Zjikzi Prcss-Jc:fr.a! Casa D. CANON, Publisher. . . NEBRASKA Am elephant has only eight teeth tw below and two above oa each CJ At the age of fourteen aa ate fjeaat loses iu first set, and a new sat The Idea teems to be gaining grouad Cit fcoasumptioa should be knows aa each. The Philadelphia board of feaafta at a recent meeting discussed namsuTsnrj registration of consump tives, aad Inclined to Its favor la the talis that It will tend to check the A aoblemsa la Madrid, after epead fcsc hto fortune and getting deeply into Caet, lost his wife. His friends advised to marry a rich bride, bat to the Oamny o( hia ersdltors. as married a )& 'fas woaaaj Whs nT - saaam-iCsWsi si aT MMnara - TA Pbbjb" :anBj cwsasa w isa st wi iviww gsaka my rascally creditors rave." I 1 Senator Bpooner'i aoggeatloa thst a v awmesslitiisl commission bs sent to '"the Philippine it lands to Investigate oomditioas there possess obvious merit. ' It is dlficalt for congress to legislate V ate the needs of a country which few at its members have ever seen, and cMearaiac which the reports are so ; rsatictlae; as they axe regarding the d trait dealer in Parle advertised ratagnraa to give a prise of Are .far, the Mwittt apple sent to "S"""trav rortsigfct he had received "'JTJ asjaaa to stock his store .L '.- aad. Ilk aa honest man, avvsJws five fraacs for the biggest 1m others didn't cost him a aoo, .1 aha free advertising brought to , '; a raah of business. A remarkable cat has eea dtocov rd la St Joseph. Mo. N. Schelllnger, aa electrician of that city, filled a cat with electricity, and in a few mtnates the animal was aa rigid sad lifeless as a marbte eat Two hoars later the eleetrictaa reversed the current, and thta treatment reanimated the appar eatly dead animal, end la a few min ates it was as playf ul aad frisky as it ever had been. v One hundred and sixty miles aa hoar Is the speed aimed at by a new electric railway company ia Germany under the direct patronage of the emperor. Can with accommodation for fifty per sons each are now being built, and will be tried on a 30 kilometer track. It tt intended to use electricity only for the express passenger service, aa for freight and local traffic steam to ex pected to remain the power for a long time. Ia spite of the fact that the experi ments made ia the American navy arHa all ful have been entirely aa- f" V i -' ni m. ftaa ffnai aa,t 1 -..i.to.wwi, - - - - - . rCawt aailB em the Chinese ata--C3SS are having complete success with - ", The advantages of petroleum, if it he properly utilised, are very great -tt Cajapore, for ovempto. eosl bow t st about fl a ton, while oU costs ' hat t a toa aad has a steam raising fid per seat greater than that BBBATaUMO TmBOtJOH THK MOUTH Few people realise what aa impor tant organ the nose Is. It is the first of the organs of respiration, ana un less .Us functions are well performed the whole breathing process is de ranged. The nostrils are not open cav ities with smooth walla through which the air passes ia and out, as it would through a rubber tube. They are di vided iato several compartments by bony projections covered with mueooe membrane, aad the volume of air In anuria ts broken up rato several streams, so that all of it comes in con tact with the Unlag membrane. This warm and moist membrane catches the dust snd other impurities, and warms the sir so that it will do no harm when coming la contact with the more delicate membrane in the bronchial tubes and lungs. When the noee Is stopped up from snv csuse one must breathe through the mouth, and if this is continued for any length of time the general health will inevitably suffer. The mouth Itself suffers first The mucous membrane loses its moisture anil lummM Inflamed. The -air is neither warmed nor