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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1901)
Is it not true f Women suffer, feel the Terr life crushed out of them, grow old before their time. Ilach morning wake up determined to do so much before the day ends, and yet Before the morning is very old the dreadful BACKACHE attacks them, the brave spirit sinks back in affright ; no matter how hard they struggle, the "clutch "is upon them and they fall upon the couch crying : " Why should I suffer so t What can I dot" The answer is ready, your cry has been heard, and a woman is able to restore you to health and happiness. Backache is only a symptom of more fatal trouble heed its warning in time. Lydla E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound will stop your torture and restore your courage. Your pains come from unnatural menstruation or 6ome derangement of the womb. Let those who are suffering read Mrs. Mor ton's letter and be guided by her experience. AM OPEN LETTER TO WOMEN. "Deaii Mna. Pinkium : I hate been no delighted withLydiaE. Pinkliuin'a Vegetable Compound I thought I would write and thank jrou. My system was entirely run down. I suffered with terrible back ache in the small of my back and could hardly stand upright; was more tired in the morning than on retiring at night. I had nt appetite, Since taking your Com pound I have gained fifteen pounds, and am gaining every week. My appetite has improved, have no back ache, and I look better than I ever looked before. " I shall recommend it to all my friends, as it cer tainly is a wonderful medicine." MfiS. E. F. IIoktos 81S6 York St., Cincinnati, O. When a medicine has been successful In restoring to health more than a million women, you cannot well say, without trying it, "I do not believe it will help mc," If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Plnkharc, Lynn, Mass., for special advice it is free. MRS C F MORTyj) S 5000 REWARD Owing to the fact that mom skeptical people have from time to time questioned the ireniiinnMiif flu, i..iimni.t I., wc are connaou puoiianing, we hare deposited with the National City Bank, ol Lyon, Mass., .5,000, which will be paid to any prnon who ran show that the above testimonial is not f canine, or was pulishcd before obtaining the writer a special permission. Lydia . Pimkham Msdicixs Co. Yf7itJOH ESTER Wl7 OUU CATALOGUE FREE Tells aD about Wlockester Rifles. Sbotgins. aid Axxnlflci Send nan and address on a postal now. Don't delay if you arc intareeted. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. WINCHESTER AVENUE .... NEW HAVEN, CONN. W.L.DOUCLAS S3. & $3.50 SHOES SSL Heal werth mt W. I,. Dsaalat S-1 ... ahaea la 4 tmVi. fiy sM W Ullt Katajc lias ruM be eejeallta r "0MA$7 Tea c.r rni V wa me w .aw. at aay price, It Is not ajon the van leather that makes a first lass shoe It la tlx brains, that have olannM the best 'atvl. lasts a nerf ret moilal of the foot, and the ennetrurtkm ef r shoe. H is mrrhaiilral skill and know led ite that have made ', I.. Imnilaa shoes the heat in the world for men, Tskr aMkesttwie. Insist on having W. 1. Ifcmalaa shore with naine and price stamped on bottom. Voor dealer ahoald keep them, if ha doss oat, ,yu CSZCuijUt. atraehtea, M IN 3 OR 4 YEARS in IXDEFEKDESCE ASSUMED H If yoti uke op your roe in western una ad a. the land of plenty. Illustrated pamphlet, flvlna eiperlenors of fanners who have be rome wealthy In grow- erocat, report, or a-atra. ate. .and full liiformutlon aa to reduced railway rates can be hml on application to the Superintendent of Immigration, l purlroem of Interior. Ottawa, ( atiuda, or to W V. Uoaaelt, Ml New York Life Bid-., Omaha, Neb. Ing i deles; rarn nniii haekarhe. arrottneas, sleepless, aess. weskneaa. lossof yltallif, In cipient kidney .bladder and arisary arsuroars was c wot ne rsn-a ii the great kidney, flyer and klood medicine At all UruSaisu. Write f,ir free Baanla. AeV , KID-Nt-OIDS, . Louie, i the ean wot be eared by Rill IK 1 d klood medicine. SO ' free Address Vkci iKwtriig sdrertlMtKitt lliil JUstisM Tkls rastc W. N. U. OMAHA No. 10-1901 III Hast rVrk T -w-eWss, f An actor's ripe experience doean't prevent bla getting green from Jealousy. rural Mailing Card. Private Mailing Card with colored Tlewg of icenery on the Chicago, Mil waukee A St. Paul Railway cent on receipt of ten (10) centa In stamp. Addreaa F. A. Miller, Oeneral Paaien ger Agent, Chicago, 111. The Inventor of tailor-made gar ment furu lulled ua with proof that figure will He. FITtfermanent'yrareo. are f)s or ni res wan sai arw res day's art of lr. KMne's Ureal Kerve Meetnrer. aiwl lor MsKK t.Otl trial bottle and treatise, lav B. H. Kus, Ud., eil