Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 14, 1901, Image 1

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    1 iz&c'&1 K JZi'.rft'Z
If -
19 O. GT.
wu tsiiun is fcVfcH atTTLto wwrTIl it 18 SETTLED RIGHT. "H. William J. grraa.
.. ii o '
8ilKcriitlon 1'rtuc Per Year fl.OO.
Official paper of sioux county.
. Gko. D. Canon, - Editor.
Advertise Vour Stock Drands in the ftmaiffl
Ex-prei(Jn! Hnrriston, wt critically ill
at hiit iionie at ImliitnnrMlis, nod seem
ingly etvhout much hope of recovery.
Terrible storms nre reported from Tex
n and other southern Mates, destroying
millinaaof dollar worth of proiertv,
laide killing and warning n great
many people.
Werttlnsr H HoarM a Day.
There" an rent for those tireles little
worker trl Kings New life pills. Mil
lion s al wuvs busy, curing Torpid
Live, Jakindit-e. Billiniianes. Fever and
Ague. 'The banish nick headache, drive
out Malaria. Never gripe or weakep,
Small, tfinte rice, work wonders. Try
them. 35c at J. E. PmxsEY'B. t
Delaware, in the U. 8. innate is repre
wtited jv two vaint seat. If Nebras
ka hac no lietter senatorial timber to
represent her Interests in the upper
tiousethan the republican have trotted
out He far, the state, like Delaware will
be lf represented bv two vacant seats
in lite American hntie of Iirds. ,
Like Oliver Twist, children ask for
more when triven One Minute Coutrh
Cure. Holhere endorse it ; highly
fororoup. It quickly cures all coughs
and colds and evrv throat and lung
trouble. It is a specific for grippe and
nxtfcma and has long been a well known
remedy fcr whooping cough. J. E.
In tin retirement o' four U. . eena-
t.-rr Mch 4th, president Mckinley has re-
wwrdril them with good positions at a
Ury of 5,000 ench, yearly, as Louis
ant PurchasH World's Fair commission
er -to be held at St. Lou in, in 1003, The
repnblican party always provide for their
refired and useless odlciaU by pension'
inr them in some way. In a pecuniary
Keaiw it pays to be a republican, no mat
ter bow dishonorable nay he the princi
ples of the party. The four senators are
Thurston, M Bride, of Ore., Cliandler of
New Hampshire, nd Li mist) y of Keo
The f unionists of the Montana legis
lature, on the last, d;iy of the session
MKrCrtffd in electing a U. 8. senator in
the person of Hon. Puns Gibson, of
Onsit FalK who together with senator
VT.A. Clark, wjli represent Montana's
IiitereHts in the upter ho use of congress
fur the next four and six years, respect
( The Prdw-Jociwal, since it changed
bamls four year ago, has been persis-
tantlv opposed to having the ballot
traced in the bands of women in this
state but we have finally come to the
rxinelusion that if woman suffer&ga will
work to ttw satisfactuso of every nosy,
and to (be detriment of no body, in state
iAe Idaho, Calorado, Utoh and Wyonj
iag, there is so plausible reason why the
women of Nebraska should oot exercise
tbe right of wiTerage. We believe the
women of Nebraska are in very way a
intelligent, and capable ot casting the
Fallot as the women are in any of the
states now exercising the right of suf
frage. Following is the way the state
upreme judge in Idaho feel toward
equal sufferage in that state:
Women wore given the suffrage in
Uaho by popular vote at the general
election in 1891, by a majority of almost
two to one. A statement baa bean pub
lished, signed by all the jucgee. of the
fitate Supreme Court, testifying that
thus far It had proved satisfactory.
.Theyeay: '
"Woman fuffrage in thia State is a
ncceim;ootieof the evils predioted of it
, tiave come to pass, and aa a measure of
justice it has gained much la popularity
.since It adoption by our people."
Xlgltt woa Her Terror. l
, "I would cough nearly all nlgbt long,
writM Mr. Chas ApplegaU, of Aleaan
4lria.Ind., "and could hardly get any
aleep, I had consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but, whan all other
medicine failed, three $1.00 bottle of
Dr, King's Now Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained M pounds," Its abaolu
ty gnaraolesd to cure Coughs, Colds,
liGrif-pe, Bronchi tie and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Price OOo tod fl.OO.
