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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1901)
OoBmittM BtUtisns Befors Oonitita tianal Convention Divided. MAJCSTY'S ACTION SURHSISING ahe A 4 It borne to Vartee CI mm Thaaght AcetfttUt-It Varle From tbe Piatt CnnpIlM af the Ieterrea lloa CUu. I HAVANA, May 20. Th committee or relations of the constitutional con vention will submit majority and mi nority reports to the convention to morrow. The majority report in an introduction quotes article 1 of the treaty of Paris, the joint' resolution of the United States congress and the Piatt amendment and then proceeds as follows: "Inasmuch as Secretary Root, be ing; authorized by President McKin Icy, says that the Piatt law has for Its object the guaranteeing of the in dependence of Cuba and does not mean Interference with its govern ment or the exercise of a protectorate or of sovereignty and also that inter vention will only take place when in dependence is endangered by outside powers or grave interior disturb ances, creating anarchy; and, inas-J much as Secretary Root has said that the naval stations will not be used for vantage points of intervention, but only to protect Cuba against for eign powers, we report as follows: "That in virtue of the fact that the Iiatt law, in its preamble, says it is a fullfillment .of the joint resolution and "has been adopted by congress with the principal object of establish ing Independence we do propose to the convention to accept the follow ing as an appendix to the constitu tion." The first, second, third, fourth and fifth clauses are quoted 'n their en tirety. The third clause has the fol lowing addition: "It being understood that the Uni ted States have the right to Intervene to prevent the action of a foreign power or disturbances causing a state of -anarchy and that the intervention shall always be the act of the United States and not of isolated agents. The intervention shall suppose neither sovereignty nor a protectorate and shall only last sufficiently long to es tablish normal conditions. Said in tervention, it is also understood, shall not have theright to Interfere in the government, but only the right to pre serve independence." An addition to the sixth clause says -that the ownership of the Isle of Pines shall be settled by a future treaty. An addition to the seventh clause says: "It shall be understood that the na val stations do not give the United States the right to interfere with the lntarinr fnvprnmpnt.. hut are estab lished for the sole purpose of protect ing American waters from foreign in vasion directed against Cuba or the United States. Cuba will sell or lease the necessary lands at points to be agreed upon later." An addition to the eighth clause says that ' the government of Cuba suggests at the same time a treaty of commerce based upon reciprocity. The minority report says: "The explanations given to the commission in Washington show that the Piatt law does not express the wishes of the United States. It was intended to protect the Independence of Cuba, but the wording gives other interpretations. "The United States are inconsis tent in asking naval stations when the amendments provide that no con cessions shall be given to foreign pow ers. Such a demand raised the ques tion whether the United States do not consider Cuba a part of their posses sions." The report of the minority virtually accepts the first and second clauses. For the third clause the following is substituted: "That the government of Cuba sub scribes to the Monroe doctrine and will help the United States to enforce 't against other nations trying to violate it" For the fourth clause the following ia substituted: "Cub does not recognize acts of In tervention which are not in conform ' My with the Foraker resolution and the laws of the United States." The seventh clause reads: "Cuba will maintain naval stations, handing them over to the United lutes in time of war." Tartar Praam aa Aaelear. . CONSTANTINOPLE, May W. Ah sned Tewfik Pasha, Ottoman minister of foreign aJtalra, called upon. Use am bassadors and notified ike si Tur key's deeire to rs-sstaMlas) Obt fUtus no ante la the postal cjsktSsvy and f Ks Intention to send a high fane tioaary, probably' the foreign minister tlsmff to asotogjse for the viola tes sf the foreign mall bags. The l laaaatiws met to determine ia