Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 13, 1900, Image 8
Press-Journal c Thursday, Eec.13 th, 1900. T. Canon, Editor and Prop. fXiM.YK.lL linie taVle. OoingWest. Golr.(? East, tl. mixed. 11:20 1 So. 6.Biied 8:00 North-Western LINE F. " M. V. Tw R. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEADWOOD AM HOT SPK1NUS, SOOTH DAKOTA. H A Keen Clear Brain. Your best feeling, your social pcsitirn nr busioetiS success depend largely on the perfect action of your Stomach Ami liver Dr. King's New Life Pills give increased stength, a keen, clear brain, high ambi tion. A 23 cent box will make you feel like a new being. Sold by J. E. PHTSsiEY Druggist New is the time when eroup and lung troubles prove repidly fatal. The only! harmless remedy that procduees immedi ate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be re lied upon to quickly cure coughs, colas and all lung diseases. It willl prevent consumption. J. E. Phinxey. Bodarc Gleanings. M.J. Weber, of Glen, was in to wo last Thursday on business. Mrs. Avery, accompanied by Mrs. Ctma. Plynipton, spent a couple of days in the vallev. the truest of Mrs. bhaefer. Xraas goods at Pioneer Pharmacy. - Paid Dear For II is Lreg. RD. Blanton of Tbackerville, Tex. in two years paid over f 300.00 to doctors to cure a Running sore on his leg. men thev wantec to cut it off, but he cured it. with one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Guaranteed cure for rues, cis a box. Sold by J. IS. rHE urutcs. What is the matter with our town board?. Evidently something is wrong, Otherwise they would have taken some action in regard to the town ptmip. When you need a soothing and heal fingaeUseptic application for any pur tpose, use -the original DeWitt's Witch Haul Salve, a well known cure for pil.s aadskm disexses. It heals sores with oat raving a a scar. Beware of count- arfeits. r-3. E. 'Phinxkv. Fancy Lamps, at Drug Judge Barker, expect to return to ? Sioux county in a week or ten days to survy the cemetary here. IteWitt's Little Eirly Risers are dainty little pills, but tbey never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstructions aod invigorate the system. J. E. PHIN :T. ' A deal was consumated this week, "whereby Messers. Harvey and Finley, 5 became the owners and operators of the : saw 'mill formerly owned by John L, :8trattoo. John expects to leave Sioux county, soon as the balmy days of spring ;are with um again, and will journey to wards the setting sun, in hope? of better ing his financial condition. : John has a host of friends in Sioux counjy , who will regret to see him and hig family depart ' hence. John says advertising in the " PraaR-JouRNAL pays, at least it sold his mill right away. Go to Pioneer Pharmacy for Xmas presents. Mr. McGinley informed us a day or two ago, that he had just received a let ter from Miss Lizzie Murphy, who left t here over a year ago, for southern Cali fornia in search of health telling him of 'her health which is almost perfect, aod vbe expected to go to work soon. n ...,. 1,1 ha va an annetite like a bear find a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Tbey correct disorders of the stom ach aud regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 25 cents. Samples Tree, at J, r Phisxky'S drug store. Lecture. t, -a vu Warron. will deliver a lecture at Andrews Hall, oo Friday eve ning, December, 14, law. Subject; The Tongue. Addmission.lOandl'tctR. Following the lecture a Put Social will " . ...... un-. ;ti..;t.1 uoginau. .n i Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, rundown feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. J. W. Gardner, of Idavill, Ind., says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he dont care whether he lives ordies. It gave me new strength and good appetite. