Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 13, 1901, Image 8

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TlOMOAY, Jen. Wth,
tie, r, Canea, Editor and Prop.
F. K. A X: V E. 4. lime Ubl.
Setae West. Going East.
Be. S, mixed. 10 : t So. 6. mixed 1 : i
F. E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
. Red Front Meat Market
Choice, Fresh and
boiue cored Meats
and home rendered
Lard, salt Fisb,
fine line of Grocer
ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and Candies, Nuts
and green Apples. Highest price paid
for Hides and Produce, at
Smith's Ied Ircr.l
W. L. Baldwin, returned from a Vi
nt tn his Bister in Minnesota, the first of
this week.
Mr." and Mrs. R. F. Neece. were up
from their ranch the 0rst of the week on
Father Ray bock celebrated mass at
the court boiixe in Harrison, on last
Tuesday Morning at 10 a. m.
We understand, nearly all oi
our townspeople contemplate spending
the fourth of July, in Lusk.
The billious, tired, nervous man
nmint uraassfullv comDete with bis
healthy rival. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers the famous pills for constipation
will remove the cause of your troubles.
J. E. Phcott.
Miss Katie Henry, came down from
Lusk, the latter part of last week, in or
der to be present at the marriage of her
sister Miss Lizzie.
Wonder if we are going to have any
summer weather this season? We are
inclined to think the weather man, has
forgotten what month it is.
The county commissioners are busy
this week, ia the capacity of a board
of (Kjualizatioa, after which they will re
solve themselves into a board of com
missioners. F. M. Smith, and his better half, of
FTve Points, who had intended to accom
aay their children to Washington, have
abandoned the idea for toe present.
Mrs. Sarah Jordan expects to
baoooM a resident of nor town this week.
Mn, Jordan, is a valuable acquisition to
Harrison, and we welcome her among us.
Call at J. B. Vmmwfa drug store
ad got a free sample of Chamberlain's
Stooaaon and Liver Tablets. They an
an alsnaol physic. They also improve
tan qaastite, strengthen the digestion
ancoiate the liver ana bowels. Tbey
an easy to take and plea sent in effect
' 2. E. PBXR.
J. tL BartaU, has as far repaired
and clean so up the old Ranch Supply
Hons tkat be will be able to move bis
roods in the last of this week or the
fir of next.
BORN On last Saturday Jane, 8th,
1901, to Mr. and Mrs, M. J. OConnell,
danghtsr. Mother and child an doing
well, and Mike will with the best of care
wo Umk live thru the shock.
Incidentally we learn that the next
time our people hear the chime of wedd
ng bells they will ring out the happy
event, for our friend Nils Anderson
come now Kels, own up to the fact.
Kev. Kice, or Carey, came, up on
the noon train last Saturday, and in the
, afternoon was driven out to Bodarc
when ha preached to a large and appre
ciative congregation on last Sunday.
Mr. Oscar Ward, who has been em
ployed in the vicinity of Lusk during
the past two month's came down on but
flatoraav evening, to spend Sunday with
bjafaasiir. Returned to his duties Mon
day. -
Julian Lever, and F. W. Clarke left
the latter part of last week, on a cattle
soliciting trip, westward, in the vicinity
f Douglas, Mr. Clarke's object in taking
tie trip ia to get a general vww of the
At a meeting; of the town board
held on last Monday morning, W. B,
Wright, was appointed to fill the posi
tion of city marshal!, and path roaster.
VeH wo presume "Bub" will make first
eaaa walka and lock up all peace distur
tear, j set at good as any one can.
The graders, fence, gang and the
ataoo seasons deteg work on the F.
AZJ. V. railroad an now busy making
C work boa along the road in the
Tfty of Eojrrleja, which tends
ca mm mmk, alsmt, that aa satin
warn Has of root oejajr pot hv
Er. aos Kn. Dedrfck Kel
r ft Ca, ahoat tea days ago, a sen
; 3nf wtot tbs saoss of Dearicks
,'l.l UnffeJ m whea ia fa
, 3t .','.t ' f
From May 23, 1U01, uotil July BrsC,
I'JOl, We will give a ticket, with every
$1.00 cash purchase on a handsome tea
net, 32 pieces in the Ret, something very
One. Tlii beautiful set will le display-
in our window for inspection, remember
the date and save your tickets as some
one is bound to be the lucky one
Your for business.
at Smith's.
