, the British commls Cjam aswi, most of the slaves know C3T am Mt Mulr to gain mach prasv CX aatsSiSB, Basis that those who r jwwb sa their ova rsaoareea T'rt m C.ZX tern to maks a UtIs Vll CtM sort Im kfctfar Has O Cxr fcaT m omsbssV as t t szo Cs wcrrtm mm at- GET AFTER CONGRESS. PEOPLE" MUST TAKE A HAND IN 8SJPREME COURT DECISION. Oar Sen tan h nepreeataUvM Mast He la to mad As ta taa Stlad at "Bala" Wa Waet la the rhtupplaaa aad la rorlo Klra. As the decision of the supreme court in the Porto Rican cases has decided that congress alone is the governing power in our new territorial posses sions, it is incumbent on "the people to impress their senators and representa tives before the next session with the kind of government the people of these territories are to have, and if the con stitution is to be extended to them the same as in Alaska and other posses sions. Shall they have the right to ad minister their own local government, the right of trial by Jury, and tax themselves for school and other pur poses as seems best to them? Speaking of the decision the New York World says. Here are four facts which ought not to be overlooked: First Five of the nine Justices were opposed to the oriental expansion de lusionWhite, Fuller, Peckham, Har lan and Brewer. If White had not disagreed 'Ith the others as to the constitutional method of avoiding the expansion that contracts, the vote of the court would have to be reversed. Second Eight of the nine Justices dismissed the pet theory of the colo nialists the "extra constitutional" powers of the government whereunder the colonists would have been the po litical slaves of our officials, instead of, as now, legally entitled to some of our constitutional rights. Third The court put the responsi bility squarely upon congress, so that congress will have to answer directly to the people for whatever la done in the colonies. There can be no play ing of shuttlecock between the presi dent, congress and the supreme court. Fourth While the supreme court has held that the constitution does not forbid colonial expansion, It has not held that the constitution enjoins colo nial expansion. From the great question all factors are now eliminated, except the politi cal. The fundamental questions. Does it pay? Is it sensible? Is it Just? Is it worthy of the beliefs and the aspira tions of the people of the republic can and must now be answered. And if the people cannot answer these questions sensibly and Justly, how long would a constitutional bir have been effective to restrain them from self-destruction? If the princi ples of the republic have departed from the people, if the only force or even if the chief force of those high principles had was in a supposed constitutional restraint from Injustice and folly, then Indeed it Is excusable to tremble for the republic. SHIP-SUBSIDY AND CORRUP TION. It will not be long before congress will meet again, and Hanna will again be introducing his one hundred and eighty million dollar ship subsidy scheme. The only chance to defeat it Is to urge your senators and represen tatives to vote against it and call on your neighbors to do likewise and mark every congressman for slaughter that does not openly oppose it when caucus and convention times comes around. There has never before been at tempted a more barefaced scheme to loot the United States treasury than Is proposed In the bill fathered by Sena tor Hanna and recommended by Presi dent McKlnley? The republican party has in the past often forced subsidy steals through congress and in nearly every case great scandals were brought to light of the corruption used in passing them. This bill will lead to a much greater corruption, as the mod ern trust surpasses the old time com mercial company, and will smirch the characters of nil who favor it. The advocates of subsidies for ocean shipping still harp on the old subject of reviving American commerce, says the Chicago Chronicle. They describe the Infrequent appearance of the Am erican flag in foreign ports and say that It must be restored to its former popularity on the high seas. American shipping has been driven from the ocean because the tariff has raised the cost of every article used In the con struction of American vessels. .Having made the cost of vessel construction so high as to drive our commerce from the ocean, the subsidylsts now want the taxpayers to make up the differ ence In cost between building ships