Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 07, 1901, Image 7

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    i ! CZL tw IjlTg ht" "
frw l com. Mid from tha Mat. afar.
i Merit's shadow mm apnea: tba km
- aaraathes nt bar vesper friamaoe art
It close;
JLmM yetvlar, godlik. gleams the vaaintr.
U br; mti just enough ef
, to fltasa Ita presence fait; thara U mm
A rsbto'a lullaby, a erlckat'a ehlrr
Jfa avian; air In all tha traaa around.
Tfcaa would I have Ufa's busy Journey
( With ahadawa sweeter than tha Clara
t of day,
i With muelo (oft, and In tha dappled
after after star, aa bcra and thara
tiidas forth to bleaa tha pilgrim old
and cray.
That, Ilka tha twilight, puta hla bur
dans by. C. O. B.
A Fcrtlrnsss.
(Copyright, 1M1: By Daily Story Pub. Co.)
Ostensibly 81 was a farmer and
blacksmith, and occasionally a cattle
ttrover, but aa the agricultural region
about blm was poor, and the pasturage
though extensive was Interior, being
covered chiefly with pine straw, a diet
to which the cheep and cows did not
take kindly and upon which with the
'perversity of dumb "critters" they re
fused to fatten, the Income from even
triple employment like this would
seem to be necessarily limited.
But genius is always superior to cir
cumstances, so Emerson says, and SI
exemplified the saying by always hav
ing an abundance of the comforts of
life and a plenty of money. His wife
always appeared in a new dress at
each annual protracted meeting, his
beys woro store shoes, and always had
powder In their gourds and shot in
their pouches. As for 81 himself, he
owned a breach-loading gun a drum
mer might not disdain, and used
jreal smokeless powd?r cartridges. His
nefghbors told visiting friends from
across the river In Amite county, that
'81 actually paid two and a half cents
piece for these, and the nelchbors
beard the statement with unbounded
wonder at such evidences of wealth.
J When collections were taken up for
,lrtit iyi prcaclsf called "the spread
Ing of the gospel of the sweet Savior
among the heathen in China and the
pore Catholics in New Orleans," 81 al
ways put a dollar in the hat, Mrs.
'Hardsook fifty cents, the boys a dime
each, and little Lodclla, the only girl
life laUifly, a silver quarter, in con
sequence Si passed for a deeply .e
llglous man. and the parson always
called him Brother Hardsook,
.Nor was Si's generosity purely ec
clesiastical. He had been frequently
known to leave the railroad with as
many as two one-gallon Jugs full ot
"llcker" and arrive home with the
Jugs, owing to a liberal sampling of
their contents on bU own part, and a
generous distribution of the same to
all be met, who universally at first re
fused to drink, but finally consented
being as how it was Si as offered the
llcker, and they would "moist a little,
not as they were wlne-bibbers and
gluttonous, but would take a swig for
"the good of their Innards."
Most of his. neighbors drank what
was offered them and asked no ques
tions and made no remarks. But some
of them were deeply and audibly per
plexed as to where SI got all this
money. Certain circumstances con
nected with 81 would linger in their
minds and what waa worse break out
on their tongues. They would com
ment bow the cattle of neighbors near
81 bad a way of disappearing Just
when they were "most fitten" for mar
ket. But in that great unfenced coun
try what was there to prevent cattle
from straying? "Dumb critters." said
81, "are mighty blgglty and roaming
some any bow, and will some times
Just rash to their ruin."
Some times also In the fall country
tons near him were robbed and their
safes blown open Just after the money
had bees received from the town banks
to pay for the Incoming cotton. It was
strangs coincidence that after such
robberies St bad mora money and dis
tributed mora "llcker" than usual. But
ft said "Ufa la full of coincidences and
mystery according to the scriptures."
