Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 02, 1901, Image 7

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Hm Bruner, Ualted State marakai
of Indian territory in the early diya,
enjoys the rare distinction of haring
a eetacterjr named after him. And the
trance part of It la that no one is
buried there except hie own victims.
There are twenty-eight msunds in tho
cemetery. Under each lies the bones
of aome bad man who brushed up
against Bruner and got the worst of it
When Bruner was marshal the In
dian territory was about as wild as
a country ever gets. It was filled
with horse thieves, cattle thieves, train
robbers and desperadoes of all kinds.
A law abiding peaceable citizen did
not stand much show. Murders were
ao common that they were not con
sidered news. Thefts attracted no at
tention whatever except from the ones
who suffered loss. The country was
run as near along anarchistic lines an
the most ardent anarchist of New York
or Madrid could hope. Little atten
tion was given to the "consent of the
governed." The desperado with tho
quickest movement of his shooting
hand and the mo.it nerve ruled the
roost. That was the condition until
Hec Bruner was appointed United
States marshal. When he took chargj
of the office he decided to revolutionise
things and make Indian territory "a
good place to live in." His friends
laughed at him, although they knew
ho had nerve. To go up against the
notorious gangs of the country, they
said, was foolishness. It might result
In cleaning out a gang or two, but in
the end would result In the marshal
being wiped off the map. What was
the use to endanger one's cwn life in
order to make trouhle for the desper
adoes, they would ask. To this Bruner
replied that he would drive the open
ing wedge toward civilizing the terri
tory if it cost him his life the first day.
He stuck to his resolution, and he did
not lose his life, either. But he had
several narrow escapes. He was punc
tured by bullets until his frame eouU
be "used for a sieve," and he had his
blood spilled in many a fight, but
not enough of It at any one time to
make him bite the dust. While tho
desperadoes were making It interest
ing for Bruner he was kepplng them
busy. He was a dead shot, and when
ever he pulled the trigger on his man
It meant a separation of soul and
body. There was no discount on that.
Bruner began to hunt down the des
peradoes. The first one he killed was
buried in a grove south of Tahlequah.
GrOW CardcSS 1 Constant Handling i
r r $ of Explosives Make fj
"After a miner has handled dyna
mite for eight or ten years without a
serious mishap It is a good Idea to
put him to doing something else about
the works," says one who has had a
great deal of experience with high ex
plosive. "The chances are 100 to 1
that his long Immunity from accident
has given him such a contempt for
danger that he Is an unconscious men
ace to everybody on the premises. Ho
will do things that not only imperil his
own life, but the lives of his com
rades. To give you an Illustration,
I once had an old Cornlthman at
work at a mine In which I was in
terested and had Intrusted him with
a general supervision of all the blast
ing. He had been handling dynamite
for twenty years or more and was Just
ly regarded as an expert. During the
entire period he had never had an ac
cident worth speaking of ,and by de
grees the care and vigilance that were
responsible for his excellent record had
worn away until he was beginning to
entertain the delusion, common to old
hands, that the danger of the stuff
wag much exaggerated.
"One day I was parsing through a
cut where aome blasting had been go
ing on and noticed the old Cornlsh
man hammering a drill Into what
seemed to be a boring in the ground. I
asked him what he was doing and he
told me cooly that there wa a cart
ridge in the hole that had failed to
explode and that be was 'Just knock
In' out the tamping to reprlme it. I
was horrified, for at every blow he
North and South
They Go
The geographical prize of the cen
tury is the discovery of the North Pole.
It will be quite a feather In the cap
of the nation whose flag Is first plant
ed on the northern center of the earth's
axis. The United States Is a sharp
competitor for this prize. Lieutenant
Peary Is now somewhere In the frozen
regions and Intelligence from him Is
anxiously awaited. Two European
countries are now represented there by
Capt. Sverdrup and Baron Toll. Mem
bers of one of these expeditions might
have already reached the coveted spot
Their return or a report from them la
quite certain during the summer. In
a nhort time another American ex
pedition will start under command of
Kvelyn E. Baldwin, who has had
great deal of experience In Arctic ex
plorations. William Zletler of Phila
delphia dm placed 11.000,000 at the dhv
poaal of Capt Baldwin an no peni
MrshcJ Who Has
Killed Mny
Dad Men.
The second one wan alio laid there.
And so It went unt"-. the carcasses ol
twenty-eight bad who had met
death at the hands of Bruner while
he was acting In the line of duty wer
buried In that grove. A rail fence waf
run around the grare and the ceme
tery was named "Bruner's graveyard."
