Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 27, 1900, Image 4

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Warfare Character
rikrwa la tha Kltr.au
aluM the CtafM of CSil-
tTSON, Dm. 22-William T.
- rtrJ Jt returned from The
C: WeVtre he bad a long confer
zr Vita Mr. Krugcr and ascertained
tltrsUad tbe views of Mr. Kruger
ax 1 counselors as to the present
sC2a and future prospects. Mr.
XZmX Xm written, the following for
ta AawUte(l Prees:
Tint of all, nothing ia decided
a boat M vMt to America at present.
President Kruger hue not abandoned
il hope of securing the support of the
ajovanuneatt of the civilized world in
kit eVtmsads for arbitration. Until
the last government refuses absolutely
to amy a word in support of the prtu
etnles which they solemnly laid down
at The Hague conference Mr. Kruger
will not partake in popular demonstra
ttnaa It is recognised that if be cared
to do ao he could shake the continent.
T papular enthusiasm for him is un
fnralleled since Garibaldi's visit to
London, but until kis diplomatic mis
sion ia exhausted an appeal to the
people cannot even be taken into con
aMaratioa. Mr. Kruger is emphatic in
elaciatssicg any desire to Involve oth
er nations in war in behalf of the
Bears. What he asks is that the gov
arasssBts, which at The Hague declared
their intention to use their efforts to
sees aSiicsble settlement cf disputes
fey means of mediation and arbitration,
should nake a united effort to bring
tha verdict of the civilized world to
hear on Great Britain.
" The English,' Mr. Kruger said, are
waging this war in South Africa like
savages. .They are burning homes, de
stroying dams, cutting trees, devastat
ing fields and creating famine. They
ara unable to capture Df wet, but they
- are making prisoners of women and
children, who are not treated with or
dinary decency. Hundreds of women
have been confined in prison Krall,
near Port Elizabeth, with only one
chair, and several of them are expect
ing; to become mothers.'
"Mr. Kruger avers that the provi
sions of the convention at The, Hague
and the laws and usages of war are
trampled under foot and he wants to
know whether the signatories of this
convention have anything to say on
tha subject:.
"The man on horseback at this mo
ment ia not Mr. Kruger, but President
Steyn. - He. Deiarey and Dcwet are
masters of tbe situation, having a
better disciplined and more effective
force than that which followed the
Vierkleur (flag) at the outbreak of the
war. They have plenty of ammuni
tion and replenish their store continu-
: ally from the British convoys. They
have taken enough Lee-Metford rifles
to arm all tbe burghers now in tbe
SeM. I cannot put their position bet
ter than in the words of one of Mr.
Kruger's counselors. 'England is our
accused. England is the sole witness
against us. England is the judge.
England is the executioner and Eng
land hopes to profit by our death. We
appealed for arbitration before the
war.. We are fighting for arbitration
today. We have the right to expect
.. the sympathies of the civilized world.'
Smut Defeat Boxer.
BERLIN, Dee. 22. A dispatch from
Field Marshal von Waldersee. dated
Pekln, December 19, says: Guendell's
column, marching from Shan Hal
Kuan, successfully encountered a
force of Boxers, December 14. at Yung
Uag, near the eastern imperial tombs.
Fifteen Boxers were killed. One
thousand Chinese regulars, under
Fanf Do Ling;, have been driven out
of Lu Tai. They fled to the moun-
aorth westerly on Guendell's sp
a's Baa Geta a Plaee.
' Washington, d. c, Dec. 21 The
sssasta today confirmed the following
r jmmstluai: C. I. Francis of New
l.Tshira. to fee minister to Switzer
land; J. O. A. Leishmann of Pennsyl
vania, minister to Turkey; C. L. Thor
CM of Nebraska, secretary of tbe le
(fm at Bnenos Ayres; J. F. Baker
.g Kew York, secretary of the Chilean
"maoommissioB; J. M. Ferguson of
i SHfala, secretary of the legation
Kare Pay lav MUitlaasea.
