Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 21, 1901, Image 8

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1 '
Thcswdat, Macch 21st , 1901.
?. C'aiKiu, Editor ami Prop.
r. E. i M. V E- jL lime table.
Sola Wwt Going East.
Wo. 5, mlxfd, 10:5 I Mo. . mixed
F. E. M. V. R. R. is
to and from the
the best
IjEADWOOD and hot springs,
Red Front Meat Market
Choice." Fresh and
borne cnred Msats
aad home rendered
Lard, salt Fish,
fioe line of Grocer
ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and Candies, JCuts
and green Apples. Highest price paid
for Hides and Produce, at
Did you wear the green on last Sun-
day? If not why not?
Village election, will occur one
week from next Tuesday or April 2nd.
Its CofT, Couf, and Cough, every
where, you go, lately on the street, or
That was quite a wind storm Sun
day night, it blew the smoke stack off
the Press-Journal office.
, Be sure you read Ed. Mason's stock
brand, which will appear for the first
time in this issue of the Journal.
The county commissioners have
been in our midst this week, attending
to county business. Also the county
r A deal was consumated, on last
Thursday, whereby F. B. Langworthy,
has become the owner of a valuable
piece of land near Andrews.
William Harvey has liw?n awarded
the contract for building the bridge
across Muoroe Creek, by the Board of
County Commissioners.
We roost respectfully ask our read
em to notice Mrs. Gilberts, dressmaking
card which will appear for the first time
in this issue of the Press-Joct.nal.
St. Patrick's day 8uoday-in Harri
son, did not show a very great display of
green shamrock. The Irish must be
thinning oat, or they have forgoten
their patron saint.
-"-We are reliably informed that II. B.
Earnest has purchased the residence
just recently erected by his brother-in-law
Jerry Will. The latter expects to
go tooth to find a new location.
M. J. Carroll, of the ralley, who
jast recently returned from Broken Bow
Neb., where he has been employed for
tome time, left last week for Morecroft,
Wvo., where be expects to be employed
during the seapon. 1 ' 1
A Kansas weekly paper states a
tnong its local items: "Mrs. Jones call
ed this morning and laid a dozen eggs on
our table." There is no telling what
a Kansas woman wouldn't do when she
is in the right humor.
K. J5. iiSKlS, S. - U5SHuu, yo..
foreman for Johny Williams sheep outfit
came down on the Saturday evening
train and remained over until Monday
noon, and while here he purchased the
Mg black tram of A. McGinlry, also Eg
bert Rohwer'n big grays and a suddel
Jiora) of H. B. Earnest,
Iist Sunday's World-Ileruld con
tnirifd a Mrds-eye view of Hon. Charley
Oolite's Siotix i.'ounty cattle ranch on
Hat Creek 12 miles north of Harrison.
We have lived in this county four years
nd that is the first opportunity we have
had to see the great stockman ranch
which is the finest stock farm we have
; ever section paper.
John Mickey, accompanied by three
f his children, went to his former home
near Gretna, Sarpy county. 7b., recent
ly whfre he heid a sale of his surplus
tract, and leaving his children to at-
teod school, be assisted his brother-in-law
Geo. Jonee, and family to emigrate to
this country to assist him with his ranch
work. Crawford Bulletin.
The first piece of interesting news
that engaged our attention for publics.
ttoo this week, was the juvenile surp-
, , fte party os lr. aad Mr. A. McGmley,
rx!trdT rrwinf. It waa reported
.3pJtfaMM4Iotoof caadywa had,
; r CwtCack wm the Mfgaat boy ia
t CiSowino; am the aamet of those who
a' faded tfca aarprta atrtartaiaaaaat and
put ia tta unkM Mch bad
U MM'mn nwfad ferthe oooaa
x in aad wU wen concluded at I
Czi Ttimmf aad sitter Pearl,
ta'txl Eaola EanUUar,
?iri Carta, - .
Mo t iViebratwi st the court
m Harrison, on April lltli at 10:'Vj
Lewis Gerlach, and Frank Nutto.
were at Cliatlrun a couple of days this
week, as witnesses in the John Tiddcase.
