Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 06, 1901, Image 2
IlEiriscn Press-Journal GEO. D. CANON, Publisher. HARRISON, NEBRASKA TIte department of agriculture in 1U annual report gives inu amount o! money the people of the United States (pent in buying flowers at retail is m9 as follows: Roses,, 16,000,000; car nations, (4,000,000; violets, $750,000; chrysanthemums, $500,000; miscellan eous, including lilies, $1,250,000. A remarkable burglary has just been committed at the suburban station of Herkulesbad, Buda-Pesth. Three men delivered a coffin, apparently empty, for conveyance to Buda-Pesth, "carriage to pay." The last train hav ing gone, it was locked for the night in the station master's office. Next morning the coffin was found with the lid off, and the office safe had been rifled. The geodetic commission of Switzer land has undertaken an exact leveling of the whole country by the most scientific methods. The work has been going on for many years. Each point determined is fully described so that, in its turn, it may serve s a datum point for more detailed work and all the points are referred to one origin namely, to a monument in Geneva whose altitude above the sea has been fixed. A German expert in the east points out that as time goes on more and more men are reculred to coerce China into doing the will of another power. The opium war required only 4,000 Europeans, the Anglo-French war against the Chinese 16,000 and 4,800 Indians. The Japanese needed 95,000 men and 115,000 coolies, and to day we find 90 men-of-war and al most 150,000 men attempting to com pel obedience from ths gisst empire. Most curious are the sewing or tailor birds of India little yellow thumb. To escape falling a prey to snakes and monkeys the tailor bird picks up a dead leaf and flies up into a high tree, and with a fibre for a thread and its bill for a needle sews the leaf onto a green one hanging from the tree; the sidc3 are sewed up, an opening being left at the top. That a nest is swinging in the tree no snake or monkey or even a man would suspect. In the Hawaiian legislature the na tive or reactionary element, which calls itself the "Home Rule party," is in control. Its leaders were opposed to annexation, and some of them have not abandoned the hope of the recall - ot the ex-queen. Not all the members speak English, and few of them are familiar with American institutions. They make unreasonable demands upon Governor Dole, and consume much time in personal bickerings. Many radical measures have been in troduced, but the only bill enacted during the first half of the session was one appropriating money for the ex pense of the legislature. Altogether, it is a disappointing beginning; but legis lative vagaries will be held in check by the executive, and gradually experi ence 'and growth of intelligence will bring improvement. A London scientist is exploring the "color cure" or "chromopathy," based on the Influence on disease or morbid Sates of the system which different kinds of light waves are presumed to exert. The modus operandi is to allow light to pans to the patient through glasses of different tints. Disease, says the discoverer, "shows a want of har mony in the system in other words, a want of color." The main doctrine propounded under the system is that red is a stimulant tint, and should be used where there is lack of vitality, while blue exerts a soothing and seda tive action. Yellow is "a capital cere bral stimulant." But the color curlsts are not content with the action of light alone. They think that colored rays allowed to play on water endow that fluid with curative properties, the wa ter being used externally or for inter nal administration. Uncle Sam is not only building a big, new mint in Philadelphia, but, be la making it the finest in the world. He is also bringing it wholly up to date; for electricity, and electricity only. win De tne power -wnicn manes the thousands of wheels go round. Elec tricity is the password for every appli ance that knocks for entrance here, and nothing that will not lend Itself to the energy of the dynamo can And a resting place. The building ie a gi gantic bunch of electric nerves, and the floors of the many rooms are tatooed with little brass plates, which mark the spots where these vibrating nerves . ... . . ... ua uc mypi'u m isrure me power used In driving the machinery. Every machine In the place will have Its own motor attached, tnereby