Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 07, 1901, Image 8

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TaTBBSAY, FB. 7th, 1901.
Co, r. Ctaa, Editor and Prop.
F. E. . T B. A. tune takes.
0.s.adaea. M:ieo. , Mixed 7:S
S North-We3tern
f. B. M. V. & K U tbi M
- to and from tbe
Choice, Freeh and
bom cured Meats
and houM rendered
Lard, salt Fisb.
floe line of Grocer-
tea, Tobaccos. Cigars and Candies, Kate
aad greea Apple. Highest price paid
' far Hides and Produce, at
Smith's ed "Front
Boy Maine, has been confined to bis.
bed this week with the grip.
Jiha Deikman, spent Sunday at
Crawford, and returned on Moods jr.
Father MrNamara will celebrate
mam at the court house in Harrison, on
8aturdar. March, 9tb, 1901.
BTTemperanre rally. At the church
next Sunday evening. Subject: "The
am of the license system,'' .
When we pause and listen attentive
ly, it seems as if we can 'certainly bear
the sweet chimes of of wedding belts.
Mrs. Alex Iwry, was quite sick the
for part of this week. Di. Pbinaey hav
ing been railed to to prescribe for her.
The Koo.i boys disposed of their
ranch southeast of town to Rot. Nece
closing up the doal on last Monday: tbey
also disposed of the cattle they bad
down there too. We did not learn what
the consideration was.
-Mrs. & F. Gilberts, of Five Points,
, hes rommenced proceedings in the Dist
rict court against her husband, asking
faradcere of hvorce,and praying for
slimaaryaad the custody of ber children,
Attoraay Crutbris his been employed by
Amr. rJuriMs Sevddlca,
i VtmSmn, Cmti Cardwars.
- 1 eeeeity lathees
mm&m m test Monday.
I" : 'OnsassAssianer Meag,
4srhMa are lesirtg quit
a Mssbrr f
tvttm w ta hie vicinity
. CTsswis. KHUeWy and Hester, who
: went weet law week, for a ear or two. of
i Monday evening.
" Bopt. Brke. weo to wen, tvmmmj
eeeoieg to eadeaver to adjust
rJiealM3cuKie. He returned thisaoon.
T I C Lewie f Andrews, has two
' three years old registered short born
balls for sale. Price S50 00 eacli. Will
Jrade (or I hero as good.
. Elder St-barusborn, presc-nad lait
sabbslh, morning and evening, to large
-ongremiioiM. Ber. Schansabera, is
welrom visiter always.
A. UeOialey sad V. A, Uaeter. bar
kai tbrW rS far f aanths
'r!ir'p Jt$&l 'the
$i-JtjmK ttoasrhul DeWit
ms hi special
ssperts several
;?y-'FT""-&tas-Jts aUu yea ask far
5' tU ' i rmMMt is a osrtsin eure far
Ol tact Taaajhy. the aoUeys who
- : 71 fcw Utt awty at Ft
?. t'-J2m with the iwrnfta hft th port
.... ':;f::Ji tig,;
, , .?C .C-f;iif.ms tt '
V " J.
1 c
Betrayed (ram Al Hill's pastor last
April, on bay mar with white star in
fart aod white aaip on aoee Bad branded
on left Also bras
shoulder dedooleft
jaw; weight about
1150. A sniteMe rewsrd will be gives
for her return or information of her
wbere-a-boute. Address Bodarc, Nb.
Osixy Wbbtz.
The undersiiroed will rive a dares
in Harrisoa, at Andrews Hall, on Friday
evening, March 13th, 1901, flood mas c
and time assured. Everybody invited.
t Dab Slattoy.
Managers. ; - ( Joni Farunr.
Marsteller Bros., have tbeir mechan
ics on the ground puttlcg in the stone
piers for their new warehouse, this
morning. ,
Charles Smith' was to tows test
night from Hear Hewitt, He has just
recently recovered from a siege of small
pox and mumps. " -
Orandpa Orewell and son Charley,
were up from the south end of the coun
ty this week. They report Henry Boss's
family who bav been sick, . k.
