Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 13, 1901, Image 1

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Advertise ITot: Stock Brands in the PRESS-JOUflfML
TTTT? nTATTTr TTT inui Air
Press - Tot tr NT at''
VOL. XIII. HAKBIBOlir, 3SrBBaAHKA.;aHTOanAT, juisrjn 33 -901 no so
P., .lto--WO QUESTIt, ,s EVER SETTLED UNTR ,T ,S SETTLED mOMT.-.Ju JmuT.". ' 301'
i - :
Drugists Sundries,
Paints. Oils, Varnishes,
J. E. PH I NNEY, Proprietor,
Subscription Price
Official Paper of
Gko. D. Canon,
There seam to be soma talk about
lloti. T.ni L. Johnson, of Ohio, being
the next clem w;mtit2 candidate, for pres
ident in 1991, going the rounds of the
press, during th put two or three
months. Well it is utmost three rears
too soon to talk aliout making presiden
tial cand-dates. but, if Tom succeeds in
making Ute corporation of Clevland,
Ohio. Ky their just share of taxation,
then he wiil he the proper kind of a man
to nominate and elect I n 1901.
Over in Wyoming.
Hill Shatto drilled a well for Philip
Freew. and his desert claim a Rhort time
go. lie is now drilling one for Murpby
find Davit on their claims one mile north
of the cemetery.
Charlie Christian and John Sutton
traded horse one day last week.
, On Wednesday, June 5, quite a snow
storm struck this part of the country
imd for nearly an hour the white, fowl,
featherless; flew out of paradise and lit
upon Salomon's Wall."
On last Friday quite a heavy hail and
rain storm passed through here. No
Uroape was done by the hail although
the stone were quite large.
Freak Tinkhaiu and a Mr. Johnson,
from the West side of this Convert
coustv, were the guests of Mr. Church
over Sunday.
Andrew Christian, Sr., and his son
Charlie are now expert paper hangers.
Mr. C. tried to got a paper banco r to do
liia work, but could not Hod one, so be
nd Charlie went at it themselves.
Teey did an artic job, and now have as
cozy rooms as T'ou will find on the ridge.
Mrs. Church Br, was helping Mrs.
Eva Christian clean house, part of last
James Deuel helped ye ecrfba finish
seeding last week.
Miss Elsie Tatman has a new organ
which her father got for her a few days
Ye scribe met with a great fall last
week hence no items. We sat down to
write up the Over in Wyoming news and
fell asleep. ' When he woke up it was
too late to mail them.
Mrs. ZumDrunnen, is expecting her
father and mother here, from Monroe,
Wisconsin, to nuke ber a abort visit,
soon. .
Mrs. Wif) Tatman is alse expecting
tier mother from Prescott, Iowa, to visit
her in a short lime.
The freet oa last Tuesday night made
ad work of the beans and potatoes that
were up.
Leonard Cbristain received a f 40 sad
dle, from a Denver firm on last Satur-
. iiy. It's a dandy, and Lea is quite
proud of it.
Mrs. Hamlin, of Exira Iowa, is visit
ing her son, F. 0. Ilarnlin and family.
On last Sunday night, about 10 o'clock
heavy rain storm, accompanied by hail
set in, and lasted for over an hour. It
was bv all odds tne heaviest rainfall that
we have ever witnessed in the west.
The ground was completely covered
with water, und how tlie hoppers all es
caped being drowned or washed away is
more than we can tell. On Monday
morning all water holes, blowouts, and
low places, were minature lakes, with
mallards, teal and butter ducks floating
on their calm bosoms. The ground is
wet to a greater depth than it has tweo
since the flood of Noah's, Now sister
Clio, you had better bring your garden
lock to the ereat American Desert and
liave it wet up In good shape.
The trill of the toad and the croak of
the freg were heBi on every hand
on last Momlav. while the children burn
and rained here marveled greatly at
their qsieer notes, having never beard
the like before. ZekikX.
Danger, disease end death follow
neglect of the bowels. Use DeWitt's
Little Ear!y Risers to regulate thorn nnd
you will add years to your life and fife
to your years. Rosy to tak never grp
Per Year f 1.00.
Sioux County.
- Editor.
Tbe 9th Annual Convention of the
Sioux Co. Sunday School As
sociation to be Held in
The Presbyterian
GLEN', NEB. JUNE 23 & 20, 1901.
Turj)i.r, Juwe S'dli:
10:18 A. M., Introductory M, J.' WentR
11 Genesis, It Literature tint! Aiiul
ysls liUV W. R. WzRHEN
2 r. M., God nit Revealed in Genesis
Her c. w. iuy
2:30 God as Ucvsalcd to us...J. H. 11 LUKE
i Family Life In Genesis Km A. f!.