rendering Its use Independent of any otner part of the system, making It possible to op erate the smanest device, both night and day, without moving any other part of the system. Ad Interesting fact brought out by the recent elections In Colorado is the marked tendency of Colorado men to elect women as city treasurers. . Mm. Margaret Robin woe unanimously chosen city treasurer of Idaho Springs. At Aepen, Mrs. E. A. Kennejr was re elected to the same osflce by a large Saajortty. Mrs. Jennie Oale was elect ed etty treasurer at New Castle, Mrs. C2 C. Palmer in Oreety, Mrs. Clara 4, Cart at AIM, Mrs. Mary Shanks ft Czm. KM Xettt K Doaahoe at I JCiDilK. frowale at Maa-1 'STOP TINKERING." IS THE MANDATE OP THE REPUBLICAN DICTATOR. So Parfaet and SclaBtMe It U Taadar What Haaaa f-mj A boat It Tfca Tariff staat Mot Ba "Monkajad" with, haji Ha, The evident difference of opinion amongst Republicans and Republican newspapers on the necessity of tinker ing the tariff to down the trusts or to preserve it intact in the Interest of those combines, is rather remarkable in view of the fact that the tariff pi rates have hitherto all stood together, only clamoring that their particular trust or interest might be especially favored. Some of the Republican brethren have evidently since the ad journment of congress discovered that their constituents are "against the trusts" and favor the repeal of the schedules that give them special privi leges. Congressman Babcock of Wis consin, who is chairman of the Re publican congressional committee, seems to have heard the voice of the people in his district and probably elsewhere. President McKlnley wants to dodge the difficulty by reciprocity treaties which, while favoring the trusts, will allow the foreigners to come in and compete with our pro ducers of fruits, oils and wines, etc., and still protect the manufacturer. This was the arrangement in the reci procity treaty with France which was rejected by the senate. There is another advantage seen by the President in tinkering the tariff by means of reciprocity treaties. It pre vents the matter coming before the house of representatives, where all matters of revenue constitutionally be long, and relegates it to the executive sessions of the senate, which are held with closed doors. Thus the people and their representatives know noth ing about the matter until it is set tled. The Czar of Russia and his executive council arrange tariffs and taxes in this way and its Initiation by President McKlnley and the Republi cans is one of the strong indications of our near approach to imperialism. Senator Hanna evidently agrees with the reciprocity program, and it is sin gular that on the same day that Presi dent McKlnley announced it, on his tour of triumph through the South, Senator Hanna makes a more extended statement of the Intentions of the ad ministration in another part of the country. In an interview at Wash ington, Pa., he said: "I am not cheeky enough to endeavor to speak for the Republican party, but I can speak for myself, and as far as I am concerned there will be no tinkering with the tariff. Congressman Babcock's posi tion does not merit serious considera tion. "Although, perhaps, It would make but little difference to take off the metal schedule, do you suppose we are going to do that and allow the Nova Scotia Steel company, for instance, to dump her products into New England? Not much. We may not need the tariff so much any more as far as for eign countries are concerned, but we must protect ourselves against the big Institutions which are springing up on our border. "The Dingley tariff is a most perfect work of human Ingenuity, balanced on scientific principles. It must not be disturbed nor must there be any changes In our tariff except on a basis of reciprocity." The pretended modesty of Hanna is evidently intended as another hit at Babcock for having dared to interfere in a matter that only McKlnley, Han na and the Trusts have any business to meddle with. The balance of the Re publican party, Including the Repub lican members of Congress, are evi dently expected to ratify any action that they may desire, reciprocity or otherwise. Hanna tells one great truth in bis In terview when be intimites that the tariff is so ingeniously balanced that It is dangerous to disturb it in the slightest manner or it may fall to pieces. All this tempest may, how ever, be allayed when the major re turns from his