Joan Anderson, baa purchased the
residence bow occupied by O. W. Hester,
aad w presume just as toon as be gets
possession of tbe property he will make
some much needed repairs.
The. lingering oough following
grippe calls for Oae Minute Cough Cure.
For all throat and lung troubles this is
to only harm less remedy that gives im
mediate results. Prevents consumption.
J. E. pRunnre. :
Mr, Henry Deickmnn and- Mr. Joe
Lodwig cam into town this morning
and informed as of too death of Fred Jf.
Witt, at 8 o'clock this morning. Tbe
family funeral services will be conducted
st tbe Iste borne of tbe deceased, at 10
o'clock, a. m. on Saturday moraine, and
concluded at tbe M. K. church in
Harrison at 2 o'elock p. in.. Obitoary
notice will appear in our next issue.
Car load of Sampson Wind mills, and
also car of Bet-bed Wire. Quick ssies
and small profits. C aad maks ar
rangements for anything wanted.
A. McGisley's, windmill - wheel
Wown from the tower by the bt
gale oo uwtt Saturday afternoon.
-Mrs. Lizzie Hixsen, daughter of F.
Witt, returned from Montana, Satur
day noon, to be at tbe bedside of ber
skk father.
Miss Nora Bourette, who be spent
the past two month's at Chadron, tbe
guest of her stjter Mrs. Jameson, ret
urned to ber home tbe flrstof thb week.
-Siac last Saturday sveaing tbe ele
ments has taken oo a decided whHery
appearanc. Duriag that period asmacfa
saow has fallea, as w have bad duriag
tbs eotire esaso.
C. K Soesser, who Uvea atCrawford,
aad who is general orgsafssr for tbs
Called Moderns ia western Nebraska,
passsd through a tbs westbound train,
for Dearer, Monday.
C. A. Poddy, of Glen, was ia town
the first f this week, delivering th
books for wbkbba.too the orders about
four weeks sgo. Everybody eeeros to be
gngt! plw.'-ed. with the work.'
Mrs. B. F. Gilberts, of Bodarc, has
rented tbe house in town, owned by
Herbert Lacy, and recently vacated by
Frank Johnson, she moved a part of ber
effect ioto the biiding yesterdsy.
Their promptness and their pleasant
effects make DeWitt's Little Early Bis
era most popular little pills wherever
they are kao ., They are simply per
fect lor liver aod bowel troubles. J. E.
W regret very much to aaoooncs
to one BMny readers thhr waehi lbs
death of Mis Dora OwMiaa, sidest
daughter of Andrew Chrietini, of Flsas
Bidge,at4 oVtock f aasiay aXteraeoa.
W hep to be sbte to give saw of Um
aanieafars ia oar nxt he a.
: -Mr. & W. Ball. lerbara. B. Eak.
who arriyed here a week jas, oa a yhit
with bis son aad family , received word
that bis sirter at Cdors, Iowa, wasqeita
Kh aad aet axaotei to live, lasses.
Cr. Hall, left tXmtUf svate for ths
aaoy ssaat:.a, ta at leaasat at tha
-Thssaaisjrt syarsl .
erJ'a wzzli:3 ' rl fcrrC '
U!jrst i.-jr' yffi.'
rsi ij ii r 7 vo
-j .: t j; "ju:
rl'. t -j;o di til
- rC.rc t
"ft "riU' Y
V-4 11 VwVllMkJ
write more eaoonragifig news from Dors
Cbristiaai's eh.-k bed, Che is very poorly
on this Sunday "evening. We do hope
to be able t say that she w feeling bet
ter by tomorrow morning.
Mrs. Hamlin's mother, of Audubon
oouoty, la., arrived bar on test Friday
for a few weeks visit with her daughter.
Charles Christian, has been feeling
suite poorly tbe last week or so.