in Englsnd snd building them In the United States. Tbey tax the people to the extent of robbery for the purpose of making shipbuilding costly and then would tax the people to pay the ship builders for the extra cost of building ships. That Is subsidy snd tariff statesmanship. BOSS PLATT'S RUFFIANS. The amazing amount of smuggling that is carried on by the rich on their return from abroad led congress to limit the personal belongings purchas ed In other countries to $100 snd the customs authorities mads regulations to enforce the law, the nabobs bare greatly resented this attempt to collect revenue from them, they seem to be Sited with the Idas that It 1 an In fringement on their personal rights and that protection is all very well when appMoa to the common people, hot should bs free trade for million oJiwa, As this law aad rstslattons art of KpUeaa origin, It Is sarprUtng to sas that ths niavMfkat Pre, aa altra-oariaJstrattoa orgaa, salted hy om of Us safcUst of rrssllsat Us Etatoy, Mi Mint wotitUoslst, AotUmtJtMt t1iXaWMr u it tsis to Co tJZtmbm tin against carrying cut the law. Hero to what the Press says: "Persons spending some weeks abroad must purchase articles of ordi nary wear. They are permitted under the law to expend $100 on personal ef fects. If tbey take oath to the faet that they have not made purchases subject to duty that oath ought to bs sufficient. Every one of them is obliged to sign a paper while the ves sel is coming up the harbor. What Is the sense, then, in making these pas sengers open their trunks for some ruf fian and under the present regula tions the average inspector feels It In cumbent upon himself to act like a ruf fianto paw over and scatter the con tents upon the dirty flooring? The regulations under which the New York custom house is run are something' abominable." Now these ruffians are Republicans selected by Boss Piatt and approved by the officers whom President McKlnley has appointed. Yet It does seem a shame that when the Postmaster Gen eral returns from a trip abroad, after having hobnobbed with the crowned heads and nobility of England and Eu rope, with probably a dozen pairs of kid gloves, some suits of genuine Scotch tweed all wool and a yard wide, unlike the Philadelphia Imita tionand perhaps a piece of silk vel vet that may hereafter adorn the wife of the secretary, to have a "ruffian" paw over all- this finery, even after he has declared nothing subject to duty and worst of all, scatter these beauti ful Importations on the dirty floor Is a sin and a shame. But what can the secretary do about It, the law la no respecter of persons, no matter how high and august they may b?, and the penalty for smuggling covers all classes. The only redress that appears avail able is to repeal the law and return to the good old American custom of tariff for revenue only, and as even then baggage would be examined, to replace the "ruffians" with some hon est Populists who have clean hands and not such beasts with paws, as Secretary Smith describes so graphi cally. HOW TO TAX MONOPOLIES. The monopoly in the iron and steel industry is now as complete as in the coal ldustry and in the oil industry, says the Modern Culture Magazine. It is noteworthy that these three great monopolies are all of mineral produc tions upon the use and enjoyment of which the industrial life of the nation depends. Tbey are controlled by a small group of allied capitalists, some of whom bold shares in all of them. They employ the cheapest, as well as some of the better paid, grades of la bor in extra hazardous occupations, and the relations between employer and employed in the past have been extremely unsatisfactory. The con trast between the lot of the ill-paid miner taking his life in bis hands to toll and grub in the dark, ill-ventilated tunnels In the bowels of the earth for the bare pittance that will keep soul and body together and his family from the poorhouse, and that of the presi dent of the corporation which employ him, whose every clock-tick counts a miner's dally wage added to his sal ary, is the most startling of all the In equalities of fortune the world has yet seen. " It will hardly be contended that the fathers of the republic contemplated such a superstructure when they laid the foundations of American liberty on the common law with its exaggerated regard for the "sacred rights" of prop erty. It is to the common law that we owe the definition of land titles