Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 14, 1901, Image 8

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    t --gs T V - . T .
Thdbkday, Ma&oh 14th, 1901.
Est rayed from At Hill's pasture last
Apr I. one bar mare with white star in
(w and white snip oo nose and branded
tic. T. I anas, Editor and Prop,
eotnc Wert. Uolng East.
e. t. nixed. " : 1 So. . mixed- 7 :
on left Also bran
shouldsr ded on left
F. E. M. V, R. R. to tbe beet
to And from the
jaw; weight about
A suitable reward will be inven
return or information of her
Address Bodarc, Neb.
Hxtoy Wektz.
'for b
Car load of Sam moo Wind milts, and
also car of Barbed Wire. Quick sals
1 small profit. Call and main ar
raogemeota for anything wanted.
u. w. Bum
The undersigned will give a dance
in Harrison, at Andrews Hall, on Friday
evening, March 15th. 1901. Good music
and time assured. Everybody invited.
I Dan Slatteky.
Managers. ( Joh5 Fclky.
Tuesday March 19th is the day estab
lished by law for the county assessors to
meet for the purpose ef establishing bas
is for assessing all property for tb year
1901. Wa. J. A. Rath,
Red Front Meat Market
Choice, Fresh and
home cored Meats
and home rendered
Lard, saU Ftsb,
fine line of Grocer
ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and Candies, Nuts
' and green Apples. Highest price paid
for Bids and Produce, at
5rritk's Ifci "Front.
We understand Mrs. H. A. Priddy,
road ttie goat, at the last meeting of the
R. N. of A.
' J. H. Kewlin, Andrew Christian, and
M KolterfieM, were dowo from Pleas
.' ant Ridge, the first of this week.
A brother, of the lata Y. J, Wjtt.
arrived herefrom the east on last Mon
' day, and was driven out to the late borne
of the deceased by John Deickraann.
We are reliably informed that a del
agation from the camp of the R. N. of
' A., of Hairison, will visit the neighbor
i ing camp at Crawford, on tomorrow
When you
are bilhous, use tnose
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early risers to cleanse the liver
find bowels- They never gripe. J. E.
PHnWEY. '"
Rev. Warren, left Monday evening
for I lark, Merrick county, this state on
a visit to his brother, who is engaged in
the same mission of life as be is, Mr.
Warren will be absent about two weeks.
Incidentally we learn that Oscar
Carton, who left here last fall, in search
of a new location has purchased a place
in tn mountains of Arkansas, removed
trom any railroad.
Miss West, our intermediate room
- teacher who has been ab-nt at her
home in Alliance, during the past two
weeks, owing to the sickness and death
of bar brother, returned Xo ber duties oo
Its faturdaT.
Xiuxuber, Harness, Saddles,
Grain and Feed, Doors
and Window. HesTy Hrwre
a tussel
Will Marsteller, is having
with Lagripp this week.
Mm. Downey, motiier. of Mrs. Rob-
wit Neece, went east, to Chadrro, on last
L. C. Lewis of Andrews, has two
threw years old registered short horn
balls for sale. Price 50 00 each. Will
trade for others as good.
Headache often results from a discr
dered condition of the stomtch and con
stipation of the bowels. A dose or two
ft Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
TiMets will correct these disorders and
cure thebeadacbe. Bold by J. E. Phm-
' KEY.
Bar. Warren, informed us before be
)eft on bis visit Monday evening that the
next district conference of the U. E.
cbarch, comprising elder Scammaborns
circuit will be held at Harrison, soma
time between this and the first of June,
which will be e treat to ths church-go-ig
people of this vicinity.
- Their promptness and their pleasant
affanta mak DeWitt's Little Earlv RlS-
nffAOst popular little pills wherever
they are know. They are simply per-
fant tnlr livar and bowel troubles. i. E.
A pleasant surprise was tendered the
Modem Wooosbm. on last Bataraay
veaias; at tatk lodge room, by tb
l)ral Keiskors aad the wives of the
. OsdIsjwp. Tbey wart eogaiM tot
' isjatofiriaf tobsrt Ksel poiaten oa
ridiaa lbs aeat. wbaa tfce ladtss isrvaded
tbsirsaaetuaj, a very pleasant boorwa
aaust XigM rfrnwoMats war sarvsa.