free trip and takes Babcock and his following In hand backed up by the persuasive eloquence of the steel and other trusts. There In plenty of time to arrange matters; congress does not meet until Decem ber. THE RICHEST TRUST. The original trust is so far ahead of its Imitators In Interest-paying ca pacity and Is piling up millions for it shrewd owners to Invest in other monopolies. The Standard Oil com pany yesterday, says the New York World of May 8, declared a dividend of 12 per cent, which means a distri bution of $12,000,000. This dividend is payable on June 15 nest. Lest year at this time the great Oil Trust declared a 10 per cent dividend, or $2,000,000 leas than the one decided upon yester day. Since January the trust has de clared a previous dividend of 20 per cent, a distribution of $20,000,000. In four months the Oil Trust has earned $32,000,000 in profits for Its stockhold ers, sn average of $8,000,000 month, or st the yearly rate of $9,000,000. Yesterday It was stated in Wall street that the trust would probably pey In all 75 per cent ia dividend during 1901, or $76,000,000. Stock In the com pany yesterday, on the curb, sold up to $42 a share, the highest price on record. The trust Is caplUlised at $100,000,0M and yesterday's price makes the market valu? of Its stock $141,000,000. John' D. Rockefeller owns 31 per cent of the capital stock of the trnat. Baaed on yesterday's price, hi holdings are worth IM1.M0,. 00. Hi ebare af yewteNyg dtvttaM wiilstS,7Mm TH$ vot Ms pay no tax towards the support of the United States, for the tariff Ux paid by Rockefeller when be uses a pound of tea or his cigars or his tobacco Is no more than the tax paid by our poorest citizen that usea these or other necessities or luxuries. The Income tax was intended to reach these enor mous Incomes, and it must before long be Imposed, or all the wealth of the country will concentrate Into the cof fers of these millionaires. THE STEAMSHIP TRUST. The International Navigation Com pany Is also to be absorbed by the Mor gan ship trust, and adding the twenty one steamers of this company to those of the Leyland and Atlantic Transport lines, already absorbed by the Morgan syndicate, the combination will have a fleet of ninety-seven ships. This to tal does not include seven ships build ing for the Leylands, four for the At lantic Transport and four for the Red Star line. John D. Rockeller, says the New York World, who is heavily interested in the International Navigation com pany. Is said to be behind Mr. Morgan in the absorption of the latter. The steamship combine will be utilized, it is declared, for the joint benefit of the Steel, Copper and Oil Trusts and other industrial combinations con trolled by the Morgan-Rockefeller syn dicate. The combination Is being perfected, shipping men say, chiefly to allow the Steel Trust .to figure with certainty on foreign contracts. Knowing what future freights will cost, the trust can consider them as known instead of an unknown quantity in bidding on bridge and railroad construction in any part of the world. It waa stated that the Morgan Rockefeller syndicate organized the Steamship Trust on the understanding that next winter a bill can be pushed through Congress which will enable the foreign-built vessels to come in un der the American flag. This will be the means of augment ing the American merchant marine by a wholesale and ready-made process, beating the slow Increase that comes by building In domestic shipyards. The ship-subsidy scheme may also en ter Into the syndicate calculations. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SECURITIES. Some of the daily newspapers seem to take an especial delight In befud dling or deceiving their readers on the financial question. Speaking of the sale of bonds in this country and Eng land, one of them lately says: "England offers to sell consols at 94. They pay Z per cent on par now, which Is 2.91 per cent on the sell ing price; they will pay 2' per cent after two years, and in twenty-one years they will be redeemable at par. A month's extra Interest is to be paid as a bonus. United States 2 per cent bonds sell at 10614 " Now, that is a very misleading state ment and was intended to sliow that the finances of this country are In much better shape than England's are. There Is a vast difference between an English consol and a United States bond. If a man buys an English con sol be gets bis interest and that is all and