Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 21, 1901, Image 1

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    it r ' r ...
II 1
O. 38.
Cor )Io 0 NnnnrcTinm ip rtirn 7 W Vl
' ttp oc" ' Ltu u TIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." "on. William J. Bryan.
Subscription Price
Official Paper of
Geo. I). Canon:,
Entered at tub Hamuw Tiwr
Ever indication in (he Chinese empire
fritits to war betweeu Russia and Eng
land, over concestiionw muda to Russia
by the celestial uulhorilit :. It would
not lie surprising if, during the next tea
months, tint nil the great nations of
the arth would bu engaged ni a great
war betweeu themselves.
- Mr. Lincoln' last words to his Spring
field neighbors on Ins departure for
Washington were the outbreakings of a
sad heart.
Ha said, "No one not in my position
can appreciate the sadness I feel at this
parting. To this people 1 owe nil that I
am. Here my children were oorn; here
fid lies buried. I know not how soon I
shall sen you again. I cannot succeed
without the Fame divine ukl 'which mus
I a Hied Washington. On the same Al
imghty being I place i,ty reliance for
w.pport, and I Imps you, my fntlSi
will pray (hut I may receive that divine
nwihlnm o without which I cannot sue
deed." A printer recently tried bis hand at
farming, but couldn't make tiling work
rigid, and In now back at the "case."
lie had a "WMiigfoiu" teama mule
uml n, horse nod this wonldnl ''justify. "
Iff mid tin farmer ",'ired'' him Hf(r he
l,.ul "pied" three fir four 'columns" of
fxitatn-H, He howed his limited exper
icm-e by asking the farmer's wife if she
wanted (he hens "set" "kaded or
,"Like Oliver Twist, children mk far
more when Riven One Minute Cough.
ure. Mothers rndorea it highly
for croup. It quickly cures all coughs
end colds and every throat and lung
trouble. It is a specific for grippe and
nstbrna Hnd bus lon been a well kno n
tcmedv frr whooping couh. J. E.
It makes one Rmile a sniolo to bear
omeofour ropuhliciin friends kicking
njjainst I), E. Thomjwon of Lux'oln tind
U'MtKwater of Ouuih.t Mng cundidutes
tr U. S. SeimtoM, det'birin the people
iUi not vt-ii tit them to represent thetn in
in (he nalionul house of lonls, and yet
fall those Kine oplM went to the
jwils and cast h genuine Toti)t)wn &
Hosew ater vote by voting for A. O. Full
er, who was, without doubt a Thonip
con & Rxerater candidate. We reiter
ute what e have said io the pant that
I). 1. Thompson, no. doubt a as much
or more responsible for the republicans
victory hist full than any other man, in
or out of trie slate. Then, he represents
everything the prenident Rtandn for,
namely, the gold standard, imperialism,
foreign ascension, destruction of re
public, militiarism, and everything that
H vicious; besides he Una more republi
can Kuppnrter in the legislature than
jiny other one cundidute ti nt aspires to
Mibmit, unreservedly to the will of a
trust owned president for the next four
years, therefore we nre quite certain the
I). E. Thompsou & E. Roscwater are the
logical candidates.
Gems From
the Trenchant
Pen of Clio.
We ore wirry Ed, Rose and family did
tike the small pox, but fflad they are
having it eay. The gilver linine to
their cloud m that they will not have
to have it again.
Why dont the exposed persons try the
vlnepar remedy o fiiren in the IitiCPM-
JOTKXAf, of a f"W weets Rgo, and re
port results. People here used creain-of
Mat HalU family have our aympathy
In the Iom of their little One. The renp
r, death, gathers the buda a well oh
the flower.
Friday afternoon I concluded to count
the teams that panned from half pant one
till 5 and there were (17 not one hor-e-Imclcer
and only four bike. Hnd I hud
time to have kept count on Hat. there
would have been many more. ,
Our preamce in requested at the
marriage of Mim Thebe J. dinger, to
Mr. W. T. Taylor, on March 87, at 12 o'
cleck m. A the happy event will take
place fourmile norlheant of Itbanen,
JCaOM, w will have to be excuwed this
lime. Mite dinger ha many friend in
flfmii County who will wish her much
The weather i o fine, the farmers be
fin to smile and say the ground is In the
wj bast consUioa for working. The
robins are singing and every thing as
nres us Spriof be come. Clio.
