Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 07, 1901, Image 1

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.' - -
:, a?HTjRsiD.-3r, dbteib. 7, 1901
23 O. 36.
Advertise Voir Stock Brands in the PflESS-JOUHHll
U.,; - r. O
1 ' sural co
'i V. -
Subscription Price Per Year 1.00.
Official F&per of Sioux County.
: Gko. D. Canon, - Editor.
Entered at th Harkikjn Poct
-- Bjisaw has concluded she must have
absolute cootrol in Mauchuria, northern
China, . . .
While the democratic parly are op
posed to large standing army, in tbe
Jailed States, .vet w believe the time
t past when this nation will ever have
Uaa Ibao 100 000 to support and main-
The stomach controls the situation.
Those who are hearty and strong Are
tbeee who can eat and digest plenty of
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and allows you to eat all
the food food you want. II you suffer
from indigestion, heartburn, belching or
any other stomach trouble, this prepara
tion rnu't help but do you good. The
most aenMiire stomachs can take it. J.
E. Putxnxt.
Mrs. C. E. VuuDeosen, of Kil bourn,
Wis., waa a dieted with stomach troub
le aod constipation for a long time. She
ays, "I have tried many preparations
but aooe have done me tbe good that
Chamberlains Bloroach and Liver Tablets
have. For sale at PniKXEY'sdiug (tore.
Price, 33 cents Samples free.
The closing hours of congrem has
clothed an imperial president with as
much Imperial power as the czar of
Buosla, by bestowing upon him absolute
power In the Philippine, Porto Rico, and
poasibir in Cula.
British generals now declare general
Christian Dewet, is demented. If all
the Burger generals had been as badly
demented an DeWet, the little harwful
of Boers would have whipped great
Britain's Immense army a year ago.
A Honest Medicine For Ia-
, ... C rlppc. : :
Qeorge W. Wnitt, of South Gardiner,
Me., says; "I have bad the worst cough
old, ohiljs and grip aod have taken lots
trash of oo account but prollt to the ven
dor. Chaniber Iain's Cough Remedy is
the only thing that has done any good
whatever. I have ustd one bottle of it
iJ the chills, colp and gripe have all
left sb. I congratulate the manufac
turers of an honest medicine." For sale
" by J. E, Phwxky.
Cq Replace Wild
Grasses on Range.
Agraltaral College Experlasea's
With Breailus licmii.
tt. Colliaa. Colo.. Feb. 28-The ex
arUMnt station of the Stote Agricul
sural col tegs has been making some ex
U with broroe grass (bromus
) which will prove interesting to
raisers. The results of the ex-
U are to be published in a
ollege bulletin. Through tbe courtesy
f Prof. L. O. Carpenter, director of the
station, your eorrespondent has been
applied with an advance copy of the
' baOeeJa, . Frank L. Walroun, late sup
riateooent of the home station, says of
ttw grass:
"The gran baa been grown on heavy
clay with scoot Irrigation, sod oo the
ter; on light soil above irrigation aud on
heavy soil, approaching gumbo, with
. mad without artificial watering. Under
. ail thaee conditions the grass has succed
J to an extent that a thick, heavy sod
baa. been formed, producing an abuod-
of forage of rather coarse quality,
bat readily eaten by horses, sheep aod
atllo. It has sever produced bay in
fOciest amount to be coneidered valu
Ut for t3sat porpose, bat sown with
alfalfa H prom loss to bo of value to
TJrik Io quality it is believed to U
equal to orchard grass, or possibly aa
good aa timothy.
"Ia Colorado bromus inereals to specif
tetiij a feuturt gnav and It assy be
tr7 mid it ie the only tame graeeyet
Cmirmi, wbion oaa, with aay degree
af sascesa, take the peace of the depart
segneass of tbe pUiae. Tat closest
yaatariei and severe tramping hare ao
7ct ia aeatroyiAg the aed. la
rjgtcj bronM graes aCorde pasture two
ar ta weeka earlitr than aay other
graai kaowa la tba) looalltf."
It woald aat b sate to laooamaaj
ia Crass far laieorimlaate sewitj.
- rzmm bavlej fortioae of land above
l.-rfaa ar aWrlcj aeraiaMat aaataia
aa alasoet aay ktad of kui tut la aot
oei lively wot Mi kc?y aU ka Jaati
t tM m tryiej aa aero ar two; Tia aacJ
t" -rr'J It aoara t- or tzxij TyteZt
Office as 8ecxd Clafs Mattkr.
Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hal
Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning
Leave them alone. Tbe original hat the
name DeWitt's upon the box and wrap,
per. It is a harmless and healing salve
for skin diseases. Uuequalled for piles.
J. E. PHunnrr. ,
Tbe partial loss by Ore, of the State
prison at Lincoln, oo tfc right of Feb.
28th, is estimated at from 1173 000, to
$200 000.
Like Oliver Twist, children ask for
more when given One Minute Cough
Cure. Mothers tndoise it liilly
for croup. It quickly cures all -coughs
and colds and evsry thro it and lung
trouble. It is a specific for grippe and
asthma and hus long been a well known
remedy for whooping cough J. E.
Uv the reduction in tbe war revenue
bill enacted by tlte present congress just
closed lira revenue on tbe following busi
ness transactions: v v
'.. Bank checks Repealed.
Bill of lading for export.
Chewing gum.
Commercial Bruker.
CertiOcate of Deposits.
Charter Party.
Express Receipts.
Miscellaneous Bonds.
Money Orders.
Power of Attorney.
Proprietary Mt dicines.
Perfumery and Cosmetics.'
Promissory Notes.
Telegram MesMges.
Telephone Messages.
Wajelvoune Receipts.
The provisions of the bill as agreed up
on will take effect on the lint of next
Working 2-t Hour a Day.
There's no ret for those tireless littlo
workers Dr. Kings New life pills. Mil
linns are alwavs busy, curing Torpid
live, Jaundice, Billiousness. Fever and
Ague. The banUb sick lieadacho, drive
out Malarja. Never gripe or weaken.
Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try
them. 25c at J. E. Fhikkky's.
It does not yet seem certain that tbe Boer
war ie entirely over, as has been report
ed so many timee by tbe daily press of
the country. When England has ex
ponded another fduu 000 000 in South
Africa, we will then believe the Boers are
Prof. Ivison, of Lonucooing, Md., suf
fered terribly from neuralgia of, tbe
stomach aod indigestion for thirteen
years and after the doctors failed to cure
him they fed him on morphine. A
friend advised the use of Kodol Uyspen
sla Cure and after taking a few bottles
of it be says: "It has cured me entirely.
I can't say too much for Kodol Dyspep
sis. Cure." It digests what you eat. J.
E. PKnwiY.
ErsKtrisaWe- 4?s-f - Sfcowna
JVom the NhdUxdor, RuUierfordton,
S. C.
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
lain's Puin balm twice with tbe most re
markable results ia each ease. First,
with rheumatism in the ahoukkr from
which bo suffered excruciating pain for
ten days, which was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm, rubbing tha
parte afflicted aod realizing instant bene
0 1 aad entire relief in a vary abort time.
Second io rheumatism ia thigh Joint, at
most proMtratlng him with severe pale
which waa relieved by two appllcatloaa.
robbing with the lioiment on retiring at
night, aad getting up free from paia.
For Bate by J. K. PBorflBT.
, A ejemaast
- - " '- - J '-
i m si v .
Strikes ABIch Had.
'I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debili
ty,"," writes F. J. Ureen, of Lancaster,
F. II., "No remedy helped me until I
began using Electric Bitters, which did
me more good than all the medicines I
ever used. Tbey have also kept my wife
in excellent health for years. She says
Electric Bitters are just splendid for fe
male troubles; that they are a grand
took) and invigorator for weak, rundown
women. N-i other medicine can take its
place in our family." Toy them. . Only
60c. Satisfaction guaranteed by J. E.
A good Cough Medicine for Chil
"I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F.
P. Moran, a well known aod popular
baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We have
given it to our children when troubled
with bad coughs, also whooping cough.
and it has always given perfect satisfac
tion. It was recommended to me by a
druggist as tbe best cough medicine for
children as it contained no opium or oth
er harmfnl drug." Sold by J. E. Para-
KEY. '
riantetUn Idea zg
Slicrlira Sale!
By virtue of an order of sale Imocd by tue
clerk ef the District Court of Sioux Conutr.
KHhrMk, upon a, decree rebtlered In said
court In favor of the County of Sioux, a
plulntlO atil ajjftlnut Farmers Trout Com
pany as defendants. , I wilt
on the Kith day, of Utrch, 1101 , at 1 o'clock
In the afternoon of said day, at the e:ist
front door of the court bonee of tald county
lu Harrison, NebftMka, sell the followln
described real entate taken on said order
of sale to wit:
The mnlbmtt quarter of eetion fourteen
In townehlp tlilry -four, north ot range Mfty
Bve, went of the stxth prlnclp.tl inerldUn
In Rloui County, NcljriwWn, at public
auction to the hlghogt bidder for ctuh In
hand to satisfy said ordar of s.ila In tliesain
of SZ7 tl and lntorcjt and eoeta and aeeru-
lns etMts.
fhcrlffcl Sloax County, Kvbruska.
lnrrlon, February Mlb. 1101.