"Leastwise," added ht. "that Is what
the parson saya the Word says, and I
ala't tba mas to dispute a ilcanaad
minister of tha gorsepell, nor Is you
nuther, neighbor?" ha would ask of bis
listener as hs lovingly toyed with tba
trigger of bis famous gun.
"No, Indeed," replied the neighbor
with alacrity, edging off a little. "I
don't dispute the parson nuther you.
.You air both right as fer as I knows
on." . - .. ...
" SUIT some folks would prove "too
leaky of tongue' Ib regard to Bl's af
fairs, and It waa strauge how the corn
cribs and cotton bouses of these
'"measly back-cappers," as 81 called
them, had a habit of taking ftre In tbe
dead hours of the night
But one day the grand Jury actually
Indicted 81 for grand larceny. He was
. accused ot stealing ten head of cattle
'from Mart Bmlggles. The chief wit
ness against 81 was Dune Swsrrington,
a good-natured farmer too stupid to
be dishonest whose farm adjoined the
road over which 81 had to drive tha
cattle to New Orleans. The testimony
was strong tor the stste. 81 could al
most hear the doors of tha penitentiary
opening upon him. "It was an awful
experience for a Christian," ha used to
say In after years, but then he would
add, "them the Lord loveth ho chases."
H wont upon the stand and testified
In his own behalf. He acknowledged
that he told the cattle. It was trut
fee was a farmer, ha said looking at
tha farmer jurors, a stockman It they
would. He was uneducated too. no
- rajor arownd of lawyers and court
-v -s. tar ha tbsvrst an honest tara-
i rUao tit to e tela. est
and so ha did not know much lav, but
ha bus a Christian and an all lanes
ana fir4 he hoped be did know what
was right, if ha did not know what was
lawful, -two mighty different things,"
he saM, "as some amongst you knows,
what baa had homes elosed out under
deeds 'af trust tor debts you never
made and things yoo never bought"
Tba sale ef tba cattle, be went on.
bad coma about this way. Ha was go
ing to New Orleans with a tins bard.
Among than was a most likely male.
"I wish' yon could bava seen blm,
ledge." be said deferentially to that
magnate.-"He had great shlney horns
same as if they waa polished np fer
powder horns, and curls Uka a city gall
right down between them horns. And
waa hlgb-steppln as a preacher or a
railroad conductor."
As he was driving this mala by
Mart's pasture. Mart's heifers bad
loped out and mixed with his cattle.
He had called for Mart, but be could
not make Mart hear. He himself had
driven the heifers out of the cattle four
times at least, but they Just would
come back. The attractions of that
male were simply terrible, no preacher
was more powerful among the sisters.
It looked like witchcraft or boodoo or
something to him what wcrn't natural.
Finally be tired out driving such contrary-minded
brutes. "A man can't be
expected even by the law to spend bis
whole time fooling with a-pacsell of
cows when he's got an honest living
to make. ' Bo he wss forced to let
Mart's old heifers go to thunder; but,
would they believe it they had actual
ly followed blm plumb to New Orleans.
What was he to do with them? Leave
them in the streets to be taken up and
appropriated by the city folks? Not
much! They already got a plenty of
country folks' stuff any way by clos
ing out mortgages and deeds of trust
without Just miking them a present c!
the finest cattle In Marlon county. So
he bad been compelled to sell those
heifers along with his own. Moreover
he was tender of heart and could not
"Don't shoot the kids, St"
bear to pait them from that likely
male. - It was true be had never of
fered Mart the money, but he had not
had time to do so. With his wire
sick, and Lodelia punlng around all
the time and grass just a wbooplus in
his cotton, he had not been able to go
over to Mart's and take the money.