re Card to Ue matter. , GEN. GRANT SLRrtiSED. Marvels at Beealla Already Obtalaed la ta Fblllaelae. SAN FRANCISCO, May 20 Briga dier General Frederick D. Grant who returned from Manila on the Sheri dan, speaking of the condition in the Philippines, said: "Everything Is aettling down and we are getting at the real work of gov erning and teaching the people. Their peculiar national character makes tbem hard subjects for the present You must remember that they were originally pirates, that their civilisa tion is of the fourteenth, if not of the fifteenth century, and the tendency to brigandage is so decided among tbem that it amounts to a disease. In many districts the paying of tribute to rob bers is considered the regular thing, no more out of the way than taxes. "Our task now 1s to give them good government In their municipalities, to protect them against themselves until tbey learn a taste for order, and then withdraw gradually from active Inter ference, leaving the towns one at a time aa we see that tbey can be trust ed, but having our troops within striking distance for some time after we leave any district, so as to insure against a relapse. We must expect much robbery and brigandage and pillage and even murder for a long time? "It Is surprising to see the results that we have obtained in getting law and order into these people In the few months of comparative peace. My district included the provinces of Bu- lucan, Pampango and Bataan, with a population of 600.000, all Tagalo prov inces, and considered the most law ls in the islands. Now there is not a robber band in the whole district IS ABIC TO SIT IT AWHILE. Mrs. McKinley- Coaditloa Staowa to Ba Mack Improved. SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. Mrs. McKlnley's condition was so far im proved last evening that she was able to sit up for a while. This welcome news was given out shortly after 5 o'clock. General Sbafter called on President McKinley and while they were talk ing word came downstairs that Mrs. McKinley was sitting up. The presi dent at once asked to be excused and hurried to the sick room. The anx iety caused by last night's bulletin, stating that Mrs. McKlnley's temper ature was higher, was dispelled at 10 o'clock this morning, when Secretary Cortelyou announced that she had passed a comfortable night and that the slight fever noted last night had been subsided. The "president did not attend church, but remained at home nearly all day, only going out for a short walk 'Just before noon. There were many callers at the Scott resi dence today. There was a general feeling that the crisis had been passed and that Mrs. McKinley would con tinue to gain strength. No definite date has yet been decided upon- as to when the president will start for the national capital, but it is hoped that Mrs. McKinley will be able to go within a few days. flecretjary Long left for Colorado Springs to visit his daughter, who is ill. At 9:10 p. m. Secretary Cortelyou geve out the following bulletin: "Mrs. McKlnley's physicians report that she has had a very good day and progress made since morning Is sat isfactory." BRITISH REf USE TO CO ALONG. Germaa Expedition to Southcra Chl-1.1 Meal Dleeoaragemeat. LONDON, May 20. Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Times from Pektn yes terday, says: "The British plan of a bond issue for the payment of the Indemnity In cludes a proposal, in order to lighten the burden for China, that It should issue bonds at par for 300,000 taeli now and the remainder five yean hence. "Great Britain and the United States alone oppose the joint guar anty project "The British authorities emphatic ally decline to co-operate with the German expedition' to southern Chi Li, and it Is now announced that the expedition is abandoned." Tarke Esetedee 1) tw era. CONSTANTINOPLE. 20. The customs authorities have prohibited the entry of typewriters Into Turkey, and 200 machines now In the custom bouse have been ordered returned tc the consignor. artlaetaa Deal Cemalete, NEW YORK, May 30.