Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 24, 1901, Image 8

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    Press-Jou.ru a 1
Thi-bsdat, Ja, Mih, 1901.
Meo. 3 Canon, Kdltor and Trop.
F. E. i M. V E. H. lime table,
(loin? TYiwt. Golnff East.
pfr. 6. mil''!. 10:50 ! So. . mixed 7:50
F. E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
Harri.son.Meat Market.
Freeli aad home
Cureo. meatd una homo
Rendered lard, fcaltviioli, line
Line or groceries, tobbiiecoOigars and
Caudiea nnu nd; green apples, Uiguet
ajarkm price paid ior hide, and pro
duce, at SMITH't.,TUt Kku iBO.NT
Claus Christensen, was over from
Arduiore, the first of the week on busin
ess. Ths county Board concluded their
labors at the court house Saturday eve.
Quality and not quantity makes De
witt's Little Early Risers such valuab
little liver pills. UaJ. E, fmx'.'ET
It seems that most, every body is
suffering with the grippe or very bad
colds the past week or ten days.
Ihe County fathers concluded their
labors in town on last Saturday and left
for their homes the same evsning.
Such little pills as' De Witt's Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they are wonderfully effective m cleans
ing the liver and bowels.
James Anderson, was up from Cof
fee's ranch on last Saturday evening to
attend lodge meeting. Jim has the true
zeal of the genuine Woodman.
If troubled with a wek digestion,
belching, sour stomach, or if you feel
dull alter eating, try Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25
cent. Samples free at Dr. Phixkeys.
Last week Mr and Mrs. Fred Pullen,
were called upon to give up their infant
child. The little one was just nine hoi rs
old when it was taken.
Cut this out and take it to Dr. Pht5--Y'S
drug store and get a free sample of
Cuamberlain's Stomach and liver Tab
lets, the best physic. They also cure
disorders of the stomach, biliousness and
We are sorry to hiva to chronicle
the fact, tbattbe family of Mr. Leo. De
Bock , are suffering from latrrippe .
Four are already stricken, Mrs. LeBock
is very bad. We hope to hear better
Dews in a day or two howeve r.
In this issue of the Pkess-Jocksat,,
HHeitTrtr the first lime the stock
brand of Henry Warneke. There are
hcaimi of other in ennntv that we
llieve would sava money by having
their stock brand advertised.
We are now abU to announce, that
in future we can furnish the Press-Joih-
jjai, and the Commoner, Mr. Brvan's
t.aper for $1 73 a year, and after this
date we will le the only authorized ag
pnt in this county. Every one should
come in and subscribe fr the Press-
.TormCAI, and the Commoner, if you are
diking the Joivsal already, then come
in ml take the Commoner. Elilor.
Now the Andrews building has pas
sed into the bands of threfl of Sioux
"tntv.s most energetic busings men. we
i II expert to we snmc uotahli rcpars
niade in the building, we learn they will
1-egiu at oi .
A bill i n w before our State legis
lature, in regard to newspapers, which
in in substance to prevent any news
paper from piiblixhing legal matter un
til it has been published 33 consecutive
weeks and further mora it must ha. e
200 bonaflJe suhscriler.
When threatened by pneumonia or
any other lung trouble, prompt relief is
necessary, as it is dangerous to ddlay.
We would suggest that One Minute
Cough Care be take n as soon as indica
tion of having taken cold are noticed
It cures quickly and its early use pre-
raws onsumption. J. E. PniNNir,
It teems quite rare to meet anyone
BOW-a-4aT9, who has not some ache or
pain. The much dreaded disease "gnpp
scams to be attacking old and young
MiM, t rtspecta no on
The past month has been almost
Ilk spring. Of course it will not last
all winter, but it has shortened up the
celd season besides, it has taken very
tittle bay thus, far to feed stock and
keep them in good thriving condition.
Owing to some unavoidable changes
at th ranch, Mrs. Warneke, was obliged
to close tbeir town house, aod Miss Ma
bel Is boarding at the born of Mr. and
Kirs. BolliBfaworth.
Tas most soothing, healing and an
ftosptie application sr6evied i, Dt
WKtfsWitob Uaael Halve. It relieves
at oooa aaa carat piles, tores eczema and
la disease. Bewars of Imitation.
rm. J. E. PHvrar.