He was going to do so. on the very
next day, when tbe sheriff bad come
and Jailed him." "To show you gen
tlemen," he concluded, "that I ain't
got no hard feeling agin Mart, though
I ain't saying be isn't treated me
wrongful, I will give him the vally of
them heifers here and now." With
that he flung the money on the table
In the court room. The Jury retired
and soon brought in a verdict of not
As the crowd was pouring out of the
court room Si nudged Dune on the
arm and said:
"So, you swore agin me, did you,
"I bad to. Si; I war on oath to tell
the truth." . - -
"That's all right about the truth,"
said Si sarcastically. "We all knows
you Just loves the truth. Just fattens
on it And I ain't denying that the
truth is a good thing In Its place, but
I want to leave with you that the
truth don't stop no lead."
As he walked homeward Dune con
cluded that a change of air would be
good for bis wife's lungs. So be sold
out bis little property at a sacrifice
and moved to Louisiana.
One night after family prayers Si's
oldest boy said: "Pap, whan are you
goln' to kill that hound of a Dune
"When the crop Is laid by, Bonnie.
I am too busy now to indulge In pleas
ure. Business fust, my boy."
One morning when the last Yarrow
had been plowed, and there was no
blacksmith work to be done, 81 said
to bis wife: "Mammy, hand me ' my
gun, I guess I've got time to kill Dune
A two days' ride brought him to
Dune's place. He slipped through tha
pine brush to tbe edge ot the held
where Dune was plowing. Hi slowly
trudged bare-footed behind a steer that
dragged a worn out plow. HI white
wool hat tull of holes, flapped over bis
face, bronsed and drawn, hunger and
over-work written all over It Not far
off Dune's largest boys were hoeing,
followed by their sister, all bare-footed
and ragged. Further and near tho
woods vu a six year old youngster.
Dune's baby chap, with a long slrader
polo minding the gap In tha fence Dune
had not yet had time to mand.
81 suddenly confronted him with his
gun. Tsken by surprise Dune started,
and trembled a little at first, but soon
recovering faced bis enemy without
"Don't shoot the kids, SI," was all
be said.
But Si replied: "Don't be nowise on
easy, Dune. I have rode a hundred
miles to kill you, but I guess you are
worse off hero than you'd be In boll.
80 I forgives you. Fully and freely
forgives you."
81 then started off, but wheeling sud
denly pitched a silver dollar ever In
the Bold to the ajnaced Cvse, saying:
"Core, bay that air -freed
r vn''l tcft C"V f!l Irti
Mr cast SaiWs aa Earth.
At tba Washington navy yard tha
government has thai largest pair of
scales In eslateatee. They will wvtgb
anything up to 150 tons and. what Is
equally remarkable, tbey will accur
ately register tha weight ot objects
so light as a single pound.
Wall raid Janitors, .
The school commissioners of New
York City have Just mad public tbe
list of Janitors of school buildings for
tbe coming year. It appears that the
average pay of Janitors If about one
third greater than tbe average pay of
teachers In the public school.
Twelve Bs-Oovaraora.
Vermont Invites Inspection of her
twelve ex-governors as examples of
how conducive the states cold winters
bow conducive the state's cold winters
boys have always been long lived.
They don't run to flesh, but they last
Senatorial fads.
Several United States senators are
base ball enthusiasts. Among these
Mr. Clark ot Wyoming 13 one of the
most ardent, while Senator Malloy of
Florida was once catcher on the
Georgetown college nine.
pa as.Oe Ha Qaaraataei to Da That
for Wbleh a Lady Offar Him 0)1 00.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 25, 1901.
(Special.) Some two years ago a lo
cal druggist engaged In a transaction
which was in its details somewhat re
markable He was visited by M sj
Anna P. Nichols, who had a doctor's
prescription for rheumatism, which
tbe druggist was filling. In the course
of conversation the good lady said: "I
would give one hundred dollars to get
He Immediately replied: "Give mo
five dollars and I wlU guarantee to
cure you."
' She agreed, and he at once banded
her a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills, say
ing: "They are 60c a box. Two boxes
may cure you, but I am quite sure that
ten will."
