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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1900)
m l or lit ; 1110 A MEDICINE THAT This is what you get when you buy CRAMER'S K.D.iEY CURE. The Cramer Company can point to more positive cures and show more unsolicited testimonials than any remedy which has been on the market ten times as lon. Tlnlll'i 11 Cnu'iiii't A b.i'iv, X. V., Nov. 2, l-'ji, Clt.' M ii (!l!t J! Ii Al, ( l). J c n ft Iv md 1 Ii j".V refoiii II end V 1 1 1 fjll-r K " 5 f ' v Critvi'S ii c ii plrifiy i lit it ii ' d' I t ft hv (mi p uiil Mini 1 li'H ii i r I Imd in d - I j in v lid d thai I " Ii J 'l be 1 n cil I Imd 'ii d i-V' y if n' dy I Ii . a T' 1 of without K-ti i-fuctory f-ni!'-. ! (!! ymi it is He ! -t iin'i't' i "e mi mnh s If ni.nb- it we I man f mi- mid 1 o-rnmm' n I it. -ii r-H;ili nifiwi in- in I e ili--i.-ii. 'd upui I y it ioi "(I''i a-i I til l. I. JjA Cimm-k. Clink In See. of Sale's OUice. Send For Samples to Tlio CRAMER CHEMICAL COMPANY. Albany, n. y. JACK OF ALL TRAD OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" Is H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE. Wortb Its Weight In Gold to Every Stockman and Farmer. Hnwrnany of you have lost the prlrti of thlg Engine In on (lav on aecount of Insnf Idnnt wind t.i oprrntu y- nr wl'iil ni lm. Ii-aviii(( oi.rl"' U wittnuit wnler. Oet oni' nour lode yiur pumuliiK Iih a tin-re 1 no wind or to do It rejculiiny. enther (loe.s not ttlT. et lm work, boloreolii. wet or ftrv. wind or einin, ll in nil ihe sumo to lliin mswdiliic. w Id dholl iitrn, Bflnd feed, 'nw wiKfl. churn I'Utt rand In hnndy f"r a hondn d inher 3 lit, in Itio hmiso or on tin-farm, t in-' to keep when not, working, imd onK lt".'ceni" er hmir wh.-n wnrklinr. l oiiiplctelv mi up, really 10 run, im fouodmimi te iide'i, n-Ht IhIxt and mom-y snver. Ui-'(i'ei (irneticiiilv no 11 1 r nlion, arid W b osnluii'iy Kile. Wo make nil ('sot liawjline Engines, from V.i w 55 huruc-powt-i. Wrlto tut ulrcuiar auU special fir eee FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO.. OMAHA, NEB. You Pay Nothing Until Facts Stated by My Former Patients. If You Are Afflicted With Rupmre Don't Fail to b c id them. Uy Guarantee is Valuable Be. -aM Vou do Not PaV Me One Cent Well. Until You Are I pres"Pl to the readers of this paper . ,.... inm.mial leiiersand iiamea of .,rr,. f,..n i-i,ia whom 1 have curi-d of rum u re. oeiieMiig tlial i tie anin-ii-ii would railier corr. ond with some one who has been cured than read What 1 m'Kht say about mi self. They can more fuiiy liivoiinate and convince thetn ielvea as to ibe menu of my treaimenl. 1 could uae this enure space inifinff my own praiaes, but believe the statement of iIiiim: I have cured will be more satia faciory to the sl'.licfd 1 will ask you to wriie to any or all of them. If you re smiklied with what ih-y say about my reliability and rffihodnof treatment, write io me or call and see me. Iteinem ber ihiit in aM caien I ituarantee cure nd do not accept one tvm of money nu tll you are well, t niikiiitatioii by mail or In peraon is eniiiely free. 1 will be pleased to enrtekpond with you regard ing your case ,.,,., 1U KRNKHV IIKNDEI'.hOJf. r.nlt lo Add I. Ml. M"il J e . II lir (T i. n- I'd - or r il,er "Ir.inllbe f"r Sui.' .t ui" III lllte w rs-..w Jotl ake Ilil "f 'f I. Ill ll I. m en. Hrl'lierinri hanv, Jure t, IKI. Or Frne.t Meno.ii -'ii. haii-a-i l:y. M i. Hear lneiiiriiwai t io add m) ta-i.mO'ai leu' in vour li'eaUi a (e li-t. nO.n.g w .0 lurlirl .oinr .lllt.'