Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 25, 1901, Image 8

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Sm. T, Canon, Editor and Prop.
f.Z.i M. T E. &,. lime table.
Going Wet- Golnar East.
Co. I, mlxed10:S0 1 Ho. 6. mined 7:50
. E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
Red Front Meat Market
Choice, Fresh and
home cnred Meats
and borne rendered
Lard, salt Fish,
fine line of Grocer
ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and CandiiS, Nuts
and green Apples. Highest price paid
for Hides and Produce, at
Smith's Iei ITront. .
Wall paper at Pioneer Drug store.
Great floods are reported in tlie east
ern and southern states. $ "
V. A, Hester, went west again last
Friday noon on business.
Attorney A. G. Fisher, of Chad
roo, was in town the first of the week on
--Mr. Ed. Maine, will move his family
into the Leslie Crane house, until he can
get bis own place ready for occupancy.
Sheriff Lowry, made a business trip
to Fort Robinson, last Saturday. He
was accompanied by editor Wright.
Rev. Lee Young, of Cliadron, was in
town last Monday, attending to the spiri
tual wants of his people. He was a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Clarke, on the east side.
Spring coughs are specially danger
ousand unless cured at once, serious re
sult often follow. One Minute Cough
Cure acts like magic. It is not a com
mon mixture but is a high grade reme
dy. J. E. PlilSSEY.
These sunshiny days the grass is
making a phenominal growth which in
turn will make a phenominal growth,
of fat upon the hundreds of cattle in
this country.
Parties desiring rugs woven will
please have their rags ready the middle
of May, as I will put rugs in the loom,
at that time. Those who wish to leave
their rags in town, will please take tbem
to Mars tellers store and I will get tbem.
Price (or one yard and a half ia length
sac uespectiunv.
Mrs. Laira A. Thayer.
The many friends of Mrs. R. T. Keel,
will be delighted to learn of her continu
ous improvement in health. We hope
e'ere another week has elapsed, to bear
that she is able to be up and about.
The subject at church at 11 a. m.
wi 11 be '-Bishop Taylor and Emil Holub
ia Africa" also a short talk on China.
"The social side of church life" will
be the subject in evening.
Members of the catholic fold should
remember, that Father McNaroara, will
celebrate mass at the court house on
next Wedossday.
FOR SALE My entire business, build
ings included, situated in Harrison, Neb.
one of the most lucrative in North-west
Nebraska. ALSO My ranch, situated
nbout 3 miles north of town. 1 have
several hormes for sale also. For full
particulars, call on or
Address a W. Ebtd,
Harrison, Nebraska.
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds
and chafing quickly heal by the use of
DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve. It is imi
tated, Be sure you get DeWitfg. J. E.
Phwitet. .
We learn indirectly, that a May party
aod dance will be given at the Jordan
bone; as the bouse parties given by this
estimable family have been second to
none, we predict a most pleasant even
ing for all.
Attorney Guthrie, has bis pasture,
ail fsoced aod we prsome will ia a few
day have Ms cow therein, and from
' ob will enjoy the luiury of bis own
I Statistic of the number of divorces
i the UalUd States, and all other coun
ties, straw that this lanJ of christian civ
INasbon leads all others; the difference
haiof , United States 23,473, all other
ewistriescosnbiwd 20,111, thus it will
t mm that the people of this great na-
t!3 of jMir prise the institution of mar
TJ, whle Is the great foundation
t'-9t sectetr leas aod less as the years
'."J tsufar mm to breed would
",tj : my horse, and some St
tttCJ ttwhsm : :
.. . S L Kut,.
Ga to FhiDnev's f'r wali paper. I
Mr. Palmer, Gurnsey's, pipular
young merchant, was a guest of Miss
Claudia Hester, over the sabbath.
W. R. Smith, who sustained some
what painful injuries last week, by fall
ing in the house, is able to be up and out
though still somewhat lame.
,Oscar Ward, has obtained a posit ;'o l
in the coal shed at Lusk, and left for his
new field of labor the first of this week.
For the present at least his family will
remain hera.