Harrison, Sioux County, Neb.
Jauuary lj, A. Li. ivol. J
g: o'clock, a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment, pre
sent Cotnintwiouera, ttohwer, Meag, Leu ia
and clerk.
Board continued to check op accounts in
Trjuaurer oflice.
On motion Hoard adjourned till 8, o'clock
a. m. January, UJ, laol.
M m. J. A. Pjucm.CIi r.
Ifurrison, .Sioux Co.. Neb., Jan. 16, VUl.
liuard met pursuant lo adjourn went, pre
sent, commissioner Uoniver, 3!eiif, l.cwiv
and clerk.
I'oird ( oittuued checking up the accounts
n t ic Treasurers olllce.
Ou motion Hoard adjourned till 8, o'clock
a. oi. January, 17. I'.Dl.
Mm. J. A. UaUM, o'.crk.
Harrison, Seb., Jan. 17, 1001.
Hoard mvt pursuant lo adjournment, pre
sent cjmiiiUsioiier tiohw-r, Uiny, Lewi
and (lerk.
Board continued cti;- i...i up areouuts la
Treasurers olllce.
t)u motion Boar 1 udjo:ii:.ed til! 1, o'clock
a. m. Juu., I, l'JvL.
Wm. J. A. mu a, Clerk.
llarrlooii, Keb., Jan., In, 8 o'clock, a. ui. r.C .
Board met putsuunt to adjournment, pre
sent, coinuiiMiouers liotiuer, M Uw:
and clerk.
1'o.trd continued checking up account- In
Treasurer ollice.
B jard eoiup.eted chuekijg up ftccoiuits in
Treiwurer onitte aul lind ui follow.-,:
At the close of lit uetllemant, January, Hi
Itacd. from Ex Treasurer li,'.i..:,j
Collectloua l'.W, Xlpi&sti
' lotal, ;Vi,.U(.-i
Vouchers,- -.VJ,W.U
Balance on hand livt'j.a;
On motion the Clerk i liipiructi-d and lie
It hereby au ordered to advertise four weeks
for bids lor a bridyc to be built across Siun
roe Cxeek, iu t muvnucl prwvii..!, lav oal'd
reyerven the right to reject anv aud ail bids.
On motion the report of the Chairman of
the Soldier Heiief Comuilbsioner wua laid
Tne following ofilcial bonds were approv
ed :
James Wilson, Koad.overseer Dist. So. .
Robert ijei-.er. Boad overseer Dist. No. 1.
The report ot Wm. J. A- Kaum, County
Clerk w a examined and on motion it was,
ordered ⪯d njion the niiuute.4 of the
meeting. ; .
, January
Bill I'JOO i
To the Honorable Board Comity lommig
ionera, Moux County Nebraska. I Wiliiam
J. A. Kaum County Clerk of .-ious ( ouuty
Nebraska herewith atibmit n-y atatemcrit of
lee- and money received by me Iiom all
sources for the year ending January 1st
lteoordinj? and other fees t79 M
Cleric of Oistnct Court fees,.,
Compiling l'. Tax Lit,
4.3 a
!C47 72
To making up asfCKSors books, 40 l -
To salary as Clerk County Boanl , 400 00 i
Certifying to Co Coniinissioners Jury
for September tMi term,
Is.uluf venire
1 0
Impanelling and oath, r -
Ocllvering foil Booka, Ballots, Bof)ths
and Election supplies to 13 pre
cincts, ,
Ai 50
Express tYeight and drayafe, ,
i'-fstage & Krciifht,
To two wiens bruh broom,
Freight and Exprcua en ..oppiie',
Bostujfe April Hay and June,
" July AugUDt and SepU-uilH-r, iM
" October Hot and DeC.
1 Hi '
Kvpresa and Orayuge,
i O iipiiiiig road overseeres liooks,
Tr.i 6
Less postage express Freight S drayagc 41 2.
1 lit U
y, has bwa' quite I
indisposed this week.
Dr. Mtndith and Dr, Pbinney, were
tailed in for consultation in the case of
Mrs. Leo Deliock. The patient is doing
very well.
