Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 06, 1900, Image 8

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W. R. Wane,
Pxstnr M. E Onnh.
TBCWOAT, Lbc. 6th, 1900.
igjee. j. Canoe, Editor ami Trop,
F. X. M. V K. - liw lH.
wu wait oo'mr
ejk. I. stUed..
11 : I Ho. (. mixed 00
- H
'. 1L M. V- R, R. is the best
'to and from the
Octave Harris, shipped sever! cars
t atla fmn Andrews, on last Satur-
dey, to the aontb Omaha market.
The present population of Sioux Coun
it. according to the 1900 censutf repot, is
S.OM, which no doubt is very much lew
than the' 1890 report showed.
Xmas goods
at Pioneer
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
J. E. PWINNEY, Proprietor.
One High
yearn old.
Fr 6ale.
grade Hereford bull, two
For Bale.
For Sale :i the quarter section ef land
adjoioiog the tewnsite, known as the J.
W. Laid hurt land. Price 600, hair cash
balances yean time. For particulars
call at Phess Jocks al, office.
Ut. rVmenter who fell and hurt
i hMrmm.lt . n. .wunle ofvweeks aco and has
i bean confined to her bed for a week
tuom,-hso far improved that aha is up
and aroand the bouse, though not enttre-
ly recovered.
- !.. Hall, whn hu hmm emnloved
'by toe F. E. A M. V. R- R., at Sturgis,
' 6. D. for the pat six or eight months,
. came down Saturday, and is attending
y to the station work, in t trie absence of
. Agent Avery, while away on bis hunt
ting tnjp. ' '
Toilet case a Albums,
; at Pioneer Pharmacy.
There is some gobbliing since
Thanksgiving, us result of too much
turkey. We expeted that however.
A large attendance it the oyster
saptf thanksgiving night is reported by
the Epworth League : people, UemeUHfcg
like $20, was realized, the fund of-courw
goes to toe repairing of toe M. E. Church.
The Thanksgiving dance, at the Court
House Thursday night was a howling
suncess in every aense of the term. There
was something like fifty couples present
to participate, fteseers Scott, Firiley
and L. C. Wright, furnished the music.
BeV. H. W. Warren, will deliver a
lecture et Andrews Hall, on Friday eve
ning, December, 14, 1900.
Subject: The Tongo.
Addmiksion. 10 and 15 Ct.
Following the lecture a Pn Social will
be given. All are cordially inviieo.
Charles Plimpton and agent Avery,
1 left Monday morning, for a weeks hunt,
aorta-west about fifty-wiles distant from
1 bar. They are both practical nimrods.
: and we expect to see them return with
.nothing smaller in the game Una than
- deer or antelope.
Go to Drug Store for pic-
'turev&:paper pockets.
Tbe Camp-of tbe Woodmen of the
"World, Saturday evening held its annual
election of officers and tbe following
r sovereigns were balloted upon and elect -ed
to oScsal possitioos in toe amp for
the enuing year:
J" Council Commander, J. E. Mateteller.
' Advisor Lieutenant, J. B. Burke,
: U inker, Charles E. Schilt.
Escort, Tirgil Hester.
Clerk, W. H. Davis.
' Seatrv, Geo. D. Canon,
Watchman, E. A. Big low.
On new member of the Board of mao
ragees. Otto Tietoe.
Cienp Physician, J. E Phinaey.
Go to Pioneer Pharmacy
for Xmas presents.
Jesse Hall, looks quite at home at
the agents desk In the depot. We hope
soon to see him holding down - a station
of his own, as he is a most estimable
young man. And he is a Sioux county
boy too.
Wbeu you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur-J
pose, me the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles
and skin diseases. It heals sores with
out bavin a a scar. Beware of count
erfeits.. E. Phissky,
Judee Barker, a former resident cf
of our town pasted thou Harrison, on
last Tuesday noon earoute to Orno Jun
ction, Wyo., on business. He expecu
to return in about a week or ten days,
and ston over in Harrison, for a short
time and renew old acquaintances.
Yes, we bad a piece of that weddao'
cake and we dreamed about our wife ev
since ahewent to .seeijber Auntie. We
know it is a little out of the ordinary;
here-to-fore we usuallyj dreamed about
our grandma. See?
Fancy Lamps,
at Drug
The most effective little liver pills
mxde are DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Tbey never gripe. J. E. Phdwet.
Mrs. W. H. Bonsell, and the little
ones came down from Lusk, on' last
Thursday awning, for a snort visit at
the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Hester.
Do Witt s Little Eirly Risers are
dainty little pills, '.but they never fail to
cleanse tbe liver, remove obstructions
and invigorate tbe system. J, E. Phis
NET. .
