Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 09, 1901, Image 1

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Our 3rolo-"NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IR rftti rn mru-r ....n.. wmi.- r .. '
3S1 O. 45.
- - . . , ,w wimi i k us i u 'J n iimmui tf J a U.
1 Aovenise urn stock Brands in the ratSS-JODRNAL
2 . . :
O , - j r - ; -
I 3)1 Dru-s,
I j0 TJrugists Sundries,
'i Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
I f ' BOOkS and STATIONARY.'"'
I Gj) n J. E. PH1NNEY, Proprietor.
.Subscription 1'rico
Official Paper of
Oko. 1). Caxos,
KKTMiEl' AT THK UIil:;w.-S PtfT
-M. J. Illewett, of Crawford, was in
town between trains yesleiday.
Roy Maine, b;!t for Casper, on last
Saturday noon, to look up a, position for"
the summer.
Carpcuter LtitlmfT, is busy tin's
wfik, painting ami Mm ihing editor L C,
Wright's rifcvv residence ou piety street.
J, J. Henry, Sr , of Munlnw, was
in Harrison, ilm iir.-,!, of tli! vv(?k on
Elilor Wright, and his lellr half,
tut .Sunday with relatives at Whitney,
und returned Mouday noon. .
One of our tuwly ma la b-nadiets
Ed. Maon, was traiiiclimf bu.-ine.ss at
thj Hub, w,th his employer, Mr. Neece,
um nrhi tl tin week,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smth. are no
boarding at tlw Commercial lI.Hel , ow
ing to their inability to lliod a house to
liva in.
Itav. Father Rayboeh, from ttio east
em part of tho istale, has been assigned
. pastor of the western misnions of
n lii( li Father MeNamara in relieved.
Dr. Phimwy, mad) a profession- I
trip to the 8. It. Story ranch yesterday,
to prescribe for Mr. Story, who is suffer
ing from the effects of the gripp,
Jacksonville, Fa., suffered a very
serious loss by fire on the 3rd and 4!b of
, the mouth, which resulted in the burn
ing of one hundred and forty eif.:ht
blocks, the estimated value will bo $10,
000,000, ,
Ueary Deiknian, Ed. O'Connor an.1
Harry Saliards, went west toCahf.tr, last
Tuesday, where they have obtained em
ployment oa stock ranches for the seas
ou. This .week landlord Tebbet, commen
ced having Hi interior of his hotel office
repiired by having the old coat of plast
ering torn off, after which ho will have
tt cowpo-boarded, papered &C &C.
Among those who have recently ad
ded their names to our subscribers, the
following names appear: Mrt. Emma
Crano, Mr. IrviiuZinnnermau, Miss Mid.
nie Witt, and Mr. Jacob Doos.
Do no forget to notice the sale no
tices in this week's issue of the I'RESfi
JoritNAL, of Mr. E. E. Livermore and
Mr. It, M. Will I lace.
The titration J'rothers with their
mother, also John,' family, together
with the three Hlattery boys t-x pec t to
Hi art on their overland trip to Idaho and
VTadiiii;;ton, about the 20:h of this
Attorney Guthrie, in having notna
needd ri'pairs made around fiis residence
this week. The fniprovement.t bc-ie
ure of a permanent uatureiind it rncan.t
that our little prairie cily will coiilinun
to improve, until finally it will blossmi
at the rose.
We arj in recaipt of Bi.in ni spp'J
i iii.inH of liamlw ntitig, done by uu ex
pert penman of Hie Jfrokon How Colli ge
faculty, thru the courtsy of its presi-.
dent and buiufa manager, C. W. Uoui.li
We venture the ai!rtion, iL cauiuil bi
duplicated by any other oxpert pcumaii
in lh'( tj !iiu?! Btates,
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Docs, left for
"Vuirw home at Hut Crk, Wyo,, on
. luHt llotiday afternoon, where the well
wishes, of a hoot of friends will accom
pany them (ilso, and ye dcribo hastwiw
to wish jake ard bin bride much joy nud
l.appines in their new life. The I'i:ii
JofKSJ. will vinittben) weekly.
