Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 27, 1900, Image 8
1 1 Press-Journal o Thvbsdat, Drc.2Tth, 1900. fla. T. Canoe, Editor and Prop. . 1. A X. V K. L lint table. Ootng Wwt. Going Kut . , mtxfld. 10.M I No. 6. uiill..r 7:50 North-western LINE P. E. M. V. R. R. is th best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD AXD HOT SPKIXCS, SOUTH DAKOTA. Lenus Larsen, eldest son of Mr. and lira Carl A. Larsen of Harrison is at home to spend the holidays. -De Witt's Little Eirly Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstructions .and invigorate the system. J. E. Phi KEY. Fancy Lamps, at Drug Store. Wbats the matter with ZEKIEL un der the Christmas tree? He's all right. -tjouniy commissioner u ,i;. Jewis, was in town, with his family on last Monday to be vaccinated. A capital idea. Mihs Dora Christian, of Pleasant Ridge, who has spent the past month in New Mexico, returned to her home on last Friday to remain indefinitely. When you need a soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles sum) skin diseases. It heals sores with, out ireving a a Kt;ar. Beware of count' rfoits.r-J. E. Phdtney. Toilet cases Albums, at Pioneer Pharmacy. What resolutions are we going to make at the beginning of the new year. A Happy New Year to all our sub scribers, is the wish of the Press-Journal. Be sure you notice Bert Earnest's stock brand, as it appears in this issue of the Pbess-Joci-naL. Next. . Mr. Brewster, came down from Cheyenne, Wyo., on last Friday evening to look after matters at the 33 ranch. All of our Teachers left Saturday, to spend the 'holidays with relatives. We understand Mr. Meyer, will visit Lincoln before be returns. If you would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab let. Tbey correct disorders of the stom ach aud regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 25 cent. Samples free, at J, E. Phuket's. Go to DRUG BORN To Mr. aod Mrs. James Her riam, Sunday night Dec. 23, 1900, a boy weight not known. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Chat TJnitt, Saturday morning Dec. 23, 1900, a girl, wf the regulation weight. Go to Pioneer Pharmacy for Xmas presents. Amy Christian, of Pleasant lUlxe. was a Hub visitor on last Mon day, we presume on business, the most unquestionably in quest of KrisKringle. 1V acknowledge a pleasant call from vise young lady. , We understand that the much dread wit disease small pox, is now at Crawf ford, and as twelve or fifteen cases are reported. W. C. Caveo, aod bis family awi amoag the first to contract the d incase, which we understand it in a mild form . Grandma Downey, Misses Anna aod Nora Neece, spent Christmas down at the Running Water ranch of Mr. aod Mrs. Robert Neece. parents of the two latter. Tbey will probably spend the entire bolt days aod vacation io the country. Mr. Ed. Cudahy, of the firm of Cud bjr Broe , the Millionaire pork packers, of Chicago, South Omaha, and Kansas cHy paid out tba small fortune of 25 4S9., tar the recovery of hi only son, who was kidnapped last week io Omaha, aww be offers a like sum for tba arrest C tile kioaeppers. Ke om can reasonably hop for good Mini mmn mi cowcis move ooc waa day. When this is not attended to, sJtraof Uie stomach aria, btllious- .cNt haadaolM, dyspepsia aod piUa toon XJZtm. If yoi wish to avoid Umm ail- IssmU kp yoar bowel rflar by iak ir j Cfcaabtriala'i Stoaacb aad lira t 7M waaa iwniea They are ao 1 MdraatVata affect. For aala by Card Of TIuibU. wkA to axtaad ,2it'a fete? c JI. J. Gayhart, was over from Mont rose, this week on business. The county commissioners, are in session, as we go to press. WINTER OIL FOR WIND MILLS, FOR SALE AT G. W .HESTER'S. The ladies Aid Society will meet at the horoa of Mrs. Hanson. To quilt for her, Wed. afternoon Jan. 2, 1001. Will Gerlach, came down