ATI OUT WE Department of Agriculture Bevietrs the Condition in Wyoming. CANADIAN METHODS ARC STUDIED Onldtag rriivelple U Security of Title and I'm of ArallaMe Water for Laatlng Meneflta to Greatest Xeaiuer Prog-rees t Work. WASHINGTON, March It The De partment of Agriculture ha ls3ued as bulletin No. 96 a paper entitled "Ir rigation Law of the Northwest Terri tories of Canada awl Wyoming," with discussions by J. S. Dennis, deputy commissioner of public worts of Can ada; Fred Bond, state engineer, of Wyoming, and J. M. Wilson, agent and expert in the office of irrigation in vestigations at Cheyenne, Wyo. The bullet!", was prepared under the direction of Prof. Ellwood Mead, irri gation exprt in charge of the office of Irrigation investigations, who. In submitting the subject matter of the publications to the Department of Agriculture, stated: "This publication bag been pre ipared because of a demand for In formation regarding the Wyoming law and the Canadian northwest irrigation act, both of which were partially de scribed in bulletins numbered 08 and 60 of the ofTU-e of experiment stations. Several of t'-.o western states are now earnestly seeking for some way to put an end to the litigation and contro versy and to provide some simpler, cheaper and more effective method of establishing titles to streams than is possible through a resort to the courts. The success which has attended the operation of the two laws therein giv en makes them worthy of study and the six principles noted . as having served as .1 guide In the framing of the Interpretation of the northwest irrigation act are believed to be so sound and fundamental as to be worthy of general adoption. I believe the publication of the bulletin will be of service in pointing the way to much needed reforms In many of tha arid states." The six principles upon which the Canadian northwest irrigation law is based are as follows: "First That the water . In all streams, lakjs, ponds, springs or other sourceB is the property of the crown. "Second That this water may be obtained by companies or individuals for certain described tirtes upon com pliance with the provisions of the law. "Third That the uses for which water may he so acquired are "domes tic," "irrigation" and "other" pur poses, domestic purposes being limited to household and sanitary purposes, the watering of stock, the operation of railways and factories by steam, but not the, sale of barter of water for such purposes, "Fourth That the company or In dividual acquiring water for irrigation or other purposes shall be given a clear and Indisputable title to such water. "Fifth That holders of water rights shall have the proteHlon and assist ance of permanent government officials in the exercise of such rights. "Sixth That disputes or complaints regarding th.i use or diversion of water shall be referred to and eettled by the officials of the government charged with the administration of the act and that decisions bo- given shall be final and without appeal." Deputy CommisFioner Dennis In his review of the operation of the Can adian northwest Irrigation act based upon thene principles, gives briefly but omprehensiv!v an itnerestlng lac count of the operation of the law, which Is in the main successful. He concludes "that while the Canadian laws relating to Irrigation are in their infancy cr formative stags and ponsi biy weak In many respects, the guid prlnclple and aim of these laws is se curity of title and the use of the avail able water in such manner as to bring the greatest and most lasting benefit to tho greatest number." LI rltNG CHANG ILL AGAIN. phrnlrlnn Ht 111 Lira Banga by a Tlirrmil, PEKIN, March 11. LI Hung Chang t Is again seriously ill, and his physician pays his life hangs by a thread. Prince Chtng and Karl LI seem to think that by spreading rumors of the court's unwillingness to return to Pekln, unless this or that thing Is done, they can influence tho delibera tions of tho ministers of the powers. As a matter of fact, according to re liable reports from Slan Fu, the Im perial personages are exUgmely un comfortable at Slan Fu, where they live In the house of the governor, which Is only a small structure. French missionaries who have Just re turned here from Slan Fu Lalleve the empress dowager would bring the court back to Pekln on the first offer of the allies having as a basis the re moval of the troops, except the lega tion guards. tartar CJIren a Foalllon, WASHINGTON, March 9. Former Vnlted States Senator Carter of Mon tana has