MiM Amy Christian, wss with ber
skk coo ia Dora, from Saturday- after
noon until Sunday evening. She is
teaching la tbe Z. O. Deuel district aad
has two months of school yst.
Mr. Murphy, has moved tbe house,
lately occupied by Miss Steers, onto bis
claim oo mil north of tbe cemetery,
Mrs. J. H. Newlio, and Mrs. Eva E.
Christian, received tbe sad news of tbe
death of their Aunt, Mrs. Esther Swish
sr. of Gleodon, Is., which occurred OS
Saturday Feb. 23rd.
Mrs. Harry Deuel was ia Hanson, tbe
first of tbe week having a double est of
teeth made by Dr. Beicbards.
It ia now vice president Booasvelt, if
yoa please,. "
Dora Christian, received a nice bou
quet of cut Bowers, on last Saturday's
mail. It was a present from the Jr.
TheoDhaeiaos of University Place, of
which she hi a member. Also a very
nice touching letter from tbe correspon
ding Secretary, showing the bigh esteem
in which sbs is bsld by tbe members of
the society,
Chris Christian and wife, visited at tbe
sick bedside of their niece, Dora, on last
Sunday, and sat up with bsr that night.
Francis Deuel, who is working for
George Turner, was a fsw minutes call
er oo last Sunday. Zaatu
Gems From
the Trenchant
Pen of Clio.
The Saturday's press eooveyed tbe sad
intelligeocs of tbs death of our friend
Nellie Thorn too. The afflicted family
bav our sympathy. Aa her sufferings
an bow over, your toes is but her gain.
Sooner or later ail must pass oyer tbe
earn river.
W sincerely bop Mrs. Era Christian
may soon get rid of ber troubleeome
rbsomatism aad ws rejoioe that Miss
Dora is better.
We hope Ed Boss aad family wees act
eelfieb enough to take tbe smallpox frets
his brothers family. , Whea it oae gets
into a family they oagbt to be allowed
to keep it, aad not bare th neighbors
carry Kaway.
Neither did we recognise Zekiel, but
be bucbaagedso much sine w left
there, we did not even recognise him
xmas viewing th tree, If be bappeas
do-.vu this wiy be better bring a Prr.
W are expecting soon to hue runl
mail delivery. , W are now oa th cor
ner of Inskip aad Davideoa streets aad
will have daily mail . Davidson etreet
is th livsliest street teading out of town
Too much travel to suit me whea the
wiad is in tbe south.
Saturday was a lovely day, yesterday
it was a little cooler, aod this morning
it is tryiss Hu. will not
sow any seeds today. Grass is starting
niosly. : CUO.
Central Qty, Neb. March 4tb, (901.
Special Cc.iri:r.s
Harrisoa, Nstiaska,
March 4. ltL
CiMrd f Caly Cnsssnlssriri met pur
SMt to M order from tbDistrietCert
of thlh Judicial Dwtrict of Bears-
ka by W. H. Westorer, oa of th Jodg.
sf eaMCeart, to act aao aaa daka
fled by A. W. Crites aad W. H. Faa
akar agaioet Sioax Cooaty of CiJI, for
defoadSag Cbaiies Bosssll Oa obarge of
ardor. ':
Oef motion mid claim Ho, td is re
jected by said Board, assaai by E. Boh
W W 9 MfffV
war, L.1'. Lewis aad Jaa a Katrj kossaty
, wm J. A. Ba8V4 Ctsrk.
,' ,Cyva-Crm, Bryttjr.
1 ' r m in i i " t 1 ,
... tr-iwCrcrrr; '
I wl:lfs(r? CJ sLt 13,
tx" a r fca irraat. af A';aaa
., m .
If there b aay truth la lb old sayiag
MaMfa will this year Ids dspartara with
the m kotos of a lamb; for bis roar oa
Saturday afternoon aad sgaia Saaday
night, would bav put any lion to
Balph tbe infant sob of Matt Hall,
been very tick during tbe pest weak with
throat troule. Dr. Meridelb cam up
from Crawford last Saturday, to attend
th little one, who who we learned Su
day evening was much better.
