Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 27, 1901, Image 8

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TaOMDAT, JCXK, 27 U), 1901.
Co, f. Cum, Editor and Prop.
9. B. M. T E. C Mass table.
MifWlA'., GolnclMt.
Bo. . nixed. W:M I So- . BiUed 7:90
From May 23, 1901, uotil July first,
1901. We will give ft ticket, with every
$1.00 cash purchase on a handjome tea
tat, 33 piece in the set, something very
flue. This beautiful set will be display-
in our window for inspection, remember
the date and tare your tickets as some
one it bound to be the lucky one
Your for business,
at Smith'
to ultow them a good sequel,
name Unt Zekiel that's all.
Then my
F. E. If. V. U. & is the best
to and from the
Rsd Front Meat Market
Choice, Fresh and
home en red Meats
aad home rendered
1 1 Lard, salt Fish,
j fine line of Grocer
ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and Candies, Nuts
and green Apples. Highest price paid
for Hides and Produce, at
Smith's led "Front
r5 .
Miss Gertrude Bourrett, who has
been attending school at Chadron, during
the past two years, returned home yes
terday to spend the vacation holidays.
She was accompanied by her nephew
Master Jameson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plymptoc,
who with a party of fneod have been it is Vlit, ,Tideot that our county can
pleasure seeking during the past nnu ,KC,ji la goint to extreme only a few
da vi ago it was cold enough to wear
overcoat, and tne Ust two days so hot
Bodarc Gleanings.
All tax-payers of Sioux county, that
know themselves to be delinquent in pay
ing their personal taxes, are hereby
notified to call at the county treasurers
office and settle them at once and avoid
John Shoes,
Co. Treasurer.
Good cyclone weather, this.
Go to J. EV Phikkby's for wall
NText Thursday, we will all spend
the glorious 4th of July. ,
Andrew Johnson, of Ardmore, was a
Hub visitor on last Tuesday.
M. J. Blewett, was up from Craw
ford last Tuesday on business.
Postmaster Booart, is this week
making hay out at bis place.
Last Monday, was annual school el
ection day throughout Sioux county.
The rye crop in Sioux county is just
as good a can be fouud in eastern Neb
Virgil Heater, left on Ust Thursday
noon for the west, on a cattle buying
Attorney M. F. Harrington, of
O'Neill, bad business in onr midst, the
first ot this week.
We understand Brewster, Bros., are
now sole owner of the Cba. Beihle,
ranch, ia Warboanet r
BORN To Mr. and Mrs." Erdemaa, o;
Pleasant Ridge on Thursday, June, 20th,
1991. a daughter, mother and child are
doing well.
Among pleaaaM caller at this
HBoctun sum weex. we acKoowwuge
pleasant chat of a few moment from
r fSiarh ftr .of Kirtlev.
The show, which ha been gives at
McGinleys, and Phinney's Hall, this
week, baa been pronounced by all, the
beat that has bam brought -to our town.
We acknowledge a "comp" from their
The bullous, tired, nervous ma
panant successfully compete with his
bealthy rival. De Witt's Little Early
Risers the famous pills for constipation
will rem re the cause of your troubles.
J. K. PMmnrr. '
- -"-On met Thursday, J. W. Smith,
moved bit household effects, into the
rooms back of the store just vacated by
J. H. Bartell, where he and hi family
will remain for a short time, or until be
is out of the harness brn.
Thank, friend Clio, we appereiate
your kind intention, we too- would
enjoy a peep at your posies, as in our
hard workig daily life we find little time
to devote to the culture of flowers,
which we love so much.
The proprietor of the Andrew
Mock, are having a new stair way erect
ed on the east side, and have had all of
Ms window ooamented by new blue
asides, and altogether the building is
potting on a dignified appearance.