The Pb;iss-JouR7.aL forc. from the
"devil" up, lii-g beennursiDg "I-iGriiipe"'
hence it has been up hill work getting
our paper out this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke, left for
j Cnadron, lact evening, and will be the
guests of Hon. and Mrs. C. F. Coffee,
over the Sabbath.
Od la.--t Monday evening coontv
(Treasurer Seeru, l,:ft for Lin on, to
I make his annual s.-t'.leuieiit with tbtf
j tate treasurer.
I Mrs. Fred Sitt'ast, mother of lira.
I Paul Zerbst, died at her home in Rich-
land Colfax Co , thin stite, Wednesday,
j Jan. lfi, 1901, of cnn.siimption, thu de
ceased was aUiut fi- years old.
I We are sorry to slat that Mrs.
Wtddentian, mother of Mrs. Shiltz, is
I nnif.i cr thoe wno 144 rQiiUnd to her lied
this week. We understand she is suffer
ing of lung trouble.
Mr. and Urs Ernt Lyon, are now
. , i .1 r . J . . 1 F I . -
couiionuo.y oomicneu at, ,i,e ii.a.erj
mansion, about three milts rorth of ,
town. Ernest is all right, and Mr. Hest
er is doubtless awaie of the fact, hem e
he has employed him.
As smalfpox is raging through the
country and such few people know
what to do for it, the following receipe
put out by the most fcientific fcChool of
medicine, is said to Lo a sure curd for
smallpox and scarlet fever aod has cur
ad many children when learned physi
cians said the patient must die: "Sulp
hate of zinc, one grain; foxglove (digital
is), one groin; half a teaspoonful of su
gar; mix with two teaspoonsful of wat
er. When the above has been thorough
ly mixed, add four ouncts of water.
Tako a spoonful ovary hour. Either
disease will disappenr in 12 hours, For
a child smaller dose according to age.
If counties would compel physicians to
use this remedy there would be no ne4
of penthouse, (f you value life and ex
perience, am this for that terribla and
dreaded ,dieMe."Ltf (Wyo.) Hsrald.
I William J. A. I'aain Conntv Clerk f
Sioux Co. Ncbrvka hereby certify tlut th
above report it true and correct to tlie btwt i
o! or kuoa ltdKe and relief.
W .J. A RlCSf,
f-ubscr'.tx-d tn my pretence tUUSth day of
; .January A, L. W). J. B. Burke,
t fKit Dep. Cltik.
On motion Board adjounied ' till o'clock
a in. January, 19, l'joi.
Wm. . X. HaCm. Clerk.
Harrison, Neb., Jan., 1'', ;;)', o'cloi k a. ir,
Bounl met purjiuuut lo idjourtiinent, pre-
ei-t, I uminUoioneri K. iiaer, Wen, Lc.a
aud clerk.
tin motion llouri pnv--(t,lei to ap;joint f.Iil-Ci-rs
to Oh vactucice. i i tue s.-vcrl prceincts
the folluwliiiT piT.uu were a;KinIml.
T B. to-krt, A--i ajor snake ( reek p a.-itict,
.'. ii. Wli-on, ' Wh sl'ie Cre k pr. cim 1
f-amu il Kuori, Una l Overseer l'ist- iio. 12.
llobert Ee 1,, " ' " " i.
C. tl. Oreweil, Ju-ticc peace Sheep creek jiet ,
H. A. Keatinif,
C. L. Hall.
I. . V.. Iiicklnsou, " ' ' "
Dave ( olvillc, Buaniiiff Water pre'iuct,
John Y. Cook, "
Andrew liownbersr, Suur Loaf precinct,
W. O. l'utieraon, Boavit rreinct
Jolintorbin, ' "
Clias. r.ivhle, W:irbonnrt preclm-t,
John l'lunkett, "
Emery Uiluiore, WUHle Creek preeiaet,
Octave Harris. " ' '
J. C. Jiud-ou, J. 1'. While liivr
j Solomon Brky, J. 1. Montne
; 11. i. Mlilcr. J. V. Cottonwwd
'. John Mecktain, J. I'. '
j Fred lithoir, J. I'. Andrews
i'briA hrhtWuieii, "
j A. L. ItliiK. J. I". Antelope
( S. J. I ImK, J, I. '
j Henry Zimmernmn J. I'. Hat Creek
Jo-p i'tirpous, A-e.--,or lloai-n
't he oni'-iai tiond f Jo,';,;,
examined and on motion approved.