arsh St.. l-hiiadalphn. fa. No ma a can atand on top because he is put there. Netart't PHeeleaf Reney, DR.O. PHILP aaoWM I fevemsvaaa H Caret Tarawa. I he Paras Dr. u.r. lie. Weak la ok. Sen ,1 kerne, terei a, all For Tea Meek Ikla Tear To lleadavartera a. w. iehea a) IsmMar, diiuartera at d'aasa r, Eggs, Veal, II Idea end fvirs, unions in t-arieaa mis, eVHV WOOLEN GOODS BAQ4 aweaneaaeae la the American MaaafaeV tarina Process la tba Cause. KaxJLy an woolen goods, wpeclall those made in America, have the rep utatloa of bagging at the point of greatest strain when made Into gar menta and in some cases tailors make it a point to call their customers' at tention to the fact that: they will not guarantee American-made goods from bagging at the knees and elbows, at the same time bringing forth a piece of goods that they claim to be im ported, and which they will guarantee against bagging for a limited time. In some cases the goods are of foreign manufacture, but as often they were made in the United States, but by claiming to have imported tbem a bet ter price can be obtained and bagging Is the means used to Induce the cus tomer to pay the higher price. Iu som instances the claim in just that certain goods will become baggy When sub jected to the strain of wearing, but It Is unjust to claim that all American woolens will bag. There are various reasons why American goods or any other make will bag, the principal ones being improper mixing of stock, soft twist and defects in weaving. In order to cheapen the cost the goods of wool are mixed and if the operation is prop erly performed the goods will not bag, but if the various grades are not thor oughly incorporated bagginess will re sult, for the cheaper grades have very little felting properties, while the grade that does possess felting properties is intended to close up the fibers during fulling, no that all danger of bagging will be removed. Thus if one grade lacks felting properties, the second Is medium and the third is good, the stock must be uniformly mixed or some parts of the finished fabric will be loose In texture, while other part3 will toe well felted. On the cheaper grides of fabrics there Is no pretense of claiming that they will not bag, ow ing net so much to errors la manufac turing as to the substitution of Inferior stcck. With the high grade 0! goads mode for men's wear with a fair grade of stock bagginess can be prevented by careful attention to the various de tails of manufacturing. Chicago Chronicle. PARIS IS DRINKING MILK. earaeksav Una Taken to the Lacteal Fluid aa a Substitute for Abslntlie. Paris is rapidly becoming the great est milk-drinking city in the world. The increase of the milk habit has re cently called for extended comment from the local press. It has now be come the habt 0? Parisians to drink a glass or two of milk at the period be fore dinner known as the "aperitif" hour. The change that has gradually been wrought In substituting milk for absinthe Is said to be owing to the in crease in open air exerctse among Frenchmen, which produces a "craving for milk rather than for liquor." Most of the cafes, particularly those on tho way to the Bols, are now supplied with scaled bottles of milk, and in some places a cow Is kept in the window, with a sign informing the thirsty bi cyclist or automobillst that "milk made on the premises is the purest in Paris." Under these circumstances it is natural that the subject of milk adulteration is just now receiving the attention of the health authorities of Paris, and Dr. H. De Rothschild has recommended that special Inspectors be employed to ex amine all milk sold, although he deems that the danger of tuberculosis infec tion from milk drinking is really less than Is commonly imagined. On the other band, he showed that Paris milk Is adulterated to a great extent and is full of impurities. He further recom mends that a measure should be insti tuted making it obligatory to have all milk sterilized according to the Pas teur method. Paris Corre. Chicago Chronicle. Vou'll find watered silk In the dry goods department and drV champagne among the wet goods. A Month's Teet Freo. If yoo hsve KheumatUm. wrlto Dr. blioop, Rsrloe, Wt..,Soi IAS, for sis buttles of his Ktieuinsllr. i jire, eipnsse paid, beud do money. 