Call at J. E. PnxirKY'a drug store
Mid get a free sample of Cbamberlain'
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are
aa elegant physic. They also improve
the appetite, strengthen the digestion
aad regulate the liver and bowels. They
are easy to take and pleasant in effort
J. E. PmmiitY.
The Doers of the Transvall, within
the last week or ten days have beea snak
ing it somewhat interesting for the
British force; w still hope and pray
that a peopt a brave and patriotic as
Ihey are, and have been ia the defence of
ibetr on try ana for liberty aad iade
" ilium, will finally triompth over an
cy sr amir aad oaecrupulous, robbing:
"Too Doctors told mo mycoagb was
toco rati Oae EmmHo Comgh Core made
law well so." If orris Silver, North
C'-Mtort, N. IL-Becaae yonve not
fees relief from tobtoni cough,
Wt ltslr. OmWmh Cough Cure
tan nana fnMMkss and it will eon you
trfoaata mm, J. E. fmmx,
A factor to oowaty eterk lava, from
Gepi j JmMj, of Alva, O. T. ft
trst of Cottonwood precinct, thie
r7 It W3 oattefkM with Ma now
t;-i IMrliei(jl(M(l.M
orator day mod that thwatilag will
am hw t'n irmt The
C ; z,txitormZt, who won
r- lrJ wsm Ct wta ho clod to
L-Ulmi&Czjt$ woJI awf do
Boy your wall paper at the drug
Mrs. Thayer, will resume rug weav
ing after the 4th. At the same price.
Hon. C. F. Coffee, and son, John
spent Saturday, in Harrison. They re
turned to Chadrv . i the evening.
--Commissioner Meng, spent Sunday
with hi family, and remained at home
over Monday, in order to attend school
The county board completed their
labors a a board of equalization, on last
Saturday, and an row busy as a board
of county commissioner.
After having bad such cool weather
up to last Sunday, the excessive ' heat
coming on so sudden, has been felt most
acutely by all of our people.
Ecaema, Sal trlieum, Tetter, charing,
ivy poisniog aod all skin tortures are
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. The certain pile cure. J. E.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Chris
tian, of Pleasant Ridge, on Sunday. Juoe
23rd. A All parties are doing
well, even Chris is out of danger.
Street Commissioner Wright,
baa quite a force of men at work on our
city streets at present, and e're many
days we will be among the neatest town
in the Northwest.
Have you noticed the onuxual smile
that lights up the countenance of our
genie! friend J. E. Marsteller? Well it
ia caused by the return home of bis bet
ter half after a month sojourn among
friend in Knss,
E. F. Pontius, who has Iwen to the
Black Hills and other point of interest,
On business, connected with some valu
able mining propertiea wnich he owns
there, also a pleasure vacation, will re
turn bom the last of this week.
Frank Ctodfelter, was among the
pleasant callers who graced this "den"
by his presence this week. While hers
Frank informed as that he expected to
be changed to another section in the vi
cinity of Casper about the first of Uie
month. W wish him an abundance of
soccer wherever be goes, a be ia all
Well, there is hardly a day but em-
migrant teams are passing this way to
the great undeveloped west. They are
coming from the over crowded east and
an going to locate new home in the
west, yesterday there were only ten cov
ered wagons, men and their families
wending their way to Idaho or, perhapa
to Washington or Oregon when they
will make now homos for the f utun.
"A few months ago, food which I
ate for Breakfast would, not remain on
my stomach for half an hour. I used
one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia cure
and can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish and my food is
thouroughly digested. Nothing equal
Kodol Dyspepsia Cun for stomach
troubles' 1L 8. Pitts, Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest what you
at J. E. Phibtwy.
Monday alternoon part of Dr. Phin-
oey' family, while oat for a ride to the
canyons, had quit a aerioas accident
nappes to them by the team becoming
frightened, running away aod upaettig
the carriage, throwing all the occupants
to the ground injuring little Browning
qait badly and bruising the others slit
ely, but not seriously. But, all will be
O. K. in a day or two, the buggy
thoogb, I no buggy now.
On last Thursday, Master Willi
Valdes. celebrated hi tooth birthday,
and in honor of tho occasion, ho was
most happily surprised by a number of
hi ptarmato, of both sexes, who all
oajoyed themselves, during tho after
noon, by game and food thing which
hi mama had prepared for too occaoioo.
All tho little guest spanked Willi aad
hoped be would soon have another birth
day party, o they can attond.
The valuation of Sioux county'
real aad person! property for 1901, a
compiled by tho hoard of saJlanttoo
io aa follow: ,
Eotato o7,747
sUilroad 17l,a
in the Black Hi lb, and wen detained
from returning home sooner by the
floods, arrived heme the latter part of
last week. Mr. Plympton, was in town
this week.