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on lire." Only 50 cents, at J. E. Pninneys Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. Miss Mag-aie Hunter, teacher in DUt No. 9, was quite sick and nnable to teach the latter part of last week but was bet ter and able to resume her duties oo Mondav. J. B. Burke, while visiting the schools last week had the misfortune to lose one of his horues. On putting up his team in the evening at Geo. Gnnis, he noticed the horsa aeenied sick and thought he Itad driven iiiui too hard; in the morning he found him dead. Mr. Burke was o- bliired to borrow a horse of Mr. Grim, to to finish his trip and return home with. Last Sunday after Sunday school, all the voune folks of Bodarc, some tour teen in number, all on horseback repair ed to the home of Mrs. bliaeter, in anti cipation of a good dinner to which that lady had previously invited them and to which no doubt they did ample justice. Wm. Miller, some time ago purchased the old O'Toole house, aod last week he hauled it home, and is bust? transform ing it into a substantial log torn for his horses. " Montie Burke, visited some of his old associates in the valley oo Saturday, stavint: over night wild Willie Miller, unH returned home on Sunday. We were glad fc- nee his farailar face at Sun dav school again. Those Gems of thought from "Clio's" pen in the last issue of the JocbxaL were a pleasant surpriie, it was like meeting an old friend, we hope she will surprise us soon again. M. A. O. Jewelry, Silverware at Drug etore. OBITUARY. Those Women. Voters. Ed. O'Connor, Kal. Lindsay, Will Smoke and Corbin became wood chop pers last Saturday night, by their bring initiated into the mysteries of Wood craft. All stood the trying ordeal brav ely and. with fortitude. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of the stomach arise, billious ness, headache, dyspepsia and piles soon I follow. If you wish to avoid these au 1 ments keep your bowels regnlarby "tak- I. n,.mlu.l,:.n'i Ktnnuic.h and liver tablets when required. They are,, so mild and gentle in effect. " For, sale by J. E. Phijinky. Toe cirargu o" uncertainty ;r, Tatmas-Oo Friday, November 30, 1900, at Mercy hospital in Des Moines, W. W. Tatiuan, aged 24 years, 4 months aod 6 days. W. W. Tat man was born in Adams county, Iowa, on July 21, 1BT8. He with his father's family removed to VVvnmini' about seven years ago. but . CI" . I returned to Pres. ;ott a year ago uud on; March 13. 1U00, was married te Miss Eva Swim. He was converted and unit ed with the M. E. church of this place last February, living a consistent chris tian life until the time of his death. Mr. Tatman and wie removed to the farm near Carl immediately after marriage luthis health soou bejjan to fail and on Wednesday, the 23th, in the hope of saving his life.they started for Mercy hospital ia Des Moioes. But it proved to late, and he pusml away on Friday inorninir. The: remains were brought back to this city, and the funeral services held at the M. E. church, on Sunday, Decern ber 2nd. at:2 o'clock, the pastor preach from 2 Oor. 5: 1. The M. W. A., of which Mr. Taiwan was a member, atten ded in a body and at the cemetery the beautiful and impressive burial cere- monv of the order was carried out. The beautiful .1or.il offerings and large attendance at the f uneral areonly slight expressions of the esteem in which Mr - co.Tin3Ur.'.ty, aus 8 U THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs, Drugists Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. BOOkS arid STATIONARY. 2ooooooooooooo J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. c boo a Moes Remember: We carry the LARGEST and best Line of X BOOTS & SHOES and RUBBER OVER SHOES in the city, and we Guarantee Prices to suit all. Hardware. men's vote is absolutely true. They are about the only -eop!e in the United States who continue to sing: Let independence be our boast, Ever mindful what it cost." This is a grief to the politicians; but while our government is ooe of the poli ticians and by them, is it also exclusive ly for tiiem? On what compulsion m ust we so ardently strive to please them in all respects? The uncertainty" of the womani vote is a rather idiotic charge at any rate, when we come to think of it. Colorado gave Bryan a huudred thousand less votes this year than in 1896 and Boston went for him. McKinley is the first president who has succeded himself since Grant. Certainly due not seem a particularly strong masculine characteristic. So. "women vote as their husbandsdo! Alack, alas! than are we lwt unless we can educate the husbands. But if tins is so, what becomes of the discord, the the ruined homes, and. the severed fami lies that were confidently promised us in case women voted? As a matter 01 fact, 1 have never heard of a case where either party attempted to coerce the ot her. There are hundreds of cases where each has conceded something, and voted a scratched ballot to please the other, where thee believed both candidates eq ually fitted for the position. M. L. many are the expressions of sympathy for the bereaved, ones. Aaams County Argus. Mr. arid Mr. Tattman"and family, of Kirtley, have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors in the loss of their only son, who died at Prescott, la.. Nov. 30, 1900. The son who has been taken away in the bloom of life, leaves a youngwife to mourn the untimely loss of her life companion. lit? Mllj U. lllll, vwupllu Q and up to date Line of light d Shelf HARDWARE. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of nn order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered in said court tn favor of Sioux County Bgftlnst Ed vnii Maloney, Dunlnb Malouey bin wife nd A. I). Wood, christiaunume unknown, 1 have levied upon the following described real estate". as'tfcerproperty of ald Bdword Muloncy, Buelnh Malonry, his wife and A. D. Wood, chrUtlaa name nnknown, to wit: The norih-wmt quarter ot.Nsctloo twenty eight of Township ttilrty-four S of I&nge fifty nvc, and I will on the istn uay or Janu ary A. D. at two o'clock in thn Mior noon of auid day, at the eaft front door of the Court House of niiid county, In llarrlwn, Ntiriu.ka. ?11 tbo said real estate at public auction to the .highest bidder forfeaah, to satisfy s-ild order of ile, the amount dun thereon being the uui of J1S7.97 and cort and accruing costs. Harrison, S ebraxk a,'Icce in ber 10, 1W0. ALEX IxjwRA, gb.erirror.Siou i County -i And Also, LARGE Silver Ware and Clocks, Queens ware, HATS & CAPS FURNITURE, FLOUR and FEED. ft jriuiiiineotuituuJiiKia and every thing usually Kept j in a General Store. Remember we give 5 per cent, off lor cash And examine our LINE before buying elsewhere. ,i A f . k- t I nt'lYl A Ko 1 ELLEK DKUS i V 0000000000-eOCC0040 I AND Give US a Call, 60 to DRUG STORE for XMAS Presents of all Kinds, Eheap as Dirt. Societies- e, the first of this week doirg trading - with our merchants. During the four years we have lived j in EkodX county, this fall has been the most beautiful and pleasant of all, not a had storm has jet visited this section, ;mu& cattle are looking fine, some of 1 fat enough for beef. Go to Drug Store for pic "tures, & paper pockets. V sign ws raised over the meat Judge Barker, came down from tniarket the arst of the weelc. Douglas, on last Saturday evening where Will Gaybart, was over from Moot- be had been on business, lie Sunday ed in Harrison, and shook hands with the boys and left on last Monday evening, for his home at Custer, 8. Dak, At the regular annual meeting of the Modern Mfoodmen of America, held on last Saturday evening, the following names of Neighbors of the camp were balloted upon and elected to Hill the va rious offices for the ensuing year; Venerable Consul, Grant Guthrie, Advise. Lieut. Alex Lowrey, Banker, F. W. Clarke, Clerk W. H. Davis, Sentry, Oscar Ward, Watchman, Elmer E 'Smith, Chief Forester (appointed) J. W. raitr. A copy of Bulletin No. 17, from tyie See. of Agriculture giving the number of domestic animals in Sioux county is at hand. Following are the ouaber as classifi- by the department: Meat Cattle Calves under ooe year Steer 1 year and uoder 3...... Steers years and over, Heifeus 1 year and under 2 2 Dairv cows 2 vear and over, ...28 AH horse 2 years and over..... 81 Colts under one year, 5 5 5 71 All mules, . ..... Mutes 4 years and over, ...... Asees S years Mid over, All Sheep Rams and Wethers 1 year and over. gwloe, A.. - Um above represents stock, not farms or ranges. County Surveyor Ruffing, brought hj ut news to town yesterday, of thu death or Mrs. Michiel BjfTer, of Five :PmoU. oo last Monday, funeral services were held tlw following day Tuesdav.the '.interment took place at the Montrose -cemetery. A large concourse of friends .uttended the obsequies. We did riot .learn how many children are left other the a ha be two days old is deprived of tsi mothers love Tbe bereaved husband jiMd father will have the sympathy of the satire commuuity in his dire sorrow. May he who tempers the wind te the ahors lamb, be equally tender, in sootb- sns; the broken spirit and crushed heart . Mfamilv. ...20 ..A last. week, we hone he will soon recover Mr. Henry liickson ol Arumore len last week, for Wyoming, about 75 milet west of Wheatlaud. Mr Jnsotih A siit on Jr. while at Mr. Sam Swinbaoks