1 LONDON, Dec. 22. The secretary
tt stats tar war, St. John Brodertck,
r"" "Stcs that in view of the pro
I Of the war In South Africa
l Jksrs of the Imperial Yeomanry
X t he paid 6 shillings Instesd of 1
t Jxg and 2 pence a day. Militia
r l an promised priority of return
rx . jr tsfntere.
Mar Be a atar.
"i , TXVU Minn., Dec. 22.-A
r .special to the Dispatch
V' U f deemed more than possi-
rtas K. Dner of Fort Ben
- V Ann United States sen
.,. ""taea for the short term.
1 zamr of the early Ms, an
f'y owner, and head, of
Vkmen's National bank.
awaWfc i ii ,
,,.r. SA traCa
4" Cr-TSsJaWsyfJI wMptf Cs sVdHraMsifldJawt
y .Sll&t ' Dm. .' - dtdta-1 '" Mcjffdr
tisaoad Henry Zeimer,
r. tM of a fraodaieat di-V-to
years la state's
Letoea, alias Freak
'SiaMi 0ncyMa44M
i ti.tca fryta. Cm.
i f 1 Vary TU ",
t.:a l ter'Z-i tLz
" J r. ."rJ to t
,'c . : -
1ACK tr3f.
Edward t'aUabr Casts
albar S)S).eeev
OMAW Jec. 21. Edward Cudahy,
Jr., is worth his weight in gold. To
rescue him from the hands of the men
who abducted tjim early last Tuesday
evening and held him until he was
released early Thursday morning bis
father, E. A. Cudahy, turned over a
bag of gold weighing ninety-five
pounds avoirdupois, or 112 pounds
troy, but little below that of the boy
himself. The amount was $25,000, all
of it in gold coin.
Following Is the exact letter sent
by the kidnapers to Mr. Cudahy:
OMAHA, December 19th, 1900.
Mr. Cudaby: We have kidnaped your
child and demand $25,000 I twenty-five
thousand dollars .for his safe return.
If you give us the money, tbe child
will be returned as safe as when you
last saw him, but if you refuse we
will put acid in his eyes and blind him,
then we will immediately kidnap an
other millionaire's child that we have
spotted and demand $100,000 and we
will get it, for he will see the condi
tion of your child and realize itbe fact
that we mean business and will not
be monkeyed with or captured. Get
tbe money all in gold, live, ten and
twenty dollar pieces, put. it in a grip
in a white wheat sack, get in your
buggy alone on tbe night of December
19th at 7 o'clock p. m., ami drive
south from your house to Center
street; turn west on Center and drive
back to Ruser'a park and follow the
paved road towards Fremont; when
you come to a lantern that is lighted
by the side of tbe road place the money
by the lantern and immediately turn
your horse around and return home.
You will know our lantern for it will
have two ribbons, black and white,
tied on the handle; you must place a
red lantern on your buggy where it
can be plainly seen, ao we will know
you a mile away. This letter and ev
ery part of it must be returned with
tha money and any attempt at capture
will be the saddest thing you ever
If you remember some twenty years
ago, Charlev Ross was kidnaped in
New York City and $20,000 ransom
asked. Old man Ross wjs willing to
give up the money, but Burns, the
great detective, with other?, persuaded
the old man not to give up the money,
assuring him that the thieves would
be captured. Ross died tf a broken
heart, sorry that he allowed the de
tectives to dictate to him. -
This letter must not be seen by any
one but you. If the ipolice or some
stranger knew its contents they might
attempt to capture us. although en.
tirely again.st your wish, or some one
might use a lantern and represent us;
thus, the vrong party securing the
money and this would be as fatal to
you as if you refused to give up the
money. So you see the danger if you
let this letter be seen.
Mr. Cudahy you are up against It
and there is only one way out GIVE
UP THE COIN. Money we want and
money we will cet.
