Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 07, 1901, Image 3

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    S6e Bondmeo
Now when the Kairorothers con
cluded that they could never rive rest
to tbelr tender consciences until tbey
bad done right by tbelr poor sister
Oreeba tbey set themselves straight
way to consider tbe ways and means.
Ballacralne they must sell in order
that its proceeds might be taken to
Greeba as her share and interest; but
Hallacrane belonged to Jacob, and an
other provision would forthwith need
to be made for him. So after much
-arguing and some nagging across tbe
hearth of the kitchen at league it was
decided tnat each of Jacob's Ave broth
ers should mortgage his farm to one--sixth
its value, and that the gross sum
of their live-sixths should be Jacob's
-for his share. This arrangement would
have the disadvantage of leaving Ja
cob without land, but be showed a
magnanimous spirit in that relation.
"Don't trouble about me," said be,
"It's sweet and nice to do a kindness
to your own brothers."
And four of his brethren applauded
that sentiment, but Thurstan curled
Utl hla rAfl nnu anH thniifl-ht "Aw va
of coorse, a powerful big boiler of
brotherly love the little miser keeps
going under his weak It."
And having so decided they further
concluded to see the crops off the
ground, and then lose no time in car
rying out tnelr design. "Let s wait for
Ibe melya," said Asher, meaning tbe
hnrvMt hom, "aad thsa off for Marky
the Lord." The person who went by
this name was one Mark Sktlllcorn, an
advocate, of Ramsey, who combined
the functions of pettifogger with those
of money-lender and auctioneer.
Marky the Lord was old, and plausible
and facetious. He was a distant rela
tive of the Fairbrothers by tbe side of
their mother's French family; and It
was a strange chain of circumstances
that no big farmer ever got into trou
ble but he became a client of Marky
the Lord's, that no client of Marky the
Lord's did not In the end go altogether
to the bad, and that poor Marky the
Lord never had a client who did not
die in bis debt. Nevertheless Marky
the Lord grew richer as his losses
- grew heavier, and more facetious as
his years increased. Oh, he was a
funny dog, was Marky tbe Lord, but
there was Just one dog on the island
a shade or two funnier still, and that
was Jacob Falrbrother. This thrifty
soul bad for many a year kept a nest
of private savings, and even in the
days when he and bis brethren went
down to make a poor mouth before
their father at Castletown he bad
money secretly lent out on tbe consci
entious Interest of only three per cent
above the legal rate.
And thus It chanced that when Bal
lacralne was advertised In big letters
on every barn door in tbe north of
Mann, Jacob Palrbrotber went down
to Marky the Lord, and made a private
bargain to buy it in again. So when
the day of tbe sale came, and Marky
the Lord strode over the fields with
some thirty men farmers, miners, ad
vocates, and parsons at his heeis,
and then drew up on the roadside by
the "Hibernian." and there mounted
tbe tlll-board of a cart for the final
reckoning, little Jacob was too much
moved to be present, though his broth
ers were there, all glooming around on
. i j a a w . .let. tlihln
hands in their breeches pockets.
Ballacralne was knocked down
cheap to somebody that nobody knew,
and then came tbe work of tbe mort
gages; so once again Jacob went off to
Marky the Lord, and bargained to be
' made mortgagor, though no one was
to be a whit the wiser. And ten per
cent he was to get from each of his
five brothers for the use cf the money
which next day came back to bis own
Thus far all was straight dealing,
but with tbe approach of the time to
go to Iceland the complications grew
thick. Jscob had so husUanded his
money that while seeming to spend he
still possessed it, and now he was
troubled to know where to lodge that
portion of it which he should not wsnt
In Iceland and might And it unsafe to
take there. And while he was in the
throes of bis uncertainty his brothers
all save John were In the travail of
their own big conception.
Now Asher, Btean, oss and Thurs
tan, having each made up bis mind
that he would go to Iceland also, bad
to cous'der how to get there, for their
late bargaining had left them all pen
niless. The proceeds of the ssle of
Balacraine were lodged with Jacob for
Oreeba, and Jacob also held as his
own what had com to each man from
his mortgage. Bo thinking that Jacob
nast have more than he could want,
they approached him one by one, con
fidentially and slyly. And wondrous
were iae ilea iney torn bibs, ior toey
dan not confess that their sole need
of mdney was to go to Iceland after
him, and watch him that -a did not
cheat them when Oreeba sent them all
tbelr fortunes In return for their
brotherly love of her.