We Win tin t, T. O. William, who
has been drilling a wolf almut twelvo or
fiftton miles south-east of here was diot
at, four times last Friday evening by
omo unknown parson or persons, up
osdtote ome who are opposed to
having any wells put driwn lb ire fur the
purpose of bringing more cattle oa that
fa !;;.
M AltKllCI) -At the Commercial Hotel
fi.m 1 iy. May 5, 1001 Mixs Ellen Johnson
t.i Mr. E irii(st Hols,iiple, vm rep-ct-i
v'.y SO a A i yea bo h O ' Luh!j, Wyo.
We are not perwivilly aoquinhtit with
t'i i in irriod oo'ifilt, but txlfl'i 1 o ar it
it! iti n j itt th inui. Wi -,vii!i tUji)
rt aillupp life.
For 1'car I .(.
Sioux County
. - EwTOli.
OllKF. AS f-'i'i':.M
Class Matti,?!.
O. V,. Huster, an. I his o.NliniaMe f im
ily nre Rohi t,i m ve o v. t.., l.i ,jr ra nch
about thnw tnih s north of t'twii, where
they expect t-i npetid thssiimansr at least
Mr". Hosier will enj iy li.n d lily drive to
and from town.
Mr. & Mr Th-w, riell'nnd children of
Lu.-ik, Wyo., wen! visiting w ilii Mrs. Os
cRf Ward and children Monday ari l Tues
day of this wire It, and while in town. Mr.
I'.ell attended Jo hoiim l,u-;ines?t mutters,
wliicb c!. liiiiwl bis iiiiiiiediiiU attontion.
It hi said that out of 1,000 head of
atti;i, w.vich J.iiiis II. Cook t'i'jk id a
Mr. Lamp-ion to winter a shortage gome
t bins like two hundred head when they
were wintered and ready to turn oVer to
Mr. Lampson, they, of course, strayed
away, and will be found alt o. k. later
What's Ihe nutter with your valley
t'orres'soiiduiil? This unction is nskmi
,. of us ref.eafediv, and thru tlej columns
of tlie r;ri.s-Jorn.VAI, we repent this all
important question. Come now, M. A.
O. misery likes company, and we are sure
our friends Clio and Zeki-I are no exei'w t
ions to general rule, o let us hear from
-The F. E. & M. V. Railroad Com
pany, have men at work, fencing in their
rU'ht of sv.iy from Andrews west, to the
sial'w lino, they have also a crew of men
entf.i.i.Td in lillins in several of Urn tres
sel brid,;i between this d ce and Craw
ford, and we b urn from a reliable ourco
that the lare tressul bridge just east of
town, half tiiibj i to liavo a stone cub
Wrt (daccd and then filled in with earth
level with the rest of the grade.
( has, GU;w, tba Crawford marble
dealer, was i.i Harrison, a day or two
this week ou biihir.egs.. 'While here be
placed a very neat marble slab over the
grave of the late Sheriff Holly, and in a
week or ton days ho will place a bipno
to n, ark tho resting place of Our late
friend and neighbor, F. J. Witt. We
understand ho has just j-lactd a very
neat Ktona over the grave of the !a(e A.
L, Staudunniaier. We (.hould encour
age our own business people (u-A not
send last for our marble work, whi n we
cau et just as gMod, or even letter at
homo and much cheaper,
.The ca?e brought in Justice Hester's
court by M. A. llannan vs, George Hill,
f r the purpose of placing tho latter un
der bond to keep the peace, was tried
before his honor, oa but 'fins lay aft-ir-nooti
at lbs court house, Attorney,
O'Coniit'll appearing for the plaiitliff and
(ititiirie for tho defen.-e. After the te-s-timony
on both f,h!es wiw presented arid
the Atlcrney " had made Iheir i-ummiiHt
ll;l arej'iaieitl-i, (ha cnur!. held, that the
cv d nee was not Milii.vtit to put tho
d.jfi ri lint under a pt'i'cu bond nial rrdt r
lal th'J defeu.Iaht di.K lure-l. Thus no
ciird n;j to law the costs of the suit are
taxed up a.'aint the cou:,lain:n;; wili -eS
in whieh case mi t Nccutiou ill U
iisu :d for Ihe co'ljetton of tlu ta ne.
