Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 13, 1900, Image 1
I) Harrison -Journal. VOL. ZXZII. HKISOIiT, NEBBASKA, THTJSHDIT, 3DEO. 13, 1900 Cnr JKoU--"'wa OUFSTIAN ies pure ori-ri rn iiuth . . ' - w . v uxiibii 1a at 1 1 Ltu hight.' " "on. nuiiam J. liryaa. Press MX to Mhe C ommercia HARRISON. NEBRASKA. t)IEECTOES. C. F. CowzK, President Chas. C. Jamksox. II. S. Stockmen having use for a ba-nk at this point may rely on lis to handle their entire Banking bunnies. -ffrWe nut prepared to take rare of our trade at all times HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. Sii!cTiitioii Price Official Paper of Geo. ). Canon, FN!'!-.!) AT IMF. lUhltlKON P.ST r"r2rfrfrr?-r" i 1 i i i A DustanUy Outrage. Notice has been receiveJ ul the county clerk's olli.:e to the eilYel that a colite.it Inn been liled l)V Aiiey O. Puttier ngniuat "hurles Coll'ee, r.:,iresetitativd lor tin 53rd, dial riot ou the face of tha returns by ovi r ;J )0 voles, Tin is a dastardly outrage, ami j jsl what inlaid have been expecieJ of k islier. Tins paper does uot hiiiiJ fur, nor cuiiuter.uuce wronjf jn the ivpiiuiirauu parly mora Uiau aoy other. Fisher allies that Olfeo is a national bi.iK director, fuis expended over $100 in election expenses (mo amount allowed fjr 5,0'J?) vour.s), thut ueer and cigafa were Uiuhtas orilics for votcrx, and a ljl of otUor toiiiluolory winch m resor ted to by Mr. I'l-thur juat us luuoli as the ot.ier. 'i liu wtiolti secret of tlie uiaitcr t.i mat Fisher huj;s llid reubiicau ma jority in lns ItigiaUture will ou.-it Collee uml na.il linn. W'd do not believe lliey will do It, and if they do the republican jnu-tV will pay the enalty thertol by losing the collilence of a lara number of voters. 'I'Mri papur cuuiImius such uulhods, and does uot propone to be inualy-niOuUicd about it for Fmher or any otlier republican. Alliance Times, ('!) Don't us ttuv ol the counterfeit of l)v vim's Witch HuA'l salve. Musi of Uleu) are worthless) or lirtl.le to use injurv. The onrfnialiJeWitt'u Witch Ix iZel Sal ve in a curiam cure for piles ei.'um, cuts. oc iidH, biiriin, ores and tkiudiai-ases. J. E. I'ui.nnisy. In his message to Coonrs President JlcKuJy is very much interested in re C'fiomei uiii leixlation for the purixe f !rr!:it!'0 in I'M! !J;wnin inlandn, hnt note the Oct, hot ft word does he utter, with regard to lei;isl:itinx in the interest if irrigation of 72.0OO.O0J acre af arid land-t in the United States. The time seems fully ripe for tie west to take a firm and decided xtatid on the question of national irrigation and something great my be accomplished at once. Wny not? It is as right that coi Cress shouH appropriate money for stor age reservoirs as for river and harbor im provements. The building of storage reservoirs would obviate the necessity of much river expenditure and would help navigation, and the home building area of the Uuited States would be vas tly iocreased. Aud now if the west makes this demand the East will bark it up, for the benefit would not be local. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and litgrippe during the pnst few years, ta our knowledge, not a sin gle case has resulted in pneumonia. Too. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash av- enuo, Chicago. One of the most promi nenent retail druggists in that city, ia in speaking of this, says: "We reccom- ChamWIain's Cough remedy for la grippe in many cacex, ax it not only given prompt and complete recovery, but mlso counteracts any tendency of la ripXi to result in pneumonia." i r mile by J. E. Phminmey. George W. Peck, uulher of Pok' Hid Boy" and governor of the great slat of Wisconsin from 1891 to 1804, in clusive, hua again taken up his pen, the instrument wtid to be, "mightier than the sword," and will engage in the news paper Work once more. As Ihe news inner is an educator of public necessity, Mr. Peck no ,Joubt concludes hit uxeful liens as a journalist has not been com pleted, lie has accepted a position on the New York Sunday World, He will during the mean time, write and publish the book entitled, ' Peck's Bad Boy ' Orowa Up," and by the way, if it meets with as large ami phenominal sales as the otlier coniio works of his versitile i -en, it will be something enormous and wll tax tin t-apvilty of his publishers nishty to .i'ply Mm demand or tb Ituuk. ! Bank. F. W.Clakki:, Cashier. Clarke, A. McC