That Asher took Jacob aside and
whispered, "I'm morthat hard pressed
for ft nutter of five sad thirty pound,
. boy Just Ave and thirty, for draining
ad fencing. I make bold to think
vou'll land me the like of it and alt
per east. 1 II be paring reg'lar."
"Ah. I caa't do It, Asher," aald Ja
cob, "for old Marky ne Lord has
stripped me." -
Then cams Btean, plucking a Ut of
Hag and looking careless, and ha aald,
Tvs got a f ae thing oa now. I can
bay a yoke of ploughing oxen for
thirty pound. Only thirty, and a dead
bargain. Can you lend me tne brassT
Bat whlsht'a the word, for Ross Is
necking after them."
"Vary sorry, fHsnn," aald Jacob,
"bat Keen baa been bar before yon,
tsi I've fast test hla the aaoney."
Eos t'.T"H vsm Baal, 4 aald,
from Stean a bit back, and he's not
above threatening to se) me up for a
amy little debt like that. Maybe ye'd
tide me over the trouble ana say noth
ing to Stean."
'-'Make your mind easy, Ross," said
Jacob, "Stean told me himself, and
I've paid him all you owe him."
So these two went their ways and
thereafter eyed each other tbreatlng-
ly, but neither dare explode, for both
had their secret fear. And last of all
came Thurstan, made well drunk for
the better support of his courage, and
he maudied and cried, "What d'ye
think? Poor Baliabeg is dead him
that used to play the fiddle at church
and the old parson wants me to take
Ballabeg's place up in the gallery-loft.
Says I'd be wonderful good at tbe viol
boss. I wouldn't mind doing it neith
er, only it costs such a power of
money, a viol-bass does twenty
pound maybe."
"Well, what of that?" said Jacob, in-
terupting him, "the parson says he'll
lend you the money. He told me so
With such shrewd answers did Ja
cob escape from the danger of lending
to his brothers, whom he could not
trust But he lost nd time down to
Marky the Lord aad offering his
money to be lent out on Interest with
good security. Knowing nothing of
this, Asher, Stean, Ross, and Thurs
tan each in his turn stole down to
Marky the Lord to borrow the sum he
Seeded. Aud omiky the Lord kept bis
own worthy counsel, and showed no
unwise eagerness. First he said to
Jacob, "I can lend out your money on
good security'.'
"Who to?" said Jacob.
"That I've given my word not to
tell. What interest do you want?"
"Not less than twelve per cent,"
said the temperate Jacob.
"I'll get it," said Marky the Lord,
and Jacob went away with a sly smile.
Then said Marky the Lord to each
of the borrowers in turn, "I can find
you the money."
"Whose is It?" asked Asher, who
came the first.
"That I've sworn not to tell," said
Marky the Lord.
"What interest?"
"Only four per cent to my friend."
"Well, and that's reasonable, and
he's a right honest, well-meaning
man, whoever he Is," said Asher.
"That he Is, friend," said Marky the
Lord, "but as he had not got the
money himself he had to borrow it of
an acquaintance, and pay ten per cent
for the convenience."
"So he wants fourteen per cent!"
cried Asher. "Shoo! Lord save us!
Oh, tbe grasping miser. It's outrage
ous. I'll not pay it the Nightman
By away with me If I do."
"You need be under no uneasiness
about that," said Marky the Lord, "for
I've three other borrowers ready to
take the money the moment you say
you won't"
"Hand it out," said Asher, and
away he went, fuming.
Then Stean, Ross and Thurstan fol
lowed, one by one, and each believed
as Asher had done before him. When
the transaction was complete, and tbe
time had come to set sail for Iceland,
many and wonderful were the shifts
of the four who had formed ths secret
design to conceal their busy prepara
tions. But when all was complete, and
berths taken, all six in the same ves
sel, Jacob snd Gentleman John rode
round the farms of Lague to bid a
touching farewell to tbelr brethren.