Only one grave in the yard is marked
with a marble stone. That is the grave
of a noted horse thief. His pals chip
ped In and bought the tombstone be
cause he waa a "good fellow." AY.
the rest of the graves are marked with
wooden slabs. Many of them are in
closed with slab fences, while others
are inclosed with rails laid in hog
pen fashion. After Bruner got hie
graveyard pretty well filled up the des
peradoes began to realize that he
meant business, and whenever one
wouia hear that Bruner wanted him
he would come into town and give
himself up rather than run the risk of
being the next one to occupy space In
Bruner's graveyard. From that time
on Bruner had an easy time. He had
accomplished his object. He had driv
en the entering wedge In the civili
zation of the toughest country the sun
ever shone on. Kansas City Journal
II Could Abbreviate.
An amusing story illustrating Brit
ish officialism comes from South Af
rica, and will bear repeating. The col
onel of a pioneer regiment, repairing
the railroad after one of Gen. DeWet's
many breakages, discovered a fine
empty housd, which he proceeded to
occupy as fceadquaiteia. When the
news of the colonel's comfortable quar
ters reached Bloemfonteln he received
a telegram which read: "G. T. M.
wants house." The colonel was unable
to make out what "G. T. M." meant,
and inquired of officers, who translated
it 'General Traffic Manager." "All
right," said the colonel. "If he can
n hieroglyphics so can I." So he
wired back: "G. T. M. and G. T. H."
Two days later he received a dispatch
from Bloemfonteln ordering him to at
tend a board of inquiry. On appear
ing In due course he was asked what
he meant by sending such an insult
ing message to a superior officer. "In
sulting," repeated the colonel, inno
cently: "It was nothing of the kind."
"But whut do you mean," demanded
nls superior, "by telling me I can 'G.
T. H.'?" "It was simply an abbrevia
tion," replied the colonel. "G. T. M.
(general traffic manager) can G. T. H.
(get the house)." New York Herald.
( -
V ft
was liable to explode the dynamlt"
and I ordered him sternly to stop and
never to repeat such a performance.
The proper method would have been
to have drilled a new hole near by and
exploded the first cartridge with a sec
ond blast. He obeyed sullenly .grumb
ling to himself, and In less than a
month afterward was blown up while
doing exactly the same thing. He
lost his left arm at the shoulder, his
left eye and part of his left ear. He al
so lost his contempt for dynamite,
and when he finally emerged from tho
hospital I gave him back his former
Job. I never had a more scrupulously
careful employe than he waa from
that time on. It seems a brutal thing
to say, but there is nothing that does
an old dynamite hand as much good
as to get blown up once or twice."
Weird Tale from the TarlHe Coaau
The Chinese residents of North Ya
kima have many sacks of rice supposed
to have been poisoned by the official
and missionaries In China. One mer
chant has twenty sacks put away, and
refuses to eat any or sell to the Chi
nese. Those who claim to know say
that at least $500 Is Invested In pois
oned rice In that city. The rice Is sold
to Americans, but the Chinese purchase
their supplies from local merchants.
They say that six years after eating
the rice the victims die. The object
of the poison, It Is said. Is to kill off all
the Chinese In tho United States.
Portland Orcgonlan.
Hardy Explsrers
of Many Countries
Seeking Polar
will be spared to Insure the success of
tho undertaking. '
An exuedltlon Is flttine out In Scot
land and another In Germany for trips
to the Antarctic regions. With the
knowledge and experience of the last
century to aid them. It Is probable that
the scientists and explorers who are
starting In so early this century will
come pretty near reaching, If they do
not reach, the two flat areas of this old
earth's surface.
A Herman Fathlnn Ktlilliit.
Germany will endeavor to be Its own
"mold of form and glass of fashion."
Benin will soon see a fashion exhibit
by which It Is hoped that special
fashions for German women will be
established, The managing commit
tee will Includo members of the high
est society.
ataaaa Counl.rf.ller'a HaflltxL
"For more than a year past." says
the Ibladelphla Record, "the treasury
dipsrtment has Iwen defrauded of
thousand of dollars liy the washing of
canceled revenue stamps. Those en
gaged In the business have secured
canceled stamps of all denominations,
washed them clean, regummed them
and sold them. Now. however, the
treasury chemists have found an olive
gray ink for the stamp itself which will
fade away if any attempt shall be
made to wash out the cancellation
mark. I'nfortunately, it haB proved
impossible to blend this fugitive ink
with any chemical producing an agree
able color, and beauty has. therefore,
been sacrificed to safety. The design
or the battleship Maine will be retain
ed." Take Garfield Tea for constipation;
It has this to recommend it: it is made
from health-giving herbs and it surely
Australia's Capital.