If you don't give up, the next man
will, for he will see that we mean
business and you can lead your boy
around blind for the rest of your days,
and all you will have is the dam cop
per sympathy. Do the right thing by
us and we v. ill do tbe same by you.
If you refu"e you will soon ee the
saddest sight you ever seen.
Wednesday, December 19th.
Follow these instructions and no
harm will befall you or yours.
Iowa Coaipaajr Saca.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Dec. 21. The
Des Moines Life Insurance company
of Des Moines, Ia., today brought suit
in the United States court against
State Insurance Superintendent Van
Cleve tor ihe rwuvery of J2.SC0
claimed to have been paid by them up
ca unjust claims and asking for a
permanent writ of injunction against
Superintendent Van Cleve. restraining
him from enforcing his order of Alay
14, 1900, revoking the license of The
company. The company claims that
despite the fact that they paid these
claims in order to prevent the revo
cation of its license, the license was
Iowa Sal Baahrapt.
LA PORTE, Ind., Dec. 21. Charles
C. Black, a Goshen attorney who has
filed bankruptcy proceedings in tbe
federal court of this state with liabili
ties of $219,731 and no assets, was un
til 1898, a resident of Davenport, Ia.
Mr. Black's personal fortune of $100,
000 has entirely dwindled away and
he is now penniless. He claims that
he lost his fortune in business enter
prises In lows snd Missouri before
coming to Indiana.
Vrwa Paedaa DeaaaadaS.
BLOEMFONTEIN, Tuesday, Dec. 18.
General Dewet had 6,000 men snd
18,000 horses when be captured De
weUdorp, according to a gentleman
who was Imprisoned there. The Boer
commander then declared that be was
not going to surrender without a free
pardon for all bis men. Including
many Cape Dutch. The force of 6.000
is now divided Into three sections.
Vavf'a Leaa Sat law,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. It Is said
at the Navy department that a seri
ous loss has been suffered by the navy
In tbe Are at the Norfolk nary yard
yesterday. Tbe money loss Is of sec
ondary Importance. The Are destroyed
valuable records that cannot be re
placed and many necessary plans
which can only be replaced at much
expense in time and money.
Aataaatr sail faaaad.
PARIS, Dec. 21. The chamber of
deputies after an all-night session
adopted tbe amnesty hill by s vote of
1&6 to 1 Tbe benefits of the measure
extend to offense eoanected with
strikes, psbllc meetings of associations
and the troubles In Algeria In 1W7-M,
la addition to eases aristae out of the
Dreyfus aglUtion.
A Inrgn nnmber of cases of the
grim hse feeen reported among the
atadiato of Wlstonein nnivsrslty at
" ' ' am
JNr. i
Isoarrss Ap-
preval of Unites
riaal Vote Waea Docaaaaat la Fat ta
raaaaga Is SS la 18 la Ita ravar By
tha Term the Claytaa BalwerCoarea
Ilea mt 1SSO la Saaaaaded.
WASHINTGON, Dec. 21. After
spending the greater part of tbe last
fortnight in considering tbe Hay
Pauncefote treaty for the modification
of tbe Clayton-Bulwer convention of
1850, the senate today onJa consumed
one hour and ten minutes in amend
ing it and ratifying it as amended.
During the time there were six roll
calls and several viva voce votes. The
first five of the roll calls were on
amendments offered by individual sen
ators and the last one on the resolu
tion to ratify the treaty as amended.
The amendments, except those offered
by Senator Foraker and reported by
the committee on foreign relations,
were voted down by majorities aver
aging about 19. The ratification res
olution was adopted by a vote of 55
to 18.
Tbe senate was In executive session
for about an hour before tbe time for
voting arrived, listening to speeches
by Senators Thurston, Galllnger, Wol
cott and Bard, explanatory of their
attitude.. Senator Bird contended for
the adoption of his amendment giv
ing preference to American ships pass
tog through the proposed Nicaragua
anal. Senator Galllnger a poke In de
fense of tbe treaty as It originally
came from the executive. Senator
Wolcott said that the original treaty
would have been satisfactory to htm,
but added that he considered the
agreement, as It had been and was
about to be amended, preferable to no
treaty at all.