Go to J. E. Pkisxet's for wall pap
er. We have run up against a snag this
week in trvinjr to obtain local news.
Its like getting blood out of a turnip. i
The weather for tne past three
weeks lias been unusually cool, damp
and rainy, a part of the time being very
foggy so that one could not see ten rods
Since the ram Tuesday evening,
the weather has been most beautiful
aud in twenty-four honrs, it seems as if
the grass had grown two or three inches,
Mr. James Brow n, of Putsmouth, Va.,
over 90 years of ag suffered for years
with a bad sere on his face. Physicians
could not help him. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
J. E. Phinxey.
It rains, it rains, cried the school
boy. Tuesday afternoon another heavy
rain visited this section of the country
accompanied with some hail aDd wind
but not enough to do any damage to
crops or the growing grass. This is
getting to be a very wet country, sure
"The Doctors told me my cough was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
me a well man." Norris Silver, North
Stratford, N. H. Because you've Dot
found relief from a stubborn cough,
don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure
has cured thousands and it will cure you
safe and sure. J. E. Pfil.vEV.
This is one of the issues when news
seems to be hard to get. yet we must
give news or our subscribers will think,
we are a back number, so any thins you
know, we do Bot know, kindly tell us, so
we will know, and knowing a thing or
two, we can inform our readers, so they
too may know.
Lew Gerlach, received a titter
from his son George Monday, saving that
the North Dakota country, where they
were at psesent was entirely burned out
by drouth, and that since he left he had
seen nothing tliat suited him as well as
old Sioux county, he expects to be at
home about the 4th, if all is well.
A. L. Leithoff dropped into this-
sanctum Saturday, and informed us that
he had been appointed by the govern
ment arcbetict aitd building department
at Washington D. C as carpenter to
work upon the government post office
and custom house building at Omaha,
and will put in 8 hour days at that place
until next Christmas.
Without doubt, the grass at this
time of the year is very much better
than it has been for a number of years,
and to os it looks as if the bay crop was
already assured. If we ran get one mon
rain like that which fell ben about day
light Monday morning, then will be
twice as much hay put up this fall as
any preceding fall for tne put five
yean. V
"A few months ago, food which I
ate for Breakfast would not nmain on
my stomach for half an hour. I used
one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia cure
and can new eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish and my food is
thouroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol" Dyspepsia Cun for stomach
troubles' H. & Pitts, Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cun digests what you
eat J. E. Pudtsky.
We announced in last week's issue
of the Prims-Journal that the people of
Harrison wen determined to celebrate
the 4th of July, well, they an just as
determined now as ever but, not at Har
rison, that is, we mean to say they will
some of them go to Lusk, the border
town of Wyoming just west of us, some
will probata" v Koto the canyens, while
others' will celebrate in a quiet way at
home, thus the public celebntion as an
nounced last week has been iodefioelly
A. McGinley and Dr. Phinney, an
making things lively hy having the work
In the upper part of the Andrews build
ing rapidly pushed to completion. Tbey
are having two halls furnished and ar
ranged so that one of them can be used
for secret orders, while the other can be
used for banquets or other public enter
tainment that an constantly coming
Harrisonwnrd, When those halls an
completed they will be the bent in
Northwest Nebraska, '-forget it not, for
get it not."
Well, we can say with absolute cer
tainty that friend, Dave Col vi lie has
sold his floe stock ranch 15 miles south
of town to the three Beieer brothera, two
of which an residents of Odebolt, Ia.,
the ether having moved ben from the
same place couple of months ago. We
nodenland the consideration was (4,800.
Whether or not Dave received as much
as be ought to have had or, whether the
boys paid too little or too much for the
-lace is immaterial to us or any body
else, bat this we do know, if all is true
that we have beard nlati ve to the place,
it is one of tbs best stock ranches la
Sioux Couoty, and it has been said, em
Woees oMMthing like 149 acres.
Grand Hoving Picture En
tertainment. By the Kioetoscope, at Andrews Hall
Saturday, evening June 15. New up-to-
date song, accompanied by tne lianjo.
Ventriliijuist and throwing voice after
the entertainment.
Anderson-Hill Nuptials.
