Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 23, 1901, Image 1

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stiIrrisqn Press -Journal.
Hjiiisonsr, hstebi-a.ss:a., tettjisda. iLjrsr. 23, 1901.
IN O. 47.
ioootc -ccoc k:-c o-k)' 1 : o$ o 000- cxoto 00 e-c c
Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PRESS-JOURNAL
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils,
BOOlcs and
(subscription l'rlce Vcr Your $1.00.
Official Paper of Sioux County.
Gko. 1). Canon, - Editor.
Kn".ki;i;d at this 1Iaiiu'n Pi kt Oitke as Second Vu.f-s Matter.
Without doubt the people of the coun
try will I e exceedingly pleased to learn
that Mrs. Mi Kink y is much improved
and that she will soon be so f;ir recover
id that she w ill La nl.le to resume her
j mrney hninu i:i a day or I. to m ro.
"Our little girl wast unconscious from
Ktrangtilathui during a sudden and terri
ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a
bottle of One Minute Coub Cure. giv
ing her three doses. The croup
" mustered and our little darling seedily
recovered "so writes A. L. Kafl'ord,
Chester, Mich. J. V.. PhinnkY.
If people only Une-v whit vv; know a
bout Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be
used in nearly every household, as there
are few people who do not suffer from a
feeling of fullness after eating, belching,
flatulence, sour stomach or walerbrush,
caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A
preparation, such as Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which, with no aid from the stom
uch, will digest yoar food, certainly
can't help but do you good. - J, E Phin-
Itov. Futhor Philipps, of rtnnsyl
vania, who as acted as peace maker, on
several occasions, between capitol and
labor, but more recently he has been
employed as mediator between mine ow
ners and miners, and in the latter caps
city lie was in New York city, where
bis body has been discorored in a badly
decomposed condition, tn a rooming
house, already one suspected of tha
murder ha been arrested. Father
Philipps, was last seen 10 public at the
ceremonies in connection with Cardinal
Startlnallii's being made a prince of the
Catholic church. It is supposed a hire!
isgcommilc-d the murder..
lion. Chauncey Depot , the reat af
ter dinner spell-binder, now starts the
political tall rolling by making the stat-
ment that Mr. McKinley should be re
elected for the 3rd term, in order to
maintain good limes and save the count
ry for ever. Mr. Dcpow, and Mr. M'
Kinley should bear in mind that the il
lusterous Getil. ar.d ex-president Orant
was. head and shoulders, above presiden
McKinlev. and vet the people would not
tolerato a third lenn candidate. We do
not believe the people will do it now.
"I have been suffering from Dyspepsia
for the past twenty years and have been
unable after trying all preparations and
physicians to get any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia cure
I found relief and am now in bettt
health Uian I have been for twenty
year. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure too highly." thus writes Mrs.
W. Roberts North Creek, Ark. J. E
Tlie present inflation in the stock mar
ket in this c untry lea is a Kansas news
paper to say the following:
"When the cold financial distress hits
very business man In the land and it
will hit; when the seven lean kine are
turned loose and lliey will be turned
loose and they will be turned all the
blooming idiots wIm have blown thei
millions and billions into these ballon
trusts will be annihilated as quickly as
doll paper house in a Texas tornado-
while the distress to be brought upon
the country will cause if not a revolu
ttn, something very nearly approaching
ane. Judgment day will came to all
these billion dollar hot air schemes an
and it will come with a force and powe
that will shake the financial world from
end to end; and the fortunes that will be
swallowed up will be counted by tl
billions. We have had panics before,
but all of them combined will not bo
patch compared to the one that is found
to follow this criminal inflation of every
thing on earth; and it will call out all
I he rold storage patriotism in the coun
ry to sive it from destruction." Non
E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. i
Sheriff Lowry, has been k.-pt ou'.te
busy during the past week, summoning
jun rs, and yetting ready for court in
Merchant Higrlow, has the past week
been d.iing same more improving, this
time by putting a coat of paint upon
his store buiUing , which gives it a decid
ed appearance.
air. anu ;.irs. iienry nose, or newut ,
were in town Tuesday and Wednesday
dointr some trading. Henry r.-porls a
case or two of small pox, three or four
nnle3 south of his immediate neighbor-
V,e learn that T. B. bnydcr, cf
Sheep creek, near Hjwitt, last week had
e misfortune fo get finite seriously
eked bv one of his mules which he was
iving at the time, but is on the mend
We are glad to hear that neighbor
ivormore realized good prices for every -
iog that was put up for sale at his
ublic auction Tuesday. We are always
ad to see our neighbor do as well as
Clias. W. Shoff, district agent of the
mvi.Wit Rii-in. T. fa 'AimniiM RifMB-
ty of Now York, of their branch o(Ilce at
Denver Colo., has been in Harrison the
past week working up some business for
hla rnmmiiT. uml whilo in the citv made
pleasant call at this sanctum.