UMMimliU, Marvh 18,
Per Year $1 .00,
Sioux County.
- Editor.
Office as Fwd (.Ws'mji
Prof. Ivison, of Lonacotiing, Md., suf
fered terribly from neuralgia of the
stomach and indigestion for thirteen
years and after the doctors failed to cure
him they fed him on morphine. A
friend advised the use of Kodol Oj"npep
sia. Cure and after taking a few bottles
of it be nays: "It has cured me entirely.
I can't way too much for Kodol Dyspep
sia, Cure." It digests what you eat. J.
E. PmNSEy,
Working 24 llour.s a Day.
There' no rest for those tireless little
worker Dr. Kings New life pilie. Mil
lions are ulwavs husy, curing Torpid
Dive, Jaundice, Billiousness, Kevcr and
Ague. The banish sick headache, drive
out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken.
Small, taste rjc(,i work wonders. Trv
them, 20c at J. E. PiUNXKY'a.
The Utah legislature has passe.'l a bill
or concurrent resolution, which ever
you choose to call it, legalizing polyga
my or plural wives. The male popula
tion of Utah, ro doubt, have come to
believe they are as much entitled to
practice polygamous lives as the Sultan
of nulu, one of our distinguished subjects
of the Pliillipines. Of course they will
expect to be pensioned after a while.
Remarkable Cures of Itlicuma-
From the Nindiimlor, liuthtrfwdton,
A C.
The editor of tbo Vindicator has had
occasion to et the elHcaey of Chamber
lain's Pain balm twice with the most re
markable results in each case. First,
with rheumatism in the tihouldrr from
which he suffered excruciating pnin fj,r
ten days, which was relieved with two
applications of Paiu Balm, rubbing the
parts a ('dieted and realizing instant bene
fit and entire relief in a very short time.
Second in rheumatism in thigh joint, al
most prostrating him with sevrre pain
which was relieved by two applications'
rubbing with the liniment oh r tiring at
night., and getting tip free from pain.
For sale by J. E. Piiin.nky.
To Jail For Talking.
Deadwood, H. D., Jarch I, Judge Jos
eph B. Moore of the eight judicial dist
rict sentenced P. J, Lynch to a term of
six months in the county jail for discus
hing the merits of a case upon which he
was serving as a juror with an outside
party. Lynch was the only juror of the
twelve who held out for acquittal in the
Connolly arson ease, and he told the
jurors that he had talked with a certain
person who had told him that be did not
believe the prisoner was guilty and it
was upon this conversation that the iur
or based his decision. Lynch is a re
r-i:u CiliAtii m tins eiiy. Judge Hoore
intended that it should be a lesson to all
future jnriin to mind the admonition of
the court and not talk to outsiderj dur
ing the course of u. trial., Sioux City
A" Honest Medicine For La
Grlppcs. George W. Waitt, of South Gardiner,
Me., says: "I have had the worst cough
cold, culls and grip and have taken lots
trash of no account but profit tothe ven
dor. Chamlierlain'g Cough Remedy is
the only thing that bus done any good
whatever. I have used one bottle of it
and the chills, eolp and gripe have all
left me, I congratulate the manufin-turei-H
of an honest medicine," For Mile
by J. E. rillNNKY,
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
In hereby prlven tlmt by vlrtun of a rhat
tl mortKtiKi-. uiKfle hy William Htorm marie
about Auit'ixt 1'tli, jaro, in favor of (;. K. A.