A good kavr Mill, on easy
terms. This is a snap, grab
'is the one fanporUnt mifirin in tot world gWnf In its pic tu rev
to text, is Its contributed articles. tdltorUl and departments, a
compKhensrvc, timely record of the worbfs currenl history. Not
the enumeration of mere ban (acts, but a comprehensive picture .
of lb month. It activities. Its notable pmonilHJcs, ano notable
atteranccs. The best Informed men and women In the work! iiod it
Indispensable. j
There are many readers la your locality who have yet to
lean of its useful oeab V wish to establish active agents in every
city and township in the country. We will pay liberally for eoer
ptk effort In the subscription field. Leiturc momeati can be iilUed
with iufasUntial toe reus of Income. Maka a list of the penoni In
your locality who should have the "Review of Reviews," and tend
to us for agenfs terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then
solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a person
with a subscription proposition for the "Review of Reviews, and
consequently orders are easily secured. This is the active subscrip
(Aon season. Make ipplkattoa at ooce, naming your references.
Price, 2S cents a numberA $2.30 ev year.
IS As tor Place,
Mew York CM.
Presenilis every Seadsy rlnx at 7. SO
p. and ry alternate Woodsy at 1 1 a- m
Sunday KrUool 1(1 o'rlork a. m. 1 pworth
Imxiu C :30 p. m.
Prayer Meetlnc TlisnMlsy eTealng at 7 :30
1'iinje oue. Come all
Autoharp Solo Sundwy evening at tbe
Proffessional Cards.
PhyUrlaa ami Hnrrtom,
ail cull fftven prompt nlWutloo.
omoe In lrua HUire.
Prompt attentioo tfiven to all lg"i
miittere in Justice, County and Dintru t
Courts, and before tlie United 8Utei
Land Otlice.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
f-jf Lejjal papers carefully drawn.
Haiuuso:. - Nbmaa.
M. J.
to. AtUrney,
M..aaaBBajeeeBBeeeeeessseBggesssBBBiegei 1 ' ' ' '
O'Conarll, -
Will Prartlre In All Conrta.
Sn-Il At lent Ion tJivea to Ltnd
B( HunIuohs.
loiiertiniM ad all bB.ilnrs.-i rat rait
ed to me will rwl prompt attention.
School Report,
Report of Patrick school district No 6.
Laramie county Wyo. fer year ending
Dec 4th 1900.
Number of days tangbt 124. Num
ber of pupils enrolled 13. Average daily
attandaace 6.
Number of doyi attended and average
trade taken from examinations at the
end of each term.
Days att'd, av. grade.
SS 90 pet
621 85
- 72 84
As -
Uatrgie Nolan,
Howard "
Daniel "
James Rodger
Erma, "
Roy "
Edna "
John Hoover
Minnie "
Aaron Wiggins
Hazel "
George Lingenfeltar hi 90
Erma and Roy Rodgers received prize
in B. and C. spelling clasaea.
I thank the Puns Jocihal for the
kindneas of pnnting my school reports
for tbe last fifteen months.
M. C. PotimB. Teacher.
Wedding Bells.
There were a host of invited guests
present to witness the cervinonr, joining
together in holy wedlock, Hiss Allie
Will and Burt H. Earnest, at the resid
ue of tbe bride's, motbej, Tt-anksgir-
. . . ... i
log. sjany Deauuiui, anu umui pres
ents were presented to t'n bride and
groom, which will ever remind tliera of
their friends and acquaintances in tbe
Following are the gifts and the names
of the donners:
Large Parlor Lamp J. A Anderson
and wife.
Carving Set Chaa. Newman and wife.
Syrup Pitcher & Bed Spread r
Theresa Will, sister of the bride.
gutter Knife B. L. Snuick and wife.
Two Sets Pin Trays Mrs. Ed. Maine.
Hair Brush John Chrintian.
Table Cloth Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman.
Bedfuring & Matress A McGinley.
Sat of Parlor Chairs.: Henry Will,
brother of tbe bride.
Water Set.... A McGinley.
Pickle Castor.. J. E Pbinney,
Set Knives & Forks Nelfl Anderson
Set Knives A Forks Otto Tietze.
Twn Kju Uh of Flour Charles. Snvder.
Washing Machine Lewis Gerlach. M ichael R'-ffing,
A Clock Chas. Lawis
and Wrother of groom, George Eranest.
And a large box of rniscelanious articles
from Chadron friends.
Butter Dish, and Cream Pitcher John
Mam teller.
And last but not the least welcome,
came a child high chair, of its own ac
cord, and perched it suit upon Berts bug
I am prepnrrl to lo sill kinds of Ctvll
KiisimfHnK work.
When in need of the Surveyors Services,
1 1 r i . . r..lt .nil ..tm
give me a can ns i
ulete outfit, together with exerience to
do the work with neatness and dtupatch.
The bet Planter.
A iiece of flannel dampened with
ChamherUin's Pain Balm and bound to Among tlie tens of thoasnnds who-
the affected parts is superior to any plaa- nttVe u ;;,, borlain' Cough Remedy
ter. When troubled with lame back or for colds and lagrippe during the piist
pains in the side or chest, give it a trial few ywnl to our kuowiedt;e, not a
gle caM has resulted in pneumonia.