in addition the government de ducts the income tax of 6 per cent. If he buys a United States bond be can use it for banking and the gov ernment will give him the full face value in national bank notes, which he can loan to bi3 neighbors at the gov erning rate of interest and receive the interest on his bonds at the same time. Then, again, if be is one of the large favored bankers he can deposit his bonds at Wabhington for security and get gold for its full face value. The national banks have over $90,000,000 loaned to them in that way without in terest. Is it any wonder that our bonds are worth more than English consols with IMPERIALISM COMES HICH. High salaries are paid the members and officers of the Philippine commis sion and the officers of the provisional governments established in the Philip pines, says the Washington Star. The secretary of the commission has a sal ary of $7,500 and the members of the commission are supposed to re ceive a salary of at least $10,000 each per annum and expenses. Tbe treas urer of the Philippines receives $6,000 a year; the auditor, $6,000; the deputy auditor, $4,000; the collector of cus toms at Manila, $6,000, and tbe deputy collectors, $4,000 each. Tbe director general of posts has a salary of $5,000 and tbe postmaster at Manila gets 13, 500 and bis assistant $2,250. The gen eral superintendent of public instruc tion receives compensation at the rate of $6,000 a year, and tbe other prin cipal officers of tbe archipelago are also liberally compensated. Each of the principal officers is well supplied with clerical assistance. There are forty-eight clerks In the office of tbe military governor, fourteen In tbe of fice of the Philippine commission, thirty-two In the auditor's office and a large force In tbe customs, Internal revenue and postal service. Cease fraaaa. Indictment have been found by tbe United States grand Jury against five men who carried out tbe census frauds In Maryland, but tbe Instigators of tbe scheme have not yet been arrested and never will be. It Is quite unlikely that even these small fry will be con victed. A new census is being taken by the state for tbe purpose of correct ing the frauds and allowing a fair legislative apportionment Pesas fee Maaay. What I thUT Money U per cent In Wall street and I per eent In Chicago. What's wrong? Help, Oage! Help! Bay mere bonds; don't harjl for a east or two, hot buy and bay quickly. M'KINLEY FALLACY. THAT TRADE FOLLOWS OUR BELOVED FLAG lato Dark and Godforblddaa Tlaraa LoaC oa ratrlotUaa a ad short oa KroaoavlM DKappolBlawat Notad aa Kaary Uaad. Long on patriotism and short on economics, would be a fair criticism of President McKlnley's speeches, for his idea that trade follows the flag will not bear Investigation. "We want to send tbe products of our farms, our factories and our mines Into every market of the world, to make the for eign peoples familiar with our products and tbe way to do that Is to make them familiar with our flag." That is what the president said at McComb, Miss. It is possible that he wished to convey the idea to his Southern bear ers that men and guns were to accom pany the flag and shoot American goods down the throats of foreigners. It is to be hoped he did not mean that, for besides its barbarity and cruelty, it has not been a success where tried by other nations. But perhaps the president was thinking of the ship sub sidy bill and thus forcing the flag to the front. Hanna thinks that way and It is known that they agree on po litical matters. The fact is that trade does not fol low the flag, our greatest trade is with England and Europe and there outside of our legations the flag Is rarely se&n. We have had the flag raised over Cuba for some time, two years or more, and we are losing ground Instead of gaining. American manufacturers who looked for a large Increase In their trade with Cuba upon the expulsion of the Span iards, says tbe Chicago Chronicle, are disappointed and looking around for explanations. The events of 1899 led them to believe that their expecta tions would be realized. The value of cotton goods, for instance, exported to tbe islands, increased considerably and reached over $990,000. In 1900 there was a sudden drop to $297,800, a de crease of more than two-thirds. This was not due to falling off In demand, for Importations from other countries Increased far more than those from the United States diminished. The like Is true In a greater