Tris I boti les fret at J. E. Pmunm drug
store. pBSSSOm'
The Delaware wgisiatuie, which was
rrpiiHIicao oa joint ballot have failed ut
terly , to elect two U. 8. Senators, thus,
,1 indicate Haooa's inflneeos hi wnla-
imr somewhat, in tm It Is anath
,roid leason, soww lag , that asoalon
Itould ue lwtl lr pneelar ,
Gems From
the Trenchant
Pen of Clio.
Saturday evening's press brought the
ssd intelligence of the death of our
young friend, 111m bora ChrtHtian. It
ttemitH w wtd for on no young, no full of
lire and noble apiitionti and m nifitil,
to be Uius early stricken down, just
when ph wan lilonaoming into euch a
umsful and le:iutiful wotnaobood. "In
my father's house are many mansions"
and her tuvior said l,I go to ' prepare a
place for you," so Dora has early gone
home ana JiMcmntnK her loved ones
here to roilowaf.Trie ; berieved family
have our earnest sviupatliy. ,
Wlien'the' winU was howling so disaro-
illy with you on the second it was such
a lovely day here, but by noon Monday
the wind was pretty strong and Tuesday
was a dry blizzard, the hardest day we
liave men here, but at no time was the
college wboly obscured, so we have been
through much harder dirt storms many
a time. The 9th was very windy and
some snow fell but the sun came out
nice and warm Sunday so the snow had
to go.
I do not believe I care to try the ex
perience of the Pine Tree State. No
wonder M. k. C. does not let a little
Nebraska blizzard or snow storm dis
courage tier. Hhe was schooled to such
experiences "way down east." (
I stlppoied most of the cattle in the
state were "out west" but Mr. Hord
near us is fattening about eight thousand
head of cattle, fifteen thousand of sheep
and has lost about teo thousand dollars
worth of hogs. He is the largest stock
dealer here but many of the smaller men
ear.-y on good business also. A man
does not have to own all the land he oaa
see here, if he owns a few hundred head
of cattle.
Uncle Louis and his Sunday smile'
no doubt attracts some attention, but
we feel like congratulating the - little.
Miai herself, who has made such a ro
mantic appearance on "the historic bank
of the muddy Sowbelly." We hope if
the time ever comes tbat she desires to
change the name of that creek, that she
may be more successful than we were
when we made the attempt way back in
-HO, ' Cuo.
Central City, March 11, 1901.
Ri-markahle Cures of Itlienna
From the Miidieatar, Rutherfordton,
N. C. ' cii
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
lain's Pain balm twice with the most re
niarkabiei reaulla in each Cane. First,
with rheumatism in the should r from
which be suffered excruciating pain for
ten days, which was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the
parts afflmted and realizing instant bene
fit and entire relief in a very short Urns,
SaooeJ in rheumatism in thigh joint, al
most proairallng hiro with severe pain
which ww relieved by two application
rot-T ea the lioiroent oh retiring at
uigftt. and getting up free from pain.
For sale by J. E PHWitaT.
Iloneat Medicine
For La-
Oeorge W. Waltt, of South Gardiner,
Ma., save: "I have had the worst cougn
cold, dills and grip and have taken lots
trash or no account aut proiit to ins ven
dor. Chfmberlain's Cough Remedy is
the only thing that has done any good
whatever. I have used one bottle of it
and the chills, cotp and gripe have all
Ian me. I congratulate the manufac
turer of aii honest medicine." For sale
by J. E. PHnantv.
Notice or Bale Under Chattel
' Mortgage.
Is hereby given that by vtrtne of a chat
tel mrrtgege, made by William Storm mad
about August 1Mb, 190), in favor of C. R. A.
Retler, to secare the payment of tat and
Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent,
nor annum from the Mtu day of December,
IS, upon which 3ere Is now due the sum
of f7f.uV default having, been made In the
payment of said sum, and no suit or other
proceedings at law having been Instituted
to recover said debt or any part thereof,
therefore I will sell the following described
property, subject to an agister's Ilea of M
In favor of A, U Leltnoff, to wlt :
1 roan mare, S years-old with foal, weight
' about HM pounds. '
. I Iron gray mare, about six years -old,
weight about Bst pounds.
