Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 16, 1901, Image 1

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    S it il i r
3S2 O. G.
Tur PTnTn?T? pit a i? vr a rtv ?!
Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PRESS-JOURNAL
Druists Sundries,
I'Viiiits, Oils, Varnishes.
p Books and
KST A Hf.'SII K 1 i a s s ,
(Subscription Price-
Offiei.il Paper of
(iK.o. 1). Canon,
Hv:ji.kl AT TI;K llAI IIISl.N Ft-KT Ol
G. A. R. Hamorlal Ser
vices. At tt r.-j ul ir meeting of the G. A. K.
(Kwt Oil Isst Monday, it was decided to
liol.t memorial services on Sunday, May,
tilllh at the. church, li.it, on decoration
l.ii Thursday, May IV); ii. we will March
id a Issly IViiiii the church, ul 10, o'clock
ui the morning, to I h cemetery where
we w ill !-:,, ivti tlin graves of our
own bch.Vcd comrades first; uml alter
I'-iHt we will strew witli Hovers, the
l,rivu of ( lie unknown dm. I, ami now
v rii mi r-rqi-sd folly call the attention
.if all in. mui I olt! nml you.i alike,
tho hav received the priceless gift of
liberty, at the sacriilce of Hie live of ho
Syiuv vf our ulu Veteran's mid lit
(he expense of tlie health of them nil, to
aroivta themselves, and tn-ufken to the
cordial invitation of the old Veterans.
We most earnestly invite the ladies to
tukeufioii themselves the decoration of
toe din nil and make it a tower of
heatfty, unil love, wlncli will teliU to
j;l:ultlu tlie Iwurl of our (rw iinl'ullen
L.jrou. WIiuumi teli whetlmr or not
we uw ruv wot, 're angtlier decoru-
ou Juy, lwv itoim to join tin) truly
(irn.nl uruiy btjood. Aiiii tli pot,
invite the little one luullur llowem,
wliciDMrilli to derut our lloved ikiUi
e.r' rt.h-. iuhI tlie eliildreii we feel will
Uk ti lirwleiu lrei.' with llieir little
l.iii.H til4liniU It well earneJ r.tin
),i.nr, of tlio ler one, who died,
iiiui oilwin nuflit Imx mid "j '.v liUirly
uml Ireeiloill. To oaf teiu liels, iu the
MtliUah ;Iih1 uml luj bcIiooIh, we feel
th a we liiv m, HUecwl ri viiiy with
Intnl. Iieiicw we k Unciii in nil io'rity
to enlit t''"" ervit pr decoration day
lu Hie glurmu cu o( Vlw o Id boldiern.
with natriutwu uud lov or tlie Mleu
u.id tl orure. Will you not with your
puoiln iuroli willi u to the wleut city
unure liour UJi iieroeo, uil brii.fa'
lvei- wtriiu Ucir Uieir J.OU-e.
f tliy, miJ Uwreliy idiow ?"
tu.le tor tlwi'l"n yu ,,ow ttt
.,me of their Wood.
A fl.w yr I", JO" wi" va"1
wi,, toroW"'!""' uu uW ,'k,ie,'
,. w.wr Uieiii while you hae
....d.i. tor it will only Iw
ttl.111 !! J ' ,
U eliort year at mo.t. lo
,. cil'W.i. tl ot extendi a
' . . i..Ui.utiim. to ioill ill tile
t (oWKii -
,,on, alHJ to our IOCUI ocieue, ui
i,r. itea.tl
,d iom UH J ""K
r .Kb-inn. we feel Uml
to the o'' ....
, .-.. mllv " duty boi
inej -i ' . . ,., !
all it
,UVof w, 4"
,o taU.-aN-7"oU:r
tll)sdav. wNl 't0'
ver-to-be-iorgotiou, mm
llitereat iu ivmrinK for
all heroes the day
I"' . 1.. inviliil.mi
. .... We , e niuM.
V .. vet W. ' to J"'" "
". .i... LaHlln.tootleuM, in the re
wcr-. IW 1 of our ,""ulK,rN'
y the grave, of our fallen com
r-.de. Will our Uc.en. iitteml to
,Ly TlMDliinf wcU ami everyone in ml-
. we remain
very resectfully
. ,.n.lwr of tbe Jerry Uuk
if tlie Jerry Kusl.
No. 844, D-rtmot of Neb. U. A,
K. B. iJver.MOUC, Counuaader
y. Kuhi K, Adjalaiit.
