Have an Abiding Faith in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. After years of struggle to Attain and merit pufclio confidence, with a firm and steadfast belief that tome day others would recognize in us the truth, good faith, and honesty of purpose which we know we possess, what a genu ine satisfaction it is to succeed, and to realize the uplifting influence of tha " merUed confidence of a vast army of our fellow beinps. Thus stands the Pinkham name in Kew England, and all over America, and nowhere is the faith in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound greater than in New England, its home. Merit, and merit alone, can gain this. v ORGANIC INFLAMMATION. "Deab JIns. Pinkdam: I was ' troubled Tery badly with inflamma tion of the bladder, was sick in bed with it. I had two doctors, but they . did me no good. A friend gave me Lydia E. P:ukham's Vegetable Com pound, and it helped me. 1 hare now taken three bottles of it, and I am . entirely cured. It is a God-send to anv woman, and I would recommend it to any one suffering as I was. I think, if most of the women would take more of your medicine instead of going to the doctors, they would be better off. The Compound has also cured my husband of kidney trouble." lias. Mabel Uookis, Box 100. Mechanic Falls, Maine. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. " For two year I suffered from nervous prostration, the result of female weakness. 1 bad leucorrhoe very badly, and at time of menstrua tion would be obliged to go to bed. Also suffered with headaches, pain across back, and in lower part of abdomen. I was so discouraged. I had read of Lydia E. PinkhWa Com- round, and concluded to gi re it a triaL wrote to Mrs. Pinkham, and received rery nice letter in return. I began at once the nse of her Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier, and am now feeling splendid. I have no more pain at monthly periods, can do my own work, and hare gained ten pounds. I would not be without your Vegetable Compound. It ia a splendid medicine. I am Tery thankful for what Unas done for me. Mb. J. W. J 78 Carolina Arc, Jamaica Plain, Mass. If Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will cure these women why not yon you cannot tell until you try it. If you are ill, and really want to get well, commence its use at once, and do not let any drug clerk persuade you mm ne nas sometmng ot ms own wucn is better, xor tuat la absuro. him to produce the evidence wt do. KEEP YOUS SADDLE, KY! A W THE ORIGINAL POMMEL FLICKER "WIKIJ 1911 CATAUXOW fSttt 3M0WIIW PULL UNC Of GARMENTS AND HATS AJ.TOHSR COL. DOSTOF1. MASS, it Wbea assa-cris- idvertiseaests Kiadljr Mestioa Tkis faper. mms. i'JKJGCJEOTiin ci:otcuz3 rtCTOMf UMBtO IM0T90M IHIUS ; tha 4aataf ceajbiaatiaa ia W teal ar at i tha trap. AUdtmlantalllatm. Our i do pags illustrated cata logue ito WutaieiTta Ara., 17. L. DOUGLAC co & co.co cn:20 vssr Th tm worth of mf MM aa a.s abaee i other laakas U M to tt-UT llrPIM Oct Baa eeeaUeeateaTertoe. heat la tae werWt far awl M awaaa) aa) awajW Oaa SiiiiIi I aaaa mf " m 7lwaa W. I.. I Tau il mm, i inehnoaiia-hMW.UPooosoea eh aeate aad artaa atejeeoS, ee batton, Toaf aaeief abeaM t -) taa 1 I aire mm mum Miutn mtm la sash aewa. .11 I -efeft a faa a arte aat gat ae if ran. era- nei ji Jh I'litTTTT tttZj!mmmmmm, PAINFUL PERIODS.; 1 1 I cannot help but feel that it is my duty to do something in regard to recommending your wonderful medi cine. 1 must say it is the grandest meO -ine on earth, and hare advised a great many suf fering with female troubles to take it. I tell people I wish I could go on the platform and lec ture on it. " My trouble was painful menstrua ation. The suffering I endured pen cannot describe. I was treated by one of our most prominent physicians here for fire months, and found myself getting worse instead of better. At the end of the fifth month he told me he had done all he could for me, and that I had better go to ti e hospital. " My sister advised me to try your Vegetable Compound, as it cured her of backache. 1 did so, and took it faithfully, and am now cured of my trouble, and in perfect health, many thanks to your medicine. I cannot praise it enough, and wonld recom mend it to all who suffer from any female weakness." Mm. H. S. Ball, 441 Orchard St., New Haven, Conn. rWl"M Weha-eeepoeited bCwAnaL vita lea Keiteaal Cttr Baa of Lnm. asm which will be paid to ear par ana who eaa Sad that aawwH wihti ara mm Bene, rere aablMiad before -Mataiag tha wrtur'a aaenu narmiamoa. Libia K. rixsuaa Utmcm Co. Harmon'- Vl.lt n-re. Frederic Harrison's visit to the United States is his first one. He admitted, indeed, in New York that he had never crossed the Atlantic ocean before, and he bas reached his 70th year After his address oa George Washington in Chicago, the 22d, Mr. Harrison will lecture at a number of American universities to arouse interest in Alfred the Great, the thousandth anniversary of whose death will arrive next October. A number of Englishmen hope to erect a colossal monument to Alfred's mem ory, and Mr. Harrison correctly ob serves that the memory of alfred happens to