On Last (Saturday Michael Bruck,
disposed of his Sioux county claim to
Robert Ketl of Warbonntt.
Mrs. Bert Earnest, of ILirrison, Neb.,
is visitirip with Mr. and Mrs. Tom F.irn
1 est in the citv durintr her htislia.nd"s tib-
sence east. Chadron Journal.
When you are b.iiious, use those
famous little pills known as DeWitt'i
Little Early risers to cleanse the liver
aud boweLs- Tbey never grii. J. E.
Among those who have added their
names to our list of subscribers since
our last issue, the follow ing appear, Mis.
Gilbert, Mr. MaJer, Mr. Cullers, tud
James Nelson.
F. B. Lang worthy, closed a deal
with II. II. Lorrimer, far bis home place
one of the most valuable pieces of lund
m Whiie river, whereby Mr. W. Becomes
it owner, the consideration beinj; $1,000.
M, C. Donne, of Burns, Col. writes
to renew his alk-gboce, to the Pre--Journal:
Mr. Doane was formerly a
citizen of our county, and the father of
Mrs. Clarence Hollirrtsworth of this
Lew Gerlach, who has been at Chad
ron couple of clays this week attending
court informed us that judge J. J. Har
rington would be the presiding judge for
the April term of court for Sioux coun-
this spring.
We learn through Ne!s. Kownburg
while here from Adeli.i, Tuesday, that
M. D. Jordan of that place was summon
ed to appear in Court at Chadron, Mon
day of this week, as a witness in the case
of state of Nebraska vs. J. W. Tidd.
The lingering cough following
grippe calls fur Cue Minute Cough Cure
tor all throat and lung troubles this is
the only harmless remedy that gives im
mediate results. Prevents consumption.
J. E. PnpfXEY.
The many friends of Robert Harri
son of Adelia, will be pleased to hear of
his improvement, in health, we are
informed that he is in a fair way to ulti
mate recovery. Mr. Harrison, numbers
his friends by legion, and they will be
glad to hear this news.
Headache often results from a disor
dered condition of the stomr eh and con
stipation of ths bowels, A dose or two
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will correct these disorders and
cure the headache. Sold bv J. E. Phln-
We learned that there was some
what of a determination on the part of
some of the assessors at the assesrs
meeting to lower fie valuation on land
James .Nelson of Sugar JLoaf precinct
working hard for the reduction, also for
making the valuation on fences on gov
ernment land at $20 pr mile, which
was finally agreed to, tlie same becom
ing a part of the minutes.
Their promptness and their pleasant
effects make I)eWitt"s Little Early Ris
er most popular little pitls wherever
they are known. They are simply per
fect for liver and bowel troubles. J. E.
James Nelson, Nels Rosenborg, and
Albert Lindberg were over fom Adelia
Tuesday, the former assessor for Sugar
Loaf precinct was attending the assess
ors meeting which convened at the
court house Tuesday afternoou, the two
latter gentlemen were looking after
some private business affairs, while here
they made a ploosiini; ca!l t car c.ff...
Mr. Nelson leaving a cart wheel on our
desk for the Press-Jocrsal to be sent to
his address one year.
Mrs. C. E. VaoDeusen, of KillKiurn,
Wis., was afiicted with stomach troub
lo and coustipation for a long time. She
says, "I have tried many preparations
but none have done me the good that
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
have. For sale at Phinsey's drug tore. 1
Price, 25 cents. Samples free.
We understand that Lee Dickinson, I
who lives in the south end of the county
has disposed of his ranch and stock and
expects to leave for Cass City Mich.,
about the first of next month. We are;
sorry to see Lee go, hut we must also
acknowledge lite fact that Sioux countys
loss, will be Cass City's gain, as Lee is a
higly respected citizen of our county,
Harry .E. Brown, of little f Cotton
wood, was in town this week and inform
ed us that lie expected to leave this part
of the country next week. He experts
to locate at hxoter, this state, while we
regret exceedingly, to nee so many of
our good citizens leave our community,
yet, if they are going to better tbemscl
vee we wish them a hearty Ood speed.
and recommend them to the kindness
and hospitality of their new neighbors.
