Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 24, 1901, Image 1
5 VOL. XIII. HA.K,IS02Sr, ITEBBASKA, THUBSDAY JA.:T 24 - oQl art-"NOQUESTtOWIS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT 13 SETTLED RIGHT."-!:-. William j" Bryan. ' ' IS O. 30. i l fcj ti b 3 H Qj; W W 11 1 jL JlJL- HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. PfSX&wjsjJ lilt lii: o 8ii!j,ci i!lioii Ii ! Per Tear $1.(K). Official paper of Sioux County. - Gko. I). Caxox. - Editor. Stock Brands in ie PB ESS-JliBNilL. V r' 4 Entelf.h at i hk Hahi-h-on Put Wbit is iaan( In- .ur neighbor we fft mot doubt; it lit every one willi whom we ara br-u ;lit i ito on act, whosoever it be, whom wo have any means of help-in;- It is to b? repreted. that two such cor r ip'iotiists us senator Quay of Pennsyl vania ami W. A. Chirk of Montana, nliould be rutumed to tho U. S. filiate they would bitter be in the ptmi ternary, Finish every d,iv and be dono with it. You have done what vou could. Some blunders and absurd. tie n dm b cr jit in; forget the n s ou mjoi can. To tiiorrow is a d?w d;iy 1i-i,',ii it and serenely, and with too bih a spirit to bs cumbsiMd witu your old i,oieitie. Thin day is all thil it n A and fuir. It ito)dMr, wi'i in lio;s an I luviu ioriH, to wast i a ni.i'ii !nt on ttu yettT layu. Ulji'i Waldo Hin-Ts iu. S . .. . z iMlt.Smv, Ot'CJ a hoy was waUm a onj thu wi shor when !i mw a wry Uautiftil Iks1I. Uuthubad Ins Imu.U lull just then, und lis .iid: "I'll jdck that bji when 1 conn back." But whun ho canw back after awhile Jw could i ol find it. This w.j,ve.i had washed it out into the su. Kjmet'm- ly or iirl iy: "I'll not d this kind act today; Til leave i il i;it Iju) jitjiv tiio chance of doiur it is goiw. Sjct"d. Grat xtiie;uL-nt prevails at Beau mont, Tox., the diM.-overy of now o:l Ikddii in that vicinity which bids f ur to rival anything yet dipvovored anywhere in this country, Tho fUiun of England is reported dun (rirouly ill. itli very liltln hope of her recovery. Thus Cnland ia on the vargn of a catantoplm. It is Ntattd that tier inr.jesty lets bie'i stritken with paraly sis. Laikk The Queen of Lrglani an Ireland and Kuipn-si of India, U dc;id, liat vinjj: pansid way T'jflny. .Tan. "'2. 1501. Quan Vicicria, i fnid to bi tie Ifxt queen that evtr graced the tbror.o of E.'trland and her mn wh two days lonnr th'jn anv of h-r pii'ecessor.s. ft will hi lu fcovvl lliuhnejis Edward the V!f, insteaa of Prinie of Wales u forni-srly known. Ai Qxt hwzo Miy that Iwiys with haU An the bi:k of their hemls a;ei Umg bur liiMKintf over their forhoad, und :i ir.;:e und smutty Ftoru-s in their mouth;,, are i le prr Ihnn old worn out horfs. No lK)ly wants them at nny price, men will ot employ them and r;irl will not mar ry Ihitn. They am not worth their keefiinic to uny Iwly, and they will nev er be able to keep themselves, If nny boy happens to rnd t ns who answerii iha de-cr pi ion let him take a good thoutjhtful look at himself and then do what his cotiu'di lac kiii ia the bent tlbngtodo. H"n. Thos. M. Patternon, publisher of fhe lVicky Mountain Daily and Weekly New, was, on the 16th inst honored, by the Colorado legislature by electing him U. 8. renator to succeed Hon. E. O. Wol cott, whose term will clone March 3rd next. Tbe Orejrou Ix'fislature passed a reso lution, lust week sul mi :ing tin Ioitive and Referendum, to the people, which they will vote upon at the next general election, and to u we believe it a good move in the rightdirection. A. FREE PATTERN (hr own a teflon;)-? r Vrllr. BDtifn1 ot- tri Mhtrft-1 p.Mp r l lilntt.