The clergyman k: usually lbs best tea at a wedding. Whmt T tHe OMvaon DrtnkT Han't givo tbera tee or coffee. Unvam tried toe new food drink called GUAIN-Ot Jt la delirious and nourishing, and takes the plaea of coffee. The more Urain-O you give too children the more health yon dlstributa through their system. Graia-O Is mule of pure grains, and when property prepared le1 in like tiie choice grade of coffee, but eu about H as much. Ail crooert mU it. UeaodSte. Hope la the troth on a man's lmagi aatlon. An. Inactive Live, Stomach disor ders. Sick Headache and other ills rising from an Imperfect d'ge.stlon are cured by Garfield Tea, which Is made from Herbs. Our Uvea are as free and happy as tbey are bound to what Is good. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. The man who has no aim la life Is still a child. The (Trent public schools of the large elttes use Carter's ink exclusively. It Is the best mud ousts oo more than the poorest. Get It. The population of bunaio, N. Y., la 255.664. too Reward SlOO, Toe rdrs of this paper will be planned to ssarn lh', there is at least one dreaded disease that sconce has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's tatarrh Core Is the onlv positive cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tions! disease requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall 's Catarrh Cure Is token Internally, acting1 directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the KVMUrn. thereby destroying the foundation of thedisease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and Misting nature In doing its work. The pro prietors hare so much faith in Its curative power that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any cose that It falls to cure. Seud for list of Testimontuls. Address K. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, a Sold by druggists 7'x. lull's Family I'llls are the best An Irishman says a soldier makes his living by dying for his country. $148 will buy new Upright piano on any payments. Write for catalogues. Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam street. Omaha. Dreams and weather predictions usually go by contraries. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran ty sd or money refunded. Discretion Is the salt that preserves life, and fancy Is the sugar that sweetens It. TO CfltE A COLD IS OSiE DAT. Take Lsxativ Ubomo ytnmsa Tablets. All druiriridts refund the money if it falls to cure. X. W. Grove's signature is on tho box. Ifao. Fashlon'B sway 1b often more auto cratic than aristocratic. For frost-bite, chilblains, sore and lame Joints, stiffness of muscles, try Wizard Oil. It won't disappoint you. Botter the child cry than the moth er sigh. Mrs. Wlnslow's fieothtnf Syrup. orelilWrea iMthlng, sort?n the gnma, reduces le SsmaisUou.slisyspsin.curcs wlud colic IX: s but us. Without obedience there Is no Tir tue or strength. Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs nnd colds. N. W. Saudkl, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1800. The amount of tho United States tracaurer's bond is 1150,000. All goods are alike to PDTNAM TAp '.ESS DYES, as they color all fibeu -Jt one boiling. It would be pretty tough on some men It others did the right thing by them. Ask vour grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 1C cz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-ccnt starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's little Liver Pills. Nut Bt Signature of Wrapper rti timxm. FM MUSvlXESS. FCXTSIPtl uvu. FOX C0KITIMTIM. FUIAUOWSUI. nil TNCCOMFtUIOI aawm msts... TerrtaM4yfri-- CURE SICK HEADACHE. for Tr Prices ship Vnnr UAMK AMU rtllltTST To llrsdiasrirrs U. W. Irkrn A t'easpaap. BstMr, Kgg. Vssl. II hi' end Kurs. Patsteas. onions In Csrlusd lot., Omaha. araebo. W. N. V. OMAHA. No. 10-1901 Lh r UFh r" ! '"S I A BUDDHIST'S DEATIL WEIRD CEREMONY OBSERVED AT PASSING OF PRIEST. Old Ting Ho-Sheng Died Bitting CP and Was rut Into nks Coffln and Hurled That Way I'tllows Code Eaeh KUmW- It Is an exceedingly rare thing for a foreigner to be permitted to witness tho death of a Buddhist priest, and it was only after a residence of nearly twelve years in China that the oppor tunity came to me, says a writer in Leslie's Weekly. Old Ting Ho-Sheng. head priest of the "Temple of tho Spirit of Light," I had known by sight for several