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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1901)
Fa . . . 1 n " -J OURNAL. if? n ri a VOL. XIII. HABBISOIT, nSTEB-A-SA., THTJISIDir, jruisrJ. 6, 1901. 0.:r XH--'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT 15 SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. William J. Bryan. I J. 4 Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PS X TTT"P nTAATP-p-n 11 TT T Vf A r ?! URNAL E ADD ON B. JLC11VI ESS-JO J, DrtJKists SttndrJes, Pairitx, Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and J. HARRISON PR Subscription Price Official Paper of Geo. 1). Canon, Entered at tiii; IIakhp-on Pcct Not withstanding, Mrs. McKinley's life was spared to reach her homo alive and with a fair prospect ot her pcrman cut recovery recovery vet, !jn;virti dispat ches to tha daily press, indicates very strongly Uiat her demise may W expect ed at most any lime, which, of cours, will cast a gloim of sorrow (o fall upoa (in anxious and expectant people of tliu liepublic. who will wi.-,!i tier ultimata racoverv. for In many instances attacks of cholera morbus terminals fatally before medi cine can be procured or a physician sum moned. The safe way in to keep a, hand o. reliable medicine for use in ouch caws. For this purpovj there is nothing so sure ns Chnberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Liar lura Remedy. W.'E. Dos worth, of I.'t- Fayette. Ala, savs: "In June, 1900 1 1 1 j 't n serious attack of cholera morbus nod oho dona of Chamberlain's Colic, Cliolera and Diarrhoea Uamedy gave me relief in fifteen minutes." For sale by J. E. Pu;nnky, Druggist. The recent decision of the federal su preme court, seems to have placed the administration in a quandry. Vet we opine that the president, by the order and assistance of h;s guardian angel, Mark llanna, will take the ''bull by the liorns" and provide such lawn for our colonial possesions, as will be most suit able for tbem as colonial subjects and Hie most favorablo commercial interests of the trusts and combines of the United KUiles, since by the decision of the court f last resort, has conferred tlio title of on absolute monarchy Uoii his majesty William McTCmlcv tho I. Disl'nt Marry For ilonoy. The Boston man, who lately married a pickly rich young woman, id happy now for he got Dr. Kings New Life Pills, which restored her to (sjrfect health. Infallable for Jaundice, Billiousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver nd Stomach troubles. Gentle but ef fective. Only 20c at J. E. Piiixney's lrug store. Danger, disease and death follow neglect of the bowolr.. Use IteWitt's Little Early Riwrs to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to tuke never gripe J. E. Phinkiy. GLORIOUS 4th of July! The citizens of Harrison, are deter mined to celebrate iwlendnco day at home thin year and without doubt it wil he done io a patriotic and old time way A subscription paper is circulating al ready for the porpose of collecting and raising funds for buying fire work and putting tlw town in proper ehnpe for the tiienioriul occasion. We hope, in our next issue to be able to give the program And nil the particular relative to the occasion. Watch our next wee'is issue. Itr. James Brown, of Putmnouth, Va,, over 00 years of age sutfeT.d f r years wi'h a bud tore on hi face. Physicinns could not help him. le Witt's Witch Haul IVilve cured him pormunenlly, - STATIONARY. 6 E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. KSS - JOIJ R N A L. Per Year SJI.OO. Sion.x County. - Editor. ' Ohicb as Second class Matter. Senator Tdhnan and McLaurin, of South Carolina w ho have been very bit ter enemies, since the latter was Hunna ized a year ago, have both resigned their seats in the U. S. senate and will submit, their political differences back to the people in a primary election and the one receiving the majority of tho popular vote is to be returned to the senate and Inereiore, is Yinuicateu. we be;it)ve that is the proper nod most sensible way to settle all political differences. We believe any official who prostitutes the honor, principle and good will of his party after he or they have ganed that party's confidence that he or they will carry out the principles of that party as embody in their platform of principles, and then as soon as elected, is short on political ntanhoorl ought to be relegated to political oblivion. A surgical operation is not necessary 10 cure piles. PeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. J. E. Phinney. By the assistance of the federal su preme court, president McKinley, and his imirial cabinet, will be able to per manently establish a colonial empire in the Orien', arid there by placing presi dent McKinley on a paralell with king Eeward the VII, and i.ll foreign kings and