The little daughter that lately arird
to grace tbe home of Mr. aad Mrs. Geo
Woblbeter, is tbs central poiot of at
traction for uocle Louis, who bow wear
bis Sunday smile every day.
J. W. Hunter, 1 about to relinquish
the Bodarc post office, his mtcoeoeor w
loara will be J. B. Bradley, who ia build
ing a new house on tbe Boweo place.
Our old neighbors Mr. A Mrs. Samuel
Hail, are one mors in tbs valley, visit
ing their soaM.
C. E. Boa is having a tusssl with la
gri pe this week.
Zekiel was at one time a near neighbor
uf ours and ws remember him as nvr
looking very roboust but, we are sorry
to see him looking so very frsgil sow,
think bs must bav xaustd bis surplus
vitality in caring for bis pets, those mod
bill cranes. Bnt cheer up Zekiel, Spring
time and frrasshoppers sre soon coming.
Wbil Nebraska has enjoyed a mild
and open winter some of the eastern stat
es tell a different story, below we give a
newspaper bligpiog which was seat tbe
writer by a brother living in the old Pioa
Ire state. M. A. C.
BINGHAM, Ms., Feb. 13-Fur more
Una a week the roads leading north,
weet and east from this Villsg have
been impassable and until last night no
mails had been received from Th Forks
Abbot Villsg or ths lines west. Tbs
villagers ber last evening were treated
to a surprise when Aeory Caswell, th
drivr of tbe mail stags between this vil
lage and Abbot arrived at tbe Bingham
poatofBc with ths mail that bad been
delayed a week. The stage last evening
consisted of tbs driver, Mr. Caswell aad
fate Sbuls '-PtM mounted on snow shoes
aad earring several pouches, while Mr.
caswell himself wore snow shoes and
carried a pouch. Tbe distance between
this place and Abbot villsge is twenty
four miles aad all that distance tbe man
aad beast bad come during yesterday.
having started early ia tbe morning.
Thdsnow shoes that were rigged oa tbe
mal ar of narrow and stout oak
frames. Strongly woven with mooee
hid. They are only half the width of
the article worn by tbe man and do not
hav the long slim end, Tbey were eo
fastened to "Pete's" ankles that whea
th beast stepped tbey operated as do
tbs regular enow iboe on th foot of a
man, Mr. Caswell said tbe mute step
ped on bis shoes bat twice for tbe whole
trip and got outside of tbe roadway but
e. Maa and beast started on tbe re
turn irip this morning, both oa scow
Uvanccs Won
derful Vi3Y3.
Heted Prafuaar Belwre Hataa wUl
be Barled t tbe Earth
. ,.tn ltS4V
Chicago, March 1 "The abode of Sa-
tea is the planet . Saturn, where be is
aow aod has for years been praparing
for bis final Stengel with God aad ths
This stroggW will begifl ia th latter
part of 1900, being the celestial straggle
witoeseed by tbs Bvnngelist and describ
ed ia tbs Book of BevslaUoB. and Satan
will bt burled out of Saturn to tbe earth
whoa th Baal stroggl for bis ultimate
aad aerpetoal subjugation will be
feogbt. :
Bach was th asasrUo of Jofaa H.
Fultoa, M. A., of EdistwrghTJaiverBity,
aad at on tiaw professor of Oriaatal
hwgaages hi the Royal University of
d hi Imperial Uaivereity of
Er. FUaa, la prrparisg a hook, th
raaalt of barjr ooatiaaed ecteatifio m
search, aad which he eostoeds will speet
eaTwJa . iaswSaar: www! J3wkwP awawo aat
It b) as to lo tofonwi.