years, and had a more Intimate acquaintance with him the summer he died, but I did not expect to be a wit ness of bis death nor to see him die sitting up. Not only did "Old Ting" dlo sitting up, but he was put into his coffin and buried that way. Disease and native treatment had already placed the seal of death upon the old man, so that at my second visit I could only tell the attendants that his hours were few. Returning to the old priest's rooms a little later, I found him sitting on a broad stool facing the outer door, clad in his fine priestly robes of yellow silk. Being long past consciousness, he was supported by his attendants in this position, with hjs legs crossed, each foot resting upon the opposite thigh, sole directed upward an ex ceedingly difficult, and, in fact, almost impossible position to assume in Ufa. The hands were placed, palms together, up before his face, the whole attitude being that which represents Buddha In the state of Nirvana and the old man was very near that state. The great anxiety of those in attendance was that he should not be placed In his coffin until he was really dead. Al though I could not bring him back to life, they were willing that I should Judge when he was dead. Holding a small mirror In front of his face, I waited until there was no more mois ture deposited upon It. In the mean time preparations were continually going on around me for further c:ra monies. A largo pile of paper "cash" had been placed outside the door, on top of which was a document I was not allowed to se, but, from wbit I could learn, was his iyatory as related to his ucctssloti to the priesthood and life In It; Upon being pronounced dead a flaming torch was applied to the "cash" by a young priest, former disci ple and now successor to tho lands and buildings of the old man sitting before him. No sooner was the papor well ablaze than the young man pros trated himself before it, bumping hi'j head on the ground the requisite num ber of times, for every movement In every ceremony of the Chinese la reg ulated by rites as Inflexible as law. The next step in this strange death scene was the placing of the body In its up right coffin. The front and top were removed and yellow silk cusions put in the bottom, on which the old man was placed as gently a3 possible consistent with the awkwardness of his position. Numerous small cushions and wads of thin paper were put In around him, a pillow under each elbow to sustain the arms In their upright position, and then the front was slid into place. More packing was done from the top until his body was immovable and the coffin filled, the yellow silk knot of his hat being the last I ever saw of old Ting Ho-Sheng, who will sit and wait until time and decay do their work in alter ing his position. A Frea?er's Vrl'onmen. . A few weeks ago a noted minister went to one of the local railroad sta tions to meet a friend, says a Cleve land paper. Upon entering the station and looking around he saw an elegant ly dressed woman, who apparently was about to board a train. She was carrying a number of par cels in her arms, and besides had with her three of four children that with great difficulty she was trying to help along. The clergyman approached the lady and offered his assistance, which she accepted, afterward thanking him very graciously for the kindness. The train moved out of sight, and he went on his way thinking of the endless op portunities one has for doing good, when all at once he discovered that he was carrying a beautiful silk umbrel la with pearl and gold trimmings. The reverend gentleman Is now enduring distress of mind, fearful that the vic tim of his absent-mindedness may some day discover him in the pulpit. . Bobby Hums' Cottars. Considerable alterations are In course of being carried out at the birthplace of Robert Burns, known as "Burns' I Cottage," at Alloway, Scotland. It Is ' Intended to remove a hall attached to : the back of the cottage, used as a mu seum and ' temperance refreshment I room, and to transfer the Burns relics , from this to a new and larger hall in ! a range of cottage buildings vshlca ' have Just been completed within tho grounds attached to the cottage. The caretaker and his family, who Inhabit part of the rottape. have also been pro vided with accommodation!! in the nov buildings. Tho cottage will thus Uk