which makes them include the miner als beneath the soil and the sunlight and atmosphere above it. Yet it is an absurdity of reasoning which makes the ownership of each square foot of surface extend from the center of the earth to the limits of space, and it is within the power of congress and the state legislatures to correct this ab surdity whenever It Is made clear to the public conscience that a monstrous injustice Is worked by it. The power of the aiwl trust, ths coal trust. Us oil trust, and of every other great monopoly is "based In the last instance upon some monoply of unused land." The ability to control the available supply of some commodity and to with hold from use the surplus product, Is the essential feature of every trust. If the state would exercise its undoubted right and power to tax oil and mineral lands for their full rental value so long as s monopoly existed in any mineral product it would at once be come unprofitable for any corporation or Individual to bold such lands idle. They must be worked to their full ca capacity or they would revert to the state for taxes. In either case the "corner," or destructive monopoly, would cease. The average royalty paid to owners of bituminous coal lands Is ten cents per ton of coal mined. The average royalty paid to owners of Iron lands Is thirty cents per ton of ore mined. A tax of like amount levied on the full productive capacity of mineral lands owned, teas ed, or opersted by trusts would put s handicap on the efforts of great cor porations to gain absolute control of the earth and all Its productions; and soma portion of the revenues so se cured might be wisely employed is al leviating the toil and wretchedness of the lives of miners. Mr. Justice Brown Is the most torid Judicial Hopper of the age. Hs Is said to hare flopped not long before the de cision In ths Porto Rican cases was delivered, and he cerUlnly Sopped from one side of ths question la ths first decision to ths other side la ths latter ons. According to ths Now York Herald thsrs are MM millionaires who own itsam thoasaas millions of the aa tlawa wealth. Maarrv all this has seen create la ths last tfty ysara, and baa taken a root asaoaat isaor oc oust gnCHooslrsa WILL IT FOLLOW? CONSTITUTION MAY NOT PRO TECT TERRITORY. radar Rapnblleaa 4dalallra tleaa Taiiad Oalaloaa oa Steeaat Sa areata Caait DrctOaa PrasMaat Caaaat LagaJtr feetaS wllk Authority la "ala" ruipiaoi. The more decision of the Supreme Court is analyzed by the ablest law yers, tbe lees it seems that ths future U settled. One says: "Justice White one of the majority Judges, In one case in delivering bis opinion did so by saying "the court would decide that a tax on goods going from Porto Rico to the United States was legal; be took great pains not to allude to traffic go ing both ways. Perhaps this was due to the limitation of "today" in bis as sertion, but, in any event, the deter ring of an opinion on that point is significant. "If it should decide that the 15 per cent duty was valid on goods coming this way, but invalid on goods going the other, it would be very embarras sing for Congress to legislate for the colonies. Free trade one way and pro tection the other would not accord with the spirit of fair play of the American people. Four of the Justices are ranged against the tariff, even on colonial Imports, but the only one of the remaining five needs to scruple on exports to turn an administration vic tory Into a practical defeat." And regarding the Philippines some of the ablest lawyers in Washington say without hesitation that Congress cannot invest tbe President with auth ority to make revenue laws and that the Supreme Court is bound to declare all collections of duties under present conditions without authority. This leads to the opinion that when another case comes before tbe court or if a re hearing Is granted on one of tne cases already decided the court may reverse Its decision and the edict will go forth that the constitution does follow the flag and this result is the more likely, for Justice White said in effect at least, many able lawyers who listened intently to his words as tbey were ut tered, so interpret them that his sole reason for sustaining the act was be cause Its revenue provisions expire by limitation in a few months. This" frank statement raises the question in tbe minds of lawyers "Will Justice White vote to sustain a similar act if Con gress shonld decide