Senator Thurston strongly advocated
the treaty, saying that as Great Brit
ain owns and governs a very large
portion of the territory of North
America it was perfectly right and
proper that that country should be
consulted in the matter of the con
struction of an isthmian canal. When
Senator Mason asked if it was not
also proper that Great Britain, in
that event, should pay part of the cost
of construction, he replied that the
securing of the canal itself was tbe
one great desideratum, and that ac
complished, the benefit the waterway
would be to the world's commerce,
the cost of construction was of little
Senator Lodge, who as a member
of the committee cn foreign relations,
has piloted the treaty through the
senate since the death of Chairman
Davis, lost no time in demanding that
the voting begin when 2 o'clock ar
rived. The foreign relations commit
tee amendments were read first. Sen
ator Lodge himself suggested a verbal
amendment to th firint of these, add
ing the word "conveation" after the
word "which," so as to make the
amendment read: "Which convention
Is hereby superseded." He explained
that suggestion had -been made that
without the addition of that word the
amendment might be construed as ap
plying only to article vlii of the Cla-ton-Bulwer
treaty, whereas, he said,
it was intended to apply to the en
tire treaty. The amendment was ac
cepted and the two committee amend
ments then were both accepted with
out division.
The vote on ratifying tbe treaty
was: Ayes, T5; noes, 18.
rainpilatlon of Game Law.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. The Uni
ted States Department of Agriculture
has in press and will soon Issue a
bulletin entitled "Laws Regulating the
Transportation and Sale of Game."
The bulletin was prepared by Dr. T,
S. Palmer, rfbo has been charged with
the immediate supervision- of matters
relating to gime under the Lacey act,
assisted by H. W.- Olds, an assistant
In the division. It contains a com
pilation of such sections of the vari
ous state laws as relate to the trans
portation and sale and gives tables
and diagrams showing closed seasons,
species prohibited from shipment and
sale and limits of bags, and regula
tions regarding non-resident licenses.
staadard Oil Wlaa Agala.
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 21. Attorney
General John M. Sheets today appear
ed before the supreme court of Ohio
and asked that all cases brought
the Standard Oil company be dismiss
salnst the constituent companies ot
ed. He stated that it was his opinion
that the evidence was not sufficient to
continue the prosecution. The court
asked the attorney general to prepare
such entries ss be deal re 1 made, snd
It is gnerally conceded that tbe cases
will be dipped by the court.
Cclcetlale Orow Baatlaaa
LONDON, Dec. 21. A dispatch to
the Reuter Telegram company from
PeUn, dated Wednesday, December
19, rays the situation throughout the
province Is rapidly growing wore and
Is , causing grsve anxiety. Tbe dis
patch adds that unless a definite sys
tem of government Is speedily Install
ed s recrudercence of the anti-foreign
outbreaks is confidently predicted. The
pressure of winter begins to be felt
by the people, who are also suffering
On account of the blackmail levied.
aSS.eOO Reward.
OMAHA, Dec. 21. Mr, Cudahy pub
lishes tbe following:
I offer and will pay a rewsrd of
$6,000 for tbe arrest and conviction of
any one of the three persons who kid
naped my son, Edwsrd A. Cudahy;
116,000 for the arrest and conviction
of any two of them, and f M.OO0 for
the arrest and conviction of all three.
For further Information Itqulrs of my
attorney , 0aernl John C. Covin.
Dee 20, 1M.
Vraaaaa a Law Wblak Is aUaeetad to
Skat II Oat af Oeraaaa.
