Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 04, 1901, Image 8

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Thcssday, AP&IL 4th, 1901.
fiet. J. Canon, Editor and Prop.
t. E. I M. T B. &. lime Ulik
Ortng Went. Going East.
Ho. S, mlxd10:9e I Ko (, mixed 7:50
F. E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
Red Front Ifteat Market'
Choice," Frekh and
home enred Meats
and borne rendered
Lud, salt Fish,
fine line cf Grocer
ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and Candies, Nuts
nnd green Apples. Highest price paid
for Hides and Produce, at
Smith's "Frcr.t,
Last Monday was all fools day.
The state legislature is a tiling of
the past.
Petroleum oil has bean discovered
. ia Clay county, Iowa.
County Clerk Raum, has been suf
fering of LaGripp this week.
Mr. and Mrs. IL H. Lorrimer, were
Bub viators one day this week.
John Ostrander, wan over from Ard
more, this week on business,
J. V. Williams, of Kirlley, was a
Harrison visitor this week.
A. B. Kennedy, of Crawford, spen
a few hours in town, last Tuesday,
AH future death sentences will be
carried out at the state penitentiary, the
warden being the executioner.
A unique program, has been arrang
ed bv the sabbath school scholars, to lie
rendered on next Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Clarke, and the
children spent Sunday, with relatives
at Crawford, returning at noon Monday.
Next Sunday at 7:30 p. va. at the
church an interesting easier program
will be rendered by the scholars of the
Sunday school.
So far as we can learn the loss of
stock as a result rf the blizzard last Sun
d iy A week ago seems to have been
small in Sioux County.
" Peter Wander, left (or Pine R.dge,
on last Tuesday evening. This is the
5th season he has been employed there,
he is freighter at the agency.
A Mr. Lee, of Custer, S. Dakota, hns
been in town this week in the interest of
the Newman Piano company, he has a
fine instrument on exhibition at the de
pot which be baa been trying to sell. '
Yon cannot enjoy perfect health,
rimy vnceKS aru sparKting eyes 11 your
-I I. - I ll - ' .
liver is sluggish and your bowels clog
ged Da Witt's. Little Early Risers clean
as the whole system. They never gripe
We learn the firm of Finley & Har
vey, who jointly bought out the saw
mill cf Stratton Bros., about three
month ago have by mutual consent
disolved partnership, Mr. Finley retain
ing tua roili.
Spring coughs are specially danger
ous ami unless cured at once, serious re
oils often follow. One Minute Cough
Cure acts like magic. It is not a cotn
mnn mixture but is a high grade reme
dy. J. E. PfHX.VEY.
We are just in receipt of a letter
conveying the information that 8. Bar
ker, who left here recently, has just tak
en charge of the the Cleopatra mining
company's cyni i le plaat at Carbonate,
fa the Northern Hills, with better pay
aadeaur work. Tnbiine-Pilut S. Dak
An Easter dance will ke giyen at An
4rea Hull, Monday evening, April 8th.
190L Every body who dance and desires
good time are inviteJ to be present and
participate. Good music and a good
Cm la gnrnranlead.
J. C. Future.
Ed. Maine, hjut purchased a lot orer
M Um north-west part of town and will
4jMwrci lh arrectioa of commcdi
. i,m aweinng tiouss at once, M he
tza bam notiOed to vacate th house be
tiJ Ma family hare been occuoTin sisos
tJr retara from ralley count, as Um
V"FJ baa bam told to other parties
' -wkasaa HaMWOo4. wb shot and
kiiim kuh "bat" iMt fall. ad who was
-l tot kk lifa at Um raoaat term of
Mrntwaaooanijr.'waa acquitted
SCffilmni agaia, while J. W,
. GBj bmji wu aaat to Um
r."ZJht Inring stola a pocket
. - lvMr of aigfaty dol
)r-.jr wtSf juattea oooms
. r:ictfUpaafa down
" :r:(jrttaexaaat
C. II. U.ea'tJ, in from Fit-will to.-,
day on business.
F. W. Clarke, spent Sunday down
the line on business.
Mr. McCoy, was up from the lower
part of the county this week.
Jens Jensen of Glen, was in town
the flrt of this week oc busines.
T. B. Snyder, wag up from Sheep
creek, the first of t'.ia week on business.
Andrew Knori, received a cohs'gn
raent of cattle, three cars; all yearling
on la-:t Monday.