inlet, Por Yrop fl.OO. Sioux County. - Editor. Ol FICK AS Pnxxu IXASfi MATTKI:. i i i i i ii. , , , Ron-h Material. Younij people often think, '-If I only had a chance if I could choose what I would like I could amount to something A little incident from life? experience, makes plain the truth, that all that is required of anyone is to do the best he can under the conditions by which he is surrounded. "You are building a good wall there," said a passer by, stopping to look at a workman by the roadside. "Some of your material looks rather poor to work with, too," and he glanced at a pile of roujfh jagged stones. "I aiut pickio, my miterials," the man answered simply. What I'm here for is to build as good a wall as I can with the matoriul that's brought me." The Bame is trua of the life we are building. We can seldom choose our material. Circumstances we cannot control bring us this happening or that, briog disanpoitoment lustead of the joy w looked for, weakness instead of the strength with which w e meant to do so much. Many a rou'h and unexpected thing befals, many an occurrence which we did not only did not desire, but ag ainst which we cry out in bitter protest. Still it comes to us material that some way, for good or ill, mimt find its place in our building. We cannot choose our material, but we can choose what we will do with it and what it shall do for us. whether it shall weaken or strengt hen the character we are forniiug. Help is needed at once when a person's life is in danger,. A neglected cough or cold mtij' soon become serious and should bo stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe gnd other throat and lung troub les, J. E. B PlllNNKV. Attorney General, C. J. Smyth, has finally succeded in obtaining a decission from the Supreme Court of the state compelling the Standard Oil Co., to bring their book 3 into court and nuke a showing, whether or not it has violated the anti trust law of the state. In a re sent decision rendered by our slate Sup reme Court, it has dealt a severe, body blow to all trust companies doing busi in the state of Nebraska. If the new Attorney General elect will, during his term of office lie as earnest and industri ous in the effect to destroy the trust and their influence ia this state as Attorney General Smyth has been during his term of office, he certainly will receive the plaudits of a trust ridden people. Just Suvrd Ills Life. It was a thrilling escape that Charles Davis of Bowerston, O., lately had from a frightful death. For two years a se vere lung trouble constantly grew worse until it seemed he must dm of Consunp tion. Then he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and lately wrote: "It gave instant relief and effected a per manent cure." Such wonderful cures have for 23 year, proven it's power to cure all Threat, Chest and Lung troub les. Price 50c and 1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at J. E. Phixneyb drug store. linn. Charles A. Towne, of Minnesota, has been appointed U. S. Senator to suo ced the late senator Cushnian K. Davis, who passed away a couple of weeks ago as a result of blood poisoning. Mr. Towne will fill the position until March 4th next, as tha state legislature, in all probability will elect a republican to succeed Mr. Town, as he is a Democrat and the slate legislature of Minnesota is republican. However, (for. Lind could have mode no Wetter selection it h had looked the sUU ler from oe Md to the other. Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PBESS-JOURHIL STOCK BKASDH. Tug Jodrkai. will publisn your brand, like til followliiR, for r2:00, per vear. Kacli ad 'lltional bruim 75 cents. fcvery tanner or ranchmen In Hiouac snd adjoining counth-g hould advertise tbnir brands in ThbJoUH kaliis it circulates all over the state. It may he the means of avlnit money for you S5G0 REWARD. Kor the arrest and conviction of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brand; on stock belonging to tlio undersigned par ties: DAVID COLVILLE. Horses branded on righ shoulder or branded on right Jaw AWo, 1 have Horses branded rs3 on left thigh tm-M Pot Oftlcu Address, Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska. F. E. JAXDT. 