Kstler, to ncrure the payment of lt! and
Intcrent Uterecm at the rate oflo n r cent,
prr annum from the ISth iluy of Iti-cnmbor,
Ukhi whti.h tin-re is now due the sum
of fti.M, default tmvliijr been iimile hi the
payment of ald mm, nl no suit or other
proceeding at law having been liutltu'ti-d
to recover said debt or any part tlierwif,
therefore I will sell the following deserf.Mxl
lroperty, subjeet to an nxMer'i lien of M
In favor of A, J,. LnitliotT, to wll:
J roan mare, H yeurs old with foal, weight
BlKltlt ll;-0K)llnlfl.
t Iron gray mare, sbont six years-old,
weight about DM pounds.
1 sorrel bald fnoed colt, yearling.
1 set double harness, taken under said
mortgage, st public auntlon nt the livery
stable of Dleckumnn and I-oev, la tho Vill
age of Harrison, Nebraka, oil the 6th day
ot April, IMI, at one o'clock . M. of satrl
ly. 0. K. A. Kstlkr,
Dated llareb IS, 1901, Mortgagee,
One black two year old filly, star in
forehead, white hind feet around lioofs,
one eye gone.
Liberal reward for her whereabouts.
U. B, E Alt NEST,
Strikes A Ttich Find,
''I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debili
ty,"," writes F. J. Green, of Ltincaxter,
F. I., "No remedy beled rue until 1
began using Electric Litters, which did
me more good than all the medicines I
ever used. They have also kept my wife
in excellent health for years. She nays
Electric Litters are just splendid for fe
male troubles; that they are a grand
tonic aud invigorator for weak, run down
women. N- other medicine can take its
place in our family." Toy them. Only
50". Satisfaction guaranteed by J. E,
A good Couli Medicine for Chil
dren. "I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," nays F.
P. Moran, a well known and popular
baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We have
given it to our children when troubled
with bad coughs, also whooping cough,
and it has always given perfect satisfac
tion. It was recommended to mo by a
druggist as the best cough medicine for
children as it contained no opium or oth
er harmful drug." Sold by J. E. Pjiik-
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtus of an order of sle Issued by the
clerk ef the District Court of Sioux County,
Nebraska. ntion a tl puree reitderitd l n Man)
court in favor of the County of Sioux, as
plaintiff and against Farmers Trust Com.
puny as defendants. I will
on the SKtli 'lav. of Marnh. vm. tit. t nV-Wk
in the afternoon of mild day, at the' east
trout door of tiie court house of suid county
tu Harrison, Nebraska, sell the follon-intr
described real estate taken on said order
ot sale lo-wit:
TllH lifllltll mist itlliirlCT tif aepfU.n f Mil i-1 ,m.
in township thlry four, north ot runga fifty
(lve, west of thu siitti principal meridian
In Kloujt (Vjiinty, Nebraska, "t public
nnctlon to the highest bidder for cash in
hand to SfttUfvsatd order of sain fa tlmmim
of-J711 and interest and eo,jls and iiccru-
in costs.
Kheri.Tol Fimix County, Nebraska.
Harrison, February 18th. 1901.
WhcriiTs Sale.
By virtue ot an order of sale issued by the
cleric of the District Court of dlonxCouuty,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered in said
court t favor ot the County of Kloax, as
p luiiitifi' and dBiiiust J.evi. (J. Pollard, JVloi.
Levi. 0. l'ollard, t lick. II. Tom-ray, Coinnier
eiai InV(:htim;iit Company a (tefcitdants:
I will oa the 2Mh day of March, 1'jOl at 1
o'clock In the atternoon of said day, at tbo
east front door of the court house of said
county, in Harrison, Mebruskra, sell the fol
lowiug described. Teal estate taken oa said
order of sMc, tuwlt:
The Kouth-cast qoartor of section Mven
teen. In township thirty-throe, aorta ef
iaii(,-e fifty-four, west of the slsth principal
meridian la Hioui County, Nebraska, at
public auction to the highest bidder fr
cash in hand to uuti.-fy said order f nale III
the sum of SliI and Interest and cost und
Ilnrrison, 1 ebnmry Wth, I'jOl.
Dyspepsia Cure
Difjests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aidi
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latestdlscovereddlgest
ant and tonic. Jso other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relievesand permanently cure
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache-, Gastralgla fJrampsand
all other result" of imperfect d Igestlon.