-ltfriii. Of(idlil, Ami, Aitlfci;, ?M taiU rtfitti utodt diKiu. lt.-r( W.iH". rii"- Iff.,, tr. &il-im tn?. mi 1?'f fit t"-S-r I lc l "0 I iil is'H' 11 M m h,v 9T ' i' 4I' 'l.oe tt!i IWI.en, A , hMfwrll'i i leeW H U$ m,4 llu mnrt, ... Iwi f.t, C. 1 Otru u as fwxpi) cuss Mattei:. Trewaror'i SlHlcimnit. St.'it"iiif!iit or money rw-civr-'t unit ilm-!im-s ii i,v h Trnurr of s o i.t (V.unty, N!'iuI.ii, frjiu June ;y, l'.iiu t Janu.ir a, lxil. STATK FUND. Il'ilanop . 5 .,9 L'ollu'lloi . a ii MV.te 'i'li-UBiaui' (1,12.1 TK Hlll!lll,' I ISI ID (j.'XXS .7 B,'', 77 unroot. Land Find Balance . ; t Col lections . ...... 1 ,8 .0 :) ."thtn Treasure Balance . 17 V. SO l.'.4l- S.J 1,0 hi 2.1 ?t,lt SctlOol. Illlancc A pool t, on in en t 'I'll Schools Jiu Uiui e ) II : 1 1 BIT. 14 14 , ill fit 5 m rele Kivlc leplb n , !tjl.'.lice . .. VM 11 - 4.1k el IVrUlK'ate i.tuc i 1-jit . liaUnee ('mint v (.enerel Ku i I. Il.il.-n.ee f.'i U O.lleeUous ,",2I4 1,3 Ti'uliifers 1,W -6 IH W 'inuits U-il-s'Kiuil lluiuuee . to(,0:r.t(-i Ki:i U.K. llal'inec ;-.i''1 (.'OileetiolM 1(1.) .VJ iul,lli';e . 3,3!II SI 1,174 M 4.W..) V n;:i 42 li.: a Count r I'.oaii. Hiibiuce - t'olleeUinii . . Huh, lice , .... Bl S.I Cot.NTY ."illlnCK. 7,; 74 l.liTU :u Si 8 Knliiticc Co'leetiniifc. Trae-f-rs Wurrunra I.elee:neil IUInnce 7f0 40 a 2 (M t-2 74 1 '.h 1) I'ttKCiNCT I'.o;u. Ilihuiee.. t olU'tiloim i,.imt Interest liitliiuee 7IKI00 I On f ,.ri3 17 ;,(v;; 47 7,o-u 47 SCKOIAL 1IEHT. ItiUiiuee ... ... (.'Olll!cUi)IIH. '1 ransl'ercil . Hal. nice ........ 44 S HI U VI 00 l.Vi H Uoai District. fiiilancp 4".".'.'0 I'ol.mtlon :,1 51 Ce tiilentr i niee;eil ... Atlnluvtu A i-eciii;ts l'ulunee 37 74 27S00 447 i)7 7lr 71 7 4 71 i. itoiu l:sti!.c r. 1 .1 7i SPF.CI Ititlanee...... Collections WurrAittri Itoilefinei liulnaue ... . Mo i7 id :o 'j7 m 4'.7 (ri AUVEBTISIXil. Iialn'.iee l Collc!ioiu . ........ TrHiinfered Italauce . Ift'J SI) 17.'. 10 U) to so VllXACK OF rtAKIHSOfC. Bnlanne . t'olleetlons 2-J0 4S Inlnreston Water llond & a to V. WU held halancc . , 4 :ih :noot, IiSTKicr. lialaneo ... K.ZCS'fl ClUiOlniw S.v'.M 1 A iirtluiui.ent .......... 61 " 11 ISekeol Orders Iilil. Kefund llaliuug .... .......... J.720 17 SCHOOL DlSTItlCT BoKHH. 14 13 II 17 2.7 13 14.-!8 2..KH 34 6 2.1 4,405 97 Itnlanee. Collections CoutKiin 1'alil.... lialanee 273 u) ffi ,'17 I, Hi KM 1,773 S7 lfl,s7 W 11S7I 1,773 17 Cash on timet- Warren tsuc si nktng fund I'art l'aynients... Protest Funds - . Warrants RoKlstereil (;iierl Fnud RKlstret Wsmints OUUtHIlllll(. twin no di o 4.1M52 S.W1 27 Jonx Kaunas, Co. Treasurer. Bible Institute. Rev. C. H. Frady, of the American Sunday Hchool Union, will conduct a Third Hiblo Institute, in the Prespyter ian church on Little Cottonwood, Jan. Wurl. to U7th. 'I lie sessions be (in nt ten in the morning ruid continue throujthout the day and aveiilmr, those who have attended u former years have found ihm ntoiit helpful nnd instructive Entertainment will 1)4 freely provided for all who come from a distance and all will beirlodly welcotmd, 1 Persons w ho mi Her from in .liffextion can not 'expect to live Ion?, bvciuse thev cannct eat t!io fo;xl ripiired to nourish tli" body and the product of the undiCi-ted food-; t!;-;y do eat poison t!i blood. 