from Douglas, Wyo., on last Monday evening, and will remain until after New Year's. Miss Gertrude Bourett, and Master Jameson, came up from Cbadron on last Friday, to spend the Christmas holidays on Running Water. Go to Drug Store for pic turee, & paper pockets Mrs. A. L. Staudenmaier filed on a Quarter section of Sioux county soil. last Wednesday. Little Cecil Hester, who has been suffering from a severe cold, and fever for a few davs past, is all right and able to be out. The proudest man to be seen on our streets, nowadays is Chat TJuitt. And why not? Has be not received a Christ- ruas gift of priceless wortlu Merry- greeting Chat. Michael Staudenmaier, brotherof the late A. L. and Charley, arrived from Iowa, last week, and will remain sever al monthV, and help his sister-in-law build a house on her claim. All parties kacwiEg thB!!ves to be indebted to the Pkkss-JOCRUL are re quested to come and settle as soon as coavient as it is necessary to close our books at the end of the year. We have delinquent subscribers, of three and four years standing, This isesper.ially intend ed for such. A Christmas greeting from our old friend Mrs. E. J. Wilcox, of Los Angles, California, in the form of -ome exquisite ly pertumed flowers, of which California alone cau boast, were received at this sanctum yesterday, by our better half. She not only appreciates the gift most highly, but she prizes the remembrance of thedoner, doubtly so. Many thanks, your flowers will shed a light on the darkness of this sanctum, in our daily routine of M quads and dashes. Again we thank our friend Mrs. Wilcox and take this occasion to wish her all the joys of the season. A letter was received by us a few days ago, from our old friend and for mer townsmen Perry Kirkpatrick of Calaway, Nebraska, stating that they were all well, and doing very well. Perry said he had over 1600 bushels of corn, be also eave us a most cordial in vitation to dine with them on chnstmas, and promised un some choice turkey, be said his wife had raised twenty. Perry said they always looked for the Phesv JoursaL, as it brought them news from their old friends, all of them will be glad tc hear Perry and his family are doing well. STORE for XMAS Presents of all Kinds, Cheap as Mm- Grandpa Hollicgsworth, who has been summering with his two sons and their famalies left Tuesday noon for Loa. Angels. Gil. to spend the winter, it be ing most too frigid a climate to suit him, he may possibly return again next spring. MARRIED At 12 o'clock today at tbe bo me of the bridea parents in Harrison, Rev. Warren, of the M. E. church officiat ing. Miss Louise Gerlach aod Mr. Ed win Lyon. Both youog people are well and favorably known and have a host of friends, who wish them all joy and hap piness io their sew life. Central City. Hews Letter. - lo . . Central City, Neb., . Dec 23, 1900. I received such a hearty welcome from neighbor and friends, it is a pleasure to take up my pen aod koock for admit tance again. Capt A. O. Fisher, must have taken his defeat desperately, to try to prevent Hon, C. F. Coffee, from taking his seat in the legislature at Lincoln. We ex pect Charley to go to Lincoln, and hope be will give us a call. We were very much disappointed that Mrs. EvaE. Christian returned to ber home without coming to see us. Hope she will not treat us so again. One case of small pox is in oar town which is guarded very closely aod no rear to entertained that it will spread from that case. We received ao invitation to eat Xmaa dinner with friends at Palmer, but we will remain at borne and entertain tbe foar lad collet Professors. The college has closed for tbe holidays, awi most of tba students have returned to tbeir bosses. There has bees about one baadrad enrolled during tbe fal Tan teaming aoae M this country 1 this wtU out