Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 14, 1901, Image 4

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faiti to Ditpcn of Apprapriatiou Quick
t lj to Maka Way for Subwdy BilL
. Vlgareas Uaaaue Baalae
tmilii lk Be taMiirfiv '
' IHiw la WaaJa.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. U consid
eration of the naval appropriation
Mil Is completed Monday, as it is sup
posed It will be, the ship subsidy bill
will be called upbjr Senator Fry and
that Mil Till continue' to receive the
attention of the seaate during the re
mainder of the day. Senator Caffery
will take tic floor when the bill is
taken up and is expected to occupy
the remaining portroa of the day,
whatever time these jsajr be. left. Sen
ator Proetar has gfcrea notice that as
..h.i-.. 0i the cotomittee on agrt
cattare he will call is; the agricul
tural appropriation .Mtt'on Tuesday,
There win be no effort ""to prevent
disDlacesaea of the subsidy , bill by
the appropriation MIL The committee
oa appropriations hopes to be able to
report the lortineationa appropriation
bill by the time the agricultural bill
shall be disposed of a4 the army ap
propriation bill is expected to be
reached later in the week. The plan
is to have all appropriation bills acted
oa as promptly as possible after they
are reported, bat when tksrs are ao
Mils of that character before the sen
ate the subsidy bill will continue to
nave right of way.
No decision has been reached yet
as to whether there will be renewed
effort to secure night sessions ta the
considering of the subsidy bill, but
the present indications are that there
will be no further immediate attempt
in that direction. The opponents of
the Mil declare that in case of a re
newal of the night meetings the
friends of the bill wilt be compelled
to keep constantly in the-chamber a
quorum of their own, : While they
made frequent demands for a 'call of
the senate during the evening sessions
of last week, they alwaya themselves
replied to ibeir names whesi called.
It is now understood to be their pur
pose not tt do this in case of further
efforts to bring the . Mil to a vote by
carrying tao senate meetings into the
Much interest Is felt in the effort
which is .to be made to secure legis
lation in connection with the army
appropriation Mil in regard to the
Philippic; sad Cuba. It has been al
ways supposed that any attempt tn
either direction would open up the en
tire colonial policy of the administra
tion and leaf to interminable debate,
bat thar; , is aow: nnsjuestionably a
quite general acquiesence in tbe ef
fort to be made for Philippine and Cu
ban legislation. Whether this due
to the tort that there- hai not been
. time to consider the bearing of these
two proposed amendments soflcjaatly
or to the geaeral desire to ajKHd an
aessi ki of congress, does not yet
r. Be that as if mar. a major-
, try at least of the , democrats seem
oite willing that a vita should be
reached p heVa these p3vfcnona. 1a
" iaa&ir fr-wlaiainnd to be the poeK
"ATi'af fiiMr Jones of -Arkansas and
$'4'taw tasassateto snpporters In oppo-
."s to Uw sabstdy Mil that tnere
T J ha no ehataele to gattiag a vote
!"'' xzm but cill before the seuata, ex
t? ' the hlp subsidy Mil and possibly
f -' Cat rtsBwargarin ra; . ,
? The rsvcnoe retfsa bill wilt come
P f-scpnet of a Udmated dmcuaelon.
Mara ad mains commiUee has
'urea If Jssur mined . on a reeommen
'f 3ttom tor a disagreement to the sen-
" . tto smead meats to the Mil and that
aeafareae wtth the senate he aaaeo.
38 tiJg -feiermtaatloa f has' aroused
ccXaM feelrag among the major-
f y atapherii of the , eoatmittoe aad
stay fad expression when Chair
Beta Payne presents the report and
I assess tor a eoaferenc.
, .Following .this matter, the diplo-'--Sette
as4- csasutar apprcprUtioa bill
V wSU claim attention, the general dls-
' . ratslna of foreign questions, aartiea-
f tarty the Pt.iUpplaaa, being stiii opea.