We understand. Chas. Stiudenmicr
has gone to the eastern part of the state
to take unto himself, a new wife.
Another snow storm from the north -
cast is in progress this morning though
it is not cold. Yet should the wind veer
to the North west it is liable to be.
Octave Hun is was up frcm the low
er end of the county, on bu.-inrs, the
Uret of this week, while in town Mr. II.
dropped in to say a friendly "how' to ye
Those famous little pills, DWi!fs
Little Early Risers will remove all im
purities from your system, If aoe your
bowel?, make them regular. J. E.
Michael Bruek, who has been a gtie'-t
at the Harrison House all winter, left for
Douglas, on last Monday noon. Je will
resume bis former occupation, that of a
sheep herder.
The warm, balmy, sunshine of tho
past week got away with most of tho
snow which ftll during the blizzard weik
ago last Sunday, however, there are a
few of the largest drifts which have not
wholly disappeared yet.
So far the court docket for the spring
term comprises 10'j cases, civil and crim
inal, we presume the largest docket ever
in Sioux county. ,
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, wakl.s
and chafing quickly h al by the use of
DeV? ill's Witch Haze) Kslve. It is imi
tated, Be sure you get De Witt's. J. E.
Prcrrcv. "
To-morrow w-.ll be goyd Fno:iy, tne
day on which so many millions of people
throughout the cbiUtiau world will cele
brate the eomemoration of the crusifix
ion of the Savior.
Vr. J. E. rhinney, was called to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chat Uuitt, on last
Monday to prescri! for their little
daughter, who is ulf:-r;ng from the
gripp. The doctor reports the little cne
Mr. Witt, brother cf lU late F. J.
Witt, who has been looking after some
of the affairs of Ins relatives here, dur
ing the past few weeks, left for his home
in Evanston, Ills., on last Thursday even
ing. He took with b'tn one of his neices,
who will attend school.
Tha season for patent medicine ad
vertisers seems to have arrived. During
the past week, ye editor has also receiv
ed the apalling offer of $3.00 per year
for about half a column of reading mat
ter re-set monthly. However, as we are
not in the printing business for our
health, we declined the pnmosition. Ed
itors fctand together on this t-articulpr
The latest of our Sioux county
batcbelor's, to write his name among the
"benedicts" is our friend Andrew Knori,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knori, arrived here
from their wedding trip on last Saturday
noon. The Pltsss-Joras.vt extends con
gratulations to Andjew and his bride,
and wishes to them many years of joy
nnd happiness. We are not personally
acquainted with the bride, but every
body almost in Sioux county knows An
drew, and all are unanimous in their
rvrfl n f h j a oit n r SX.CeH.St Jld CtCT,
ing qualities;
Mass will be celebrated at the court
house in Harrison, on April lllh at 10:"0.
-Charley Johnson, who has been en
gaged at Co Cf lie's Riwhide ranch for a
number of vears had the misfortune to
jet his leg broken Sunday morning about
9 o'clock by a hor failing with him.
True Webb, the foreman of tho ranch
brought him to Harrison, the same diy,
and was taken to the Harrison House,
after which Dr. Phiuney was called and
sei me uroiten iinio. ins I race lira was
about half way between the knee and the
ankle joint on the right leg. It was a
long and tedious ride for a person with a
broken limb from Rawhide to Harrison.
On last Saturday morning Miss Oot-
tman, who teaches in school house No.
19, was somewhat discommoded by find
ing her school house floating down
stream, and realizing that something
must be done at once, if at all, to save
the building, the plucky little school
Mam, nothing daunted jumped into
the water and hitched a horse to the
building anil held the animals head above
Mm water, in order to prevent its drown
ing, at the soma lime she dispatched
soma of bar pupils for help, which
came as quickly a possible. Miss Cott
man and the faithful horse were almost
benumbed, with cold from having stood
io the freezing water so long, but her
berate action saved the school borne,
and sha should be rewarded.
"Laat winter I was confined to my fied
ith a vary bad cold on Um lungs.
Nothing gava km relief. Finally my
wife bought a bottle of One Minute
Coogh Oura that affected a speedy cnr.-.
Ieaaaot apeak too highly of tlt ex-
ellaal. tttmy."-Ur. T. X. Ilousemaf ,
UMauaix,r.j, t Vnamnr.
- IVi.ker I'l.irk and nevt i.il oiher r-
rouod to vn Iikvs Uvea sutl'erirg iti:
the gripp this week.