He re aim camp forever nilent, for uo
.irnitiN within them wnit,
An t tlie bule" of the Wttle Mow no
Churiw!" nHl no lletreai.
Hut uikhi heroic bosoms fall Ihencent
. ,l Kii on. of May, i
And a gratelM Nation kn.eleth on her
own Memoiiitl ilay-
E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
IVr Your fl.OO.
Sioux County.
- Editor.
rr i m i r i in a iwi .su . .i i
A visit to the roinrnerci.il hink if
Harrison, will convince even the most
increil.iloUN, of the mo ulu I judgement ami
thorough liiiKinesH with which it.H iiiiino
.hale inuiiiivr, mid efficient cashier l'
Vs. Clarke, ih endowed. Iiiripy the psist
wetk, he Iium had the enterior completely
reniiHleled, throwing the pnv lie h.isiness
room formerly on the boiith side, into
the lmiikiii room p.oier, thin ;iviii-;
our town n neat mid commodious a
hanking house us miv city in the North
West cull lioiotl of, Jlr. (y'larke has lieeu
hre ulKiut a year, hut during that -ri
od, he has won the esteem and contidei.ee
well s the utmost res.ie.-t of our
(people, by his co.irteouii and obli(;inj;
manner, coupled with his tstrict bui
ness ahility.
Tlie two dentists who came up from
Cruwford, this week did not th.d Harris
on, n very prolltnhle fit.-11: so they decid
ed to move on to I.usk, where perhaps
tliey iniht find Home one desiring good
teeth, or laid teeth, or no teeth at all,
tried to c.o.'iviiiee us Iwlore li-avinr, of
tlw"ir wonderful utility of foot, mucii to
the nmiiseiiienl cf those who witnessed
it, the knitfht.1 of the forceps could run
f.r ly well, yet they found the man of
iron could do better, consequently they
dived down deep into th.ir poc'.;c!n, ami
had our t'oixl natured liveryman, John
Weickitiauii drive them to Lusk.
The Old Established Line-
IXtrccMi Oniiilia uml ht. Paul
ill till. "Xoltll-Wl'lltlTII
u Mm-."
R;ites to the bkniiiul m fling hul
have Is en nnnounctd nt one fare, plus
8.00, for the round trip.
The railroads of Nebraska connecting
with the North-Western Line at Omaha,
Thk I'M'lN 1'ACiKIC,
It. & M.,
Missox itt Pacihc,
C. )L I. & I. .
and the road ivninectiriK nt Missouri Val
ley is the Fki;iiunt, EiJiiioKN & Mo. Val-
Dele'aU' and tlieir friends from till
point in Uio state can therefore Hecure
the best u-couiniodiiUoriH l.y litiyui);
throngh tic ket from their home luwns
via the most convenient road to the
Missouri liiveraod the "NiiitTll-NTKSTKtiS
Line" U-yond.
Lv. Oiimlia, Uuioo Passenger
Station ' M-
Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger
The nilit train has modern broad ves-
tibuled couches and pulluian nUe-
The day train lift modern broad vesti
billed coaches and observation bullet
parlor car.
We note tha fact that "M. W. of A."
always want the best when they can get
it for the same money. The motto of
the North-Western Line i "The Ihsst of
J. U. Ill C'tUNAN.
General Pasm-nKer AKt,
"I have lieen sufToring from Dyspepsia
for the ist twenty years and have been
unable ufUr trying all preparation and
phvsiciun to get any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of Kodol Dysepsiii ure
t found relief nnd 11m now in IsHUr
health than I have been for twenty
yrnrs. I can not. praise Kodol Dyspepsia
"ore ton hiilily." thus writes Mis. U
Bodarc Gleanings.
Tn nnswpr to repeated inquiries ns to
our absence we must lay all the blame
on the smallpox scire which in it wny
caused as pr;nt a panic, as did the Indian
scare of lM'Jf). with thiw difference hi the
latter case, the people tied from their
homes while in the former they kept o
close to their homefl that they have not
been able to leave them, yet there is no
further cause for alarm.
We are pleased to announce the arri
val of a new boy at the home of J. I).
Jo. Dougherty who has liecn working
at the S K Itauch, is now in the employ
of J. L. Anderson at C. F. Colfee's Ranch
on Hat Creek.
Everyone is hustling to Kt in their
crop notw ithstandiug the failures of past
E.I. Rose and Eli Zimmerman, took
jmssxire on tfw train at Ardmore, last
Friday for Sheridan, where they expect
to work this summer.