I sorrel bale f sort eolt, yearling.
t set eoahte harness, taken under said
mortgage, at pnblle auction at the livery
stable of Dteekmaan and Laov, la the Vill
age of Hstrtsoa, Nebraska, on the Mh day
et April, lt, at ope n'eloek p. M. of said
day. ' C.K.A. Ksrum,
Dated March It, km. Mortgages,
Striken A Rich Had.
"I was troubled for ee vet al years with
chronic fndigwtioa and nervous debili
ty,"," writes F. J. Ureen, of LancasUr,
F. U., "No remedy helped me until I
began using Electric Bitters, which did
me more good than all the medicines I
eve usee. They have also kept my wife
in excellent health for years. She says
Electric Bitters are just aplradid for fe
male troubles; that they are a grand
toolc and in vigorator for weak, run down
women. , No other medicine can take its
place in our family." Toy thetn. Only
5K Satisfaction guaranteed by J. E.
A good Cough Medicine for Chil
dren. "'J"
"I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,' says .
P. Moron, a well known and popular
baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We have
given it to our children when troubled
with bad coughs, also whooping cough.
and it has always given perfect satisfac
tion. It was recommended to me b'ft
druggist as the best cough medicine for
children as itcontained no opium or oili
er harmf nllirug." Sold by' J, I f& Phu
ket. : v '? . v . .. ?
Sheriffs Sale.
' By virtue of an order of nln Imiaed by the
clerk the District Court of Hloni County,
Nebraska, npon a decren rendered In Mild
court In favor of the- County of Sioux, an
plaintiff and against Farmers Trnat Com
puny an defendant, v 1 will
on the 45tU day, of March, 1901, at 1 o'clock
In the uf ternoou of wild day, at the east
frontdoor of the court hoiiHeof mid comity
In HurrlHon, Nenranka, sell the following
described real estate taken on said order
ot sale towlt: :
The south-east quarter of section fourteen
In towimlilp tutry-four, north ot range flfty
flve, went of the sixth principal meridian
In Sloitx County, Nebraska, . at pnblle
auction to the highest bidder for caab In
hand to satisfy sata order of sale In the sum.
of 127 tl and lntereHt and Costa and accru
ing coats. " . ,
itti Lowar,
Rhert flot (Manx OOanty. Xebnwka.';:
narrlaon, t'ebruary Uth. luni.
Hhcrirs Sale.
By virtue of an order of Sale Issued fey the
clerk of the District Court of elonx County,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered In said
court In favor ot the County of Woax, as
p lalntuT and against Levi. 0. Pollard Mrs.'
lievl, C. Pollard, Chek. H. Toncray, Coinmer
clal InvotnientCouipaay asdufeiidants:
I will on the 2lth day of March, 1W1 atl
o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the
east front door of the court boose of said
county, la Harrison, Nebraskra, soil the fol
lowing; described real estate taken on said
order of sale, towlt: ' .
The South-east quarter of section seven
teen, In township thirty-three, norta ef
lanaje If ty-foar, west uf the sixth principal
meridian In Sioux County, Nebraska, al
pobllo auction to the highest bidder fer
cash in band to satisfy said order of sale In
the sum of tie m and interest and eoets end
accruing coats. 1
, Sheriff of moui County, Nebraska.
Harrlecn, Kubniary IStb, ItO. ;
Dyspopsia Curo
Dfettts vhit yon tat
Eature In StreDftbenlDg and recon
traetlM the exbaattetfdlfesUTaor.
ltutbo utest aiscoverMaigsav
tat and tonic ZTo other prcpaimtloo
can approach it In efficiency. It la
siantly raUaTeaaDd rrnuoenUyeam
LfTsnanaia. ADnivesuoD. neanoBra.
Flatulence, Soar Stomach, Bastes.
Sick Headacbe, OutralglaCnmptacJ
all otbar reinlu of lmperf act dlgaatlos.