Sunday is St. Patricks day, and dont
forget to wear the green.
Andrew Knori left for Sioux city
last evening. Wonder if Andrew will
come back alone?
Mass will be celebrated at the court
house in Harrison, on April 11th at loau
bv Rev. Father McNamara.
Frank Deister is now sole proprietor
of the blacksmith shop formerly owned
v Rnm.r Priddv. Mr. Pritldv will work
Llitro until June.
Harry Dougherty, from near Hat
Creek. Wvo.. came into town on busi-
ThmiIilv. stoDDinz over merit ana
returning home Wednesday.
-A most acreeable sut r.rse was giv
en to Mrs. Robert Keel, last week, by
Ur hmihur who came 1 rora Texas to
make his sister an extended visit.
lk anrl Will Davis have been
stoping in town during the past week
owing to the possibility of small po
ranni hoinir carried bv them to tneir
families. ;
Marsteller Bros., new warehouse in
the rear of the bank building, is now en
closed and by the end of the week or the
flnt of next, will be completed and raaay
for the storing of heavy merchandise,
such as salt, crockery, gram c
The lineerioe cough following
jHr-pe calls for One Minute Cough Cure.
all tht-nar and ltini troubles this is
the onlv liarmless remedy that gives im
mediate results. Prevents consumption.
Andrew Christian, of Pleasant Ridge
was in town Monday and from here he
went out to Chat Unitts and bought
two registered Bulls, paying $150 each
Mr hm. Mr. Christian returned to
Pleasant Rid re the following day.
We learn in round about way that
otm A. ft. Fisher, of Chadron, has
commenced an action at law in county
Court, azainst H. H. Russell of An-
tnr aitnrnav fees as counsel for
the defence in the case of State of Ne
braska vs. Charles Russell, for m4r2sr. i
A special meeting of the town iiard
was called lat Saturday morning for
the purpose of appointing a board of
health, whos duty it shall be to look
after all cases of contagions disaases that
mT flod it way within the corporate
limits of the village, in the future.
whi -.h we believe to be a wisa and sensi
ble move iust at this time, as there are
I at present a number of small pox cases
within the borders ol our county, nence,
tho norattitv of a board of health to
combat acrainst the disease gaining
foothold in our tow, aad vicinity. The
following gentleman, wars appointed to
camnoss the boaid of health in the fut-
ture: Dr. J. E. Phinney, Grant Gutiierie
and J. E. Marsteller.
--Or. Phinaer, want down to the val
lav Hundav to afecertain if Ed. Rose and
his family were realy down with the
smallpox, as had been reported in town
the day before ov parties from the val
lev. He reported Mr. Rose, bis wife and
little child were all three afflicted with
the disease, although they were , not
bedfast. He learned that quite a num
ber had been exposed, yet no one else
had coom down with the disease, Mr.
Rose, and bis family are at present stop-
pinK with his fatber-io-law. William
Miller, who bod, soon as ha Warned the
nature of the disease, taken all the
precautions possible to prevent the
oread of the disease, Tbus, we believe
that the dreaded disease will be confin
ed to its present locality- Bo far there
has not been a single case of smallpox in
Harrison and wa believe there will noti
Notice cf Quarenttna, f
All persoos suffering from, or who
have been exposed to the disease of
small-pox, are hereby notified that tbey
are prohibited from entering the village
of Harrison, for the space of three weeks
after their recovery from said disease,
or after such exposure.
Order Board Health.
One black two year old filly, star in
forehead, white hind feet around hoofs,
one eye gone.
Liberal reward for ber whereabouts.
H. B. Earnest.
Snma tmdv broufrht word to town
that Dave Colville, some time last week
had two or three of tua ribs broken while
handling a fractious hOrse.
-Prof. A. J. DeVoe, of llaekensack,
N. J., a weather forectster, declares that
March, before its close will develope the
mHost, a.nd most severe storms ever ex-
ierienced bv people now living.
We learned through John Uavis jaie
last niifht. that Robert Harrison oi
Adelia was suffering withapeudix vermv.
formus, commonly called apendicetis
he is at Crawford being treated for the
malady, we presume.