potentates of tho earth. Great is King William the I. toma, Saltrhetiin, Tetter, chafing, ivy poisning and all skin tortures are l'iickly cured by Pe Witt's Witch Hawl Salve. Tho certain pile cure. J. E. PlIINN'EY. Here is something that would be very funny if it were not so sad. During the Wall street panic on that terrible Thurs day tlie 117th convention of the Protestant Episcopal church of Pennsyl vania was iu session. When the news came of the panicky condition in wall street the ecclesiastical work was stopped and the convention hastily adjournm! to permit the delegates to protect their in terests in legalized stock gambling. Just think of grave and reverend Chris tian gambling in the stock exchange. Wonder if the bishops and other clergy had also taken a flyer. These are the men who instruct us the way to heaven. Wonder what Jesus Christ thinks of Christians w ho gamble in stocks? How would we look on Him if instead of driving the money changers out of the temple he had put up his mony as margins on New Jerusalem railway sliar, ? Non conformist. How to Avo'd Now is the time to pruvidu yourself nod family with a bottle of Chamber lains, Coltfi, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Rem edy. It is almost certain to be needed before the mimim-r is over, and if pro cured tiow may save you a trip to town in the niht or in your busiest season. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, Isith for children and adults. N family can afford to be without it. For sale by J. E. Phisnkv, Druggist. 8cvcn Y'arn In Ital. "Will wonders ever Cfiise?" inquire the friends of Mrs. I Pease, of Lawrence, Kun. They knew she hud been unable to loave her WI in sjven years on accent of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration, and general debility; "Thr.e bottles of Electric Bitters, enabled me to walk," she writes, "und in three muiiihs I felt like a new person," Women suf, feting from Headache, Backache, Ner vousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy , Fainting and dizzy Bpells will find It a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Oulv HO..-. FOR SALE A complete set of Eiu vc lopudia, liritannlcns, V) volume You can get th-trn for almost nolhit'K In coui parison to what they cost. The same call be sceu u. this office. Ths Rale Reduced. via THE OLD EKTAL1SHKJ) LIXK llctuccn Oinului and St. Paul, "North-Western Lino.'' One Pure f.r the Hound Trip. Iinli'S to the. riifnniiil Wfefiij Jhnd Vmiij) IMixlrv WcHxhncn if Anuricn h.ive been unounced at one fate for the round trip1 1 lates of sale. June 7, ft and 'J: limit, leaving St, Paul June It) to 18, inclusive. The railroads of Nebraska connecting with the North-Western Linn at Omaha, are The rsio.N Pacific, B. & M., Missot;r:i Pacific, C, It. I. & P. , and the roml connecting at Missouri Val ley is the I'HKJIONT, EuitlOItS & .VlO. VAL LEY. Delegates and their friends from oil points iu the state can therefore secure the best accommodations by buying throrgb tickets from their homo towns via the most convenient road to the Missouri Riveraud the "Nokth-VJ'estf.KN IX Line'' beyond. TWOTtIKOUH TRAINS PAI'.Y. Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger Station 7:.')5 r. Jl. Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger Station f5:.Vi A. M. The night train has modern broad ves tibuled coaches aud pulhriiin sleep ers. The day train has modern broad vesti buled coaches und observation bullet parlor car. We not tho f A that "M. W. of A." always want the )st wlien they can get it for the same inonev. The motto of the North-Western Lino is "Tlie Best of Everything." J. R. Buchanan-, , General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Bodarc Gleanings- The continued showers we have had during the past few weeks have !een a source of great encouragement to those who are fortunate enough to have their crops in. Sunday capped tno climax of the stor my weather, a heavy hail storm struck West Hat Creek extending eastward along the hills for considerable distance leaveng the hills, white as new fallen snow, a heavy rain at the sanao time sent a flood sweeping down the creeks carry ing away small brsdges and breaking several darns In its course. Do wo hear wedding bells Yes we do, not one alone, but a chime of thern. Is Clio trying to boom Merrick Co., that she talks of green peas and new po tatoes in May, is she holding those out as a bait to us poor mortals? No thanks Clio, we don't bt-laive we will bite at that hook. You must offer better in ducements if you want more . neighbors, because it rains now in Sioux County. Rev. O, V.. Rice, will hold services in the Bodarc Church Sunday Juue blh at eleven A. M. Bodarc Sunday school was reopend on Sund iy. Mr. J. B. Burke, being present acted us superintendent for the occasion. Olllcersand