WASHINGTON. Dec. lf.-The sgra
risn party in Germany, having suc
cessfully brought about a law at tbe
last session of tbe relchstag prohibit
ing. In effect, the Importation .of
American canned meats, is now using
its powerful influence to increase
heavily the import duties on all grains
entering tbe empire, notably on wheat,
reports United States Consul Dleder
ich, at Bremen, to the state depart
ment. The aim of tbe agrarians, ac
cording to the consul, is to make Ger
many entirely independent of all coun
tries for its breadstuffs and food sup
plies. "It is difficult to see," says Mr.
Diederlrh, "how the proposed national
legislation can have any other effect
in the long run than to enhance tbe
price of the daily bread so nedeful to
every man, woman and child in this
country. It Is Impossible to under
stand," be ssys, "bow the proposed
dnty can increase the crops of wheat
throughout Germany or decrease the
appetite of the German people."
"At present, however," says the con
sul, "there seems little doubt that tbe
proposed law will be passed by tbe
retcbstag. As a large portion of the
Importation of wheat is American
grown this will seriously affect tbe
interests of tbe American farmer. A
duty of 40 or 50 cents on every bushel
of wheat," concludes Consul Diedericb,
"cannot fall to be well nigh prohibi
tive and the consequence will be more
limited markets, fiercer competition
and lower prices to the producers."
Probability That Ha Will Not Betara to
la Poat la Eaglaad.
NEW YORK, Dec. 19. A dispatch
to tbe Journal and Advertiser from
London says: Ambassador Cnoate
will, it is said, sail either on Saturday
or the week after by the United States,
tbe death of his partner, Charies C.
Beaman, having rendered his pres
ence in New York necessary.
The news of Mr. Beaman's death
was a great shock to him, as he bad
no idea that his partner was even fail
ing. It is believed here that Ambas
sador Choate will not return to Lon
don. He is not a rich man and his
life here as ambassador entails not
only the lcs of his professional In
come, but is likewise a heavy drain
on bis purse, as his salary is barely
sufficient to pay his house rent. This
in itself rendered him disinclined to
ictain the ambassadorship for another
four years, and now that his partner
In the firm of Evarts, Choate & Bea
man is dead his return to America
for good has become more than ever
Narrowly Eacapea Loalog All af HI Coaa
naad. JOHANNESBURG, Monday, Pec. 17.
Details of the defeat of the British
at Nooitdegacht indicate that General
Clements' entire force bad a narrow
escape from capture. The Boers' plans
were splendidly laid. If the main
British column had tarried a little
longer there would have been a com
pleete success for the Boers, who ex
posed themeelves undauntedly, yelling
and waving their arms. Their rushes
v.erfe only stemmed by artillery.
All accounts indicate a heavy Boer
held a prayer meeting. Their hymns
could be beard by the retiring British.
All accounts indicate a heavy Uoe
Colonel Legge exhibited splendid
bravery. He shot five Boers with his
revolver before he fell with three bul
ltf in his body.
f-oraira Bneiaoee of rHiiailae,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 A state
ment prepared by the division of in
sular affairs, war department, summa
rizing tbe trade of the Philippines tor
the ten months ended April 30 last
shows tbst tbe imports of merchandise
during this period amounted In value
to $16,450,255. Gold and sliver to tbe
value of $1,714,951 wete also imported,
making the total importations $18,165,
206. Of this amount $1,183,486 repre
sented tbe goods brought in from the
United States. Manila hemp formed
the principal article of exportation
$9,217,803 worth being sent out of tbe
Islands during tbe period named. Of
this amount $4,285,107 worth went to
Great Britain and $3,096,095 worth to
tbe United States. Tbe total exporta
tion of merchandise, gold and silver
Is set down at $U.038,314. Europesn
countries took $7,284,166 worth of this
and exports to the value of $3,284,292
came to tbe United States.
Caatiecta far War Vaaaela.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. The board
of naval construction, considering the
bids for tbe construction of ' battle
ships and cruisers, has settled these
One of the big srmored cruisers
shall go to Cramps, one to Newport
News snd one to the Union Iron
works in California. One battleship
shsll go to the Fore River Engine
Works at Qulncy, Mass.