been appointed by the pres ident a United States commissioner of the St. Louis exposition. He has ac cepted the offer. The position pays $5,ooo a year. Olaaatroea Moras In Chicago. CHICAGO, March 11. One of the wnrt wind storm of the season struck Chicago yesterday and during the two hours It was at Its height damaged property throughout the city to the extent of $175,000. Many heavy plate windows were Mown In. Tele eraph and telephone companies were The worst sufferers. Thousands of Lies wcre blown down and Chicago . practically Isolated from the west . nd northwest by telephone and tele- graph all day. RUSSIA ASSERTS IGNORANCE. Dratae Com Every Opportunity that It Haa Deelgna Upon Manchuria. WASHINGTON. March 1L The of ficial correspondence that has passed between the State department and the several powers Interested in the Chi nese question discloses the fact that Rnssia, suspected as she is by England and perhaps by some other powers of planning to seize and hold Man churia aa her own, has upon every oc casion, when opportunity served to draw forth a statement of her motives, declared emphatically that she had no such purpose. On February 16 the United States ad dressed strong representations to Chi na through Mr. Conger and Prince Chlng and LI Hung Chang. China was told that the United States could not approve any secret negotiations be tween China and any individual power looking to the concession of territory to such power. And, it was further in sisted, that, to be valid, any such con cession of territory should be given only with the assent of all other powers. To still further emphasize the warning against the beginning of a division of China It was significantly stated that the United States did not regard the present as an opportune time for making any concessions of territory or even for conducting nego tiations for such concessions. On March 1 the State department took steps to acquaint every one of the powers interested in China with the instructions it had given Mr. Con ger. The result was to elicit from nearly all of them expressions of ap proval of the doctrine laid down by the United States, and foremost among the powers which accepted It was Rus sia. The United States government has not entered into any secret or open agreement with Great Britain or with any individual power, however strong it may sympathtzo with the British desire to insure Manchuria against seizure. On the contrary, our govern ment has from the beginning discour aged such special alliances as to China and has adopted the practice of In forming every one of the powers of the contents of any statement it has addressed to any one of them. THIRTY THOUSAND RESIST. tieneral I'o HaianK and t'rlnce Tuan Tra pare to Oppoae Arreat. ' SHANGHAI, March II. Dispatches from Lau Chau assert that General Tung Fu Hslang. with 20,000 men, and Prince Tuan, with 10,000 men, are at Nlng Hsu prepared to resist arrest. The China Gazette announces that Sheng, the taotai, has memorialized the throne In favor of the abolition of the likln duties and that all the vice roys and governors support him. I.ONDON, March 10. "The Japanese battleship Hatsuse, just completed in England, haa been ordered to proceed hither with all possible speed," says the Yokohama correspondent of the Dally Mall. Other orders given to tho Japanese navy indicate the seriousness with which the Japanese government views the situation in the far east. Well informed Japanese regard Rus sia's action in Manchuria as a gigantic bluff, inspired by the notion that Eng land's hands are tied in South Africa, but as Germany is only half-hearted in the maintenance of Chinese integ rity a coalition with Japan Is Improb able and Japan Is too much embar rassed in her finances to do more than protest and endeavor to secure com pensating advantages In Korea. "China's signature of the Manchur ian convention Is practically assured," gays the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Dally Mail, "because Russia last August sent to the empress dowager 7,500 pounds of bar silver." HARRISON SLIGHTLY WORSE, Left Lang Inflnuied nod UrnT Not Ho Wrli Foriijrrly. INDIANAPOLIS, March 11 The condition of former President Harri son is serious. Dr. Jameson stated to day that th upper part of General Harrison's loft lung was Inflamed. There Is some danger of the conges tion extending to the rest of the lung and to the right lung. Until 3 o'clock this afternoon General Harrison was resting easily, but at that time he be came slightly worse