Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 23, 1901, Image 8
Presti-Journnl TnmsiAY, may, 2Uih, 1001. Uo. r. Canon, Editor ami Prop. F. E.iH.T K. i. lim table. (ioing Wott. Going East. o. S. UiiiRd. 10:50 I No. 6. mixed 7:50 T H North-Western LINE F. E. M. V. R. K. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEADWOOD AND UOT SPH1'US. SOUTH DAKOTA. Red Front Meat Market Choice, Fresh and borne cored Meats and home rendered Lard, salt Fish, fine lino of Grocer ies, Tobaccos, Cigars, aud Candies, Nuts and green Apples. Highest price paid for Hides and Produce, at Smith's fSzi "Front Buy your wall paper st the drug store John MarsteJIer, is having his east side residence treated to a bran new coat of paint this week. Will Davis, who lias been at Omaha, during the past three weeks as federal juryman, is expected home about the first of June. EOKN To Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dunn of Warbonnet, on Snnday May 19th a son f regulation weight. Mother and child are doing well and Phil feels away up. The least in quantity and roost in quality describes DeWitt's Little Early Riser?, the famous pills for constipation and liver complaints.-J. E. Phlvxky. "- A nice little growing shower, visited tilts section, Tuesday night, and Wed nesday, which refreshed, the growing -grass and pnrified the atmosphere very much. We understand that F. M. Smith and his better half, of Five Points, will ac company bis sod, to Washington. They expect to leave in a few weeks, for their new home. Skin affections will readily disap pear by using DeWitt's Witch Hizel Balye. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt'n you will get good re sults. It is the quick and positive cure or piles. J. E. Phinxey. Parties having buisinessto transact in the county Judges office will always find me there Monday's. CbUs. E. SnrLT, Co. Judge. All our people stfbuld itrive to re" member the G. A. K. memorial services at the church next Sunday morning. We should try on this special occasion to turn out en-raaase, and honor the living nod the dead heroes of our late civil war. You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers remove tbe cause of disease. J. E. Phikket. We understand that things did not il at June Smith's sale, as he had aoti cipated, the cattle espeialiy, sold beneath his expectations. We presume the fact of so many sales being held so near to gether had something to do with the low prices. . DeWitt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and re move the im purities' speedily with no dis comfort. They are famous for their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe J. E. Phijtset. In the absence of ber husband Mrs W. EL Davis, is having quite a time as I tie three children are suffering from chicken-pox. While the little ones are not bedfast, yet they are sick enough to be fretful. If you desire a Thorough Butines or . Normal Training attend tbe Broken Bow butt ihx and Normal College. Fall term opens Sept 2nd 1001. Broken Bow, Nebr. C. W. Rocfh, Pres. Remember tbe Junior League social on tomorrow evening. All should turn out and rbow their appreciation of the little folks endeavours. Commences at 8. General manager Bidwell, General Superintendent Hughs, General freight agent Kuhn, and Dir. Superintendent Harmon pasted through here for Casper Wyo., Tuesday morning on a special pr.tsenger train, which to us indicate, the F. E. A M. V. R. R. Co. are content plating some further extenlion in their hoe farther west in the near future. NOTICE. Partita will please keep their rattle oft my wheat on the J. M. Robinson ptnet and avoid further cost. A.J. BoqabT, Ik3 FOR 14,0(O Acres fenced iu 4 in each; two and a half School scattered locations to control well system in centre of largest pasture that cost $800; 320 acres deeded on Running House, Corrals, etc. "GIVEN AWAY." From May 23, 1901, until July first, 1001, We will give a ticket, with every $1.00 cash purchase on a handsome tea set, S2 pieces in the set, something very fine. This beautiful set will lie display in our window