(i0 KV Harrisoi URNAL. I) 6 VOL. "SLTOL HABBISOH, nsrEBBASKA, TSTJSHDY, E-A.Y. 2, 1901. Cur Xullo 'mo QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." Hon. William J. Brian. 23 O.' 4.4. 1, Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PRESS-JOURNAL TUT? DTATT?7?D T)TT A "D K A nv , 1 RESS - J O i i s-f ii Drugs, Drufijixts Sundries, ! Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ! Books and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. i I ; ' j HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. o Subscription IYicc IVr Year $1.00. Official Paper of Sioux: County. Gko. ). Canon, - Editor. Kntem.d at the Haiiuson Post Oitkf. as Kerdnd Clap Matter. Ahout nix or eight weeks ago a man by the name of Callahan was arrested by the Onuihn Chief of Police as one of the participants in the C'idaliy kidnapp ing crime lust fall. Mr, Callahan was placed on trial a week ago and Saturday last whi acquitted of llie crime. And now . after 13 conipotent jurors have heard the evidence from l:ginning to end and declared the man in not guilty, theOaiiy papers, public sentiment ami t lie trial judge seem to think the man is guilty just tile same. "I have been suffering from Dyspepsia for tint past twenty years find have been unable after trying all preparation and hhvsicians to et any relief. After tak ing om bottle of Kodol Dyspppsia cure I found relief find am bow in better liealtli than I have been for twenty year. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts North Creek, Ark. J. E. I1IUWEY. About IS months ago, little Japan wanted to bscorne a world power, ami concluded the best tiling to do to becom such a thing would be to adopt the gold standard. Now they have a financial crash. Yes, tliey are a world power, now. If people only knew what we know a- bout Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be used in nearly every household, as there are few peopie who do not suffer from feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash, caused by indigestion or dysjiepsia. A preparation, such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the stom ach, will digest your food, certainly can't help but do you good. J. E. Phin- SBY. Gov. Deitrich, Monday pardoned, de faulter, ex-city treasurer Henry Bolln, who was sentenceJ to the sU.te peniten tiary live tear oiro'for nineteen years penal servitude, Ilwiry Bolln, in a broth er of Merchant Bolln of Douglas, Vtyo, Black Jack, the noted train robber and murderer, was executed at Clayton. N. M. n kist Fri-lny, in the fall from the scaffold the h.nd of tlie tandit was completely severed from the body.' A toost bungling j b. It now begins to look a if the republi can party were getting somewhat tired of the high protection cry. As several of the leading republican dailies, seem to think if the tariff was lowered, it would knock out the trusts. That is just what Huvermyer, the sugar king thinks; he said, protection is the mother of trusts and trusts, and (or the past live years the Democratic party made the same declaration from the house tops. Wi begio to think it will take free trade to kill the trusts now because there is an anti trust law on the statute books and the republican administration will not enforce that law. See? Aint we right now? "Our Utile girl was unconscious from c.-uigu latum during a sudden and terri ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a Utttle of One Minute Cough Cure, giv yj her three doses. The croup was Xttstered and our little darling speedily recovered "so writes A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich. J. E. PlIlSNEY. The Old Established Line. Between Om una ami St. Tunl 1h thu ""ortli-Wcgterii Line." Rniantn (he lAtmviul meriiva Hod fmn Wiuh-rn Woodmen of Amixun We ore glad to note that Carl A. I Larsen, who has baen conducting the work on a section near Van Tassel, has been appointed to succeed W. B. Wright on the Harrison section, thus giving him the advantage of the schools for the edu cation of his children. A. O. Fisher, of Chadron vs. 1L IL lussell of this county, is a case wherein dipt. Fisher, sued H. II. Russell for fees which he claims whM due him as coun sellor for Charles Russell in his prelim- nary trial for the murder of A. L. Staudenmaier last May. The case was tried before Judge Schilts court yester day, and resulted in the court finding for the plaintilT in the sum of $88.00. We understand the defendant, Mr. Russell, took nn appeal to the District court. We are glad to announce to the general public, and especially all lovers of a good darkey roimstreal and cotni-s opera show, which will take place at Andrews Hall, Friday (tomorrow) even- ng. The troop are composed of six col ored ladies and gentlemen, and give the celebrated play "Black Oddity," togeth er with other comic features during the evening's entertainment. Without doubt this is