"Good-bye, Thurstan," said Jacob,
Kitting nn th rr..hor(1 nf th CSrt.
"We'vo had arguments In our time,
and fallen on some rough harm In the
course of them, but we'll meet for
peace aad quetness in heaven some
"We'll meet before that," thought
And when Jacob and John were
gone on towards Ramsey, Thurstan
mounted the tlll-board of his own cait,
and followed. Meantime Asber, Stean.
and Ross were on their Journey, and
because tbey did not cross on the road
tbey came face to face for the first
time, all six together, each lugging his
kit of clothes behind him, on the deck
of the ship that was to take them to
Iceland. Then Jacob's pale face grew
"What does this mean?" ie cried.
"It means that we can't trust you,"
said Thurstan.
"None of you?" said Jacob.
"None of us, seemingly," said Thurs
tan, glaaclng round Into the confused
faces abiut him.
"What! Not your own brother?"
said Jscob.
my cktn,' as the saying is," said
Thurstan, with a sneer.
" 'Poor once, poor forever,' as the
saying is," mocked Jacob. "Last week
you hadn't twenty pound to buy your
viol-bass to plsy in the gallery loft."
Stean laughed at that, and Jacob
turned Hotly upon him. "And you
hadn't thirty pounds to buy your yoke
of oxen that Ross was sneaking after."
Then Rose made a loud guffaw, and
Jacob faced about to him. "And maybe
roi've pal.! back your dirty flve-and-twsnty
pound that Sumo threatened to
sell yon up for?" .
' Then Btean glowered hard at Ross,
and Rose looked black at Btean, and
Asher almost burst his aides with
"And you, too, my dear, eldest
brother," said Jacob, bitterly, "you
have the sdrsnuge of me la years but
not In wisdom. Ton thought like the
rest of them, to get the Money out of
me, to help you to follow us and
watob me. Bo that waa U, waa It?
But I wae tco much for you, ny dear
brother, and rou had to go elsewhere
for your draining aad ditching."
"Bo I had. bad rose to you," said
Asber; "and fourteen ttr rest I had
to pay far the eaafcty loan I got"
At tbst Btean ai C t4 Thar
ataa priKktd. ftp ti 1 1 tx
"And did you pay that fourteen per
cent?" said Stean.
"I did, bad cess to Marky the Lord,
and the grasping old miser behind
him, whoever he Is."
And now it was Jacob's turn to look
"Walt" be said; "I don't like the
look of you."
"Then shut your eyes," said Thur
stan. "Did Marky tbe Lord lend you the
money?" asked Jacob of Acher.
"Ay, he did," said Asher.
"And you, too?" said Jacob, turning
stiffly to Stean.
"Ay," raid Stean.
"And you?" caid Jacob, facing to
wards Ross. .
"I darn say no," said Ross.
"And you, as well?" eaid Jacob,
confronting Thurstan. .
"Why not?" said Thurstan.
"The blockhead!" cried Jacob. "Tht
scoundrel! It was my money mine
mine, I tell you, and he might as well
have pitched it into the sea."
Then the four men began to double
their lists.
"Walt!" said Asher. "Are you the
grasping young miser that asked
fourteen ptr cent?"
"He is, clear enough," said Stean.
"Well," said Thurstan, "I really
think look you, boys, I . really do
think, but I speak under correction
I really think, all things considered,
this Jacob is a damned rascal."
"I may have the advantage of him
in years," said Asher, doubling up his
sleeves, "but If I can't"
"Go to the deVil," said Jacob, and
he went below, boiling with rage.
It was idle to keep up the quarrel,
for very soon all six Were out on the
high seas, bound to each other's com
pany at bed and board, and doomed
to pass the better part of a fortnight
together: So before they came to Ice
land tbey were good friends, after
their fashion, though that was per
haps the fashion of tbe cat and mouse,
and being- landed at Reykjavik they
were once more in their old relations,
with Jacob aa - purse-bearer aud
(To be continued.)