purified, and it lr rltatea the llnina membrane of the air- passages all the way down to the lungs, so that a condition of sluggish Inflam mation is excited. But the general effects are more seri ous than the local , One who ia a mouth-breather aever gets enough air. During the day he suffers less in this respect, for the nerve-centers are more active and force the respiratory mus cles to act more energetically; but at night this vigilance Is relaxed, the amount of Inspired air Is greatly re duced, and all the tissues suffer for want of oxygen. For this ressoa the mouth-breather alwsys feels tired and out of sorts In the .morning. The mind suffers as well ss the body, and mouth-breathing children are al most always backward in their stud ies,. The question ofthe csuse of Qouth breathlng, or rather of natal obstruc tion, on which the mouth-breathing depends, must be reserved for snother article. Aa a rule. It is esslly found on examination by the physician, aad can be removed without difficulty. What we would Insist upon here tS the absolute necessity of its early re moval. .. A child who always breathes with opea mouth, and whose voice has a nasal twang, should be examined and treated at the earliest possible moment for the longer the trouble exists the worse it is Uyr tt? child mentally, mor ally and physically. velocity waa 2M.M0 kilometers per ond. This la forty kilometers greater than the estimate of Newcomb, and differs about aa much from the meas urement of Mlehelsoa at Anaapolla la 1882. Mlehelsoa used the Foocault method, ia which a revolving mirror ia employed, and hia result waa I. til kilometers per second. TO HUDSON BAY. KBW WBXDiao FBOC la the new process of welding in vented by Doctor Qoldschmldt of Es sen, a compound called "thermit" made of aluminum and certain metallic oxides. Is employed to obtain an extra ordinary decree of heat With the aid of a melting-pot, rails and pipes can be Immediately welded at any place. The pot being filled with an inflamma ble mixture and Ignited, a few spoon fuls of thermit are added, and the tem perature quickly rises as high as 3,000 degrees Centigrade. An aluminum ox ide Is then poured on the part of the rail or pipe, to be welded, and the work Is done, "so quickly that the pot is cold snd can be taken Into the hand after being emptied." WORK or AH EAETHQ14IK. The great earthquake that shook In dia on June 12, 1897. was remarkable for the curiously distort ing effects It produced upon standing objects. Similar ffxU have been noticed from other earthquakes, but seldom to so strik ing an extent In a report of the geo logical survey of India there la an Illustration show ing how this earthquake twisted a lofty monument at Chhatek. The monument was an obelisk of brick, coated with plaster, more than sixty feet tall and twelve feet squsre at the base. About six feet of the top were broken off snd thrown to the south, snd nine feet more were thrown to the east Then a piece twenty feet in height was separated, twenty-three feet above ground, and twisted in a di rection opposite to the motion of the bands of a watch, but without falling. cf coal vr 4 waa auxpossd to be too strongly ea- fi t: :aOied ia the spirit aad traditions of ' aaaple ever to hecoaM distasteful "T""'i tieaa," hat TlleW'aifirarr destined V,' t he swept away before the march of etrraetiew. At a reeeat mass-meeting r ta Earaloaa. the scene of many a warr contest between matador aad wall, resolutions were parsed coadema Ibj the sport ss cruel aad brutalls tag, aad calling apoa the government to suppress It throughout the peninsu la. The fact attests the power of the Humanising Ideas aad laflueacee which, slowly, but sorely, are trans forming the world iato a better aad .taisr aasdiagflaee ; sKur-cxaanra faccei. Here is a handy, self-closing faucet, which Is designed for use in connec tion with water coolers aad public drinking fountains. Everyone knows that it is not always coavealent to use both hands la drawing a glass of water, e" fctiar from era. rtru apea tae aeete at-h " eoajress - has t fri t t Ejsar aad I u sSrzaag pewpea. Ever rrrrt-s2jBi eaan asiar jf tre :; Gates, J Cmmr.t atra. -"ZXlztte bee cade to j-z- ftaaXSvafs' ir't'.;tat3Bt v lU J trltkta - ?t --xrU Jr jiV gj ?prlnx a. and ri In such a tt KLBCTaOXAOKETIC B BAKES. Among recent inventions of general Interest is the electro-magnetic brake for street cars. In the form known in England as the Newell brake. It con suls 01 S norsesnoe eiecirunueuei sua ' gun pended on spiral j bung I tnsnuer that the poles at the msgnet are di rectly over the rails. When the magnet Is excited, the poles are forced downward so that the shoes of the brake will grop the rail. By a system of levers, connecting with the wheel rim hand-brakes of the. car, the Um Inm Saalt sea. Tfcraaga Um Wild s For yesrs there has been much U?k of building a railroad between Maal toba nd Hudson Bay as a new outlet for the wheat of the Canadian North west. It seems likely that this project will never be carried out but the aew scheme, announced only a few months ago, of connecting the foot of Lake Bu pertor at Bault Ste. Marie with the southwestern shores of Hudson Bay Is bow advancing at the rate of half a mile a day. This Is the Algoms Cen tral rallrnaif hullrilna- mostly With United States capital, but assisted by the Canadian government which has made invaluable concessions to the company. About seventy miles of the road are now completed. Some yeara ago Mr. R. Bell aad other Canadian explorers first revealed the region to the southeast of Hudson Bsy. They declared that It contained a great abundance of spruce and other valu able timbers and also much fine, arable land. It waa thought that the corres ponding region to the southwest ot the bay must be equelly valuable, but very little wss known of it until early last summer when a number of min eral and timber experts were sent out oa the proposed route to ascertain the possibilities of the country. There was reason to believe that spruce abounded and the main purpose of building the road was to secure Urge supplies of wood pulp for the paper mills at Sault Ste. Marie. But it was thought, that investigation would re veal other important resources and this belief Is Justified " by the reports now coming In. The prospectors say that vast forests of spruce, pine, hard woods and other cedar lie ali aiong the route. There are &lso great beds pottery clsy, iron ore, copper, gypsum and other minerals besides millions of acres timbered with maple, beach and oak that will make fine, farming lands whea once cleared. The Ontario gov ernnrent has made a contract with the company to locate on these lsnds sev eral hundred families a year for the next ten years. Aa emigration office has been established In England and it ia expected to aend out the first party in the coming spring. It Is said there is spruce enough along the line of the road to supply pulp for large paper interests for many years. Consul Har lan W. Brush has reported from Ni agara Falls. Ontario, that It is the in tentlon to establish a "seaside hotel' at the terminus of the railroad on Hud son bay. Oame Is plentiful there, scores of lakes and rivers teeming with fish may be easily reached, and the scenery, the bracing climate and the hunting and fishing are expected to at tract thousands of tourists. New York Trade returns show that Canada lav aorta three times aa much from Ger many as she exports to that country. fa Oaa wet ABww Tmmt-rt vea Write to-day to Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Boy, N. TM for a FREE sample or Allen's Foot-Ease, a oowaer. il cures sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet Makes aew or tight shoes eesy. A cer tala can for Chilblains and Frost-bitea. At all druggists and ahos rtores; tte. Worry la a greater enemy to the face thaa the smallpox. There la no remedy that caa equal Garfield Tea for the cure of all derange- mta of the liver: it feaaror years oecn the standard by which other remedies are Judged. Friendship is a welcome ship la any port Isata Fite's Care for Ooeaumptfe saved nj til tares years afe.-atra. Taos. Boaaam, Masts Bueet, Norwich, It Y., Fee. tT, MS, Maa a maa isn't worth the mar ket value of the phosphorus ia am bones. m CfTBSE A COLD IX OMB DAT,. Take Laxarirs Baouo Quiatss TaSt-ara. All drucftou refund the noory if tt falls to ears, Bw Grove's signature la oa the boa. Bhv Soap Is one of the few things that should be bandied without gloves. AaV your rrocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 1 ox. sckage for 10 centa. All other 10-cent starch con- Ulna only 13 ox. Satisfsction guaraa teed or money refunded. - Fine The skte sad flesh del the at of a sew ssA sieve ws 5 . oi Vrl . - 1 JCCC33 03 W-vaa WweWssJ fpeWOGMe y i MNm- IMamftllnlMkmfH, aWAUUSS LMMtiO tXTSACI Of MOft, fa) U 115 tSnaciniDtnirj nn 80ME QUEER NAMES. Htm Mexico aod Vlrtao, Tea aM, Bitmu BzaaaplM. ' To any one who frequently consults the United States official postal guide, which, Is a dictionary of post offices, the number of peculiar and mirth-pro-yoking names used to designate plsces where mall is hsndled Is an unending source of astonishment. Many of these names are plainly suggestive of their reaction of the shoes of the electro-' origin. "Mud," Texas; "Mule," Ore magnetic brake in gripping the rails gon; "8odom," New Mexico; "Veliow Increases the pressure of the hand- i Jacket," Idaho, and "Loyalsock," Penn- brakes also. The new brake is not ac- ( sylvanla, are among them, but the de tuated by the current which drives the ilrablllty of their selection is a matter Coniplete External and internal Treatment CXKtTXCUXD BT TE3 CJUJ. asm .fLJM M4 to ea wltli a car, but by an independent current de rived from the momentum of the car, and the interruption of the driving current, instesd of preventing the ac tion of the brake causes it to act auto- r WYOXTIKG-S BOTTOXteSS LAKES. The Big Horn basin in Wyoming is famed la Indian legend as the place where spirits from the happy hunting grounds come to commune with the living. One story told Is that in years to come the palefaces would lay claim to the sacred place aad that they would dig pare gold by the shovel full from Its depths. Lakes Arte aad Irma are very deep, aad If there la any gold In ttm It is yet to be discovered, aa the bottoms have not yet been fathomed. These lakes are aamed after the daughters of Cot W. F. Cody, who took so much stock la the Indian tales' " tfartifft. late Oa teaeet aad hoU aha taaaasMttea. Them, taw, tm Cm af frt3e foaataiaa XS paras as takers af tha wator d taoat Kksty lam the faacet erti teas soaMSort of a BTtirnf valve terrt?ia4V Far thaat that ksz I (CCJ feaaw,'. a devise f iU rsraoca, - It at a) r.' Jt . head loosely t CU C J t the eatiet aipe. lactin tt t faliaalil holt tttsr wrc!3r tiO fca ty t ;try C. ." t o ttawB. TTita ( J ' j xi a f : dt u rr.'