-J. P. Mor gaa Co. announced that two-thirds of the stock of .the Chicago, Burling ton A Qulney Railroad company hat been deposited at the Colonial Trust company of Boston and the Metro politan Trust company of New York City, thus making the consummation of the deal by wblcb tbe Great North era and tbe Northern Pacific compa nies acquire the Chicago, Burlington at Qolncy. DEATH OF MRS. GAGE Wift f Secretary Boecumbs After 111: of Hine Weeks. MIS. M'KINMY IS NOT INTOXUfD Tbaee at Ike Bedtlde at tke La Mar rear that Baca laferaeatlaa Waal B Be ware aa Beta Waaica Wan Maar aad Dear ta Kara Other. WASHINGTON, May IS. Mrs. Ly man J. Gage, wife of the secretary of the treasury, died at her residence, 1715 Massachusetts avenue, N. W., at 9:30 o'clock tonight, after an Illness of nine weeks' duration. With her when the end came were her husband, her married daughter, Mrs. E. F. Pierce of Evanston, 111., und Dr. W. W. Johnson, the attending physician. For a time before her death Mrs. Gage suffered considerable pain, but she maintained ber bright and cheer ful demeanor and was conscious to the last. Heart trouble, the result of grip complications, was the immediate cause-of death. Mrs. Gage was ex posed to the inclement weather for about an hour on inauguration day, but at the time her health did not seem to have been affected. March 11 she left here for Evanston to visit lier daughter. While there she ex perienced a chill and took to her bed, but soon recovered sufficiently to re turn to Washington, where she has been confined to her room ever since. Mrs. Gage was a native of Albany, N. V., and 68 years of age. She was married to Secretary Gage in Denver in 1887. There were no children from their union, Mrs. Pierce being a child by a former husband. The remains will be interred in Roue Hill cemetery, near Chicago. Further than this the funeral serv ices have not beeen arranged. It is probable, however, that religious ser vices of a simple character will be held at her former residence in this city on Sunday morning, In which event the body will leave here by the morning train for Chicago. Mrs. Gage was an Episcopalian in her religious belief, but during their residence here she and the secretary have had a pew in the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal church, where the president attends. Dr. HIUIs of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, Is an Intimate friend of the family and it is possible that he may be asked to come to Washington to conduct the funeral services here. During their residence In Washing ton, Secretary and Mrs. Gage have taken quite an active part In social life at the capital. Mrs. Gage was a woman of charming personality and, with her husband, delighted in ex tending the hospitality of their ele gant home on Massachusetts avenue. Mrs. Gage was probably closer to Mrs. McKinley than any other of the ladies of the cabinet. SAN FRANCISCO, May, 18. The news of the death of Mrs Gage was received by the members of the pres ident's official family in this city with expressions of regret. The Associa ted Press bulletin, which was trans mitted to Secretary Cortelyou at the Scott residence, conveyed the news to President McKinley. Extra precau tions were taken to keep news of Mrs. Gage's death from Mrs. McKin ley. THE BAD SI6NS RETURN. Mrs. McKinley Crows Worn After a Day of Earaaraalac Symptom. , SAN FRANCISCO, May 18. As the night wore on Mrs. McKinley became restless and the early morning hours are looked forward to with more ap prehension. 8he did not take nourishment free ly, as she bad done eailier in the day. Powerful stimulants. Including ox ygen, have been administered during the afternoon and evening. The bone Vlon on her band has spread and has discharged pus from another place. Tbe new wound hat been lanced. Tray Strike la Settled. TROY, N. Y., May 18. A commit tee from the Troy division of the Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employes has waited upon Mayor Conway and Informed him that the strike has been settled. The com mittee said that under the terms of the agreement tbe employes are to receive 20 cents per tour and that (he company will treat with a com mittee of either union or non-union men. Headquarters were visited and members of the union Informed. Will Stay at Cedar BaaMe. 8T. PAUL, Minn , May 18. Today la being devoted to a pleasure trip by tbe railway conductors and their families. Two important matters have been virtually decided In tbe ex ecutive sessions. It was determined to continue the grand offices at Cedar Rapids, la., where tbey have been for eleven years, snd It was decided to co-operate as far as possible with the other railroad fraternities In tbe set tlement of Isbor disputes. 