I ; The army appropriattoa bill aad the
awagtr tvU b aato wW radava
- C2witoa cwrta w3l
i LCXTSM,-Fek 1L The Dally Mall
sW foltowtng
' -i -a
gaeJarfesj Ctwarsl Til aa
tUn lY Oe rightfal gcsM
:s - Jk mm tfv&tm of ft Jaasea pal-
K" czl (i Cm raU4 hall on the alcht
hf rt lom H joatsi at eCOer
t b il Vmm ta kaa kawa
-f ilm, aassaharat tta Ja-
."k ,tmmHr B9 aetata wtif
("t TV f hwdct ataiaa
:fJUtlJsL)m' was wmi allowed
1. i:hur' . tht atatttto mi
Jt -4Ceilet
f t.U r xi - to
J.' V "'.'LJI 2M
Mf w hiJiJ aaaLaissS eY-Vs9 wsasBapBa9
, Ulat ! i ' 1 ml ,f"i ,i -
ajar Oaraw'a Calaasa Beeeaataie
aa flare nghtlag Fellew.
BAST LONDON. Cape Colony, Feb.
11 Details have been received here
of severe fighting at Tabakaberg
mountain, forty miles east of the
railway and about midway between
Smalldeal aad Bloemfonteln.
MaJor Crewe, with a composite col
umn traveling southwest, sighted the
mountain on the morning of January
31. Me heard heavy Bring aad know-
in that Colonel Pitcher's column was
on the other side of tbe mountain he
concluded that this omea was in ac
tion. Consequently he hurried for
ward, only to meet Boers streaming
down and evidently rettrlag from Col
onel Pitcher's lyddite shells. Immedi
ately Maior Crewe brought three fif
teen-pounders and a pompon to bear
on the Boers, who. however, were
found to be so numerous that it waa
impossible to head them. Orders were
riven to return to camp, about two
miles from the mountain. The col
umn rested until 4 o'clock in the aft
ernoon, when the march was resumed
southwest. .
Major Crewe was Just touching the
southern oolnt of the mountain when
tarHAc rifl flr oiiened from a
lam force of Boers who were in am
buscade on tbe mountain. The fight
soon became general. The Boers out
numbered the British five to one and
were attacking them on both flanks
and the rear. The British pompom
Jammed and became useless. Major
Crewe grasped tbe situation and by a
brilliant move got the convoy into
safe nosttion.
Between 7 and 8 'clock In the even
ing the Boers charged the position
nil turned both flanks. The British
ammunition became exhausted and
Maine i1rw waa Obliged to TCt-rC
and abandon the pompom after the
advance party bad endeavored to
.... it oixt nai (sustained severe
A rear guard action was fought by
Major Crewe into the camp, where
tbe wagons had been laagtred. He
personally superintended the retire
ment, the Boers harassing him
throughout. Entrenchments were
thrown up during the night.
When morning came Major Crewe
stsrted to Join General Knox, twelve
miles southwest. The Boers immedi
ately reattached htm, compelling him
to fight a second rearguard action for
n tew miles. General Dcwet person
ally commanded the Boers, estimated
at 2500. Major Crewe's force was
only 700. Eventually the British offi
cer Joined General Knox and return
ed to BloamfocteiB. Lord Kitchener
has highly complimented Major Crewe
on the acbmlevement.
OIa Har rrasaoat Attn
Taar's laspriaoaaMat.
CHICAGO, Feb. 11.-A special ca
blegram from London to the Chicago
nwH Mvr A well authenticated
report reaches the Record correspond
ent tonight to the enect tnai r mrem-c
T. T. MayUtck will be Released from
Alyeabury pilson tomorrow (Monday.)
At th-X'nita States embassy nothing
is known about the matter, and Am
bassador Chwte when seen at his resi
dence tonight declined either to deny
or confirm c rumor.
