t Harrison ESS -JQURN ilL. VOL. XIII. HABRISOlsT, ITBBRASKA, THUBSmY, APRIL. 25, 1901 253 O. 43. nuHULSTlori IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."--Ho. WlllUa J. Bryan. HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PRESS-JOURNAL. Pr V Subscript Ion Price Official Paper of Gko. D. Canon, EVTIVKD AT THE IJAiniFfN Pi ST England, a a result of Iho war in the Transvaal, Ir facing a honvy deficit in revenues to the amount if somet i ig ike eigtity thrae ml I ion poujJs surliug. Tn the U, lava warn-; in thermal ! redwiirf, Boihoro the true mirror cf dim who thus defines hid owu character Qud w love. A woman came in confessional to a priest and t dd him tint .she had be n slandering her neighbors. The priest promised her absolution on condition of her performing a penance. lie cave hfr a th's'.lo top and said: ''You cm take tint thistle and scatter the seeds ull ovtr the field. 1 - Sle went and did no and came hack. "aow" said the priest "gather up ull t!oseds." She sa!d' 'I cant." "Ah" hf mi I, 1 1 mw you tnn'l." neither can u gather up the evil worj.1 you spoke "anriw-ylSur citlKTil,r-i." " ""' " "'" There is probably no other way in' t hich bo much I arm is accomplish .d as through the sin of got:p. The harm in cftcs innocently dor-G. for this and that in spoken of, to a fri?it or m.ibbor with no thought, of its going further, but l!:e word oi;ce f p:!:e!i is like tii thistle feed, it can nnvcr be brought t.jck In future agis men tvol uloss the great c imbiuaiions of capital which frightcu u j at present. Tluse coHibi nations are harmful to the individual, to lbs dit-chargt-d drummer, to tletmtill bu.siuess loan driven to production urd deprived cf the m'ddb.'iuan's j y. Bat these combinations are great advance tigents of social reorganir-ation. They have do'ie aud irs doing the greatest work cf thisuga. They tn.ible industry to be organized id an enormous labor-saving ma'e. They abolish childish wasteful competition and annbiUte' old fogy ideas of political tconomy. Great weafl.l, hated today, paves tho way for a social system to be hoswd oa organization and oat on competition. Great wealth a! mere tool in the iiunds Of the ablest in dustrial lead-.rs, prepare for the inevila-' Lie day when national industries shall be rational property, when working men will be stlf reSjiecling partners and not dissatisfied servant. This is the painful train pod period of gestation The birth of social organization wiil come in due ti ue. Ai b jr Brisbana, in N. Y. Journ- The religious society, christian scien tists we notice, during the past year or more are making rapid progress in the United States, at least it would seem so to us from what we read from the daily and weekly press. And now, we begin to lea n from thes sources that about all the protestant denominations are begin ir.g to prota.-t against what they are pleased to t- r.u the christian scientist dnclring as being heterodox, and con trary to the leaching of the bible. Thus we sen tho same spirit exemplified today that prevaied when the meek and lowly Jesus was on tin earth. At that time Jesus deciples enme to him and declared there were others, who wire not of their faith but were casting Out devils, or evil spirits in his name, and they forbade them, but Jesus told his own deciples that if those, others, whom his deciples complained of doing good, or perform ing miracles in Ids name, "if they 1 e fr us. they are not against us." If (ho , who are engaged in trying to save souls for the kingdom of immortal glory win Id ni ike greater efforts along that Him of christian work instead of fighting Dm denomination because they do not agree with their views, we believe the wrld would be revolutionized much quicker. The great trouble with our churches now a-dayt, is lack of applied Christianity and a little too much world linew Inside the pales of the church, to gether with too much meddling with affairs outside the church. We wonder what the difference will be wheter a soul iajaro through one particular organ Iza- or tome other? The Bout Blood Purifier. 11m blood is constantly being purified by tho lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy condition and the bowels regular and you will I svo no need of a blood purifier. For Ibis puposo there Is nothing equal to Cham be rlaln's utoroneh and Liver Tablets, one dose of them will do vou more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price, 81 rents. Samples free at J. E. WiKKKn drug store. ApaekajtwofoLt irmittnns for weakneea ai.3 Vat. oa, nemmi nervous dsMllUaad Per Year $1.00. Sioux County. - Editor. OlITCE AS PlfOKD CLAN) MaTTF.H. n ii ii J. .ill. If troubled by a weak digestion, loss of appetite, or constipation, try a Jew loses of Chimbarhiiu's Stomach and Liver Tvblets. Every box warranted For sule I vj, E. FY. You will waste time if you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia, by starving yourself. Thut only make it worse when you do eat heartily. You al.vys need plenty of good food properly (ligest td. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is ihe result of yearn of scientific research for sonic t hing that would digest not only tome elements Of food but every kind. And it is the one remedy that will do it. J. K, Phin.ney. Tis Easy to Feci Good. Omiotless IhouaiiiKts be fWum) u Mu sing to the body in Dr. King's New Life Pills, which positively cur-j constipation, Hick Ili-uduche, b'zaines', jiundice, Sla l.iria, fever and Ague and all Liver and ntomacii troubles, purely vegetable; never.griue or weaken. Only "c at J. 12. Pirnney'u drugstore. lie Kept Ills JVg. Twelve years ngo J. VV. Sullvan, fo Hi rtford, Conn., scratchd his leg with a rusty wire. Inflammation acd blood poisonirg set in. For two years he suf fered intensely. Then tba best dotors u-ged amputation, "but," he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 boaea of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and my le was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Ttstter, Salt P.lieum, seres ana all blood disorders El ectric Bitters has no rival on earth, Try them J. E. PurwEY will guarantee satis faction or refund monev. Only 50 cents. "I have been troubled with indigestion for ten years, have tried many things and spent muc h money to no purpose un til I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten more re lief from them than all other medic ines taken. I feel more like a boy than 1 have felt in twenty years." Anderson Riggs of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have testified as did Mr. Riggs. J. E. A Testimonial From old Ti: gland. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy the best in the world for bronchitis,' says Mr. William Savory, of Warring toD, England. "It has saved my, wife's life, she having been a martyr to bron chilis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well," Seld By J. E. PnwsEY. The Old Established Line. llotwern Omaha aud St. Puul la the North-Wcstt-rn LI lie." Rates to the bkvninl meetivg Haul Camp Modern U'ocdmcn of America have bten announced at one fare, plus $2.00, for the round trip. Tho railroads of Nebraska connectit g with the North-Western Line at Omaha, are Tuk i nion PaCIF c, B. & M , Missouri Pacific, C. H-1. & P., find the rond connec ting at Missouri Val ley is the Fkemont, Elkhorn & Ma Val- LIT. Delegates and their friends from ull points io the state can therefore secure the best accommodations by buying throngh tickets from their home towns via the most convenient rond to the Missouri Riverand tha "NoilTH-WKSTKItN LlSB" beyond. v TWO TIIROCOil TRAI.VS DAILY. Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger Station 7:55 P. M. Lv. Omaha, Union Passenger Station 1:55 A. M. The night train has modern broad ves tibukd coaches and pullman sleep ers, The day train has moJurn broad vestl lul id coaches and observation buffet p. rhr car. We not the fact that "M. W. of A." always want Iho best when they can get It for the same m-moy. The motto of the North-Westarn Lino is "The Bast of Everything," J, R. Rl'CHANAV, General Passenger Age nt , , Omaha. Over In Wyoming. Rev, Warren was out to the Ridge and held services in the east school house. The Sabbath school, was reorganized with F. D. I'u I as superintendent. The f. 8. will Le held in the west hchool house. Andrew h slhin, was an overnight visitor in Lusk last Saturday night. Mr. CI urch, f?r., has been 'jiiita poot ly but is now able to he around again. Mr. Dryer, ofth e valley, has bought a ranch in Routh Dakota, and has nicvel into tho same. We understand that the rites of bap tism will be administered to those so de siring at tho next meetting, one week from next Sunday, Philip Freeze, planted quite a patch of potatoes ou last Thursday. We fear it is a little too early to plant many. Lock Kirtley, a former resident here bus taken up his residence with Lo. Wilson, so we hsar. Tbk will sen farming begin in earnest, u less we should have a few more days o snowfall, such as visited us on the 15 h. . M . IloUerfleld has purchased a new due drill and expects U ; ut in tha most, of his crop with out plowing. Murphy and Davis havs rented about 30 acres of land of John Sutton and will try farming in the great state of '.vyoni ing. -D. M. Sutton has leased tha windmill and improvements, on h;3 homestead to Sam Kaori, who will run his cattle on the range there this season, Mr, Jennings has rented his