or less degree as to various lines of goods. An explanation which Is offered Is that Spanish officials collected full du ties on goods from all countries ex cept Spain, but passed Spanish goods practically free when they were suffi ciently "seen." When American offi cials took hold Importers expected American goods to be similarly fa vored. Finding themselves mistaken In that respect, they bought less In tbe United States and more elsewhere, for reasons which are not clearly stated. Probably, however, the reasons were various, such more satisfactory credit, lower prices and goods better suited to the Cuban demand. As a result we may expect certain classes of manufacturers to appear in Washington lobbying for either legis lation or ssrne sort of reciprocity treaty which will give them an arti ficial advantage in Cuban markets, but they are surely to be met by sugar and tobacco protectees protesting against any concessions lb exchange for tbe special favors desired by these Ameri can manufacturers in Cuba. Our Cu ban relations are not settled yet by any means. From this It will be seen that the fallacy of the dogma preached by the president that trade will follow the flag Is equal to that other illusion, pro tection, of which the prer.ldezit has long been the high priest. LOOTING IN CHINA, That business missionary. Rev. W. S. Ament, has arrived from China and calls upon Mark Twain to recant his charge of looting, for he says the mis sionaries did not loot, but he explains what they did, which, according to his own showing, looks much like it. "The abandoned palace of Prince Hsl Ling," says Missionary Ament, "was close to the part of the city where the allied troops were quartered, and, therefore, was comparatively safe from the attack of the boxers.' For that reason we took possession of tbe abandoned property. "The prince, who had fled, was a gambler and a prominent boxer lead er. He had left nearly all his personal belongings and the house was filled with curios. On the advice of judicious friends we took absolute possession of the property, selling the curios and clothing to raise money with which to feed and clothe our charges. We re alized $2,500 for our people. "Another feature of tbe times that Mr. Twain criticises is our rade In furs. We considered the venture a perfectly legitimate speculation. Some of the native Christians went to rich men of their acquaintance and bought up furs, In order that they might not fall Into the hands of looting soldiers. These furs we bought in turn and sold at an advance. "In reply to Mr. Twain's statement that the one-third added to the dama ges was nothing short of extortion and robbery, I want to ssy thst Mr. Twain was not conversant with the facts when he wrote his article. Tbe plsn was first broached to Chang Yen Mao, tbe commissioner appointed by LI Hung Cbang to settle the claims of the native Cblrsitlans. Onr Idea was to give tbe Christians exactly what they bad lost and the eitra third was col lected for the benefit of the widows and orphans. , "In all w collected about $20,000 a territory IS nits long by from nfteen to twenty aline wide, and the collections were made through th Chinese magistrates. There was no objection filed by anyone, official or otherwise, and we could have collected twice as much, but on my own lnitia- tlve, the amount was cut In half. That Is all that Mr. Twain's charge amounti to." Selling the goods of a man, even II he Is a gambler and a boxer would b considered here a rather bold perform ance. Dealing in stolen furs Is certain ly an unchristian act, but then Rev Mr. Ament was some thousands ' ol miles away from home and perhaps b thought these trifles would never com to light The fear that the beautifu furs, for which the Chinese are fa mous, should fall Into the hands of thi "looting soldiers" seemed to weigh heavily on tbe mind of the mlsslonar and as be saw a chance for largi profit, possibly to be expended for thi widows and orphans, he embarked ll tbe unholy traffic, knowing the goodi were stolen. Tbe looting of soldiers is bad enough but the acts of Rev. W. S. Ament an an outrage and the church who sent him to China should promptly dis mif?s him and disavow bis acts. THE COMING REFORM. Municipal ownership, where it has been tried and honestly administered has proved a success, the danger is that the management would fall into the hands of the professional politi cians that Infest most cities, who