Our family Life Da, J. It. IUT-
Worshlp, In Genesis, U.C. P. Lyon
Onr Worship ALiirsr K. Pibbei
Oi;r Youso Pkopxh.
7:30 fiong Service and Address, Conduct
ed by A. E. Fisueh
What they Are,... l.Prof. . C. SNow
Tle Instrnctlon They Kecd, Mas. II. T.
The Help They ess Give, lias. Clivtom
Tlie Gospel for ThemIUv. C. W. Rat
9:30 A. M., Fellonhlp Meetlnir -C. A. Pidot
10 Tiie Sablmtli of Gf iicMn and Kxodua
Rev g. V. snow
10:30 the Chriatlaa Babbatb. Mas. C. W.
11 Kusiness and Koport of Bcbeol, Con
ducted by Mas. K. I,. Hick.
J:M P. M., Dutira of Suierintendants.
2:00, 'HutiiS of Parents to Sunday bohooi
Mas. si. A. Miller
3:30, Conversation Servlco and Farewell.
Topics marked witU aa are for general
J. It. llBRsE, ' Mas. K. L. Bice.
President. ' iecrutary.
One fare for round trip
to St. Paul, Minn.
June 7, 8 and 9.
Leaving St. Paul June
10 to 18, inclusive.
Deposit tickets June 10
to 18, get extention to July
' 'North-Wkstkkn Line."
"The liest of Everything."
General Passenger Ajrent,
Omaha, Neb.
Sovcu Yearn In 1Jm1.
"Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the
friends of Mrs. L. l'.$ase, of Lawrence,
Kan. Tlioy knew she had been unable
to leave her bed in seven years on accont
of kidney and liver trouble, nervous
prostration, and general debility; "Three
bottles of Electric Bitters, enabled me to
wnlk," she writes, "and In three months
I felt like a new person." Women ouf-
ferinif from Headache, nackacho, Ner
vousness, Kleeidessness,
Fainting nnd tiir.zy P-peiis will unapt a
priceless blessing. Try It. Satisfaction
is guaranteed. Only 00c.
Additional Locals.
-Buy your
waH paper at tlie drug
s tore.
r-The subj jet on Sunday evening
be "The three Immorteles."
Mr. and Mr. E.I. M.inon, were in
town, Hits week on business-.
The bwird of Equalization are head
over heels in work at tiie court house
,tsis week. ;
Miss Bortha Noreisch, went to Chad-
ron, the first of tha week and expects to
work there all summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, are now
sojourning under the roof of their own
domicile they having moved into it the
first of the week.
John and Will Marsteller, look for
their mother out from Pennsylvania th
last of the month to make them quite
an extended visit.
By those, w ho are supposed to be
good judgts, say the ball game ' played
at Harrison, last Ssnday, was tlie best
lor many a day.
J. II. Bartell expects to move into
his store building, which he has been re
pairing for the past week or ten days
about the first of next week, not later
than the last at any rate.
The proposed 4th of July celebration
which we mentioned in our last issued
has been abandoned. After a meeting of
several of our citizens, had been held,
and tha advisability of the project diss
cussed thoroughly, it was decided to ab
andon the idea of celobtating the 4th in
Harrison. ,
BOUN-To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Will,
of Highland, June 13, 1901 a girl baby
weight Iba., father, mother and little
one aro doing well so Dr. Phinney, re
ports. Of course, that means Grandpa
and grandma for Mr, and Mrs. Perry
Mrs. Hall, mother of Matt Hall, of
the valley, came in on the west bound
train yesterday, and will be the guest of
her son while in Sioux county. Mrs.
Hall was formerly a resident of the val
ley, and her many friends, there will be
delighted to see her. '
Charles 8pearman, and son, Of Craw
ford, were pleasant callers at this sanc
tum yesterJay. Charley and ye editor
were boys together and it mode us young
again to chat with him. He is under
secretary of irrigation, and was on bis
w4y to the upper S3 ranch to adjust
some water greivano.es.
The county commissioners are now
in session as a board of Equalization and
all parties wbo feol they have been in
justly assessed, now have a chance to
appear before the board and fihow cause
why they should not be assessed so high
because as it causes more or less extra
trouble to the connty Board and county
treasurer, to wait until they pay their
taxes ana then enter a protest. We re
eat, this is the time to make a showing.
A .Letter to Ilia Sioux County
The following letter from our esteem
ed friead and fellow citizen, John L.
Kay, who is now taking baths for rheu
matism, at Hot Springs. S. D., wilt be of
interest ta our many readers:
Hot Springs, S, D., June 10, 1901.