M. A. Banoan, and his two sons
itfOrgo and 1 nomas, returned irom
Wheatland, Wyo., where they went a
week ago to ppye out the country with
view of locating there if suitable.
But. thev were not very favorably im
pressed and hence, wi
,i i i
for better advantages
We are hearing considerable talk of
late about the government authorities
taking steps towards having the fences
on the public domain pulled down in
Wyoming and Nebraska. Whether it
will be done, and whether, or not, it will
be all for the best, we cannot say
The Rate Reduced.
Between Omaha and St. Paul,
'North -Western Lino.''
One Faro for the Hound Trip.
o '
Itatn to the Biennial meeting Head
Camp Modern Woodmen of Airuri a
have been anounced at one faie for the
round trip- Dates of sale, June 7, 8 and
9; limit, leaving St. Paul June 10 to 18,
The railroads of Nebraska connecting
with the iNorlli-western wtio at, umaria,
The csnoN Pacific,
B. & M.,
Missouri Pacific,
c n. i. & p.,
and the roacj connecting at Missouri Val
ley is the Fkemont, Elkuoun & Mo. Val-
Delegates and their friends from all
point in the state can therefore secure
the best accommodations by buying
throngh tickets from their home towns
via the most convenient roud to the
Missouri Rivorand the "North-Westekn
Line"' beyond.
Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger
Station.... 7:55 r,
Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger
Station fl:55 a.
The night train has modern broad ves
tibuled coaches and pullman bloop
The day train has modern broad vesti-
buled coaches and observation buffet
parlor car,
We note the fact that "St. W. of A."
always waot the best when they can get
it for the same money. The motto of
Hio North-Western Line is "The Best of
J. R. Bcoianan,
General Passenger Ago",
' Omaha.
Bodarc Gleanings.
Frank Coffee, came up from Chadron,
lust week to spend a couple of days at
his old home, It looked quit's naturu.1 to
to see him dashing over the prune on his
favorite horse Dandy.
We hear they are having another
smallpox scare in Chadron there being
ten cases at preaent we hope they will
be aide to prevent a further spread of
the disease.
Mr. II. Zimmerman, moved his cattle
m Wednesday to Old Woman creek for
the summer.
fiherriff Lowry, was in the valley on
Monday, looking up some witnesses in
the Crawford, case.
Miss Lillie Zimmerman, and her moth-
I er spent Sunday at Millers.
Rain is very much needed in this lo
cality, already fears are entertained of
another dry summer. M. A. C.
Over In Wyoming.
We heartily welcome M. A. C. back to
ie r.ini(S again
ReVt Warren and presiding Elder
c..nllhn, i,t,l .rvico in the west
L.i0ol house on last Sunday forenoon.
A crou(i was in attendance; in fact
itinrn (ban the house could accomodate
Sacrament was administered at the close
of l()e fiervjce!,.
Mrs. Church, Sr., who has been wail
ing en Mrs. JNewnn lor me pa si io
weeks returned to her home on last Sun
Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, attended
quarterly meeting on the Judge last
A. 15. Galbirth, and his two sons, Lon
and lJenry of Warren, Wyo., pasid
through hero enroute to Harrison, tn
last Friday, after two tons of wire.
Ihev roturned home on Sunday, uarn-
son must have a large trade, when its
territory reaches a rad'.us of sixty miles,
as we understand that Mr. Oalbirth lives
00 or 70 miles from Harrison, lie is ai
so a subscriber to the best paper in the
north-west. the I'kess Jouknal so he
informs us.
Miss Amy Christian closed a six month
term of schot 1, in the Deuel district on
a4 Saturday, a id bag .n a three months'
term in tho west school house, in Dist.
No. 7. on last Monday; This will make
fifteen months of school which she has
taught without a vacation excepting
few days during tho holidays. Our
schools now have experienced teachers,
who are known to bo successful in their
work, and will no doubt give entire sat
Miss Hatlio O'Connor, teacher in the
east school, went to Harrison on last
Saturday, to visit with her pareuts over
A good rain would be of great lne(l
to all just now. the ground is getting to
Iryto plow and what grain is sown
needs moisture to make it come up.
Some of the farmers w ill finish seeding
this wetk and will lie able to appreciate
a good ruin, also to visit and talk with
your reporter.
The prospects aro good for a large crop
of grasshoppers, as the grass is almost
swarming with the little pests now,
They aie quite small, being just hitched
hut at every ftep one takes through the
grass, they fily out like chaff from
thrashing floor. Unless they take wings
. . ve goon no doubt but that thev
, ... imnionsa amount of damac-a
We wish editor Cannon, a pleasant
trip and an enjoyable time with his
brother in Idaho, Zkkiei
Fonght For II U life.