farm to J. D. Williams, who will put in a crop there. Mr. Jennings has purchased a sw mill and will get out lunioer this instead of farming. Potatoes soem to 09 in great demand this spring and are as staple as sold dol lars. .. Miss Amy Christian was no! feeling so well on last Sunday, it is to be hoped that she v. ill soon regain hor health. L. W. Thorp of the national Slioep and Land Co., was on the ridge Uw Qrst of the week buying potatoes. Elias Foote is working for the nation al sheep and land Co. Ue expects to work there all season. Zekieu Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature la strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gani. It is the latest dlscovereddlgest ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approaca it in emoency. itin-i stantly relieves and permanently cures ' Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, I in I . . . 1 . . t. v ra 3 I Sick Headache, Gastralgia Cramps and all otber results ot imperfect digestion. PriceSOc. and ft. Large size contains IH times . sciaiisiu. iiooKauaooutayspepsiamaueuiree Prepared by C. C. OeWITT CO. Cbieoae. , THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEV OF REVIEWS Is the one Important magazine In Um wockJ giving in IU picturei, Its text. In iU contributed articles, tdWHti and department-, a comprehensive, limeiy record ol th world's current history, Noi the enumeration of mere bare facts, but a comprehensive picture ol Ihe month, Its activities, Its noUbU personalities, ar.d notable utterance. The best blormed men and women in the world find it inilipen sable. -.. -t-.-i j ,-.it-. . . , -. ,. i There are many reader- In your locality wfco have yet to U",tMMm V w!h to ertabl?l kUt ggrnts In everv city and lowniWp In the country. Ve will pay liberally for ener getic effort in the subscription f Uld. Leisurs moments can be uUlized with tubsUntUl locreasf of Income. Mam Uai of the pertoni In your locality who shoutj have the " Review ol Reviews," ai tend to us for agent's terms, sample copies, sod working outfit. Then Solicit their skbscriptfons. It Is A compliant to approach a penoa with subssttption proposition for the "IlsVitw of Reviews," and consequently oHtii an easily tecund. . flk,k the active umerlp. ttooceAion. May arflicationstora'fiiouf relerences. Prloe, 23 cents a number. , , - $2.50 tk vear. THE REVIEW OF IS Aster Place, ., ti L trjr ' ; t Gems From The Trenchent Pen of Clio. X.I thought I wou'd give Zek e!s items a chance to appear before I should writ a'ain, and it is fcitb pleasure I tube up j my pencil. , I We are very glad indeed to learn that Mr. Rice is able to be at Ids post again, and bepe he may be spared many years to continue his labors for the master. We are longing for some relief for the long suspense, about the small pox in Mr; Miller's family. We hope it did not spread Lut it seems to us M. A. C. has Ceased writing items long enough to have had tiie small pox twice. No items from the valley at ail, makes the paper appear lonesome. We expected to learn the weather had beon bad 'n Sioux county, for we had tain and fog here for a week, and the weather has been unusally cool, ar.d spi-fhg backward, so old settlers say. Fall wheat looks well also rye. I be gin to fell more encouraged as I have a prospect iu encouraged as I have a pros pect in view of something green to cat by and by. Radish, peas and lettuce are up "and cabbage plants set out, but people seem to think I am crowding the season a little, but I think they dont "rustle" quite enough down here. Ex perience is a dear teacher and mayby I will fall in line with the rest after while I know I will if I find it necessary. If Col. Copeland happens )our way dont fail to tiear him. His lecture, see ing the elephant is good, very good in- dd, The juniors at the college gave a fine entertainment, it, was "an evening with Longfellow" ard "the bridge'bas al ways been a favorite of mine. Prof. Uaworth sang it and as a solo Binger he is one of tha best, then when acted by seven pretty girls all robed in while, j ou could almost hear the clock strike and isee the moon rise. It was grand. We learned by the press anjdf "the., Omaha daily that Bliss Lizzie Cottmaa, is quite a heroine and. her bravery and presence of mind was remarkable. We wanted to shout hurrah for Sicux county- ., Cu0- r i4 OO YEARS' N f EXPERIENCE D Tradc Mark Designs CopyniaHTS Ac Anrmifl wnillnc a kf ch and dwCTlntlnti may enlckly wiferialu our oplnton irno wbetiior an IliTMillon In prol)l)lj ptttentabl. Comn)inil. tlom i rlctly ronHdentlal. Handbook on HatenU avnt fnm. UMnt neoncy for curing patent. fatanta taken IMniau-h Munn A Co. receive peclat notice, wllhoat charge, la tho A hann,om)lr