-al 'O B'l to I'l l. J had a ned ia- of i.i.iuie for "ar ana aofte l ureal aaony. I went 10 tr llei.der.iin ami ...rnied in tl. .eawevka. I rannoi -at loo a. lie I, lor him. I kno he tn dn ju-t nai ha Mviliti'itida. Hi' ilorior 0'ie noi ena m nf pai uiull n.e paoent well, Hi lhe bt iiiiian-ee r.e mi i.u..,blr -i t to any I will an - er aD)iiua Mriun amicteii a. i a. who la k o bioh ai "J"" Very tiuiy yo-ri """i1- rU FOB MT MIBTIE ON THK ci'KC or iter. in. to uu rnt.r.. DaairM t Add TeOii"i''-f nA " .ivrmnnriil line slim" 1 W OUld Noi he II ill In '! IUU- flit on lur 1,000. Or F,rnt Hanrter.on. My near li-ir - let-" to add hit tettlmo. nial in iho. vou hae ni-ed of n ptuie M raM w.. a bad one and you rr.aila a , :rnaneni cu-e ;n a abort Itn.e boat ;a n and I naer . lost ii day ftom m oik I canijoi y loo ucli for your cur. and mculd no; bj ba. k in Iht condition I alor a ihou.and d". ait I thank vouand would recemmeria )oui KiPlura Z io.o.'i,. I'm in .a If Ju : ' . traiy. iKaesfn.iy j vmi r. IPtll H HI'aK Kit Ile itis A'. i orARANTFe a ci'MR HitrnTr M FA FOR HI . FAf WmtM CtltlfktV MM HANDT MAN. Ti.l Is i bi I Caii do, Hi.d ii ii .n'. tiifcke nii.v iitiiT'iiCt' wiiwiitr li l niiin i , -i in ir , c'l'l or WHtm, m r ii i nlin. j hi villi ine- i-ii(l I will ii m) , er (u'riiiii i. hi, null c r", "frit? it i-iii, i-ini' n in in i d ii.ini h, 01 tiny worw that i- r qui e-l of "'f. Call and see in at work at ALLEN P. ELY & CO., Ccaj!3S St., CM-Hi. NE3. We AUu I'.c.r mid K-1 1 Ww ud et:iid CURES o SuflVrotl for Twenty Albany, N. Y , I) Cu wt.v. Cu- M icai. (' i. riirn. 6. Io.ii; I li-Miiiy iji-ii v.- I ii"' my li'e. l' y -1 r w 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 . 1 n ni'dv. 1-. r .1 e .r-. I ml! "ii-1 Willi ki l)(v I run I I" mi-! cm I I lind ii" re'n-f nywdfri'. I liji -nt inniiir ds in n do n:"l .! mill rd'.l I O'dy gel I. iniHiru' V f ll f. I liniilly de cided io try t'r iin-i ' 1C dut'V Cii'i' ami it, iii'i r- f r H e in ii e ii omli tl an dl i in- ii.tpliotin h I li.i I t;k-ii in t Ht.ty jtaiS, 1 mil U ivy cnin-ly we 1. MlCM AKf. IIl'IOtNS, Chief A' Lbp-utnitut. urrrl for Vi-araI'mnonnrd Ineiirabla by l,nr,0r-OUil ll To k Trcailnrut Afiir llii-4 ll ka wrua Miiliul Mini V II I r-.illiinit l All T"at la tUimil for it-Hoii a i.rtinr V I b Mcam "I l id.ieiuj Udml In l k Tiaot mrn i. Br. Fmeat H'nderMin Kana City. Mo. I r liocior: I in ui taie tliui I can mott brartlly rfcnmrnend your rupture trraimeiil. Since earlv youth I had been aerlounly irubld Willi a rfulit croial ruulure that waa pro nouncad b dociom to ! Incurabieaxcaui. k alply. by adaimerou surgical oiiatlon. Haar Inn of tour inwimcnt i daiarmlnad ui try I be ana and am glad I did . tor, aftar takliif your Ircaimenl but threw weeaa i am now ouu and well. Your traainieul la all that you claim forli. 1 1 ihl latter will do you ny Hoa 1 wouia u ld tolm.eyou piiUltKb ibertipe and I bop. mav l llie mean, of liiducinn olaere to taka f iur tiaaioicui and be cured. Youi rtietrully, WM. LV N.N, IUnaora. Ka. CO.NSFI.TATION BV MAILOItl! I'KR KON HIKF- mlE IO alK AllotI VODit CAsK. riiifUTia linmt Siiei-m-rul Faamlned Oth i l'uli niM il K-'iiiiil Cur l'iiii.neul Il.l in Hie Itualii' -'! Iimka IUU Hi - .Uu-I IIiiI.'iiimI lieul lieiilufllid iiy. December tQ, IfW, To whom It irnyeonce'n: TMi. willceriiry 'hat I have laken Dr. F.rneit periilervjii ireainiein for rui'ium ami liial 1 ni d il eniiiely .in i liil. I I. aia examined a number ol paoema mai lis lia ireaied and I Hull mai a iieru.aueiii care ban been ruaile In .very oie mninniid. I ba wuicbed thta t,YHiineiil 'or aome lime an I l.ave been In tbl heeof buli:e. ni-:ir. halnK been au eiwr trim, nuer lor a nniniwr ol yen. I beileia lbi i ths moil ratimial treatment of the day, ad Ibat I" iu-lul in eierv cae 1 .)nlil moi ln-ainly rcroiiiirjond aujuua wllba rupture cii-Mil lir. Ileiiiiui.uu. Verv rei-. i luiii pimi, jACuU Vtti l bU Independence, Mo. r,D FOR IV 1 KKATISK ON THE CI IIK OF IClllL'HK. K.Nt TO YOU fit UK. l.nlheran Mlnltr t.'n. eit A fler Bn fT-rl hi r -'I-leo IM" I rii-i-K Iml 'I liev Alt faile.l-1 poll A.i col liev. f . I'leif lei " -eii'iliii. Ho-, lr eil lir. I!u deiuii, ib Itupliire r..eclaliit ot Knin.. I'lly. Tk ore w umpl. le Haa Iil.petiaed Wit" Tril-i- VI -i All-Wer l.llra I'ruui i lio Aniieleil Im Huh f urli'-r I'urticiuwia. Kana. nty. Mo, Thta l toee-tlfy lhat I have miilered fur .ll yar. wiih a , my bad iu'"ce ami durlna .11 o' ni lime I naif yi u rn Uilt.