Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 16, 1901, Image 8

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    Tiiim 'RMMiiii
l'rc .-Joi ii 1 1 ; 1 1
TMLKfciiAV, MAY, loth, l'JOl.
r. C'cnoH, J-MUor ttiwl Proji.
F. & A H. V U. it. liwe Ublc
IdafVHt. Going Kast.
(., nlx"1, 10 :M I . . uiUimI 7 :50
F. E. M. V. R. R. i the lt
U and front the
Red Front Meat Market
Choice,! Fresh and
liorue cured Meats
and home rendered
Lurd, salt Fisb.
fine line o( Grocer
ies, Toliaccos, Cigars and Candies, Sate
nod green Apples. Highest price paid
for Hides and Produce, at
Smith's "Fji. "Sroni.
Master Johnie Lowry, lfh
er the weutlier a few days this
Grant Guthrie, was clerl at
Clias. Beihle sale, o last TuesdV
"Dick Lever" of Chadron,
town on business, tlie first of this wa
Deidrick Nelson, of Glen, was doing
business, in town lat Saturday.
A. B. Oalbrath. is among the last
subscribers, we have received. Kext
GeonrerSwaoeen. of Fort Robinson,
was in town between trains last Friday
Buy your wall paper at the drug
A. R. Kennedy, was in Harrison,
the Urat of this weak looking after the
interests of bit Sioux county ranch.
Chas. Heinle, made a business trip to
Crawford, oa last Tburedar evening, and
returned ea Friday moo.
Peter Babaa, and eon, of Adelia,
were doing bull 111 at Um Hub, on last
Mr. and Mn. Herman Konrath, of
Monlruue were county seat visitors, oa
last Saturday.
Tlte Witt children, are enjoying 'a
two weeks visit from their friend Mrs.
He trick, of Kaoa city. Mo.
Praf. Meyers, took in H sights at
Xiuak, between trains last Saturday. He i
was accooapanted by Lucy Moravek.
LitUa Cecil Heter, who bat been
aomawhat inotapoaad, owigjc vo an in fan
lit erupt ioa, i now all O. K. again.
Mr. aaa Mr. B. P. Maine, will leave
this aveoinf for Stacy, Montana, the
horn of their iaughter Mrs. Daut, whera
they expect to apaod Ute summer.
Rev. Warren, of the M. K. church,
will tjAiraa tba ministerial association
wfceco wilt aonvene at Crawford, last
Tna Mast la quaamy and moot in
quality eacrihee LwWitt's Little EaHy
Ksers, the famous pills for constipation
ana liror complaiata, J. E. Phinncy.
o. Kuat. Hiirka lias informed u
that oouaty Institute will open Aug. .Ith
nndwill aaotiane for two weeks with
Fnif. Percy and VVillis Purviance as con
tluctors and instructors.
Skin a (Tactions will readily Htsap
pearbv using Oe Witt's Witch Hel
Salve. Loik ont for counterfeits. If
you get Oe Witt's you will gal good re
sults. It ie the quick and positive euro
or pile. I. E Phiksky.
Wa understand that everything sold
fairly well at Mr. Beihle' sale last Tues
day, tha cattle excepted. The family,
will come to town, on Hatuniav, where
they will fiend aday or two with friends
before lev ring for the ct,'..
Parties having buisinesn to transact
in tba county Judges office will always
Cod me there Monday's.
OKA. & Urni.T,
Co. Judge.
The annual netting af the fjkam
allay Editorial nseociation, will fea held
this year at Yaleatine on CwW-w
June 1st ValenUnakMSM haw to
things up brawn, and wM Urn till
over to tha "boys" UaU that juay enjoy
Partiee desiring rugs woven will
please have their rag ready tba middle
of May, as I will put ruga in the loom,
at that time. TIiom who wish to lanre
their rags in town, will please take litem
Ut Marstellers store and I will get them.
Prtoa far one yard and a half la length
fit. Caapaatfully.
, Lata A. Urate.
TramsjMMh vMra liawhj to
ftrKwaa4ewta4a not act
-!. rjeitm Eatk Cam
vjrv lo J. ii i u6. i'a iur tii pap
r. - liinMnKr iit-.vt n'ti. Friday, Hit
UiU, dUtrict court will convene.
Cotuniivsioiwr, Meiig. was in town,
doing biuins with our merchants last
-,TIi ladies aid society, wsll m't at
the home of Mrs. liollv, Wednesday May
&!nd, to sew carpet rags.