The grsen, gra.'gall ovar the hills
and valleys is beginning to snow up nice
ly and we opine tlr.it in ten days or two
weeks, cattle and horses will be able to
get a pretty good bile of grass.
The public sale, which Dnu Slatterly
held at his place on last Thursday, wa s
well attended and everything brought
good prices, and altogether Mr. Klattery
fells well satisfied with the results.
Owing to a necessary change
Mass will be celebrated at the Court
House, in Harrison, on Tuesday, April
30lb 1901, at 10,30 o'clock. Rev. Father
McNaruara Pastor A full attendance it
You. cannot enjoy perfect health,
rosy cbetks ard sparkling eyes if j our
liver is sluggish and your bowels clog
ged DeWiit's. Little Early Risers clean
se the n hole system. Tliey never gripe
J. E. PffiKXEY.
Clarance Uollingsworth, informs us
that his father who has been enjoying
the winter at Los Angeles, Cal., left
there Tuesday for this place and will ar
rive here about Saturday or Monday at
the farthest.
J. C. Shipley, was up from the south
end of the county last Saturday, on
school business. He was accompanied
by a young school teacher from Mars
land, who came to take examination,
preparatory to teaching in our county.
As a matter of fact, if a neighbor
do'ys not extend an invitation to another
you may read between the lines that you
are not wanted. Why will not the same
hold good in regard to our home merch
ants, it they do not want to iuvite trade
thru the medium of 'Jr paper, we take
it for granted, they do not wish tradr,
are we not right?
Mrs. Joseph Olbricht, was up from
Snake i;reek, on last Saturday, on leeal
business, she has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of her deceased
husband. Mr. James F. Young, accom
panied her aa a witness. Wbiia in town
Jim, dropped in to say a friendly "how"
to ye editor, and incidentally to renew
his alligence to the Pkess Journal.
Dr.' C. 0 Hald, the Craw
ford dentist,' will be in Har
rison, May 1, 2, 3 At Com
mercial hotel. Crown and
Bridge' work a specialty.
R. T. Neece, and W. II. Davis, are
subpoened as jurors, at the federal court
which will convene at Omaha in May.
Attorney M. J. O'Connell, has rent
ed the Crowdsen place, about three
quarters of a mile south of town and
moved his household effects there the
first of this week, M. J. wilt rusticate
during the summer.
The regular spring moving has
come eiced in Chadron. C. C. Jameson
has moved his household goods into the
rooms over J. L. Paul's grocery store
and Mrs. Mary Coffee has moved into the
property vacated by him. Chadroman.
Henry Lindeman, the popular hotel
man of Crawford was in town between
trains last Thursday. He had with him
a gentleman whose object if suited with
Mr. Lindeman's ranch in the valley, was
the purchase of it, we did not learn
whether or not a deal was consumated.
We haye before us a copy of our
former home paper. The Alpena Jour
nal, under its new management. While
we are not persooally acquained with
its ed t r, Mr. Dye, yet in purusing the
pages of the Journal we And thi brainy
young quill pusher, to be an up to date
all-round writer and we predict for the
Journal under him success. ShakfciiT.
Mr. John Reiser, and family arrived
from Odobolt, Ia., on last Friday and are
now comfortably domiciled in their'owh
cosy home, formerly owned ly Mr. H.
Warneka. Mr. Bieser expects to take
up some line of business here. We ex
tend 'o the gentleman .and bis family
the right hand of fellowjjbjfhAg we have
plenty of room for good citizens, in fact
we need tbem. -
WANTED Agents to" handle, patent
right Harness and Shoe repairing outfit.
It is something that every ranchman
and farmer will buy on sight. It is
cheap and durable and is an indispensable
device which will save many times the
cost of the outfit by having one on hand
to do your own work when needed. -
For particulars and canvasing outfit
Address II. B. EAnjcnrr, "
Harrison- Nebraska.
For Sals.
600 acre of land fenced; dcdd
claims, well improved, with 40 acres un
der Irrigation with reservolcr that will
bold water too igli to irrigate all at once
nd living water that will never run
DiJt SMTTtlf.
Spring bouoets seemed to be in great i
demand yesterday.
Our home rntrchanla are entitled to
our patronage.