restored an far as possible to Its orig inal condition. Crnelly In Kleet mentions. Electrocution has been violently at tacked by the Electrical Review on the ground of cruelty. The Review holds that shooting, garrotlng, hanging, the ' guillotine, harlkarl and beheading by the sword, aia all humane compared with the mutilations and sickening preparations for ah electrical execu- IOWA GOVERNORS. Compelled to Previa' Their Own Boose While at the Capital. Iowa governors have followed- va rious plans In providing themselven with homes In Des Moines during their official terms. Gov. Larrabee occu pied a frame house near the state house, says the Sioux City Journal. It was not very large and rented for about $50 a month, the sum which the state allows to tho governor for house rent Gov. Boies lived at the Savery house, occupying a small room when he was in town, and when he went out of town over night he gave up the room the same as any other transient. He never entertained. Gov. Jackson, who lives In a comfortable but modest home in this city, met the demands of his position socially in a very pleas ing manner, having the assistance of a wife who was very capable and suc cessful in discharging the duties of the governor's wife. Gov. Drake lived at the Savery House, where he occupied a parlor and entertained to some ex tent Gov. Shaw has filled the posi tion socially, as well as in other re spects, to the complete satisfaction of all demands. He succeeded when he came here in renting a good furnished house from a family that wa3 going to spend a year In Europe. During the last legislative session Governor anil Mrs. Shaw occupied the Pratt house on Grand avenue. Since then they have lived in the Victoria, the new Hubbell apartment house. Governor and Mrs. Shaw have entertained lib erally and have taken more part In the society of Des Moines than any pre vious governor except Gov. Jackson. All these experiences prove conclu sively that no man can afford to be governor of Iowa unless he is wealthy and has an independent Income. Gov. Shaw would probably not like to tell how much It cost him to maintain tho governor's office. Ho urged that the salary be increased for the sake of his successors, 'because it is wholly inade quate to meet the" most unavoidible demands upon the man who would maintain the dignity of the position. Gov. Jackson declined a second term because he found that he positively could not afford to retain the office any longer. DIET FOR HEALTH. Eating Such Food as the Family Dactar Prescribes. Most people who are not in good health know In a general way what alls them; some of them know what kind of food they ought to eat in ord:r to overcome their bodily Infli'ir.l'ks and prevent a recurrence of them. Bit pcoplo who have good health usually consider only their taste or their psck etbcok when they order a meal. Aa experiment whieu one of the Boston hotels is making shows that o!he:s Le nlde invalids are beginning to under stand that it is important to have ths right sort of food as well as to have it properly cooked. The cafe of this hotel provides not only a bill of fare, but a diet list made out by a physician and Intended as a guide to the patrons of the hnuse. It prescribe s the food best Eiilted to various physical condi tlr,ns. To the fat man it offers a va riety of dishes that tickle his palate, and at the same tlrno check his ten dency to grow fatter. Tho thin and anaemic can procure the things which make blood and tissue and build up an enfeebled system. The new way of looking at the food question puts health first and preference afterward. It considers the needs of the Individ ual, and makes practical application o.' the old saying that "one man's meat is another man's poison." It tries to make the (Met .ike a w;U s'.o:ked ward robe, offering plenty of variety, yet designed for and fitted to the person for whom It is intended. Lilac is a charming color, but the red-haired girl does not need It to enhance her pecul iar charms. Sirloin steak is a tooth some and desirable thing, but melons and coarse bread may be better for the full-blooded man who has a tendency to rheumatism. How ono can lit his diet to his own nee(!s Is a matter which the physician can best decide. It Is certainly easier to preserve health by tho use of proper food than to regain It by taking medicine; and the pre