1 1 i.s iniKrtant to cure iiidijre! tion as soon as possible, and the best method of iloirj; this to UfO the prep, aration known asKodol Dyspepsia t'ure It digests what you eat and restori-H ail the digestive organs to perfect he:lt.h. J. E. riliXNSY, Pepsin preiinrnlions otten fail to reli 1 eve indi esliuu bi.'caiis.) tlic'.v" can dii-st 'y albuminous i.io.is. 1 huri is one j prejiaratiou that digests ail classes of fond, rind t'.tnt is Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It cures the worst caw.s of indigestion and gives instant relif, for it digests what you tat. J. E, Pinsniiy. Ills Kilo Siivorl Il'.m. Jly wife's flood advice saved uiy life writes F. M. H iss of WiuflelJ, Tenn. . f.ir I had sucli a bid cou,;li I could hardly breathe, I steadily irrow worse un ler doctor's 1 rial nient , hut inv wifn tiri;'-l me to use I)r. Kind's K.nv llisenvery for ."'4 ."4 . Consiimpi ion, which completelv curd 1--'1 !,),' COUGHS, Colds, lil oridii! ;s, J.l- 4 a u- I 'rl,r,"i PneUMniiiiii, Asthnci, Hay 1'ev jeraiidull nuiladies of t ';--,st , Thro.it and u , 1, DHL's are iiositivelv enrol bv this rn .i- vehiiis iiiedii'ine. .Vic and $1.00. F.vvrv brittle f.-icirante,d. Tiial bittld atL':;. J. E. Pii;N'NKv,dnu; siora. free ''On of hr. Kiiur's Vvv I.if.! V each nitit, for two weeks Ins but rue in my 'teens' njjain" writes 1). II. Turn er of ) nipsi -ytow n, P.i. They're the liest in the world fur Liver Stoma( h and Howels. Pun ly ve'jrf ti !de, Never g.is. Onlp 'm, at J. E. P;i::;xi;v''s L'ru Htorrf. Dyspepsia Cure Digests vjhat you eat. It artificially digests tbe food end aids Natura In sirenKtbcnlfig and lecou atructing the exhausted dlgostie or gans. It lathe late-stcliscovertddigest aut and tonic. jSo other preparation, can approach It ia eflicionry. It in stantly relieve.snnd permanently cures Dyscecsia, Indicostion, Heartburn, i Flatulenfle, Sour Stomach, Kausea, blcit Headache, Gastraipia trampsana all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. nt 311. Larceslie contains 3!tla".oi (mall size, iiuuk aUaboutdyspepslamaliedfruo Prepared by E. C. DtWITT A CO, Cblcoo. Slir,rin,,.-4 Sale. P.y virtue of nn order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the DiHtrict Court of Sioux county, NYbruwk i, rpoti h ibierce rendered bysnbl ('art in i .v .rof simit coimtv end ns.ilnst IdwIiiC. Ii.ikuiio.l, Mrs. Kdulu C. Lock wood lit) wile, ilirlMtlan iiawn unknown, iHrtjslits. Lewis, executor of tlie cAlnlHOf lnry A. I orkwoo'l, (Iccsed unknown heirs (t .Muiy A. I-oel; ,voo 1, deceased, deiend- an Is. I 1 will, on tlie I'tii liny of February A. D. I&lil, Ht tw o o, clock hi Km iiflernoiei of said j d ly nt ttii l ist front door of the Court House of . ild canity, in Harrison, Kcbras ka, mill to tlie lilKlie-it bidder lor ciisli in lime, the fo.'lowiliK Ueserlbed rm. ttoLatc, iltuute in mid county, towlt: Ttu 9 eitb er.st nunrtrr, of Heetlon twenty, s', ti-s'iishto thirty four, north of range Itfty llve, west of the Mxth prinelpiil mer d l.m I t )"ioiu County, Nebraska, to sai fy (eitd order of mile, In tlie sum of One bund red and el!ity four dollars and elxhty-nlan eonU, Interest sn'M-osU and seeruliiK cu is. listed Iiecember 11, lino. AMI Uiwsr, HisrlfT of said ( eanty. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS DENVER, COLORADO DAILY & WEEKLY The Great Representative N, wspsper of the Koiky MiitiniHlii Mutes und Tiillnrbs. All the News f r m All tbo World, Illustrations, Cartoons, Special Features, Etc., Etc. , S'lQSCniPTIOlN R TES : Dslly and Kiimlay, jicr mouth . . (.7; fnuidsv only to !kl pgSj, per year, 20 Weekly, per year 1,00 Al'IIT'.TWH R0CX V 310USTAIS SEWK, Denver, Colorado. "A N V LA 0 Y can not a. valuable ac-rut MM imI sm ttm, sa( rsbfar lc!4 tot KtmiU. Mm. V. M. APP. CO. 8TOCK II It AS UN. Ti'E.Ioi?n.vAt wjll publish your brans, like fi.e following, forC2:W, per vesr. Kaeh ad "itmieii r rami 75 ceuti. Kvery rariner or r uii liineu In Klom inn adjoiuins counties r:io:ili it.tv.