4 Cheats that Iedleate Mare Sea fat FrasMaat's Wife. SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. Last night's' instructions from the bedside cf Mrs. McKinley gives more encour aging Indications. Late yesterday afternoon she rallied a bit and called for nourishment To the anxious watchers about her this was consid ered as a favorable sign. The symp toms were sufficiently Improved dur ing the late afternoon to permit the president to take a short walk In the open air, but his anxiety waa so manifest that he speedily returned to his wife's bedside. The most pow erful stimulants known to the medi cal profession have been resorted to, In the hope of effecting a rally, and they were so effective that towards midnight the physicians expressed much satisfaction and Issued a de cidedly encouraging statement SAN FRANCISCO, May 16. 10 p. m. Dr. Hlrshfelder and H. T. Scott have just left the Scott residence. Dr. Kirschfelder has gone home for the night He said that he felt that Mrs. Mc Kinley was decidedly Improved. Mr. Scott waa much pleased over her con dition. Secretary Cortelyou an nounced that no further bulletins would be given out tonight unless unexpected developments should take place. At this hour the lights In the building are out with the exception of one in the telegraph room. WOULD SET Ur NEW EMURE. S real y Tkaaaaad Bcbele Beeamlag Hlsjk- Headed. VANCOUVER, B. C, May 17. Ac cording to Shanghai papers brought by the steamship Empress of India, Wang Lu Hsian, Chi U province, where Miss Stonebouse was killed, has r.cently been tbe scene of Woody convicts with the converts. Twelve hundred boxers are said to have at tacked the converts and slaughtered tbe native Christians by scores. The MeYcury says that peace reigns only within range of tbe rifles of the allies, foreign hatred being as strong a ever. Tbere is a report from Tien Tsln that 70,000 Insurgents have as sembled at Yang Liu Tslng and that tbey are indulging in all kinds of ex cesses, assaulting women, robbing houses, plundering tax collectors and declaring their Intention of setting up a new empire. These insurgents are said to Include people who have lost their hoiiies and posse-solons in the course of the military operations in Chi Li. BERLIN. May 16. The war office has received the following from the German headquarters at Pekln: "Gen eral Lius' troops attacked and scat tered 1,000 boxers forty-five kilo meters south of Pao Ting Fu.' Deride ft I a Hew lndaatry. DES MOINES, May 17.-Judge Mc Pherson, In federal court, decided that the manufacture of women s gloves Is a new Industry in tbe United States The case was that against J. W. Mor rison, a glove manufacturer of Grin nell, who was arrested for violation cf the contract labor law by employ ing skilled glovemakers to come from Europe to make gloves. Tbe court holds that there were no women's gloves made in tbe United States prior to 1887 and unless the prosecu tion can show that Morrison's busi ness was established before the con tract labor law was passed be will go free.- GOV. NASH POISONED. Suffer Bo Several that Ba Caaaot Leave Hie Bad. SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. The piograms for tbe eatertalnment of Governor Nash and the Ohio visitors were declared off on account of the Illness of Governor Nash. While at tending tbe christening of one of tbe big trees In bis honor, near Santa Crux, Monday last, be was poisoned with poison oak. He was partially blinded and suffered much while ad dressing the Union League club. To day he has not been out of bed and I attended constantly by a physician and nurses. While his affliction is not serious it prevents him from par' ticipating In any of the functions that had been arranged In his honor. Caaa-er t bet Wllk Bill. WASHINGTON. May 17. Mr. Con ger. United States minister to China, paid a flying visit to Assistant Secre tary Hill yesterday prior to his return to Iowa by way cf New York. He will return to Washington to consult wltb tbe president before leaving for bis post In China. , Cre.h'd kf rallies Back. ROME, May 17. Most of tbe houses of the village of Acerenxo, near Po le nra. have been swept away by tbe fall of an Immense rock. Troops bave been dlspstrhed to the scene of the disaster. Thus fsr fifteen bodies bsve been recovered. (Ira. Haffmaa Drea Dead ALBANY, N. Y May 17. Adjutant