Robert Miller, who came from Sheri
dan, Wyo., last week to spend a few
days at his home in the valley returned
last Saturday in (hne of his fathers
cattle which were Miipped from Ardmore
to Sheridan, his brother Will atcemiini
cd him. '
We very much thank Z-;kiel and Clio
for their kind interest, we did not ex
ited to lie mihsvil. we hope however
nothing more nriy happen to prevent
our coining often. M. A. C.
RooojjiiIzimI nt Washington.
The only instance on record of n post
nlllce beintf iiamed after a patent inedi-
cine, wus last year, when in Wetzel
County, W. Va. a new post ollice was
established and uamed KimIoI, niter the
famous Kodul Dyspepsia Cure, by E. 0,
DeWitt & ('o., of ' 'hicinjo. ll had Bivm
such satisfactory results that the name
was unaiiiniously selected by the people
for the new ollU'e and adopted by the
pei.plr for the new ollice and adopted by
the department lit Washington, D. C.
This action was entirely voluntary on
the part of the people ef the community
without unv solicitation whatever from
the manufacture of Koxlol Dyspepsia
Cure. In fact the first knowledge they
obtained repudine; the matter was when
they received a letter hen rim: the post
mark "Kodol, W. Va.,"auil the contents
fully explained the circumstances. For
a verification of this statement the read
er is referred to the latest Post etlice
A preparation so highly prized by a
community must be worthy of the
greatest confidence.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflcially digenU the food and aid!
Nature In strengthening- aud recou
tructlng the exhausted digestive or
giitit. It isthe latciitdlscovereddiKeit
aut and tonic. Ko other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cure
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
bick Headache, Gastralgia Cramps and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and tl. Large sue contains IH time
small six. Hook sh abouldyipeplrsaiMdrrce
Prepared by C C. cxwnT aco Cbicaae.
Fonslit For Ills lire.
"My father and sister both d'ed of con
sumption," writes J. T. Weatiierwax of
Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was saved
Irom the mime frightful fate only bv Dr.
King's New Discovery. An attack of
Pneumonia left an obstinate cough nnd
very severe lung trouble, which un excel
lent doctor could not help, but a
few month's use of this wonderful medi
cine made me as well as ever and I gain
ed in net. in weippit. li.talliiile lor
Coughs, Colds and all throat and Lung
trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed
bottles -lOc and $1.00. at J. E. PlIIXNF.VH.
Old Soldiers rxperlrniT.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was
sick a long lime iu spite of good doctor's
treatment, hut was wholly cured by Dr.
King's New Life Pills, Hhch worked
wonders for her health. They nhvnvs
do. Try them. Only 21c at J. B. PlllN
.NKY'sdrug store.
II miviU his leg.
r. A, Danforth, of L-iGrange, O.i.,
sulfercd for six months ith a frightful
running sore on his leg; but writes that
Duckleii's Amicu Halve wholly cured it
in II vii days. For Ulcers, Wounds,
Piles, it's the host salve in the world',
" "iinnintced. Onlv Hold l-v
Over In Wyoming.
Now Sister Clio, don't censure us too
severe, because of the Kip Van Winkle
nap. Itdid seem to us a month since
you had writtoD. Come over and see
our boy.
A letter from Mrs. Jordan informs us
that she ' is grandmother to an eight
pound boy, born to Dan Jordan and wife
ou May li, at the residence of grandma
Jordan. The mother is doinir nicelv.
but Dun wears his hat over liis Itft ear
and suems absent minded but time will
make all things right. Now Dan, don't
take a wire fence 1 1 what we say, as you
know how it is myself.
At the annual school meeting held the
filh C. L. Christian was elected treasurer
the trustees were instructed to put in a
cistern tit the east school house. Wages
for teachers, were kept up to $40 per
month, and 1C months ut school was de
cided upon for the year.
Francis Deuel is working for Chris
Christian this week.
Miss Amy Christian, will bef in a three
months school in the west school house
next Monday.
7j. O. Deuel, James Deuel nnd William
M.irphv. went to fieri. ig some two weeks
ago to look nt the country and perhaps
buy a few head of cattle. They have
not returned at this writing.
Quarterly meetig will be held in the
west school house next Saturday and
George Iavis, has sold the improve
ments on the Streeter place, which he
bought one year ago, nnd will loot; for a
new location. He bouht a pack horse
or I'. J). Deuel to use in seeking a new
Miss Mill tie O'Connor has put in one
week of school and is well pleased with
the, school. The children all like the
teacher and no doubt it will be a prolila
'ile term.