-rem kind ol uu t day and ream viiiii lhe boc ol edcc'.ing a cu a. am i'i'V ail laoad -tbey only held Iba run! iu:i in place rpon the advice of Her F, Pfetffer, of Sedaila, Mo., I cmaiiPed Ur t.rnet llelldei .11. Ilia Huiliiie eo oli-l. InJ W. kih St., Iwliea. Cliy. llo.. whoi-uini n in a lew week. it boui iuu. leoilhn rr.a :o a danKerniia and imnlul opera, lion. The cute ha emnplcie and mice then I tai-e dlined w lib my tru.te. miDoul lucua- lenienct , To in in:erei of til who are afflcied with la. irm.o a I do write tin. and heartily tecum. mind lir. Ilenuer-on a iieaunent. Anyone d l.rn.K moie .i,liirniuoii will pltaao apply to me. oi bi le'ier I am, ktuuitfi'y. .inns SAftn Fo It, l(. i n? Oak at., Kmim City. N B. Id wri'.lni pieuae eiicio aiamp for itply. , I Alt AITf K A CtltF. OR NO I'AV Mill HI ItOIIU. WIII.N . tJ"l.l. H ITFIVE YOU PAV NaTronha Af'er Flrai Treaimenl, IVIileli a. I'llllte-a Hid Not Inlailera M Ilk W oik mmiI ( in "I I i l e a Ihan una Monl l IterimirtieiiiU I real meul ioAII llnpinra auA'-raia. Bt Rrnavji lttndin iMW.Ithli C-iy. My lienf le.-ri -f wrlia yon caaa:-.e.t4. ti lir i'ti )ru ht'e rra ia ,iernar,etii (u- ol my ftwi-wt, . jim feaw. stM U.nrn is Cured. LITERAtiV NO l fcS. "And here there com-i to an rnd the ftnry of Elaine lie Ll'y Maid of Astoat. set (oiih In veri-e by Alfied Tennyson, made r.t.-j t':; book by Helen Lruneau Van v. t -n at the 1'hi'oso pner 1'iesf, which Is in i'i.ssau, Wis., at the t!n sl-:n of the (treei Tree, with cover, title poge and l.-itili di d. .;.ffn::d Atm-a B. i-MMt an) : iKlu-d thiJ thirl d.;y of, li.;0." U the qualnfy rrlnttd ls. -riptlfi.-i at the tack of th dainty edltli.n if lUln.', it.-u-.-il from I j I i ' tie I h'li i lii er l'reff. i'n h:n nil le; n tie wi i kij-nn-1 I i i f t'-i? !--I.i. t'aal It litis bt'!-n it. n);:;i:" .l ov.T th- irt t-'tntis tih v. it'i .i.t eir-i'l, and a re cent Ifgue of t'-.o Critic d-vrited ctveral pars t'i pictures an.l e.fcilptinn of tin' Ph;lo,(ii her nfee and the aillstie bi;(ik3 It has published. Lord Tennyron'n beautiful poem Iubc-si nothing tiy the letting here Riven it. (;,'-jnt tl-jck tyjie, iniilil l tis in 1 e p with ti ff poem and a --'niple yet e'.e K. iril titii! p-ise are CM.:bined to rreikc Is l.ttto v.dum a j y m "the I'm r. i ui e," n- alicw nil. win!-' 'Tp-I aeit ti.'.rfc is rr ! EjUUy a!.u;l It- "The Art t-f Vt:t:n:? I'.r.r. 'Ir-h, a :.yn la! for r-i:;d.::it." is a vtmSt j -st l ioi' i I by I'll '. J. .!. M- ilil'M !m. It is i ! - I ii.c riudv of He; !-:n'i- h iws iii'i so iln-pil; J-rt C-Illpl t-l:v-iv- , a ' dent ten I, am i;n:.' part at it in a f mitiut'.:, wl-irij it t i!:c' weels In ( 'i r v-iluim.a. A k the autli-ir iys. the 1.U i Ik written r the pwri if of Biiidiii;? ; the y.-nu:K Mud-nt In'.o the rleht path. ' tnd of KiVii K h'M fio n was in : his time in t-xi-relse.g that are not only rt no use to him, but are positive hln lifanees In the way of hlslf-arnii-.g to write good, c:e:ir and firm Kngliuh. The utility of the book Is founi eliieny in Us exercises, The?e are Khort, from which the -student can make his own selections. As Prof. Melkh J'din remarks, a short csy c? ten linen, carefully and thoroughly polished, will do more for the pupil than a wordy essay o fas many pages. Once he has been shown the way, It Is the pupil who ought to do the polishing, and not the teacher. The book covers about every subject necessary for the student to master the English language. (Published by D. Appleton & Co.) Doubled.iy, Pass &, Co. expect to have ready early In Peptemher "Thro" the First Antarctic Nisht." a record of the vnyane of the fielsiea amon ixnvly dlcoVi'rcd teriltory in the region of the youth Pole, by Dr. Frederick M. Co..k, futseon of the expedition. Inc'iiiR! nernta, V ttiOiH IhWIi the name yon t1l ll, tniiiiL' inc wroiiim. I am P1"1 ""' tiiat I M-ver iicl unv Ti-onli!" reoiiiilnz it ftr Id., rti i-t trrn'nii-ni. and th.n 1 inn now a well B ;in 'I ankui O'Hl foal innri'if. our trai meal an ,mji-,le- " "d (I'd notnoa me rrun my work. A cure nas made in lemi tnan a muni n. . . . i reriabily will f)o lean for you and mi tnllrrlnB mo-i hearioy reeoniini-n. alt riiiniireil in lute your tnaiment. Yon ma u tliln leilcr ll you OUI.1M-. 