Price 50c. and It . Large stse contains 2 times
mall size. Hook all aboutdyspepsiaaatledfrce
Prepared by E. C. OeWITT CO, Cbieogo.
A Horrible Outbreak,
"Of large sores on my litt le daughters
head developed into a case of scald head"
writes. C. D. Inbill of Morganton, Tenn.,
but Ihicklen'a Arnica salve completly
cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for
Eczema, Tetter, Bait Rheum, Pimples,
Sores, Ulcers and piles. Only 2! cents
t J. E. Phisnbys.
For Sale-
lfiO acres, 8 miles from town all un
der fence, H wires and erosii fenced, 5
acres under irrigation. More can be put
under ditch, Good stone house, barn
and ont buildings. For terms enquire
or address. Fkaxk SthaTTON,
Harrison Neb.
Counterfeits of l)e Witt's Witch Hazel
Halve are liable to cause blood poisoning
Leave thorn alono, The original has the
name DeWilt's upon the box find wrap
per. It is a harmless nnd healing snlve
for skin diseases, Unequalled for pilss.
J. E. Phewey,
The Jouhkal will publish your brand, like
Le fallowing, for if M, per vcar. Kach ad
ditional Orund 7S ceuu. j-jvery larmer or
raochrnen in Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise their brands in TheJouh
alu It circulates all over the state. It
may be the means of saving money for you
For the arrest and conviction of any party
or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands
on stock belonging to the undersigned par
tie :
Horses branded on rigli shoulder or
branded jj on right Jaw Also, I have
Horses branded 011 k'ft thigh
I'oetCJfflca Aildrcss,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska
I". E, J A NUT.
60, 117,
or (3 h on left hir
111111"" Jaw'll oa
loft hip or Cattle. Post Offlcs, Hewitt,
Sioux County, Nebraska.
flories branded if-S 1 oa left slionl-
1 -
branded on left shoulder
: X-
and Cattle F on left side.
Post Office Address,
Tatrlck, Laramie Co. Wyo.
Cattle branded f t
Horses braude It.1
ldej, range on Foiatcr Creek.
.Any stock branded as above being estray
ed from my range, discovered by any body
on giving me information will be. rewarded.
Address, Ft. Kobinson, Nebraska.
J. n. pa it ki: it.
Horses branded on j i,,f ' shoulder and
Cattle same on bft j hip.
Sheep baruded on back or on
back of hheep.
ltange on Soldier Creek and White River.
Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska.
Cattle brand
ed on left side.
Range on
Running Water
BdFl'. O. AddrefiA Ilar-rlsnn, NebrmUVa
To Lewis Bryan and Ixm It. Bryan, his wife
You and each of you are notified that
William Zimmerman, plaintiff did on the
25th dav of February, 1901, file his petition
In the District Court of Sioux county, Ne
braska and against you as defendants the
object and prayer ot which petition is to
foreclose a c-ertuln mortgego executed by
you upon the weit half of the south-east
quarter and the east half of the sonth.west
quarter of Section thirty four in Township
thirty three north of range fifty five west
of tae 6th principal Meridian in fjixux coun
ty, Nebraska, that yon and each of you may
be foreclosed and forever barred of any
right, title, or interest in or to the same
and that said premises may be sold to satis
fy the amount found due oa said mortgage,
and tor general relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the lit day of April, HWI.
, ' I WILLIAM ZmMKKKAW, Flallltifl.
Sheriff's Sale.
Dv virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the District Court of Sioux County,
Nebraska, upon a il scree rendered in said
court, in favor of the. County of Sioux, as
plaintiff, and against Marcus fel,alavtte.
ttfuiiforri, Mrs. Marcni, Iiul.ataytte 11 tmtord
his wife as defendants!