On motion it U ordered that the follow -I
u i Bnad Overseers I alloa ed warrant or
Bond certificate ai the cm may be:
1 noma 1. Hilton, UUl. No. II, ellmeil
l.'OWi, allowed t
Josy'ih Konrath Hint. No. 1, claimed
Hli 00, uilo-.ii-.t '-Too
A. 1.. U iK.ir. !ist. No, 18 claimed
Id CO, allowed certificate '1M
B. Z Sluart, Hist. No. il, claimed
HUD, ailoaed c'.-rtiiicate J70O
Sam Kuori, lost. No. Vl. claimed
;, allowed aarmnt ID
Ed. J'i-U-n.-IU-t. No. t. claimed
allowed wnrr.iut.- T W)
Robert Kei 1, Dut. No. 3. claimed
S 'l (XI ailo.ved warrant '-' 00
Uharic-s st:iUb-nmier, 1ij.t. No. iii. eiaimei
t:i no aJowad warrant -I 00
J. J-Klpp. I '1st. No. 7, claimed
t'X , alio.ved ccrtilkate .
Joe Hot) matm. Hist. No. 5, claimed
30 W, allowed c'-rtilic-W
-27 00
..Ti XI
Moioiaon it. story, Hist No. claimed
ri2 00, allowe-J critiCcatc llX)
On motion settlement was ordered fild
with the county Clerk.
On motion county ( lerk Is hereby allowed
as salary as Clerk of County JJo.trd tw.ui
for tne year ivul.
On motion the county Clerk 1 allowed
tan.tofor clerk hire.
jj.l (n motion the county uporSntend! bo
jjj,, 'and he is lurcoy allowed MM per day for
5WJ each day nec-s-.ari;y eniragej in perform-
lug the duties of his ollice.
The claim of John N-rres for express and
pot:.g, ?f.7 was exaiiihuKl and on motion
-l oi-; y-:ti f.n T'-olioe C:c ,"7S or i'-rt-ij
j to draw a arrd.it -,j(..;ust :- u t.-.tcnft-.-r-xl
for same.
On motion Board adjourned till March 1,
1501, at S o'clock a. m.
Wm. J. a. Rack, Clerk.
IjIED At her homo ia Highland,
Thursday Jan. 17. 1001, Mrs. Nels En0'
bret, siged 2. years.
The luneral services were hsld at the
M- E. church in Harrison, on last Satur
day uflt-riiu.n. Tl"V. Winges of tha Lu
thern, church, and the pastor of the de
ceased conducting the ceremony. Mrs.
Engbret, was a (kughter of IL E. Mil
ler of CottouWood, and was married but
a few short years, an! leaves one little
bit lie, with the bereaved husband and
parents to mourn her Iomj. Tha deceas
ed was a devout memter of the Lutherr,
church and in her iliness which was of a
linger n ; nature we'.ved all the conso
l.i'.ion of her religiotu A most appro
priate Kermnn was preached at the
church, and the mi vice were cinclmlel
at the grave. May ho v. ho is eser reiidy
t r:n!j the drofiping kpirit aud con-ole
t le troubled heurt iive to thj bereaved
family, that true con-uilation which the
! divine hea'er alone can give.
Over In Wyoming.
( ,,.iriB ChriHjiau, is exited h-iine
rr..iii L'nivc.sitj Place th lirsi, of next
I'r. Meiiditb, of CrawforJ, was tailed
to Pleasant li.da to counsel nitli l.r.
Ph 11 'iey, iu liora (luiatiuu's cuwi. Dora
Is abie to sit up several hours each (lay
and we hope to see her gain strength
every day,
Mrs. Eva Christian, Is somewhat und
er the went!) it with rhe luialisui.
Mi -is Eva Chun Ii, tailed 00 her sick
frieud Mms iJora (Jl r.slian, lant Friday.
This is thri first time she has been away
from home dunu,' the wiuler. Her
health has been lie tier this winter than
Hill Shatto, expects to begin drilling
a well fer Jo'in Duel this week. It Is to
be hoped that he will have better success
with this one than with the one lie dril
led last Spring.
Mrs. Philips, mother of Mrs, Freeze,
arrived herefrom Lama county, Iowa,
on last Friday, to make her home with
h-r daughtci for some time.