Ranker Clark, and Dick Lever
Chadron, returned from their tri to the
southern part of the county Wednesday
mornintr, where they have been for the
last four or five days on business.
,H. B. Earnest, left Saturday evening
with a car of horses for Plattville, Wis
which he, and his, brother George, ad
vertised for sale at that place one day
this week. The bovs will not return un
til they have disposed of their horses.
A lot jr in Will Davis, the first 01
this week, from Rev. J. L. Kendall
rave the information that he was bav
tie eood success in his work of saving
souls, also that his son Oloey, had en
tered the ministry and had left that day
tnr hi new field of labors and that the
family was well.
Over In Wyoming.
With sorrow we chronicle, the death
of Dora B. Christian which occured on
Tuesday March 5th.
Mrs. Frees is the beppy posss-aor OI
new Wing piano, which arrived there roe
day last week.
A few of the enenretio grangers www
nlowine about two weeks ago, tbey
- II i t a.
ihat the frost was ail out uut it
u tii drv to plow.
Little Chester Deuel was taken quite
sick with the grip one day last weK.
Dr. Phinney was called and under bis
treatment Chester is all right.
The mumps is abroad in the land and
Roy and Lee Zunibruonen urs the first
to come down with it.
A Mr. Milburn from Lusk was on
the Ridge looking for straw or hay, the
Bret of the week. It seems that feed is
a. scarce article now.
And so it is grandpa and grandma
Wohlheter. Yes Gene, we 11 take a ci
To sister Clio and M. A. C, we accep
with thanks their pity for our run down
conditio!, and nope that when they next
yw nur nu'turti we will look as robust
as Mr. Mtfimley.
va 1'olncirsworth called at the resi
dence of eserib), the first of last week.
On last Saturday evening Mr. ana
Mrs. Andrew Christian, received a large
floral cross dedicated to their dear
daughter Dora. It was sent by toe
Theophaoian society at University place
Nebraska, and showed the true iove
and high esteem in which she was held
l.n t Warn if wliU the laat Ha J ctft Of a
''j , .
fraternal societv to one of its loyed
We understand that James Rice has
purchased a saw mill and will move in
to tfeo canyon soon. .mia
Drugs, -'J
Ertigist& Sundries,
Paints,)ils, Varnishes,
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
DIED At the borne of its parents, the
enrht-mootiw-old babe of Mr. and urs.
F.M. Hall, in Bodarc precinct, Friday
lughtMch. 8, 1901, of ioflamatioa oi we
km in Tha ramaina of the little tOue
was laid away in the Bodarc cemetery
on Sunday. " s'
tuThe Commercial Dank
ti tit -t . . n i. : -
C. F. Coffee, President. " lakkk, ubiiiui .
Chas. C. Jamesok. H. S. Clarke, A. McGinlet,
Prof. Ivisoo, of Lonaconing, Md suf
UrmA trriblv from neuraliria of the
stomach and indigestion for thirteen
years and after the doctors failed to cure
kim thav foil him on moronine. A
friend advised the use of Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure and after taking a few bottles
of it he says: "It has cured me entirely.
I can't say too much for Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure." It digests what you eat. J.
v ( rprJ.ufAjmA rati,
40toafliaraite bajr aad aboat Urn
isasWAKaat. Atonwill raat tk
taswHMaifBsMli la Warbcaast pa.
fltaiK, tl aa tat,
rxo, tfard a. it.
- --a ,
Si ?TS"wP'
' .
A Timely Warning.
Ths following latter will explain itself.
Crawford Nabr:
March 11th 190t Dr. Pbinney,
Harriaori Nebr.
Dear Sir:
Tbe smallpox is prstty bad
aad it'sssms to ma that Sioux county
boald take some steps to quarsntine
aad slay its program A man by ths
aasoa of storm died there this morniog
from tbe disaass md if soma meaas is
aat aatftal H is7 likely to tpraad aad ot
har dsaths ocenr. .
EabrJ frail acquainted with von I
kaat t write to yon th sitna
ttoa aai you can crsssst it to ths antb-
. 6. A. ISanDRB, M. D.
DIED At tlw familv reoidence. ubnut
8 miles north-wast of Harrison, oti IVir
sdav. March 7th, 190J, of iuberclusiti of
the luncs. Fred J. Witt, aged 47 Years.