ShyrlffVf Sale.
By vlrtuo ol an order of sale Usned by the
clerk of tbe Dutrtet Court of Sioux Ooauty,
Nebranka, upon a decree rendered In said
con rt In favor oi the County of Sioux, as
plaintiff end aguiuat Levi. U. Pollard, Mr.
Levi. C. Pollard, Cbek. II. Toncray, Conimer
clnl Investment Cowpaay aa defendant :
I will on the 25th day of March, 1V0I atl
o'clock lu tbe afternoon of said day, at tbe
east frontdoor of tbe court house of said
county, in Harrison, Nebnukra, sail the fol
lowing doecrlbod real estate taken ou said
order of sale, towlt:
The South-eact qnnrter of section seven
tecs. Is tovssbjp Mttrty-tama, north f
isnge flty fonr, west f tiio sixth principal
meridian In Sioux Count v, 'Nebraska, at
public auction to tha highest bidder fee
caah in bund to atli'fy said order ef sale in
the sum of M at and Intcrost and costs and
accruing oo t.
. ' v ' ALEX VOW MX.
Fherltt of Slonx County, Nebraska.
Harrison, February lath, ltd.
HlierlfPa Sulu.
Dr virtu of an order of sale issued by tbe
clerk of tlte District Court of Stoux County,
Nebraska, upon a decree renders1 In said
eourt, in favor of tbe County of Sloax, as
plaintiff, and against Marcus DeUUavette
Bamford. Mrs. Marcus DeLafayette B milord
hi wires del enuaiiir
I will on the 24tb day of March, issl, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
east front door of eke court bouse of said
county, la Uarrlson, Nebraska, ssll th fol
lowing described real estate taken e said
order of sale, Owlt:
Lot four of Section four, loU-one and two
of .section Ave, In township thirty two, north
of range Bfty-three, west of the sixth prin
cipal meridian in aVrax County' Nebraska,
at public action to tbe highest bidder for
cash la band to satlaf y said order of sale la
the sum of ate 0 and Interest and oasts aad
accruing coat.
Kherlff of Woui County, Msbraska.
Harrison, February lltb, 1901.
Te Lewie arraa and Lou B. Bryan, hie wtfs
Tea aad eeeh of yoa are notlBed that
WUIbm tlai Bier waa, alalnUff did oa the
MB dav of retwaarr. not. ale hie uetittua
In the DUtriet Ooert of lloex eonnty.Nf
t reek a aad agaiaet yoa as defendant tab
object sad prayer at kluh petition te to
foreclose a certain asortgege sxecated by
yoa apoa the west half f the sonU-eeet
aaartsw sod the cact half ef the soatt weet
e.ejsrsv ef asetlon thirty four in TOwaefcl
ttBTtytbree aorta ef range Bfty-fve
ef the Mh principal MsrMiaa la SUax
ty, MearsBbB, that yea aad oath of you aesf
bo feswelesed and forever barred ef aay
neat, tEWs or tetcrest bt or to
aad taat esU prcsstae may be sold to se'
ry tt asaOBst found eee en ssMr srortc
aadtee Bsneral relief.
TtaateffalMd to answer said set'
Tue JouswAl will publish your brand, like
the f ol lowiaR, for 2 H, per year. Each ad
dltional brand 7S eenu. jcvery rarroer or
ranchmen In 81oax and adjoining- coon ties
should advertiae their brands in The Joob
KALaa it circulates all over the state. It
may be tbe means of saving money for you
$500 REWARD.
For the arrest and convlotlon of any party
or parties stealing or dlaf lgnrlng any brands
on stock belonging to the undersigned par
Hone branded
oa righ shoulder or
on right Jaw - Also, I have
Horses branded I t
on left thigh
Poet Offlce Address,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska.
r. X. JAKDT.
60, 117, - m
Oil Uti hlj
on left Jaw,
left Wp of Cattle. Port Office, Hewitt,
8loux County, Nebraska.
Horste' branded
on left shoul-
branded on left shoulder
and Cattle Y on left side.
Post Office Address,
, Pstrlck, 1 4i ramie Co. Wyo.
Cattle branded
Horses' branded
on, left side
on left euou
Idcrv rsnge on ffoldfer Creek.