The following named gentlemen have
bean drawn to serve aa juror, at the
apring tana of District court which will
convene here on the 29th of April, 1001
J. J. Henry,
Tarn Dradf.
Wa, Martin,
L. L. Wilson.
P. Bier-ack,
Wm. Bretty, '
John May cock,
E. Sowers,
Das. Blatter),
(Uo. Cant,
3. B. Parker,
3. Dteckmaao,
C. Orore,
Dare Bartlett.
Auf. L. Eiay .
C ' . -i
3. F. Bourret,
F. B. EJgelow,
3. ft, Jeaasoa,
Kaaa Swtobaok,
Ml Lacy. '
Ctmry OoTty,
For lack of spai-e we are obliej to j
lay over our Wyoming news it-Pinn.
The ladies Aid Society will meet at
the home of Mrs. J. E. Marsteller, to
sew for Mrs. Langworthy. Wed. ufter-
noon March. 2"th.
IHED-March 5th, 1S01, Dora, eldest
child of Andrew and Catherine A. Chris
tian. A very appropriate funeral ser
mon was preached by Rev. W. R. War
ren from 17th jisalra loth verse.
The deceased was born in Madison
county, Iowa, Dec. 20th, JS7S. In the
fall of lssg, sbe, with the rest of the
family moved to Converse county,
Wyo, where she grew to womaoboood.
While here she united with the metho
dic episcopal church, the teachings from
which she nver ernd, but cherished them
high above the root glittering gems of
earthly gain. High ambition, and a
strong desire for a a education, led her to
the Nebraska Weslcyan University.
Here she attended two years and two
months, and would have graduated in a
short time had not death's silent messen
ger called her to eternal rest. Dora was
not only a beloved sister, but acted the
part of an al-wise mother over five
younger children after their mother's
death which occurod Hec. iMh,
The sweet disposition, and lovely
character of Dora, won the admiration
of all who knew her. She was toe ideal
of her pupils. Among them she moved
with untold eff action, to teach the lesson
of love and friendship.
Her death is mourned not only by the
heart strickeu family, but by her many
A large procession followed her to the
grave to pay their last reflects on this
side of the great river which separates us
from eternity.
She's gone, her spirit has flown,
To yonder heights above;
And left behind to us on earth,
The words of faith and love.
Slay we in her footsteps walk,
The road which she hath trod;
Which leads to that celestial home.
Where we can meet our God.
"J. II, JT."
Xljfht was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly fll tiight long,
writes Mrs. C'iias Appleg-i-, of Alexan
dria, lad.' "and could h,:r;iiy f;-t any
tf-p. I had consumption o bad that
if I walked a block I would cough fright
fully acid spit blood, but, when all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Ur, King's New Discovery wholly cured
roe and I gained tit pounds." Its aWilu
tlv guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds,
iAOnpi, Bronchitis and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Price 50c nd (1.00.
Trial bottles free at J. E. PllLViEYs drug
The Assessor of Sioux County, Nebraska, met as required by law at the
County Clerk's ofiik-e. Meeting called to order and on motion J. C. Parsons was
elected Chairman. On motion XV. II. Smoke was elected Clerk.
- Present, J. C. Parsons, J. C. Eburspelciier, Jacob Waswrburger, C. T. Sny
der, A. C. Cullers, D. Nelson, T. C. Lewis, W. 11. Wright, J. Nelson, J. O. Wilson,
W. H. Smoke.
Or. uiotion vliair appointed a committee of three to arrange a schedule of
values for assesment.
Chair appointd J. Nelson, John Eberspecher and C. T. Snvder.
On motion all improvement on (Jov. lands be assessed. Motion Carried.
Moved arid Carried all fences on Oov. lands be assessed at 20 per mile.
Moved and Carried that we adopt the schedule as arranged by committee.
Moved and carried that we have the schedule printed on the back of all tha
schedule lists.
Moved and carried that all cattle over 6 months old and under l year old
be assessed at (2.