The assessor, u busy the days pry.
iu- luto the financial auair of every
Mr, and Mr. E. E. Liverniore, lire
enturlaiuiiig a brother of the latter fruiu
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Knori, are now
residing in their own mansion in War
bonnet, having uoved into it a week
-Andrew Knori. is having his resi
dence iu the cauyou thoroughly remod
eled and renovated, lie will use compo-
board, instead of plaster.
John Herman, was in from Story,
one dav tin week, doing huMness with
our mercliauts. He alwj atUnded Mr,
Beihle' vale.
We understand, that II. U. Lorriimr
of Andrews, is in the east with a view
to moving there in the near future
should he find a desirable locality.
Judge tjchilt, moved his family icto
the Coffee house, last week. They will
remain there until ready to betake them
selves to the laud of (lowers, and sun
shiue, vi California.
M- A. Baouan, of Five Points, has
disposed of his ranch, to Fred Summer,
and Mr. Baunan, expects within a short
time to go and look up a new location,
where his cattle will have more range.
He thiuks strongly of Wyoming.
Hiss Katie Bretty, of Montrose,
commenced a two months term of school
in the White River school, which Miss
Luke gave up about a week ago. When
,it is a possioin thing we favor our own
county teacher's. We feel they are by
all means entitled to the lirst chance.
Dr. C. O. Hald, the Craw
ford dentist, will be ia Har
rison, May 20, 21, 22 At
Commercial hotel. Crown
and Bridge VVork a specialty.
Gu Jaal balunlay, noon, ye editor
left on tha west bound train, far two
week's visit, with his twin brother in
Idaho, whom he baa not seen in eigh
teen years. He will also visit his sister
who lives a short distance from the
If you desire a Thorough Buiineju or
Xormal Training attend the Broken
Bow busim-st and Normal College. Fall
term opens Sept 2nd 1901.
Broken Bow, Nebr.
C. W. Eolph. Pre.
Ysung Mr. Jacoby, nephew of Mr.
Warneka, wlio with his mother came
from Texas, a couple of week's ago, to
Visit relatives here returned to his duties
in Houston. Texas, the first of this week.
His mother will remain possibly all
Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook,
N. C. says he suffered with piles for fif
teen years. He tried many rtroedie
with no results until lie used DeWitfs
Witch Hazel Salve and Uiat quickly
cured him. J. E. I'hisney.
Father Raybock, celebrated mass at
the court house this morning, as we go
to press too early, we can make no com
ments on the discourse delivered. This
is Father Eaybock's, Brt visit to Harri
son. D Witt's Little Early Risers search
the remotest parts wf the lowe)s and re
move the itupiiritie speedily with no dis
comfort. Tlnsy are famous for their
efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe J.
Mrs. Geo. H. Turner, was in town
last Saturday. H Was the lirst time
Mrs. Turner had been in Harrison in sev
eral month's. Her health continues to
improve, which piece of news her many
friend will reao with pleasure,
Jackson Mettlen, was up from the
south end of the county the first of this
week oo business and incidentally to re
new his allegiance tp the I'ltBSu JotHN
AL. We are in receipt rf some Marsland
news items fc ithout a signature and as
it is an iniuraible rule of this ofiloe to
publish nothing without the writers
name attached thereto, wa have laid
this very interesting news letter aside.
tZH Thru Mr. Mettlen of finake creek, we
fjsmrn that Mr. Loe Dickinson, and his es
w4eWiaWe family who left Sioux countv
a few weeks ago for Michigan are enjoy,
in y themselves with Lee's parents and
friends. At resent ha has not deckled
just what business ha will pursue. Wa
hope ho may decide to coma back to
Sioux county.
If people only knew what w know a
bout Kodol Dysprpaja Cure, it would be
used in nearly every household, as there
ara few people who do not suffer from a
feeling of fullness after eating, belching,
flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrasii.
caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A
preparation, such as Kodol Dyspepsia
Jure, which, with no aid from the atom,
ch, will dis set jour food, certuinlv
coo't help but do you road j. pm. i
Thp Junior l-eane w.fl on
evening, May VI S." I, l II llnll, give
an lie Cream social and entertainment.
Admission to the hail free, with popular
prices for iefrehmenls.
Junior league.
Notice fo Moux Co. Toucher.
To til T-tti-her of Pvoux -otuity, Nrlir.W j
ks: I
At tU eoinindf Institute of tlils year, lie 1
-t im!!- for Klrt .raite -Ttifl'stH will lie I
taken up. w if there le unv that ilonlre t
n n.iii lliee Stmlirs J U will Iileaf". Like I
notltr. AIo, tin- Aurora lluvlur- i'nttew,
off ir Ten -k Tuition fn-, for one Mo
Unt, tlmt I nmy i cuiinate, or any that
would Ilk to take aUvautMifu of this ofTer
write to nbotit it. Term tifl fi-pt. 4,
l'jni. J. 11. Ill uk.