Hon. Tom 1 Johnson of Olevd md,
was elected, M'yorof that city Monday
and '-Golden Rule" Jones was re elected
mayor of Toledo, two good, honest dem
ocrats, eit.
Thos. J. Hilton was a county seat
visitor yebtorday, and while here drop
ped in to say a friend !y "how" to ye ed
itor and also to add l,n name to our list
of subcr.lrs.
We learn thru Judge Srhilt, that
Cha Beih'e, exneeN to leave for C'ali-
j f jruio' 011 "e)it Monday, presumably to
j loolj UP a location. We hate to see
, Charley go, at least to locate,
The fa"t f tl,e ""oather bring so
pleasant has starteJ the mechanics at
their work on the Andrews building, in
fact the sound of tho hammer and th
swivli of the paint brus.h has Jiiccin
The sound of wedding bells grow
mare distinct, aed we opine e'tra r.jotb
rr Issue of ti n slice t is given to our
readers, our local benedicts will have ad
d;d another member to their number.
Peter Wynder, of Adelia, was doing
business at the county heat on last Sat
utday. While in town Peto dropped in
to say a friendly "how" to je editor and
incidentally to add his name to our li.st
of readers.
Say! boys, have you bud a way all
the eggs you need for. r.oxt Sunder If
not you liad better get to work at once,
as the time is limited nwl the capacity
of a small boys stomach is supposed to
be without limit.
The Village election, here on last
Tuesday, passed off very quietly, there
lting but two trustees and a marshal to
be elected. B. L. S.mn k was elected
Marshal nnd J. E. Marsteller "nnd Quo. 1).
Canon were cltcted as Vilbgfc trustees.
By the way, aren't they a tough set? Ha,
hr., ha, "ha, ha, ha. " .
Mr. John Bieser, who with hi wife
was htra aboat two we.-ks ago, with a
view to locating in c.ir town, awl who
left here expecting ta return e'ere lon;r,
has purchased theGrandrii 'Vt ight house
of its present owner, Mr. Warneka. Mr,
13ie?er w ith his family will return to
Harrison in a very short.
Last season, the grasshoppers were
very bad in the north and east part of the
county and &b a r.aturai consequence,
millions upon millions of hGpper eggs
were laved in the ground last fail, for
this season's hatching, hut the went her
during February and the first jArt of
March, was so warm and balmy, that
millions cf the little pests w ere huU liwl
and ready for business when gras-- Uould
start, but the past two weeks of cold
weather end the recent blizzard, h;;s
probability destroyed all h itched which
means thousands of dollar to the stock
men of the county.
I wiil sell at -public auction, at my
resi'V-rj U miles northwest of Harrison,
ixurJ;-.r.-Ai rl! !.!,. :t '0 aWsd:
a. m.. the following dtcrlleJ .vtv.t J.
property, to-wit:
43 bead of young eattle, 2 broodmares,
2a cows, 16 head calves by their side, rest
heavy with calf, 1 I Hereford Bull,
20 yearling Steers and Heifer,
1 Yearling Colt, 4 2-Year old Ccltr,
2 good Work Teams, 4 Saddle Hoises,
1 Hay Rake, 2 Wagons,
1 M'Ccrmkk Mower, 1 Harrow,
1 Buckeye Mower, 1 Stirring plow,
2 Good Saddles, 1 Coru Cultivator,
2 set of Double Harness 2 Cook Stove.s.
1 Heating Stove, 2 Hogs,
1 Sewing Machine, 4 Dozn Chickens,
An! household goods too ininierous
to mention.
TERM3 of SALE-A11 sums tinder fllj.
00, cash, All sums over $1-100, six
months lime with approved note at ten
per cent pvr annum. Dan SLArrnaY,
Free Lunch at noon,
Kobkkt Kek'j, Aiict'onaer.
Oyer In Wyomin
Little Ferna Hamlin is very sick, ami
at last accounts there were but little
hopes of her recovery. This is sad for
the family as they just buried a six
months old child week a;fo last Tu'sday.
Tho snow, which fell during tho bliz
zard of hut week, is still vcrv deep in
places, but the chinook wind on I.c
Tuewlay was cutt'ng into the drifts and
causing tho water to flow in littla rivu
lets down tlie hillsides.
Tlie old saying, "that an early easier
denotes an early spring" i a back num
ber this year we fear.