Miss Nichols tells the story as fol
lows: "Dodd's Kidney Pirs are verit
able life preservers. I was troubled
for live years with Rheumatism, so
that at times my right arm seemed
paralyzed and I could on walk with
difficulty, and cou'd not go ou ot
doors it the air was damp or cold. I
took so much medicine that I think
my system was poisoned rather than
helped. One day when my druggist
was putting up a prescription for me
I remarked to him that I would give
one hundred dollars for a remedy that
would make me better."
" 'Give me five dollars and I will
guarantee to cure you,' he said. I
readily agreed and he handed me a
box ot Dodd's Kidney Pills, siying,
'They are 00c a box. Two boxes may
cure you, but I am sure that ten will.'
I left my prescription Intact and, in
stead, took these Pills, and I found
them, as I said before, to be veritable
life preservers. Before I had finished
the second box 1 had my first perfect
night's rest in years. I gradually im
proved. I had determined to use the
ten boxes before I would give up, but
imagine my surprise to find that be
fore half that quantity waa used I was
completely cured. This was two years
ago, and I have not had a twinge
Miss Nichols Is Vice Grand Baxter,
Rebekab Lodge I. O. O. F., and is one
of the best known and most highly
respected ladles In Kansas City, snd
her experience will be read with Inter
est by her many friends.
Dodd's Kidney Pills never fall to
cure Rheumatism. They are 50c a box,
six boxes for 12.50. Buy them from
your local dealer If you can. If be can
not supply you, send to tha Dodds
Hadictne) Cu., Buffalo, K. Y.
Among every 70 births there is a
pair of twins.
f-VA A A A 0.
Back up a sewer, and you poison the whole neighborhood. Clog up liver and bowels, and your atomach Is fun of undigested food, which
ours and ferments, like garbage In a swin-barrel. That's the first step to untold misery Indigestion, foul gases, headache, furred tongue, bad
breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. CASCARETS quietly, positively stop fermentation la the
stomach, make the liver lively, tone up the bowels, set the whole machinery going and keep It In order.
Don't hesitate ! Take CASCARBTS to-day and be saved from suffering
1 1
5 aJby' brV.
wv 1 MSrf wuMaeea to trvCASCA t ,
I S "N. X X 1 BbBVbV I wlU Barer be without (hem In tba 'T
S S S X vr sonaa. My Urar waa In a rary bad shape. obV
i' S ji aa4 ssv head aabea eed I aa4 staajah trou- tj,
Pi S I - 11 ' bMw paw. ataee ftaaisg Oasoarete. 1 feel Cos.
i S S. I I 1 leh lay wtiraaanaed tteat with Psne&oUl meat
t I ( V I ''! tmVF&., M a
II V V J J SW Coajrsaa St., gt. Loans, Mo. play,
I I y V! His Snaa.
1 TUB B X. I f -ZCZ' J0c
& !vvt Mime s&p
The gloomiest mountain doesn't
a shadow on both sides at once.
Poa't Oat roMMKl Mac roUT-KASK.
A certain cure for Swollen, Smart
ing, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns
and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. Cures Frost-bites and
Chilblains. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen B. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
In the ladder of success there are
many rounds of failure.
ri Thtor
WeedTerOae Hundred Dollars reward for any
eaaa of Catarrh that casitot be cured by HaU'a
Catarrh Care.
F. J. CHENEY CO.. Props.. Toledo, a
We, tbe undorslgnud, have known . F. X
Cheney (or tba last It yasrs and baUeva him
perfectly honorable la all business transactions
sad nunc tally able to oarry out any obligs
tiona made by their arm.
Weat A Truax. Wholesale Ttmrwimtm Tnlndn
O.; Welding, Kinnao Marrta, Wholesale
Dragglata, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Hatarrb Cure Is taken Internally, aet
ata direct; v upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of tbe system Testimonials sent (roe, Price
neper bout. Hold by allrfi-uggtate.
oau a run; rail are vae peat.