PrlosiOe.aadll. Large she eonlams tft 1
satail ssse. Rook ell abootdyspspMsssltini
g. COswtTT ACOCbiseee.
A Horrible Outbreak, f
"Of large sores on my little daughters
head developed into a case of scald bead"
write. C. D. Isbill of Morgantoo, Tenn,
but fiucklen's Arnica salve completly
cured ber. It's a guaranteed ouss for
Ecsems, Totter, Salt Rheum, Pimples.
Sores, Ulcers and piles. Only 86 cent
t J. E. Phinnkys.
For Sale.
loo acres, a miles rrom town nil un
der fence, S wires and emm fenced, 8
acrea under irrigation. More can be pit
under ditoh. , OtMd' atone ftoute, barn
and oot buiktlbfs. For terms' sjnquir
or saarots. nun irraAWOX,
Harrison Nab.
CoooterfelUof DoWltt's Wilch Caaai
Salvo are llebto to caosa Mood potaaalrj
Leave tbem atone. Tbe original ha
nam f Witt's upon the bog and wr
par. It W a harmless aad healing ip;q
gasv lauvsg
lor scia
Uuequalled for f "
W. E.PaetCJ.
Tne JounrAL will anbitsb yoar brand, like
the followliuc, for K aw, per year. Kaeh ad
dltional brand 75 eeata. Jtverr tanner or
ranchmen la Sioux aad adjoining counties
should advertise their brand in The Joca
t.aa It circulates all over the state. It
may be the meaua of saving; money for you
$500 REWARD.
For the arrest and conviction of any party
or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands
on stock belonging to the undersigned par
ties: ,
Iloraes branded
ob rig-h shoulder or
on right Jaw .Also, I have
Homes branded
on left thigh
Post OIHce Address,
t 'jlWrlan, Sioux Oof, Nebraska.
- ,a4 '"" ". 0
r. k. JAJSirr.
60, 117,
on left hip
on left Jaw,
t hip of Cattle.
l'ost Office, Hewitt,
tklonx County, Keuraaka.
Jlqrse. 1iinded
on left shonl
branded on left shoulder
- , nu
and Cattle HI on left side.
l'ost Office Address,'
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo.
Cattle branded
on left side
on left shou
Idcr, range on Poldler Creek
1 Any stock branded an above betas; ostray
ad from my range, discovered by any body
on giving me Information will be rewarded
Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska.
Horses bi aed oa
left S
Cattle same on left -J hip.
Sheep barnded VTA on leoker
back of Sheep.
Range on Soldier Creek and White River.
Address, ft. Robinson, Nebraska.
Cattle brand
ed on left side.
Range on
Banning Water
- j,
" r P. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska.
To Lewis Bryan and Lou R. Bryan, his wife
You and each of you are notified that
William Zimmerman, plaintiff did on the
Stth day of Pebruary, 1401, file his petition
In the District Court of Sioux county, Ne
braska aad agarnst you aa defendants the
object and prayer ot which petition is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
you upon the west half of the south-east
quarter and the east half of the south-west
quarter of Section thirty-four in Township
thirty three north of range fifty-live west
Of the tth principal Meridian In Sixax coun
ty, Nebraska, that you and each of you may
foreclosed and forever barred of any
fjght, title, or Interest lu or to the same
find that said promise may be sold to satis
fy the amount found doe-en said mortgago,
and tor general relief. "
Yoaararnqttlredto answer said petition
oat or before the Uth day of April, 1801.
: sltertfPa Stile.
(Dv virtue of an order of sale issued by the
elerk of the District Court of Mttux County,
Nebraska, npon a decree rendered In said
spurt, in favor of trie County of Slonx, as
pmsaue, ena against Marcus iiei4vayetMi
Mamford, Mr. Marco DuLafayeUe lltuilord
bis wife as defendants: "
lwlllontho?Mhday of March. 101. at 1
O'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the
east front door of the court bouse of etd
eounty,ln Harrison, Nebraska, sell thetol-
lovuvf oosrriDea raw esiecs saaen on saiu
1 At fnn r nr aeertun four, lots mis mm tm
ef i ! Hlon Ave, In township thirty-two, north
Of f' e fifty-three, west of the sixth prin-
3 pel meridian In Moux County' Nebraska,
l isublie auction to the highest bidder for
ib In tiand to satisfy said order of sale la
taexnm (eo0 aud interest aad costs and
' IS', ' M- AtBX LOW RY, '.
hlleriff'of Monf Ooanty, Nebraska.