1 lif'i to rerr.uu WM. WK I.TM A.N, "kTC. S'.oek Yards or 4lo l.iitlis Court roy-r i TATiii.N in mailouis i-f:h- fOS FKKK. WUIiE IO MJi ABOtl YiiI'rVasE. urr.-i'd With Had Owe fir Orer Five Tear I intld ot Mmiil il Am leourT Afler Heiiilou- Admi t -iliilt illi lnilU Io tMka Tmiilin ni I'mI.1 fur WI Ii HlMi'.r-'l I OlmUy Writ. A.vnn A limit I' a . Kansas city, llo., June 3, 1900. Pr. F.met Henderson. City . My lleur tiociiir: ii is wo" i""..""5 1 jou lhat I am entirely cured ol a bad ca-w ot rupiure. for winch yon treated me ttrsl about two years sko I nlTered with a very bad rup ture lor over tWe yearn many tlmea It was at bad Icould scarcely retain It with the aid of a iruaa. A the niitiir wa cormtantly netting woo, and the pain o great, I oouid not aland II anr Ioniser, 1 w much dlacouraged. Aftei readme your adertieiiin a-r.t a a eej aaain.l concluded to try your treatment, and ui my aurprlse you cured me In lew than foi l weeka. I am BlRd to nay. after inch a long time of mifferliiK. lam absolutely tound and well. 1 ualu your fee with pleaiire. and mill reel thai I owe you a debt of Kra'ltnde which 1 bone to pav by inducinx oilier miffereri to ko to you for treatment, thereby dolnu a klndnem to them and to you. I will idadlf write to anvone about my ca. I almost (imeH to say that I con-iduied join Oder ot "rereiviri? no pay until a cure wan ef f.eied ' an the beat Kiiaimte .vu ouid Klve. and lhat i wlial ttrl isave me eonlldeiica la your, at anon a I talked lo you. J. s. PAMMr'K, It bsi.t blxlli blitsel. TMK FOI I.OWIVO ff IVE r.FKN t'CRFIl OF III FITRK, AMI AUK. HF.I.I (TKII A KANKOM FltllVI MANY I II A V K Cf It lu IS Witt I IMII Til KM PI.EAMC ..NCLOt A l AJII' Ft) It ANSVI llltl MlkeG-ivnor. 8' Fwinnw.. Kan City, Ks. A u (e.oti Mel'heriin. Kaa. Hubert J. hrotk, county ailorney, Manhattan, K a. N M Kent. 401 Orchard St.. Chlrfirn. HI. Oacar Dillon, tut Campbell bl han City II n. ii M lrUnnnM l)entnn. Kaa. u' v ' in, ni iw-iiN I'.ihsi.. KsnaaaClty. Kat i vniiio... M-n tt'mdwir Ave. kan-ai'Hj, lito j s. Knmmick. p imibing. in t, tttb fit., Kan aa.City. Mo. 'i hr.. r.uitn flit. Mo. W i'. Peak, aioter. ti Central Art.. Kanaai ni s M clch. csi CooPandei Milling Co., Ft, lir.'r r. Haiker. till Brooklyn Ao.f Kaaaai ,.ii CPr Mo. I'erman llaei 11. Karn-aaClty, llo, i m I. vim. PhnM-nt tia. t i: ltrteil III, li'lli B'. Pi. Jl. Mo. Prod Ilairwr ill bid ana Avt., Kan-at Cltt tin William vyitman. 410 Landlt Court, Kansa CP v, Mo. ij.v k P'eifTer edalia Mo. K. J. ciiiiuii'on. Armour biailoo, KanaaiClty .I T. Wood, merchant. Greenwood. Jackaol mi ti ii I v Mn ' ( na. T. Hummer AU Fdmnnd fit.. Rt. Jew Mo Will II I'a.inr. , i N. s riiM Ai. St. l-o'ila, Mo Fred Fharea. 817 Cherry si ., Kana City, Mo K. R. Demnre.i Kaiiacliy. Mo. K. B. Orimia.tJl Lyceum IliJj., Karnw. City Tbomai McMabon, 7tM N. 7ih St., 8t. Loula, R W Pement. reataurani keeper, 10 K. tttti gt , reldeti( 1012 l.ociulbu han-lil City, Mo. r-hnd 'A miint ba old 0 F. Sna asuinani county lurveyor, Indei. pendence Mo Wu.hme'en Dakar. Hull Summit. Kaa. W'.iiiam ll iiaini. Ili Car Ave., Alaiourdale Kaa W L r.rav S'anherrv, Mo, W. T Wmnatc Amny vo l.arl Max ieil. Valley Kalli Hat (1 Sanuv . 