for inspection, remember the date and save your tickets as some one is bound to be the lucky one Your for business, at Smith's. Several people from Pleasant Ridge, were in town last Saturday, to attend the two sale's held, in the afternoon. Rev. W. K. Warren, will preach fit the Bodarc, church, Sunday May 2Gth 1901, at 3 o'clock P. M. Everyone in vited, to attend. A genuine house warming was given at the home of Mr, end Mrs R. F. Neece, on Running Water last night Ilaccing wss among tbe features that were in dulged in' Mr. W. J. Bister of North Brook, N. C. says he suffered with piles for fif teen years. He tritd many rcmcdie with no results until he used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. J. E. Phinkft. District court, will ecsrens in Har rison tomorrow, his honor Judge West over presiding. He will have the larg est docket to dispose of, that has ever been arranged, for any one term of court in Sioux county, 5-et all but oce are civil cases. Quite a number of our people, went to Crawford, on last Thursday, to see the elephant, among them was John An derson and family, Kels Anderson, John Deickmann, Charles Snvder, and George Earnest, they all returned Fri day noon. Miss Mabel Tebbct, was a passengor, on the west bound train last Tuesday, going as far as Guerensy, Wyo., where she will visit for about three week's in her nncle's family, Mr. Southwort'u, the gentleman was formerly a resident of Sioux Count v. We are pleased to announce that everything at Mrs. Wallace's sale on last Saturday, sold very well. 8he with her children, expect to leave here sometime next week for their new home in Wash ington. They will be missed by a Urge circle of friends in Sioux County. Oo last Sunday evening, the regular quarterly meeting was held at 'the M. E. church, Elder Schamahorn presiding a large attendance, listened to the Rev, gentleman's discourse, Rev. Schama horn, has a large number of admirers, in Harrison, who are always glad to meet him. A glowing testimony of the high esteem in which Mr. Beihle, and his fam ily were held in by their neighbors in the valley, was displayed by the latter on last Saturday, when they all vied with each other in seeking to be the first at Mr, Beihle's home in the valley, to convey the family to town, where they spent a few days with friends. Ye editor, who has spent a week or ten days in Idaho returned to the routine duties of his office, in time to erind out this weeks issue of the PitESS-JoCKXAU How did we like Idaho? Ob, very well; but as there is no rose without its thorn, so also we found that Idaho like all oth er states has its thistle and its rose, yes we found it had its drawbacks just Sioux county has. J. G. Martin, and family of Andrews, left this week, for the eastern part of tbe f Late, where they expect to make I heir future borne. Mr. Martin disposed of of his Sioux county interests to Mr. Langworthy, cne of Sioux County's foremost and enterprising yopng stock men. Mr. Langworthy's faith in our county is secure, hence he is enlarging his cattle and real estate interests in a measure which will e'ere many years tend to make him one of our leading stock growers. Hugh Fremont Mcintosh, editor Nebraska Farmer, passed down the road Monday evening from Casper and Doug las, Wyo., where he has been for the past week looking over the sheep and caMie ranges, more for the purpose of recuperating and having a good all a round outing. Editor Mcintosh was very favorably impressed with the stock industeries of Western Nebraska and Wyoming, and will without doubt make other such ploasure trips from time to time, as the desires of his pleasure seek ing disposition may demand. North western Nebraska and eastern Wyoming is, on the account of the stock industries tlie natural field of the Nebraska Farmer and we hope its mailing list may be in creased many foldin the future as a result of Brer Mcintosh's recent visit to these parts. SALEw pastures, fine running water sections leased in suitable, outside range. A first class Water; large substantial Darn, P. O. Box 4, Harbison, Neb. j