The funeral servioss were conducted for
the immediate family at the late horns
of the deceased, at 10 o'clock, Saturday
morning, after which the sad cortege
wended its way towards the M. E.
Church, in Harrison, where the funeral
sermon was preached to a crowded church
the beautiful and soul inspiring hymns
"Bock of axes cieft for m Nearer my
God to thee" and we stiall rest at ease
were sung. The sermon over, all ,ret-nt
nearly all of whom bad known the De
ceased in life and held him in the highest
esteem, wished to take a last look at the
loved features, after which the sad pro
cession took up its mournful route, this
time towards the silent city of the dead,
where tbe tbe remains of the beloved!
husband and father were laid to ' e .t be
side those of tbe loved wife and mother,
wbo had proceeded him only by one start
year. Mr. Wilt was a roenioer oi uie
Lutbern faith, and a man who was re
spscted by all wbo knew him, as well as
a true christian, who bore with fortitude
aad patience ths cross which the "Mast
er" bad placed upon him, first to the loss
of his wife and later in his own great
suffering. He leaves 8 children to the
special i rovidence of ''Him who has pro
mised to be a father to ths fatherlexs,
and wa earnestly pray that tbe same one
wbo tempers ths wind to lbs shorn lamb
may be squally tender in dealing with
tbsos double orphans. Mr. Witt, was
coaaoioas that death was near and ssiim-
ingry was ready. May tbe little ones
who are left alone, be guided by ths un
assn spirit of their parents in ths way of
virtue, which will lead them towards
their trne horns where they will Had fa
titar and mother awaiuac tbe) on the
boras of a Missis ateratty.
For talc or Exchange.
I k&m alas
I7J SKI, ar
of Csraford balls
ir-ati, which
Card Of Thanka.
T tka aiaa Manila aiffkhAre.
so kindly assisted us during tbe liasss.
death and burial of our beloved rnafctr,
wa wish to return onr sincere thaaka
Turn Wrrr an mo-m caumntit.
Mrs. C. E. VaaDrasM, of Kilboorn,
Wia, waf sfllcted with storoach troub-
U and coastloaUoa for s long time. She
ays, "I bars triad many praparatwiia
hut Boas have doaa me ths rood U
Caawbsrlalas Stomach and Livar Tablets
hava. . For sals at Paw JtlT drug itora.
Bleatings From
Sheep Creek.
T. B. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Sicb-
ollsand Will Hovey were Tornogtoo
visitors on the 5th.
Henrv Rose and Family are nearly
over the smallpox and as no one-else
haVe the disease it is hoped that it will
not spread any further.
TKck Hovey is now able to be around
a little tho he is still very weak,
A Tnnnf Know storm visited us 4th &
Will Horev made a trip to Rawhide
on the S'd returning !le fourth.
W are Mury u, luuru tlm I Mri.. Kh.io-
ul rif SrwhideM vrv tit-k: Lr. BttW-
yer of Torrington was called on the 4th
her three daughters of i t. Laramie were
summoned to her bed side and are glad
to see her somewhat better.
We learn indirectly that the daught
ers of Mr. Brundige did not go to Mars-
land as was stated last week.
Charlie Grewell and his father made a
business trip to Harrison last week.
Grewells last week.
We understand that Lou Hrundige has
turned out to be a full fledged school
teaclier, he is teaching somewhere near
Scott's Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, Nicholls of
Pratt (Wyo) was visiting nt Mr. Bert
N'icholls on last Friday.
T. B. Snyder, is preparing to erect an
addition on his bouse which will some
what improve the oppearaoce of it
Chjrlie Smith says whoever writes
tne Items from Sheep f t ek "know to
Charlie Newman, is U.
during Mr. Roses illn .
We must have imdot!
mistake in regard ''"
tle coyotes" it shou . i.
ing. coyotes instead ol
ttiern we beg his pardon.
Mrs. Hovey lias been troubled
the tootliactie for tome time past
As we are so near tbe Wyoming H
we mar nossiblr est a few "Wye" it
ems mixed up in these but sheep creek
is in both state so it is all the same
We are a-lad that the if round boss slay
will only be eleven days more then ws
lions be will com out to stay for food.