Editor Canon,
Dear Sir:
I arrived here June 7th,
to take baths for rhuematism. Am glad
to say I am some better, feel somewhat
lonesdroe so will write my Harrison
friends a few lines, thru your valuable
paper. Weather, yes, weather, it is the
leading question here. Saturday and
Sunday, it rained yes, rained and poured
down, yes and still raining. The people
from the east that are here for treat
ment thinks this is a One climate for
rheumatism, they have left mud and
rain only to come 800 or 400 milos to
get more rain, but we live in hopes and
not have died in despair, yet Yes our
old friend and neighbor, S. L. Kirtley, is
here; come here to rest, will tell you
how he rests, well, yes, just as ever on
the run. Sometimes I catch up with
bim and say, "Kirtley lets talk old times
and Herefords" thinking if any one word
will stop hira Hereford would, but he
just smiles and says, "Lets talk as we
walk John." Am glad to say Mr. Kirtley
and his family are well and doing well.
Anyone coming to Hot Springs, will find
a good home and Harrison paper to read
at the "Minuelusa," boarding homo.
Will close, hoping Sioux Co,, is getting
its share of the big rains, with best wish
es of your friend and neighbor.
J. L. Kay,
IHd'nt Marry For Money.
The Boston man, who lately married a
sickly rich young woman, is happy now,
for he, got Dr. Kings New Life Pills,
which restored her to perfect health.
Mailable for Jaundice, Billiousoess.
fective. Only 2r,0 at J, E. PumxBY's
drug store.
Cuttle brand
ed on left side
same as cut
and horses
branded on
rft shoulder
snine as cut
are tiie property of Andrew Christinn aad
rungs tributary to Viuj Tassel Sprint's.
. ' , Kirtley, Wvo.
In tbe matter of tha Estate of James F.
Hovey, deceased.
5or oa this Mtb day of May, A. D. 1501,
this can use cauie on for bearing upon the
petition of Martha M. Hovey, administra
trix, praying for license to s;ll the west
half of the north-west quarter, thr south
east quartor of tlie north-west quarter, and
the mmtb-n'Cfit qitMtcr of the south-cust
quurtwof Section eiRht In Towisliip thirty
two, Kge flfty-fonr,in Sioux county, Ne
braska of a gufflclent amount ot 'sumo to
bring the uin necessary lor the pnyinunt
of debts Rllowed against siilil estate, and
tlie costs of administration there not being
sufllcieut personal property to pay said
debt sn expenses.
It Is therefore ordered that Alt persons
interested In said estate appear before mc
at O'Neill, Nebraska on tlm m day of July,
1901, at ten o'clock a. m. to show cause why
a license 'should not be granted to said ad
niuilstrittrlx to sell so inncU of the above
real estate of said deceased as shall be nec
essary to -ay said bebts and expenses. And
It Lb farther ordered that all persons Inter
ested In said estate lo given notice of tlie
time and place of such hearing by the pub
lication of a copy of this order for four suc
cessive weeks prior to snid hearing In the
IIahkibos l'Kiss-Joi'RSAL a weekly news
paper published at Harrison, Nebraska.
J. J. Harrington,
Dyspepsia Cure
' Digests what you eat
tt rtlflclally digest the food and tldj
Nature la strengthening aud recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gens. It lathe latest discovereddigeit
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cure
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache, Gastralgla,Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and It. Large size contains 2K times
small site. Book all aboutdyspepsla matledfrae
Prepared by E. C DeWlTT a CO-. Cfelcaoo.
Notice to Sioux Co. Teachers.
To the Teachers of Sioux connty, Nebras
ka: At the coming Institute of this year, the
studies for First Grade certificates will be
taken up, so If there are anv that desire to
pass on these Studios, yeu will please take
notice. Also, the Aurora Ilnsluess College,
olTcrsTrn weeks Tuition free, for one Stu
dnt, that I may nominate, or any that
would like to take advantage of this offer
write to mo about It. Term begins Kept. 4,
l'JOl. J. n. 11UUKE.
' : Co. Hupt.
Estimate of Expenses.
At a regular meeting of tho board of coun
ty commissioners held Jan. Sth 1WI1 the fol
lowing estimate of expenses was mode for
the yaar l'JOl.
District Court, t 3,000,(0
Officers Salaries, - 1,000,00 .
Printing and Publishing, IXIO.UO
Stationary, . aoo.oo
Soldier relief, . . 300,00
ttoad and Brldge 2,000,00
Incidental Expenses, S.JWW.uo
Officers fees, . . TW,W
Institute, ... 100.03
Special Kood Dtst,. .',00,00
Wh.J. A. fU",
Ia many instances attacks of cholera
morbus terminate fatally before medi
cine can be procured or a physician sum
moned. Tlie safe way is to keep at hand
a reliable medicine for use in such cases.
For this purpose there is nothing so sure
as Chnberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-ba-a'lkmedy.
W. E. Bosworth, of La
Fayetta, Ala, says: "In Juno, 1900 1
bad a serious attack of cholera tuprbus
and one dose of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Ifomedy gave me
relief in fifteen minutes." For sale by
J. E. Pminxey, Druggist.
. How to Avoid Trouble.