rival that nwetlosed by br.EmUrkt Ma totter M the sicth. TT cm twa teUi wtzoos aa4 fn:'0.fc3l KcJto tiekak This is our Pleasant Ridge Christmas Tree. That's very plain for all to see Tis loaded down with presents fine. And the candles too, how bright they shine. Candies and nuts for the young and the old. Tbe half that's tliere can not be told. There's a gun for Tom, and a drum for Roy, And presents enough for each girl and boy. Roy has a cap, and Nellie a hood, that box for Sen contains something good. Jim has a horn, to play in the band "While Zekiel got a bag of sand. Jensie a doll, Bessie a book, Mrs. Hunt a lamp, a shoe for Foote. There's a cross for Christian, a sword for lJeuel, and for our kind teacher an obedient school, a chair for Sutton, for Newlind a plow, a pillar for Church, for Hill a brow. A heater for Freese, for Ricea bowl, a poultice for Eoyles, "ZuriiBurm" a coal. A dog for Uanting, for Williams a sweet, potatoes for Murphy and all to eat. A fence for Holderfield, for Steers some hay, a Piper for Han.lin, the rata to scare 'way The mouth was there with its terrible roar jur 2Tring the building from ceiling to floor. TbeTJ EJfchildren too with out stretched handsj3 Point to the tree, with its silvery - 3- bands, and sparkling eves so -3-happy and bright look on the tree with eager delight. Then Santa Claus came with a rush and a shout. He went to the tree and the presents , give out So now my dear friends I wish you to we. The one who got up this Christmas T R E E OSSSSSSSS sso m CD ZEKIEL VIEWING THE The Christmas Tree, and entertain ment which wus given at thu church, on last Monuay evening, was a decided suc cess. The program, was under the im mediate supervision of Mrs. Dr. Phinney, who also acted as prompter to the little ones, and they did her credit. At the right time "Old Santa" could be heard in the distance, reindeers and bells, and tbe sight of his famaliar face, made the little folks smile. He came and distrib uted presents right and left, forgetting nor overlooking none. After which he dissap-ared as quietly as be came, and in the twinkling of an eye, all that could be heard of him, was the faint sound of tbe sledge bells. But in the short time he was with them, the children asked him as he passed and repassed thro the jukI", "Santa are you coming to my home tonight?. Tub singing by the ure. Loads of baled hay looked so large my curiosity led me to inquire how many bales they hauled to a load nnd I was informed forty (40 1 liave seen six set of side boards on a wagon loaded with cobs. We came very near having a blizzard yesterday and last night All it lacked of bing perfect was the snow. The wind'eame strong from the north west and began sprinkling, soon turned to enow, but the snow only lasted a short time, supose Sioux Co. monopolized the rest. We decided it seemed quite like home and I have not felt so homesick since. We"wonner and wonner" as "Aunt Samanthy's" Tommy does, who tbe wed ding bells are going to ring for in Har rison next. Your town out numoers this m funerols and weddings. There are many handsome marriageable maid ens here, but I guess tbe young- men liave "gone west" or to tiie war. The college bell rang for fire this morning and on looking out discovered a fire at a near neighbors. Fortunate for all concerned only the wash house was burned, had the wind been in any other direction a very destructive fire would have followed, as the ranch is a big one with many buildings. C. Over in Wyoming. o Charlie Christian arrived home from University place on last Thusday's train. Mrs. Eva E. Christian arriued home from Heodlev, Neb. on last Friday s train, and Dora arrived from Las Vegas, N. M. oo Friday's east bound train. Andrew went to Harrison to meet them Friday hut did not gat out home unti Saturday