Cablaet Take It Basy.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19.-At the
cabinet meeting todsy it was snnounc
ed tbst Captain Asa Rogers of. Peters
burg. Vs., would be appointed collec
tor of Internal revenue to succeed the
late Colonel James Brady. Nothing
of Importance transpired at the meet
ing, both Secretsrles Hsy and Root re
porting that they had nothing to com
municate. Ta laeroaae Hie Salary.
WASHINGTON, Dec. II At the re
quest of the secretary of war, the
house committee on Insular affairs to
dsy reported a bill Increasing tbe sal.
ary of tbe commissioner of education
of Porto Rico from $3,000 to $4,000.
When Prat Brwrnbsugh of the Uni
versity of, Pennsylvania, accepted the
position at the nraest request of too
president and Iserstory Root, it was
tbe nnderstaadias 'that hie salary
should be intraassd. He received ft..
ON at the UalvstjrXy of Pennsylvania.
McArtbur'i Proclamation Warning; Ion
Combatants to Um Caution.
A Slero Pallcy Adapted Toward the
Pblllaalaaa Waralaf Olroa ta People
at Maalla Secret Coaaaaltteee Sot
MANILA, Dec. 22. Tomorrow Gen
eral MacAruthur will issue a procla
mation warning the inhabitants of the
archipelago that hereafter strict com
pliance with the laws of war will be
required of non-combatants as well as
Tbe proclamation will set forth tbd
principal laws of war. It will refer
to recent proclamation issued by in
surgent commanders threatening na
tives who are friendly to the American
forces and also to the orders issued
to their men to kidnay and assassinate
residents of towns occupied by Ameri
cans. The Insurgent leaders will be noti
fied that such practices, If continued,
will put an end to the possibility of
their resuming normal civic relations
and will make them fugitive criminals.
Residents of places occupied by
Americans will be notified that pleas
of intimidation will rarely be accepted
and that where secret committees are
permitted to exist in behalf of the
Insurgents, even well disposed persons
will be exposed to the danger of being
tried as traitors.
The proclamation will say that its
warnings and requirements are to ap
ply with special force to Manila, "tbe
rendezvous of the emissaries of insur
rection." Newspapers will be warned against
publishing sedition and tbe proclama
tion will declare that the rebels who
are not part of an organized force are
not entitled to the privileges of pris
oners of war, adding that the fact
that they have not hitherto been held
responsible is "evidence of the solici
tude of the United States to avoid
the appearance of harshness."
The proclamation will clearly dis
avow any recognition of technical bel
ligerency. 1
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. It is stated
at the War department that the trans
port Grant, which Is due at San
Francisco about tbe 11 proximo,
brings the remains of 398 officers, sol
diers and civilian employes of the
war department who died In Hawaii,
China or the Philippines, and that
there are twelve dead on the trans
port Sherman, which Is due at San
Francisco on the 12tb proximo. Among
the bodies on the Grant is that of
young Barber, the nephew of President
McKlnley, who recently died in the
Home Paura Two Bill.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 20. The
house today, at the end of a spirited
contest, extending over two days,
passed bills compelling the Pennsyl
vania and Baltimore A Ohio railroads
to abolish grade crossings, to alter
their routes into the city and to
change terminal facilities. An amend
ment was placed upon the Pennsyl
vania railroad bill to compel the road
to build a new state, to cost not less
than $1,500,000. The bills were vigor
ously antagonized by a portion of the
minority, under the leadership of Mr.
Cowherd (Mo.) on the ground that
they were too liberal to the roads.
Urrat Battle la Columbia.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. The
State department has received a cable
gram from United States Charge
D'Affaires Deaupre at Bogota, Btat
Ing that a great battle h is been fought
at Giardot Point. Magdalene river, Co
lombia, which lantl two days and re
sulted in a decisive victory for the
government. It is reported 600 were
killed and 1,000 wounded. Other vic
tories by tbe government forces of
tbe utmost importance have been an
nounced. Drowned la Creek.