If people only kne.v wh.it wa know a"
bout Kodol I 'ysj.i l'e.ia Curo, it would be
te-.id ia nearly every hi ti -euobl, as there
are few piople who do iiotsufl'er from a
fet limrof fullne-s aftersatinir, belchina,
flal uleiiec, hour stomach or watcrbrash,
caused by liidifeslion or djKjepfia. A
preparation, such as Kodol Hyspepaia
Cure, which, with no aid from the stom
ach, will digest your food, certainly
fsii't help but do you good. J. E, Puis-
In our last issue, we called otteiiti m
lo the fact that memorial day was druw
neiran l our p?ople Irresjiicti ve of creed
Kgo or wx, hhould Btrivo to do all they
cau lo make this day, one of gratitude
and joy to the fow living relics of our
never-to be forgotten war. Our old sol
diers are nearly ull of tbnm too feeble
to take the lead indecoratingand arrang
ing the memorial ball or church, end
olhers who are the Rons of veteran, and
their children, and the children, of their
privations, should dumn it an honor nod
privilitff, to adorn, with the flowers of
love the plaee where memorial exercises
are held, and thereby g addon, if nly
for an hour, this hallowed day, which is
sacred above oil others to the old S ddier,
f,;t mm and all, old ari l youn;r, arise
from I heir h-thiry, nr.d by s-i doinjf,
Harrison, will have le-r old veleracs
madiii' ccia'ly hippy ou mein j.-ial d.iy.
Gems From
Tfis Trenchent
Pen of Clio.
IJero we are aain Z.-kieI after only a
wet ks absence, and we Imvs not been
takia;;a "Kip Van "Winkle nap either
Tar from nappinjr we h,.ve l;een. The
past !: been an tventfu! wct-k with, us.
The .ainful pi deal cf hou.v .deauuir has
betu accomplished, the wu.d. which
blow "wininio like'' in Sioux county,
tipped over the chicken bouse and we
managed to save eight out of thirty little
chicks, nod wound up the wet!; with a
I taluk old Bab promised himself oa
the way down here, that hu would "get
even" ttith us for making him travel so
close to tho cars for so many, many
miles when ho grew more ,f raid of the
;freat noisy tm,;inos every day. After
heucj well fel up on corn and oats he
tried to kick a hole in the barn or dance
on the read coming hume from church,
which is not quite proper in a civilized
land, and all this did not satisfy him so
lie tried runninjj away for the first time
in his eventful life of sixteen yeaes.
The three horses made thirifj-s lively for
a time sailing; around the field dragging
the plow after them, I puess he will
sober down now if he haw plenty of work
to do.
Soma corn has been planted but it will
he to weeks or more before it is plant
ed. The editor of the FitESS-JoCES.ir,, must
feel tho effects of the sprinff awakening,
as well as the rest of us for the paper
was very newsy and occupied much
mora reading space th au uual this
Twelve o'clock Sunday a heavy rain
decended n:,on ih, nrmirarit I v direct,
from the north west corner of (lie state.
It was a cool rain and I thought if' i?
turns to snow what will become of rny'
garden stuff that is growing so tucely,
but it is sjrowimj so nicely, but it is still
clou (y Mj.day mjrninj and no snow or
frost yot.
Arbor day was well observed in a sub
stantial v.nj, and the College campus
will ha a very pretty place in a few
years, also Sioux cottaga.
Every liii'e plumb bush is loaded with
blooms, and the strawberry beds look
quite white so we hope there will be en
abundance of fruit.
We have not. b-sen flshinsr yot, but aft
er the corn is planted we will see if we
can Ibili with '-a pitch fork."