Ever , since Charles Thomson
Ritchie, .he new home secretary, came
into nfllt-.i last November efforts to se
cure the release Of Mrs. May brick have
haaw aetlsrs aad have continued up
to within a very few, days ago. The
efforta of . Ambassador Cboate, al-
thourh nu.i' informally, nave bee.
traceaaina. When Mrs. Maybrlck waa
allowed ihi privilege of seeing her
New York lawyer, Clark Bell, last
summer, that gentleman told the Ree
ord correspondent that the chances for
his client's release were more favor
able than tcey had been at any otaer
time during her twelve years' incar
ceration. The authorities converse at with the
attempts to secure tbe famous prison
er's freedom, assert that if at last she.
is to be given her liberty this may be
regarded as dne to the influence of
King Edward and may be interpreted
as a token oi appreciation of Ameri
can sympathy over the death of Queen
Victoria. :-''-,.
' Armaurs far 1 rHr
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. . Through
B. C. Eldiidge of .South Omaha the
Armour Packing company, pleaded
mUtr la Justice Green's court to taa
eharfa of violating the state gWM
lawsL . A ear of ausll was foaWI la
the comoaar'a possession last was
aad nnceadlaaa were hegna by bM
w,mh.ra nf tava rtah mmA Game Pre-
frtltm aaaoelatloa. (M the PMm W
gaiRy the company waa fined t,
which was fid proatgr. ; ,
NCBRaXXA CITY, !.. Fa. .
TW twektae hotisss la this city,
which wetw elod town lsMswi
the tuekikalstoni mt Cm Chicago Pack-
lata- aaat TlmliilliSSl tWIIatf. DaVS been
batjgkt by a, aMw CMtpuy and will
fet ttatftwd mm ImmmlmUly. W. L.
Orsanon mt Gtemw wtQ be president.
cxrsnrsnt, rm tv Albert cart-
wwkMf & South Afrleaa
KasM.. wta was amataJ rsatiraay
4mtzs wt - mHyimA mmt
Cmtmri Isiammr. mmmUf
Ka 1 i f. "t Sat tCta tw fl
aatxt I t i rwmlag mm
Caw cacr"a
Beports Oa Baaad London That Ghraber-
lain Is Eeooomdanagi'
4 Tabte C fwM with UKml
UMm la Caataaialatlaa The Bsor
Cakaalal Secretary.
LONDON, Feb. 9.Publh attention
has again turned to South Africa by
the dispatch of reinforcements and
tbe publication of Lord Roberts' mail
Rumors have been in circulation
that Mr. Chamberlain has reconsid
ered his South African policy and was
contemplating a round-table confer
ence with Mr. John Morley and Sir
William Hanourt and the recall of
Sir Alfred Mllner. The Dally Mall
savs It Is able to assert on Mr. Cham
berlain's authority, that the story Is
a fabrication and that tbe government
retains tbe most absolute confidence
in Sir Alfred Mllner. "Mr. Chamber
lain flatly denies" says the Mail
"that he haa had any communication
with any member of the opposition
on the subject of the war."
Lord Roberts' dispatch are not
regarded as giving any further elu
cidation of the conduct of the war,
but they are Interesting, as proving
that throughout the campaign he nev
er bad sufficient men, horses or sup
plies to cover such a vast field of op
eration. t-nrd Roberts asserts deliberately
' that the nermanent tranquillity of the
republic "depends on the complete
disarmament of the inhabitant, a task
difficult, I admit, but attainable with
time and patience.
Looking at all the circumstances.
Lord Roberts says the campaign i
uniaue in tbe annals of war" and he
pays the highest tribute to the gal
lantry and v-orth of the troops, de
claring that "no finer fwee ever wok
the field undr the British flag."
There is a aeneral Idea that the
dispatches have suffered considerable
excision at the hands of the war office.
Thev do not throw any further light
on the summary retirement of Gen
eral Colville or any other matters re-
garlng which the public is anxious
to hear.
The appearance of bubonic plague
at Capetown seems likely to add to
the difficulties of tbe situation, xne
authorities there have decided upon a
wholesale extermination of rats.