Any stock branded a above being estrar
ed from my rauge, discovered by any body
on gtafg me Information will be rewarded
T Address, Ft. Boblnton, Nebraska.
Horses branded on I lrft shoulder and
Cattle same on left t hip,
Sheep biirnded lfX
bark of Sheep,
Range on Soldier fVeek and White Biver.
Address. Ft. Koblnoon, Nebraska.
Cattle brand
ed pn left side.
RqnUaSg Water
Jr P. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska.
Sheriffa. Sale.
4 : ' ' " -Vy:
virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of Uio Wxtrlct Court of glous County,
Nebraska, apoa a decree rendered In said
eourt, in favor -of the Connty of Sioux, ss
plaintiff and agalnrt George w. Pfost, Mrs.
UeorgeW. Plot, Clieak 11, roncrsy, Mr.
Check H, Toncrsy' Nebrawka Mortgage In
vestment Company, Charles K. Collin, re
eelver. Commercial Investment Company
as defendants:
' I will on the tHh day ot March, M01, at 1
o'clock In the afternoon of said dsy, at tbe
east front door ef the eourt house of said
lowtew described real estate taken on said
order of sale, towtti ,
The north-west eesrter of Section
Uiirv three la .Oswnshlp thirty-tbrae.
north ef range ttf ty- toar, west ot the
Sixth principal meridian tn Stoax Coanty.
Nebraska, at publle auettoa to the btgaest
bidder for cash tn band to satisfy said order
of sale In the sum of NT 89 and Interest and
easts and seeming east.
Sheriff of Sioux Oouaty, Nebraska.
Hsrrlson, February 1Mb, ISO!,
, WierirrsBala,
By vlrtos ef sa order of sale tnaed by tbe
elerfc ot the Dletrtet Court of Slonx Connty,
Bubrssks, apoa a decree sedersd la said
eonrt, In favor of the Ueanly of Stosx, as
plaintiff aad aaataet rotor Hoary, Minnie
llenry, ais wife, Western Seewrity coaipaay
TMtna J. Llvlag as defeadaate:
Iwnioatfeeaua aay of Merck. lst, atl
o'ebsok in tbe sfteraeoa of said day, at
hoast front door ef the court boose of
said eeanty, In Hsrrlsoe, Nserssk. ssll tbe
olMhriag deerrlbed real estate .taksn ea
cxdd older ef sale, towlt: . '
Tbe oast half of tbe north-east qaarter,
aud the 4aat half ef the north-weet qaarter,
of saettaa tlartyfour, township thirty -fear
aoftoeteaage arty are, west of the sixth
Msattaal asstidtaa Is Monx Coaaty, Neb
raafce, to tbe highest bMder for eeeh In
on hack or I
aa-M es satMTy eaM-ejrder of sale la tbe
eufliof MM md( mterestamj costs and ae-
eralnriMM,, ' j v
. '1 of etou COoety, isiaMi,
; cr rNt j. .
Cattle branded
side end same on
CA on the left
7 1 I left shoul
der of horses.
- Address, Harrison, Xebrasks.
- Fill XX C. LEWIS.
Cattle Branded F1 on left side and
Horses Branded I 1 1 oo left shoulder
Bangs on bead of White River.
F. O. Address, Harrison, Neb,
Owns the follow-
inxbraud on eith
er: Also H6 on cat
tle and liorseK
cattle on leftalde
hone oa left
Bangs on Silver Spring and east of state
Ine. Postofflce Uarrlson Neb
The brand represented in this notice
and branded any where on left side
of cattlo, and ever-lap eut from the
right ear.
Also the same brand on left thigh of
horses, belongs to the undsrslgned.
Itaage near East Bpriugs, south part fo
Sioux county. ' CHaBI.es Nbwmx,
Harrison, Nobratka.
Branded on left shoulder ot horses
ajHand on left sldeofeattlo.
And this
on right side
This on
right ride of cattle too.
Bange on White Blver, near Glen.
Post Office address, Glen, Nebraska.
Branded on left hip of Cattle
and oa left cheek of Horses,
Bange on Deep Creek.
,At dress. Deep Creek Live Stock CoM
J. If. Hambbt, Foreman, -
. . len, Nebraska. :
Cattle brand
ed same as that
ou cut on eith
er side of ani
mal. And following on
leftside of cstUf.
And this
on left ride of she stock.
And thU
on left side and hip.
Bange on Running Water.
Post Offloe sddress, Harrison, Nebraska.