teachers were duly elected. TheS. H. is nnco more in working order and everyone is invited to attend. Not-with-stanJing the late raina; seri ous fear are entertained by many that the grass-hoppers will come off more than conjurers this year, as the grass sums to be alive with very small ones. Mr. Coffee nnd wife nre expected this week to visit for a few days at their homo Ranch and other places in the val ley. M. A. C. Life is What We Make it. How manv of us ever truly realize, the full import of these words "Life is what we make it,,. As we sat atour ed itorial d.tsk, just a day or two ago nnd as the old maid says, In her definition of the word ''meditation" thinking iilwnt noth ing; yet racking our brain foe some news to give our readers, e suddenly liecnme imbued with the desire to write averse or two on this subject, and here wo give it for the benefit of our renders: Life is simply what we make it as wc hasten heedless on ' To the future that awaits us just beyond the gilded dawn; We can plant our path with roses, aye, or water it with tears, We can shadow it with sorrow that will stay throughout the years; Wc tan make our neighbors Imppy with AXDIJKW ciihistiax ( uttlf lirund oil on lei t si'le H.ime as cut un't liorseM biunderl o'l left hlmutder 'dip V Hfinin as cut ;ive tlie prnycrty of Arnlreiv Ciirltiau und ingi- tributary to Vuu Tiisxrl Spring. Address, Kirtlcy, Wvo. THE D1STKKT ('(H UT OP R50UX COUN TY NKliKASKA. In the matter of tlio Kstute of James 1". Hovey, deceased. Nov,' on tills '.'lt!i day of Kay, A. I. l!d, this cauiise ciune 0:1 for bearing upon the petition of Martha Jl. Ifovey, adininistrH- trlx, praying for licence to sell tho west hall n the north-west '-nurter, tlie south- istipiarter of tlie north-west nuarter, and Hie oiil h-west ijuaiicr of the south-east rj Hurler of Section eight In Towinhip thirty- two, ICHi.Kc llfty-foiir In K-oni enmity, he-bf-u-,ic-4 of u stiilieieut iinumnt of suine to briiil the um necessary fvr the pnyrneiit of debts allowed iiaint said estate, and the costs of iwliiiuilstration there not tsdn milllcicut personal property to pay said debts and expenses. ' It is therefore ordered that Bit persons Interested In said estate appear before me at O'Neill, Nebraska on the YitU (lay of July, iwi, lit ten O'civuk , tit. tO iiu O'iiio.T V liy a license should not be grunted to said ad ministratrix to Sell so much of the above real estate of said deceased as shall be nec essary to -ay said bebts and expenses. And it is further ordered that till inter ested in suld estate be given notice of the time mid dace of such bearing by the pub lication of a copy of this order for four suc- eeastvo weeks prior to said hearing in the lUmusos I'hksk-Jocknai. a weekly news pa))cr published at Harrison, Nebraska. J. J. IlAi'.nmuToN,' Judec. Dyspepsia Cure Dioests what you cat. Itartlficially digests the food and aids Nature in sirengthcuing aud recon structing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It Is tho latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of Imperfect digestion. PrlceWc. and IT. Large slxe contains 2 tiroes emaiitise. Book all aooutdytpepsianmllodfrtte Prepared by E. C. DtWlTT ACQ.. Cbjeooo. Notico to Sioux Co. Tcnclu r?. To the Teachers of Sioux county, Kehras ka: At the coming Institute of this year, the studies for First Grade certificates will be taken tip, so If there are anv that desire to puss on the.ic studies, ymi will please take notice. Also, the Aurora Kuslness College, offers Ten weeka Tuition free, for one Stu dent, that I may nominate, or tiny that would like to lake advantage of this offer write to me ubout it. Term begins Kept. 4, l01. J. IS. IiriiKE, Co. Supt. Estimate of Expenses. At A regulsr meeting of the boaid of coun ty commissioners held Jan. fltli l'jnl tlio fob lowing csttmste of epellscH was made for theyaar 1K)1. District Court, Officers fca!nrles, Printing and Publishing, (IKI.OO stationary, ;i),ik) Soldier relief, SOi.on ttoad and Bridges, 3,uo,ifl Incidental Kipenses y.soo.oo Offices fees, "iiym liislltato inn.n) Special Koiui 1,1st, WW,) VM. J. A. ItAl'M, Clerk. u Ltugh or with a song. We cfl)n scatter sunshine always, ns thru life we pass along; Life is mnply what we make it; let us make It bright and gay, For the bird that carols sweetly gladdens all iiie summer day, , Aye, life is what wo make it, bright or clouded o'er with woe, As fate doth sweep the pmduluni un ceasing to and fro; Plant roses in your pathway, weed the thistle from your door. He in whose heart a laugh is born can not 1m counted poor; So make life bright and merry, sunshine never killed a flower, And never came a smile amiss unto the wearv hour; The birds doth II II with happiness the meadows where they throng, And we cn set tho world uglee wilh laughter and with song. SYPHILIS. Tho