General Hoffman of the National guard sopped dead yesterday while In con mltatlon with Major Oeneral Roe. Militiamen on the Btrret Can Shoot Into BnrrouDdiog Crowd. INNOCENTS ARC fATAllY WOUNDED Oaa af Tfcesa Is Dead Pram Sweets af fajartee Beeelred Vletlma Are Praml- aeat Baalaata Mea Strikers Bat Are Wildly Aagry. ALBANY. N. Y., May 17. Five hours of conference tonight, with all the warring elements represented, failed to settle the Albany strike of street railway employes. The strikers waived all the demands for the removal of toe uon-union men. The executive committee of the Uni ted Traction company will consider the proposition In tbe morning and may accept It and kettle the strike. Meantime Major Oeneral Roe Intends to take every precaution and at mid night ordered out tbe Ninth regiment of New York. It will arrive here to morrow afternoon, 800 strong, and If the strike is not settled, will assist In opening up the other lines of tb traction company In this city. William Walsh, one of tbe men wounded by a bullet from a member of the Twenty-third regiment, died at 10:15 tonight Leroy Smith, shot In the same me lee, was slightly improved at mid night The shooting of Smith and Walsh had a very depressing effect upon tbe members of tbe Twenty third regiment and tonight when stones were burled at the picket men around Quail Street barn tbey did not fire in the dark. Two privates were hit and hurt, but they did not care to take a chance by firing. It was beid by the officers and men generally that the order to fire was entirely justified, but there was general regret st the consequences of tbe volley. With the addition of the Ninth reg iment tomorrow there will be over 3,000 guardsmen In Albany. One man dead two others fatally shot, hundreds of persons with broken heads and cut faces, cars running merely as arsenals with do patrons, the city under martial rule, with Its citizens in a frenzy of excitement and the city authorities and leaders of the strikers trying to get the railway company to come to an amicable set tlement was the situation when dark ress put an end to the strife grow ing out of the street car strike to night The dead: WILLIAM WALSH, head of a plumbing company. Those fatally wounded are: Leroy Smith, merchant, both shot by national guardsmen. William Marshall, a non-union mo torman, skull fractured. Others most seriously Injured are: George Booze, citizen, cheek ripped open by bayonet. William Rooney, citizen, shot by na tional guard. Gilbert Hall, non-union motorman, shot by mob. The bloodshed came after a day of peace. From early morning the crowds had melted away before the bayonets and shotguns, cars had been operated under heavy guards and there was an Impression that the spirit of turbulence was waning. Tbere had been some minor demon strations, particularly In North Al bany, but not a shot had been fired and as the day passed the running of cars attracted but little attention. The volley fired on Broadway by a squad of Twenty-third infantrymen, in which Leroy Smith and William Walsh, well known citizens, fell mor tally wounded, changed all that. It stirred anew tbe feelings of hatred as tbe exciting tidings swept through tbe city snd tbe guardsmen were bitterly denounced. Neither of the men had been guilty of an offense, but were caught In a crowd, some member of wblcb bad atoned the guardsmen snd, by mischance, were bit The disturbance was not a seri ous one and "murder" is the title applied by Inflamed public sentiment to the shooting. The guardsmen seem but to have followed their duty as soldiers, for they were unders to shoot If assaulted. The bright prospect of a settlement of the strike has not served to rJlay the growth of vindictive feeling and If tbe present situation continues, sets of bitter revenge and violence may ba expected. It was on the last run of tbe soldiers on the cars that the tragedy of tbe day occurred. Bar el I Wire far Ilia Via. BAN FRANCISCO, Msy 17, A spe cial Western Union wire was stretch ed Into the Scott bouse yesterday and direct telegraphic communication es tablished between the president and national capital. Secretary Cortelyou is thus ensbled to notify Washington of Mrs. McKlnley's condition without entrusting bis messages to outside bands and a considerable ssvlng of tlms In their transmission will be af fected by tbe new arrangement Wheat aad Brass