Ingratitude is a vice that renders
all others less disgusting.
It requires no experience to dye with
boiling your goods In the dye is all
that's necessary.
A long walk is a severe trial for
the human understanding.
Teacher What are the Belgians
noted for, Willie? Willie Hares and
blocks, ma am.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 ox. package, for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
The bank tovel Is a sort of finan
cial crash.
f vu in ...... wu r, ' - ...... ......
self. Something Is always wrong. Oet It right
. tm nm nnml Imnt wlttl film.
One wav to kill time when there Is
snow on the ground is to sleigh it.
$148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 rarnam
street, Omaha.
About the only thing anger Im
proves is the arch of a cat's back.
La Grippe conquers life Wizard Oil
conquers La Grippe. Your druggist
sells Wizard Oil.
Great Rfi.rinatory for Glrla.
There is now being erected In the
town of Bedford, N. Y., one of the
largest reformatories for women ever
built in this country. The reforma
tory, which Is to cost $300,000, is de
signed for girls and women from 16
to 25 years of age who are guilty of
first offenses. The cottage system is
to be used and the plan will be ready
for use next summer.
Bet His Vote Away For Life.
Among the tost curious election bets
on record is one made by John P.
Courtney, Democrat, and Harry Wal
lace, Republican, two plumbers doing
business in Minneapolis. The agree
ment was that the loser must for his
life cast his vote as the winner shall
dictate. Courtney, who was a candi
date for alderman in the recent cam
paign, was tlie loser and is now en
gaged in earnest but so far unavail
ing efforts to substitute some other
penalty. Wallace is obdurate and
sweats that Courtney irnut in future
vote the Republican ticket.
Don't Want a Chance In Climate.
A recent Northern visitor to West
ern Florida reports that the negroes
of that section of the state to a man
are opposed to ita proposed annexa
tion to Alabama. They say they do
not like the climate of Alabama, that
It is sickly and unhealthful, and If
Western Florida is annexed they will
all move out, believing that annexa
tion will bring in that objectionable
A divorce suit makes an appropriate
traveling dress.
Mending watches and clocks is one
way to improve time.'
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, tbe only 18 ox. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
A benevolent man owns stock in
tho happiness of all mankind.
The Bast llarb Tan.
Garfield Tea Is msde from HERBS;
there are no harmful drugs In ita com
position. It is tho best blood purifier
known to medical science.
The best net for catching an Amer
ican heiress is a coronet
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, tbe only 16 oz. package for
10 cents.' All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded:
, .
. Champion Smoker.
Judge Ray, one of the New York
delegates in congress, is said to be
able to smoke a cigar faster and to
smoke more cigars In a day than any
other congressman. He' never neg
lects an opportunity to smoke.
Many a small man has a large heart
and vice versa.
"Vale'a New 'Oldest.'
The successor to the place of oldest
living graduate of Yale is Judge L.
W. Cutler, of Watertown, Conn., born
in December, 1807, and graduated in
1829, who has served five terms in the
Connecticut house of representatives,
two terms in the state senate, and
was 24 years probate Judge, retiring
at the limitary period of 70 years.
A DlSenlt Feat.
A New York police commissioner
declared the other day that it was
easier to hang a man for murder there
than to dismiss a policeman. "Last
year," he said, "the board bad to pay
out $130,000 in back salaries to men
who had been reinstated by the
Profits on "Bomola."
George M. Smith, the London pub
lisher, in his "literary recollections
publishing in Cornhlll, says that
George Eliot got $35,000 for "Romo
la," and might have had $50,000 if her
artistic conscience bad allowed her to
divide the novel into sixteen parts,
as Mr. Smith wished.
Suicide Epidemic.
The number of suicides in Paris is
very large at present and the chief
cause is thought to be the general
retrenchment following the exposi
tion, which has thrown many people
out of work. Throughout France
however, suicides seems to have been
Increasing for some time. In the five
years ended January 1, 1901, tho num
ber of suicides was no less than 27,
000. In the senate on the 18th a number
of tributes were paid to the memory
of Judge Samuel Maxwell.