8 Ave , Kmi-arity F. Jamet McMoi kin, 'it Tullla Court hanasi Mo I'ni.i craii. IJth and Topping AM., Ksntai City Uo. ADDRESS OR. ERNEST HENDERSON, IC3 Watt Strai UlSAJCiiT aso. - A few of lit :iil lingered io lb li;.o...i.L' nici.i in t'ii...inj 1-nai, L.goy. ..iick I- aii iioiine a.iJ i bangiiiji liui; ai'uT the nut ' "d Ci, e u ind lL my Lii v.b.i.. HjU i i...u arrivnJ lii.c l..i.i. nay i Li if va n 'Ui Pan in i.iie iioua-, bu.t 1 d.d iii-'i UmW liil cX t.ieiii. Viiun at hit wo broke up. Jack Fan I...,. li.e. snl: "I'll U.i.e sou by u s.rfi. - i tu.. 1 know i.i .i.i 4vuJti I've Lten fiiiiiins In i k oUi-ii. ..J.t i...;.. .ii, I i... i in ii .a knowledge I ll.l.UUrU lllill Uri- iiU -U tic c, where u wunt cl ugut a.r f Mii.;iilii'd nil our cmd ics. ill hi .i fe.ue di.or, up iind dusvu t"..'.") f'.iii.s ill b.'ii Is. ill and i.ul of n-v-fi-al eoi ridoii-. Oil in wist Jacli paused Ik i ore a e.ovi iJ tioor. "i.ue ynu in c. Kefrry." lie said to C. "i li.K in iviii-n- iuu" i ituined the handle went in. T'..e ia;iu was daiK. the Liiiuls. were 1U'. ii.-Die cuimiiiis i Li- e liiuwu 1 felt lli.V ay toward ilie iii.inll'iiete, in. i Ly .lie iiasi-ajji; bj;!il t-lt cauuiij li.n.ii;. h die 'Uh(i 1 ll (;!!i n iioot -in, uiaiclu1 't.i i.. i " t, i j r '1 in- I Tl h.ltll I li .lark ni up, looked I : i is nifi the Mil I. ii il. liner. H.y Ih-Iiiii .Upl -i le iii.d i.s lace sunt ii.nk .'Mini It , :,alc I h i ol smer ft hi tn.ii:(i mar. J.-. (.Ill V.l.l'lf I hill iJl'' 'i 1. 1 re w i re Hoi. e ni u ! i ill ... '1 he (ii i-.-sl i ii. i, i or v.,. ili i.j i d n r....n ii;-; . i.i i e mil1 a . iit. a in i,e i-i i n i !.. i ..ttl hair blushes, a ban s,,M-r llane. a ol biaeeictR. i iu;.!-aii'i broncho U.x or iWJ and i liere li. i a !;.:li,ss in "11 111 il"i s, an nory llnllbt ul bli bi o n lay a lliiek con tu icuu "it's not my room. Where the mis chief have you brought me, .lack' 1l" a very mn- joke. tins. " "htisli--in heaven's name! You, RiUfiy and Jack come oiu of I lint!" 'tins is an ajfonied whispei Irom Hie open door, whcni Diyby stood pointing to lhe corner mar hi. 'the iniiiiier w out: T!i bed was in that coiner, and in the bed a re cumbent figure, the head plainly visi ble, tied up in some sort of tlully silk handkerchief, bin; sunk deep 'among p.llow, unrecognizable, nnd, as I de vtnitly hoped, sound asleep .lack, woo was whU me al the dress Injf table,did no wait, lie blew out lhe CiiiKlies aijii ran can. I at Ins hitls. oin.y to hiul -the door shut in my face, no i'iiU by .lack Io spue mr. for I sail heard hnu hiuliing ou the (ai tide. 1 was canpht in a trap 1'eforc 1 could I, mi mu- doorkiii'b and ei-capt fioin tiie room I la in (I inovtnielii in the (liuiMon ol lhe bed, a slior. pa use of H.illiies$. and then the s-.visi. S.Jllit" f" p of ll.. linen wi a p. ii nil 1 lie ciUp s on t he Hour I had Liny oi. e cliancc, one imne Hint I mitii.l s.ip O'J' In f ore slie U:e- .icicd n.e. lint tins was none nesi tiniii., for wh.le I stood ibere holu my bicaih siie itiu up uk'niin-t nie. In-re was a gas p. a nan sereain, ami no daubt nuuv to come. I'u, ting mil my haid I quickly siez- er by the wrist. What is il? U'liait do you want? How dare you? 1 eafcrly, nay, humbly had come to the wrong room Now. when I wauled lo leave it, they sliul the door in my face ' "They? They? Who nre they? Tcli me. or I will go Hii.iijini. m i.uuy Fresh ford." As I heciiaicd to belray uiv friends, she went on (jiuckly IL does nol matter. I know you Cnpt. I'hnyre. I saw yon when there was a lipht, rcecgiiizeil you. uuu I know your voice." "Bui 1 donl know your "I'm clad to hear il. Isn't M riplit I should remain unknown? Have you any chivalry left in you Or are jv.ii t. vou rilled the oiuer. a raU ,i course you ha.l rcrartin un known. No one shall hear :i word ol this from me. And if others dare lo talk, I'll cram the words down 1lieu throats." Tlmnk vou. Cant. Thnyre. and nn she Bxike (itdte s-oflly and low. I fell brr haiid just tout-li m.Y coaasiecve find mine, and shake it wuli uninislak able KTalilude. It wa she who now opened the