and Dr. Jameson was called. He said that he was cer tain nothing was to be apprehended for the next forty-eight hours, but the age of the patient renders till calcula tions uncertain. At 8 o'clock this even ing General Harrison was suffering some pain, but was resting compara tively easy. Df WET IS SAFE ONCE MORE. Kaeapea Into Hla Own Country anil Can not lla Operated A-alnat. LONDON, March 11. The Times publishes the following dispatch from Aasvogelkop, March 9: : "General DeWet haa escaped north ward by a forced march with 400 men. His objective Is believed to be the vi cinity of Kroonstadt. "Four other Boer leaders are still In the southwestern part of Oranve River colony. "Now that General Dewet Is back In his own country It will be n I most Im possible to operate against him. Just as soon aa he is pressed hla commando dissolves, to meet again a few dayp later. ;i "Only a few bands of Boers are now left In Cape Colony," AMERICANS MOST MERCIFUL. All Othar rerelfaers la Takla Have Don Soma Eieeatlag. IXNDON, March 11. "It Is not likely that the power will oppoae the scheme of Ruaila," ay tho Pekln correspondent of the Morning Post, wiring Saturday. "The situation la regarder a very gloomy. Even the Chine plenipotentiaries declare open ly that Intervention by the powers Is not desirable unless they are prepared to back up their protests. Ktuua'i Course in Manchuria Eonsej United States and England. BOTH DECIDE TO ACT AT ONCE Aaabaaaadora Ara Inatroctad to Ascertain the Sentiment of Others Propose to Startle ( tha Czar with a United and Menaclnc Front. LONDON, March 9. A crisis has arisen in far eastern affairs, which in the opinion of the British government is graver almost than the troubles which originally turned the eyes of the world to the Orient. In this crisis, se cret negotiations are going on between the United States and Great Britain with a view to thwarting what both governments appear to consider a de termined attempt on the part of Russia to plant herself permanently In one of the richest tracts of the Chinese em pire. The conference held Wednesday be tween United States Ambassador Choate and Lord Lansdowne, the for eign secretary, had nothing to do with the Nicaraguan canal affair. To quote from a British official, "the Nicarag uan controversy is a minor matter compared with the present situation." What Mr. Choate did was to receive from Lord Lansdown an important message declaring that Great Britain was not satisfied with Russia's declar ation regarding Manchuria as delivered to Sir Charles Stewart Scott, British ambassador at St. Petersburg, by Count Lamsdorf, and asking the United States if they were prepared to take Joint ac tion of such a decisive nature that Russia would have no alternative but to recede from her position. Almost simultaneously, the United States government instructed the va rious ambassadors to . take similar steps. The answer of Secretary Hay has ap parently not yet been received In Lon don, although the fact that almost con current instructions were issued from Washington is taken here to be a suf ficient guaranty that Russia's action In Manchuria will not be tolerated by the United States. Japan is relied upon to act in line with Great Britain and the United States. Germany, despite the compact, is regarded as rather doubtful, owing to Emperor William's friendship for the czar. France, of course, will side with her ally. The significance of the present phase can only be appreciated by those cog nizant of the lethargic attitude of the British government hitherto regarding Russian action In China. Within the last few days all this has changed. What, a week or two ago, was pro nounced only in line with Russia's usual policy is now termed a "grave and serious state of affairs." Lord Lansdowne is using every effort to bring the powers into line in order to present Russia such a menacing front that without any ambiguity re garding temporary or other occupa tion, she may give up all designs upon Manchuria. What prompts the British Foreign office to take such an alarmist view of circumstances usually looked upon as fatalistic sequences Is the apprehension that Russia, having held her own in spite of the protest of the ministers of the powers to the Chinese govern ment, and having put herself on record In the reply to Sir Charles Scott as determined on at least a temporary occupation of Manchuria,' will refuse to back down. That she must do so, Ixrd Lansdowne considers vital, both for the future of China and for the