; lliirrlson, february Wth, hWI.
- The stomach controls the situation
.Those who are hearty and strong are
ikxw who can eat and digest plenty of
fpod.' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
Aegoot I food you want.. If you suffer
froni tnaigcstion, neartnurn, laiiciiing or
I WW WMmT RIUIIIBMI MMVIW Braesnr pa sysManr-
-Sk sMJl'm immln iMIt AA VAtt 0000. , TBS
w Msltlse itceaachs oaa take lt,-J.
Oa left sld or hip of cattle, I
On left shoulder of bnrau. i
I Run ire on the bead oi War bonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb
Cattle branded
on the left
left shoul
side and same on
der of horses.
Address, Harrison, Nebraska.
Owns the follow-
Inxbrand on eith
er: - , .
Also HQ on cat
tle and horse
cattle on let tlde
Horses on left
Range on Silver Springs and east of state
inc. PostofBce Harrison Neb
The brand represented in this notice
and branded any where on left side
of eattla, and over-lap eat from the
right ear. ,
Also the same brand on left tblgb of
horses, belongs to the undersigned.
Kaage near Kast Springs, south part fo
Sioux county. CHASLBS NxWmAv,
Harrison, Nebraska.
J .ft. TCCKER.
Branded on left shoulder ot horse
ft Js.nd lrt aid Af mitMji
, waftl
And this
on right side
This on
right side of cattle too.
Range on White River, near Glen.
Post Office address, (ilea, Nebraska.
Branded on left hip of Cattle
and on left cheek of Horses,
Range oa Deep Creek.
Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co
1. B. SLUMS. 1
And following on
left side of cattle.
And this
on left side of she stock.
And this
on left side and blp.
Range en Running Water.
Tost Office address, Harrison, Nebraska.
, HharilPsSala.
By virtue of an order of sale leaned by the
clerk ot the District Court of Slonx County,
Nebraska, upon a decree redered In said
court, in favor or the County of Sioux, as
plaintiff and against Peter Henry, Minnie
Henry, his wHc, Western Security Company
Thomas J. Living aa defendants:
1 will on the fflth day of March, MM, at 1
o'olock In the afternoon .of said day, at
the east front door of the court bouse of
said county. In Harrison, Nebraska, sell the
following, described real estate taken on.
said order of sale, towlt:
The west half of tbe north -east quarter,
and the east half of the north-west quarter,
of Section tlilrty four, township thirty-four
north of range afty-gve, Vest of tbe sixth
principal meridian tn Slonx County, Neb
raska, to tbe blgbeet bidder for cash in
baud to satisfy said order of sale In the
sum of Ml M and interest and cost and ac
cruing costs,
Sheriff of Slonx County, Nebraska.
H larieon, February 18th, 1901.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
elerk of the District Court of Slonx County,
Nebraska, npon a deoree rendered In said
oourt, tn favor of the Uonnty of Slonx, as
plaintiff aad against Oeorge w. Pfost, Mrs.
Oeorge W. Pi oat. Check IL toaeray, Mr.
Cheek U. Toaeray Nebraska Mortgage In
vestment Company, Charles K. Collins, rs
eelvsr, ComaSsrslal la vestment Ooorpaay
ss dstendMM: , '
' 1 will oa the ISMi day ot Marsh, MM, at I
o'olock in tbe afternoon ef said day, at the
set front door of the soar! knees of salt
roenty.ta Harrison, Nebraska, aerl the fol
kiwlngdessribed real estate takes oa east
order of sale, towit;
The aertsvwsst quarter ef ateslen
tblry three la township thfrty-shree,
north ' of range fifty- tear, vest of the
sixth principal metldlaa la ttonx Ooenty,
NebnMka.atpstbttc .action to the
Wltar f0T emrt. , hlM,g to tlsf y a
itlsfy said
sf seisin tsWsamofawea4 Uteres sad
Ssets ead sssrstsg cost. ...
auk utir.
aaert of Mont Uoasty,
. turriiea, tvawaary igeisii.