Imwovar, that Cb Faltoa isks thr
stsat degre a oiepth) as to hihikal
trotha. Oa th 4rry , b is a firm be
Covor la lb CMsOsit felSli as foaaaW
fitatZM. j, "' 1 .4
Cy ssj ftio:'$ t tad Uat
yaam fcsar Cry co alaoHted tafko
GarCM of tiia, wa araaM ky
(TOMn CiJi-JtttMb Tiotrsas-
Crtr iUc' ttowtwrj. b
sttrrisl CrtMaMh saaa.V Ood
rt hCj wi baaa, aod ansa is a
, rTcrr r:sa af$ ttl H gf
r-i f Croak trl U sJI
t .-atcJUA
.. JL.
Drugists Sundries, ;
Paints Oils. Varnioheflr .
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor:
Tho GommorGifll Dank.
C. Coffee, President - F. W.Clabke, Cashler.
Chas. C. Jameson. H. S. Clarke, A. McGinlxt,
Stockmen having use for a bank at thin point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking bnsine.
We are prepared to take care of our trade at all timespe
I7e are Smashers Too.
While Mrs. Nation is smashing saloons in Kansas,
MARSTELLER BROS., are emashing prices in Har
rison, Nebrasxa. '
When the quality and quan
tity of our goods are taken
into account, all -who trade -with
us do not hesitate to
say that on r goods of every
discription are better and
cheaper than can be bought
any where in town.
. We are head quarters for
Dry Goods & Groceries,
Hardware & Tinware,
Boots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps,
Flour & Feed,
Salt & Crockery,
Lumber &c. &o.
Mail orders promptly filled. .
We can, and do sell goods cheaper than any of
our competitors and for a verification of what we say
we cordially invite every body who are in need of
any thing in our line to come in and examine stock of
goods and obtain prices before buying elsewhere and
be convinced for themselves
Very Respectfully, .
Marsteller Bros.
foO06 C04O4O4Oe0O40e00O00OeOOa
Prctfx:i:rl Csrds.
; tnornjy-d-law.
Frompt atteotioa given to all legal
matters in Justice, County aad District
Oarte, and befor the United Stater
Fir IsearsBBs writtea ia rsUabk
tTLsgat. papers carefully draws.
fi. . fCoaacJf rft, AtUrwj,
. rri ItalilCoTt.
ssrjJCm'awl sassoJswesSaV .liaisrls aaaa'ekaa- sVo5
fr'?r-f 1 tfl'sTrgrt)
si t riLn frtzt aCtsh,
OiCM - trastxa.
-yf irr.yaila.
' I U, ) , Cb Cirar
. - , yr rJIiO
-1. -t.ri-v ,
In Tko County Court of Sioux
County Xtfaraalue.
la the Mstter f Tbe Eetste af Stncp ,
Otarlelrt, II I.
Oraer rortay a aesrlac of peutiea tor
appoUtMt of admlaiatratns.
teteef krsk,
kieasCMetf. ) '
At a Osaaty Ooert, asM at tbe Oeaaty
Ooert Betm, ta 4 reresw Usaaty, Msrsb
frmiet CbstVs 1. tcsllt. Ceaaey Jaags.
Oa reedlageag aitaff asMtie ef Matilda
Oibrloht. prsylea saat edsstawajauea e taa
essstoef Jeespk OlbtUM msy be geaaeat
MstlMa OlbrWht as aCsUsMraSrls.
Orerea,at Mewesy taearMasyaf Aa
ru. a. d. tan, ss ean erlosk . m. w i
eaioraearmgeaM seMHoa, waaj
ataosanty eeartsss keaf, ia aa4 fee eatd
the seaver ef th astlelsssi ehaaM ass to
areata tee asst aottss of th faaiiaiiy
eyaewasanieaeai the hsartag aamaf,to
atvaa toalt urssns latereen la saM sm.
tar, by aeSBeWat easy r this araertata
a rasaj i iiessAL, a week! aw
nrlaied la saM eeaatr, far fee e.
Mrs weeks, arier to sett day af
two. I.rracej7.) m. K9tvt.
harJCm: kUunzxi antJ km?
r .
k 7t.T-.pv- v. , ( TV
t t Ctt. A.' r, r.';-.!
::.TJt 1 1; ' .rr'S er i fc