hereafter to con tinue the Porto Rico tariff? The answer to this by many of the distinguished persons who were pres ent at the proceedings is negative. Senator Mason, who sat throughout the reading of the opinion, said to night that he felt quite sure Justice White had made it clear that hU only reason for sustaining the Foraker tar iff was because it does not run Indef initely. POLITICAL CORRUPTION. Since the discovery of the Cuban postal frauds for which Rathbone and Neely have not yet been brought to trial and the corruption in the Phil ippines, it is necessary that the civil service should be filled by men whose antecedents assure a faithful and hon est performance of their duties. This Is especially necessary in the appoint ments for the positions In the new ter ritories or colonies, but the adminis tration does not take this view of the case. It has used no diligence In ascer taining if those recommended have these requirements, but merely if par tlzan purposes were to be favored and its most obnoxious benchmen reward ed. So great has this evil become and so notorious have been most of the appointments, that even those news papers, that otherwise have supported the policy of ths president, are now strongly rebuking bim. We think that President McKlnley, says tbe New York Times, ought to put a stop to this sort of thing. There Is no doubt of his power to do it There is no doubt that he is In a perfectly safe position to do It He would not endanger the success of his party, and he has no personal ambitions to srve. The backward drift of bis party from the standard of merit In appointments that was set his predecessor Is dis creditable to blm and dangerous to the best Interests of the party. It tends directly to the guidance of tbe party action by the least worthy and the most ignorant, and that In the long run must be disastrous. Especially it tends to bring Into positions of activity and control In the party men of cor rupt purposes and men who can be bought In the near future the Re publican party will have need of all Its virtues and firmness to resist tbe venal forces seeking to use It The president should see that bis Indul gence to the spoilsmen Is weakening It TRADE BALANCE A "MYTH." There Is no doubt that there Is a screw loose somewhere In ths figures given out by tbe Treasury Department on what is known as "tbe balance of trade." The political economists bsre for some time claimed that the figures are unreliable as we have evidently received pay for only a part of their enormous balance on paper In our favor. Prodded by public opin ion Secretary Gage has prom ised to Investigate ths matter, but his experts evidently bsve been unable to furnish ths Informa tion, unless a very lame statement given out by the bureau of statistics Is claimed as sa explanation. Ths elalm of ths Democrats that ths figs res given were misleading and had probably been padded for polltcal of fset to show ths enormous prosperity attalaad under ths protective tariff and ths beneficent rats of the trusts, to bo la froTtf). Ths raattsr has canes so muck attention that ths financiers have been making Investigation oa their owa account for ths Chicago Chronicls says: Certain New York bankers are quot ed as saying that the enormous bal ance apparently due the United States on account of foreign trade is a myth. One of them points out that since abort the 1st of April large amounts of sixty and ninety day bills of ex change have been drawn by American banking houses. These are not drawn against balances abroad, but are essen tially loan bills. If balances existed abroad there would be demand bills. He expresses the opinion that V" rich Americans residing abroad spend a very large amount In the aggregate which th j draw from the United States antf a large part of the balance appar ently due us Is absorbed In this way. At the time when tbe drawing of these long bills began the merchandise bal ance in our favor for the preceding nine months was over $540,000,000. Add to this a net export of $21,000,000 In sliver and deduct a net import of less than $20,000,000 In gold and we still have $535,000,000 apparently due us on nine months trade, or at the rate of $715,000,000 for entire fiscal year. This Is an enormous sum to be consumed in peyment of freights to foreign ship owners. In expenditures of Americans touring and. residing abroad and In payment for securities sent home. Dur ing the last three