You mf y as well expect to run a
team engine without water as to And
an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver and you may know that his liver is
torpid when he does not relish hi food
or feels dull and languid after eating, of
ten has headache and sometimes dizziness
A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets will restore his liver
to its normal functions, renew his vital
ity, improve his digestion aod make him
feel like a new man. Price, 23 cents.
Samples free at J. E. PMXNnr'B drug
' -' ' School Report.
Report of West Pleasant Ridge school
for month ending June 19, 1901.
No. days taught. 22.
No. pupils enrolled. 10.
Average daily attendance, 14.
Those neither tardy nor absent during
the month, Floyd Deuel, Ethel Duel and
Ester Deuel.
Those tardy but not absent, Orpha
Boyle, Ester Hamlin and Helen Hamlin.
Amy Christ-US.
Froeeodlnja of The Annual
Bchool Meeting District,
No. 7.
Harrison, Neb., June 24, 1001,
The annual school meeting of Dist
No. 7, took place at the school house
Monday, June 24tb, 1901, at 3 o'clock
p. m, with all members of the board
present aod a much larger attendance of
the patrons than usual.
The meeting was called to order by
the moderator, J. H. Bartell.
The first thing in order was the read
ing of the minute of the last annual
meeting, after which the school treasur
er Grant Guthrie made a report showing
the receipts of bio office, to be in round
nurabon f 1,419.79
DisbonemonU . 1,408.43
Registered warrant outstanding. .233. 44
Also report of director, waa made,
which together with the Treasurers n.
port was approved.
On motion J. H. Bartell, and Grant
Guthrie, wen elected respectively for
moderator and Treasurer.
The school treaennr reported a valua
tion of taxable property in the district
of $52,359.00, and the patrons of the dis
trict voted to levy a 25-mill tax for
school purposes for the present school
On motion it was decided to hare a
nine months school . Also, the school
board wen instructed to see that no
children be seat to school, under five
On motion the board wen instructed
to Imve the school bouse painted.
On motion meeting adjourned sine
dei .
W. H. Davis, clerk.
Total valuation, 919.MS.
Tho tho iacre in tho- valnatioa of
all kind of property for tho past year
over tho oosesnf oa is almost, if not
omm. 19 par osat ajoro aad oho wo tto
weatth oarteg the toot yar. Tho cam
ha basa onpnetaeotoi in the hastory of
ttottioxot of tMa part of Nkaok.
that we wished for a gourd to grow over
ii as it did over Jonah.
Mrs. Matt Hall, was taken quite sick
with a nervous attack at Sunday School
and wao obliged to remain at Mrs. Zim
merman until Monday when she was
very much better and returned home.
' Rev. Warren made a few pleasant pas
toral call in the valley Monday and
Mrs. S. Hall, who has been spending a
couple of weeks with her mhi Matt Hall,
returned to her home in Fairbura, S. D.
od last Tuesday.
Irvin Zimmerman, came home from
Ok) Woman creek on last Saturday to
visit his parehts returning a Sunday
evening. Hi valley boys an wiaeiy
MttnroJ this summer.
W an sorry to learn that James
Wilson, is suffering with a severe attack
of rheumatism.
J. L. Anderson, has quite a number of
men in the hay field this week with
tho new stacker and sweeps, they will
pnbablv make short work of the flrt
crop of alfalfa. Then an so many new
inventions, we shall have to hang the old
sytbe and the wooden hand rake up in
the parlor as curiosities for our great
grand children. M. A. C
Professional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State;
Land Office.
Fin Insurance written in nliablf
ty Legal papers carefully drawn.
Habjubom, - NEBiurxA.
M. i. O'Connell, - - Co. Attorney,
Will Practice In All Coart.
Special Attention lllren to Land Of
fice BojIaMi. , "
Collections tad all bosiaesi eatrust
41o me will receive prompt attention.
; Hajuuhox - Nebraska.
Phytselaa and Sorrron.
all calls given prompt attention.
' Office in Drnx Store.
Lumber, Harneao, Saddle,
Grain and Feed, Doors
and Windows, Heavy Hardware.
Est rayed seven head of saddle horses
Over in Wyoming.
BORN On Sunday, June 23, 1901;
to Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Christian, a
u,iKiilef, weight about 10 psusds.
Mother and child wen doing well at last
Hiss Florence Christian arrived home
from the Wyoming State University of
Laramie on last Saturday night. Sh
graduates from the normal ' school
then with high honors so we hear.