Will Hovey will work for tbe 0 10 bar
aaain this sura mar.
Wa also understand that Davs Ross
and Jim fNianaaa will bs o 10 bar ranch
ers ths coming summer.
Mr. Clause Chnstsassn is visiting at
haa Wawssans thai week
Roundup No. 1 worked tbe Syndicate
pasture the Bth with Joa nturdirant
wsaon boss! seven rips attended.
While Mrs. Nation i smaahlof sallons
in thaoast. Mra Tboa. Lacy is smaahing
Toms habit of smoking cbjarstte, 1st Uw
Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking busines.
tWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all time
o 6
VJe are Smashers Too.
While Mrs. Nation is smashing saloons in Kansas,
MARSTELLER BROS., are smashing prices in Har
rison, Nebrassa.
"When the quality and quan
. tity of our goods are taken
into account, all who trade
with us do not uesitate to
eaythat our goods of every
discription are better and
cheaper than can be bought
any where in town.
We are head quarters for
Dry Goods & Groceries,
Hardware & Tinware, -Boots
& Shoes,
Hats & Caps,
Flour & Feed.
Salt & Crockery,
Lumber fee. fca
, Mail orders promptly filled.
Wg, $n, and do sell goods cheaper than any of
our competitors and for a verification of what we say
we cordially invite every body who are in need of,
any thing in our line to come in and examine stock of
goods and obtain prices before buying elsewhere and
be convinced for themselves
Very Respectfully,
:, Mail carrier
' l v made a
'. Grewell and
. lieen slay
staying with
Marsteller Bros.
PkrU' lan and Snrgeoa.
AH cello ivin rutnpt alteuUon.
Office in Drag btore.
Proffessional Cards.
Notice of Vrobote of WIU.
8tete of Nebraska,
sloux County.
WWhaa Mtf .. Ill r.r.ti i. ...
haa flled In mv office sn Intlraniont Miror
tlnK te In, tb lut will and tntnineiit of
rrmt J. J. Witt (leeeasM, late 1,1 miKl coati
tjr, and petition praying to have tlie same
admitted to probate, wkleh will relates to
both real and personal sat ite, whereupon 1
nave atpoiniea jionaay, we nrt osy
April, isl, st one o'clock p. in. of aakl day,
at my office la Harrtsoa, In auld coanty, an
the time and pises of proving aald will, at
which tin aad plsee yos and all eoneera
ad may appear sa4 eontest tae probate
of tbe same.
It la fanner ordered that said petitioner
rive notice to all persona Interested la said
estate of the pendancy of toe petition, and
tbe time and place, act for bearla tbe name
by esnatn v a ocrpy of title order to be publish,
ad in lbs lUaaiss rasss-Jiitmssa. s new,
paper pabllsbfid IB hsrrlann In aald stale,
for three week sscceiwively prstioua to lbs
day set for said hearing. -
in teeUmony whereof, I have heraantesst
my hand sad official wl this IIUi day ef
area IWI.
copy) Cms. K scniLT,
Coaaty Jodge
fwo that yon get the nrMn DeWilt
t's Witch Hazel 8kIv . ; co ask Inr
it. Thegesulas Is a (wrtaia curs tnr
ml, Hores and tkia diaennsa. J. K,
Promot attention rivsn to all leeal
matters In Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Slater
Land Office.
Fire Insaraaos written In rslksbU
fJTLsgal papers carefully drawn.
Uajuukm. - NoauaxA.
X. i. 0'CoMell, - - Co.ltteracy,
Will PrMUea In All Coaris. -HyoeUl
Attentten tiiraa te Uid ON
OallaeUewi aad all baslnaai atrMU
sdteaWwIllreToprsaipt attonttoa.
HAjanno - nmuora.
W. R Wajoudi,
Pastor M. E. Church.
nAaalaOX - KEHBA8KA.
Prarblng Try "awlar evening st 1 :
p. si., aad sr ry alternate aday at 1 1 s- st
INinsay Krhiml Is o'rlwk a. m. Kpworlb
Lmgar rf!0 p. w. '
l'rsyf r aerting TlmrMlsv vnlng st 7 ;3il
AuUiharp Solo Monday avaoing at tha
CM 0. faUCJb
Frias.nosote. CassphMlna. v
f ;