There Is every probability that early
in next year the site of the Austra
lian federal capital will be decided and
competitive plans for laying it out in
vited. The idea Is that it should be
one of the finest cities of its kind in
the world, enjoying a salubrious cli
mate and possessing beautiful sur
roundings. Only the public buildings
will be constructed at the cost of the
commonwealth, all others being left to
private enterprise.
If everyone knew how good a remedy
was Hamlin's Wizard Oil Its sales
would double In a day.
The less veracity a man has of his
own the more he admires it in other
$148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
SchmoIIer & Mueller, 1313 Farnam
Street. Omaha.
When a woman denies an accusation
and wants to prove her innocence she
Are Vou U.lnr; Allan' Foot F.aa.T
It is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
.Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress. Allen 8. Olmsted. IRoy. N. Y.
In a theater, D No. 2 or E No. 3
may be considered an A No. 1 seat.
Are Ton Interacted In the Northwest?
Cut. out this advertisement, mention
paper in which it appeared.enclose with
10c in silver to address given and
Home and Garden, illustrated, month
ly, will be sent you free for one year,
(tegular price, 50c- Address Home and
3arden, Newspaper Row, St. Paul,
Never belittle your own acts. Peo
ple are very apt to take you at your
FIso'k Cure cannot be too alifhly spoken of as
tcounh cure. J. W. O Hkien, as Third Ave.,
N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1WJ.
SnvH nn old bachelor: "Marriage is
t means of grace when it leads to
Do Your Foe Ache and Horn?
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot
Kase, a povder for the feet. It mnkes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and
Sweating freet. At all Druggists and
Shoo Stores, 25c. sample sent FREE.
A(lures3 Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y.
Spring Clearing Maria r.ay.
Much of the terror of Spring Cleaning mny
1)0 avoided by good management. Mettled
weather should tie selected for the work, and
every thlngnecegRary provided beforehand.
Ivory Boap will be found lent for wasbing
paints, floor and windows; it is harmless
and very effective in making the bouse clean
and fresh. EUZA I'ARKER.
Beware of the friend that advises
you to go to war or get married.
rN t J L
uia you ever nave mat ieeung or oppression, nice a weign: on your cnest, or a load of cobblestones in your
stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams,
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun
ates suffer with it night after night, until their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The
cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARETS!
mm a a mm i ava iiima tw. aiikiu, ul x ma.
w t" w wnmi? tfiin am
. VVABANTBND -TO COM! an trenkl.e. Ba-awalHle, Mllmaeae.
beaaaba, laalavailsa, plajaiaa, aalaaalvr aaltaa, Htw traabl. aallaw Ma
Malsa aaa aiaetaaee. Wave year bow. la n t aw, rajralarly waa are
nuiaj el.h. fiaaatlaaMaa killa a.M awaale thaa all atkar alwaaaa taebr.
lie a etarter tar lb. rbraate aileMata aaa laaa y.ara 'r1! tbat aaaae
aftorwarae. Ma maMar what alia aa, atart labial l'iD( kl li laeay. far
a.r.r gat reM aaa bo will all lb. Mbm aatll yea pmt year aawele
rlalii. 'fake aar aavleai ebart wU bAMAnKTfl taeay, aaaer aa abaalata
aaraatae la .are ar bmii rafbaaaa. m
The finished performance of an actor
Is often a great relief to the audience.
If vou Have Rheumatism
frVnd no rtuiiltjr. t.iit wrlln lr. Hluop. ItMHnr. Win.,
Iiojt It;,, 1i.r .,i Ix.ttlp if In. MiiMip'a lltirumuflr
Lure.eiKeai a 4. If curra p .'..!; II uol 111. (rut.
There is no pride like that of a beg
gar grown rich.
duce the fastest and brightest colors
of any known dye stun.
Regret cannot bring the arrow back
to the bow.
Mra. Wlnilow i Soothing Hjrnp.
or children leeiblne:. ufien. the num., reduce. 1v
Banjumlon. aiiajrn pam.cure. wind colic ttc a buttle.
A Dublin Peat Konm.