Should the dlseacs spread It will ne
cessitate changes in the military ar
rangements. . , .
Today Sir Alfred Mllner makes an
other earnest appeal to employers to
allow as many men as possiMe to
enroll in the colonial mounted defence
force. : ... " : ' ' ' " r "
From Delagoa Bay It Is reported
that the British have occupied Er
nuiin mnA Carolina, which until re
cently were Boer depots.
The Boers held up a Natal mall
train near Vlakfontein. The few aal
diers on board exhausted their cart
ridges and tbe Boers then lobbed the
passengers, afterward t allowing the
tral nto proceed.
British Cabinet Couartl Haiti StoMloa to
mm th DaeaaMnt.
LONDON'. Feb. f Th.' cabinet,
meeting today will presumably settle
the terms of King Edward' speech at
the opening of his first parliament.
February 19, which may be expected
to nartially repeat his majesty'a speech
to the privy council en atxvssion day,
ernreuinc thanks for the condolences
and expressions of loyalty, referring
t,im scvc.ct'tfia.rispoassMiJiy
of hla new oositlM and announcing
his determination to work tor tne wel
fare of all classes. .
caaaaa4l Wyaailag Mm. ,
WASHINGTON. Feb. , Senators
Warren and Clark and RepreaenUtlve
Mondell of Wyoming have recom
mended for appointment as officers in
the regular srmy under the new re
organization act. all the Wyoming men
now in the volunteer service. iney
are:. L eutensnt L. L. uisincs. uney
suae: Lieutenant Charles m. nurrin.
Buffalo; Cantaln Oavrn R. Shannon,
Laramie: Captain ; Tboiaa . Miner.
Buffalo: Caotaia Loren Cbetver. saer
Idan: Caatahi Ira L. Kredenhall.
Cheyenae. Of theae officers. Dietrich,
Barrltt. Miller and uneever are m
th Philippines. Shaaoaa Is la Cuba,
aad Frendenhall In China, v
Vaias) rseMe-s SHSsgSa Flgar. . .
NKW YORK. Feb. 7 A new high
figure waa scored by union Paclfl.
common today, when 12.4(K sham
sold ap to nr a rise of three aatt ons-
elghth. In addition ta the buying by
banking Interests considerable stock
was taken by traders on tne notion
that in some way tbe stoclrboiders
would receive valuable rights la con
nection wltb the Southern Pacific pur
chase. Halle Utlegllts bought hear-
lly all day. f , , .
. CHICAGO, Vim, i.-Th Trtamfw to
morrow will any tat aseafftayg
morta received hart tad
KMwaakaa JL Paal aaal la !,
wlt Ira4fi J, J. IO U
tvtC bK U taM amt
..,IH tl I I . I II
A rrt p r 7 i
rtMM far Haw Acaatoltlaa Is
hy Ik Esaate Caesarittae-
NEW YORK, Feb. S. A plan for
financing the acquisition of control
ling Interests In the Southern Pa
cific on behalf of the L'nlon Pacific
waa today agreed upon by the execu
tive committee of the -Union Pacific,
which will make an ometai announce
ment tomorrow.
Semi-official admissions made to
night are already directly in line with
what has already been published. The
Central Pacific will be taken out of the
Southern Pacific system and annexed
separately to the Union Pacific The
directors do not want to assume any
direct burden on behalf of tbe Union
Pacific, so will Issue debenture bonds
secured by the Southern Pacific stock
purchased, the bonds being redeema
ble at par at the company'a option or
Tr-haneahl for Union Pacific stock
at par within a limited period. It
is also said that two Southern Pacific
bonds may be exchanged for one Un
ion Pacific.
Union Pacific was a market leader
again today. Both common and pre
ferred rose violently. Over 125.000
shares of common was sold. The
heaviest buyer waa John W. Oatea.
All his brokers were oa the floor.