wont form jHMrf- B," l n,l Vf hi t.i'ltc. '1 Jhwk turn. tU vr riu. 1 WlHiH I 'W, tllClllfltl )',!ntt Hud I'R WAHU INI1ITU1E. 120 H. 9th St..St.Unli.M mm STOCK IlliANOS. Tiir .Io-.irxalw -1 J 1 nublish your brand, Ilkn the followin-;, lor iji rlXI, pc-r year. Lach ad' ditioual brand 75 cents. j-.vcry raruier or raiiehineii in .Sioux and adjoining counties snould H.lvi'i ti. their brands in 'I'huJoi.h KAI. lis It rireiilutes all over the Ktale. It may Is, the means of saving money lor you S500 REWARD. For the arrest and cjnvlctiou of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands on stock undersigned par ties: DAVIT) COI.VII.I.K. 1... Horses branded on ngli shoulder or branded j on rfght Jaw Also, I have Horses branded on left tbigli Tost Oltlcu Address, Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska K. K. JAS1IT. 60, ii7, - m lira, ids on left hir on left Jaw, K on left hip of Cattle. .Sioux County, Nebr I'ost Olllce, Hewitt, -ska. -o- J011N T. SXOW Horses branded on left shoul der branded on left shoulder and Cattlo p !? on left side. I'ost Oftice Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. GKOItUE SWANSOS. Oa.t.l.ln lirs.iuli(1 on left side on left shou lIorneH brandctl lder, range on Soldier Creek. Any stock branded us above being stray ed from my range, discovered by any body on giving me Information will tie rewarded. Address, Ft. Hobiusou, Nebraska. J. n. PARKER. Horses branded on Cattlo same on left left shoulder and hip. Sheep barnded r3tt on back or on . l)ttck of Sheep. Kan go on Soldier Creek and White Kiver. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follnw innhmud oneitlc sr: Also HG on cat tlo and horses cattle on leftside hors-s on left shoulder. Ran ec on Silver Springs and east of stata Ine. I'ostoflice Harrison Neb CnARLKS NKWMAN. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left sido of cattle, aud over lap ut from the right car. Also tha same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to tlio niiderslgncd. Kangn near East Springs, south part fo Sioux county. Chakles Newman, Harrison, Nebraska, J.s. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horac9 Band on loft side of cu ttle. mm on right side l Iglit side of cattle too. Range oh White lllver, near Glen. Post Ofllcc address, Clen, Nebraska. KKKP CltKEK LIVE STOCK Co. branded on left hip of Cattle and on left eheelt of IIors,s, Range on lleep Creek. A( dress, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. J. II. IIai.iikkt, Foreman, t.lrn, Nidirnska. llOt It RET A SONS. Cattle brand ed same hs that on cut on eitle er side of ani mal, Bieil'hii t And following mi ll'ft SlIO Of fllttl.'e And this ou left side of she stock. And tills on left side and hip. llsiigeou llnniilng Water. Pe.t tlie ; i!dier, lli rrlion, Kdrrikn. tim . ..... fr.Rj l"" tcrr iOO 1,'etvurd. For proof to convict, any person of stext tug, iilteiiiijf, runiiiug ott or In any uy dainiigiugn stock liraiuleil right side or hip. Address, Jahkk Koiick, Harrison, Neb. A.T. IK'lMI.SON. Itrinil eonibl doubt a left sldo ofrultic. Horses same shoulder. 'Jin right ;'t at out right i ear cattle, , aine all Uchoi nc-d. Range on Kyle Crces, I'ost Office, Glen Nebraska J.AliS PETERSEN. Cattle bra.ided on loft hil also Cattle branded on left side. Range on Soldier Creek and White lllver. Address, Glen, Nebraska, Foreman. FkEb Masox. JilCRT EARNEST. Cattle branded on left hip ami mine on the left jaw, ami same ou Horses. A'' iiorses branded on left jaw, shoulder or flank. Also Horse branded Kf -J H on left flank und EiSii " left shoulder. Range on bead of Van Tansell creek, Wyo. Post Office addres, Harrison, Neb. BREWSTEH It Vo Cattle brand ed same as that on cut, either left hip or oa left shoulder. Horses branded with any of above brands. Address, J. A. Andersok, Harrison, Nebraska. ROBERT F. NEF.CH. Cattle Branded Range on on left aide. Also Cattle braaod on left blp, shoulder or side Run go on Kamiing Water. P. o. Address Agate, xebraslca. ED. MASON. Cattle Branded, Range on Kan- Ion left side. ning Water Address Agate, Neb. NEIL JODRAN. Horsag and eat- tie branded mi cither side same a on cut. And Cattle branded side, and Horses on left Address, Bodare, Kobraska. IIENRT WAKNEKE. Cattlo brand ed on left side. Range on Running Water Creeek. i r P. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska. ANDREW KJIOUL o Cuttle brand-llWII '1 1 on 1 ilt side range south Ridge Wyo. of rieasant Addrme, UUTtton, Xab. FRANK KUTTO. Ml Cattlo Tiratided side slid nine on on tba left left Uottl- dcr of horses. Address, Harrison, Nebraska. SAMIEI. KNOUI. Cattle brandtd any where on left side of the animal. Range on Pr-il-i !c I i g 1 1 (', ta loo Creeks. Adduns, I'l trhen, 1 tt rrtka, SG3 . T7uM on left m , ft : 1 "3 . n i :' if i . i ! "Jl T i i : 7 f , V