Now is the time to provide yourself
and family with a bottle of Chamber,
lains, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. It is almost certain to be needed
before the summer is over, and if pre.
cured now may save you a trip to town.
inthe night or in your busiest season.
It is everywhere admitted to be the most
successful medicine in use for bowel
complaints, both for children and adults.
Ne family can afford to be without It.
For sale by J. . ruiSNKV, Druggist.
The Journal will publish your brand, like
the followlug, for t:W, per year. Koch ad
ditional brand 75 cents. ' ;verT rarmer or
ranchmeuln Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise their brands in Tils Jour
nal as It circulates all over the state. It
may 1 the means of saving luoner for you
For the arrest and conviction of any party
or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands
on stock belonging to the undersigned par
ties :
Horses branded
on righ shoulder or
branded ou right Jaw Also, I have
Horses branded on left thigh
1'ost owes Address,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska
60, 117, - S
on left hip
left hip of Cattle. Tost Ofllco, Hewitt,
Sioux County, Nebraska. ,
joiin t. sxovr.
Horses branded
on left ehonl
der branded on left shoulder
I and Cattle MI on left side.
Post Office Address,
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo.
Cattle branded
Horses brauded
Idcr, range on Soldier Creek. '
Any stock branded as above being estray-
ed from my range, discovered by any body
on giving me information will be rewarded
Address, Ft. Koblnson, Nebraska.
Horses branded on
Cattle same on left
left shoulder and
Sheep barnded
back of Sheep.
on back or
Range on Soldier Creek and White River.
Address, Ft. Koblnson, Nebraska.
Owns the follow
ingbrand on eith
er: Also HQ on cat
tle and horses
cattle on leftside
horses on iuft
shoulder. ,
Range on 811ver Springs and east of state
Ine. Postofllce Harrison Nsb
The brand represented In this notice
and branded any where on left side
of cattle, and over lap ut from the
right ear.
Also the same brand on left thigh of
horsoa, belongs to the undersigned.
Range near East Springs, south part fo
Sioux county. Charles Newman,
Harrison, Nebraska.
Branded on left shoulder ot horses
und on left side of csttle.-
And this
on right side
This on
right sldo of cuttle too.
Range on White Klvcr, near Glen.
Post Oltlco address, Glen, Nebraska.
Branded ou left hip of Cattle
nnd on left cheek of Horses,
Range on Deep Creek.
Address, Hoop Creek Live Stock Co,.
J. II. IIaliirrt, Foreman,
Glen, Nebraska.
Cattle brand
ed same as that
on cut on eith
er side of ani
mal. And this
on left side and hip.
Range en Running Water.
rostOnce address, BsrrUon, Nebraska.
And following on PFl I
left side of cattle. I ' l 1
And this on left sldo of she stock.
f lOO Reward.
For proof to convict any person of steal
lug, altering, ruuuiug off or lu any way
danmgiugs stock brands'
side or hip. Address, James Force,
, . , . Harrison, Nab.
Brand coiiibi double
loa left side
n right
ear eattle.
of cattle. Horses same
fjScut out right
Cattle all dehorueT
Hange on Kyle Creek, . '
1'ost Office, (ilou Nebraska
Cattle braaded K"T on left hip also
Cuttle branded'
on left
I side.
Range on Soldier Creek mid W hite BI ver.
Address, Glen, Nebraska.
Foreman. Fkku Uasox.
Cattle branded
on left hip and
same on the left
jaw, and same
on Horses. Also
Horses branded
on left jaw, shoulder or flank. Also Horses
on left flank and
ou left shoulder.
Range on hoad of Van Tasscll creek, Wyo.
WPost Ofllce addree, Harrison, Neb.
Cattle brand
ed same as that
on cut, either
left hip or on
left shoulder.
Horses branded with any of above brands.
Harrison, Nebraska.
Cattle Branded r e s1 1 . J on left side.
Range on
Also Cattle braaed
on left hip,
shoulder or side.
Range ou
Running Water. P. o. Address
Agate, Nebraska.
Cattle Branded,
Range on ' Run-
on left side.
ning Water
Address Agate, Neb.
Horses and cat
tle . branded on
either side same as
on cat.
iff W
And Cattle branded
side, and Horses on left
Addross, Bod arc, Nebraska.
Cattle brand
ed on left side.
Range on
Running Water
SWT. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska.
Cattle brand,
mn go louth
Ridge Wyo.
edon cttsido
of Pleasant
Address, Harrison, Neb.
Cattle branded
side snd same on
on the left
left shoul
der of horses.
Address, Harrison, Nebraska.
Cattle branded
any where on
left side of tho
Range on Prai
rie rrg end Men'
toe Creeks.
' Address, Hsirhen, Kcbreske.
sVRarsl II 1
oa 1ett