I will on the 2.11 h day of March, 1901, at 1
o'clock in the Hlternoon of said day, at the
cast front door of ibe court house of said
county, In Harrison, Nebraska, sell the fol
lowing doncrils-d real esiats takeu on said
order of sale, t wit:
J,ot foiirof Section four, lotsone and two
of section nvu, In township thirty two, north
of rnnga fifty-throe, west of the' sixth prin
cipal meridian in Slonx County' Nebraska,
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash In hand to satisfy said order of sale in
the sum of (iiOsu and tn lerest and costs and
accruing costs,
! Sheriff of Sioni County, Nebraska.
Harrison, Februury 18th, IMI.
Tho stomach controls the situation.
Those who nre hearty and strong are
those who can eat and digest plenty of
food, Kodol Dyspepsiit Cure digests
what ,yo eat and allows you to eat all
the good food you want, "if you suffer
from indigestion, heartburn, belching or
any other stomach trouble, this prepara
tion can't help but do you good. The
most sensitive stomachs can take it. J.
ft PRIlfNEY.
m -
nt in tlm WM-MMML
On left side or hip of cattle, )
On left shoulder of hor-w-H.
1 Range on the bead oi Warhnnnst.
gjjj Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb
Cattle branded
side and same on
on the left
left slioul-
; Address, Harrison, Nebraska.
Owns the follow-
liiKUrand on eith
er .-
Also H3 on cat
tie and horses
cuttle on leftai'lu
horses oa loft
f-re, S",-r iv
j., ei
Range on Silver Sui-Iul-s and east nf (Unt.a
ine, rostolHce llarrlsoa Neb
BRS'Tlie brand represented in this notice
a,ifl b''aridcid any whore on left side
"f cat-tie, anrt ever-hsp ut from the
Lp, J rigli tear.
Also the same brand on left thigh of
liKyy horses, belongs to the Undersigued.
Range, near -East Springs, south part to
Sioux county. Charles Newman,
Harrisou, Nebraska.
J S. a I C'KFR.
r'I Branded on left shoulder ot horses
f d4-'and on
i left side of cattle.
right side of cattle too.
Range on White River, near Glen.
Post Office address, Olen, Nebraska.
Brandcd ou. ,cft ip of Cattle
"iA VJf 'A 'in " 'eft check ot Horses,
LUir'Axiiia Rangoon Heep Creek.
At dress, Deep creek Live Stock Co,.
J. H. Haliiekt, Foreman,
Cden, Nebraska,
Cattle brand-,
ed same as that
on cut on eith
er side of ani
mal. And following on Kf
And this Hif $fi on left side of she stock.
And this K.2Ea on left side and hip.
Ffts-Va -
Range on Running Water. i
Post Office address, Harrison, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk ot the District Court or Sioux County,
Nebraska, upon a decree icdcred in Bald
court, la favor oi the County of.Stoux, as
plaintiff and against Peter Henry, Minnie
Henry, his wife, Western Security Company
Thomas J. Living as defendants:
I will on tho 25th day of March, 1901, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at
'lie east front door of the court house of
said county, In Harrison, Nebraska, sell the
following described real estate taken on
said order of salu, towit:
The west half of the north-east quarter,
and the east half of tho north-west quarter,
of Section thirty-four, township thirty-four
north of range fifty-five, west of tho sixth
principal meridian in Sioux County, Neb
raska, to the highest bidder for cash in
hand to satisfy said order of sale in the
sum of 8I 24 and interest and costs and ac
cruing costs,
Sheriff of Slonx County, Nebraska.
If naruon, February p;th, iroi.
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtuo of an order of sain issued by tho
clerk of the Dlstriet Court of Sioux County,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered in said
court, in favor of the Connty of Sioux, as
plaintiff and against George w. Pfost, Mrs.
George W. Host, Check II, Toncray, Mrs.
Check If, Toncray' Nebraska Mortgage In
vestment Company, Charles K, Collins, re
eolrcr, Commercial Investment Company
as ('eloniiailts:
I will nn the IHh day ot March, 1901, at 1
o'olock In the afternoon of said day, at tho
east front door of the court house of said
county, in Harrison, Nebraska, sell the fol
lowing described real estate taken on said
ordcrof sale, towlt:
The north west quarter of Section
thlrv three in township thirty-three,
north of range fifty, lonr, west ol tho
sixth principal meridian In Sioux County.