-rtiKe (heir bruniU m TheJoUK AAtiis it circulntes nil ovej- the ntute. It y tlie nieanit of tutvlui; money for you S500 EWfiED. Fur Ihfi urre.- ami una letin'i of any jmrty or purlieu HteuJine or lisn-ii.-h:aiiy hrauile Ik-Joiu'Iiih to tie.- uieb-rsluned par tiiw: i- i; rj. n.i.K. Horses brniKled on riifii glioulUer or '4 tirmeled ,,' ."i'lit J.,w Also, I huve -.- on left tllljfll llorw t bran J'ost (ffbeit A'ltlMtrt, liuirisoii, htonx Co !-eb r:ska. F.K. JAKDT. i'ec-s cn U7 R? or j on iff t lib- W m m on Itirt ol Cut tie. Hll'"x Comity, Ktliry..ka. ,,'jri oi trcJLj j'l.sl (.'flee, Hewitt jo: T. SNOW. Horses br on left shoul pier 1-1. dJkUl '. JC'ilJ 0-t ;',( l,r:.:iler oil left llllllll.'ler on left side. Flit mill C.iU'.e J'U.Ht Ollll ( 1 .It. A 1 1 in- .iirmnie Co. Wyo. JK')!!t;K sV.V X. fatile bran.Ie,l on left Horses braiubvl H'v.- on left ,hon v'll bl' i', niece r,n sc Idler ( leek. Any stock bunded nsnbove beinif estrny e 1 Iroin my r"i.!, discoverel by any body on Iviu me iitior'iuilion wid be rewitr lei. Aildies.i, Ft. Koliin-ion, Neliruska. j. is. p.;.Mr.iu:. Horses branded on f'"' (j kft shoulder and Cattle same on left. uVJ li'p. Shop barnded v,( on back or l, u ,,r si,..,. s- l:ant;e on Soldier Cr-ek and Wliilo Uiver. Address, Ft. t'oblnsou, Nebraska. A I'romiactit t;hicao Woinat) Speaks. Prof. Koxa Tylev, of Chicfl'ro. Vice Presidcnt liiinom Woman's Alliance, in ip'-,il;iil ol ( 4iambei-aiii's Coiiifh Rfiii oly, vs "f siiilVred witii a severe coid this wint'-r w inch tlireatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different rem- (.-lies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine unset mv stomach. A friend advised me t.0 try Chamberlain's Coii'h Uemcdy and I found it was pleas ant to take and it relieved ;ne at once. I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time and Mulleni, and 1 will never 1m without this splendid med icine aain." For sale by Lm J. E. I'lli-NTy: 'co.NTKsT NOTICE. t'MTitii .' ta i r.s l.M)OrrcK. A lil-.ince, Nebr-iska, I Juiiuuiy, II, l:d. i A sufficient nf.'' davit having been tiled in tills ofllcte by Jens Jen-.cn, contestant, Sftiilnst i,-ne.-i.i entry No. 4470, mndo Jan a.iry for f.;, ;t-Wi N K'a s Wi and N-WVi H-CV, -ee.iion Town dilp 31, N rai ge 4 v, by I, on ' or i , eontestee, In which It Is mi' (cI to.-t .i;-.ld lUmoii Cone lias never h l led uoti or iimile any improve ment wb i lever ou .the said laud, that It has been wholly abandoned by ths Entry iliati since date of entry, and that said alleg ed absence from the said land was not due to Is luiployeinent In the Army, Navy or Valine Corps of the Vnlted states ns a pri sm sulkier, officer, seainun or marine dur l .K tbe war with Spain, or during uny other war In which tho Lulled stoles may be en Knifeil, so.li I parlies lire hereby notilled to appear, respond and offer evidence touch llKC said allegation at III e'e.lck a, in. March 11, 1 to, before lirunt (jiitbrle, Notaro Public at bin omen In Harrison, Neb,, and final he lieari.is; will tie held at 111 o'clock a. m., 0:1 llarcb IS, 11103, before the Register nail lti derttt the C nlted htato Land oitlce In A;liiuc,icbraiika. le'sald ejntestsnt having, In a proper affidavit, Illed January II, I'jOI, set forlll facts which show tluit after dllllgence er. mmal service of litis iiollce can not be made It U In reby ordered and directed tbiit such nolle be give j by due and prosir pubilca- tlen. W. it. AKCHS, KiKlstcr. ' NOTICK. Tlave