Iluckli-ns Arnica Sahe.
II'.s world-wide fame for niavelous
cures. It sun assci anv other salve, lo-
I I 7
, corns : ft
. Tet-'.J
tivin, ointuient or Uilrn for cuts
Iiiirns, liuils, siires, Felons, Ulcers
tor. Salt Iiheum, Fever sores Chapped
hands, Skin KruptioBsIufalUhle forliI-
Cure guaranleeu. Only -tc at J. K.
Ohl Ici!c Made Voting.
J. 0. Sherman, the veteran editor of
tins Veraiontville (Mitlt.) Echo, has dis
covered tlie remarkable secret of kof p
mgo'd popls young. For years he has
rvoiisness, Sleephsjiiewi, In
I.'e;irt trouble, Ouistijialion
iatism. bv using El-ctric liit-
,i II
1 r, l , writes: "it cant he prais
m; i !i.'; v. It gently stimulates the
! - - . ' -ties the stomach, aids diges
tt :i, aiid gives a splendid appetite. It
ha.i worLeJ wonder for my w ife and me.
It's a marvelous remedy for old people's
complaints." U;i!y 30c, at J. E. Piiiti
nevs drug store.
This season there is a large death rate
among hililren from croup and lung
troubles- Prompt action will save the
little ones from these terrihle diseases.
n e know of nothing so certain to give I
instant relief as One Minute Cough cure.
It can also he relied uon in grippe and
all throat and lung troubles of adults!
Pleasant to take. lilt. J. E. l'HIN'NIiY. j
Fer Sala.
1 CO acres, 8 miles from town all un
der fence, 3 wires and crosa fenced, 5
acres under irrigation. More can bo put
under ditch, (food stone house, burn
and ont buildings. For terms enquire
oradJress. Fiunk Strattos,
llirrison Keb.
Hnrrlson, Nebraska, January S3, lUil.
Notice is hereby given that f units htm av.
ailable for the payment of all outstanding
gt'iicr;il fund wurruiitsof ioiix county, for
l'.-0-i, regltered prior lo January, Kt, lnol.
lnU-re.it on su.li warrants prevfou-tly
caiied will c-ae at ihe date of suui caii, on
others at the date of this notice.
County TrcMurer.
C'nll For I'.idis Eor Urido.
Bids will ba received and filed by the
County clerk at his offi'.-o iu H irrion,
Nebraska, until noon February, 25th,
1001, for the building of a county bridge
ac mm Monroe. Crack, in Warbounet
The f,'oinnii;sinnrs reserves t-'ia right,
to reject any and all bids. Phi'm and
peclbVation are on file at this offlc.
VM. J. A. Hai'M.
County Clerk.
Iftj. 'Aa (fWii 7cuio Stwd, 8 .11
1 7-i'jnv,rii lssati InH, ,iJ
1 faiv-fii (t,iflii , jj
I i 117 j'-rien !' .1
1 li-r. ids M, .3
iVrUUu. rurr
; i v vicuiifjfi.
t a. 7 fr1
til fbrll tviu,
fir t4T:U Till 1
u-rt -f mar grM j
nut, tt. ::j(t tut awtil
,'. iJ i.kvK e ltca f Ot'r, fh.
'rft '
Trade Marks
r aWsKP; Designs,
Apron wnl'nir s dcet'-h and ricacrlntlon
OnlcKly ajM-eruni onr opinion free wljeili-r an
ItiviMiikm l I'f'hMHlr imlentHl'i. uri.inunlcii-ll4,iunilri(tljr'-illrtcnT(ftl.
Hut,'jUKlc fin I'r.ienu
K.'rjt frre. Oulwt mrciirf for wtf'unii,.' le,ils.
I'nii-nta taxeu throuuh Jiiunn h Co. recelre
tprrvU wHte., wltii'.ut climva, la tae
Scientific Jttsericasie
f ulfiiuin ft nj ('Ifiitif!'' yirutii. 'I'-rnm. :t m
Tfnr; ffnir montii. fU tkid byall Tntwt'Hlrn.