The lemperonre people are greatly re
joicing and have been having a juhileo
over the city election and Mr. and Mrs,
C. C. Beveriiljfo, the singing temperance
evangelists held services three evr uings
at the M, E, church last week to a crow
ded house. They have been engaged in
(his work for eleven years. They were
here ten years ago, Thev are good sing
ers, don't fail to hear them if you ever
have an opportunity,
Rev. T. C. Webster went to Rod us
last week to deliver bis lecture on
"Carrie Nation and Her Hatchet" tin'.
lecture is gelling ;a i ous us oe lias been
uskid to (li liver it at several .'liferent
p!ac s. Home of your rem' 'ill re
member when Mr. Webster lived in
Ch.idron, CM').
Fought For His life.
"My father and sister both died of con
sumption," writes J, T, Weatberwax of
Wyaialotte, Mali., "and I was saved
Ironi the same frightful fate only by I)r,
King's New Discovery, An attack of
Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and
very severe lung trouble, which tin excel
lent doctor could not help, but a
few month's use of this wonderful mc-di-cino
made me as well as ever and I gain'
ed much in weight." Infallible for
Coughs, Colds and all throat and Lung
trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed
bottles oO.i and $1.01.at J. E. Phisneyh, ,
Old Solillors Exjicrlr nee,
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, Ind,, writes: "My wife was
U k a long time in spite of good doctor's
treatment, but was wholly cured by lr.
King's New Life Pills, which worked,
wondors for her health.." Thev nU-nvt
do. Try them. Only 2 at J. E. Pms -
. .. , - , .
hLY ft drug More. '
II invf h!a leg.
P.-A, D.-niforth, of LaGrango, Oa.',
suffered for six months with a frightful
runnina soie on his leg; but writes that
Hueklcn's Arnica Halve wholly cured itund to snid land, nnd for n renernl relief,
in liva tl.iy?. For Ulcers, Wounds,! And rou prn rurtlmr nolllled and required,
Piles, id the best jalvi in the M r,r,h j to iiimh er Mid i-ictitlon mi or befoie the ntli
Cure gnarmiioed. O.dy 85,. S.ld 1 -y " J"!'"' A" AV.
J. h 1 HWEY S. - I A tlon.ey for plaint Itr,
Over in Wyoming-
i, Miss riattie O'Connor bfgan a two
months term of tchool in the east school
house on last Tuesday, he will board
at Chris Christian's.
Miss Amy Christian is finishing her
term of school iu No, 4 after which she
will teach the west school in No. 7.
Earnest Piantz and Eph. Boyles each
bought an untamed pinto broncb, a few
days ago. They expect to make saddle
ponies cf them.
We are glad to have Jumbo join our
ratdes, as items from White River are
always welcome.
Lock Kinky is working for A. E,
Erdman, on his ranch on Indian craek.
Sam Knori, and wife, were over night
vjilors at Audrew Christians a few
evenings ago.
jmjk.n io air. anil Krs. J. Jl. JNowlin
at 13:20 o'clock A. M., on Monday,- May
Oth, 1001 , A girl, mother and child are
both doing well.
Charles MuDermolt, arrived ot Kirt-
ley, on Thursday of last week, and is
now with his family,
White City, Kansas, will sure gain no
toriety, through the mails, as well as a
largo sum of money. A chain of letters
are being circulated to build a church.
The chain is to have 100 links and stop,
Tlie first link calls for three letters, the
second 9, tho third 27, ect, increasing in
a threefold ratio. Each letter calls for
5 cents. A fractional part of link No. 42
found its way to our P, O. one day last
week. We hardly think E.?v. Maris stop
ped to figure the result or he would not
have called for 100 links by computa
tion ten links would bring 29,524 lotters
and ?,1,'17C,20. Fifteen links 0,932,453
Litters ami 316,621,65. What will be
the amount of tha 100 links is beyond
belief. .
C. L. Christian was elected treasurer
at thfa annual meeting. Zekiei,.
Sluitblers at his past,
"I recall now with horror," says mail
Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna, ().,
"my three years of suffering from Kid
ney trouble, I was hardly ever free
from dull aches 'or acute pains in my
back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made
me groan. I felt tired, worn out, about
ready to give up, when I began to use
Electric Bitters, but sis bottles complet
ly cured me und made me feel like a now
man. They're unrivaled to regulate
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and bowels.