MARRIED On last Wednesday, June,
5th, 1901, at 5 o'clock iu the evening, at
the home of the bridos parents, in Bo
darc, Rev. Warren, preforming tlie
ceremony, Mr. James I Anderson, and
Miss Amanda Hill, agd respectfully 2.
years. n
It was a quiet home ceremony, only
the immediate relatives of the family
being present After the ceremony, wan
the sruests sat down to a
bountiful wedding fvst prepared by
Mother Hill, who fairly out done her re
putation as a hostess, on ttiat parti.-ular
ovation. Those present were: Albert
Hill and family, John Eberspether and
family, George Hill and family, and
Chas. F. Coffee. The happy couple,
were the receipents of many valuable
presents, from their numerous friends,
conspicious among them was a check,
from Charley Coffee, to the young
couple for $50, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill,
and Mr. and Mrs. Eberspecher, a fine sot
of glasi wan. They have gone to house
keeping on the tio ranch, whore Mr. An
derson, is employed as foreman, and
where they will" be pleased to welcome
their many frienas at anv time. The
young couple have a host of friends,
who all delight with the Pkess-Join sal,
in extending hearty congratulations,
to the happy couple, and hope their lives
may be alt sunshine.
o .
MARRIED Mr. Cornelius Jarclan, to
Miss Lizzie Henry, June 10 1901, at the
Catholic church at Montrose, Father
Rehback officiating.
Only the' immediate relatives were
present though they numbered 55 per
sons, f
The bride grew to womanhood at the
home of her parents on Squaw creek and
is beloved and respected by all who
know her. She was prettily attired in
light blue with White Satin and was at.
tended by Miss Lena Nutto and John
Henry as bride's maid and groom's man.
The groom is also well known in this
vicinity and well liked by all who know
The following is a list of presents re
ceived by the bapiy couple.
Teapot and Carving set '
Mr. & Mrs. F. Nutto.
Breakfast set, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, jr.
Mottled glass flower vase with tray, .
Annie Mora vek.
Two pair Towels IL Wasserburger, Sr.
Chenille centre table cover,
Miss Mary Ibuiry.
Hand painted Lemonade set,
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ebert,
Glass Water set
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henry,
Silver and China tea set
Mr. J. G. Henry,
Two dollars. Mr. & Mrs. J. 2 Wasserburger
Set of sad irons Bob Jordan,
Five dollars, Mr. and Mrs, J. McMahon,
Carving set, Ed. Henry,
Lace bed set, 2 pr lace curtains,
Misses Bertha and Lena Nutto,
Rocking chair, ' John Henry,
One Dollar, John Wassenburger,
Bed Spread 2 pair lace curtains,
Miss Katie Henry,
Lamp, Miss Ida Herman,
Granite Tea pot, Mr. & Mrs Dan. Jordan,
Framed l.'irror with stand
Walter Henry.
Table cloth and Napkins.
Miss Maggie Jordan,
1 pair towels, Roy Henry,
Two Dollars Mr and Mrs. Wasserburger,
Oat Meal Boiler,
Mr. and Mrs, 11. Wassenburger Sr.
Salt and Pepper shakers tooth pick bold
er. Mr. Mrs. Jacob Henry, jr.
One Dollar, Andrew Wasserburger,
Oak bed room suite, bed spread,
Father and Mother of bride,
Syrup pitcher, Christ Henrv,
Glass Table set Mr. and Mrs. J, Henry jr,
One dollar, Charley Wasserburger,
White reed rocker for Bride, Alarm clock
for groom to make him in the winter to
tart the fire, mother of the groom,
1 pair baby shoes, and card of safety
pins, Uncle Peickenbrock,
Stirring spoon, scrubbing brush, i dox
tea spoon, teething syrup, baking pow
der, lid lifter, pepper and various other
household articles, Ben Pieckenbrock.
Tha 9th Sioux County
S. S. Convention.
Will be held at Glen June SS and 2C.
The program will appear in another col
umn. -.-:".-'
The convention will he a two days
study of Genisis from which the S. 8.
lessons will be taken for some months.
The Glen people welcome all who
A surgical operation is not necrswiry
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel.
naiva saves an Hint expense and never
rails. Beware uf cou uWrfoits. J. E
Proffessionai Cards.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and brfon the United Stater
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in rehabw
fy Legal papers carefully drawn.
Hawjsox. - Nejiiiaska.
Jf. J. O Connell, - - Co. Attorney,
Will Practice in All Coart.