Alexaader Large rhaUnx Known aa
Until the time of Cbarics XII. of
Sweden the artillery was not consid
ered a part of tbe army; the men serv
ing iu it were not soldiers, but regard
ed ns mechanics; the officers had no
rank. Charles XII. gave artillery offi
cers a rank and regularly organised
the artillery into companies. The bat
tle ;f Pavia demonstrated the supe
riorly of the gun in tbe hands of tbe
Epani&h infantry. The musket carried
a two ounce ball, and sometimes
brought down at one Are two cr three
mailed knights. The French sent a
flag of truce to remonstrate r-gVlnst
the use of such barbarous weapons.
Alexander, says Pesrson's Weekly,
had four kinds of cavalry the cata
phraetl, or heavy armed horse; the
light cavalry, carrying spears and very
light,, armour; the acroballstae, or
mounted archers, used for outposts,
patrols and reconnoitering duty; and
the dlmachoe, or troops expected to
act either as cavalry or Infantry.
Alexander the great reorganized his
father's army. The file of lacho.i of
sixteen men was tbe unit; two flies
made a diiochy; two dllochlcs made a
tetrarchy; two tetrarchles a texiarchy;
two of these a syntagura; sixteen of
these a small phalanx; four of them
a tetra pbalangarchy, otherwise known
as a large phalanx. The Greeks at
tacked In a phalanx, the spear Inter
locked and shields overlapping. After
the first onset the spears were dropped
and the day was decided with the
sword. The cavalry attacked the en
emy in the rear, if possible, and, In
case of victory, undertook the pursuit,
VTptlaa Delight at the rroepeet at In
terment In Thrm.
In those huge structures and pyra
midal Immensities, of the builders
whereof so little Is known, they
seemed not so much to raise temples
and sepulchres to death, as to con
temn and disdain it, astonishing
heaven with their audacities, and look
ing forward with delight to tbelr In
terment in those eternal piles. Of their
living habitations they made little ac
count, conceiving them but as Inns,
while tbey adorned the sepulchres of
tbe dead, and planting thereon last-,
ing bases, defied the crumbling
touches of time and misty vaporous
ness of oblivion. Yet all were but
Babel vanities. Time sadly overcom
eth all things, and Is now dominant
and dltteth upon a sphinx, and look
etb unto Memphis and old Thebes,
while his slstor, Oblivion, recllneth
seml-somnous on a pyramid, glorious
ly triumphing, making puzzles of Tl
tanian erections, and turning old glo
ries Into dreams. History slnketh be
neath her cloud. The traveler as he
paceth amazedly through those des
erts asketh of ber, Vho buildeth
them? and she mumbleth something,
but what it Is he heareth not Egypt
Itself has now become the land of
obliviousness and doteth. Her ancient
civility is gone, and her glory has van
ished aa a phantasms. Sir Thomas.
Traaaey la Mew York.
At present the truancy department
employs twenty-all attendance officers
la Manhattan and the Bronx. Their
hardest work la in the Italian and ths
Hungarlaa quarters. Habitual truancy
la punished by a term of thirty daya or
more in tbe truant school, where the
children are boarded and taught at ths
expense of the city. la the past year
MM truants, and 8,608 nonattsndaati
were placed In school, while 230 were
sent to the truant school, and seventy
nine were placed In reformatory In
stltutioBS. Comparatively few gtte
re traaata, aad none are committed
to the truant school.
TM tr rarer lira wad r-j r'Je
U f . ' Oa t:tt A U t '
Imperialism H rem Senator Teller
Bells vea It Is Won la tbe PUHIa
ptoe Than la Haul Some Extracts
from Hla Beceat Speech la the Senate
From a speech by Senator Teller In
the senate, January 4. "I have not
agreed with everybody In this fear of
imperialism. Two years ago last
month I caid In my place here In the
senate that there would not be any
imperialism' in tbe Philippines. The
American people would not allow it
But since then I have seen In those
islands an Imperial government that
has no equal on earth, no counterpart
anywhere under heaven an imperial
government there with five men, and
five men only, strangers to the lan
guage of tbe country, strangers to the
country itself, unacquainted with the
interests of its people, sitting and ad
ministering government, taking the
money of tbe people and appropriating
it without their consent, ignoring the
people entirely.