My father and sister both died of con-
sumption," writes J. T. Weatnerwax of
Wyandotte, Mich., ''and I was saved
Irom the same frightful fate only by Dr.
King's New Discovery. An attack of
Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and
very severe lung trouble, which an excel
lent doctor could not help, but a
few month's use of this wonderful medi
cine made rne as well as ever and I gain
ed much in weight." Infallible for
Coughs, Colds and all throat and Lung
trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed
bottles QOo and fl.00.at J. E. Fiiinnkth.
Old Soldiers Experience. , f
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, Ind writes: "My wife was
sick a Ions time in suite of (rood doctor's
treatment, but wus wholly cured bv Dr.
Kin(f-S New T,ifo iw wnich 0k,j
wonders for hr health.." They olwavs
do. Try them. Only tfot at J. E. Phlv-
key's drug store.
Cattle brand
ed on left vide
same as cut
are the prop
erty of And
rew Christian
tributary to Van Tassel Fprlngi.
Kii'tlty, Wyo.
To George James, Mary Jane James, An
drow J. Miller, and Mary M. Miller, Nun
resident Defendants.
You and eiicli oi you are hereby notlfiod
Unit on tlm 4th day of May, A. D 1901,
C'lmrlci S. ISrown, us plaintiff, filed in the
district court of Sioux County, Nebraska,
hla petition against yon as defendants, the
object and prayer of which Is, to havo an
accounting of the amount due upon a cur
tain proinlusory note in writing executed
by (;cori?e James and Mary Jane James, on
DeeeinlKT lr.th, 1S8S, to the Western rami
Mortgage Co., for t'275., due December 1st,
ISW8, with Interest after maturity at tb3
rateofton narcentutn Par annum, and to
foreclomi the mortgage deed executed by
them at the same time to secure the pay
ment thereof, upon tho following described
real estate In said county, to-wit: The east
half of the psuth east quarter of section (7)
seven mid tho west half of the south-west
uarter of section eight (S), in townahip(SO)
thirty, north of range flfty-three (S3) In said
iou-T fount y, and aslgned to said plaintiff;
to have an accounting of the amount due
for taxes upon said land paid by piainli"; ior
the protection of his security for the years,
1KSC, ISCO, 1891, 1EM, 1I5, ls, 1H97, 1S98, 18'JS,
and 1500; to have said land sold for the pay
ment and satisfaction thereof, together with
coats of suit and costs of sale; to bar fore-
lote and cxcludo the defendants out of all
title, interest or equity of redemption in
nd to said land, and for a general relief.
And you aro further notified and required,
to nnawer ald petition on or bofois the 17th
day of June, A. D.J'JOl.
Albert W. Crltes,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially d itreats the food and aid!
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest aiscovereaaigest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia Cramps and
all other results oi imperfect digestion.
Vrlmzna andfl. Lareeslzecontalns2K tiroes
small size. Jiook all about dyspepsia malledfree
Prepared by E. C. DtWITT ACQ.. Chicago.
fthuddersat his jant.
I recall now with horror," says mail
Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna, ().,
"my three years of suffering from Kid
ney trouble, I was hardly ever free
from dull aches or acute pains in my
back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made
mo groan. 1 felt tired, worn out, about
ready to give up, wheu I began to use
Electric Bitters, but six bottles complet
ly cured me and made me feel like a new
man. They're unrivaled to regulate
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and bowels.
Perfect Satisfaction guarantied by J. E.
Pkinney, only (0 cents.
A religious writer has pointed out one
good thing resulting from the Chinese
war. He claims that there is much con
cord and harmony among the armies of
the Christian nations now in possession
of China no jealousy or heart burnings
no attempt to overreach each other
but they exhibit much Christian kind
ness and brotherly love.
Therefore he argues that the nations of
the world are getting closer together, all
discord is banished and hereafter they
will be able to dwell together in peace
and concord. -
We have been cognizant of this our
selves. We have noticed increasing:
friendship among the great nations of
the world. Our heart has burned with
in us when we have witnessed the ardent
friendship and tender love manifested
for each other by the president of the
United States and the sultan of Sulu
the bearing of each ether's burdens the
blindness to each other's faults the
earnest efforts to help each oilier in their
great - and difficult humanitarian re
While thinking; of these things our
mind involuntarily turned to the beau
tiful words of the grand old hymn which
we used to sing long ago, before our re
ligloua bones had become dusty and
The celebrated wind cave of the Black
Ilills, S. 4., over which there has been
so much litigation between the govern
ment and some local parlies, which re
sulted in favor of tho former, it is again
to bo reopened to tio public,
(dip 1
The Jouxsal will publish your brand. llk
the following, for t2:(K, per year. Each ad
ditional brand 75 cenu. It very tanner or
ranchmen in Sioux aud adjoining counties
should advertise their brands in THS Jour
nal as it circulates all over the state. It
may lie the means of saving money for you
$500 REWARD.