continued existence of the concert powers. Count I-amsdorf's reply to Sir Charles Scott Is considered quite un satisfactory. "If such excuses are accepted by the powers," said a British official last evening to a representative of the As sociated Press, "there will be nothing to prevent the immediate partition of China, for with almost exactly the same verbiage any European power could justify the accupation of other provinces." Will Unllit tha Nebraakn. WASHINGTON. March 9. Mr. Pavson, representing the Moran Bros, of Seattle, Wash., today signed at the navy department the contract for tho construction by that firm of the bat tleship Nebraska. HARRISON A VERY SICK MAN. Cloaeat Frlanda Much Alarmed on Ac count of Hla Advanced A. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March . 9. Ev-Presldent Benjamin Harrison la a very sick man and his closest friends are alarmed. His condition Is more serious than Is generally believed. However, Dr. Henry Jameson, the family physician, said tonight that there was no Immediate danger, and, In fact, he was not at all alarmed, he said, as to the outcome. Asked If the age of General Harrison would not weigh very much against his recovery, the doctor said such would naturally b6 the case to a certain extent, but he declined to discuss the matter fur ther than to say that he was not at all alarmed over the condition of the pa tient. General Harrison Is troubled with a complication of grip and intercostal neuralgia, and there 1 some fear that this will develop Into pneumonia. Coaflrnaatleaa by the Senate. WASHINGTON, March 9. The sen ate confirmed the following nomina tion: Thomas Worthlngton, attorney for the southern district of Illinois; J. Otl Humphrey, district Judge for the southern district of Illinois; James L. Mcintosh, Jr., receiver of public moneys st Sidney, Neb. The senate also confirmed all of the nominations sent to it by the president today, ex cept the members of the board of vis itors to the naval observatory. CUBAN CRISIS IS PASSED NotuiDf In tha Suture of an L'prliin( la Feared Any Longer. HAVANA, March 8. The Cuban constitutional convention met In secret session this afternoon for a formal dis cussion of the Piatt amendment. The conservative element scored a victory. It was decided to continue the ses sions of the convention and to refer the amendment to the spe lal commit tee on relations, with instructions to bring in a report. Twenty-nine delegates were present, Senor Llorete and General Rivera being the only absentees. General Ssnguilly favored dissolving the convention and returning the amendment without dis cussion. The other delegates were unanimously in favor of continuing the sessions and of sending some an swer to the executive department. The argument turned on the ques tion whether the convention had power to adopt a scheme of relations that would be binding upon the future re public. Last week a majority of the delegates opposed this view. Today Senor Nunez, representing the conser vatives, argued that the delegates were empowered to call for the convention to establish permanent relations with the 'United States, and ought not to attempt to shirk this duty. General Sanguilly contended that the intention of the original call was annulled by Governor General Wood's Instructions at the opening of the convention, when delegates were asked to give only an opinion. The radical element did not flock to General Sanguilly, as had been expected, and the convention's action In rafrrlng the question to the special committee on relations shows a willingness to recede from the for mer attitude. It is evident that many of the del egates still hope the amendment will be changed, but there is no bittter feeling now apparent. It is doubtful whether the convention will ever agree to accept the amendment, but the con servatives maintain that the willing ness of the radicals to discuss and, if necessary, to send a committee to Washington, gives a more hopeful as pect to conditions which weie growing strained. . BENJAMIN HARRISON IS ILL Phyalcian Derlinea to Say Whether Crip la the Only Trouble. CHICAGO, March 8. A special to the Times-Herald from Indianapolis, Ind. says: General Benlamin Harri son is very sick at his residence on North Delaware street. His physician rerusca to discuss his case without per mission from the famllv and this was refused by Mrs. Harrison this evening. she said the general is suffering from the grip, but his condition was not considered alarming. When asked if the patient