Perfect Satisfaction guaranteed by J. E,
Phin.nev, only f0 cents.
"I have been suffering from Dyspepsia
for t he past twenty years and have been
unable after trying all preparations- and
physicians to gt any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia cure
I found relief and am tiow in better
health than I have been for twenty
years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia
Jure too highly." thus writes Mrs. C.
W. Roberts North Creek, Ark. J. E.
"Our liltlo girl was unconscious from
strangulation during a sudden and terri
ble attack of croup, I quickly secured a
bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giv
ing her three do:-es. The croup was
mastered and our little darling speedily
recovered "so writes A. L. 'afford,
Chester, Mich. J. 1. PitixsfA'.
TO Gnu-Re Jstnrs, Mary Juno James, An
drew J. Millar, and Mary M. Miller, Noa.
reside ut Defendants.
You and each ot you cre'hrreby notified
Hint mi the 4tli dny of JMv, A. !., ItWI,
Charles 8. ;).ron, es pluintiir, filed In the
dl.iirlet court of Moux County, Nebraska,
Ms petition ngaliwt you as defendaHts, the
object Htul prayer of which I", to huvo un
ae.coiiiilinit of the amount due upon a cer
tain promissory rtotn In wriUnx executed
by (teorgii Junius and Mury June Jiitnos, on
Iiocembur 1M.I1, Isss, to tho Wolern Farm
MortiniKO Co., for J75., due Deeember 1st,
1H!3, wltlj. Interest stter lnulnrity at tin
rate f ten perop.ntiim tier annuiti, and to
foreclose the ninrlKriRe doird executed by
them at the muno time to secure the pay
ment then of, upon tho following described
fal estnle In said county, to-wlt: The east
bull' of the wuth east (imirter of hoc lion (7)
KFven inui the westluilfof tho sou Ui west
(liinrte.r of seetlon ellil !, In townsblp(3)
thirty, noi-lii of range itrty-tlirve (53) In said
! S'T T r ' ,
' to Imve mi aetvonntlnv of the luiioiint due
J for tue upon siild hind paid l,y lilnlnlff; tor
I the pronation of Ills weurlly for Ilm yearn,
IHM-.i, IW O, Js.il, Ist-D, ltH'5, IH I, KJ, IsW, ISM,
and ltrnui to have ald bind sold for the pay
ment "'id Ml!;' action thereof, together with
eosts of suit and costs of sal; to bur fore
elon and vtclutln the (lefendnnts out of all
I 11.1., inn niu, nr iinll,vof redelillil.loil til
The Journal wjll iraWsn your brand, like
the following, for :00, per year. Eac.li ad
illtional wand 75 eeais. i-;very laruaer or
raneliinenjn Sioux and adjoining counties
a'uould advertiaa thejr-brands in ThkJocr-
KALuis it circulates all over the stale. It
may be the means of saving money for you
For the urreut. and conviction of any party
or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands
on stock belonging to the undersigned par
Iowea branded KjAj on rlyU shoulder or
branded on right Jaw
Also, I have
Horses branded
on left thigh
Tost Ctlieo Address,
. llitri-inon, Sioux Co., Nebraska
eo, ii7, -gs
ou left hir
left hip of Cattlo. I'ost Ollies, Hewitt,
Sioux County, Nebraska.'-
TTorsM ln-nndml 15!
Ottleft shoul
der branded on left shoulder
and CuUloi on left side.
I'ost Office Address,
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo.
o ' '
Cattlo branded
Horses branded
,e.,'i on lei h siue
on left Bbou
lder, rmige on Poldlcr Creek.
Any atoek brand ed as above being estray
ed from my range., discovered by any body
on giving me Information will be rewarded.
Address, 1't. ltobinson, Nebraska.
J. B. PA It ICE ft.
Horses branded on
Cattlo game on left
Sheep bunded
back of filieep.
left shoulder and
on eaek or lfXl on
llaiijje on Holdier (;rcek and White Kiver.
Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska.