1'sy S5.24 If cured. Where Harsaparlll Cornea From. During the summer many boys and glrls and grown people, too lrne up before the soda fountains in our cities and call for sarsaparilla without stop ping to think, and perhaps without knowing what that extract Is that gives a rich brown color to the bever age. Sarsaparilla is taken from the root of several species of smllax, a great vine that grows In South Ameri can forests. Jamaica, Mexico and Cen tral America also export quantities of the amllax or the extract One species of amllax grows to prodigious size In the treat forests of the valley of the Amazon, and the Indians of that re gion sell large quantities of It to whlto merchants. The Indians dig the root of this smllax, which sometimes reaches nine feet in length, growing horizontally from the stem. It Is then dried and la usually shipped In that state, the sarsaparilla being extracted by manufacturers. These Indiana of the Amazon, however, although far down in the scale of civilization, place great faith In the medicinal qualities of the Juice, and perhaps the nature of the region In which they abide Is re sponsible for this. They show much skill in extracting the sarsaparilla, which Is done through a process of boiling. De tart lee a Seherae Worked Well. A detective was recently employed by one of London's West End clubs to dis cover a certain pilferer, who had caused much annoyance to the mem bers by helping himself to cigars and other article! from their overcoat pockets. The disciple of Sherlock Homes smeared a number of cigars with aniline dyea, placed them In the pockets of several overcoats, and next morning carefully scrutinizing the moathi tl Wie club servants, with the result that the s"lprlt waa fouad and persuaded to confess. Where they pay attention to the lit- ue inings in tne orpnan asyium. California Batea Open to Keeryone. The low rates to San Francisco which the Burlington Route has made for the Epworth League meeting in that city in July are open to everyone. They are the lowest ever known. From Omaha, for example, the round trip rate to San Francisco will be only $45. Return limit, August 31. Through cars will be run and stop-overs allowed, going and. returning. It is not too early to make your plans for the trip. To obtain full in formation about it write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. A man can be too confiding in others, but never too confident in himself. The well posted druggist advises you to use Wizard Oil for pain, for he knows what it has done. Astronomy has nothing to do with the way one theatrical star eclipses another. Try Sraln-OI Try Grslo-OI AeV vmir tlT-.-w,.,- .a-Hmv kia wam a j - - - ''j j v.u m package of GRAIN-O. the now food drink thitt takes the place of coffee. The children mar drink it. SvifWnit. Ininrv ma urnll no .1 adult. All who try It, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brotvn of Mocha or Java, but it i4 mn.lA frnm nur. amino ar,A K. deliaato Ktnmnh IwitlVM It wilWtt Am- tresg. the price of coffee. 15c and 26 ctaV wr ymiuMno. ovui vj au grocers. Many an old toner who has never been In Cork has seen a great many drawings of it. oath Dakota Farms Is the title of an illustrated booklet just Issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul Railway, descriptive of the country between Aberdeen and the Missouri River, a section heretofore unprovided with railway facilities, but which is now reached by a new line of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Railway. Everyone contemplating a change of location will be interested in the information contained in It, and a copy may be had by sending a two cent stamp to F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Big Cameras starred at Iluffalo. "Camera fiends" who are Intending to take everything In sight at thp Pan American exposition will do well to re member that the regulations restrict ing the use of cameras on the grounds of the Pan-American exposition, under the concessions granted to a private party, provide that no camera exceed ing four or five inches shall be al lowed within the gate3. Stereoscopic cameros and tripods will not b8 ad mitted under and circumstances. The fee for the admission of cameras four by five Inches or under will be 50 cents for a day or $1.50 for a week. A man can be too confiding n others, but never too confident in himself. Ball's Catarrh Core Is a constitutional care. Price, 75a. A mock trial the mimic's first appearance. FRAGRANT a perfect liquid dentifrice fer it) Tool.) ai Houll) 25 New Site SOZOOONT LIQUID, Zfc SOZODONTTOOTH POWDER, lie Large LIQUID aad POWDER, 75c At all Stores, or by Mail for the prioa. HALL tft RUCKEU Now York, Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Sometimes a man thinks himself a rare genius, but his neighbors call him "half baked." A Kir vnnr trrcxoav fnr- FIIT'F'T A VPC STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for ju cents, ah oiner ju-ceni siarcn con tains onlv 12 nz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Sanr .CCD Oil. VCt :r' sneers Hwrere "Excrlaior Jlnand" waits and flickers are ttm beet wntrriiroofarar. sento In the world. Msde trom the best ma terials and warranted waterproof. Jleae to stsna tne roughest work ana westher. Look lor Hie trade mark. If yonr dealer does nothave thrm, irrite for cstslogne. 