was suffering from any complication of his disease, and par ticularly as to bronchial affection. Dr. Henry Jameson, who was with General riarnson tor more man an nour this evening, refused to answer. Judge Ted ford Will Not Resign. CRESTON, March 9. Judge W. H. Tedford in a letter to the Advertiser asks the editor to deny the report cir culated by a Des Moines paper that he intended to resign. Judge Tedford says he has had no thought of resign ing and that the state of his health is not so critcal that he considers his retirement necessary. In ;Unlon coun ty Judge Telford is very popular and the news that he will not resign is received with satisfaction. Rorkhlll Ordered to Hay. WASHINGTON, March 7 The en actment of the diplomatic and con sular appropriation bill has placed at the disposal of the State department a sum of money for the acquisition by purchase of legation premises for the United States legation at Pekln. Therefore, Secretary Hay has Instruct ed Special Commissioner Rockhlll that he is permitted to proceed immediate ly to consummate the purchase of a suitable tract of land. Wins Against Mra. Nation. TOPEKA, Kan., March 7. Several months ago Mrs. Carrie Nation, In a street speech at Medicine Lodge, stat ed that Samuel Griffin, county attor ney of Barber county, was granting the saloon keepers of Kiowa Immunity from prosecution for money consider ation. "They are giving ?15 a month," she is quoted as saying, "and I have wit nesses to prove It." Qneatlon Allen'a Preaenea. WASHINGTON, March 7, Senator Allen's name is still cirried on the rolls as a senator from Nebraska and It Is understood that It wlU be until the Nebraska legislature elects or ad journs. There is some contention that his apointinent expired on March 4, but the authorities hold otherwise. Death for Kidnaping. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., March 7. Tha house tonight passed the senate bill punishing kidnaping for ransom at death or not less than five J-ars In tho penitentiary. The bill was amend ed In the house and goes back to the senate for concurrence before going to the governor to become a law. The Population of Alaska. WASHINGTON, March 7. The to tal population of Alaska In 1900, as shown bv the return of the twelfth census, 68,502, as against 32,052 for 189(1. Thl Is an increase In ten years of 31,540, or 98.4 per cent. There are two cities In th? territory which have a population of over 2,000, namely, Nome City, 12,486 and Skag way City, 3,117. Iowa Man Dropped SS.OOO. ONAWA, March 9. Advices from California state that Dr. W. W. Ord way, who now spend the winter In California, but who ha lived In Mo nona county for over forty years, and Is tho largest land owner In the coun ty, his wealth being estimated at from 1300,000 to $500,000, has Just dropped 13,000 to a couple of confidence men In Los Angeles. MR. FRY IS RE-ELECTED Maine Man Ej turned to tbe Chair as President Pro Tem. TO ADJOLRN FRIDAY OR SATURDAY Membera Who Have Talked With the Fraaldent Believe Special Seaalou la to Terminate Immediately Mr. Morgan Again Haa the Floor. WASHINGTON, March 8. Senator William P. Frye of Maine waB elected unanimously president pro tem of the senate to serve during the present sen ate. This is the second time Senator Frye haa been honored by his col leagues. Five years ago on February 7, 1896 the republicans then being in a minority, he was elected unanimous ly. His services as president pro tem, especially since the death of Vice President Hobart, have won for him the cordial appreciation of his follow ers for his able and impartial admin istration of the post. When the senate convened a huge bunch of beautiful roses adorned the desk of Mr. Gamble, the successor to Mr. Pettigrew of South Dakota. The vice president announced the anointment of Messrs. Cullom of Illi nois and Cockrell of Missouri as mem bers of the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution. At the conclusion of the routine business Mr. Morgan resumed his speech begun yesterday in support of his resolution declaring .the abroga tion of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Mr. Morgan read that part of the Clayton Bulwer treaty which relates to the Nicaragua canal and also the proto cols of an agreement for the construc tion of the canal made between the United States government and the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica. He declared that it was per fectly clear that the protocols entered into last fall by this government were a distinct