MUNN&Co.36'8" New York
bruica Offloa, uii V 8U Wwbiwiou, I. C
UsummI tS rt M ib,.iirt si rn.mt.tt, fc plfc I
flffin. or) lif'!fjtnriftt, to b t4 trtu'H, ngMmi 1
6'ig. 1 rtwet wm-fwty lttrnii Ml ittlrtlf ritmM j
liculUL (jusurt.f.ii bl i k (f-.'-k irv. ,' il or rtt, I
liii. U. H. liL'i1,biS Pit tnri, w lxitM. ite.
Mrs. T. 11. Tatroan, who has been quilt
poorly for w-m time, is improving ju
In ul th now.
VWelf ago last M.ind iy, L. L. Wilnon.
ha I the misfortune to lose his wind mill,
the vane fell down and the wheel went
to pieces le.'ore he could get up to chain
it to the inaxt. He went to lawn At
oiu-e and r,r lered a t,ew Samson of O. W.
Hester, which arrived on last Saturday,
and by the time this is in priut will U
I. fling water by the barrel,
Sav Dewey, row lake warning In time
. it is too late. That Hill pig story
savors of Asop. Perhaps it in one of his
Miles worked on tha unsuspecting fjand
ford Hill.
Iir.' Meridith reports scwnl cns of
Siailet fvr in Luk. 7.KKM..
M 1 i
DrusistvS Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
I r
-:iThe 0
C. F. Coffee, President. I' W.Clarke, Cashier.
Chas. C. Jaxesox. II. S. Clarke, A. cGILET,
Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on
to handle their entire Banking bueines.
AjiWe an1 prepared to fake care of onr trad" at all tiniest
We desire to
lew Year's Greeting
Patrons for past patronage and fa- o
vors and solicit their further trade ?
and patronage vhich will be
thankfully received, and appreciat
ed and trust that the NEW YEAH
may be one of pleasure and profit
to ail.
Yours Very Truly,
General Merchandise,
Harrison, Nebraska,
Professional Cards-
I Mtornay-at-Law.
I Trotript tttteiition given to all lefral
I matters in Justice, County and District
jOmrts, and before the United SlaU
j Laud OIP..-P. '
Fire Insurance written in reliabb
I sompunies.
I ti"Igal papers carefully drawn.
! IlAKni.sox. - Nkduaska.
a. J. 0 Conai-ll, - - Co. Attorney,
Will I'rwtlie ) All Conrti.
SnfHial Attention (le to Land Of
lire ISuhlnesg.
Collections and all liuinrsi rntrast
ed tome will rewire prompt attention.
Michael Ruffing, 'i'IutvKrou.
1 mn prefMinvl to do ul kirt'la of Otrll
Kngltu-eiiiiK work.
When In need of the Surveyors fiervii es,
give me u call as I have a full and com
plete outfit, together with exierienne o
do tlie work with ncatnewi aud disputed.
michacl Rurnnr,,
HAr.RltOK, - - -
E. PHINNEY, Proprietor!
. T"
thank our man
J. E. PHINNEY. M. 1.
Pliylsclan And Sur(rein.
All enliii Klven prompt attention.
)flce In lirug storo.
Putr IL K. Chnrch.
rresrhlne errrr Knniiay pveriipj at 7:J0
p. m., find e rer nllrriia'e MiO'loy at 1 1 ft- m
Sunday Sehoi 10 o Vlork a. m. Kpnorth
League p. m.
Prsj er Meettrg Tlmrsdn.r ermlnj at 7 :3(l
(.'oiiie one, Come all
Autuharp Bolo Kunday evening at the
( If "Church
Tlie .Mothers Fnrorlta.
Chamlierlaiu's Cough Itcmedy is tha
mother's favorite. It is pleasant and
safe for children to take and always
cures. It Is intended esjiecially for
cotifhs, colds, croup and whooping
coiinii, and is the Wt medicine mails for
these diseases, There is not the least
dange' in giving it to children for it con.
Iflins no opimii or other injurious drtijf
ami mny l given as conlldently to
daU as tn an adult. For alu by l')r. J.
E, lHtXV.
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C V Q IJI 1 1 IC TuvonHmntM
tn T IT M I L.I 3 wr '
rs!'i-'fi'l riwcl i. TfilllonS4'eil. font
b-t.il ttt bHir l'.rtt.K'. 0HMn Bkrfcjiul
tM. t.u a , .m f wam (Mtfiruri.