fiscal years and tbe first three-quarters of this year tbe apparent balance due us on account of merchandise, gold and silver, was $2, 144,000,000, round figures. The mer chandise balance was $2,230,000,000, In settlement of which the net Import of gold and silver was only $86,000,000. If all the apparent balance remaining is a myth our treasury statistics are very far from exhibiting the true state of our foreign trade. THE WOOL TARIFF. The low price of wool and tbe light demand for woolen goods of American manufacture under tbe almost prohibi tive duties of tbe Dinglcy tariff shows tbe utter absurdity of ultra protection. It kills the goose that lays the golden eggs by too high and pampered feeding. The farmers were led to believe that their small flocks would be so remu nerative when the Dlngley tariff was enacted and that the exactions that tbe tariff demanded on the other necessi ties of life would be more than com pensated for and they would grow rich. They have now found out their mis take and the wool growers and the woolen manufacturers are about ready to return to -the tariff for revenue, un der which they were more prosperous than they are today. If it was not for the mutton sheep, the raising of which has done away with the dislike for mutton which was distasteful to many American palates, the decrease of our flocks would be greater than It has been. The further reason for tbe decline in the prica of wool and the demand for woolen goods is told by the Courier-Journal, which says: The present high duty on raw wool Is producing the effect which has often been pointed out by free traders. The high duties on imported woolens ex cludes them as elements of competition except by the payment of greatly ad vanced prices. But there Is no way to force people to buy woolens If tbey are unwilling to pay the price. Higher prices, other things being equal, mean reduced consumption. In the ease of woolens, the manufacturers are com pelled to meet tbe demand for goods at a moderate price, and they can only do so by a (Jeterioratiou cf the products. Hence the Increased rise of cotton and shoddy in the manufacture of so-called woolens. SLAVERY UNDER "THE FLAG." When once men have been enslaved how difficult it is to relnstlll them with love of freedom. The English foreign office reports concerning the working of the decrees freeing the slaves of Zanzibar and Pemba, Fewer slaves appeared for freedom in 1900 than In 1S99, because tbe British rommissioner avers, most of the slaves know they are not likely to gain much present advan tage, seeing that those who were thrown on their own resources have a difficult time to make a living. The masters have been kinder since tbe slave legislation was enacted, and seek to make their services more at tractive. Perhaps this Is the reason 'that President McKlnley has not taken steps to free the slaves In our Islands of the sea, but then our flag floats over Republican Institutions or has until tbe new Imperial policy was Inaugu rated and Britain is an empire. Sure ly we should not be behind the Eng lish In st least attempting to free our slaves, especially ss the constitution commands it THE GROWTH OP TRUSTS. Tbe present year will be a record breaker in tbe organisation of trusts 12 the rate continues as It baa since Jsnu sry I. New consolidations of cspitsl have been made since that date aggre gating considerably over $2,000,000,000. Here Is a short list of tbe most Import ant of them snd their capitalization: The steel trust $1,100,000,000 Accident Insurance trust. 60,000,000 Trust companies consoli dation , ,. 50.000,000 Tin can trust 80,000,000 General machinery trust, 60,000,003 Bhlp-bulldlng companies combine , 85,000,000 Locomotive trust 60,000,000 Cotton duck combine 60.000,000 All present Indications mske It prob sbls that ths record of mi will far surpass tbst of 1900 In ths formstloa of these hugs Industrial combines. Ms EOtlatlons aro bow preparing ths way for another laegs batch, Including f. eomblns of tbs great farming machlart Srsw and another of ths Isadlajf watch-makiag works with catCl' stocks of fTMIMSI sash. rraMata ta IfMkm PaihlSOaa The New York board of education has put an end to favoritism ia pub lic schools. Well-to-do pupils wcro In the habit of making presents to teachers, while poor children could not afford to do so. Under tho new system no ons is permitted to giro teacher anything, except st teacher's home, snd even