be a possession of America, as well as of England. Other birds fight on the co-operative plan, but the eagle fights all his bat tles alone. Factory loaded shotgun sheila, "NEW RIVAL," LEADER,"aad REPEATER." A trial will prove their superiority. New Harex, Com. i 1 Ol ti lmnaa af aamTt a paii a i M r- - ----- -i - t " m a -a p --? Z i CRUEL TO ANIMALS. I'ANKIND IN MEAN AND SPICABLE LIGHT. DE- (TonXB aa Wrll aa Ilea riser the DUgrarafal Record Mai etrlkei llerae with Flckai Womaa Throw, Dos from High WjDda,, In Its annual report the Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals gives a list of more important cases of cruelty with which It has dealt in the course of the year, says the New York Press. It Is anything but a pleasant record and shows mankind in about as mean and despicable light as can be imagined. Horses seem to b the animals most frequently abused, and in many cases it seems to be sim ply a fiendish love of cruelty for cruel ty's sake which incites the evil-doer. Some of the cases mentioned the last report are as follow?: An Italian was arrested for carrying four young goats in a bag, their legs tied together and the animals packed in like bundles of wood. When brought before Judge Fleming the prisoner said that It was the custom in Italy to carry young goats in that manner, and that he had no idea that It wa3 against the law here. The judge told him that "ignor ance of the law is aa excuse to no man," and that in this country the law prohibited cruelty to animals. It cost the Italian $10 to learn the differ ence between sunny Italy and humane America. A man in New Rochelle wanted to move his horse from one side of the stable to the other, so he grabbed the animal by the tongue and pulled him across, thereby much In juring the horse. He was fined ?3. A truck driver In Brooklyn drove a wheel of his truck over the hind leg of a horse standing near the sidewalk, injuring the animal's leg severely. H had plenty of room to drive in and need not have done the cruel act. He had the choice of thirty days In Jail or a fine of $50. A man up In Onconta left bis horse out in the roadway with out food or water for nearly twenty four hours in Inclement weather. He was let off with a fine of $13. A par ticularly cruel case was that of a man who struck his horse with a pick ax. He was putting the harness on the horse when the animal became res tive. This bo angered the owner that he went Into the yard, got a pickax, came back to the barn and drove it into the horse several times. He in flicted wounds two inches long and Ave Inches deep. After thus cruelly wounding the animal he paid no furth er attention to it, but the neighbors re ported the case to the society and the man was arrested. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $250 or be Imprisoned three months In the penitentiary. Another case was that of the driver of an ice wagon. He drove a fine pair of horses, and one of them, a magni ficent gray, angered the driver in some way. The driver in a fit ot anger seized an "Ice shaver," a four-pronged implement of steel, measuring four inches across and with a handle three feet long. With all his force he drove the ice shaver Into the horse's flack, making a wound about four inches deep and the width of the implement. A veterinary surgeon put more than a dozen stitches In the wound, and the horse was unfit for work for several weeks. The man got off with a fine of $100. Women as well as men figure in the disgraceful record. One woman picked up a dog end threw it through a third-story window to the ground, breaking its back. She was fined $.'5, with an alemativc of ten days' impris onment She could give no excuse for her inhuman action. A beautiful St. Bernard dog belonging to the Suburb an Driving club was found dead in its kennel. Marks on its body showed that it had been stabbed to deatb. A trail of blood was traced from the ken nel to a shanty about a mile distant, where a man lived alone. Evidences of struggle and of bloodstains leading to the entrance of the shanty were also found. In the shanty there was found a large jackknlfe, with an edge on It like a raior. It was covered with dried blood. It was proved that on re turning from his work the man who lived In the sbanty had found the dog roaming about, and had caught him and stabbed him with repeated thrusts of the knife. Then he let the animal go. The poor dog had strength enough to reach the side of his kennel, where he fell down dead. The man got six months in the penitentiary. Like "PeaatrlTaala HU-heMa.'1 President Schwab, of the Carnegie JJteel company, la a fine type of the "Pennsylvania Dutchman." These sturdy and thrifty Penneylvanlans are what the Boers of the Transvaal might become In a more favorable environ ment. They arc notably honest and hardy, and are posseHsed of most of the civic virtues. Their conservatism has kept their language intact and unique; tbey have developed an Inter esting literature, espechilly la poetry; they are fond of music; and as for the moral character of the community. It to w.ld that they never lock their doors. New York World. Ilale-i Maw Cole. A