Seven Joints were closed in Great
Bend, Kas by officials as a result of
demand by citizens.,
ia rl.l e).La
a ungmii aiiiMi
WLL rttp vou pat in
Adapted to wants ot the
Fanner, Flahcrmsn,
Teamster, Motorman,
Bancbraan. Miner, etc.
Tans No SnasTrrvTCS. race Catalog; uts
SHOwme f uil Lias o, Oanhchii mo Hats.
S J. Tpwaa. Co. Boto . M.
"I do not feel very well, I am aa
tired all the time. 1 do not know what
is the matter with mo."
You, bear these words every day; an
often as you meet your friends just ao
often are these words repeated. Mora
than likely you speak the same ojfnift
cant words yourself, and no doubt you
do feel far from well most of the time.
Mrs. Ella Rice, of Chelsea, Wis.,
whose portrait we publish, writeatliat
she suffered for two years with bear-ing-dotvn
pains, headache, backache,
and had all kinds of miserable feelings,
all of which was caused by falling anal
Inflammation of the womb, and attar
doctoring with physicians and numer
ous medicines she was entirely cured by
Mm. Ella r.icn
Ljdla E. Flakham's Vegetable Com
If you are troubled with pains,
fainting 6pells, depression ot spirits,
reluctance to go anywhere, headache,
backache, and always tired, please- re
member that there is an absolute
remedy which will relieve you of your
suffering; as it did Mrs. Rice. Proof
is monumental that Lydia E. Pink
hum's Vegetable Compound is the
greatest meuiciue toe Buffeting xromcs.
Ko other medicine has made the cures
that it has, and no other woman has
helped so many women by direct advice)
as has Mrs. Pinkham ; Iter expericne
is greater than that of any living per
son. If you are sick, write and get
her advice ; her address is Lynn. Mas .
Ctfers Free Homes to
SO. COO people on 8,000.
000 acres of lands,
soon to open to settlement. Opportunity of a
lifetime. THE KIOWA CHIEF, devoted to infor
mation about these lands, will contain procla
mation Qxing date of opening, One year fl.OS;
6 moo. 80 cents; 5 cents per copy. MORGAN'S
MANUAL. (Complete Settler s Guide) with Mo
tional map, 11.00. MANUAL. ' MAP and CHIEF.
S num. I1.50. For sale bv Book and News Dealers,
or addreti DICK T. I ORGAN, Parry, 0. T. .
If you take up your
homos In Western Can
ada, the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphleta,
(riving experiences of
farmers who tare b
come wealthy in prow
Ing wheat, report ot
delegates, etc., and full
luioim-iuuii in to reJucc 1 railway rates can be
bad ou application to tbo Superintendent of
Immigration. Dc tmrtmfnt of Iuwrior. Ottawa.
Can at
fa. or to W. V. Bennett, tul M. Y. bUS
Omaha. Neb.
esnet. nook of testimonials ima IS
B!SC0VEYj gives
tint and cores worst
sa D.ra fir.tmssa'
SB. Muut seas, ss a. attasas. Oa.
SPECIAL Tours to Florida, Key West,
Cuba, Bermuda. Old Mexico,
and tha. Mediterranean and
HALT Rates for tha round trir t
many points south on sale first
and third Tuesday each month.
RATES To Hot Springs, Ark., the fa
mous water resort of America,
on sale every day in the year.
Tickets' now on sale to all the winter
resorts of the south, good returning until
June 1st, 19-J1. For rates, descriptive mat
ter, pan.phlets and all other information,
call at O. & 8t. U It. R. City Ticket
Office, 1115 Farnam St. (Paxton Hotel
BldgO or write
C. P. ft T. A. Omaha, Neb.
1 : .