place last week got un fortunately kickea Dy one oi nam s nor ses in the right eye. Miua Kntia Rrcat v accomoanied by a young gentlemen came last Suoday on the train irom urawiora ana as uio iram was not to stop at Ardmore, they were taken to Edmiroont, the next east bound train brought them back to their usual home. Sloab Beet. Many persons have had the experience of Mr, Peter Sherman, of North Srat- ford, N. H., who says, "For years I suff ered torturte from chronic indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia cure made a well man of me." It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at ooce even in the worst cases, and can't help but do you good. J. E. Phdsnky. The best Plaster. A i.teca of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected Darts is superior to any plas ter. Wbea troubled with lame back or rati nil in the side or chest, irive it a trial and you are certain to be more than nlaofted with the prompt relief which it I afford. Pain Balm olso cures rheuma tism. One anp'.ication jrives relief. For sale by J. E. PHCfSET. Colts 1 year and over Toilet eases Albums, I Colts 2 years and under,., -t Pirmr Phannar-r. jcolut! year and over, ef - --A letter from Kev. Kendall and fa CxTy ft Houston, Idaho, informs us of C fart that thoy are all well at least l-f wm able to dispone ef a oioe fat CCy aai decks oa tbaoksgivlos;, a gift VJ U yaspto. Mr. aad Mrs. Kendall, f roas K " Inquiring frieps. 4f !C3 Baagh, closed a deal on last " ' ' i tlw traaafer of the property " lteiaaaeday, wbereoy Mr. $ prietja, kaoomes the owaer, ia " if Cas toieie real estate oa ; 'Jf aiaak, aalag the let V UaJ aai leara Jaat what ' i, "3 wIsmw ha aai Ma Ce ta. OwiKf, 'tZxmat, m askMtj " IfZJaa 4asjU, It 2 ..2 ..1 .A -4 00 north County Krys. Mrs. Jo. aad William Brety ex pec t htff a aar af corn at the Mansfield tUtion ia a few days. tk. tahartOinatr wait to Eajremont las Waaasalav and brovcat hasaa a fawr hams land af Fotaioas. Bah m ItsaM M We favorlst sh. Vr. Mm AaMoa kaa has aKk Car t Order of Hesrlnr- In the matter of the Estate of Samncl B Valine, deeeatwd, late of Sioux county, Se- braaka. At region of the Connty court of ald county held at the probate office on the ICrtb dav of December, A. I. KW, Honorable CharlM E. Schllt, County Jndire present and presiding. In rwuluiR and filing the peti tion of Ussle Coffee repreaentlns; amoiif Other tilings, that Samuel B. Coffee, late of said connty, departed thla life Utestate therein, on the flrat day of October, A. I. 1 90S, leering mid petltlooer, his widow snd Harry Coffre, Hex Coffee, Qny Coffee sad Mna Coffeehts children snd heir at law of hl esute snd tbst be wsa seised snd povaesaed of both personal snd real eaUSt, sad that It la neeeaaerv that sn admlnlatra tor be appointed to collect his aaaeta, take rahars-e of ssldestate and pay bU debt sad praying for tbe appointment of Charles r Coffee, sa such ndmlnlatrator. It l farther ordered by the Court that the under of Janaarr. A. D. issl, at aliss u'rlnck In the foreaooa at the probate once, In eaM county, be ixed as she Mine for the hearing of saM petlUon, and that notice thereof be glvee by aaMlsMng of a eopr of bls order In the HnaisoS Mass-Joes!. aswrpa iFT pabllabed and sirwsleUng there in for three weeks prior ta saM ay of bew taa w . a the Ami. I saat I caa at.es nemtvt. oaaaty Mat. ShprilTs Sale. By virtue of an order of aale iaaned by the ';irk of the Dmtrict Court of Slonx county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court In favor of Kloux county snd asjalnst John Koncer, Johanna Koneor, ghowalter Mortgaira Company and S. K. Humphry. 1 will, on the 12th day of January, A. P. 101, at two o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at tbe eaat front door of the Court Houae of aald county, In Ilarrlaon, Nebras ka, aell to the highest bidder for cash In band, the following described real estate aituate in aald county, to-wlt: The south-went quarter of Section twenty- one In Townahlp thirty four north of ltange flfty-flye went of thesth principal meridian In SIouj couhty, Kebraoka, to satlafyaald order of sale in th(-aum of alitv thrw dol lars and thirty two rents, iutereat and cohih and accruing eonts. Dated Uecember II, ItuO. ALKX lyOWir, , Sheriff of aald County. Hhrrlfr Bain. Tly vlrlne of an order of sale lned by the Cterk of tn blatrlot Court of Moux