I'o. Siipt.
Public Sale.
I will m at Public auction on May 13
1901, the following uamed articles:
1 CM)k Stove, 1 Heating Stove,
1 Rife, 1 newing machine,
2 Bedsteads nd (pnngi,
1 Dining Table, 1 Center Table,
2 Bureaus,
Carpet rags, onough for 23 yards of
3 Stuffed Birds.
Chairs. Ijislies, Kettels, ritchers,
fruit jars, and other articles too numer
ous to mention.
TERM j Cash.
E. A. Bigalow. auctioneer,
MitH. R. M. Waij-ack.
Public Sale-
I will ell at public: auction, at nir
residence '5 niiles tKiulli-v-est of Harrisno
on Tuesilay May 2lst 1001, at 10 o'clock
A. M. the following personal property,
10 II.?ad 2 Year old fiiMm,
114 Mead Yearling H-ifers & Stoers,
2 Head Cows & Calves,
S Mares, 1 2 year old colt
I Yearling colt,
Farm tools and oilier things too num
erous to mention.
TER1IS: Cah.
Free lunch At noon.
E. E.. LlVEilMORR.
The first strawberries of the season
arnveo. Wednesday.
Mrs Miller, and son of Crawford, are
visiting Mr. Jerry Wills.
J. EL Cook, of Running Water,
transacted business at the county twai
last Saturday.
Geol. Agt., for the Deering Harves
ter Co. was in town Tuesday making
contracts with our local dealers.
Mrs Edward Downey, mother of Mrs.
R. F. Neece, was up from the ranch, a
day or two tnis week.
Robert Gieaer, of Montrose, was in
towu yesterday on business.
Mr. Jacoby, nephew of Mr. Henry
Warueke, was a passautr iur Craiuiu
Tuesday evening.
Mr. Dave Collville, will ship a car
of horxes to Casper in he near future
IU Juts already disposed of two car loads
ia that market.
Pat Lacy, is busy down at tlie R. F.
Neece, ranch on Running Water doing
some extensive reuiodeliugand lixiug up
in general.
Rev. J. A. Scamahorn, P. E. will
preach lit the church next Sunday at
7:43 P.M. The sacrament of the Lord's
supper will be administered.
Carpenter A. L. Leitolf, completed
bis mechanical labor around the Will
Marsteller residence the lirst tf this
week. Mr. Lei toff is all O. K as a .-ar
John Anderson, took his family to
Crawford last evening, in order to at
tend tlie circus which is billed lo appear
titer today.
Mr. and Mrs, L. Oerlach, were
guests, at the home of ex county treat
urer Beihle, in the valley, on lat Sab
Ye understand, Miss Josie Sherrill, is
now employed at Van Tassel, Khe left for
her Dew abiding place the first of tins
Master Frank Coffee, and a young
school mate of his, came up from Chari
roiir on Tuesday, anu will spend a few
days at his father's valley ranch,
Dr. and Mrs. Piiinuey, are entertain
ing the Utters mother Mrs. Leonard of
Utica, Neb. She will reuiaai with tier! j
children about two weeks. I j
Mr, O. W. Heater, aod family srei,,
now enjoying country life, having moved j j
to the ranch last Saturday. j
il. A. C, has again jineil the ranks,
and wa feel that Clio and Zekiel, will '
read with a great deal of pleasure, her it-'
ems. which will appear in this weeks in-'
sue of tha Prexh-Jociikai., after such a
prolonged silence. Thanks M. A. C. for j
your prompt response to our inquiry,
Harrison, has now one of the neutesl !
up to date drug stores, that any city in j
North-west Nebraska can boast of. Dur-j
ing the past few weeks, our popular doc-
toraud druggist, lias been having the in- j
terior thoroughly renovated and remodel-;
ed, and now onui inside, one might rend- j
llr imagine themselves withia a metro-'
pohtan drug store. Our pmiri. town;
is rapidly sssumiog city airs, owing to ;
the push and ability of our leading buri
mMi..., 1... ( '
Professional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all letral j
matters In Justice, County and District I
(Vurt. fliid liefore the Unitcil HUitef
Land ORii-e.
Fire Insurance ritteo in reliabU
CJTliCgnl papers cnref'illy drawn.
1U::iuoN. - Nkukaska.
.11. J. O'Coiinell, - - ( . Atti rnry,
Will Practlro In All ('onrls.
Special Attoution (.'iveu ta Land Of
fice Business.
(oli-ctlotis anil all bnslness entrust
ed tome will receive prompt ntteutioa.
IAl!IUr4iN - Nkohasua.