Rome correspondent says that tho stamps and coins of the new reign of Italy are to be issued in a few days. There will be three colas of gold, tkren of silver and two of copper. Tha king' effigy la given la profit tarn ed to right and Wt, respaetfvely, oa tha sil ver aad gold coiae, and tae Rasto n iavey adorns tha exarguo. Tha de afgs tor tfct aUhspa to kaaasotaely ofiatod, aad tha kit to rearaaaatssl to Ora-cartar tzm. NEW YORK'S ROAD RULES. rroTleleaa Proposed aa to In Right af War I" the CltT'a Slreela. The Municipal Assembly bas been giving attention to a revision of the city ordinance, says the Ntw York Sun. Among the provision recom mended for adoption as the new right of way codes are the following: The lira department and the fire patrol, with their apparatus when going to, on duty at, or returning from a fire, and all ambulances and the officers and men and vehicles of the police depart ment, and all physicians who have a police permit, which is to be Issued on application by the chief to any recog nized physician and it is not transfer able, shall have the right of way in any street and through any procession, except over vehicles carrying the Unit ed States mail. Cable, trolley and mo tor cars shall have the right of way along their tracks, between cross streets, over all vehicles moving in the same direction at a slower rate than ten miles an hour. All street surface railroad cars shall be brought to a full stop on days when the sthoolu are la session, between'the hours of 8 a. m , and 9 a. ni., 12 M. and 1 p. m., and 3 p. m. and 4 p. ra., before crossing any street on which a school is situited cn the adjoining block All street surfacs railroad cars are to come to a full stop before crossing the streets and inter sections of streets In which there are fire houses. No bicycle is to b8 allow ed "to proceed in any street by iner tia or momentum, with the feet of the rider removed from the pedals,"" but the rider may use his foot or his test as a brake. No rider of a bicycle shall remove both hands from th? handlebar or practice any trick or fancy" riding on any streets. Vehicles meeting each other In any streets must continue to turn to the right so as to pas? each other. Any vehicle overtaking anoth er shall pass to the left side. When required to do so the driver of any ve hicle shall, as soon as practicable, turn to the right so as to allow any over taking vehicle to pass on the left Na persons shall ride or drive v. hicks abreast in any street, and not, more than two bicycles or two horse3 may be so ridden. STILL A CENTURY BEHIND, Filipino Only rtralaatng tn tolerliicl 1'rocDt Day CiMtomn. Things of the nineteenth century have hardly been known in the Phil ippine islands until very recently. The people there got along with eighteenth century methods and materials until American occupation made them real ize that the twentieth century was here. While living over rivers of oil they had a scanty supply Imported from Russia. Now wells have been sunk and the natives are getting a little light on tbeir former Ignorance. Ships are landing on the islands ma chinery that truly astonishes the na tives. Where they have been scratch ing the soil to raise poor crops they are now plowing deep furrows and getting something near the value of a productive soil. Edged tools without edges and with temper uncertain as that of a Spaniard hare been set aside for axes, picks, chisels, drills, saws and shovels that mean much more and bet ter work with less expenditure of hu man effort. The worst known appli ances that boasted of the name "tools" are being replaced by the very best instruments of labor known to our highest civilization. Steam power In its most perfect forms Is being ap plied where It was no more known than It was with us a century ago. The people are learning for the first time that the hills can be cut down and val leys filled up to make roads more level, so that larger loads can be hauled with much less effort than before. The steam shovel that with one motion of its iron jaws takes up more materia' than a dozen natives could shovel out In an entire day is an object of abso lute wonder. In fact, the Filipinos are only beginning to learn that the world has been actually moving since Ma gellan landed on th?ir shores and gave them the name of " robbers." Chicago Chronicle. ralntlnf. Fainting may be the result of shock, excitement, or severe pain lh school. The action of the heart is suspended momentarily or diminished greatly. The symptoms are: Faint, shallow and sighing breathing, peculiar blanched face, feeble pulse, the person falling to the ground motionless. The peTson should be placed flat on the back, with no support under the head. Those not In Immediate attendance should keep at a distance, and fresh air should be admitted freely. The clothing should be loosened about the neck and waist, the face should be fanned, and respiration should be stimulated by flipping a few drops of cold water on the face and chest. The bare chest and arms may also ba slapped with a wet towel. Smelling salts may be held cautiously under the nose, or a few grains of