He bought 40.000 shares. Other
heavy buyers were: KeecU, Loew ft
Co., Jacob Field, A. Houseman, Wil
liam Oliver, Wasserman Bros., C. A.
Missing, Halle ft Siglitz and Clarke,
Dodge ft Co. It is said that a large
amount of stock was purchased by
the Interests recently in comroi m
the Southern Pacific, and this list Of
brokers indicates that.
win orrosi senate biil
Beaablleaas DImiih War
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. The repub
lican members of the ways an.l means
committee met this afternoon to for
mulate a plan of action relative to the
war revenue bill, but no definite con
clusion was reached jcyond the-' deci
sion to nonconcur in the senate
The action of the senate In substi
tuting an entirely new bill for the
bill as it passed the .bouse, is looked
upon aa a distinct invasion of the
prerogative of the house to initiate
revenue legislation and at the meet
ing today some of the members fa
vored radical action to sustain what
they consider the constitutional rights
of the house to originate revenue leg
islation. The plan was to ignore the
bill in Its present form and to pass
another entirely new revenue bill.
But this was regarded a entirely
too radical.
Another proposition, and the one
that met with most favor, was to re
nort hai-k the bill to the house tomor
row with a recommendation of non-
concurrence, but without a request
; . MfManMi This would require
th. unit to ask for a conference it
nny was to be held, "
w.li AwaUc for Cwatloa of a Vneaney
la. thf LS of tiBrU
wsHHTTar.TON Feb 8. It is said
at the war office that no more general
officers of the army will be appointed
h. oonuto hss aite.l on those
UUUt vmv i
n In nn Tuesday, una rvurnm o
that there will be no vacancy in the
list of generals unless uenerei
Is confirmed in tne nigner ran. -
i... . varan oicurs In that manner,
It la nredicted that It Wl o
l.- tK. .nnninrment of Colonel C
Bates, who was yesterday nominated
. hriaartter zeneral. sucn an ap
pointment would prevent the appoint
ment of Brigadier General Wade or
Merrlam to a major generalship ror
iii.. th. nrowni nlan Brlxadier
General Schwan. nominated yesterday,
will be retired immediately aiier m
confirmation, and Colonel Daggett of
the Fourteenth Infantry win we ap
pointed to the vacancy. ,
Coasaaltte Will raveraMv Baport
' tb MIL
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8 The house
committee on coinage, weights and
maaanras decided to report lavorauiy
the bill astablmbing a branch mint at
Omaha and appropriating flM-'
therefor. Sutherland of tbe Fifth
Viatel nf Nebraska w as the member
of tbe sub-committee that took iniuai
action. v
. r... : : 1 : ;'
Attaeka Blatae af Vlrgla.
IX)NDON, Feb. 7. HIMberand de
Britto Lvra. a relative of the presi
dent of JDraxll. Dr. Campos Salles. was
Incarcerated In an aaymm ror tne mr
aaa todav after committing a seen
legions outrage In a mman cainoiic
church at Matlock Bath, a place a few
miles south of Matlock,- in the county
or Derby. Lyra auddealy appeared in
the church thla Banning dUnng B45T-
viec. inmned over the altar ralH ana
attacked a atataa af tk Virgin Mary.
Hargaa Oppsssi astaly.
ata bad both say aad night sessions
toaav. At the day sessloa the sen-
: w . a.e asis nun
m Mil appropnaung im,wv,
aa asasad after a few minutes con-
alderailoa. Tbe ship subsidy Mil was
taea takaa vs. as Msssrs. mc-
Laaria Morgaa. both iwwia.
mm scsarhss oa it. air. ssckiww
sBMmtii hla latasttoa to ggrt
the MH: and Vr. Morgaa K
la viricsaa laagaaga.
laars'saay the raaaur !
ras ikVwitr at tts caeera. w
s-a ira t '-1 Cf tva rSft tt'
rAt'm Ci psd -Jif -3
St . I 2"' . av t i
C-T'W i ual
A ju-jHul mar
Ucaof Teeth
Infantry I!cet Dtett
too Bail.