"The csar of Russia la an absolute
ruler. He has a council of sixty men
who sit with him and consider public
Russians. They are the people of the
country. They hare their sympathies
and their ambitions for Russia. But
these men now sitting and swaying
things In the Philippine islands are
strangers In that land. Under military
law they have a right there undoubt
edly, but under God's law they have
no place or right there at all.
"So I take back what I said here two
years ago. Imperialism has come, has
come la Its worst form, and what I
want to know, along with the Senator
from Maryland (Wellington), is, What
you are about to do now? Are you
going to keep up this imperialistic gov
ernment? Are you going to continue
attempting to govern 12,000,000 of
people contrary to their wish, without
a voice from them or a chance to be
heard, and that, too, when your chief
actor upon the ground-, General Mac
Arthur, tells you that the people of
those islands are a unite against the
administration, and when every Fili
pino In Europe today, where there are
thousands of them, is against our gov
ernment? What are you going to do?
To which question city and state, of
Philadelphia, makes this brief but
comprehensive reply:
"The one thing to do, which we be
lieve the people of this land will soon
er or later get ready to do peremptor
ily, la to demand that we as a nation
quit our meanness, get out of that land
where we have only a factitious right
to be, and atone, so far aa we can, or
make good in the fullest way possibly,
for the ravages we have committed,
the monstrous wrongs we have
wrought It will cost not a little to
do that, but unless all the lessons of
history are false, and rectitude Is all
a dream, it will cost prodigiously more
in the long run not to do it."
He was Just a common sinner,
But he'd 4uy a tramp a dinner.
An' he'd sort o' try to put him on his
An' a feller might be needy
An' his raiment worn and seedy.
Vet he'd stop an' visit with him in the
He made no ado about It
Wouldn't brag around ner shout it,
Vet he did a heap to help his fellow
men; When he'd find a fallen brother,
In some easy way or other
He would make, him organize himself
He bad money, an' be spent it
Er be give away er lent It;
Seemed ex It the more he lost the more
he got;
Made all sorts o' big donstlons,
Helped support his poor relations,
Aa' hs bought an orphan school, a
hovise, an' lot
Never heard o' him a shoutin',
Ner a-settln' 'round a-spoutin'
'Bout the everlastin' wickedness o'
things; ..
But he Just went on a findtn'
Deeda to do an' never mlndln'
Much about a crown er harp with
golden strings.
Yet the deacon's folks It's very
Hard to say It they was merry
When at last death came an' caught
blm In the lurch;
Fer they knowd the devil got 'lm,
An' It served him right, dod rot 'lm!
Fer be never had united with the
(The above verses were written by
David S. Brown of Peoria and refer to
the late Col. Ingersoll. They are re
produced from tbe New York Truth
From the Pittsburg Post: The pen
sion bill now before congress carries
1146,245,230, and Is tho largest one on
record. It exceeds thirty-six years
after the close of tbe civil war ths
aggregate payments for pensions dur
ing the five rears from 1S79 to 1888. It
nearly equals the expenditures of the
federal government for all purposes,
excluding Interest on the public dobt
la 1871, only 30 rears ago. It Is more
than five times the amount the coun
try waa paring for pensions In thir
teen rears after the end of the civil
war. There are a round million names
now on the pinslon list. Tbe total
number of new claims allowed last
fry waa ,I4I, exceeding by more
C 1 13 a reduction eecesloaed la
the roll by the deaths ot old pensioners
36 years after the end of the civil
war. Including with pension our mili
tary and naval appropriations, our war
budget amounts to more than that ot
either France, Germany, Russia or
Great Britain with their immense
standing armi. War taxes are heavier
in the Unit ft States than in any na
tion of Europe.
There goes the workingman
crossing the street
His clothing is shabby,
cheap clothing on hla teet
His hat must have weathered
full many a gale.
Yet he's happy, he carries
a full dinner pall.
What does he care for a home
of his own?
He seems quite contented,
eo let him alone,
He lives In a "shack."
tout his boas does not fall
To see that he carries
. A full dinner pall.
Are his children at school? .
No, they work In a mine.
He drinks beer and whisky,
' his boss guzzles wine.
He seldom eats chicken,
and never eats quail,
Stale bread and poor steak,
that's his full dinner pail.