just concluded a contra.' t with A. Iluspe, of Onialia, for another Kimbal ()rj,an, which we will sell ut a liberal discouit. I alitor. T'lir-nurited reputation for curing piles v,r, i4id skin ihuenses arollired bv I Ih. will t lien li.'i,e naive, nas ieo 1,0 i n tiiakiiK of worlhless cnunterfeifs. He sure 'et only lWitt'i Salve. Uu. J on " FRANK VJTTO. Cuttle branded side und same on der of horses. Address, HarrlHon, Nebraska. CHARLES B1E1ILK. On left side or hip of cattle, ( tin lef t shoulder of horses, i fJM Ranee on tbe bend ol W'urbounet K, i " " r.'in. Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob K:!ank C. Lewis. Cattle Itranded on left side and Lorses Iiranded fiJi-A oa left shoulder lluu.ii! on bead of White ltlver. V. O. Address, Harrison, Se'o, JOHN A. HANSON ll 'I U MU uu en vV, i a i. W-l Also HO On fftt vii) find h'jres i';t! lK'on h-ruliip ln.rst tn left thi)UUUn Itaime on Sliver "pprhiKB and oast of statu Ino. 1'oM.oHlce Harrison Nob CHAUI.KS S'KWJiAN'. The bin nd represented in this notice fipytj and branded any where on left Hide iiSO. of uattl, "d over-lap eut from tlie niini ear. ' ,lle anie brsnd on left thiffli of iifit,t horses, buloiis to tlie undersiifiied. Itawife near Last Springs, south part to iiotix county. C'HAKr.KS Kkwman, Harrison, Xebrtuika. J.H. TUCKKR. 'hf$A branded on left shoulder of horses i'lAfi-'y.i,,,! nn loftaM.nf ratllo Hiingfe on White River, near Glen. P. O. Addrosa, Glen, Nebraska. ukkp ciii-;i:k uve stock co. TTTTM Iiranded on left hip of Cattle and on left check of Horses, Itimjrc on Deep Creek. At Jiess, Deep Creek Live Mock Co,. Cecuas Ro p, Supt., Gleji, Kebraska. JiOllKltT F, NEECE. Cact:o Branded p Kuiife on Water. . o. Address Atr-itn, Kebraska. fot,loo for Prenpiitution Claims. ' of Notice Is hereby (riven to all persons hav Ins; claims or demands against Peter Brown, commonly known as William Haynes, late of M'.oux County, deceased, that tbe time fixed for filling claims against-Peter Brown si,l'l est i to is six Months from lite I7th uny I'cceiniier l'.iuu, all persons having such claims ar3 required to present the- same' wltii tbo vouchers, to the county' Judge of said county, at his office therein on or be fore tlio 17th day of June 1001, and claims so filed will be hoard on tho first Monday in February lfil and thereafter on tlie first day of each regular term of the county court of said county during tho time limited as a foresaid. SKA L Charles K. Pcnii.T. County Judge. Itoad Xotico. To all whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to locatr a road commencing at N-B corner of heclion tlilrly three (33) and thirty fo..r (34) in town ship thirty-live (Sfi) I tan Re fifty-four (M) in Moux County Nebraska thence Running South two ('.') miles and terminating at KK corner uf suction four (4) in township thir ty four (34 llungn fifty-four (M) ia Kioux County Nebraska be est ibltslicd and all ob jections thereto or claims for rt.iniiujes must befiled In tho county Clerk's office on or bo. lore noon of tlie 13th. duy of February HXU or such road will be established without ref erence thereto. W'M. J. A. KAIIK. County Clerk. For Htilc. For Hale: the quarter section of land .... .'