JOHNSON. Neb., Dec. 19. Harry
Reed, a single man about 24 years old,
is believed by his friends to have been
drowned In Pigeon creek, near Tub
bard. Mr. Reed left Hubbard Satur
day night about 8 o'clock. Sunday
morning his wagon was found over
turned In the creek, with both horses
dead. Search for tbe body has been
In progress since tbst time.
Boa telle to Betlred.
When the senate convened today
some bills snd resolutions prepared by
tbe house were reported. - Among
them wss a resolution authorizing the
president to appoint Charles A. Bou
telle of Mslne s csptsln on the re
tired list of tbe nsvy, which was
All Aeeept Jelat Note.
PEKIN, Dec. 20. At s meeting of
the foreign ministers Iste this even
ing everything In regard to the terms
of the Joint note was sgreed to, in
cluding tbe British modifications. Tbe
ministers refuse to disclose snythlng
In connection with the mstter, believ
ing that the home governments should
give tbe particulars to tbe public.
Osleers ia tbe Britten. I err lee Tender
Their Brelcaatlnae.
IjONDON, Dec. 20 The government
publicly requires employers who hsve
kept open situations for yeomanry,
colonials and volunteers, to continue
their patriotic efforts to Minimise the
sacrifices of tbess men in tbe service
of tbelr country
The War office has Issued tho
qaeens thanks to the yeomanry, colo
nials and volunteers ex pressing her
reilance that those abroad will con
tinue to aid the regulars.
La teat Qaelatleaa free. Swaia Otsa-a
a ad Kaasas Cllv.
Union 8ik Yaril-'atllr There were
hardly enough ratUe on eale to make a
market, bill huyrra brme-hl up what wao
offered at nrit far from ateadv pneea.
Home of the bent t-ornfed ateera sold pT
hupa a linle aironaer, but the commoner
kind were only about xteady. For the
week Ihe market ia 5i2&- hither. Iha
areatelx advam-ea belns on the llshrhan-dywel-ht
rattle. The half-fut xtufr Joined
In the advame. owlns to the llsht aiipply
of good tattle. The cow market waa
aomewhut uneven, but aa a general thing
It waa JuKt about steady. The beat grad-a
of cow or helti-ra aold In good Hhape at
fully steady prk-ea, and the medium klnda
alM held about the aame. If there waa
any change l all It waa on the cannera.
which have not been iwlllng aa well the
lat few days a they did early In the
. ,
HogThe atipply of ho waa liberal
aKiu today, but the market opened up a
Utile atronger. Parker began bidding
I4.H0 and t4.Kt4. the aame a they did ye
lerday morning, and a good many hog
rhaniced hand at Ihoae prlw. The heav
ier ho-n wld mostly at M.M. and the
lightweight at RICH, and a high aa UK
wa paid. 1 lux a fairly active market
on the "tart and the bulk of the hog
were koIJ In good aeaaon. Kor a time the
feeling wax ruther weak and a few hog
old at M.771-.. but finally packer bought
the rest 1 tl.em nyto about I4.W).
Stirrp The market wns barren as far
a fresh arrival were concerned, and
there were only a few old ewe carried
over from yesterday. A a result there
wa nothing which which to make a tet
of the market. Pucker, however, did not
seem to be particularly anxlou for sup
plies, in the nviiton murket Is tt t II I very
dull. Choice Hull! yearlings are probably
no motet han a dime lower, but the gen
era! run of ewe and wether are 10'y2Dc
lower than they were a week ago.
rattle Choice killing steer 10c higher:
other grade steady to 10c higher; nutlvo
steers. 14 .lUn!i.40; tocker and feeder.
H.)fe4.i.'i; butcher cows and heifer. $.10u
4.K: canners. 13 4H3.M): fed western. IXM
fiS.lO: fed Texan. tt.y4.ZS; grass Tex
an. U.ltoS.M; calves, ti.50ti5.!a.