scription filled In a restaurant is pleas anter to take than one compounded by tho druggist. Youth's Companion. A Tlniliop on tllcycle. A tlnshop in a wagon has been a common sight on country roads for years. It Bcemcd as if there was no Jimlt to the amount of tinware the ped dler could store Into the many open ings and "cupboards" In the great boatlike vehicle. But the bicycle may take the place of the old tlnshop wag on. By means of It, thanks to modern invention, the peddler can now travct much more quickly and at the same time have his wares on exhibition. Tho new vehicle, however, in point of steadiness, Is perhaps better ndaptcd to city ue than to the country. Extend ing beyond the handlebars of thr; bi cycle in front and behind the Kiddle, In the back, la a rod to each end of which is fastened a skeleton cone of wires. All up and down the wires are numerous hooks, to whlrh tho various cooking utensils are hung. Tho whole thing is but another contrivance to gain trade, for, of course, many per sons will buy that which Is brought to them, who hesitate to seek It for them selves. Minnesota's Tall Man. Minnesota claims to have tho tallest man In Louis Wllklns, born on farm nesr 8t Paul, who Is now twenty-sU years old. weighs 364 pounds and lack leas than one Inch of Mug nine, tMrt AFTER THE LIKE A TERRIBLE CYCLONE grip bacillus has passed over our coun try, from the Atlantic to the Pa cific, leaving behind it a dark cloud of anguish and despair. Catarrh follows grip as effect follows cause. A multitude of catarrh victims will spring up In the trail of the awful epi demic of grip that has Just passed over our fair country. the hope to these people Is Peruna. Most people know this already. Everyono who has had the least touch of grip, should not fail to take a course of treatment with Peruna. Peruna eradicates every vestige of the disease and leaves the system In a normal condition. Hon. Joseph B. Crowley, Congress man from Illinois, writes from the Na tional Hotel, Washington, D. C, as follows: "After giving Peruna a fair trial 1 can cheerfully recommend your remedy to anyone suffering with coughs, colds, la grippe and all catarrhal com plaints." J. B. Crowley. Hon. George H. White, Congressman from North Carolina, writes: "I am more than satisfied with Pe runa, and find it to be an excellent W. v TWP nPNITINP JfBIi POMMEL SUCKER k v 1-1 Ifll discs. oriu.ow U WILL KEEP YOU DRY 7 unrwvr. fi .f uvn 1 LOOK FOR A50VE TRADE MAPUAKE NO SUMTlTUIEi CATALOGUES FREE 3M0WINi fULL LINE OP GARMENTS AND HAT3 A.J TOWER CO.. BOSTON. MA35. nDHDCV NEW DISCOVERY; (rives la? sTs s 1 quick rolicf undents worrt Book of tesMminilsls sad is mis' treatmeat rix. (a. h. a. cirii soss, u u aiuku. its. I W rfttx N H 7AtfJ of all their friends and relatives. There's only one certain way of keeping clean inside so as to prevent disease and that is to take CASCARETTS. Perfect disinfectant and bowel strengthened. All diseases are 10c 25c 50c ALL DRUGGISTS. Mil fflff" towel treablea. aapeadf elite, Ml I'll Ilk loutnesM, bad ftrsaib, M blood, wind lllllir en lb stoasacfc, bloated bowate, foal W V 1 1 as tnoutti, headache, Indlajoalle, pimples, a!as alter eating, liver treable, sallow complexion Bad dlaslaeoa. When year bowels deaf bsoto rasra larly yon arc (eulaa elsh. OeasUpatlea kitla mare people thaa all einer doeaaeo tefetlier. It U a a sorter for the ehroale ainhohu a ad letif Mara of aaflbrtag that eoane afterwards. No asatler what alls yon, start Uslsf (UfCdaVlrri to-day, t&w raw win aover gn woii aasi ao wH a pat year aoweie rust. Tafca ear adtHcot asaii With CAtCAKam I msaais il'ssri ajsloeteowean GRIP COMES CATAU. remedy for the grip and catarrh. I have used It in my family, and they all Join me in recommending it as an excellent remedy." George H. White. Hon. J. P. Megrew, Superintendent U. S. Capital Police Force, of Wash ington, D. C, says: "Having suffered from the grip, I was advised by a friend to use your Peruna. I also used it for my catarrh, and I can now cheerfully recommend your remedy to anyone who Is suffer ing from the grip and catarrh." J, P. Megrew. Miss Anna Russell, Past Worthy Counselor, Loyal Mystic Legion, 293 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn., writes: "For years I have unfortunately found my system in a peculiarly recep tive condition for catarrh when I was exposed In any