floor tor me. and for o few short second Die a iall figure in lipht, loose drapeiy: then 1 turned and tied. Fled, but ml o fast that 1 quite escaped a blow from stome missel thrown nfler me. and i't must hove lieni by ti . Soincthin certainly siriiek me on the back, nnd (is 1 stooped to pick it up found a tiny bedroom slipper of pale blue silk. cmtnoMiered in seen pearis. I srbed it, nrcevtinjr it ni an onnn of p;(od luck, as u token of friendliness, perhaps of forrjivene.s. Why else had she tin-own it after meV Hi. was not lhe only relic ot u;tn nipht's escapade. When, by and by, I back to my wn room, not witn out n lanir senreli, mid empii'ed the iKK'i.vrr. of hit i.moliin jackn;, I found that I had nluo earned oil the coil ot redd'sli-bi own hair. I loidfd nt these itwa trophies with niliiphd fceliii;s. 'lhe slipper pleased me, .Inn I was vcjc.-I iuu (iisap;M.:i.eii by the hair. 1 thought of the prctly f(xt the slipper had framed so neiilly. and In -gan to frame a theory rs 'to its owner. 'Then I rniipht si(,'M f Uie fBlse hair and shiiddei-f d. I was hint, shoel ed. annoyed. If I went near fall ing In love with the slipper, remember Inp how I pot it. there could be no sort of romance in a wipr. There wna to be a bijf shoot the Bert, day, nnd we men all came down early. I eatnr'nt J'liirhohne alone and waa abont fire him n bit of my mind when he broke in with: ".My word, V.i-gpy, but you're In luck. Don't you know who it wn Inst m;?ht? I set my mother's maid to find out. I'll tell you." "Do n't." "TV ninivrrvt. Whv, it was IidT res lowi'w. Bhe's worth piles. Fat, fair nd 43. No Inctinibrntiei'K, only n niece. Ask her to rttnrry yon the unit, net the iit-ce. If s!ie won't com to me, I'll make her." "Drop It. Khlrhflm, or - natt rlror, your ncqnn'ntunoe." . Ad he rnnnmce fadeal ant ft b ideirt vbt I Jwketi at Df Fel- owei, Thi tromao fat, mi Mle-rgi 4, the lieroiue of the prev.atus myln'i udinilurel Now i underaUud ibe false hair. l.iidv Fcll-jwc did nnt seem to be much alTecled by what bud happuied. t-he did not look m.y way. but lead hei Idler, ate her bne.iklast compos edly and behaved in u moit discreet and matier-of-lael fash on. Not so her n.eee, tin excccdlnlv pretty girl, brown eyes began at once to ream around the table, and I soon caught litem resting on me. At first wiih a look of amusement. I thought, checked ins. atitly; then a vivid blush and u frown as she drnnoed tliem demurely. Her aunt of course had iold her Lady Freshford summoned the shoo;iiir party to b-tart. and for the rest of that day 1 was engaged iu the cove Pis. It was not until we were assembled in the drawing room that I saw Miss Fellowes. nnd then I went up boldly to I. inly Freshford and asked her to send us in togciher. When we had sit'.led down into our seals I went en with the usual com monplaces Ktill no reply. Indeed, she tiirne her buck on me and begtiti .lie turned her hack on mi-and began tall.iiig with flint aiiiiniilioii to the man .n llie Km r sine, h m' j ciiar'st ease of cat, and 1 began -to I feel like a foil. j 'I h old lar'.V cidently had nl(en my ! ronduol in bed part, and hud sol the ' girl ni'iiinst me. It did tiot increase I i.iy h ve fur Jfet-lc Faii liohne, but what j was 1 10 do. i She cult liner. nls:inn'ely ditinb.and j alloL-etlier i!!tioied my existence. It i was so inarkeil that I saw Lady Fresh- foul look her way with a half dis tniscd. half nmiisid glance, and nod t iviaril me, as though reminding her of irr.itmcnt that amounted to posi tive d ix-mirtesy. Miss Fellowes responded to the ap peal but slrangely. She d.d not speak, only blushed deeply, a blush that crimsoned even her necl; and should ers. 1 was siezed wiih a sudden inspira tion. Miss Fellowes " No answer. "Miss Fellowes" No answer. "Pray Imten, even if you wdl not speak. 1 believe I have some of your property. 