would demand that ward heelers be given positions for which they are un fit and thus make the service worse un der the city than under the private corporation. The vast amount of money that would be bandied In the larger cities If they owned the street cars and the great chances for stealing the proceeds of such a large under taking may be seen from the New York state railroad commissioner's re port for the year 1900. In It we find that 567,144,099 persons were carried on the surface street cars of the Bronx and Manhattan, 323.229.C39 on the sur face and "L" roads of Brooklyn, and 184,164,110 on the Manhattan "L" roads. This makes the Inconceivably huge total of 1,074,537,848 five-cent fares collected from the people of Greater New York last year. This gives $53,726,892.40 as the total yearly expenditure for car-fares within the city limits, the great bulk of It by tho the working people. Three-cent fares all over the city would reduce that ex penditure to $32,236,135.41. And that would leave In the pockets of the peo ple, to be saved or spent for other pur poses, the magnificent yearly sum of $21,490,756.96. And it must not be overlooked that tue number of car fares collected In Greater New Y'ork grows much larger every year. There wag nn Increase of 113.000.000 fares In 1900 over 1899. HAMMER AND ANVIL, Tho attempt of President McKlnley to arouse the enthuslaum of his audi ences by alluding to "the flag," which he did twenty-six times In three days, would indicate that we are soon to be entangled with trouble with some foreign foe. We are hardly over one war yet, Mr. President; better give us a bit of a rest and allow the war taxes we arc still paying to be re pealed. The recall of Archbishop Chapflle from the Philippines and his journey to Rome Is now explained by a cable from London which says: "The ap proaching meeting here of Cardinal Olbbons, Mgr. Chapelle and the arch bishop of. Manila Is designed to re move the conflict that has arisen be tween the Vatican and the United States regarding the sequestration of the property of the monasteries In tho Philippines." So there is a conflict be tween church and state in the Philip pines, In spite of the censored reports that everything waa lovely there. If China cannot raise the money In demnity some of the nations will de mand territory as security. Then will follow the partition of China and the "open door" will be slammed In our face. HOT SHOT, With Hanna and McKlnlev for re ciprocity, Babcock for free trade In steel, Dick for municipal and govern ment ownership and Grosvner for an Income Ux, the Republican brethren are able to cater to any taste. Minister Conger may be a poor diplomat and not sharp enough to car ry out the McKInley-Hay Chinese policy, but he will do well enough fin governor of Iowa. It does not Uke much of a statesman for that posi tion, judging by the past When the ship subsidy bill was be fore the late congress i'ui Republican senators asserted that without the sub sidy It would be many long years be fore the supremacy of the American merchant marine would be restored. Morgan's purchase of the Atlantic lines completely refutes their statements and the subsidy grabbers will have to use some other argument In tbe next Congress. Borne of the newspapers sre claim Ing that the free trip given by the railroads to President McKlnley is psrt of the program to bull slocks. There Is no doubt the railroads are Inter ested In the scheme whstever It Is. It Is best not to conclude that there Is to be a factional light In tbe Re publican party because they do not agree on the tariff reduction. This Is sn off year and a certain amount of In dependence of opinion aid to eatefc tbe granger vote. Slow rivers tow at tbe rati of three to seven mite in knar. OF MOHAWK INDIANS. TO HAVE NEWSPAPER IN THEIR OWN TONGUE. Tna Editor la Soa of a Mohawk Chief Who Waa Edaratait at Oo.ra ant Srboola Spacluiu I'arag-raBb from Ina I'apar. Tbe Mohawks of Canada and New York state are to have a newspaper. It will be edited by Charles A. Cooke, a full-blooded Indian emplojed in th department of Indian affairs at Otta wa, says an Ottawa correspondent of the New York Sun. Some time ag' Cooke began publishing the Onkweon we, a semi-monthly magazine, printed in the Mohawk language, and It was so successful that he has decided to turn it Into a newspaper, thp first of Its kind In Canada and the t frond In America. There are other Indian pub lications