Andrew nnd Chris Christian were over
night visitors in Lusk on last Saturday.
Chris ii.Jk a '.rip to Manville on
Saturday? train.
Mr. Church branded his cattle on last
We agree w-it.h sister Clio that the
Press-JoCKNAL is trie newsiest paper in
the corner of the three states. Now Mr.
editor we ndvike you to stay by our
town and not sell the ruimr, as it is a
success as a country newspaper.
IjhihV Tut ton w as out to his home
stead a few days ago.
(Similiters ut his iast.
"I recall now with horror.-' says mail
Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levaniia, O.,
"my three years of suffering from Kid
ney IroirVile, I was hardly ever free
from dull aches or acute pains in my
back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made
me groan. I felt tired, worn out, nbnut
reiuly to give up, when I began to use
Electric Hitters, but six bottles eomplet
ly cured me and made me feel like a new
man. They're unrivaled to regulate
Stomach. Liver, Kidneys and bowels.
Perfect Satisfaction guaranteed l.y J. E.
PkiXNKV, only M) cents.
"Our little girl was unconscious from
strangulation during 11 sudden and terri
ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a
bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giv
ing her three doses. The croup was
mastered and our little darling speedily
recovered "so writes A. L. Spafford-,
Chester, 'llich. J. V. PlHSNtY.
To (irorne James, Mary June James, An
drew J. Miller, and Mary M. Miller, Joii.
resident liefendiiuts.
. Von and eurk ol you nre hereby notiltisl
Hint oil the 41 It dy of Muv, A. II., I1NII,
Charles . Brown, ss plnlnliir, Hied In tlie
dist.t.Tt court of Hlonx County, Xebnisk.
Ills .s-tltloii n-lnl yon s ilefeiidaal, the
olJeet mid pr.iyer of which Is, to huvci.a
accounting of the suioiiut dun nio.i a cer
tain prmnUtorv note In wrlllug executed
by (iisrr.i Jam.- and Mary J1111.1 .lames, on
lleeemlM'r 1Mb, lass, to the Western fnnn
Morttfaae Co., for SiTV. due December 1st,
Isiia, with Interest alter ii.ulurlty nt tin
rate of ten perennt.iiu .r n. .11.1111, n.nl to
foreclose the mortitani) deed executed by
then, nt the snine time to secure lliu pv
met tl.rviHif, UMin the following ilescrlls'd
reul estate tn said roi.nty. to wit : This enst
half of the south east quarter of seel ion (7)
smet: Olid the west ball of the south west
Ipmrler of nectlon elKlit(H), lu totvnslilp(:ill)
thirty, north or ruii nt ty-threu (1) in ssld
SlouX County, and lisslgned to snd diili.tltti
to have an iircoiiullng of the iimonnt 1I11.1
for tsics iiMi.i s.dd land pntd by plulntn"; lor
the protection of his security for the years,
1 Hsu, istio, 111, lata, lnui, ikoh, ikot, iss, ikw,
ami ltl; to hnve ssld land sold for the pity
n"nt and suilsfncllon tlierenf, together with
costs of suit and costs of sale; to bar fore
flow slid exclude II. 1. dcfeniluiita o.itofall
title, Interest or equity of redemption In
and to said lund, and for a tcerul pdlef.
And you are further nolllled and reipitn-d,
to iinswer r.ild jietilloii 011 or bnloru the 17th
ilny of June, A. I , IW'I-
AI'xTt w. crltea,
' Attorney for plaintiff.
Tur .Iouhxai. will publish your brand, like
tlie following, for fj :(10, per year. Kiicli ml
.titio.ial hrau.l 75 cents. l-.v.-ry runner or
rui.cliinen in Sioux uufl adjoining com. lien
nhoulit advertise tlieir lira. ids ju Tim JoUll
KALim It clrculutes all over the stale. It
niuy tie the means of saving inouev loy yon
j'Lig. uo- i.jm- i i
For the arrest ud conviction of any party
or parties stealing or iliJ'iurini; any brand
on stock bclongiitj; to tlia undcra'ned par
Moryu brumletl
on righ shoulder or
ou right Jnw Also, I have
Horses branded .
on left thigh
I'ost Ofticu Address,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Xubrmka
60, H7, -m
on lef t hi r
on left Juw,
lel t hip of Csttlv.
Sioux County, Nobmika
1'Djl Ofrtce, Hewitt,
Horses branded ITm
on left khoul-
loft s
branded on left shoulder
and Calllc H 1 1 on lul l eldc
I'ost Office Address,
Patrick, Lurair.le Co. Wyo.