evening. Dora was quit weak from her long trip, but expects to be belter after a few days rest. Francis Deuel went to Harrison on last Friday and stayed over night to be initiated into their myrteries of tbe Modem Woodmen lodge. II arrived home oo Sunday. John Deuel had a nent little ranaway oo last Friday eigbt, during the heaviest of the snow storm. Luckily uo damage was done. ' As Items are very scarce, I seal a pie tar of ar CSirUatea Tree by co CHRISTMAS TREE. choir aod under the direction of Mrs. Dr, Phinney, was most appropriate for the occasion, with J. E. Marsteller, nnd El mer Smith as end men. Will Davis hnd entire charge of the rendering of the pro gram, and discharged his duty to per fection. The church wat crowded to its utmost capacity and altogether the Christmas tree and exercises of the yea 1900 will be long and pleasantly remem bered by all. And now we learn F. M. Dornngton of Alliance, is among the latest aspiran to announce himself a candidate for Urn ted states senator. He says he feels he has taken a back step times enough and given others presedence, and now it time he receive recognization. Wonder win, will he n-xt. Sheriff Sulff. By virtue of an orler of sale Isnncd by tbe Cleric of tiio District Court of fsloux County, !ralin, npon -a decree rendered by iu Court in favor of Sioux t-ounty and nicin-t Joohua M. Plumb, Mr. Johua M. Pmiib, bin wife wboe chrUtlan name Is unknown, W. J. ISowdeii, and Ilellen T. Campbell. I will, ou Iho )2ih day of Junmiry, A. 11. l'01,Ht two o'clock In the aflrnoon of said day, nt tbe east front door of tbe Court Itoam or said county. In llurrlnoa. Nebras ka, acll to tbe blKficat blddnr for cai.li In hand, tlio following dfH-rlbvd real etal sitnHle In Hald county, to wit: The went balf of tbe north-cant fjnartrr of Bwtlon thirty, and tbe weat half of th outb eaat quarter of Section nineteen, all in Towimhlp thirty nve, north of range fifty tour went of tbe sixth principal meri dian in Bloux county, bralta, toaatlnfy said order ef a!c in tbe mm of thirty-four dollar! an two cenU, intercut and coU and accruing costs. Dated December 11. I'joo. Alex Lowsr, Sheriff of ld County. Jewelry, Drug store. Silverware at Order of Hearing. In the matter of tbe Katate of Sninel It. Coffee, deceaaod, late of Bloux county, Ne braaka. At i antalon of the County court of held county- Ix-ld at the probate office on the 1Mb dav of Dfcrmlwr, A. It. 1D00, Honorable Charla K. fichtit, County Judgn preaerit and pri'uliUnr. In reading and filing tbe peti tion of Mzgie Coffee repreae itlng among other things, that tiamuel B. Ooffee, late of aid conuty, departed thla life Intestate therein, on tbe Brat day of October, A. D. IOCjO. tearing eld petitioner, hi willow and Harry Gofle, Kcx CoffVe, Guy Coffca and Kdns Ooffeebls children and heirs at lew of bis estate and tbst he waa seised and porseased of both personal aad real eatat, and tliatet la neewaaarv that an admlnlatra tor be appointed to collect hi asset, take charge of ssldnatcta aad pav his dabu aad praying for the appointment or Charles T. Coffee, as raeb administrator. It Is farther ordered by tbe Court that the "lb day of January, A. O. ISM, at nine o'elnek la Mm foreiUMHi at the probate offJe, In ax id eoaatr, be tied aa tba time lor Umi bearing of saM petUwn, aa4 that aotw Ibereof be glvea by pabllablag of T ui bU order In the HtnaisoN raaaWocaaAi. aawtpaier pabllabad and etteetotlng taere In for three week prior to said day of bear la. ' , v, ' .