SpM-ial Attention (.irco to Land Of
flee Biisluesfi.
Collections and all business entrnst
ed to me will receive prompt attention.
Hakiikon - Nkmuska.
FbyUclau and Surgeon.
All calls given prompt utumtlon.
0!3ce In Drug Store.
WUE4F.E8 II "0)
Lumber, IlnrtiCKS, 8afMles,
Grain and Feed, Doom
and Windows, Heari Hardware,
Estrnyed seven heni! of saddle horces
eft hip or
on nirlit liugii ana ouier om
brands on them, I will pay n reas
onable reward for their delivery to me
at theKO ranch, or information leading
to their recovery.
Deep Creek Live Slock. Co,
J. 11. HaLBEKT. (foreman,)
Glen, Nebraska,
As the undersigned intecds to close
out all his horses, he offers his Imported
Clydesdale Stalhen Whiston, for sale
at a bargain. Whiston, stands about
17 hands high, and weighs about V00
lbs, and is as good a foal getter as there
is in the state, and is sound in every
M. J. GAvriAirr,
Sioux Co. Neb.
FiVe Points News.
Steve Serres and John Burroughs, will
take their cattle to Wvomins this week
where they will run them this summer,
M. A. Barman, who was one of the
passangers on the train that was wreck
ed on the Marsland bridge is still confined
to bis bed and not able to be about.
The young folks in the valley enjoyed
themselves fishing and boat riding on
J. W. Hunters, Fish Pond lat Sunday
Tom liinei, iind John Hmti, left Craw
ford Monday for Butto Mu.Uioa,
There is a line erdo of grass in the
valley if the grasshoppers will just
keep their mouths shut Dewey,
A Terrible Explesios.
"Of a gasoline stove, burned a lady
here frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer,
of Kirkroan, Ia. "The best doctors
could'nt heal the running son that fol
lowed, but Bucklens Arnica salve entirj
eay cured Iher." lcfallable for Cuts,
Corns, Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skin Diseas
es and Piles. 55c at 3. E. Phixset's.
You m?y as well expect to run
steam engine without water OS to find
an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver and you may know that his liver is
torpid when he does not relish his food
or feels dull and languid after eating, of
ten has headache and sometimes dizziness
A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liyer Tablets will restore bis liver
to its normal functions, nnew his vital
ity, improve his digestion and make him
feel like a new man. Price. 25 cents.
Samples free at J. E. Puisney's drug
Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be
cause to liye requires nourishment food
is not nourishing Ontil it is digested. A
disordered stomach cannot digest food ,
it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure digests all kinds of food witliout
aid from the ttomacii, allowing it to rest
and regain its natural functions. Its
elements an exactly t!.i same as the
natural digestive fluids and it simply
can't help but do you good. J. E. PlJlN-
Sti Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Uavlland,
of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece
who had Consumption in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicire
ami today she is perfectly well." Pes'
pwratM throat nml lung diseases yield to
lr. King's New IHseovery, as to no oth
er medicine on earth, ltifullinlde for
CouglM and Colds. AOc ind ft. 00 bottles
gtinrimtt-fd hy J. E. Phinnkv, Trail
bottles free.
Eczsms, Hiiltrheum, Tetter, chafing,
ivy potsninif and all skin tortures an
quickly cured by JJewill s Witcn llar.i
Halve. The certain pile cure. J. E.
iTlie Commercial Dank.-
C. F. Coffee, President
Chas. C. Jameson. II. S.
Stockmen having use for a bank
ns to handle their entire Hanking busines.
rftoWc are prepared to take care
Keep watch of this Space.
v mfffffi''""'"
ion't forget
CJD BswaMrsssf
m wax ' .
Will stand at our barn at HARRI
SON, this season.
TERMS-$8.00 to insure colt to stand
up and suck.
Harrison, Nebraska.
WISDOM JR. Hired by imported CLYDE, Dam 7-cight.
SIIIUI2- weight 1,5001b.
PRICK: &r.00, to humre living colt. The money for ser
vice of stallion will be due and payable at oner in caw
marc are sold or removed from the county.
V. Clarke, Caanier.
Clarkk, A. McG inlet,
at this point may rely on
of onr trade at all timoB
"T 1 1 """'-
to watch this
Will make the
season at my place
on Monroe Creek
7 miles north-west
of Harrison.
- - . - .