Owns thn follow
hibraud on eith
er: Also HG on cat
tle und horses
cattle on leftside
ln,rMes on left
Ranj;o on Silver Springs and east of state
inn. PostolTlee Harrison Neb
jjsyj The brand represented in thla notice
i''4p$ and branded any where on left side
Bti'a of ni,uleai,d over-Inp ut from the
?f-A ! r-
S'!." Also the same brand on left thigh of
S-AjM horses, belongs to tho undersigned.
Hnnge near Eiint Springs, south part fo
Sioux county. Ciiakles Newman,
Harrison, Nebraska.
J.f. I'UCKHI?.
I'rnuded.on left shoulder of horses
ind on left side of e-ittle.
on right side
This on
lde of cattle too.
Knnaifiou White lilvnr, nar Clen.
Post Oiilec nddrfss, Glen, Nebraska.
Praudcd on left hip of Cattlo
and on left cheek of Horses,
Rangoon Deep Creek.
Address, lccp Creak Live Stock Co,.
J. II. Halheut, Foreman,
tileu, Nebraska.
lillCIiltET & .SONS.
Cattle brand
ed same ua that
on cut on cith
er side of nnl-
And following ou
leftside of catll.
And tliN
lisniftc on Kunidng Water.
Putt )ffl 1 1 l:-.n, II irr.s j i, X :'ir n't f
I W-l I
S.f ?m
Mf A"'thls pp
&SfkI rigUt
W "
ou left side of ho stock. I (SI 1
And this t.HS3 on left gldo and hip. i V, . m i l
km JC L
f ICO Eevfarrt.
For proof to convict any person of steal
lug, altering, running off or In any way
damagloga stock branded
side or hip.
Address, Jahkh jroBCE, .
. - Hurrlaon, Kttflj.
Brand eombi doubl:l
or cattle, liorseg suincUKa ss-on
shoulder. Wffi E,
PtXf.t;ut &ut rigwrSiW t'M ear
3s&l Cattle all dehorueu
Kange on Kyle Creole,
Post Office, (J ion Nebrf-
H Mi 1 L11-.FN
Cuttle branded
on left hip also
Cattle branded
Range on poidier Creek and W hite Biver.
Address, Cieu, Kebrusica.
loreaian, H;eo Masox.
Cattle brnnflpit
on left hip a.nt
same on tlio left
jaw, luitl batiitt
on I torsos. Alo
liorycs branded
on left jaw, shoulder or flank
Also Horses-
brsiulod IZli-i on left flank and
we..; oa le
ft shoulder
Range on head of Van Tassell creek, Wyo.
S"jost Office, uJdres, Harrison, Hob.
norscs branded with any of abore brand.
Address, J. A. Anprrson ,
Ilarrinon, Nebraekn.
Cattlo P.randed
I'.anj?e on
on loft side.
Also Cattle. iraaed
shoulder or wkle,.
Range on
on left lilp,
Kunniiig Water.. P. o. Address
Agate, Nebraska.
Cattle Pranded
' Range on Run
on left side,
nlng Water
Address Agtc, Nob.
Horses and cat
tle branded on
either side same ua
on cut. :
And Cattlo branded
side, and lIoi'Bes on left"
Address, Eodnre, Nobrapika.
Cattle brand
ed on left side.
Kange on
lluunlng Water
IT'P. O. Address Harrison, Nebrasku
Cuttle brand
range south
Hid go Wyo.
ed On 1 : t side
of Ploasunt
Address, Hiirrlson, Nob.
Cattle branded
on the left
loft shout-
aide and same on
dor of homes.
Adttrcu, Harrison, Nebraska.
Cattle branded
any wbcro cn
lift tide of tlin
11.1 11 1 III .
KuiigA on PrsJ.
l ie I 'or mdiloa
roe ( rooks.
Ai" dies, Harrison, NcbraoU.
t '; TV?
? rs T
fci - -
Cattle brand- "if '
ed same as thst 1 Tj2 I
on eilj-'ier I gja Jl
left hljV on t i
left shoulder. .ijfrjsjw rw41In
fill " 1Ult
"B- 1
1 .w.
w. 1