Nebraska, nt public auction to the highest
bidder for cash In hand to satisfy said order
of sale In tho sum of s; flD and Interest and
costs and accruing ousts.
Sheriff of Sioux County, Nebraska,
Harrison, rebrnary lsth, IWl,
fc'XU And this fz&?4
EiL2 on rtKhts"Je
in is on txtftffixsi
I'vwrm I ill Wf "MLsesiii
iflOO Seward.
For proof to convict any person of steal
ing, altering, running off, or In any war
damaginga stock branded!
side or hip. Address, Jabbs Foc,
Harrison, Neb. -
Brand combi double!
on left side
on right
of cattle. Horses same
Wsf ut OUI r-K,1,. II I ear tattle.
eriia, Cattle all aehoriiloT
Range on Kyle Creek,
Post Office, Glen Nebraska. '
caiue braaded fcWi on left hin a.in
Cattle branded
on left
Range on Soldier Creek and White Birsr.
Address, Glen, Nebraska.
, Foremau, Fseo Mason.
Cattle branded
on left hip and
same on the left
jaw, and same
on Horses. Also
Horses branded
on left jaw, shoulder or flank. Also HOrses
branded fesBJ on left flank and
oa left shoulder, I eT
Range on head of Van Tassell creek, Wyo.
sri'ost Office addres, Harrison, Neb.
Cattle brand
ed same as that
on out, either
left hip or oa
left shoulder...
Horses branded with any of above brands.
Address, J. A. Anderson , -'
Harrison, Nebraska.
Cattle Branded Inm ff f s si on left Side.
wsj I, ins
Range on
Also Cattle br.-iacd
shoulder or side.
Range on
on left hip.
Running Water. P.O. Address
. Agate, Nebraska.
Cattle Branded
on left side.
' Rana-fl on Run-
Ins Wntr
Address Agate, Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the District Court of 8ioux County,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered in ssld
court, in favor of the County of Slonx, as
plaintiff and agalust Herbert Stebbius, Mrs.
Herbert Stebblns, Western Security Com
pany, as defendants:
Iwillou the 25th day. of March, 1901, at 1
o'clock in the af ternoou of said cUJ, at the
east Iront door of the court house said
oounty, in Harrison, Nebraska, sell the fol
lowing described real estate taken Oa said
order of sale, to wit.
The South-west quarter of Section twenty
m township thirty-tliroo, north of range
fifty-five, west of tho sixth principal meri
dian lu Sioux County,- Nebraska, at public
auction to the highest bidder tor cash In.
band to satisfy said order of sale In thu
sum of $30 80 and Interest and oosta and so -
crulug costs.
Sheriff of Sioux County, Nebraska.
Harrison, February ISth, 1801.
In The County Court of Sioux
County Nebraska.
In The Matter of The Estate of Josenh
Olbricht, deceased.
Order for day on hearing of petition tor
appointment of administratrix.
State of Nebraska,
Slonx County.
At a Countv Court, held at the Oountr
Court Room, in and for said County, March
4tb, 1001.
rresent i nan. s k, scnui, county jaage.
On reading and filing netHtoa of Matilda
Olbricht, praying that administration of the
estate of Joseph Olbricht may be granted
Matilda tunri. nt as aununinramx.
Ordered, that Monday the first day of Ap
ril, A, 1). 1W1, at one o'elook p. m. Is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when all tier
sons Interested la said matter ma? appeal
at a coui.ty court to be held, in and for said
oounty, and show cause If any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted ; and that notice of the pendancy
of said petition and the bearlnf thereof, be
given to all persons Interested In eaM nat
ter, by publishing a copy of this order la tbo
Harrison FasSs-JoCBSAt, a weekly news
paper printed Id said oounty. for foar eotir '
secutlve weeks, prior to said day Of hear
ing. ; ,
I sksl 1 1 mo ortny ) ; t'ii. K. scwiMT.
' ' . s comity Jau