Qo to J. E. Pbikney's for wall pap er. Ex-connty comminioner, A. Pro curer, from cottonwood, was in town iart Saturday on business. The state camp meeting will be held at Lincoln, tbis year, enmnaencing Jone 2Ut and euding July 1st. , ' Miss Tillie Christensen, of Mont- rcse, is new employed at the Harrison House. Her father brought her in last Saturday. Andrew Christian, of Kirtley, Wyo., attended the public sale at Livermore's. south of town, Tuesday, buying all the steers that were put up. Miss Rosa Konrath together with her father were in town from Montro:e yesterday. Miss Rosa taking the train for Chadron in the evening where she has been employed as head waitress at tbe Biaine Hotel. Andrew Christian's, stock brand, will makei ts debut, in this weeks issue of the Press-Jownal. Read it. Who will be first in emulating his wisw ex ample, Stockmen may save hundreds of dollars by advertising their brand with us. We can still give The Tnrm Jorns , . t- r . X 1 r, Tt ... Ci. auu urn uritiiuuimi iui jp . - - - moner and the Pkess-JoI'HXal stand for the peoples interests and the n-adirs ie Sioux County cannot afford to 1 with out these two champions of the people' rights. The Piiess-Jojhxal alone is worth the price asked for both. Every body in Sioux county shculd read BOTH papers. FOR SALE A complete et of Encyc lopaedia, Britannicas, 25 volumes. You can get thsm for almost nothing in com parison to what they cost. The tame can be seen at this office. No editor can, coccientiously advo cate the doctrine of buying from homo merchants, unless some merchants thow that they are interested in catering to the home trade, by advertising in the columns of I he local paper. It is some what depressing, puttiog it tnilJIy, to the editor to find business men, patronising every advertising fake that comes along, and at the same time Use names of lho)e business men rarely if ever appear in the advertising coluras of the local newspnp- o. During the past two weeks we Lava been in charge of this ofilce, and while the duty in itself is one of pleasure, because it is a chosen one, yet the one difficult part was to run about and find local matter for publication. Tbis diffi culty was entirely obviated by several of our business men, and now that we are relieved of our duty, we fuel that we must thank all those who have been so extremely kind to us. Respectfully, EJitor protein, On last Tuesday noon, Mr. Charles Beihle, and his estimable family were passenger, 00 the west bound train, en route for California, where they intend to reside in future. Mr. Beihle, has been a resident of Sioux county, during 14 years, and we can say without fear of contradiction, that a more upright and honest citizen never lived In this county, or in any tther. He strveil two terms as Treasurer, (if our county and were it not for the fact that the Treasurer's success! ve term of office, is limited to two, he would hare been re elected unanimously. As he was con ceded by all to be the best treasurer Sioux County has ever had. Charlie as he was familiarly known, was the friend of all, irrespective of creed or nationality and bis home in the valley, was always one of the pleasantest to, go to, Mr. Beihle's pleasant word and pleasanter smile will be sadly missed by all our citizens, and we c&o only show a slight appreciation of a true neighbor and friend, by rtccommending him and his estimable family to the people who are to be bis neighbors, as a family who are worthy and entitled to any and every consideration they may bestow upon them. His aged parents will accom pany them. Mr Beible and bis estima ble family will be missaed by our Sioux county people, but our lose will be the gain of another neighborhood, and to those who are so fortunate as to have them for their neighbor, we can only say they will never find any better, whether la sickness or health. ATTENTION. The Ladies of the R N. of A. are re quested to meet at Woo.lninn Hill, at 950 a. m. sharp decoration day, to participate in memorial exttrchei and parade to cemetery, Mrs, E. F. rTrn Recorder. Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal mat ior in .TimtirA. Count v and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabli Minprinies. y Legal papers carefully drawn. Habkjsox, - Nebraska. SI. i. 0 Connoll, - - Co. Attorney, 'O Will Practice in All Court. " Special Atlfuliou Given to' Land Of llce llunlness. Collections and all bnslness entrust ed tome will receive prompt attention. lUl.'WKON - NKliKAsKA. J. E. PH1NNEY. M. D. Fhjisffan and Surgeon. All call Kiven prompt attention. Offlce in Drug Store. -HAKMKOS - NEBRASKA. MItS. ANNIE GILBERT, Dressmaking & Tailoring, kinds cf nsrtly and prrmpllu dine, tls? gentle mens clothing cleaned, pricszd &, repaired. Prices reasonable, Hatiific'ion guar ut ecd. Room? oppox'tc I'ress-Juurual oBlee. li KOIIWEU, Lumber, IIuriK-KH, tulUx, Grain and Feed, Doors and Windows, Heavy Hardware E5T1UYED. 10 head, of two-vear-old heifers, branded t on riL'ht Kiilu and on left hip. 0 Sutiie may not have oo but all have bar on. 6 Will pay ?3,GQ r head for their re turn, at Daye Col villes place, on Kuan ing Water. AiMccim, C. G. Hdllibrough, Maryland, Neb. Ehtray Notice. f-tate or Nc-lirakii, ( County of muux, 1 To whom it uir coscKax. Xotire i hereby given by V. A. Hf-iti-r the undrr-ifncil,tliat on the Hlh (iuy of March A. I). on hU eunlowtl lilllj situated in Huvru preriurl In fHonr ( nunty Hlnikii. One? liuy horse, wa taken up by him B nn imy, traucle! 1 tfo k-ft tliouklcr T 5C 011 Hft law -Uwanpnosed to be a- bout li yc:ti o!J and bramlfl as above den crilH-d. Iialed nt HurrUou tills 2t;ib dny of M:in li A. I). 1501. V. A. liMTta PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at Harrison Neb., on May, 2Uh the following described personal pro perty, to-wit: 'Z Cows & Calves by their sidy, Vi Yearling Steers & Heifers, 8 2-year-old Hnifers, 6 3 year-old Heifers, 3 Milk Cows, 1 Hereford Bull coming 4 years in June. TERMS OF SALE All sums over t0 00, four months with bankable notes at 10 per cent, per annum; alt sums under $00,00 cash. Michael Rcmxo, Robert Keel, Auctioneer. NOTICE. The Junior League will on Friday evening, May 24 HXjl, at the Hall, give an Ice Cream social and entertainment. Admission to the hall free, with popular prices for refreshments. Junior League. For Sale. Or trads for cattle 100 acres of land in the Plesant Ridge settlement north west of Harrison. All fenced, 80 acres broke 8 acres in Alfalfa, Also mv resi dence in Harrison. T, O. Williams. Notice fo Sioux Co. Teacher. To tbe Teachers of Sioux connty, Kr.brss- ks: At the coming InstMateOT tills yesr. the tudlc, for rtr.t tirade rertlncates will bo taken ap, Mir thrresre snv that dmlre to pasaoe Mums ftlud ten, yeu will plnaae take notice. Also, tbe Aurora BualnsMCol)rK, offers Ten warka Tnitlon Tree, for one 8tn nt, that I tirtiy nominate, or any that would Ilk to Utka advantag of this offer write to ma about It. Term M-K-in, B.pt. i, j. n. iiL'sss, Co. Supt. It suvid bis lrg. P. A. D.inforth, of L-iUrang, Git., suffered fur six rnonl lis with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Stive wholly cured it in five day, For Ulcers, Wounds, Files, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 2V, Said by J. E rin..cev'a, The Commercial C... HARRISON, DIBEOTOBS. C. F. Coffee, President F. W.Clarke, Cashier. Coas. C. Jameson. II. S. Clarke, A. McGimlit, Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking businek We a"e prepared to take care of our trade at all times Keep watch on I forget CD CD .2 CO SPACE Ira EsmraHSTALLIOH. Will stand at our barn at HARRI SON, this season. TERMS-8.00 to insure colt to stand up and suck. DEICKMANN & LACY Harrison, Nebraska. PEDIGREE. WISDOM JK, Sired by imported CLYDE, Dam 7-cights SJIIRK-weiglit l,r,00 IIjh. PRICK: $5.00, to Inwuro living colt Tho money for Her vice of Htallion will bq due and jayable at onco in caso mares are Hold or removed from the county. ROBERT KEEL. t ..... NEBRASKA. of this Space. I o & 11 7. ft ft 0 to watch this -o- OXCI5S STALLION Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creok 7 miles north-west of Harrison.