For the arrest and conviction of any party
or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands
on stock belonging to the undersigned par
ties :
Horses branded on righ shoulder or
branded EjO on right Jaw Also, I have
Horses branded ,
on left IMJ
Tost Oftica Address,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska
. V.. JAKDT.
60, 117, E
on left hlr
on left Jaw,
left hip of Cattle.
Sioux County, Nebraska.
Pott Office, Hewitt,
Uorse.s branded
on left shonl
Idcr branded on left shoulder
and Cattlo FIX on left side.
Post Office Address,
Patrick, Laramie Co. W yo.
Cattlo branded
Horses branded
on left side
on left shou
Idcr, rniiftc on foldler Creek.
Any stock branded as above being estray
ed from my range., discovered by-any body
on giving me Information will be rewarded.
Address, Ft. Kobluson, Nebraska-
Horses branded on
Cattle same on left
It ft shoulder and
Sheep barudod
back of Sheep.
on back or
Range on Soldier Creek and White ltivcr,
Address, Ft. Uobinson, Nebraska,
Owns the follnw
Inxuraud on eith
er: Also HG on o.'it
tle and horse
cattle on leftside
horses on left
Range on 811ver Springs and east of stuto
hie. I'ostoflleo Harrison Neb
Tho brand represented in this notice
and branded any where on left side
of cattle, and over-lap ut from tho
light ear.
Also the same brand 011 left thigh of
homn, belongs to tho undersigned.
Uange near East Springs, south part fo
Sioux county. Chaklis Nkwmah,
Harrison, Nebraska.
J S. TUCK Kit.
Branded on left shonldar ol horsos
md on left si'e of cntilo.
.'i this
on right side
This on
right slilo of cattlo too.
Range on Whlto Rlvor, near Olen.
Post Ortico address, lilon, iobraska.
I Branded on left hip of Cattle
and on loft choak of Horses,
Range on Deep Creek.
Ac'drcm, Deep Creek Llvo Stock Co,.
J. II. Halbiht, Foreman,
(lon, Nebraska.
Cattlo brand
ed same as that
on cat on eith
er side of ani
And following on
loft side of cattle.'
And this
on left side of sho stock.
And this
on left side and hip.
Rangoon Running Water.
FostOfBce address, Harrison, Ntbraekt.
flOO Reward.
For proof to convict any person of steal
lug, altering, runulug off or la may way
damaging stock branded
side or hip.
Address, James Fobce, -Harrison,
Brand coinbl doubl
of cattle. Horses lain
in left side
n right
at oat right!
ear eatle.
. Cattle all dehorned
Uange on Kyle Creek,
Post Office, ila Nebraska
Cattle braaded
on left hip also .
Cattle branded
Uange on Soldier Creek and White Blver.
Address, Oleu, Nebraska.
foreman. Iftao MASOV.
Cattle branded
on left hip aud
cam on the let t
jaw, and same
on Horse. Alio
Hordes branded
on left jaw, shoitldcr or flank. Also Horsns
on laft flank and
on left shoulder.
Range on head of Van Tassel) creek, Wyo,
v"I'ost Office addree, Tlarrison, Veb.
Cattle brand
ed same as that
on cut, either
left hip or on
left shoulder.
Horses branded with any of above breads.
Address, J. A. Asdrsoh,
narrtson, Kebraska.
Cattle Branded
Kango on
on left side.
Also Cattle braaed
shoulder or aide.
on left hip.
Uaniic 011
Running Water. I.
e. Address
Agate, xebraska.
Cattlo Branded
Han go on II 1111
Ion left . side.
nlng Water
Address Agate, Neb.
Horse) and cat
tle branded . on
either tide same as
on cut.
And Cattlo
side, and Hones on left
Address, Bodarc, XeltraAa.
Cattle brand
ed on left side.
Ran go on
Running Water
O. Address Harrison, Netnraaka.
Cattle brand.
ed on 1 ft side
of Fiesta nt
range south
Ridge Wyo.
Address, Harrison, Neb.
Cattle branded
aide ana same on
on tke left
left shout-
dor of berses.
Address, Harrison, Rebraeka.
Cattle branded
any- where on
left side of tbe
Range on Pral-
1 ilergridl
2 ioe Creeks.
Addresr, Hrir ton, ftlrnls.
1 v
if 1