" . f
Ceauebr.- ,
sdsnsaseetSMtt 1 f " 1
ob cat on eith- I Ms J J
100 Inward.
For proof lo convict any person of steal
lag, altering, maulug otT, or tn any way ,
dauiaglaa stoek
side or hip.
Addrees, jAMxeroacn,
Uarrlaon, Neb.
Brand eombt doabl
of cattle. Horse sasad
shoulder. ' '
, Irw - ii. r
- Cattle all dehorm
Baage on Kyle Creek,
Post Offloe. (ilea
Cattle bra.ided I I on left Hip alee
Cattle branded
ob left ' -Mde.
Range on Soldier Creek and White Blvej.
Address, Ulen, Nebraska,
roremau.Taao MAaos.
Cattle branded
ou left blp and
same on the lets
jaw, and same
on Horse. Also
Horses branded
on left Jaw, shoulder or gear
Also Horses
. I "Sil on left flank aad I I
I Ion left shoulder. I I
Range on head of Van Tassell creek, Wyo.
SeTPost Office addrea, Harrison, Neb.
Cattle brand
ed same as tbat
on eut, either
left hip or on
Jsa-sjjjW'ttJnJe .
Hones BMtilte wtts aay afasMli , . .
Cattle Branded
Range on
on left side.
!! ii
Also Cattle braaed
shoulder or side.
Range on , t
on left hip,
Rnnnicg Water. P. eAddresg
Agate, sebraeka. ;
.. 8herIlTs Sale.
By rurtae of .an order of sale lssned by the
Merit or tBP DUtriet Court of Sioux County,
Neofaska, npoa a decree rendered In said
ooart, la favor of tbe County of Sioux, aa
plaintiff and agaluet Herbert Stebbine, Mr.
Herbert SteeUns, Western Sesatity Com.
p&ny, as defendants:
twill on tbe tsth day of March; ISM, at 1
o'clock In the afternoon of said day. at the
east front door of the oourt boose of sate
county, in Harrison, Nebraska, sell the fol
lowing described real estate taken oa 'tale
order of sale, to wlt. ', 1"'-; f?
'The South-west quarter Of Section twenty
in township thirty-three,' north of range
of ty-ove, west of the sixth principal marl.
dlanln Slonx County, Nebraska, at pnblle '
auction to the highest bidder tor oash la ;
band to satisfy said order .of sale, lu the ,
nra of ISO M and laterett andoosts aad se
eming cost. . 'v. '
..-.-. ALEX LOWRY, ,( .
- Sheriff of stonx CssnttYi RSbrseka.
Harrison, February ISO, 1IM.
In Tke County CotiK gf Sioux
County Ncbmktv
In The Matter of The Estate of Joseph
Olbrtcht, deceased. , f.
Order for day ou bearing of ptKaten tor
appotntmeat of admlnletratrlx.
Stats of Nebraska, I ,
Sloax County. l" ".
k a County Ooart, held at the Couaty
Own Boom, In and for said Oeaaty, Marefe
tth.ian. .
Present Caaras I. aehllt, Oeaaty Jtidae.
reading end lllag eeottsa ef MatUaa :s
Olbrloht, praylaa that talBalsdstiwtlea of the
estate of Joseph Othrtskt sstV e CMssaNt'.,
Matilda aibrnhi ss nsipgaiiL'3.'.; ,oa
Ordered, tbat Uom&t?XV9lt .
rtl, A, D. uet, ateoM e'elova p, sm. k aKcs
4 for bearing saw peUtsoa, vkaa a per.
ITaeoanty eourt to be mt,ktmImteU
ooonty, and snow esK sen; s
the prayer of tas pstisaef mmar. aa
grsatsdiaad that aestse ef tbe pee tv"T
of said yesjsiea sad the hasrlag ttxseef, t j
given to all persens whwesti'S ts asll at
an, by pettMrnni a sepyef ttJserar tat"'
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