Moved and carried that the minuses
Moved and carried that we adjourn,
J. C. Parsons,
Horses 1st class f 15 00
' 2nd " 8 50
" Jrd ; 5 00
Colts 1st class ,.$10 00
' 2nd " 7 00
" 3rd " 4 00
Yearlings 1st class $1 0
2nd " 8 00
3rd " 00
Stallions 1st class 75 0C
" 2nd ... 50 00
' 3rd " . 10 00
Jacks 1st clasa.. 75 00
" 2nd 50 00
" 8rd " 10 00
Mulet 4 years and over 1st class.. .(15 00
" 4 " " " 2nd " ... J
' 6 " ' 3rd " ... 0 00
Colts 1st clast 10 00
' 2nd " 700
" 8rd " 4oo
Yearlings 1st class (4 00
3 00
Cows Ut class $10 00
" " BO')
" 8 ' 0 00
SUera S-yaari and over 1st clar..f l8 09
" 8-year " 2nd li 00
" - e-yeari rd " 8 00
I)rcrnukiiig & Tailoring.
ani prrmpilu dene, also g:n:te
Tr.er.2 dit'ning cleaned, prcci
& repairei.
Prices reasonable, saUsfic'Ion guar
anteed. Rooms opposite Prens-Journal
t:. i to ii w eh,
Lumber, Harness, ra'lflles,
Oral ii aii'l IVm1, Doors
mid Windows, Heavy Hardware.
A Imy two jear old llilly branded
f '..' ' J ' in r:ght shoulder, mane trim
liylmed to half length. Two dol-fc'i-r
pilars reward.
Dave Colviixe,
Harrison, Neb,,
I have a car of broke, heavy horses,
for sale at Craw ford.
ron sale.
At Marsleller Bros., store Bromus In
urniis grass (seed. It is f-pecially adapt
ed to this dry climate.
. Stallion's Ecir Salp.
I have two well bre trotting Stallion's
and two draft Btalhon's for sale or trade,
all good ones. Call on, or address,
B, E. Pa'stkiixie,
Lusk, Wyo. Box, 'JO.'),
For Sale ami Unit.
40 tons of prarie hay and atiout ten
tons of Alfalfa ha-. Also will rent the
James Nolan ranch in Warbonnet pre
cinct, till June 1st, 1901.
Address James NoI.an, Eckard S, Dak.
For Sale or Exchange.
I have nine head of Hereford bulls
from four years to one-year-old, which
I v.':!! sell, or exchange fur goil ones
in thoir btad
Geo. II. Tt'R.NKB.
Elfttioit Notk-f.
Ktitiee Is hereby given that on Tiwwlsr,
the 2J, clay of April, 1S01, In the Court
H () rimtn In Uarrlwin, XebrU, un ele
ton wliJ Ik: belit tor tlm purpose ot eleetlnj
two truntees to w rve fur the term of to
yer, fur th Tillnije of flarrlwn, Nebraska,
Kliit li election will be iihmi at 9 o'clock In
the inornXiff and contlime oin until 7
o'clock In the evening of said day.
Dated this lStu.uny of Siarcti, 1901.
W. II. IJavis, VUliik'e Clerk.
be accepted as read
W. II. Smoke,
Steers 2-years and over 1st class. .(10 00
" 2-years " 2nd " .. 00
" 2 years " " 3rd " .. 6 00
Steers 1 -year-old 1st class (7 00
" 1 year-old 2nd ' 0 00
" 1-year-old Ifrd " ......... H 00
Bulls 2 years and over 1st class. ..$20 00
" -ye.ir " "ml ... 15 00
" 2-years ' 3rd ... 10 0(1
LiulU 1 year-old It class... $12 00
" 1 year-old 2nd ' 6 00
" 1 year-old 3rd " 3 00
Heifers 2-years-old 1st class (9 00
" 2 years-old 2nd " 6 (Kl
" 2-year-old 3rd " 4 00
Ueirers 1-year-old 1st class (7 00
" 1 year old 2nd " 00
" 1 -year old Jrd " 3 00
8heep o-months and over 1st class. .(2 00
" eiuouths " 2nd " ..100
Bucks 1st, class (50 00
" 2nd " 80 00
" rd " 10 00
IlOtiS C-montiis and over 4c er pound.