not newspapers, but the ma jority of them are Issued by mission ary societies and they are edited by white men. The Cherokee Advocate, published In Indian Territory, Is the only other Indian newspaper In North) America. The Onkweonwe will pub lish some telegraphic news from differ ent parts of the world, market new and reports of prices of furs, skins, fish, etc., and will have an Inquiry de partment, which will be one of Its leading features. Editor Cooke Is th son of a Mohowk chief and was edu cated at government schools and after ward took a course in a Canadian col lege. When he had been graduated he got a clerkship In the Indian depart ment. He is a dark-skinned young man, with pronounced Indian features. He Is a good singer and Is a member of the choir of the leading Methodist church In Ottawa. Two other Mohawk Indians, Miss Maracle and Joseph De Ilsle, are employed In tho same room with Mr. Cooke. All are well edu cated. Few of the Indians can red English, but about 10.000 sro able in road anything printed In (he Mohawk dialect. The Mohawk alphabet con stats of twelve letters and n and k arr used much oftericr than any of th? others. An ordinary eight-pug" Imxh of t!, Onkweonwe contains about one quarter n's and k's. For this reason the editor has had sonic difficulty In getting bis copy set up, a tho print -soon runs out of n's and k'n. Eng'Uh characters are used. Here Ib a speW men paragraph from the Onkweonwe: "KONON K WE AOT1 f! I W A SON HA "lakonuewata Inlakopke enxKa nc- tens teken 'mlnlt' Jlntkarlvu-s onon- w:iptf.ra W.rito f Innflnnf Ii-o ..nut.. Jlalniaksera tenwatlascren en;Ui Jlien- wakatstcke Jlenlontste." When the Onkweonwe came out flrt many of the old chelfn objrt'd to it. "Tbe great Spirit, Cliche Manltou the Mighty, ays good Imllann never read newKpapers," said they to tii younger braves, but the- paper became popular. Indians like to hear about the doings of the white men. When Editor Cooke started the paper h- published incidents aboiit I'ip Indian'!, and soon letters were cr! to him from bis fellow braves (taylng, ".Sto: publishing news about the Indians; tell us about Latirlcr and others." Thy did not object It the name Onkweon we, which means In th? Mouawk tongue, "the only human being," or "the real human being." In coii trail Itf llnctlon to others who are locked upon as being lens worthy of the name of man, or as lacking In qualltlm of manhood. "Onkwe" means a human being and would be applied to a pale face or to an Indian of another trib. The addition of "onwe" Is Mohawk for "the real thing." The Mohawks are Inquisitive. Among the ouehtlons Edi tor Cooke has had to answer are tb following: "Why does the government try to control Indians?" "What in electricity? "Who was Paplneau? and what did he do?" "What is an In dian?" To the last question Mr. Cook'! answered "An Indian Is ah Indian who has native blood In hU veins, and who Is on the reserved lands under tbe protection of the government." Tho Onkweonwe recently published the fol lowing story about an Indian living near Eganvllle, not many miles from 0;tawa; "Indian John, a celebrated Mohawk guide, who Is now 80 years old, has been sleeping In bis coffin for some months. John, although still a vigorous man, knows that he must soon leave for the happy hunting grounds, so some time ago he made himself a coffin and began sleeping In It, Since then he has used no other bed, and he has told his family that If death comes to him whlln he Is ly ing In his coffin they are to put on the lid and bury blm. Until tbe call comes John will continue to hunt tn the land of the Mlasissangus. O.M HIM I. EnvalopM. German postmasters have been s j annoyed by eccentricities In the shapes and sites of the envelopes Inclosing mall matter that a bill U In lu Intro duced In the Reichstag prescribing tba size and shape of envelopes. The chief annoyance Is the delav In tamnlnc the letters with postmark and canee'- ing sumps, for these odd-shaped and odd sited missives will tint nass through the stamping machine In such a way as to receive the stamp properly, snd have to be gone over again by band. A Olfaatla Knlttlaa rrapaaltloa. The Information of tha larva of tbe government budget, which Ihn Hlamkam . 1 ..-.I ct I , , i . . ' " Mig oaiiauury e caul net are Imparting to tbe Britons as gently M possible. Indicate that the Old Lady f Taremdaeodle street will have to do little extra klttlng.-8altlmore Her- anlat J o - it