The Harrrsnn Sun, will move into
the old Press cfike, tomorrow.
Judge Shilt moveA his family down
to the ranch where they expect to reside
V. A. Hester arrived from Rock
Crek, Wyo., last night with two more
loads of cattle.
Mr. Beiser, will hive one or his
ed men, look after the former Gerluch
ranch this season.
Mr. J. J. Alcorn, of Crawford, a for
mer Sioux county citizen, was in town
between trains, yesterday.
Merchant Gerlach, is having a tele- j anlJ Uie Commoner for $1.75. The Gom
phone connection from the depot and ho- j motsbr ani tle Pkehs-Joi'hsal stand for
teh made w th his store.
Mrs. Sarah Jordan bus purchased
the Mrs. Basset house, on th east side
recently vacated by M. J. O'Connell.
We understand that Frank Deister
bus reconsidered, his deal in regard to the
blacksmith shop, atd will spend his tu n
ruer in the cattla business.
We understand the marriage of Ed.
Mason 3rd Mrs. May Kirns, will occur at
the home of the groom's sifter of White
R.ver, on next Wednesday May 1st.
It wou'd seem from the correspond
ence passed between Judge Harrington
and clerk of court Raum, that district
court had been tos!pcncJ until May 24th.
The Ladies of the R. X. of A. w ill
give a supr and entertainment at And
rews hall Tuesday evening April the SO.
Price Zc for adults and 10c for children
under 12.
FOR SALE A complete set of Encyc
lopedia. Britantdi;; s, 25 volumes. You
can git tham for almost nothing in com
parison to what ' they cost. The same
can be seen at this office.
John Davis has come into possess
ion of a sure remedy for trusts; every
body should go and see and learn what
that remedy is, for every body now a
days have to pay tribute to the trust
P. B. Bigolow, has commenced re
pairing of .his store building. Carp-.nter
Barteltt has the job and- will rush the
work with all possible speed; the work
consists in cutting the building down to
a single story.
Grandma Davis, who has been a
guest at the home of her daughUr in
Denver during the winter, relurnc-d to
Harrison, yesterday. Grandma has a
host of friends here who will be glad to
welcome her back.
We learn that Mr. Jake Dose, who
is now engaged in the most profitable
business of stock raising, over on Indian
creek, and a young lady recently arrived
from BuJilo N. Y., whose name we aid
not learn are to be married on the 30th
of this month, congratulations later on.
Charles Beihle, returned from a two
week's tripMo Frczno, California, on last
Tuesday evening. While he acknowled
ges frankly that the country is beauti
ful, yet? sl?o' is candid in saying that
California has its dark t'Je, as well as
Sioux County, and he saw the shadow
and the sunshine ali'ie. No he says he
did not buy,
Bulls for Sale.
Registered and high grade shorthorns.
Also twohigh grade hercfords. Ages
from two to four years Prices right.
Call on or address,
- McGogy & Tollman,
2 miles north of Mandnnd, Teb,
The Best Itfiiiedy for Rheumatism,
All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pf ia which it affords.
When Rpcakihg of this Mr. D.N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago 1
had a severe attack of rheumatism in my
arm and shoulder, I tried numerous re
medics but got no relief until I was re
commended by Messrs. Ged. F. Parsons
&Co.f druggists of this pface. to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recom
mended it so highly that I bought a bot
tle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I
haye since recommended this liniment to
many of my friends, who agree with me
that it is the best remedy for muscular
rheumatism in the market, " For sale by
J. E. Phi.wvft.
Ke ep the Mother young and
"This charming power to throw away
for the moment the conditions which j
keep us from fun ought not to belong!
exclucively to babies," writes Helen C, j
Cundee, in May Ladies Homo Journal, j
"We took outrageous liberties with'
mothers Sweet face when we lay cooing '
in her arms, she was the happiest of
women in consequence. Is it not s pity
that through our years of training we
should forget the trick of playing with
her by the time we are grown? No girl
I am . sure could misinterpret me into
reran i rig that we are to turn sober ron-'
siderations into foolish ridicule. What '
I rqnlly mean is that many matters:
-would be improved if a sense of humor
shed its lightupon them and this can best
be accomplished by girls."
i sores
jry "y,
Tlinse famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove ill ini
purilien from your system, cleanse your
bowels, make them regular. J. E.