Iand 1st class Jl gs
" 2nd " T m
" m " 25
With fair vlue for laoprovaoianu
a ided. I J. NeuwM,
, Committee, i John VMUKvnpxtX,
( C. T. Smyuui.
Urugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
-J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
The Oommercial Bank.-
C. F. Coffee, President.
Ciias. C, Jameoon. II. S.
Stockmen having use for a bank at tins point may rely oi
us to handle their entire Banking busines.
KjtWe are prepared to take rare of onr trade at all times
k; cc -ooo !ho k4-o yo D-e :-o Zro 3 oo
s are
While Mrs. Nation is smashing saloons in Kansas,
MAIISTELLEU BROS., are smashing prices in Har
rison, Nebraska.
When the quality and quan
tity of our goods are taken
into account, all v,ho trade
with us do not hesitate to
pay that our goods uf every
discription are better and
cheaper than can lie bought
any where in town.
We are. head quarters' for
Dry Goods & Groceries,
Hardware fc Tinware,
Boots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps,
Tlour & Feed,
Salt- & Crockery,
Lumber &c. kc. . o
Mail orders promptly filled. f
We can, and do' sell goods cheaper than any of t
our competitors and for a verification of what we say
we cordially invite every body who are in need of &
any thing in our line to come in aud examine stock of $
goods and obtain prices before buying elsewhere and
be convinced for themselves
Very Respectfully,
Marsteller Bros', i
J, E. I'HLN'NK .M. I).
l'byisilan and Surgeon.
all culls Klrcn prompt munition,
omce in Uruie Store.
Notice of Prohuto r mil.
Mum County.
kstate or rur.n i. J. win-,
Whorens Jowph l.iidwlu of uH county,
hit Aled In tiiy orllre an lunlrunirnt purpfir
tuitfle be the laxt will suit teatNinent of
Krj J. J. Witt ileemiwit, lnt of sull coon
ty, unit a petition irjinn to hare Din ,inie
sdirillUril to prolmUs, which will re latex to
both real and jmronnl est vto, whirenpon I
have a-wolntnl Monday, the flrxt day of
April. Iwii, atone o'clock p. m. of said day,
at my ornce In IturrUoa, In said county, rj
the time and ,iar of provlnK aald will, at
which time and plane ?on and oil eoncern
d may appear and eonte.t the probate
or the aanift.
It la fiirtruir ordered that said petitioner
rive nolle to all pnrwnia lnUrcU-l In auld
Ut of till pendency of the irtltmn, nd
the time and place art for licarinK the aame
by eauntiiit copy of thin order to I publish,
ed In the Harkimov I'ar-n.J Ikal. a new,
paprr ptiblmiicd to Iiairlwin In ald stsle,
for threa waefcn aucremnvely prevlout to the
day set for said Imurlns.
in Utatlmouy whcrmif, I V'-ve ben-nnto wt
my hand and oflllelal l this 11th day of
March mi.
Jskai, (Trascopy) Cua. K.Mckiit,
County Jude.
. J aTt Uie oriKin DeWilt
iU:b U"' S1 wi yon ask (r
It Tbeirenuina is a certain cure for
pile, aont and akin diseases. J. E.
P. W.Clarke, Cashier.
Clarke, A. McGinlet,
Professional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Juxtice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Slates
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written In rehabli
tiTlxKal papers carefully drawn.
Harruok. - Nebraska.
M. J. O ConncIl, Co. Attorney,
Will Praoti in All t'oarts.
Special Attention Given to Laad Of.
flee llNiiaeti. '
Collections and all business 'trust
ed to me will receive prompt (Oration.
W. R. Wajcrkn,
Pastor L E. C'lmrch,
r reselling i fry nndiy evunlnf t 7 :o
p. m-, aad dtry slternaU Knaday at 1 1 . m
Muadsy aVheol 19 e'rkrk a. m. Epwerih
L(ri :I0 p. M, ,
I'ra) r Netlnc Tkarahy venln at 7 :30
Com on,('osi( all.
Autobarp Solo Sjnrlsy evening at tba
'a. '