way to inclement weather. At those times I would be severely afflicted with la grippe and Its unpleasant consequences. "Now for the past year and a half I have used Peruna in such cases and have found that it not only cures mo quickly, but it also cleanses my blood and renders me less liable to catch cold. It is the finest preventative of colds that I know of and a very su perior tonic." Anna Russell. SOUTHERN FAR. MS. Southern Farms Improved and unim proved, at from $5 to f!5 per acre In Vir ginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Ken tucky. Descriptive reading matter and maps sent free upon application to J. K. Olsen, Agent, L. & I. Dept., Southern Railway, i'-'o Dearborn St., Chicago, III., or M. V. Richards. Land and Industrial Agent, Southern ItaJIwuy, Washington, D.C IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN INDEPENDENCE ASSCED If you take up your homes In Western Can ada, the land ot plenty. Til...,. w ..... -.nnkl... tWrlflS 'J50ft giving experiences of ii&Mtt'IZtt'A 'armors who have be iQZfV! come wealthy In grow '"K wn,;at' reporta of sHinTfl ' '- delegates, etc, und full luturiuaviou us to rouucod railway rules can be had on application to the Superintendent of Immigration, Department ot Interior. Ottawa, Coijods. or to W. V. lienneU, 801 N. Y. Ufe bldg., Omaha. Neb. Mention this paper to advertiser; DEATH begins In the bowels. It's the unclean places that breed infectious epidemics, and it's the unclean body unclean in side that "catches" the disease. A person whose stomach and bowels are kept clean and whose liver is live ly, and blood pure, is safe against yel low fever, or any other 6f the dread ful diseases that desolate our beautiful land. Some of the cleanest people outside are filthiest inside, ana they are the ones who not only "catch the infections, but endanger the lives PREVENTED ass saw maa aaui LIVER TONIC 1 GUARANTEED M Iiw7. TZSBm rft7l- Miss Alice Dressier, 1313 North Bry ant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., write; "Last spring I suffered from he grippe and was partially cured, hut the bad after-effects remained through the summer, and somehow I did not get strong ag I was before. In the tall I caught a cold after getting my feet wet and attending a lecture In a cold hall, and I suffered a relapse. An un pleasant catarrh of the head and throat followed, and as I was In weak condition physically preview to this, It took but little to break mo down completely. "One of my college friends who wae visiting me, asked me to try Peruna, and I did so and found it all and more than I had expected. It not only cured me of the catarrh, but restored me to perfect health, built up the entire sys tem, and brought a happy feeling of buoyancy which I had not known for years." Miss Alice Dressier. If you- do not derive prompt and safc isfactory results from the use of Pe runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President ot The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. IOWA FARMS4T&?jm CASH BALANCE iCROP IILrRlW WINTER TOURIST RATES. SPECIAL Tours to f lorkla,- Key West, Cuba, Bermuda, Old Uexlettt ' and the Mediterranean Ul Orient. HALF Rates tnt the round trip te many points south on sal first and third Tuesday each month. To Hot Springs. Ark., the fa RATES mous watsr resort ot America, ' on sale every day In tho year. Tickets now on sale to all the wlntet resorts of the south, good returning until June 1st, 1931. For rates, descriptive mat ter, pamphlets and all other Information, call at C. & St. L. It. n. City Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam at. (Paxton Hotel Bldg) or write HARRY E. MOORES, C. P. & T. A. Omaha, Neb. BY NEVER SOLD IN BULK. Ei Itro rears aaa es ClecAis sold. Mow It la lllln kana m t, j'lrju jmjj'Liij'iT jn ww Fear, pssw immm aoT slsstlar ameielae lo toe world. TrVs Isahrsloto rtW of ."alauil, and oarbest testtssoalal- WiWm falls, aod III .l A A BTT absetatelir naraatead f earsor sseoer rraaad. bar today, iro ee beaee, Blje these fair, (esest as aerslssiilo eireatloas, aadiroa ore aoVswueld. .rtjr .rtw rae ai " r t a fae aHssfcrs bo aaa the eoioty bos te an bp asall, or the prsiHMaia warn ma parskawd It, aad e pear asoaejr basal for b-S bosVstlTaaie ear adrleo-ao ssatter what aftf lejssrtea. 'Uoa. - high. - t ... v'l A - t A f; ' ,"9 ' 'J y I 1V, ..I' '.'.M ..--