1 should like to restore it "You would not be to base, so on- gentlemanlike" "Not the slipper." 1 went on. calmly, taking for granted I was rifhl in my line "T ?ha!l keen that as a souvenir; it is treasure trove Hut the you will want thai al once. I cannot think hniv von have gotten along without it all '.his time." "Oh. r.npt Fhayre! How cm van -ivhv should yon think what have T d'.ne to deserve this?" She almost eas-.i'd for brci-th tis she spike, and the :,.-itc were very n'-ii!- her fine eyes. "Whv do ye n cut me? Do I d serv thft? You know it was not my fault . rifti' llv Last night you ae-:ep:ed my npnl'-tres " "''apt I'hnvre. von are really mo ter rible That in no: my false hair." "Put it "as in your room" "Tl at is not my room Thnt was nttnfie s mom She is n vei . nini sleeper, nnd sometimes likes to Ch.mke her bed So list night she look mine and 1 hers' "So it's hers the hnir, 1 "II -sh! She may hear; mean?" bite v.oti'd nol foix'ive lis " "Doesn't she know?'' "N ilhing nut u syllable. I Mope she never tnav D if you ran only i.evp hosp h'urid companions nf joui's qu'ct I lieiu ve I can trnsl vo i " "That von ran. Hut the sbriper, fb' ri' voiik i f course? Why don't you lino.: i. i w.iv?" impulse: perhaps T hated you " I'm nol sure she said shvly. "An impulse: perhaps 1 haled you." Not now, surely?" And In lhe end she became Mrs, London Illustrated New. Ilex liunl'a aiullina On fhe tombsione of .lohn Dcnough Of New Id leans lhe following maxims nre engraved as the niei thanl s guide to voting men in life- fiemrinbcr ih.n labor is one Of the ipndiiii'tis of exislenee Tunc is gold, throw not one minute nwny. bill place each one to account. Do ttnlo all men a you would be done bv Never put off till to-morrow whntyou can do io-duy. Never hid nnollicr do what you can do yourself. Never covet what is not your own. Never think any matter is loo triiling as nol to deserve net ice. Never give out what docs not come in. Do ot spend, but produce. Lei 'lhe trreaiest order regulate the aciions of your life. Slndv vour in course of life to do the gri alest amount of good. Dcnrive vonrself of nothing that is neeesnrv to vour comfort,, but live in honorable simplicity and frugality. Labor, then, to the last moment of your existence. The waste of the world would erase the need of the world. At last, nfler tunny months of dark ness. Kig. (fispii. Male's aged strn nian, is aide to see. owing to the re moval of a cr.tnraot from each eye. The other day he rose with t Tie band ages sitlll nominally on, but. nftir breakfasit ho waa bd fo nn open win dow of lhe Villa Linn, where he lives in Naples, under which stretches the plorious bay. with its islands nnd smoking sentinel, giitHenino; na only the Mediteranenn ran in :he sn, nnd the cloths were removed. As his. is-pyes nfilight. became accustomed fo Ibe su nnd fell upon his favorite, view, he drew n lnn briwfh nnd his eyefl filled wifh tears. After n rest the ngert Ftmirstunn had the pleasure of open- Inir his own Iclriers and telegrnms, ot wliJch ninny were congratulalions. "I bnucht I It's enre of ynu yro'rr rliy, nnd ,vtni snid the hnndle was gen uine IvorV, but 1 find it's Imitation." "Indeed? Why. 1 order my poodst fllrret from Ceylon. btt Ws noit 1m poisible, of miitse. that tie elcphrtt tlkwte ner falat tHk." DR.McGREW. Ofll.O Ovar l n. MUt M Oflleemien fr.nn v au. dially. NundHy from Ha, ua. (Dr. Mi-Grew at Aue lii.) T11K MOST SlCCHSitDl. SF3ECIH L.I ST Iu tr treat ment nf all furiiii or ItlKILtStTI AND yvrmf DISKKlJKItM OF JtKN OMIY experiouee. 15 yeaia In O urn tan. VACICOCEIE AHOHYDJlOC'lli A I' F R M A NIC NT CUKE I A K Y NTil 1 1 N A FKiV lA Y without cut In. ? or time. The oillfKisr .iM N A I ti It A I, 1'KE Hint Has yet litt tli cvered. t'UAIU.HS I.OYV. SYPK1 i ic In ml kiai:o4 unit n 1 I iY urea, and l rice of i ted fioui tl Is eiiiiiin inl. No "IlKF.Mv JNi OUt"on the stn r wra in- am external apiicariuic s of ihe diievi wli.iievt -r. A treatment. Hi-it Is ne re f w i-e-.