Vive atotftoe Taaea fraaa the Otarls aa4
Hare Ballavaa a UmtU t,aaaia-
tlve immpt tba Track Walla I
BS Vary Mlih ata af apaaa.'
GREENVILLE, Pa., Feb. 8 Train
No. S, the New York-Chicago limited,
on tbe Erie railroad, was wrecked thla
morning within the town limits. Five
passengers were dead when taken
from the wreck, several are missing
and there are many seriously Injured.
Dead: 1
HART, Fort Wood, N. Y.
delphia, private. Company I, Tenth
United States infantry; carried card
of iron Molders' union.
PETER J. CURRY, Cuboco, N. Y.;
private Teath infantry; aged 21.
UNKNOWN MAN, aged about 35.
UNQNOWN MAN. Only papers on
person was a postal card that had
been sent to tbe Adams Produce com
pany, Rushville, Ind., and a ticket
from New York to that Point. His
face waa literally torn into shreds.
Hardly a passenger escaped with
out some Injury. '
The ill-fated traia was composed
entirely of vestibuled Pullmans, three
.. U MAklntljU,
smoker and baggage and mall car,
and waa drawn by one of the . new
Atlantic type of engines. It was on
the amoking compartment that death
laid a ruthless band, for not one of
the sixteen occupants escaped being
killed or Injured. This car was com
pletely telescoped by the steel mall
car ahead, which went through it aa
though It were paper, tearing, crush
ing, maiming and carrying aeatn. ine
only wonder of the occupants was
thst they were not all killed outright
The scene of the wreck is on a
sharp curve. On one side, forty reel
below, flows the 8benango river; on
the other la a steep bluff. The engine
left the track at the curve and before
it had gone two car lengths plowed
into the ateep hill.' where It fell on
Its side and waa half buried; The
train was running about two hours
late and the accident happened at
7:10, Just sbaut the time when the oc
cupants of the sleeper had finished
After the terrible crasn tne unin
jured nassengers set about the rescue
of the dead and wounded. Surgeons
were summoned and within a tew
minutes the dead and dying were He
ine cared for as fsst as thy could be
discovered beneath the wreckage. It
was several hours before the victims
had been removed and placed in the
two rear uPllmaos.
The scenes Inside the telescoped
cars were terrible. The men oeggea
to be released and screamed in agony.
They were all heaped In a corner oi
the car, dumped there by tbe Irresisti
ble impetus of tbe mail car. to in
jured were placed on a special train
and taken to the spencer nospuai.
Meadvtlle, about noon.
A party of soldiers, nine in number,
on their way from Fort Porter, N. Y.,
to Fort Crook, Neb., in charge or ser
geant Major Harry A. Hart, of New-
York. occuDled a iart of the smoaer.
Of the number three were killed and
two seriously injured. They were
under orders for the Philippines ana
would have sailed in a short time.
The track was blocked for twelve
hours, the work of clearing the wreck
olnwlv ant It la holieved
nihm- bodies are still beneath the
cisciss m misers visit. .
Otrasaa X.w.prpers Ba Var log Views I
aa Nls Sleeeatlaa la Bnglaaa).
BERLIN. Feb. 8. The Cologne Oa-
sette, reverting to Emperor William's
visit to England, insists that his re
spect and love for his grandmother
alone dictated the visit, his reception
hslnr niirals nersonal. It acknowl
edges the existence of a "strong Brit
ish tendency In msny circles in uer
many." and asserts , that "nothing
could be more disastrous ta Germany
than the opposition of Great Brit
ain. , ..."' . '.- ,
Saatb He4s Matwerlale.
WASHINGTON, Fab, 8 -Congress
man Oamble today presented a me
morial from tha South Dakota legis
lature urging the establishment of a
permanent military post at Port
Mead s D also a memorial urging
the erection of an Indian school at
Hraratta. 8. D.