A May dance will be given at An
drews Hall. Good music will be furn
islied and a good time is anticipated
A prize will be given to the best lady
aod gentleman waltzer. Committee.
"Last winter I was confined to my bed
with a very bad cold on the lungs.
Nothing gave me relief. Finally my
hir-jwjre bought a bottle of Ona Minute
' CoU., cure that effected a speedy cure.
I cannot speak too highly of that ex
cellent, remedy. "-Mr. T. K. Houseman,
Manatawney, Pa. J. E. FinxxKY.
We can still give fhs Pkess Jocrsai.
the peoples interests and the readers ie
Sioux County cannot afford to be with
out these two champions of the people's
rights. The Press Journal alone is
worth the price asked for both. Every
body in Sioux county should read BOTH
Caalit a Dreadful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thom
pson, a large importer of fine millinery
at 1G53 Milwaukee A venue Chicago, says:
"Uuriiig the late severe weather, I tooK
a dreadful cold which kept me awake at
night and made me unlit to attend my
work during the day. Onaof my millin
ers was taking Chamberlain's Cough Re
medy for a severe cold at that time,
which eemek to relieve her so qui-;k!y
that I bought some lor myself. It acted
like magic and I bi gan to improve at
once, I am now entirely well and frel
very pleased to acknowledge its merits."'
For sale by J. E. Pjuxket.
Dressmaking & Tullorlng.
stViI cf cr.'i-g ner.tlu
and promptly cbnc, also gentlc
mens clcthing clcned prccid
& repaired.
Prions reasonable, satisfaction guar
anteed. Raonu opposite Prcsn-Jourual
-i)r.ii.ER is"- fa
Lumber, Harness, Saddles,
GraM and Fred, Doors
and Windows, Heavy Hardware.
From my plnce, half mile west of
spotted tail springs, on Feb, 26, 1901,
two black mares branded
one on right shoulder and the
other on left shoulder. Tht
yeung mare has uld wire cut
scar below the brand, both had halters
A reward of $00.00 will be given for
the arrest and conviction of the party or
parties h-i slide iny hf, -.!.?.
Addrtas, Cr?r.:ir.:rrs,
Mitchell, Neb.
Estrayed from my enclosure, on the
S E i, Sec. 5, Township 34, Rango 54,
Sioux Co., about November 15th, 1901,
two CALVES about 6-months-old; one is
a red steer calf with bocal face and the
other is a heifer, and is a dark roan,
hnindid on left sideTT and tinder
crop on left ear. A liberal re
ward will le given for their return, or
information of their where-a-bouts.
Address, JottS DkBano,
Ardmore, 8. Dak.
For Sale or Exchange,
I have nine head of Hereford bulls
from four years to one-year-old, which
I will sell, or exchange for good ones
In their 6ttad. .
Gko. II. Transit.
Eslruy Notice.
pint of y-t'.k. )
Comity of bioux,
Kotlr-e u lirely glvin by V. A. Ttontor tlie
oi!rtri.l(riii1,tl!iit on the 14h day of March
A. I). ISO! on Mieloned land ultnatiMl tn
ISowen prpclnct In Slo'ix County Kebraaka.
One bay horw, wn taken up by btm an
Mirny. Itrandwliffkoa left nhouldar
to be a-
bont 12 year old and branded as above de
crlhiJ. Dated at Harrison thla Win day of Marob
A. U. 1B0I. V. A. ItUTEI
Notice For Presentation of
Hollcc U hereby Iveu to all jxrv-i hav
ing claim nr diuiul aftalnxt Frederick
W er'loriniiiin, lute of Plotix County, r)'iiia
ed, that the time nxed for flllnif claim -(Tulnut
Mild ex Into li tiioMln from the
and day uf April H 01. All sunn pcrnoni are
mj nlred to prtmt thrlr cmlm. with the
voul"r lo the comity judjfo of mid county
at lil office therein, on or bcfoie the Wnd
day of October I'Mil and all clulma no filed
will be heard before the an Id (ude on the
tu day of May l'l end thereafter on the
flrat day of each regular term of !! court
during the tluio limited for filing- claims aa
Dated thia Ittb day of AprU, Ml.
j tsL ((A True Copy) Cxr K. -iiii.t.
e UlUBty Juiigt.