A large Dublin manufacturer has a
room entirely furnished with Irish
peat. The carpets on the floor, the
curtains ut the windows and paper on
the walls are made from this sub
stance. For years he has experiment
ed with the material, which is now
very largely exported as fuel, and he
has discovered that from It it is pos
sible to procure almost any kind of
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 36 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
There is no profit in religion where
there Is no loss.
Throw physic to tho doits- If vou don't want
the dotrs bul if you want good ifigeMloa chew
Hmnitiu's Pepsin Hum.
Sometimes God's storms are hilt tn
drive us into harbor.
. Simplicity, strength and purity com
bined in Garfield Tea, the herb medi
cine that cures constipation and liver
Willingness to be God's slave is the
way to become His son.
How' ThlT
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward foranv
eaKPof Catarrh tbulcauuol be cured by Hall a
Catarrh Cure.
V. J. (,'HKNEY & CO., Props.. Toledo. C.
We. the undernixnud, have Itnown F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yarn and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their llrm.
West & Truai. Wholesale DrufOfists, Toledo,
O.; Waldinff, Klnnun & Marvin, Wholesale
Dnwirists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's ' latarrh Cure is takon Internally, act
ing direct, v upon the blood and raucous surfaces
of the Kyswm. Tnstittionlals front free. irlco
i"5c per bottlo. Sold by all lU'UKKtaM.
Hall s Family Pills are ne but.
The more a wise man thinks the less
he is apt to talk.
Ask your g.-ocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
The bore who Is looking for no
body In particular should look in the
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package tor
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
All the world's a stage and all the
doctors are merely ushers both ways.
lhrli llrnwn'l Great K'tnedv lot
i.FottrDBvanrl tl) Nervotn Diseases. Artrlrew W
O. rHICLra BKOrt.V. MBTOUli'W, Senbarth, S.I.,
f you take up your
homes in Western Can
ada, the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlet,
(fivintr fsxpf'rienc.s of
farmer who have be
come wealthy in row
Inn wheat, reports of
deWitfaies, etc. and full
.aforoiiition a lo reduced railway rates can b
had on application to the Supt rlntenaeut of
Immigration. Department of Interior. Ottawa,
Canada, or 10 w. V. Bennett, 801 N Y. Life
H'Uk- Omaha, Neb. Special excursions to
Western Canada dunnir March aud April
v .ataf a niMMi i TraianrBi of ifr. it
IT Fit.
M WHP wwwnwwwwwwvfrww MM M u mt h iuw aj i.j.ip imni
il. . l r 1. f . 1-1
air t' thim
- ' 'tal m i afi rva m
"I Cheerfully Recommend Peruna to All Who
Want a Cood Tonic and a Safe
Cure for Catarrh."
Prominent members of the clergy r'e giving Peruna their unqualified en
dorsement. These, men find Peruna especially adapted to preserve them
from catarrh of the vocal organs which has always been the bane of publie
speakers, and general catarrhal debility Incident to the sedentary life of the
clergyman. Among the recent utterances of noted clergymen on the cura
tive virtues of Peruna is the following one from Bishop James A. Handy,
D. D of Baltimore:
"I take great pleasure in acknowledging the curative effects ot
Peruna. At the solicitation of a Mend I used your remedy and
cheerfully recommend your Peruna to all who want a good Tonic
and a safe cure for catarrh." -James A. Handy.
A Husband Escaped the Panes if
Catarrh OfthB I IMPS
baiflllll Ul inB LUIlS.
Most Cases of Incipient Consumption Are
fl - A L
Edward Stevens.
Mrs. Edward Stevens of Carthage,
N. Y., writes as follows:
"I now take pleasure in notifying
you that my husband has entirely re
covered from catarrh. He is a well man
today, thanks to you and Peruna. He
took six bottles of your medicine as di
rected, and it proved to be just the
thing for him. His appetite is good
and every thing he eats seems to agree
with him. His cough has left him and
he is gaining in flesh, and seems to be
well every way. I hope others will try
your medicine and receive the benefits
that we have." Mrs. Edward Stevens.
When the ;atarrh reaches the throat
it is called tonsilitis, or larnygitis. Ca
tarrh of the bronchial tubes is called
bronchitis; catarrh of the lungs, con
sumption. Any internal remedy that
will cure catarrh in one location will
cure It in any other location. Thia is
If afflicted with
Thompson's Eye Water
bore eyes, umi
t her mysteries. Kffcntunf asportinn:
ttr uta. SO iiluattaflons. iMt pae book
puat paid 10c. iacob Herk, Denver. Colo,
$3 & $3.50 SHOES S
The real worth of mv flfl.oo and jW.-V) shoes compared with
other makt In $4.W to .". My $4.lNH;i!t Kde tuie cannot be
equalled at any price. Best in the world for men.