The grass is starting and beginnig to
show green, bet ween tlie snowdrifts, tut
the meadow larks, with their spring-o-Ihe-year"
have not put in their appear
ance as yet.
At a meeting of the school hoard, on
Wednesday of Inst week, Miss Amy
Christian was engaged to tench tbs
spring term in the went school, but the
teacher for the east school was not en
A resolution was passed prohibiting
school being held cn Saturdays sxc. pt on
certain conditious.
Ye scribe and family bave beta In the
grip of LaOrippe for some time,' I e sides
beinrf snow bound; therefore ileum are
not plentiful In this issue.
Andrew Clirisliao wsnt lo Crawfoid
Um Orst - Uo week to look at a stnllicn
offer' d iurt-ule there. Tile U)y Went to
Harrison n Wednesday to receive aj
coup'eof thourongh bred Hert ford bulls
which Andrew bad purcnased cf, diet .
Ur.itt some time ago.
As next Sunday is Easter kk out for
the small boy with his bat full of stale
eggs, taken from the nest of a setting
hen belonging to a near neighlcr.
Philip Freeue lost three turkeys during
the recent blizzard. Come over Philip
we'll fc'.I you a couple. ZauEL.
Laura the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. F. B. Hamlin died at the home of
its parents nt Pleasant Ridge Saturday
March 22rd, uge five months and twenty
three days. lutermnt took plac in the
Pleasant fiidgn cemetery. The bereaved
parents have the sympathy of their
manv friend.
t Mr"i.v Little Lacha.
Diirling L:iiir:i, gone to rest.
With littju hands upon her l.r.-.ast,
A hud to us ihecame to bloom;
But her morning sun went down e'ete
SI.- f p on, Sleep on. little tberi.vhrsi hud.
You a daiiity message diiei t from Gud
Weadopltal you on earth to bloom;
But for a wi-er j-nrpose Gad called
(thea homo.
Friends nor phystciar.scould n t save,
Tl;t darling from the grave
Nor can the grave contain it there,
When Christ shall it to apj ear.
There's nviny an empty cradle
Tht fc's many an empty ied,
Theres many lonely b'mm.
Whose joy and life have fled.
For think in every pvave yard
Tlie little hillocks Is?,
Au-J every hillock represent.,
An antfcl in the skr, A. P.
-c.tni; or tilvL's.
V,V(l-.rsire fo extend oar hsarty thanks
to t'ye fricrd i.v.ni neighbors wS.o so kind
ly assisted us in the sit kne-s and death
of our little daughter
M:t. and Mits. F. B. Uahus.
Cfttibt ;i I)r. ii.lf.i! CoM.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Tiioni
psoo, a large importer of iir.e uiiilirjory
nt 1C58 Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, tays:
"i)uri;;g the lute severe weather, I took
a dreadful cold which kept me awake at
night and mode me unfit to attend my
! work during the day. One of my millin
: ers was taking' Chamber'aias Coiii'h Re
j me-ly for a severe cold at that timo,
j wijii h ?eemek to relieve her so quivkly
', that I bought some for myself. It acted
like magic and I beg:in to improve at
once. I am now entirely wcil and feel
very pleased to ncknowledge its merits."
For sale by J. E. Pius-sett.
Drcssmakliig & Tulloi'tns-
1 1 1 ' i
v r - v- r r, . . m, v
mens clcthir.2 cleared p:zz:i
& repaired.
Prices reasonable, satisfac'.loii guar
anteed. Rooau opjxwHe Press-Jourual
KfuTtki.r.n i i m,y
Lumber, Ifarnoas, Sud'Hos,
Grain iwl F"C'J, L'ocrs
anil Wiudnwg, Ucavy Hardware.
itrayeI or Stolen.
From my place, half mile west of
spotted tail t-pringij on Feb, 23, 1501,
two black mares bramie.
one on right hh'u'der and
other on left sboukb-r.
young maro has old wire
senr b low the brand, both had halters
on. Asuitablj reward will be given
for information of their where -a-bouts.
Address, G&.v.oz I'kitz,
Mitchell, Ntb.
Eiti-aytd from my enclosure, on the
S E i, Sec. 3, Township 3-!, Range TA,
Sioux Co., nlxiul NoVeinU-r Lith, IS01,
two CALVES about C nionthn-old; one is
a red steer calf with b.-ot al face and the
other is a heifer, and is a dark , roan,
branded on left side'tr and under
crop on left ear. A liberal re
word will be given for their return, or
information of thoir wliTe-a-bouta.