violation of the Clayton Bulwer treaty. It. was equally evident that the United States must abandon its plighted faith with Nicaragua and Costa Rica, in order that the Clayton Bulwer treaty might be fastened per manently upon thiB government and hang like a pall over it,-or take such a stand as will sustain the president in his "patriotic and noble action." "The protocols, entered, into ex pressed the defiance by the president of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and his re gard for Jts provisions. They under took to place the government on the high ground that the Clayton-Bulwer treaty its abrogated by this govern ment." "It is our duty," insisted Mr. Mor gan, "lo declare that that treaty is not in the way of our legislating for the Nicaragua canal. If we hesitate today It will be the name a year hence and the provisions of that treaty will be fastened upon us," Mr. Morgan urged that bis resolu tion be adopted in order that the president might understand the posi tion of the senate no thoroughly that he would feel justified in proceeding along lines looking to the construction of the Nicaraguan canal while con gress was in its- long session. At the conclusion of Mr. Morgan's speech the senate, without taking any action upon the resolutions, on motion of Mr. Lodge of Massachuseets, at 1:10 went into executive session, and' at 1:50 adjourned until Friday. A number of senators who have talked with the president express the opinion that the present special ses sion of the senate can be brought to a final conclusion by next Saturday and some think that adjournment may be reached tomorrow. NEW YORK SENATORS OBJECT Protest Against Nominating: Hanger for Assistant Secretary of War. WASHINGTON, ' March 8. Senators Piatt and Depew of New York are both opposing the proportion to nominate Colonel Sanger lor the office of as sistant secretary of war. Senator Piatt saw the secretary of war today and entered a formal protest, on the ground that Colonel Sanger is not a consistent republican. Senator Depew alHO has indicated his opposition. Neither of them was consulted before tbe nomination was decided upon. Tbe selection seems to have been made by the secretary, but the senators' claim that if that offi cial is to assert that prerogative he should find a man who would be ac ceptable to them. Senator Piatt to day expressed the opinion that the protests which have been made will have the effect of preventing the presi dent from sending in tho nomination. INDIANS TO BE AT PEACE Oommlaalonera Expreaa Confidence In Red Men'a f uture Dorllltjr. WASHINGTON, March 7. The an-1 nual report -of the Board of Indian Commissioners expresses a confident view of the Indian Kltmitlon and says that the policy of justice pursued by the government and the better know ledge of the jtower and resources of the government of the United States which now prevail among the Indian tribes will render improbable any re newals of serious rioting and attempt ed war on the part of the Indian tribes. Deports the Malcontenta. WASHINGTON, Murc.h 8., General MacArthnr has informed the War de partment by mail that in pursuance ot authority obtained from the depart ment under da1 of December last he has ordered tbe deportation of a num ber of persons "whose ovsrt acts have clearly revealed, them as in aid of, or in sympathy, with, the Insurrection, and the Irregular guerrilla warfare by which it is being maintained and whose continued residence In tbe Phil ippine Islands is, in every essential regard, Inimical to tbe pacification (hereof." THE NEWS IN BRIEF. 1 About seventy-five cases of small-pox exist at Fisk, Mo. John I). Rockefeller has given $100,- 000 to Vassar college at Pougbkeepsie. N. Y., for a new dormitory. Frederick Metz, Sr., president cf tha Mctz Bios. Hrewing company and a; pioneer citizen of Omaha, died, aged 74 years. Carroll Carrington, a well known newspaper man and writer of short stories, is dead In San Francisco, of pneumonia. The city of Dresden, Germany, has contracted with a syndicate of bank ers for a flfteeii million marks loan at four per cent. , Gen. Rnsst.1 A. Alger, as head of the Alger-Sullivan syndicate, will build a inodul . town near Pensacola on the model of Pullman, 111. John 13. Dubois, a wealthy lumber man ami mine owner of Dubois, Pa., has given $1,000,000 to the Dunham Medical institute of Chicago. William J. Bryan passed through. Chicago on his way to Buffalo, N. . Between trains Mr. Bryan received a number of calls from Democratic pol iticians. The