HoK-KeceiptH. I'.uuO head, market op
ened ."c higher and rloseil steady, with
part of gain lost; heavy. M 90t(4.7V.
mixed. U.Xrvi.; light, plg.
Hheep and T.amb--Recelpt. 1,300 head;
improved demand for all classes at strong
prices: lambs. tr.Wa.Si: muttons, H.tWot
4.2.i: stockers and feeders, i.2r44.0G; culls,
Letter Found lu Milwaukee Street Car
Kesalta In Ei poser of Plot.
MILWAUKEE, Dec. 22. The sen
sational disappearance and return of
young Edward Cudahy of Omaha is
somewhat strangely coincident with
tbe finding of a letter in a Milwaukee
street car a few days ago. The letter
was addressed to William Stewart,
Chicago, III., and told of a plan to
rob several residences of wealthy citi
zens in Milwaukee and to abduct a
little girl. The letter was written
with a lead pencil and wan signed
TJie letter waa turned over to the
polk-e, who looked upon It as the
work of a lunatic. The day following.'
the finding of the letter the following
advertisement appeared In the Mil
waukee Journal:
LOST Reward of fa for the return
ot letter addressed William Stewart,
Chicago. Ill, Address letter to John
Smith, Milwaukee, general delivery.
The Journal also received a letter
signed "Jack," In which the writer
says be is the person who lost tbe let
ter in the street car and that it -was
he who advertised for it. He says he
has been expelled from a desperate
gang of robbers and kidnappers who
are working in different parts of the
country, and that he has determined
to inform against tbem. Then he tells
of a plan which had been arranged .o
rob the Schandeln Milwaukee resi
dence, abduct the little girl and hold -her
for a random. Besides the Scban
deins he gays numerous other promi
nent people, including Mayor Rose,
Captain Pabst and Charles Uhleln are
marked for visits from the gang.
When the letter was shown to Po
lice Inauei-iur KeiiBcr U exfrssscd
the opinion that both it and the letter
found In the street car were written
by a lunatic or some boy who had
been reading dime novels and wanted
Place Where Young Cadahy Was Held
Located by tha Police.
OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 22. Edward Ai
Cudahy, sr., has not given up the
chase after the men who ctole Ills son
and held him fore a ransom of f 25,
000 In gold. On the other hand, Mr.
Cudahy, In connection with Chief
Donahue, hns gone systematically to
work to bring to justice tbe criminals.
Only one Important feature 'was devel
oped yesterday. During tbe afternoon
the police and Mr. Cudnhy located
and positively Identified the house In
which the boy was held during bis cap
tivity. In connection with this the police
secured a very accurate description
of two men who were doubtless 'con
nected with the affair. Ming Munshsw,
daughter of the man who lives near
est to the place, which Is on the out
skirts of South Omaha, gave an ex
cellent description of two men who
came came to the place some dsys
since, seeking to rent It They were
afterward seen there. On the night of
the 18th Mr. Munshaw saw two men
ssslstlng s third to alight at tbe
house. He thought the third was In
toxicated. It waa undoubtedly young
Cudahy, his sppsrent Intoxication be
ing due to '.he fact that be was blind
folded snd his hands wero tied.
One of tbe men described by Miss
Munshsw tallies with the description
given of the young man who used the
telephone st tbe livery stsble to no
tify the Cudahy family that there was
a letter In the front yard on the morn
ing of the mi).
Senator Prys He rear.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Dee. 22 Mrs
William P. rrye. wife of the president
pro tern of the senate, died suddenly st
tbe Hamilton hotel this morning st
9: JO o'clock. Mrs. Frye on Tuesdsy
hurt suffered an acute attack of In
digestion and had since been III. When
she arose bis morning she was ap
parently much Improved and took
breakfast Shortly after leaving the
table the end came without the alight
est warning, heart Jallnre rmnslng
death. The body will be taken this
afternoon ta Uwtston, Mt., the home
of Senator Fry,