. , t I aiijoniiiig am isnmar, .,-., , . W. Lamburt land. Price JCrtO, half cash balance 2 years time. For particular call at Press-Journal, ollice. Iteat Out of an Increase of His Ten. hIoii, A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes: "Seeing the udvertin- ment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico In '47 and 8, I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this romedy haw kopt me from gotting nn '' Increnso in my peuRioi for, on vry re , nnuru I a Hohm of it restores ItlO. . It IS unequalled ns a quick euro for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Or. J. E, Piijwiy, on tbe left left thoul- ?jrS&rH on left sido. SiafflEji K"""ing p ,$100 Howard. I'or proof to convict any person of stel In:,', altering-, runnlug off, or lit any way damafluifs slock branded r If lit side or hip. Address, Jauks Fohcc, Harrison, Neb. A.T. HCGHSON. Brand combi doubleffBBOon left side of cattle. Hones samc rlht shoulder. Cut out rlKhtb .Iol ear cattle, Cattle all dehorned. Kango on Kyle Creek, Post Offlee, Glen Nebraska. LAUS PKTEKSEN. Cuttle brutded I'SF'J on left hip aleo Cattle branded on left side,. Itanje on Soldier Creek and White Biver. Address, Glen, Nebraska. Foremau, Fbed Masow. UKKX EAKNEST. Cattle branded on left iiip ami same on tbe left Jaw. Horses branded w on left jaw, shoulder or flank. Also Horses branded j on left flsnk and I ou left shoulder. Rane on head of Van Tassel creek, Wyo. M-Post Oltice addres, Harrison, Neb. BKKWSTER & Co. f Cattle brand ed saiuo as that ou cut, either left flip or on left shoulder. Horses branded with any of above brands. Address, J. A, Andebsok, Harrison, Nebraska. KNORI BROS. Cattle branded MaJl on lcft nlP hol- der or side-and Horses branded same as catt le. Range near Bell, Neb. P. 0. Address, Harrison, N br iska. HENRY WAHNEKE. Csttle brand ed on left .side. Range on Running Water Crecek.'-. "P. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska. READ THE JOKNAL. Contrst Xotice. . I'nitsd States Land ofTlco, Alliance. Nobrsska, December lltb, 1M00. ( A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this offlee by Andrew Johnson eon tostimt, sgalnst Homestead entry No. 4110, make December Pith, 1892, for South west quarter Section 19, Township 3S.N, Usage 14 W, by Levi 0. Mathews Contestee, in which it is alleged that Said Levi C. Mathews has eatirely failed to establish hit residence oa ' slid land and has entirely failed to onltl vste any of said land at any time, that tbe said defaults continue nt the date of this iffldavlt and are not nor were not caused bv service of said ontrymau In the Army, Navy or marlue Corps ef tbe United Statea during the lats war with Spain or any other war In which it may have bsen engaged. Said parties arehcreby notified to appear respond and ofter ovldonoo touching salsl allegation at 10 o'clock a. m ', on February lltb, f'.Kil before Grant Guthrie, Notary raa- -lie at his offloe, in Harrison,' Nebraska, sad that final bearing will bo held at W o'clock a. in, on February, 1, 1901, lief ore the Register and Receiver at the. united States Land offlee In Alliance, Nebraska. Tne saia contestant having In a proper affidavit file June ,21, 1000, set forth facta whleli show that after due diligence personal service er una notice cannot be made, It Is hereby orderea andfdlrected that suoli riotlee be (lvaa W due and propor pnblealk, - F. U. D4KliIKUTOH, ' Bp and Skin Ointments A certain core for Chronlo So.o letter, Salt Bbenra, Bcald Heai, 014 Chronlo Soreg, FoTer Sorea, Bcumo. ttch, Pralrlo Bcrafchci, Sore Nipple; and Piles. It Is ooollng and tooWnj, Bunirods of ctuei baTe been cuted by tt alter alt ctber treafecht; bod faead Md WoealfW fcnrifJ.,,7 lT-( mm no i.iii A ; ( ?1 ! It 4 I (.l v M V ' ; f, i J f i 'IT v ft I.i"m1, ri 4 I -e.ii". V M.- .-si T. N1 Mi"? - - 1 t II . i . -1) . it i i ;-i(ia X 5.. J ' 4c " i 1. I. 1 .t