Hamburg-America n steamship line ha oiderd two steamers, each of 7,001) tons, from the Vulcan .Ship Building company, of Bremen, for its West India line. General Weyler, minister of "war in the ne.w Spanish cabinet, asserts that ho will ufve all his energy in the re organization of the army in order to render it useful for service in all cir cumstances. The state department gives emphatic denial to the statement, in a London newspaper that the United States ad dressed a note "almost threatening In, tone" to Denmark regarding tbe lat ter'H West Indian possessions. Every day since William Oehlstrom died, twenty-two years ago, his widow knelt on bin grave in the Scrantoh. cemetery, Cleveland, O., and prayed that she might be taken to him. Sun day her prayer was answered. Alfred Dreyfus returned to Switzer land Tuesday after a stay in Paris, during which he corrected the proofs of the book he has completed, entitled: "Five Years of My Life, dealing with his imprisonment on Devil's Island. ; Alexander Craw, quarantine officer 01 the California state board of hor ticulture, has received from Australia a box contains several million Tachlna s flies, which "will be liberated in the Can Joaquin valley to exterminate grasshoppers. The Omaha & St. Louis Railroad has closed a contract with the Omaha Bridge" and Terminal company, where by in future it will furnish that road all itw terminal facilities in Omaha and South Omaha for both freight and passenger traffic. , The treasury department has isKued a warrant in favor of Admiral George Devcy for $9,750 on account of prlzo money' found to be due him from the court of claims fjr tbe destruction of the Spanish licet in Manila- harbor,' May 1, 18S9. . . According to the figures prepared by United. States engineers, the defeat of the river and harbor bill will ulti mately thrown at least 10,000 men out of employment in tbe Memphis terri tory, extending from Cairo, 111., to Vickwburp, Miss. Tho treasury department has Is e. lied a warrant in favor of Admiral George Dewey for $9,570, on account of prize money found to be due him from the court of claims for the de Btnw.tion of the Spanish fleet In Ma nila harbor, May 1, 1898. The London Board of Trade Journal warns Hritisfi manufacturers that the reports of a British commercial agent in the United States show that Amer ieau boots and shoes are capturing; nmrkety where Eitish goods ought to have a practical monopoly. JikIko Neely entered an order dis solving tha injunction restraining tho Chicago Packing & Provision company from distributing its assets. The company decided to go out of business seme ttnio ago, and was planning to distribute its assets among the stock holders. The stock is divided into 20,- 000 nharert of preferred and 20,009 shares of common stock. Tho German government has ordered 300 barrels of California brandly for use by its army and navy. Senator Cullom gave notice of an amendment he will propose tq tho sundry civil appropriation bill pro viding for a revenue cutter for Ha waiian wideis at a cost not to exceed Jutne.s L. Mcintosh, jr., a prominent young attorney of Sidney, Neb., has been continued by the senate as re ceiver of public money at Sidney, Neb. Tho memorial to Queen Victoria, suKKoKletl by the committee of minis ters anil former ministers and approved by liini; Kdward, is to be a monument. Dr. Thomas O'Reilly, 74 years old, died of tho grip. He practiced medi cine iu St. JiOiiIa for fifty-two years. Tho monthly statement of the pub lic debt shows that at the close of business February 28, 1901, the debt less cash lu the treasury, amounted to $l,0H7,i)!!),!ij'l, a decrease for the month 01 $7,fi7,:m. W. C. Clark, aged 62, former secre tary of state, accidentally fell down ' stairs at Denver, Colo., brenklng his necR. The Copenhagen, Denmark, munic ipality has given notice of the Issue of a communal loan of 20,000,000 kroner. Tenders will be open until March 12. en. Aaron 8. Daggct, recently ap pointed brigadier general of the army, has lawn retired. Stephen Milter Gladwin, one of the founders of the"Carew. Manufacturing Co., of Hoi yoke, Mass., and long ident ified with, the paper Industries of tha country, died at bis home In Latonia, N, J. He was 80 years old. All the acts of General Castro, tba president of Venesuela, bar) ban unanimously approved by tha Vaaa ruelnn constitutional assembtx Harry Oray Blxby, at ona tlma t V national champion Unnla player, tJ ' a rifle marksman of national rtXi :- tim, died at Boston of yutumud, )