Vf Grew a Wa CNIVER8ITY OF LINCOLN, Neb. Tbe last weather snd crop bulletin says: The past week hss been cold and dry, wltb less thsn tbe normal amount of sunshine. The dally mean tempers tu-e has aver aged S degrees below tbe normal in tbe eastern counties, snd slightly above normal In the western. The minimum temperatures for tbe week were generally S3 degrees snd 40 de grees, and light frosts occurred on several days. The rainfall of the week was every where below norms!, snd wss with but few exceptions less than .20 of an Inch. Wheat and grass bave grown well, and In the eastern and most central counties have bad all the moisture needed, but In the western counties more rain would be beneficial. Oats have grown fairly well, but tbere Is some complaint of a poor stand, and the prospect Is not quite as promising as It wss a week ago. Corn platting baa been delayed in eastern counties by low temperature snd wet land; nevertheless, fair progress hss been made, and corn planting Is Hearing completion In several southern coun ties. Tbe early planted corn Is com ing up some, but tbe weather bas been unfavorable for germination. SCHOOL UND IN DEMAND. All Deelrable Acre Bare Beea Placed fader Coa tract. LINCOL.., Neb., May 20. Aside from a few hundred acres of undesir able land in the northwestern cor ner of the state, all of the Nebraska school land bas been placed under lease snd It Is not likely that any of It will be released by tbe holders un til the latter part of the year. Land Commissioner Follmer Is planning to hold auctions In September or Octo ber If tbere Is any land available at that time, but the present outlook, be considers. Is not encouraging. Tbe holders of leases are paying their rentals promptly and no disposition Is being shown to forfeit any of the land. There is a heavy demand from all parts of the state for school lands end especially in tbe cattle country, where land seems to be more valu able than at any time In the last ten years. The only school land not un der lease Is situated In the "bad lands," a section of the fctate unfav orable to farming or cattle raising. If any land is forfeited during tbe summer or voluntarily released by the holders It will be leased at auction by Commissioner Follmer during the fall of the year. Omaha Man oe the Board. OMAHA, Neb., May 20. Governor Savage has appointed Clinton Orcutt ot Omaha to succeed B. F, Allen of WabaBh as a member of the board of trustees for the Institute for the blind at Nebraska City and the Instl tue for deaf and dumb at Omaha. Mr. Allen was appointed to the position three years ago by Silas A. Holcomb and bis commission has expired. Al though It carries no salary, the posi tion Is on important one and much sought after by persons Interested In the work of homes for tbe blind and deaf and dumb. Coaa-resamaa Neville. OMAHA, "Neb., May 20. Congress man William Neville, who was griev ously stricken at Washington in the winter, will be in Omaha In a few days on his way home. After he had sufficiently recovered at Washington Mr. Neville went to a health resort i.i Georgia, where he spent several months. He then went to Hot Springs, Ark., where he has been for three weeks. He Improved much In Georgia and has still further Improv ed at Hot Springs and will presently leave for his home In North Platte. Weataa la Baraed ta Death. AURORA, Neb., Msy 20 Mrs. Baubn, six miles northwest of town, died from tbe effects of s'.vere burns. She wss burning some Hash in tbe yard and was standing with ber back to tbe fire when ber clothing caught fire. She ran Into the house, but be fore tbe fire could be extinguished wss severely burned. Mrs. Bauhn was quite old, but not feeble. Party Days Wlthaat Poed. BEATRICE, Neb., May 18,-Henry Cordes, who started on Good Friday to fast forty days, finished his time on the 16th. Only upon one occasion has Mr. Cordes broken hu fast, slid then be ate so much that tbe food didn't stay upon bis stomach. ASmlaelea ta Nebraska Bar. LINCOLN, Neb., May 20.-Nearly 100 applicants for admission to tbe Nebraska bar will be examined by the supreme court commission In this city June 11. About half of thla number are members of tbe gradu ating class of tbe University of Ne braska and If tbey successfully pass tbe examinations of that institution only tbeir moral qualifications will be considered by tbe examining commission.