HliitTd weeVlr. I.reet cir culation of any -rtentlBo Journal. Torma, ! a eulat yew lour mnnina, ai. cuiwijywi m)..", Sisi iBray. New York Offloe. m V fU WuktuKton, RJEVICW3 COMPANY, ' New VeClt, , STOCK BRANDS. Th JotfttsAL will publish your brand, like the following, for S2 :00, per year. Each ad nitional braucl 75 cents. - Jivery lariuer or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties aonld advertise tlielr brands in THEjocn kalss it circulates all over the state. It may lie tlie means of saving money for yeu - S500 REWARD. For the arrest aud conviction of any party or parties stealing- or dlsf ljjnring any brand on stock belonging to the undersigned par DAVID COLVILLE. Hones branded oa rlgli shoulder or branded on right Jaw Also, I have Horses branded on left thigh Tost 0I!c Addreas, Harriaon, Sionx Co., Nebraska F. E. JANDT. 60, 117, - ffl Brands ou loft hip on left Jaw on left hip of Cattle. Sioux County, Nebraska. o Post Office, Hewitt, JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded on left shoul- (der branded on left shoulder aud Cattle on left aide. tn Poet Qfilee Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. o - GEORGE 8WANSOX. ,.' ST Cattle branded on left side on left shou Horses branded Idcr, ranpe on Soldier Cre k. Any stock branded as above being estray ed from my range, discovered by any body on giving me information will be rewarded Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. Horses branded on Cattle same on loft left shoulder and hip. Sheep barnded jjj 011 l'ck or back of Shocp. Range on Soldier Creek and White River. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. JOHN A HANSON (JWDt the rollnw Inxbrand on eith er: Also HQ on cat tle and horses cattle on leftside biirsrs on left boulder. Range on Silver Springs and oast of state Ine. I'otofllee Harrison Neb CIIA.I-K? NKWMAN. - The brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left side of cuttlo, and over lap ut from the Og Also tlie same brand on left thigh of g'Jfjfjui horsus, belongs to the undersigned. Range near East Springs south part io Sloux county. Chaki.cs Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. J S. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horses md on left stde of cattle. And this on right sidj This on right side of cattle too. Range orf Whlto River, near Glen, Post Ofllco address, Glen, Nebraska. DEEP CREEK LIVE STOCK Co. Branded on left hip of Cattle aud on loft cheek of Hor?o, Range on Deep Creek. Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. J. H. IlALBtBT, Foreman, Glen, Nebraska, BOURRET ft SON8. Cattle brand ed amo ss that on cut on eith er side of ani mal. And following on left side of cattle. And this on left side of she stock. And this on left side and hip. Range on Running WsU-r. Poitoffloe addrese, Barrison, XeBraskP ma AX . -.W 23 nmm flOO Reward. For proof to convict any person of steal lug, altering, running off or la may way damaglngs stock branded right side or hip, Addross, Jamkb Foicb, Harrison, Neb. A.T. IIUGHSON. Brand combi doubl a left side of cattle. Horses sarui n right ear cattle, shoulder. 53 Cat out right Cattle all dehorned. Kange ou Kyle Creek", Tost Office, Glen Nebraska LARS PETERSEN. Cattle branded ft on left hip also Cattle branded on left tde Bange on Soldier Creek and White Btver. Address, Glen, Nebraska. Foreinau, Fbed If ASOV. BERT EARNEST. Cattle branded on left hip and etuiieentheiett jaw, and same on Horses. Also Horses branded on left jaw, shoulder or flank. Also Horses branded I on left flank and ou left shoulder.. Range on head cf Van Tasaell creek, Wyo. Post Office aJdres, Harrison, Neb. BREWSTER & Co. Cattle btand i d same as that on cut, either left hip or on left shoulder. Hor branded with any of above brands. Address, J. A. Ancbiisox, Harrison, Nebraska. ROBERT F.SF.ECE. Cuctlc Brimded on left side. Range on Aluo Cstlln braacd on left hip. sliouldr or side. Itange on Running Water. . o. Address Agate, Kobraska. ED. MASON. Cuttlo Branded, Range on Run- on left side. jning Water Address Agate, Neb. Horses and cat tle branded on cither side same 3 on cut. PUP And Cattln branded tide, and Horses on left Address, Bodarc, Nebraska. HENRY WARNEKE. Cattle brand ed on left side. Range on Running Water Creeek. "P. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska,. CHARLES B1F.HLK. On left side or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder ef hnraes. 1 Range on the hood u Warbcmnet cre.k Address Harrlsos, Eloax Oo. Neb FRANK NUTTO. Cattle broalod J A on the toft side and same on loft shou'.- der of horses. Address, Harrison, Vebrks. fianted-linld II esM. SStssW Je2 UJ S3 rail HE NEIL JODRAN on left jaw. 33 ft 4 4 A - i .a "f 1