Address, JollX LcBA.no,
Ardmors, 8. Hiik.
For Hale or Kxclimigt-.
I have nine liend of Hereford bulls
from four ynrs to one-yeiir-ohl, which
I will sell, .or cxcliange for good ones
in their stead.
Ceo, IJ. Tdrkeb.
For Sale.
IftO aer, H miles from town all un
der fence, 8 wires and rrosn (enced, B
a'rm under IrrigiilioO, More can be put
under ditch. . Good stone houre, lirn
and oat buildings. For terms enquire
or address. I'hakk 8titatto?i,
Ilarrlvjn Neb.
Drus, o
Driigists Sundries, 5
Paints, Oils. Varnishes,
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. 8
C. F. Coffiit:, President. . F. W. Clarke, Cashier.
Chas.CJame.3on. II. S. Clarke, A. McGinlet,
Stockmen Laving une for a bank at this point may rely on
us to liarirllo tlieir entire Banking businee. . .
-:;AVo nre prepan'd to tnkn rare of our trade at all timfs
Vhiie Mrs. Nation is smashing saloons in Kansas,
MAKSTELLEIt EHUS., are fmasliing prices iu Har
rison, Nebrasna.
When the quality and quart- ,
tity of our goods aro taken
into account, all who trade
with us do not hesitate to
say that our goods of every
discription are better and
cheaper than can bo bought
any where in town.
We are head quarters for
Dry Goods &' Groceries,
Hardware & Tinware,
Boot & Shoes,
Hats & Caps,
Flour & Foed,
Salt & Crockery,
Lumber &c. &c.
yiu'il oid-.-rs prcmi.Uy filled.
Wc can, and do sell goods clieaper than any of
our competitors and for a verification of what we say
wc cordially invite every, body who are in need of
any thing in our line to come in and examine stock of
gooda and obtain prices before buying elsewhere and jjj
f be convinced for themselves
Very Respectfully, a
Marsteller Bros.
J. E. PHIN'NEY, M. I).
riijlelr.n ami Snrgoon.
All call iriven prompt ottoiitlon.
ollice in IJrud Ktore.
A Kaino;, ltoarlng I'lood.
WaMbed down a telegraph lino which
Chas, C. Ellis, or Lisbon, la., liad to re
pair. "Stunding waist deep in icy Wat
er." he writes, "gave me a terrible cold
and cough. It grew worse daily, Fio
ully thn bebt doctors in Oakland, Nob.,
Hioux City and Omaha, said I had Con
sumption and could not live. Then I be
gao using Dr. King's Kew Discovery and
was wholly cured l y m'x bottles." Pos
itively guaranteed for Cough, Colds and
all Throat and Lung troubles by J. E
Phuwney, Price 60c and tt.CO.
Job Couldn't Stood It.
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're Ur
rible annoying; but BuckWs Arnica
salve will cure the worst case of piles on
earth. It ha cured thousands. For In.
juries, Pains or bodily eruptions It's the
best ral ve in tho world. Price 2 c a box.
t ure guaranteed. Bold by J, E. PHIX
.HEY. "I had piles so bad I could get no rest
nor find a cure until I tried DeWlll's
Witch Haael Halve, After ulng it once
I forgot I ever liad anytlng like Piles."
-B. C. Holes, Bomera Point, N. Y. Look
out for I , italioj, Ea sure you ask
for Da wilt's., E, Pmiiitky.
iaS Bank.
PfQffessional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Stater
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliablt
companies. '
tTLrgal papers carefully drawn.
Hajuusos. . Nkbhaska.
S!. J. O'Connell, - - Co. Attcrncr.
Will Practice In All Courts,
Kpeclal Attention Uirea to Land Of
flee Iiuslnens.
CollectloiM and all business entrust'
d to me nil 1 receive prompt attention,
Hahrmo!! - Neukaska.
W. R Warrict,
Psstor M. E. Chim h.
Ir(al,lnfl c. ... '
-. n.m.iaj ercning at 7:30
P- m., and srerjr alisrnst Knadsy at 1 1 a, in
HdBfla MIia.iI la 'i.. . . ..
UsiriiiS0p, M.
Prayer MttUng Thnrsdsr evralng at 7 :S0
Come ens, Come alb .
AutoharpSolo Sunday evening at Um
sliers Too
'1..- ' '