-v. r lb Court. v CMMT. THE PIONEER Drugs, Drugists Sundries, Paints. Oils, BOOkS and Q VJ . I I Illl1l1kl I IWfJIIOlVK U $ooooooooooooo 00C0C040C0000000404000000 Boots & Shoes. Remember: We carry the LARGEST and beet Line of BOOTS & SHOES and RUBBER OVER SHOES in the city, and we Guarantee Prices to suit all. Hardware. And Also, LARGE X ' AND Give TJS a Call, .i.i ,r nviARoTELLEK DKUS I tihetirr suie. By virtue of an order of auie twined, by the clerk of tbe District court of Hoax County, Sebraaka, Unr. a deer-e rndered In Said (urt in favor ot I.unl Wolillieter, ua plain tiff and against Dakota Loan nd Trut Company, Charles Harmon, Mrs. Cuarlea Uarnioii, hia w Je chrietlail name unknown aa defendant. 1 will, on the 12th day of January, A. I. ISlOl.at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at tbe cant front door of the Coart Houhc of the caurt houae of aald county, in IlarrUon, Kcbraka, sell to the hlghKt bid der for cash In baud. th following describ ed reiU esute altuate In nid county, to wlt: Tiie south east quarter of Hectlon eievrn, Ui Townahip thirty-three, north of Kaugo Bfty fire wet of tbe sixth prlnclpul meridi an In Kebraaka, to aatlafy auld order of sale Di the sum of fifty-one dollars and sixty-one cents and' interest and coat sod accruing cost, I Dated December 11, I M0. AUI lM ax, F.hcrlff of said Conn ty. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of aale Issued by the clerk of the district ceurt of Sionx Countv, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered In said eourt.tn favor of Jacob Marking, a plaintiff and agntnst John Oarrtaoti. Mr. John Oar rtson, lil:i wife whose christian name ia un. known.MiowaiUT Mortgage Company, F. J. fb-vena true christian nawe.anknown, as defendant: I will on the Ifth day of January. A. D. liKll at two o'clock In tbe afternoon of aald day, at the east front door of tbe Court House of tbe court house of aald county, In Harrison, Nebraska, sell to the blgbest bid der for rash In hand, the following describ ed real elate situate in said county, towlt; The aortbeaat quarter of section eight In township thirty thro north of range fifty four weat of th Mitb principal meridian In Kebraaka. To aatlafy aa'd order of sale la the aum of mxty-srn dollar and lutret and east aad aeeralng cost. Dated December II, ISM. albs Lower, Sheriff of said County. , For tela. For Sale; the qoarter section of land adjoialow the towasits, known as the J. W. LambortbkiJ. Pric C300, In If cash salaaokl year Uaa. For rartkuktrs sail tt Vmzz Afam PHARMACY. Varnishes, J STATIONARY. i We carry a full, complete and up to date Line of light Shelf HARDWARE. Silver Ware and Clocks, Queensware, HATS & CAPS FURNITURE, FLOUR and FEED. Fulll ine of GROCERIES and every thing usually Kept in a General Store. ir Remember wo give 5 per cent, oil lor cash And examine our LINE before buying elsewhere. . m Societies. W. II. WARKCf, Pastor M. E. Cbnrch. n.tttUIS0.V - .X08ASKA. l'rciirlihii erery Knnday frrnlng at 7;t() p. m-, and errry alternate Nunday at 1 1 a- m Sunday Krhool 10 e'clork a. m. Epnerta League 6 .-30 p.m. Prayer Heeling Tlinrndsy evealagat 7:K Come one, Com all- Autoharp Solo Sunday evening at tho larChurcb Proffessional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY, M. D. Phylscian aud Sorreoa. All calls given prompt attention. Office In Drug store. HARJUBON - SfKBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-al-Law. Prompt attention giveo to all 171 matters in Justice, County and District Courts, aod before the United Bute Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabN companies. fjrLegal papers carefully drawn. Habkhox. - NnsuaxA. M. . 0 Coaaell, - - L'e.AtUraey, Will Practice la All Coart. Haaetol AtteaUoB Uirea to Land 0f Ice Baslaess. , . CoIleeitoM aad all holiness ntnU ed U bm will raerlrc preatpt attoatlon, Uabbbhh - Michael Ruffing, wOTVvr.Tot 1 m prepareit to do all hinds of Olvtl Er.glrlg wort. Wtioa ia need of tba Sarvevors tsrvicas, give bm a call at I have a fall aad oesn pleteoutflt. together with experleaos to do tba work with aeatoass aad diapatch. MICHAEL RUrnNO, a r -, A if