The Metropolitan National bank of
Chicago waa today aaprovej aa a re-
aarea aawat far the DUTt tie.) Ng-
bank; the atarenanw natiowai
of FnlladelBhls. far tha towa
MatlMMl hank of Devon BO rt. la.:
First National beak of Chicago, tor
the First National bank of Sioux City
aaal tha First National beak of Ha-
waraes. la. .., s ,-. .
... aa an. , .
faeawrs Deay she Baasaf.
ruiCAOO. Feb. a.--The rumor
aleat toaay'to the aCeet that the
aaekiM tateraaxa , of Armour. Swift
I.l siVana afnerta wara ta be coaatJI'
aatad, with a eapitai ot iiao.evowj,
waa deamd toatgat ay aii
art latoreetod. :
rob. -The S
m mr maawtottoa MIL aWbatS
wbiw caa aaawsam-m -j
to MT' r-Tih-a Lata Tr-ta, etSgtaa af Kr. aag Mrs.
day. Tha ato iKwarai hT jgajaa -nzmm, were la the yart t vr-
tr-X Jf,.-JmftT, rag atSae, aaar Mamy, tha bt
fc mnkm txi Catai tott SMiilJh- batts atak the hewae aai Use fOher
C-kst U fcwa y frtat The fJ , sswMaa. Dos feme
gagxKt to raiaet tie iwtoj af nfr M ,;i cmmtfi Mrm to tha
rt O lLSLS 1 rct'"m 1 fca kty, wka ta I years
QaotaUeaa fr
aad Kaaaas tv.
AHA CATTLE The aupply of cattle fell
coiutdcrabljr abort of I he number rarlvc
th laat few daya, and. as the demand
was of quite liberal proportions, the mar
ket on fcwd stuff . ruled actlva and a
llttla atronger all around. Thera were
not many aood ta ( bote beet tre of
fered, and as thera waa ronalderabla
competition on nuch grades, prices were
stronger than yeaterday. Where the rat
tle Just nutted buyer they paid fully a
nickel more than yeaterday and In aoraa
case aales looked better than that. The
situation, however, la beat deacF.bed by
calllne; It a good strong; market. Common
and hair-fat stuff did not Improve and in
fact sellers found It difficult to dispose
of that class of cattle. Packers do not
want them and will take them only at
their own prh-es. The cow martet waa
also active and stronger on good stuf.
tbe" situation being much the same as
on fat steers. As the supply was limit
ed the more deelranle bunches were out
of first hands early In the morning. Bulls,
calves and stags could be quoted Jurt
about steady with yesterday, no partic
ular change being noticeable. Th de
mand for good stock cattle waa equal to
to supply this morning and prices re
mtitnee alatlonary, There was not much
offered In that line and consequnetly sell
ers had little difficulty In disponing "f
thefr holdings. "
H008 There was not as liberal a sup
ply her as yesterday and the market
opened &ft"Vic higher. The first sales
were mostly at K.Zi'ik and tS.M and as
high tt Ti.:w was paid for prime heavy
weights. The hogs however, did not
move toward the wales very rapidly, s
packers did not like tn pay the advance
and were slow about taking hold. After
about thirty loads had changed hands tht
feeling seemed to be a little easier am!
not much was done for a lime.
HHKKP There were only about lhre
curs or sheep Included In today's receipts
and consequently hardly enough to tnak-
a good test of the market. The few
bunches offered, though were bought ai
Jum about yesterday's prices. . Umh"
sold as high as $5.00 and ewes brought
P..W. The light supply of wethers con
tinues, the bulk of the receipts beltw.
ewes and lambs, which naturally nwk
the wethers bring strong prices, as com
pared to the ewes and lambs. l-et-der
may be quoted practically steady, botn
for the day ana tor tne wees.