60, 117, S Brands on left hip IkS on left Jaw, eft hip of Cattle. Post Office, Hewitt, Sloui County, Nebraska. JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded on left shoal der branded on left shonlder FIX and Cattle Hit on left sldo. I'ost Office Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. GKOltGTJ SW ANSON. Cattle branded Horses branded on left side S!l&on leftshou Ider, range on Soldier t,ie k. Any stock branded us above bring estray- cd from my nnga, discovered by any body on giving me information will be rewarded. Address, ft. Koblnson, Nebraska. J. B. J'AKKEIt. Horses branded on P! left shoulder and Cattle sarnoon left E) hip. Sheep baruded frjj h 1-aek or back of Sheep. Itango on soldier Creek and White Itlver. Address, ft. Uoblnson, Nebraska. Over in Wyoming. o- We are plad to know that ye editor dined on turkey instead of crow, on thanksgiving day. We also notice that you had pie, as wo find lots of it in our last batch of items, but then we will ex cuse you this time; as you dined on good republican turkey, no wounder you pied our items. There was a birth-day party at Hile Church's on Sunday the 2nd, in honor of Ilile's "steenth" birthday. We understand that Mr. FJunt will not build on his homestead, for some time at least. He is now at work in Lusk, and we understand that he has a steady job there. , Francis Duel, is digging holes foj the anchor posts of his windmill tower, Mr. William Murphy, of Adair county Iowa, accompanied by daughter and son-in- law, John Davis, arrived here a few days ago, and went down into the valley with his brother-in-law, Mr. Z. G. Duel, Mr. Murphy has been here for about a month and is si well pleased with Wyo ming that the family will locate here. A letter from Mr. T. B. Tatman, brings the sad news of the death of his son Will, on November 80, 1900, Mr. Tatman will remain in Iowa for some time to settle up the busioesa affairs and gather the corn which Will had in the field, We congratulate H. B. Earnest, in se curing such an estimable lady for a wife Say Bert, we smoke cigars sometimes. Miss Abbie Fluckey, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Zekiel" from Friday night until Monday morning. Leonard and James Christian, are tak- ing music lessons of their teacher Mist Fluckey. Week ago Sunday, quite a number of the neighbors gathered at the resideoos of Andrew Christian, and spent a pleas ant eveniug in singing and play in?. Ml Fluckey, entertained us with instrum ental music. Slie is a musician of rare abilityand not excelled by any in thto part. Our lyoeum was not well attended its last meeting om account of aicki in the neighborhood. Now Dewey, If wo hear any nefv about those sand hill cranes, wa'll tilt Clio's advice and go goose huittaffMC Five rotates if wo 4k it will b a Drr FRANK NCTTO On left side of cattle and on left shoulder at borses. Range on Antelope creek P. O., tikilcbrist, Sioux Co., Nob. CHAKLKS BIEHLK. On left side or hip of rattle, j On left shoulder of hn'sus. 1 Range ou the bead ol Warbonnet dcrek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb F'-ANK C. I.IWIH. Cattle Branded ITJTJj on left side and Horses Branded KTl on left shoulder Kaugeon head of White River. P. O. Address, Harrison, Neb, JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow Inubniud on bIUi or: Afso HG on cat li and horses cuttle on leftside horses on left kliuulder. Range on Silver Springs anil east of slats Ine. Postoflico Harrison Null CHAKLKS KKWMAN. The brand represented In this notlco and branded any where on left side of cattle, and overlap eut from the right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Kange near East Springs, south part fo toux county. ' Ciuri.ks Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. J.S. TUCK KB. . Branded on left shoulder ol borses and on left side of cattle. Range on W hltf Klver, near Glen. 1. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. ; PEEP CREEK LIVE STOCK Co. lOSjaj Branded on left hip of Cattle 2Jg jma on left cheek of Horses, yvtmtU Range on Deep Creek. Muresa, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,., , CirHAS Ko f , 8upt., i ' , Glen, Nebraska. ROBERT . NEECE. Cottle Branded , Range on Water. on left side. Running P. o. Address Agate, Nebraska. morning for some of thoFe 8 Ilills' and we'll exenrauoicate you and send vou over to Manilla Bay to gain another Victory, this time over ths Philippines. A letter from Mrs. Eva Christian states thai she is visiting a cousin near Besdly Neb., and having an enjoyable time. Of course