CVMinty, Kebraaka, upon a decree rendered by aald Court in favor of Dions county and agalnat Joahua M, i'lumb. Mm. Joahas M. Pumb, his wife w boas christian name is unknown, w J. Bowdeu, snd Hellen T. Campbell. I will, on tbe 12th day of Jannary, A. D. IW1, at two o'clock la the afternoon of aald day, at the eaat front door of the Court House ef said county, In .Harrises, Mnbras ka, aell to the blgneat bidder for rash ta hand, the following described real estate aituate In aald county, lowlti The went half of the north-east qnsrter of Kw-tlon thirty, and the west half of the sooth it quarter of section nineteen, all in township thirty Ore, north of range fifty four west of the sixth principal meri dian In Slonx evenly, Nebraska, to satisfy said order ef sale In the sum of thirty foer dollars and two cents, Interest and costs and acrrnfng coats. Usled Deeewber.ll. I9H. Aui Lewar, herurof sawroesty. SlierifTs Sale. By virtue of sn order of sale issued by the clerk of the District court of 8loux County, Nebraska, upon a decroe rendered in said Court in favor ot Louis Wohlhetcr, aa plain tiff and against Dakota Loan and Trust Company, Charles Harmon. Mrs. cnaries Harmon, bis wife christian name unknown as defendants. 1 will, on the 12th day or January, A. D. )W1, at two o'clock in the afternoon of aald day, at tbe east front door of the Coart Hou of tbe caurt house of said county. In Harrison, Ncbnihka, sell to the highest bid der ror cash lu hand, the following describ ed real estate ailunte in aaid county, to-wlt: The south-east quarter of Section eleven. In Townahlp'th'.rty-tbroe, norlb of Kange 01 ty five wwt of the sixth pr;i;clpil meridi an In Nsbraska, to satisfy said order of aaie In the sum of dfty one dollars and sixty -one cants and intercut and costs and acciulng costs. Dated December 11, 1M0. ALKX Lowar, f-herlff of Said Coonty. SherlfTg Sale. By virtue of an order of aale issued by the clerk of the district ceurt of Slonx County, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered In aald court. I ii favor of Jacob Harking, aa plaintiff and agalnat John Garrison, Mrs. John Gar rison, bit wife whose christian name ia un knowo.Sbowalter Mortgage Company, T. J. Kerens true christian name unknown, as defendants: I will on thi 12th day of January, A. D. 1901 at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the east front door of the Court House of the court house of said coonty. In Harrison, Nebraska, sell to the highest bid der for cash In hand, ths following describ ed real estate situate In a!d county. to wit; Ths northeaat quarter of snetlna eight In township thirty three north of rsage fifty four west of the Sixth principal nteiidtsn In Nebraska. To satisfy said order of sale In the sum of Ms ty Hares dollar and Interest sag costs and accruing coat. Dated December II, IW. A tas Loertr, feberlff of aaid Coonty For Bala. For Rale i the quarter section of land ad joining the towoslte, known as the J W. Lemburt land. Prion $900, half cash balaace 2 years time. For particulars call at Fran Jocwai office. Th moat effective little liver pilla miide are IJeWitt's L"tie Erlr lasers. They anvsr gripe, -J. E. PmlT. W, R. Warbks, T t TT" ... s. A -VllVI OAs JLV VrtfttlVtf IIAKHISO.N' . XEliRASKA. Preaching every Knuitay evenlpj at 7:S0 p. in-, snd crorj- alternate Sunday at 1 1 a- m Sunday School 10 o'clock a. in. Epworlh League 6 :30 p. ra- Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 7 :30 Cume one, Cene all. AutoharpSolo Sunday evening at the tSTChurch Proffessional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY. M. I). Phylsrlan and Snrgron. All call given prompt attention. Office la Drag Store. -HAJUUilOa - KKBBA8KA. GRANT OUT11RIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United 8 ta tar- Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabU jompooie. Legal papers carefully drawn. HAJUtUOH, - Nl M. J. 0 Coaaell, - - Co. Attaranr, Will Fraetlea la All CoarU. Kaeclal AtUntloa tilrea ta Land) ON lee Baslaesi. Calleetlaan aad all aalaees eaaTast ed U bm will reeelre nrasaat attaatloa. - Ilajrajnon - Ni Michael Ruffing, ".v.toe. I ass prepared to do all kinds of Civil Knglneeting work. Whan in aeed of the Burvevora Services, give me a call as I have a full aad com pute outfit, together with eaperinaai ta do the work with neatoees aad oaapeteh. MICHAEL MUFFIN), HAfUIISOM, - -