Drugists Sundries,
Pnints, Oils. Varnishes,
T3-1-t3 . '
jjuuivo Ull
iThe Commercial Bank.
C. F. Coffee, President
Cuas. C. JamEvSox. II. S.
Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking busines.
wiWe are prepared to take earn of our trade at all tirneBift
We are Smashers Too.
O vaflS3EI-0.-Jiii!WJ"
While Mrs. Nation is smashing saloons ia Kansas,.
MARSTELLER EROS., are Pmasliing prices jn liar-
rison, NebrasKa. X
Bay that our goods of every
discription are better and
cheaper than can be bought
any where in town.
We are head quarters for
Dry Goods & Groceries,
Hardware & Tinware,
Boots tfe Shoes,
Hats & Capp,
Flour & Feed,
Salt & Crockery,
Luinbar &c.
Mail orders pruinptly filled.
We can, and do pell goods cheaper than any of
cur competitors and for a verification of what we eay
we cordially invite every body who are in need of
any thing in our line to come in and examine stock of
goods and obtain prices before buying elsewhere and
be convinced for themselves
Very Respectfully,
riiyinUn and Surgeon.
All calls giren pronipl attimtlon,
OlBce in DniB SUire.
A ltugliifr, Roaring Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line which
Ctius. C. Ellis, or Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. "Standing waist deep in icy wat
er." he writes, "gave me a terrible cold
and cough. It grew worse daily. Fin
ally the bekt doctors in Oakland, Keb.,
Sioux City and Omaha raid I hud Con
aiimption and could not live. Then I lo
(ran using Ir. King's New Discovery and
was wholly cured l y six bottles." Pos
itively guaranteed for Cough, Colds and
all Throat and Lunfr troubles by J. E.
1'h.n.xket, Price 5'Jc and f 1.00.
Jo!) Couldn't Stood It.
If he'd h:id Itching Piles. They're tcr
rihlu annoying; but Bucklon's Arnica
sulve will cure tlie wornt cne of piles on
e.irth. It tins cured thousands. For In
juriea, Pains or bodily eruptions it's the
best ralve In li e world. Price 2.V a box.
t ure guaranteed. Sold by J. E I'lllN-
"I bad piles so bad I could get no rrst
nor find a cure until I tried PcWitt's
Witch HasH Halvi. After uifng it once
I forgot ever had nnytio)r like IMea."
-15. a Boicc, Somcrs Point, N'. Y, IjouU
out for imitations. I!e sure jou ask
for Dtwltl's.J. E, ruiFKT. .
l ; A X VTVAV A. .
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
F. W. Clarke, Cashier.
Clarke, A. McGinley,
When the quality and quan- .
tity of our goods are taken
into account, all who trade o
with us do not hesitate to
Proffessional Cards.
Promj.t attention given to all legal
matters in Juistioe, County and District
Courts, aud before the United Stater
Land Otllce.
Fire Insurance written in reliablt
tyLegal papers carefully drawn.
1Iaiuuso.h, - Neljiakjca.
M. J. O'Connell, - - Co. Attorney,
Will Prsotlce ia All Courts.
Kperlal Atteatloa Ulreu to Land Of
fice liuKlnen.
Collections anil all baAlnrss rntruoU
ed to mc will reoelre pi ompt attention.
llAisitmoN - NeuukKA.
W. R. W.vmiES.
Phtor M. E. Chnrch.
IIAttltlHON - XKllRA'K.i,
Prarlilne txtry Kimdar ftfnlne at 7:80
p. m., and eri-rjr f Iternate Niimtsr at 1 1 a. in
Similar Ncbiiol 14 uVliwk a. si. Kp worth
IHirne 0 :.t0 p. m.
Vriftr Meeting i hnradaf vc nlnj at 7 :S
CuijiS one, tome all
Aulohsrpftjlo 8 mdy evening at tba