I'hylsrUn and Surgeon.
All calls Klvrn prouipt atteiitlon.
Offli'i In DniK Store.
lrcsii:aUlii:5 & Tniloi liig.
rr.cr.3 cloth; clocked. pr:rc:i
& repaired.
Prices rcsotia!?lf, RAtNr.irMuu gtinr
an teed. Rooum opii tc PreMt-JuurMSl
i Rico.
K. ItOItWF.lt,
t ).i:u.i.ii is- eqsj
Lumber, Harness Hiuhlleis
Grain uml FYcil, Door
uikI Windows, Heavy Hardware
10 head of two-vear-old heifr
liramlcd I oil riirtit SKlo anil on
left hip. 0 Some may not Imve
on lut all have bar on.
Will pay $5,00 per hwul f"f H''"- re
turn, at Dave Col villes place, on Runn
ing Water. Add re,
C. O. Hallihrough.
Maryland, Neb.
Kittrny otic.
MU' of Ki'hniba,
County l hionx, (
To wnna ir mt coxcer.
JC"'Mce la berehy given by V. A. Itct-r the
nndrralKunl.tliat on the lltli day of Mn h
A . I. l'.OI on hi enrtosnl birnt M.tnntvl In
liowen precinct In Kloos Count v Ki-lirii-kn.
One bay hor", wa takfit up by h!m ni nil
rtry. brau'lel 1 1 Mon b ft himllrr
''"ft J" un,",,wt 10 he a.
bout 11 ymm oM siul brendel s Uve t
crllel. ImUil nt llurrlou this l"lh lar "f M:irrh
A. II. 1001. V. A. Hrj-TtR
The undesigned will sell at Public
Auction at Harrison Ne!)., on May, 24th
the following described personal pro
perty, to-wit:
25 Cows & Calves by their side,
2. Y'earling Steers & Ileifer,
H 2-year-old Heifers,
0 8 year-old Heifers,
3 Milk Gowk.
1 Hereford Dull coming years in June.
TERMS OF HALF. All sums over :,0-
00, four mouths with bauknble cotes lit
10 pr cent, ier annum; all sums under
.-"i0,00 caf.li,
Mjnurx Rrmsii,
RoBrJO1 Kef.L, Auctioneer.
For Sale.
Or trarle for cattle 110 acres of land In
the PleKitit Ridge settlement north
wKt of Harrison. All feiiced, 30 acres
broke 3 acres in Alfalfa. Also my resi
dence in Harrison.
Public Sale. '
I will sell at public auction, at Harri
son, Nebraska, Saturday, Slay Hlh, at 1
P. M., the following described prorty
1 H ilsiness Ixit North of H-trnens Shop,
18 Head young Cows, niot of them
with Calves, by side,
0 2-year old Miner. 5 Yearl.ngs,
1 2-year old Hereford Hull,
1 1-year old Hereford Bull,
4-year old Mare with colts by side,
6 year old work Mare,
il year old work Mare,
7-y-ar old work Horse,
Wagon, 2 yearling colts,
2 sets Harness 1 Mountain lop Huggy,
MuCormick Mower and hay rake,
My State Brand rN also
llonrrhold goods niKl otbr articles
numerous to niiilmn.
TERMS of 8ALE-AII sums under
$25,00, CASH. Over M,0) one years
Uma with Hprovel note with 10 r
cent interest. J. W. Skitii,
' E. A. Uigelow, Auctiniiuer,
, , C n.
saw TrHI Ll'7 mi. m t-n
P"WfwiilJ"Ml ".'"MI mimr'. Cmf
The Commercial Bank,
Prefidftit. F. W.CLAr.iry, CasliitT.
C. F. Coffee,
Chas. C. J ax mix.
II. fr.
Stockmen having u for a Iwutk at tlii i!iit may rely
ii to handle their entire Hanking busini'n.
We are yrepnred to tak care of mir .trad at all timenri
Keep watch
lon't forget
V i
Will stand at pur bara at HARRI
SON, this season.
TERMS-8,00 to insure colt to stand
up and suck.
Harrison, Nebraska.
WISDOM JR. Sired by iinporttd CLYDE, Dam 7 vmUU
SHIKK-wuixht 1,500 11m.
PRICE; to insure living colt Tho moru-yfor mt
vice of ntallion will be duo nod payable at once in catso
lriarcH nre ho!1 or removed from the county.
of this Space.
' IT
to watch this
I jr.
Will make the
season at my place
on Monroe Creek
7 miles north-west
of Harrison.
! PMWa wl iim
i S'miI i snV.
task Mas. UUwtl
T.n!". (MM Blark ih
; V (' ,1'