Hill Snatto finished drilling a well
for Mr. Murphy on last Friday. Water
was struck at a depth of 285 feet, but
he went down to even 300 feet This
gives 35 ft of water and a strong flow.
He moved his drill oa Saturday over in
Nebraska, aod is now sinking a well for
Mr. Sherrill on his bomentead near Les
lie Crane's.
Mr. Renecke, of Lusk is drilliing a well
for one of tho Dunn' just over in Neb
raska near the Hester tree claim.
Mr. Murphy ha the logs aod Lumber
on bis building site to put up a 16x3(1 ft
log lious, one and on half storiee high.
Ho will begin buildiog io a few day.
Mr. and Mrs. Whipple, of Monroe,
Win,, arrived ben the middle of last
week for a three weeks visit with their
daughter, Mm J. J. ZomBrunnen.
Wo boliov every one ha about finish
ed seeding now, The last to finish wen
thoee who won putting in Millet
Now Clio, don't say too much about
that tardea. You don't know what fine
garden our (old) eye have seen lately,
you ato wo have a copy of Wnoopem up'
ood-caUlogno. . . . ,
Everybody with their wive aad child
no talk of going to Luek, tho fourth to
toscnam, aad tho ha ball
of PleaoMt CSdfo, who aoom to
tho Harrtsoo team, to Nat will im no
theme. Ia fact they'll aot ko la it only
fevamiaiita. If P. Eidft I tot equal,
on left hip or
and all have
rTTTTon right thigh and other old
brands on tliem, I will pay a reas
onable reward for their delivery to me
at the KC ranch, or information leading
to their recovery.
Deep Creek Live Stock, Co,
J. li. HALSmT, ftV&MMS,
, Glen, Nebraska,
As the undersigned intecds to close
out all hi horses, he offers his Imported
Clydesdale Bullion Whistoo, for sale
at a bargain. Whistoo, steads about
17 hands high, and weighs about 1"00
lbs, and is as good a foal getter aa then
is in the state, aod is sound in every
U. i. Oath art,
Sioux Co.
One bay eaddl horse branded rn
oa left shoulder, Weight about 900 A
pounds, two white hind feet, foretop
t rimed and tail pulled. Suitable reward
given if nturned to
Clyde Raqaji,
Ice for Sale.
So George William or in my absence
J. 1L Wilbermsdorfer, at lite liarces
hop will upply you.
Gaxxsog WiuJAMs.
For Bale.
One pun bred; registered Hereford
hull 91 month old, baa only tomd 9
cow, ooo I hipped la. last March. 1
have mon than I need,
- Jowx L Kay,
- - Uorslaad, Neb.
Always f t wd-kwa wrJ.-wtar weB
They are the realization of the Modern
Woman'6 demand for footwear combin
ing; comfort and style. Every pair
built on the true anatomical linea of
foot form and conforming naturally
to every foot. Always dressy. Hade
in all leathers black or tan Vicis
light turned or heavy extension welt
solj lace or button.
Look for the sign of SELZ rt
marks the Popular Dealer.
Sck shoes for men, women
and children are satisfac
tory shoes Lowest Price Best Qual
ity Greatest Comfort Correct Style.
Lamest Manufacturer or Boots aro ohoco io. two WOO.
I " Aon row n
1 WiCkmm,
The Commercial Bank,
C. F. Coffee, President F. W.Clarke, Cashier.
Chas. C. Jameson. II. S. Clakke, A. McGinlkt,
Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking busines.
We are prepared to take care of our trade at all times
Will stand at our barn at HARRI
SON, this season.
TERMS-$8.00 to insure colt to stand
up and suck.
Harrison, Nebraska.
Will make the
season at my place
on Monroe Creek
7 miles north-weat
of Harrison.
. WISDOM JR, Siral by-imported CLYDE, Dam 7-eighU
SHIRE-weiaht 1.500 lbri.
PRICE: 15.00, to inuuro living colt. The money for ner
vice of stallion will be duo and iayable at once in cafe
mares are old or removed from the county.
One fare for round trip
to St. Paul, Minn.
June 7, 8 and 9.
Leaving St. Paul June
10 to 18, inclusive.
Deposit tickets June 10
to 18, get extention to July
"The Best of Every thing."
General Passenger Agent, ' '
Omaha, Neb.