-liil and fur nioro Katie-fact 'y ''i.i "Hni S rlnn1-" lieainieiit sod in le "i HALF Tilt. COST. A cure lhat li-guai-aw e I be pei rininei.t for lile. WEAKNESS of yo.inir nnd ml nil i rw num. " " ....... x. .. ., . M.rv. , in ll I- . i.ipi ,.f ii. -,.l M.Ht N.-i-ve 1'nwer. LuriMO Vi!.ror A-.4 VHuhly. I'impies on the Fee , I'.iiiiS t- Hl Hack. Kmiiet fulness. Hanli.uluilaij. HI (100 C. US CCKKIi. rTrlTIIDC quickly cured with - 5 I It 1 1- U lit and iiifnlliliie home, tieao- u.eiu.. Hnliii) and liladder 'I roubi. tin 5ribuea, Gleet. CLKKS OOAKANTKE1Y. CIIAGES LOW. finnan t:ti Inn Free. Treatment by Mais, Medicine sent every wbeie, free frou. g2 or bieakaicc, ready for uso. tifllee hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p in. dally. Fncc 3ay B a. in. to ft p. in. V O. U.,x 'M. CFrj svi-r Xlb S". lath St.. be'ween Karuam UMm UiUKlas Sireets, OMAHA, NEB. Dr. Htrjoiihiorj 101 and 103 W. 8th St, KANSAS CITY, HO. ff, fll,t in Art' "" lmffeiet T-j A lrmulnr ilrr.duaf 4i jUi-diK, Peer VI Y'nrn' Syrrinl Fmrtir. Cures guaranteed r rnonay r funded. All medicine furttis' reuily for use-no mercurv io jurious medicines used, rtn &o teiiUon from biisine. ' ' at a dista.iee treiio-o uj -.Tnmaa. Medicines aont ?. e-.. nr nre ifciiKi. - .1,... nr,t r. (). D.. only by stp-mmciit. Ol0.r,- low." Over 'ili.dllO crmes cured. As-e and en" tor are important. fctat your (.. '. r tor Urni. Consultation free and eouudao personally or by ietlnr. , 5eminal Weakness ZmSio and Sexual ueoiiiiy. h'-H; ea-cansiiiK losKea by dream? or w n T. ; -1 pimples end blotches on ti t'ZJr'j o the bead, pains in back, ronf used view . fr.tfulnessr bashfulneas, oeeision oaf of wiiual power, os of manhood, tm STnf. cured for life. I ""JgJ hiasaa. restore aexnal r''J? brain rower, enlarge and strenKJiao waa and make you lit for mamiisre. Stricture ila.t tn u and Gleet atvumeats, no pam.j imp dew tioo from bnslnesa. Cure FH'"1i and list of questions free sealed. Private Diseases 0r monei fouii BOOK r KrdHJdl .dioiild read thia book for tha lalormaWJ" N. B.-State caae and ask for lirtof qnawn iYrmt M.Mum of AiiMtomy. lot m IHE DECEMBER NUMBER OF... GOOD HEALTH A Large Monthly Magazine, fa r.o it-uy for mailing. It con'taTn a large number of Interesting facts ttranse and peculiar incidents, also givs i.g several new portraits of peoffs onnected with the Kharas Concerns ot Iowa and Nebraska.- IT WILL. BE MAILED FREE Tfi AMY" ALHjKLSS. Write for it. lrof. Theo. Kharas, lubiii'her, 1515-1517 Ci.tcago 8t, Omana, Jubv iYINTER TOURIST RATES VIA OMAHA I ST. LGUIS AND WABASH R. R. SPECIAL Tours to Florida, Key West, Cuba, liermuda, Cld Mcx'r, The Mediteiranean and Ori ent. HALF Kates for the round trip t many points south on smla 1st and id Tuesday eaei month. RATES To Lot Sprinps, Ark., the fi mous Water Ht-aoi t i f Amcrs lea, on sale evety day la ths year. Tickets now on sale to all the wire-t-r resorts of the south, good return! nj tinill June 1st. 1901. For rates, de scriptive matter, pampliletB and any other lrformatton, call at ). & &'t. t. It. It. City Ticket Office, HIS Fa mar Ft., or write Harry Ii. Mooies, C. P. A T. A., Omaha, Neb. ieo.-inixr.ii.ii.-M vTI-V-. ll IJWJ.IH.U..I "iijv..i. n,.oaL ' KIMBALL BROS., MFGS. 1001 th it. COUNCIL Ill.FFFK. I A. DO YOU STAWMER? Wnle. nlmut yottrwlt 1 a - h in m e rod fro rhlldlmod and was ner feetiy cured ID vemi ncn, ii i v I he afTtlcieil .'an ftiipreclHie the lnien-c deslm one has in ii- enn (I. If you Hi e nlftieted, in- hu ve rlitldn'O alio are, wrlie to me for iitim. 1 leraiuiti.eta Addreaa JULIA E. VAUGHN, Pmit., oaiH..raMM(H'a- iNaTiTurt. RAMGE BLOCK, OMAHA Hth. COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMP'V UMAHA.Vol. 3-NO.44-1900 l.ilUii Mfhlke All list till A. i I Deal Couth Brriip. Ta-nw (.una. tin I In lima, Muirl by iiriintlai.. Ml Sl ......... l i5 i a v