beyond all probability the best show of the kind ttiat has ever pass ed this way and condesended to stop off and display their talents at Harrison. Come out and hear them. -Will Harvey, was unfortunate last last Friday aftrnoon; while in the tioiber alone trying to load a log onto his wag on with a pry and skid, and in sorno way the skid gave away causing the log to fall back on one of his legs, breaking it about midway between the ankle and knee joints. The accident occured a- Uout an hour before sundown and he was compelled to stay there until about S o'clock in the evening before assistance came to bis relief. Dr. Phinney was dis patched for, and went out and sot the fractured member and otherwise Jooked- after his physical conditions. It means Will must lay u) for at least six weeks from bis labors. News From The : j Post. i Ft. Robinson April 29, 1901. , Fine weather new, grass looks floe. Dad Young has sold out to P. F. Cram lett of Crawford. Wedding bells near Olen the first J. ' T. Mason has rented the M. J. Blewett school section BORN To J. T. and Mrs. Mason on the 28lh ult, a daughter weight 9 lbs. Martin Weber is fencing a large pas ture: Jusujo. Over In Wyoming. STOCK BRANDS. The Jodsnal will publish your brand, like tb following, for 12 :00, per year. Each ad ditional brand 75 cents. Jtvery taruier or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties should sxlTcrtise their brands in The.Iodk NALas It circulates all over the state. It way be the means of savins money for you $500 REWARD. For the arrest and conviction of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands on stock belonging to the undersigned par ties: DAVID COLVILLE. Horses branded ou righ shoulder or branded on right Jaw Also, I bare fl OO Reward. For proof to convict any person of steal lug, alteriug, ruuuiug off or In any -uy damaging slock branded side or nip. right Address, James Fokci, f.' , Harriseu, Neb. A.T. HUGH SON. Brand cotnbl doublet of cattle. Horse same shonlder. ;ut out righ rvvl J. Cattle all dehorned. liange on Kyle Creek, Pott Office, tilen Nebraska on left side right ear cattle, Old Soldier! Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife waa sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by ,Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health.." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at J. E. Pin ney's drug store. have bc-en announced at one fare, plus $2.00, for the round trip. The railroads of Nebraska connecting with the North-Western Line at Omaha, are The union Pacific, It. & M. , MrsHot iu Pacimc, C, It. I. & P. , nd the road connecting at Missouri Val ley is the Fremont, Elkhokn & Mo. Val j.rv. i Delegate and their friends from all point in the slate can therefore secure th best accommodations by buying through ticket from their home towns via the most convenient road to the Missouri Riverand tho "Nokth-Wshtkhn Line" beyond, TWO TTIIIOUOIC THAIS9 DAILY, Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger Station 7:53 r. U. Lv. Omaha, Union Pitimenger SUUon 6:55 a. M. The night train has modern broad ves tibuled coaches and pullman sleep ers. The day train has modern broad vesti huled coaches and observation buffet sarlor car. We note the fact that "M. W. of A." always want the het when they can get it for the same money. The motto of the North-Western Line is "The Dest of Everything.'' J. R. llrcmfu Geo. 'ill l'iisrii;rr Agriil, OiiiMha. Additonal Local. o Joe Sturdivant came up from Hew itt tliu first of tho week to uo some trading and business affairs. "Dad" Young, from near Ft. Robin son, in this county was in town Monday attending to business at the court huute. The dance at the Andrews Hall last night was quite well aittniieu, uave Barllctt and L. C. Wright furnished the music. M. J. Carroll, who has been at Mor croft, Wyo., during the past few months returned to the tosom of his family this wctk. Arthur Christian, came into town Monday evening and had a surgical op lerutioo performed by having a very piuiful tooth extracted. We understand that J. J. Kipp has sold his ranch to the Schaefer's and for the summer go to Oeriog whore he will put in the season for the next seven or eieht mouths. Oeriag's gain will be Sioux County's loss. It saved his leg. P. A. Danforth, of LaOrange, Oa., suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Balve wholly cured it in five davs. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in the world, Cure guaranteed. Ouly 25c. Bold by E. Puixney'b. Fought For His life. Mv father and sister both died of con sumption," writes J. T. weatherwax oi Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was saved rom tho same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An attack or Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excel- ent doctor could not help, but a few month's use of this wonderful medi cine made me as well as ever and I gain ed much in weight." Infallible for Coughs, Colds and till throat and Lung trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. at J. E. Piiinneys. FOR SALE A complete st of Euryc- lopa-dia. Britannicas, 23 volumes. You can get tham for almost nothing in com nan son to what they cost, the same can be seen at this office. MARRIED At the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Charles CUmmenzind's, today Miss Mary Widenstein of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mr. Jacob Dose, of Hat creek, Wyo., Judge Schilt performing the ceremony; the parties are aged respectively 21, and 28 years. Congratulations. Peter Bourette, was given a most a- greeable surprise Inst week, in the na ture, of a visit from a younger brother from West Bend. Iowa, whom he had not seen in several years. Uncle Bour ette knew his brother was in Sioux county, when the latter arrived at his domain on Running Water. Mr. Bour ette is engaged in business, in West Bend, and while he'told a press report er he liked Sioux county for a visit yet he did not think he would like to reside here permanently. The gentleman spent a picas ii, t -k. with relatives, and I'.ft nn list Mondav for Cliailron, wlipre he pol lives. pl:iaut tlay.or two with rola- bluidiU rsut his past. "I recall now with horror," says mail Carrier Burnett Mann, of Ievanna, O., "my three years of suffering from Kid ney trouble, I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. I felt tired, worn out, about ready to give up, when I began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles complet ly cured me and made me feel like a new man. They're unrivaled to regulate Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and bowels. Perfect Satisfaction guaranteed by J. E. Pihnn'ev, only f'O cents. We are glad to note that Miss Amy Christian is able to resume her school duties this week. Oc last Wednesday! she was able to ride home from the val ley, and has Improved greatly since. . Let every voter turn out to the oo nual school meeting on next Monday the 8th, as there is a treasurer to elect, and several other matters to be attended to. The election will be held in the east school house. The demand for potatoes are so great that almost every one on the Ridge ex pects to put out a large patch. On the east side of the settlement, alone, there will be about twelve acres planted to tubers. There seems to lie quite a demand for seed wheat here and several could not get the seed to sow the amount of ground that they had intended sowin tlonn Lieuel had to pull the pump in bis well, the fore part of last week, on accouDt of the check valve not working. J. H, Foster, of Manville. was through here assessing the "Ridgeites," on Wed nestlay of last week, lie has the whole county to assess, and it is sure a long job ds the county is about 100x70 miles so we understand. Mrs. S. HolterOeld was quite sick the first of the week. We did not learn the nature of the disease. What has become of Clio and M. A. C? Wo miss their letters so much. Now sisters wake up from vour Rip Van Winkle nap and give us the news. Do not leave poor old Zekfel to fight the battle alone, even though there is a Cannon to do the execution, spring is here and we're "picking up" our feet after the plow. Wake up, sand hill, let's hear you scrake! Mr. Editor, can't you get a correspon dent from Glen? A weekly news letter from there would be highly appreciated by us. We would suggest that Mrs. M. II. Green, send in a list once a week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christian went to Lusk last Saturday afternoon, return ing home on Sunday. Miss Nellie M. Christian gave an af ternoon party to her little girl friends, on la-it Thursday. Quite a number were present and they passed a pleas-ant after noon playing games and feasting on can dies and nuts. An excellent dinner was served at 4:110 o'clock to which the girls did ample justice. After dinner they played a few games, then bade their hostess good bye and went home to tell their rrtothers what a fine time they had at Nellie's party. Tlioso present were, Nellie and Dot Zunibrunnen, Berlie Church, Olive Tat man, Oeorgiaand Thcollolterfield, Eliza and Metta Christian, and Jessie and Bes sie Newland, V. L. Christian took his cattle to his south range the first of the week. ZEKiEL. Horses branded! on left thigh Post Ottic Address, Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska Brands r. E. JANDT. 