He's a sovereign voter,
ah, yet so he Is,
But he lets politicians
attend to his "biz."
He's a slave and don't know it,
from eyes pull tbe scale,
So he'll demand more than
' the full dinner pall.
Tv H. West, in the Independent.
Binghamton, N. Y. ,
Children from eight to nine years
of age work in the mills of North Car
olina from six at. night to six in the
morning for the princely sum of ten
cents a night These mills pay a regu
lar dividend of 10 per cent to the
stockholders. Are tbe owners of these
mills human beings? Fancy enjoying
the luxuries of life at the expense of
the labor of little children in the long
hours of the night! The Chinese don't
need missionaries half as badly as do
tbe cotton mill operators of the south.
If they can't be reached by the gospel,
more effective measures should be
adopted, for such barbarities are a dis
grace to the state and nation. It is
not unlikely the plea will be made that
these operators are public benefactors,
Inasmuch as they keep the little ones
out of mlBchlef by furnishing employ
ment at the munificent wages noted.
Typographical Journal.
We will speak out we will be heard,
Though all earth's systems crack.
We will not bate a single word,
Nor take a letter back. ,
We speak the truth, and what care we
For hisses and for scorn,
While some faint gleamings we can see
Of freedom's coming morn?
Let liars fear. let cowards shrink,
Let traitors turn away;
Whatever we have dared to think
That dare we also say.
James Russell Lowell.
Herbert 8. Casson teaches a lesson
by Illustrating the movements of ten
monkeys, who were hunting together.
They discovered a cocoanut across
stream. Nine, ot the monkeys formed
a bridge, over which the tenth passed
safely, and secured the nut He, how
ever,, claimed It as his own, although
he had walked over the bodies of the
other nine to secure it. This Is the
game of the average capitalist today.
This prosperity sample appeared as
an advertisement in the German Mil
waukee Herold last Sunday. We print
It in full without comment:
"Situation wanted. A young Ger
man, who haa worked In hotels and
private houses, desires a situation as
porter in small hotel or In a private
house; he has some knowledge of tend
ing bar and. night clerk, and under-
ta ftrf hor'-S- 4f!4
milking, etc Will work for 12 or
3 a week and board. Kindly address
'K, 177,' Herold office."
John Sherman held office for forty
years and received an average salary
of 18,000 a year. He died worth
12,500,000. There was a splendid ex
ample of frugality and thrift for work
ingmen to follow. Out of a total sal
ary ot $320,000, John, by dint of severe
economy, we suppose, saved two and
a half million dollars, and all of thla
accumulated out of his own labor! If
Industry was fully organised, like the
postofflce, no one would have more
than he earned. Haverhill Social
All public utilities will finally belong
to the people. The title will net with
them, and In the more private combi
nations of capital the producer will
find a way to procure his fair share
of tho savings rendered possible by the
economies which are effected. This la
the hope and promise of the twentieth
century. It will be all the eaeler for
the government to take these great
properties In the neme of the people
when the time la ripe. Boston Dally
A street car driver working for fl.M
per day In 1888 should got $2.70 per
day now to keep up with the advance
In salt pork.
A section head working for IMS a
day In UN should get fMXtt today to
keep up with the pries of beat .
tho SVawa Aali
Instinct haa been denned as a aort
of inherited knowledge peculiar to the -:
lower animals. That man poaeeaaat
many analagous traits we all kaowrt '
but there la one so subtly engrafted Et
his nature that, under certain clreum-
stances, he Is unconsciously made t -'
act In precisely the same manner ft
the wild animal, and that Is la clre!t-.
traveling. It is a peculiar inalSef
which causes wild animals, when
sued for any considerable
always to travel- in a circle; and
when lost on the veldt, the prsirtea,
or in the forest, unconsciously becomes
controlled by the same instinct and la
made to bend his course and travel In:
' circle, and return to the same plaea-
from whence he started. A notable In
stance of this is mentioned by Mr.