-i t-:tt i yttJ.C tniua.u.;ijf i. '? rzy 2 CZtt C yUl JcXAt. jf Jt ttiJK$ acres eoaipristag the hasia. The eoioaei say that If gold Is aever tad It Bill make no difference to him as the laad to worth millions for agricultural purposes. The water of the lakes to said to have curative prop- of serious doubt "Panther" la enough to depopulate most any town, but six states have used It to designate post of fices. Iowa has made a post office of "Wax," Florida of "Sawdust," Ken-m-Vv of "CUven Ohm " Tozaa of "Twin Sisters," Tennessee of "Virtue." North Carolina of "Wit." Mississippi ot "Ze ro." Colorado of t'Loye," Pennsylvsnia of "Mountain Sunset" South Carolina of "Oata," Virginia of "Pluck," Mis souri of "Pure Air," aad Maryland of "Saasafras." Mall to left at "Option" ia Peaasylraala. The only "Pious" Is ia Ohio. If "Quality" what yon want so to Butler county, Keatucky, for It "Rolling Btoae" ia la Minnesota. "Rockycomfort" to the contradictory name of a Missouri vil lage. If Uncle Sam's employes catch the spirit of the place, mall to handled with more thaa ordinary promptaeag at "Rushmore," Florida to Alabama: ''TimfoV iVvswt HUmmMyyimmZ w w m place. Says MlnBceota. "Peppertown," Indiana, to oaly "Pebble" oa the beach." (tMm THE ET QIM L wsALTsi or TMiurmwk The fpanlarda were not lasaaalMe to the great value of the vast forests la the Fhlpiae Isiaada, aad thirty-five tf jcb a gw nearness forestry ha na ertafTai at tSaaUa. Cap fja AJteCB, mow to) etarrs f tXle ba-rc- to sscV-y ia reorraaise it, aad r'.'a Um te-i:-y edaeated foresters 1 1 tit" W f?oas the Cartel ttetes ta r s thaa species of trees are tzztCyrr tt to ga- rr)Cisti . w-i fJ9m vzl j O Cava Ctot, At leaSt Uty t tzxn peeies, tacraCsg the wCOcrl lUaBg-lhlaag tree, which fjttfra aa off forming the haw of srt feriaea, are ralaabto. Maxy fsca are of asedldaal vataa. j a the ocjor cf trzrX - 'zzZmA, d-rlrv. fit "tt ut- A at wrlai CBefaB Otft. Mra. Aagnataa J. Smith Weeks, of Patehogas, M. T., receatly made a aot able gift to the Ooavrafattaaal church of that towa. Che presented it with the property kaown as the Oeeaa Ave nue Chapel, valued at l0d. The ehaael waa balit by bar sister, Char lotte O. Emita Keech, la ItH, ia mem ory of her father aad mother. Mlcah aad ltotesy Kewey-Smlth. She died ia ItZI aad left it te k Weeks as a sacred traat ami the latter has bow Ctoas tt la the earns way. It caa aever be sold or mortgaged, sad is ta be al ways used aa a house of prayer, kept I Beared, aad. la case of fire, to be re built Mra. Weeks' great-graadfather waa oaa of the charter members aad helped to watl the first Congregational char eh of Patohogue ia im. WB4 satitseseat aad saateraaUoa war tstrafaeai last week iy a praeCl sal Jct3f ta a rmtT show at trise- aarrev ra. Csrtri Cs Czzsn of tie C:y XXI Te fed wKh tzZzl iX rTiT. Ttsy wan trj- ;irl btrtSy terra Ccasistfng of CUTICDRA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thick ened cuticle, COTICURA OIIfLMENT to instantly allay ItcUng, irritation, and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT to cccl and cleanse the blood, and expel humor gems. A SIKGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the ccst torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and Mod huzsrs, rashes, itchirss, nd lrritatii3, VTith ls cf hair, vtai tte test pliyslclans. tzl aU other rcccdics fall ft aak. fiaaSy cavei VfCutkara Soap atvJ Cotkwm nsr toefit tT I was to pkvmir mV2&l 64 tb clvoaH caw mr wkiaciotUox to adwaUr tt3 to erf, Qy. AStsg fcaakaf ta wjosKlor, ifttifif oylrtsj down, U aa bom or two, tS CcS ontoy tSowt wikxxa txttntuctSf blr nia fssa cr coal tlserga. I bare ttA nooc cl you . I.C - A- a mmmm m. Bw.d mm mwJimm I T-rr i v a.i w s-- "w.BWf T VTi Ca n ta ta ta, rn City vdi f ' JS tzi czia tU Cej! V -J Cx rrr: i cr2 U v ceet. ' u to m f a m mJL m fityttla wu tttm&lsttTjtKMd rtii fcT i!3a u nit txi tacx gj kY tlrtzj tj.t c-ss oay btort if cy expel tmetf suJ tfi:j iiit rrJrco foUi fcsa C t w r - - r I ' r- f4! ,ie"i , p I Via. S C-4 - .-4J' 1 - f V-JV i a . -Itmyy, . tm. jt-a. tetr.-jt- : V J I f ix ta o l tin Lau . - . 1 " " - -a. a, -I ktt- e I - - - - - - "J.4. ...