Alliance, Nebraska, I
. January, U, M0I. t
A sufflelent affidavit having been (lied In
this efltoe by Jens Jensen, contestant,
against Hmnesfamd entry No. 447(1, made Jan
uary l,li4.forK4N W N-E14 S-W14 and
N-W4 S-K4, Section IS, Township SI, N range
.M w, by Bamon rtes, oontestee. In which
It la alleged tnat aald Kaniou Cortes has
never settled upon or made any Improve
ments whatever on the said tend, that It
has been wholly abandoned by tba Entry
man slnee date of entry, and that said a 11 eg
ed absence from the said land was not due
to bis employ emcnt In tbe Army,. Navr or
Marino Corps of the United Statue as a pri
vate soldier, officer, seaman or marine dur
ing the war with Spain, or during any oilier
war in which the United States may be en-,
gaged, said parties are hereby notlSed to
appear, respond and offer evidence touch
ing aald allegation at 10 o'clok a. m. March
II, lew, before Grant Outhrlo, Notary Publle
at hi office In Harrison, Nob,, and Baal
beartag will be held-at 10 o'clock a. m
on March U, 1W1, before the Begtster aad
Receiver at the United Stote Land Office la
Alllsnee, Nebraska.
The said contestant baring, In a proper
affidavit, flted January 11, leoi, set forth
facte wbleh show that after dllUgenoe per.
onal ssrvlee of this notice can not be made
tt is hereby ordered and directed that saeh
notice be given by dee and proper publics
Uoa. W. B. Aaaas, Register.
Byopopoio Cufo
Dhr:t3 urhit yea est
Eatara la stwaniiJtoBlrt aod rasaa
etraeUaj tba txbatetarlt
fsoa. It Ulhslatesrttf bioosr4
MUtBtotJo. So etax Ef7sr
ma t-rotea It If KJaiaBcr. Ut
f lOO Boward.
For proof to convlet ear person of steal'
ing, altering, running off, or In any way
damaging stock braiadedlfr lm right
nlde or hip. Address, Jaiibs roacB,
. Hsrrlson. Neb. '
Brand comM doubl
r n
lJCut out right!
Cattle all dehoraedT"'
ttange on Kyle Creek; '
Post Offlce, Glen Nebraska.
Cattle breaded I I on left biP aleo
Cattle branded
on left
Bangs on Soldier Creek and White Blver.
Address, Gtaray Nseseohex
Foreman, Faco MaSov.
Cattle branded
on left hip aad
same oa the lei
Jaw, aad same
on Horse. A led .
Horses branded
on left Jaw, shoulder or Bank. Aleo Horses
branded I ill
on left Rank end
oa left shoulder.
Bange oa head of Van Tassel! ereek, Wyo.
dWPoct Offlce addres, Harrison, Neb.
Cattle brand
ed same as that
on cut, either
left hip or on
left shoulder.
Horses branded with any of above brand.
Address, J. A. Amdbbsok,
Harrison, Nebraska
Cattle branded flll on loft hip. shoul
der or sld e and - Horses branded
samo as cattle. Range near Bell, Neb.
P. O. Address, Harrison, Nebraska. '
Cactle Branded I -r II . J oa left aide.
Bange on
P.O. Address ., -.
Agate, Nebraska.
Ou lef t side or hip of eattle, f
On left shoulder of bnrne,
Range oa the heed e Warbenaet
Address Harrlsoa, Slonx Oa. Nsb
ShcrlfTa Sale.
By virtue of an order of tale Issued by the
clerk of the District Court of Sioux County.
Xebrasks, apoa a decree rendered la aakl
ooort. In tm o: of the County of Sioux, aa
f.L.int'w BUdagiuut H r!Krt.MtebMa Mr..
Herbert StebMne, Western Security Oses
pany, e defendaats:
I will on the tStt day ef Mareh.mi.et I
o'clock lu the afternoon ef aald day. at the
saet front door of the eourt bowse of eaM
county, In Harrison, Nebraska, sell the fol
lowing described reel eetato token oa eaM .
order of saw, to wlt. .
The South-west quarter of Section twaatp
ia townsh'p thirty-three, aorta of rangj
aty-dve, west of the stxth prtnelpal xsssi.
dlaala Moax County, Nebraska, as puMIe
auction to the highest bidder tor eesa la
hand to satisfy said order of sale te the
am of BM at aad Interest and costs aad ao
cratngeosl. i.r
Stie Iff of Sioux Coaaty, Be
Harrlsoa, February tath, BM.
, a
t ; a
, .
ft mlAm t.
of cattle. Horses aameL. .-Ur right
II I ear cattle,
1f" 1 '
. . "- . . . . ' . J ,
! 1 If
' -
. i
V 1
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r "1
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