OKOltlili 9WASSON.
Cfttllo brsnded
Horse branded
on loft side
on left slum
lder, rm.pe on Foldirr Cm k.
Any nl.H'k branded as above being cstray
ed from my ra-ipr), discovered by any hotly
on giving me fntorniatioa will be rewarded.
Address, Ft. Kobinson, Nebraska.
Horses branded on
Caltle same on left
left shoulder and
Sheep barnded m
ou l'sck or r
back of Sheep.
Kanjte on Soldier Creek and White Hlvcr.
Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska.
Own the fnllnw
Inxbrand on eith
er: Also HQ on cat
tle sad horses
cuttle on leftside,
horses un left
Range on Sllror Spring and east of sluW
Ine. Poalofllce Harrison Nub
Tlie brand represented In this notice
nd branded any where on left side
of rattle, and over lap ut from the
right ear.
Also the snmc brand 011 left thigh of
horses, belongs In the undersigned.
It unite neur Knst springs, smith pnrt to
Sioux comity. Chahi.ks Nkwm in,
Iiiirrlson. NcbraitUa.
J.. Tl'l'KKIl.
llruiidiul 011 left huiildrr ot horses
Hid on left side of csttlo.
on right aide
m Lyj
This on
right tide of cattle too.
Range on White Itlvnr, near (lien.
I'ost Ollice address, (lien, Nebraska.
Brnnded on left hip of Cattle
I mid ou left check of Horses,
Range on liecp Creek.
AOdress, Deep Creak Live Stock Co,.
J. II. II Ai.ui'.liT, Foremiiu,
lilcn, Nebraska,
Cattle brnnd
ed same as that
on cut 011 eith
er aide of nni
11111I. And following on
left Kldu of cnttlr.
And this
on left aide of ahe stock.
And this
on left side nnd
Ranire on Umitdn; Water.
l'jt.jfllo Lnuiees, Msrruoni
j W-l 1
Si m
IJI 1 And this
H)0 IU u ar.1.
for proof to convict aay person of stent
ii.g, Kite ilnt'. ruu!ilu olt or la any
dumi.;:iiii;s slock lirande.
side or hip.
'amks Foucc,
Ilarrison. Meb.
a.t. uruiisox.
ltranil combi donjjle
ou left side
of cattle. Iiorjcs dauiel
rjSSciit out rl;rbt
ear cattle,
Cuttle all (Ichoi ncdT
Kaiitfc on Kyi Crocs,
l'ol Ottlce, Ulvu Nobraska
Cstlle branded KVTfl on left hip aleo
Cattle branded
Kiiiige ou Soldier Creek hii.1 Wlit Blvar.
Addrw, tileu, Nebraska.
I'oreuiau. t Sao NUSoi.
Csttle hrsndeit
on left hip and
am on the lIS
Juw, mid auiiie
on Horse. AIo
11 or set Inaiidv4
ou left jaw, sl.oi.lder or flank
410 f!oro
on lelt rank n
on left s!.i.ilor
Rnnpo os head of Van 1'knell creek, Wyo.
Fot Ofllc addraa, narriwin, V'eb.
Cattle brand
ed sum as thnt
011 em, either
left hip or on
loft shoulder.
Horse branded with any of ehoee tread.
Addre, 3. X. AHDSuteotr,
Harrison, Kebraeka.
Cattle nrandM
Banfe en
B left Sid.
Alan Cettle hrsfetl
o left hlf .
ano.uner or ains.
Kauite on
Running Water. P. . Address
Agate., ebraaka.
Csttle Branded
on left side.
Ksiign on Run-
nlng Water
Address Ayate, Seb.
Worse and
tie branded on
either aide same
on cut.
And Cattle branded
side, and Horaeaon left
Address, Bodare, slehrnalia.
'attle brand
ed on left aide.
linage on
Rtinnl'ig Water
j-p, O. Address Hnrrlaen. Rekraska.
Cattle brand.
edont It side
of rieaaant
rn.ig! south
l(il V Wyo.
Address, llnrrfsoit, Neb.
Cntlle branded
aide and same, on
on the left
lelt shoul
der f hnraca.
Address, flarrlson, Kebraakn.
Cuttle brnnd'-l
any w Hi-re on
left side or tuc
rtsnfu on rrnl
tlef iimdMik
2 reeOreeka,
oa left
KjL. tji on 11 1
Pj I lew.
I 0 "
'A Lsli
ch n. -a