60, ii7, - m ou left hip left hip of Cattle. Sioux Couuty, Nebraska. o on on left Jaw, Post Offlce, Hewitt JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded on left shotil der Cattle branded I. A KS PETKBSEN. on left hip also Cattle branded on left ld. Range on Soldier Creek and White Blver. Address, Ulcn, Nebraska. Foreman, FasD Maso. BE11T EAUNEST. V 3 cm Cattle branded on left hip end same on the left Jaw, aad same on Horses. Also Horses branded branded on left shoulder and Cattle PIY on left side. Post Office Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. GEOKGE SWANSON. Cattle branded Horses branded on left side on left shou lder, range on Soldier Crcrk. Any stock branded as above being estray- cd from my range, discovered by any body on giving me Information will be rewarded. -Address, Ft. Hobinson, Nebraska. J. B. FARKEB. ""ill on left flsnk and RifiVj I 111 oa left shoulder. I Kl on left jaw, shoulder or fiank, branded Also Hones Bsnge on head of Van Tasscll creek, Wyo. JSa-I'oat Office addres, Harrison, Neb. BREWSTER fo. Cattle brand ed same as that cut, either left hip or on left shoulder. Horses branded on Cattle same on left Sheep barnded PJjjB left shoulder and hip. on back or back of Sheep. . Range on Soldier Creek and White River. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. JOHN Owns the follow iriKbrand oneilh r: Also HG on cat tle and horses rattle on leftside horst's on left shoulder. A. HANSON W-l J 1 ELM as Horse branded with any of above ln4U., i i Address, Jt A. ANDfcMOW, ' Harrison, KebTMka. Cattle Branded Xange on ROBERT F. NEECE. on left side. Range on Silver Springs and east of stata die. l'ostofllce Harrison Neb t'HAKLKS NEWMAN. Tho brand represented In this notice and branded any where on loft side of cattle, uud over lap ut from the right enr. Also the same brand on left Ihlgh of horsus, belongs to thn undersigned. Rasgo neiir East Springs, south part 10 Sioux county. Ciiaklbs S'RWMtN, Harrison. Nebraska. Notice , For Presentation i Claims. of Notice Is hereby given to nil persons hav ing chilins or demands ngslnst Frederick Werdcrmann, late of MIoux County, deceas ed, that the time fixed for tiling clulms ft gainst said estate Is six months from the 22nd day of April 1901. All such persons are required to present their claims with the Touchers to the coenty Judge of said county at his office therein, on or before the Mnd diy of October 1001 and all claims so filed will lie heard before the ssld iudge on the Bthdayof May 1901 and thereafter on the flft dy of each regular tnrm of said court timing tho time limited for filing claims as aforesaid. Jjstcd this 1.1th dsy of, April, 1901. J S. TUCKKR. Branded on left shoulder ol horses ind on left side of cattle. And this This on on right side rlg'jt side of cattle loo. Range on White River, near (ilrn. Post Office address, Ulcn, Ncbrnsk. DEEP CRKEK LIVE STOCK Co. Branded on loft hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Horses, Range on Deep Creek. Address, Deep Creek Llvo Stock Co,. J. II. Haliiekt, Foreman, (ilcn, Nebraska. kl (A True Copy) C'llAS E. Rcnii.T. County Judge. Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you eat. Ittrtlflclally digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recou tructlog the exhausted digestive or Bant, H lithe latest dlscovereddlgeav ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In tantly relieves and permanently cures Dripepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea, Hick Headacbe, Gtstralgla.Crampsand 11 other results of Imperfect digestion. lr1mMe,atidti. UrfeslMooetelMtMtp smell sise. Book all sboatdysipstanisfMas tprspcrtd ty c. C csitfiTT CO., CWeee, Im-A N Y LA D Vcn get a valuable secret (tat mS rm M0, an 4 k rabbn shleM for . M.s. V. M. A PP. CO. WW TTHT, WTKFKT. ET. TOPIS. WO. : AUH fX In Wead or flrta! ? M ee t -, send for (ttatogtM ef . bkKizsr Foot iPrjWtre Machinery, ! Pixrttcel, Strong, DersM. t V. P. 4 Jr.tia t iivtKubrA., Ruefcferl. ittlnouv. m w m BOURRET A SONS. Cattle brand ed same as that on cut on eith er side of animal. And following on left side of cattlr. -1 'I , -1,1 . ,.t .Ka I'.r-U EM Also Cattle braaod shoulder or side. .- Range on Running Water. on left hip. P. o. Address Agate, Nebraska. KD. MASON. Pottle Branded Range on Run Ion left ; side. ning Water Address Agate, Neb. NEIL JODRAN. PUP Sfca Horse and cat- tie branded on either side same as on cut. And Csttln branded side, and Horses on left on left Jaw. Address, Hod arc, Nebraska. HENRY WARNEKE. Cattle brand ed on left side. Range on Kuniil'ig Water Croeck. tfT. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska. CHARLES B1EI1I.R. On left side or hip of cattle, On loft shoulder ef hn-sos. ( I Range on the bead ol Waroonnet Jcresk Address Harrison, Slonx Co. Nob FRANK NUTTO. Cattle branded side and same on on the left left ehoul- And this And this on left side and hip. Ro?o en Running Wetrr. I'ostOfflte address. Hartlson, Ntftrsskp. der of horses. Address, Harrison, Nebraska. rianted-ftnldeasSrSS Mrs. WasMoffMi. D. Cm isw U4r $1 nrtss octal wtlts ot twe ssis isiif inwr"oiMT woaiW- QYPHILISTC Spfwi iNljttslits, Inlf4SJetiMkl. Ci fyrmsyi 01 : 4 . f :1 ' f 'j 3 14 Wi V 1 Ml i 'ti 1 f if V k t -!