Mrs. Knott, knows our re cord as a local nimrod, anp invites us to try our skill on wild geese nearC'entral City. We would like to accept but it is not safe, as some amateur sportsman there might take us for an Ardea Vires cens and fill our anatomy with No. 4 shot. A letter from Misss Winnie Kline, of West Chester, Pa. informs us that she attended the state convention of the Christian Endeavor, held in Philadelphia a few days ago. She was sent a delegate ad was there 8 days. The convention was held in the largest church and arm ory in the city. There were present over 18,000 C. Fs, Mr. Klein is away from borne most of the time in the interest of the milking machine. On last Sunday evening a few a few of the neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holterfield, and spent a social evening with them. Mrs. Holler- field and Miss Mluckey entertained with music at the piano forte; the rendering of Ban Hur's chnrict race, and whistl ing Buf us by Misa Fluckey was exquis- fLW'was also the rendering of silvery by Mrs. Holterfield. ZradYL. Mhoi-HT Hale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk ol tho District Court of Hloax county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Conrt 1n favor of Sioux county, and against Walter Eden, Mrs. Walter F.den, his wife hristlan name unknown and Benjamin T. Johnson. I will, on the Uth day of January, a. D. IWI, at two o.clock In the afternoon of said dayjaithe east front door of tbe Court ROM of said comity, In Harrison, Nebras ka, aell to the highest bidder tor cash In band, the following described real estate sttaat in said county, to wit : The rth west quarter of Section twenty- two, la, 'Township thirty-one, north ot Range ifty-ejx, west of the Sixth principal mrrldl. n la Rebraska, to satisfy said order ot Bala to Mm sua) of seventy-one dollars and seven- t.ttfht emu. Interest and costs and ao- efetBRfloat. Ma Paten II, 1900. ? ALBS Lowar, WHIUOw5S"?ff Jiwweae. Ir n..'rr $100 Reward. For proof to convict any person of steal. Ing, altering, running off, or In any way damagings stock branded Jon right side or hip. Address, Jamks Force, Harrison, Neb. A.T. HCGHSON. Brand combl double) on left side on right ear cattle, of cattle. Horses same shonlder. EkiCut out rlghtl ti n li. Cattle all dehorned. Range on Kyle Creek, Post Office. Glen Nebraska. IN THE COUNT JT COURT OF SIOUX COUN IT, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph J. iloravek, Deceased. Notice of Probate of Will. Whereas Jonh Moravek, of Box Butte County, Nebraska, has In accordance with an order heretofore Issued of this court fil ed In my office an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Joseph J. Moravek, deceased, which will relates to both real and personal estate whereupon I have appointed Monday the 17th day of De ceuibor 1000 at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at my office in said county as tlio time and place of proving said will, at which time and place, you and all concern ed may appear and contest the probate of the same. , It Is further ordered that notice to all persons interested in said estate be notified of the pendency ot the petition, and the time and place set for hearing the same by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Harrison Pkess-Joubnal, a newspa per published in Harrison, said state, for three weeks successively previous to the day set for said hearing. In testimony whereof, 1 haye hereunto set my official seal this 27th day of November, l'JOO. J SEAL, f CHABLKS SCHILT. ' v ' County Judge. Sheriff Sale. . By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, Upon a decree rendered by said Court In favor of Sioux countv and against Edw in C. Lockwood, Mrs. Edwin C. Lock wood his wife, christian name unknown, Wright S. Lewis, executor of the estate of Mary A. Lockwood, deceased. I will, on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1901, at two o.clork In the afternoon of said day at tb: east front door of the Court House of said county, la Harrison, Nebras ka, sell to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real estate, situate in Slid county, towit: ' The South-cast quarter, of Section twenty six, township thirty four, north of range fifty Ave, west of the Sixth principal merid ian In Sioux County, Nebraska, to satisfy said order of sale, in tho sum of One hund red and eighty-four dollars