pepper blown into the nostrils. Smoke from brown paper or tobacco blown Into the fare will also revive the person from the fit, though care should be used in this last remedy. Takes UeavjriralgM A full-grown whale weighs 100 tons, or 224,00 pounds. That is to aay a whale weighs as much as about W elephants or bears. Of course soma ran larger than this. Then ara tales among old whalers of whales lie feet long, Mid weighing at least ISO toss. Rut aach are not seen la these days. A 70-foot whale la a big one now. Still, It May five some idea of what monsters ara occasionally killed wfcea wa ahsstlaa that a ton of oil aaa beea extracted froa lU tonga af atacto wnaJa, . ' - 4 J Spurred to Success That a man need have neither hands nor feet to be a success In the world Is shown by the career of Michael Jo seph Dowllng, speaker of the Minne sota house of representatives. A ter rible experience In a blizzard when a boy brought out the latent possibilities in the youth as nothing else that could happen to him might hare done. Forty years ago Dowllng was born in Yel low Medicine county, Minnesota, the son of a poor farmer. Early in De cember, 1880, as is told by a writer In the St. Louis Republic, a hard bliz zird set In in Yellow Medicine county, and in a short time provisions were low. It was unsafe to venture out of doors, and every effort was made to make the food in the Dowllng family last until the blizzard should have spent its fury. But the blizzard lasted for an unusually long period, and it became necessary to get more food or starve. The elder Dowllng was 111, and the young man started on foot for the village, three miles distant, to get provisions. He reached the village) grocery store with less difficulty than he had expected, and was soon on bis return laden with flour, meal and other stores. He soon found that the trip homeward was not as easy as the first half of his journey, but he plodde-l on with head down to protect his face from the blasts of wind and snow. Suddenly he discovered that he was off the road. He tried to find it, but was unsuccessful. The wind was get ting colder and colder. He became more and more bewildered. With dogged determination he trudged on and on holding his precious bundle'J of food nearer t him. In the storm he could not find a single familiar landmark. After hours of aimless wandering night fell, and the farmer's son was still struggling through th snow. The next morning dawned bright and clear. The bliizard had pased on toward the Great Lakes, Dowllng found himself within a hundred yards of his own home. Rut he could not walk further, and his voice could not be heard five feet away. He sank down exhausted, almost within reach of his homo and gave up all hope of reach ing It. But his mother saw him fall A VII A mineral possessing illuminating power has been discovered In Idaho. The people of Boise City are very much excited over the event. Assay ists have been unable, as yet, to de termine what the strange substance is. The discoverey was made by George F. Ayres. a well known mining man of Boise, several weeks ago, in one of his claims, about sixty miles from the city. At the time he did not think much of the matter and therefore paid no attention to it. The further lie went into the mine, how ever, the brighter the light became, until, aftr a few feet had been worked, It was not necessary for him to use a lamp. It was then that he took some Of tie mineral to Boise, and had It ex amined ty an assayer". Terry L. Williams of Boise, who fs Interested with Mr. Ayres. was In Ta coma. Wash., recently, and had a piece of the mineral with him. He will have an assay of It made and expects that Its true worth will je determined. "So far we have not been able to find any person who is able to tell what kind of a mineral It Is," he said, when exhibiting It, "and It is for that pur pose I have brought, it here. There Is a large body of it at the mine where this was taken out about sixty miles from Boise City. Mr. Ayres, owner of the mine, found It four weeks ago at a depth of 300 feet from the surface. H was running a cross cut tunnel to tap his ledge at this depth, when he struck this deposit. At first it attracted his attention by giving forth a dull light. As be worked further in the light be came brighter, and at the end of three An Illuminat ing Mineral i ONE OP EYHRTS JOKES The late Secretary Evarta liked fun, and there was a dry wit In bis public utterances at times that nearly con vulsed those who clearly understood his meaning. It was almost impossible for him to avoid being deep, even In humor, anil many a good fling at po litical opponents was lost because he talked above the heads of his audience, or becaues bis sentences were too in volved. At the time when the mug wumps were Just beginning to show their teeth, he delivered one of his long political speeches from the stage of the Grand opera house, New York, WelahlfB to Cate. The accepted moner of feeding Is by measure, although all grain food for cattle la sold by weight, a given number of pounds conatltatlBg a bush el. This being tha case, and became of tha great difference