then tbs gifts must bs anonymous. Tba Freaar OUtlactlaa. When asked the other dsy ss to ths question be raised concerning tho syntactlcsl number of ths United States, ex-Secretary John W. Foster said: "I think, after all. ths best answer Is that of the cartoonist: 'Be tween ourselves the United States are plural, but between ourselves snd sny other nation the United States is sin gular.' " a Mother of Cleat. Mrs. K. O. Rauf, who died la North Dakota recently, was the moth er of four sons, who ranged ia suture from six feet to six feet six Inches and In weight from 200 to nearly 600 pounds. The aggregate weight of the four boys was about 1,400 pounds. Carl K. Rauf, who died a few years ago, attained a weight of nearly 600 pounds, while bis brother Ole Is well content to hold himself down to 350 pounds. Lars is sble to tip the beam In the neighborhood of Ambroae McKay's CM Rockbridge, Mo., June 24th: Ths neighborhood and particularly ths members of Rockbridge Lodge, No. 435, A. F. ft A. M. are feeling very much pleased over the recovery of Mr. Ambrose McKay, a promjnent citizen and an honored member of the Mason ic Fraternity. Mr. McKay had been suffering for years with Diabetes and Rheumatism, which recently threatened to end bis days. His limbs were so filled with pain that he could not sleep. Hs was Very bad. Just then, someone suggested a new remedy Dodds Kidney Pills which has been much advertised recently, as a cure for Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. After Mr. McKay had used a few doses he commenced to Improve. His pain all left him, and he is almost as well as ever. He says Dodd's Kidney Pills are worth much more than they cost They are certainly getting a great reputation In Missouri, and many very startling cures are being reported. Flckwlth In tli Finn. Alfred Davles, an English member or parliament, now on a visit to this country, constantly reminds people ot Dickens' Immortal Pickwith. He is short and stout, 55 years old, with a round face and a most benlgnaut smile. Put him In tights and gaiters and he would be Pickwith to the life. f ITS NtauwP rrwfl. foetimranana rt dr" "I l'r. SHiuri Ureal Nerve Kefrr. Stud for FKKK aS.OO tilaJ bottle n4 ireatlne. La. It. U. Kjuuk. LU..U1 ArcHBt.. l ailadctsatt, fa. All men are not robbers. The ma jority are satisfied with being robbed. Mr. Wlneiowa rooihln Syropv Tor cblMrrt leett'oj. ftm the . redoce. r IUiuibUun, Ii; aia.curea wlal colic xcalwtu An old maid is a woman who" has seen the flower of youth gone to seed. What Pa the Children Drlakf Don't gie them ten or coffca. HaveToa triad toe new food drink called GUAIN-OI It U delicious and nourishing, and takes tbe place of coffee. The mora 0rln-O you give tbe children the more health you distribute through thoir syrtenn. Grsln-O is made of pure gTslui, and when properly prepared taste Ilk tba choice grade of coffee, but emu about H as much. Ail groosrs sell it, 16c sad a&o. You can't act all the time as If life were a perpetual cake walk. tlall'i Catarrh Cur Is a constitutional cure. Price, 73a The woman who has pretty feet Is not apt to wear ugly shoes. Pine's Cure Is the best medicine we erer M4 for all affection of the throat and lunra. WM. O. Eaiwutr, Vnnbnren, lad., Feb. 10. 1W0L Life is worth living so long as tbers lb somebody worth loving. For centuries the world has waited In vain lor a perfect man. FRAGRANT a Firfiet tfsetifrlM for Tc3.Ii c-i Dculi) New Sits MZDDONT LIQUID, 2Sc SOZOOONT TOOTH POWDER, Uc Largs LIQUID sad POWDOt, 7k 25 At all Htorea, or by Mail for the pries. RUCKEU New York. Natsrt't "rlerieu fltM4v D.0. MIirtSROWN OLTITZZXT H Carai TV Will Ww Peri RtmaiatlM, Sarrat. f to. Weak Back. Sprain, tarst, Sers aaS alt Pale. tsseliPF""'0'' Mftllraraaairt, a, ir 4m boTmII It, roar CM.. Wk. M aoi Mil It, arail aa alt aaata, ana for your Ifou'.to, w Will Craa Baaa Ton a trial MBit mrtm Dr. O. t. Bre wa, M B wajr.ktewburi'B.n.T. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS If TO" lake up your home la Wentrrn Can ada. tan land of plmtt. Illuniralrd pamphlet. ?lrlnf aitierlriicra of armer who have be come wealthy In trow- n wneat, report, or (Id leiru-, M.,aM ru'l iDformatluu to reduced railway rain ran ba bad oa spplleatioa to tbe SuprlaMadat of immwratioa, vrpertaieot or interior, uitava, I anada. or to VT V. HasaeU, SH Mew York Ufa Kldf ., OkWaa. Nek i Vats issatrlsi HvertlscaKSts Iff Jttsttva Tils riser. ' W. N. U. OMAHA H: J