1 - Ii. M. AVYiKK eV SUA, tele Hire.. a-aat Caatbridgc, Maes, SIXTY D0LLIRSwor,h 01 Ple goods free In every county of the U. S. Wrlie quirk. iW JEKbliV MFG. CO., Jersey City, M, S. After effect the kind makes a dog's tail wag. word that Ask vour erncer fnr DRFIAKCR STARCH, the only 16 ot. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starcn cuu- talns only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Most appropriate name for a dentist Phil Pullman. Mrs. Winslnve's Hnnthlnir slvrnn. tat children inethlni?, softens the itums, reduces lir flamuiatlon, allays pain.cures wind colic- SUc a bottle. Youth has a perseverance all its own, but the trouble is it never knows when to stop. Piso's Cure for Consumption is on infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Sajuusx, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. There are no elevators in the house ot success. Druirs have their use, but don"t store them In your toinuch. li'entan'n Pepsin Gum aids the uuuirtu lurccs iu yiioiuj muir luiicuuuig. There's no egg so large that it can not be beaten. " , SB AVfcgetable Preparationfor As similating IheFoodandGegula lirtg die Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digealion-Cheerfur-nessandRest.Conlains neither Srium.Morphine nor Mineral. ot Narcotic. nape afOUJk-SiMUELPtTaiER flmifiiM Seal' Jlx Seutx ' ijrfeiiauUtSdL Ctmfoi Sugar Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Conwilsions .Fcverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of -NEW YORK. U13 sl.8T TUP EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. HI For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature of the .' A 41 In Use For Over Thirty Years THC CCNTAUH COMMNV, NEW TORH CITY. POOR LITTLE JOHNNY 1 AND HIS "TUMMY"! Small boys, and many times large ones, and occasionally girls, too, big and little, suffer terribly from convulsive pains or "cramps" in the bowels and stomach pain so violent that it "doubles up" the ones attacked, and makes it impossible for them to stand up. Some people call h colic, but most honest, plain-spoken people call it "belly-ache" and very properly, for the seat of the trouble is in the bowels, and caused by the violent efforts of the bowels to rid themselves of something which doesn't belong there. The small boy usually rets it from over-eating or from eating forbidden ruit, and suffers mostly in the summer time. It's spring now, and "in times of peace, prepare for war." Let the boys and girls and the big folks, too, for that matter, clean out the dogged channels filled with winter bile And putrid undi gested food, strengthen the 30-feet of bowel canal, liven up the livers and "summer belly ache i" will have no terrors, because they won't happen. The way to make the body ache-proof is to use CASCARETS, gentle, sweet, fragrant CASCARETS, the perfect system cleaners and bowel strengtheners. For fear that anybody in the family should ever be attacked by belly-ache, keep a box of CASCARETS in the house always, and , remember that all pains and troubles in your insides are QUICKLY CURED BY W W I I .aW JOc. ivTSr ..ajikufiuT 25c. 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. 1 1 1 1 1 1 k fca breath, bad blood, wind llUllaL 0 "uck, bloatad bowala, foal fa Villa anoath, baaa'achs, lBlCMtlon, plmalra, saju after aaUatj, liver troubla, iallw complexion aad dlaslnoaa. Whoa your don't move ran larir wa IXC i roar aow. la don't move rega em. sjaaaWJMsuoa Kill, snore dla.aaaa BBsretlaer. It la a for the ekroale a 11 as. as. assd loaar waara af aaTbrlag tbat eeaae afterward. No natter what aaia too., atari laaiaa UAsMjawirrra to-day. ror vat will never mt wall aad be well all the (Imeanul f ou at yonr right. Take oar advleel start Wtlh CAMJABETa to-dar. ander aa absolute gaar. aatea saj ear or money reiaaaeo. GUARANTEED RS eisjBiiar ai.weiae sa sae wsris, s wis ssewi ' hast IMtisaeaiai. ear aa toft eaee a ass aa Whaolate arweC ef a bav. faith aad frrml atari s, anaavsir neat tswtiaieaiai. will sail I'ASH'ABirre ubsolatcly narasnsa la care ea aaeaey rcfaadctf . Osbsf teaar, tsre AOa aexea, aire thaasa .. avlal. mm u.alad. airsMitlaaa. ajidtrwaa SM ruwa, aflar aalaa ssi Me bas. retara tba aaaaadMe 1a b as all. or Iae .i aaalss frees yea para a. as. It, aaa yet y war aseaay aa fr Beta fallaw ear aat aal baa aaa tba csawty boa to ai a ss SJt4. .HaUUU kSlKDI CO., my. HMlch will jallil. mm BiriMrtwoiltTi