1 mulct 4itf aril morn incii'i flue heft. Goodyear
Welt.(Eltnl4ffw4l Prwcw), ihun any other mnniifitc
turf r In the world. I will pay VI ,0H toau one who can
prove UiMt my itttU'iuvut k not true.
KiKii-d W. T... Doafflna.
Take no ntt Itnte t Insist on having W . L. Douglas shoes
with name and price stamped on bottom. Your dealer should
keep them ; I give one dealer exclusive sale In each town. If
he does not keep them and wilt not pet them for you, order
direct from factory, enclosing price and 2V extra for earrtaRe.
Over 1,000,110 satisfied wearers. New Spring Catalog free,
-t Color yuu wwd exoiiTiy. W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
miym it Mil l,n 0 1 1 1 iim mi,t tmym mui UMaf a.jai alin.llilllt M amHJaii .... a..ja,ai).a,ia. a-m j
hobo mobo troocks! tuck.
MI bava been curing CASCABETS
for Jnaomnla, Willi wnlcb I Dave beao afflicted
for OTer twenty joars. and I can it? tbat
Caacareta ha to citeo m more ratisf than any
oilier remedy I bare erer tried. I thall cer
tainly recoiLraend them to my friends at be
lOf all Utay are repreaented.
TBOS. QILLARD, Elgin. 111.
. SCABANTEEB TO I HFt Pit. ..are aew tbe Ira baa .f OAI
CA RET waaeela. Now II la e. rata million boao. a year, ereater tbaa any
alaillar aMIrl.t la tbrwerla. Tbl. la ab.olvto araef ef anal ai.t-lt aaa
aar brat toetlaoalal. We aoT.Ca.Mk. oaal will aelf CASTA BETa, abaeiat.ly
aaaraate.4 la rare ar money refaae'.di e kay teeay two beaoe, viao
bam a fair, koaeat trial, aa aar almala dlrartlone, and If yea are not oatleied
oi wr wow. M. aw oom, mora u. Him otoa m
pa oy moil, or la. araniet iraa waem yea aoreaaaaa it, aaa aot year maaey
ok Wr balk iMaaa. Tahe aar adl.a:ne matter what alia yaa-atart today.
Health win eal. kly fallow aad yea will bleat the day roa trit etartad the aaa
arOAaCAaiiTa. Book free ky mall. Addi alltaVtatta., KTRrt ajhliaji,
m trr. rri rra nn nn intra .mi ii n j
1 7oLT!rJl
SS tls. yzSTtZ
not PalHtate; it cures.
Mrs FrederIck wmiame, President
I ' - Z- .
wcrds of praise
for Peruna from 3
973 Cuyler ave., 1
Chicago, III.:
"My home is q
never wi t h o u 1 3
Peruna, for 1 3
have found dur-1
ing the past bIXh
years that there 3j
is no remedy:
that will at once 'W r t
alleviate suffer- A.
lng and actually Mrs. Fred Williams,
cure, as Peruna does. Four bottles
completely cured me of catarrh of the
head of several years' standing, and if
my husband feels badly, or either of us
catch cold, we at once take Peruna,
and in a day or two it has thrown the
sickness out of the 6ystem." Mrs.
Frederick Williams.
Mrs. W. A. Allison, of 759 Sheffield
avenue, Chicago, 111., is the Assistant
Pofinlp'a Hnsni- 3
tal. She has the .
following to say '
about Peruna:
"I have had fre
quent opportuni
ties to observe ;
the wunde r f U I :
curative effects :
of Peruna espe- ;
dally on persons
suffering with a i
congested condi- Mrs. W. A, Allison,
tion of the head, iungs, and stomach,
generally called catarrh. It alleviates
pain and soreness, increases the appe
tite and so tones up the entire system
thatthepatientquickly regains strength
and health." Mrs. W. A. Allison.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Tor TP Trices Ship Tour
To JlcadquarterB
i, IV. irkru A Uompftny.
Bitter, Kgfe'8, Vral, Hides and Kuril, Potato,
Onloni in Carload Lots.
Omali, IVebrnalKft.
We believe it will sell at 50 cents.
Send your order now. Our book,
"Successful Speculation," sent free.
a a
25c. 50c
aaa aae empty aaa ta
' -- 1 - - - - -