la tba feeding value of tba dlf ereat ground feeds, all feeding should ba doae by weight ra ther than by the tmsbel. Tha aver age fanner will slalm ba can get bet tar rasalta front coarse flour mld dllaga aad eera aaal thaa froa wheat araa aad c?ataa avaal, wktek la ao tfctzCl iTWcftal, bat daaa ba? Cer BY LOSING HIS HANDS AND FEET. and came to his aid. With her help he reached the honae. It was found that his face, hands, feet and leg were badly frozen. A doctor wa summoned and declared it was neces sary to amputate the boy's hands and legs. This was done, and barely twen-ty-fonr hours after he had left homo to go to town he was a helpless crip ple. One leg was amputated above tho knee, the other above the ankle, his left arm at the elbow and all the fin gers of the right hand. When" tho doctors left all that remained of tho boy's ten fingers and ten toes was th.i stump of one thumb amputated at tha second joint. Dowllng's father was a poor man and to the young man no future wai apparent but a useless existence, a burden and an eyesore to all about hlro. But worse was In store for him. He soon became a public charge. The. three commissioners of Yellow Medi cine met to decide as to his fate. The close-fisted commissioners made him sign an agreement not to return to Yellow Medicine county after being supplied with artificial limbs and a year's schooling. They congratulated themselves for thus saving the county the expense of caring for a helpless cripple Indefinitely. But Dowllng was determined and ambitions. He got a good education, became an adept on artificial limbs, returned to Renville, a county adjoining the one from which ho had been banished, was elect ed to a small local public office, work ed Into the ownership of a weekly newttitaoer, thru a-ppeared In the ses sions of the state elgisalturo as a clerk and next became secretary of a nation al political organization, being nomi nated to that position as the "Frozen Son of 'Minnesota."- He secured recog nition as a man of executive ability and a good campaigner. He was net heard of as a newspaper correspondent In the Philippines. Returning from the Philippines Dowllng reached tho United States In time to attend tho national convtntion Bt Philadelphia. His peaked Philippine hat was one of the sights of 'the convention. Later he became a candidate for the legis lature, won easily, and Immediately an nounced his candidacy for the speak ership. ONLY SUBSTANCE OP ONLY SUBSTANC THE KIND IN THE WORLD DISCOVERED IN IDAHO days' work he was able to go ahead without the aid of a lamp. Then tho mineral became a curiosity and som r. ot It was taken to Boise. It was ex amined, but there has been no one who Is able to tell just what it is. "Mr. Ayres took a plsce of it to his cabin, and after night tried to make it show a light, but it was not so bright as it had been in the tunnel. This is at tributed to the atmospheric conditions, and is undoubtedly true, for In the ex periments that have been made with It in Boise we have been able to re produce the atmospheric conditions In water that prevail where the mineral Is found, and therefore it is not thought that we will have any trouble in getting the desired result. j "'So far as we have been able to learn, this is the first of the mineral ;vr Xound In 'he world. AH Jjssayers to whom we Uave shown it saythoy never heard of it before, and they a not able to tell what It is. We will go ahead and try to put it to some use, and even at the present time 'are rea sonably sure of success. If it does come out as we expect, the mine will be more valuable than wc ever be lieved. "There Is a large body of the deposit, and the farther wc go in the stronger becomes the light. Another thing that we are convinced of is that, If we can make it practical, it will be a perpetual light, for In the throwing off of its rays there does not appear to be any waste -of the mineral. Since the discovery there has been a large number of visit ors to the mine, and the outcome Is being watched by all In the vicinity of where the deposit was uncovered." and in the course of It remarked that be believed the republican party need not fear the mugwumps as the latter were a lot of "marsupials." Some 3,500 men beard the word, and after the meeting groups got together to discuss the meaning of the word and Its ap plication. Some went home to look at their dictionaries, while others called on Mr. Evarts for an explanation. "Marsupials," said he, "are born ex tremely small. Imperfect and quite helpless, and have to be carried In pouches on the bellies of their moth ers." tainly not, If he calculates the feeding value of a given measure and Its rich ness In protein. Eight quarto of mid dlings and four quarts of corn meal weigh U.t pounds, aad furnish 1.5 pounds of digestible protein. Bight quarto of coarse bran aad four quarto of gluten meal weigh only I.I pooada, but furnish 1.S pounds of protein, with a difference In cost la favor of tba latter ration of nearly I canto. A man eaa always manage to attract MaatlM by either ratolag wbiakara or 1 raring tbaai abarad oS. 0 t 'MS-?- 'I .,-"..'. , ., 4 , , 1