and elghty-nlno cents. Interest and costs and accruing costs. Dated December 11, 1900. ALEX LOWBT, Sheriff of said County. How To Cure Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Araeni i, Duchess countv, N. Y .says: "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used. It is a Una children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes honrse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent tbe attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by J. E. PHDfNKT. The Irtl II. Hicks 1001 Amanac. Whatever may be said of the scien tific causes upon which the Rev. Irl R. Hicks bases his yearly forecasts of storm and weather, it is a remarkable fact that hi Hi THE HOSPE PIANO. Unbcuallbo in Stvls or Desiaaj OP Casi. C3SPE. tz:t VX li IMS fAOrOBTl 1IU Saw's PRICES WILL SURPRISE TT ,A. K3JPE. Cta, K:l.'j Read Tho PEE3-JOUEaA;- THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK. ' o Almost a Daily at the Prlcwof at Weekly. The presidential campaign is over, butt the world goes on just the same and ia is full of news. To learn this new, just as it is prom ptly and impertialy al that you have to do is to look in'the col umns of the Thrice-a-week edition of the New York World which comes td the subscriber 153 times a year. The Thrice-a-Weelt World's diligence, as a publisher of first news bos given ifr circulation wherever the English langu age is spoken and you want it. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year; We offer this unequaled newspaper and5 Press -Journal together one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00. THE TW1CE-A-WEEK KEPU1 . Every Monday and Thursijy a news, paper as good as a magazine and bel ter, for it contains the latest by tele graph as well as interesting stories ia sent to the subscribers of the "Twico a Week" Republic, which is only $1 a year. The men who reads the "Twice-a-week" Republic knows all about affairs political domestic and foreigh events; ifc posted about the markets and commer cial matters generally. Tt e woman who reads tbe "Twice-a-Week" Republic gathers a bit of valua ble information about household affairs and late fashions and finds recreation ia the bright stories that come under both the headings of fact and fiction. There is gosif about new books and a dozen other topics of especial interest to tho wideawake man and woman: - Dyspepsia Curo Diaests what vou eat. It artificially digest the food and aid Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gam. It lathe latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand ' all other resultsof imnerfact dimatton. Price 50c. and II. Large alse contains IM tlBM huu mam. jhjuk ou yrTT sTI1limirn Prepared by E. C OeWlTT CO C bat. specific warnings of every great storm, . flood, cold wave and drouth, have been plainly printed in his now famous Al manac for many years. Tbe latest star tling proof of this fact was tbe destruc tion of Galveston, Texas, on the very day named by Prof. Hicks in his 1900 al manac, as one of disaster by storm along the gulf coasts. The 1901 Almanac, by far tbe finest, most complete aod beau tiful yet published, is now ready. Thin remarkable book of nearly two hundred pages, splendidly illustrated with charts and half tone engravings, goes as a pre mium to every subscriber who pays one dollar a year for Prof, Hicks' journal. Word and Works. TheAlmaoic alone is sent prepaid for only 25c. Order front Word and Works Publishing Company 2201 Locust Street, 8t Louis, Mo. We aim to furnish the beat plane pnsaW bin. sad to sell It at the leweei bwiIHQ pr'fn. tvmcrljxlon mt our style M, OakUtoS n-.iMi: , - 7 l-S (k-Vvxa. S t'nlK uit: ( Ivrstrone Rasa. Inli Iron Plnt, llrimsell aai ?nll R"!mMi( Action. Ivoir It ya. I..tifi' v.'fan4 Pie. :r,l.lil uti.k. Milaaid Wln It .lM-d r Cur d l'rnl l..Tirulon MkiM Desk: Renins' s'sll Hc"ni. Nicknl P'su-4 Cnwtlne-ns HWiftse ) FhII II.-..., '1. T-.rw I'niKIs n4 Pal Hiy 1 P!l Vtpii' Iful.y Pli,Miul sail FwlUS. J. V-irbt: 4 I S rui-ns. l -i.irili: b f i. 4 iekt Iwll-lii S t t I- U.-tiaS. Maibi l f'Mi-lv '.iis-il Vm tend (lak. Amarus ltkivnit Hhimht4 Write for Term aad Prie, Kry Near rim Is m a ansvtf fs ym. ip'imi wiirm tsrkaaaahlp or Materiel. Buy FsfsMMta, A swaU eash sauawei aw a seswaej JMfaW WSrY : sael iteiVessf "wff aw--- V f tj taysssae taa ibee Ssmi a A, - - ', .1. t I J. U 1 1 t I' , 4 " t ... ' i A-''i - t