CATTI.E-Beef steers. Including Texas
and western, steady to 10c higher; other"
steady; native beer steers. 14.MHia.4n;
stackers and feeders. l?.TS4.fl; western
fed steers. l4.orvM.80; Texas and Indian
steers. SX7eH.tO; cows. S3.00a4.25; heifers,
B.5WI4.75; canners, I2.25t2.90; bulls, gMXWo
4.25: calves. 5.507.5!.
HOOH Market 5c higher; top, "S .40;
bulk of sales. 16. 30145. 40; heavy, ta.WHi.4o;
mixed packers. K.fi.3S'; light, 5.205.3'.:
pigs. HS-Ki.OO. -
8IIKEP AND I.AMB8Market iiOi
lower: western lambs. $D.t '; western
wethers. $4.1.r&4.40: western yearling;,
i.2W.7a; ewes, l3.25fia.S5; culls, .itt3f".
lie U Willing ta Snrrender Bis Steak for
' lie Ver Ceat. ,
PITT8BLRO, Pa., Feb. 6, Finan
cial and steel men of Pittsburg are
anxiously awaiting further Informs
Won from New York relative to the
Carnegie deal, but not a word came,
here today that gave any Intelligence
as to what progress is being made
by the Morgan syndicate. It Is learned
from private advices that very little
cash will be required to consummate
the deal. If the plans go ' through.
Mr. Carnegie will withdraw entirely.
from the affairs of the Carnegie com
pany, taking for the transfer of his
stock a sum exceeding $85,000,000 in
guaranteed 5 per cent bonds, which
are to be a flrst Hen on the uarnegie
and other prorierttee.-
Oossln centers now mostly on tne
price that will be paid for the 5,000
shares of stock, Two yesrs ago H.
C. Frlck and others, including ex-
Judge W. H. Moore, obtained an op
tion on Carnegie's holdings, paid $1,
000,000 In hand money, failed to com
plete the deal and lost the $1,000,000.
At that time Carnegie stated mat tne
next time he set a price It would
be high. This statement Is being re
ferred to as evidence that tne price
placed Is considerably above the par
value of $1,000 a ahare. It ia un
derstood In the Carnegie building that
Mr, Carnegie has taken eteps to pro
tect the Interests of his younger part
ners. One of the few officials of the
company who conld be seen today
said In relation to tbe report from
New York that the minority stock
holders had taken steps to block the
gtm is f xrccTto soon.
st Brliala's Xlad la Had Bp a the
Caaal QaaetUa. .
LONDON, Feb. . It has been
learned by a representative or tne
Associated Press that a reply will
shortly be sent to the United States
Nicaragua canal project, n win not. ,
comply with the senate's demands.
Neither will It be In the aature of
g flat refusal, though for purposes
of Immediate construction It will be
tantamount to sucb a reiuaat. it win
consist mainly In a counter proposal,
or proposala, likely to necessitate ex
tended negotiations. The nature or
the proposal Is not yet aacertainatole.
Lord pauncerote win prouavuij uw
the medium through whom tbe an
swer will be sent aad by whom the
subsequent negotiations will chiefly
be conducted. In British omcial opin
ion It la likely that several montns
win elans before the matter reaches
a conclusion, by which tine tha Hay-
Pmunrefete treaty win nave wpaeo on
the basis of the senate's amendments.
The British counter proposals are bow
farmalatlng and It la hoped as en
tirely new agreement, satisfactory to
both countries, win evsntaauy ,.aw
asatas SeSU Beaaeartas.
BRISTOL, Teas.. Feb. 8 -The leg-
IsUture of Virginia today accepts
from Teansssss the ceaawa ot oae
half of Mala street in this rtty aa tbe
hoandary Ilea between the two atataa.
The asattar haa bees Is Utigatloa for
maay years. , . ;. .
r?f-j rjf taw 'Cia '
Btgke-Taa 4M4 atoyaf Marrsy. (a PaayS
cxrSTCN. IsU Fab.
" to fln O htsrv
it;:3!..'J' i . j, -.C W .VW.', l-f," .