Catlin, an American traveler of repute, '
which occurred while ascending the
upper Missouri. He had left the steam
er a .which he had been sailing up the
river, with the 6Bjectof-
Indlan village by making a shot
across a prairie on foot, accompanies
only by a single attendant. "In our
course," said Mr. Catlin, "we had a
prairie of some thirty miles to cross;
and the second day, being dark an4,j.
budy, we had no object by which t
guide our course, having no compaas 4
with me at the time. During- the irat
day the sun shone, and we kept oar
course ' very well; but on the neat. "
mcrntng,' though we started Tight':" '
(laid our course), we no doubt soon (
Vegan to bend, notwithstanding ' that :
we appeared to be progressing la a
straight line. There was nothing to be
seen about us but short grass, every
where the same; , and in the distance
straight line, the horizon, all around
us. Late in the afternoon, and when
we were very much fatigued we came
upon the very spot, to our surprise,
where we had bivouacked the night
before, and which we had left on that ',
morning. We had turned to the left
and no doubt had traveled all day in
a circle. The next day, having the sun
shine, we laid (and kept) our course
without any difficulty. On arriving at
the Sioux village and relating our sin
gular adventure, the Indians laughed
at us very heartily, and all the chiefs
united in assuring me that whenever'
a man is lost on the prairies he trav
els in a circle, and also that he Invari
ably turns to the left; of which singu
lar tact I have become doubly convinc
ed by subsequent proofs similar to the.
one mentioned. Chamber's Journal.
OM Hag George Cola Found
la jies
, vUla, Teas.
Walter Cheatham, an employe of the
city stables, has had the good fortune
to find a very old coin of the realm of
Great Britain in a trash pile, says the
KnoxvlUe Journal and' Tribune. TSa,-,fj
coin Is of the same size as an Ameri
can dollar and weighs Just the same.
Walter did not realize that the coin . ,
might have a big price offered for It
and while showing it to Stable Boss i
William Kellar, asked that official
what he would give for the coin. Mr.
Kellar does not know the value ot old
coins, and offered ten cents. Mr.
Cheatham declined and Mr. Kellar
proffered twenty-five cents and the
bargain was struck. Mr. Kellar de
cided he would keep the coin as a rare
novel keepsake, but now he would
probably refuse an offer of 1500 for it,
pending a thorough investigation of Its
value to numismatic collectors. ; On
yesterday Mr. Cheatham returned to '
Mr. Kellar and tried to buy back the
coin for a quarter of a dollar. Mr. .
Kellar refused, but jokingly said be
would take S5 for it Cheatham waa
about to take him at his word, when
Mr. Kellar said he Intended to keep the
coin. Its owner was then informed
that according to a coin collector's
manual, King George's dollar was
quoted as being worth $1,500. The 00 ia
Is much worn and the date le effaced,
but King George's profile is stamped
on the face of the coin, while on the
back his majesty is pictured astride
a horse in the act ot slaying a dragon.
"George III., G. B.," are some of the
letters easily deciphered around the
margin of the coin. The edge is won
Tfcey Oat ftaad Doeat af Natai aad
Thrive Wall.
According to our modern scientific '
Ideas as to the careful treatment of ' ;
babies, those of Japan would seem to
have a hard time, and yet there art .
no healthier, nor fatter looking IStT.V
mortals on the face of tbe earth. ITa f"i
Insist on a fixed temperature, oa iter- :
illsed milk, oa all sorts of improved "''
things, while the Japanese baby gets ,;
a good dose of nature, and seems to '
thrive on It It le dreaeed al r -dressed
In a frigid temperature ia v. ' v
ter, and In summer its tender
eyes are always exposed M i f
glare ot tho aun, aa it la oarrlcJ ti
mother's back. It is to be (
however, that this latter treats;
ten does affect the eyes of the elX
though they get over it later fcs L. , t
Af Nagasaki, amongst the woaaa O'o
era who coal the ship, yaa may gf
many with babies oa their bes. Tt4
mothers work all day la the raiv o
la the sun, or the snow, aad tl'
baby sleepe, iadUCereat to tmef"-
the top of its head aloae rtll'j, r w
the movements of the EXlrr , ( -seem
la the least alt&rt t ': i
accomplishes as much t':-?Xi::
men. It aeema aa If the tilat i 1
class were bora StoUalLzZi J
ead Benjamin la Caa
tla. ;
When aayCtj t
at a faijr ncr c '
f wi ,
, ''nj.'-aer