Thou. Whitfield & Co., 240 Waoaxh av-
and you are certain to be more than
nleawid with the iirnmpt relief which it
affords. Pain Balm olno cures rheuma
tism. One aupiit-ntioo givesrelief. For
sale by J. E IinNSKY.
Drug Btore.
Silverware at
Countv Sunerintendent Burke, is
visiting schools this week.
Michael Bruck, who went to Craw
ford, last week, and also to Fort Robin
son, on Saturday to attend tbe sale
the fort, returned, on last Monday nooo.
enue, Chicago, one of Uie most pronii-
nenent retail druggitits in that city, in
in (.peaking of Uii, ys: ' We reccom-
Chamberlain's Couph remedy for la
grippe in many ,-ace-s a it not only
gives prompt and complete recovery, but
also counteracts any tendency of la
grippe to result in pneumonia." Fur
sale by J. E Phxlnney.
8o to DBlf 6 STORE for KUAS Presents of all Kinds, Cheap as Dirt
Mns. Geo. D. Canon, spent a day or
-two this week witli friends at Sioux City.
-Qaite a succe, was the "batcbelors
-ithiBsr given by Mrs- Thayer,
Evea Tommy Doyle and Johnnie Mack
ware Ibere.
It baa been hinted around by the gos
ipara that there Hi to be a double wed
-ding in town about Christmas day.
Well, let'er go, k1 lager.
Mr. Aaroa Smart, of Oattonwood,
HssWi ha can no longer keep posted oi
be oTi.-tal new of Sioux county, unless
' 4w rands the PRaw-JocniaL. and from
rtow on, it will be pur used by asm weak'
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoyt, of Running
Water, left for Chicago on last Tburs-
aky avaatog, to visit re lativea, aad ioci
4toaU y take n tbe cattle sbow, Tbey
wXpact to be gone two weeks.
- Joseph Montgoieery, of Bodarc,
weat to Cnadroa, oe laot Taeaday avao
sjae; to be exMloed, relative to bts recei
'kaf 4s pension. We earnestly hope he
. receive that watch by ngbt laelongs
4ellewroM soldiers.
If jmm weald have an appetite like a
laser ll ftteiieh fer your meals take
.. T aejbeileli's fttnais fi ani Liver Teb-
ts& Tbayeorivjcteeordaraof toettooH
KkeMd regelate Km liver and bowees.
mtaa, a oseto." fcnilei free, at , E.
- 4,
oBiBe over
J3eve,tfsentot bhe wrek to
r XwM to earwtfae cMldrea,
z'JZt Gaefte ls et eAOe nmpk leeWa
rvtrrlr aa. fir, XVmmj u mmd
f -rlwOtte ! e took lor tbe
. ; e:mM.r twmm, lwe.widclwle
;r CMtna, ef CeYtk
J C, t aVCnT fM I HtX-
Zmn wms wa
Rev. Schammahorn, Dreached to
hrge and attentive audience, at the M.
E, church on last sabbath morning aad
Father McNamara, came up from
Chadron, yesterday aoea and immediate
ly repaired to the court house where all
things were in readiness, and celebrated
mass. His sermon was excellent and
moat instructive and practical.
Mrs. Bretty and her son and daugh
ter Miss Katie were ia town tbe first of
tbe week on business. We acknowledge
a pleasant call f rom Miss Brsttt, while
in town. She also added ber name to
ur liat of readers.
Mr. HolteofeWer, of Kirtley, Wyo.,
took the traia bare on last Monday even
ing for Hot Springs, & Dak., wher be
bad been sumosooad to appear as a witn
ess in a civil case which is being tried in
the circuit court there this week. He will
be absent one weak at least.
bis brother Santiago
Crawford, the hero of tbe battleship
Maine, informed us that toe Bedarc Ly.
ceum was progreesiDg nicely, hi a litera
ry and instructive sense thus far during
ito oooceetive period. Following was tbe
subject for debate last evening:
Resolved, that Fillipinos are entitled to
the seme righto aad priviligea. relative
to self government aa tbe Cabana.
ftuitiaro Crawford, wiil leadon tbe affl
nnative.aaaietod by two able speakers,
wMle Jesse will lead the charge en
aeaaUve wHbtwe of Bodarc's beat tofor
to eubatonofata Ma arga-
i 2 Cj
Fatbar McNamara was hen yesterday
fer tbe last Usee ae jaator of ear little
watt U atteadsd fro Moat-
Maw McMaaaara,
erbsg bst aeriedioai vieiU aaaoag
a beet ef frleads aatoac all our
aerfdvU regret to
wiMHkai. aVptfceiaw bad eigfcteat
m?r to attoai tdk Cw laewwMkit
r: 3dlwi-l4tietorTae
eseu -hKasaa leaaee tbe th
Ed. Lyons new boasa, ia now under
headway and Will be enclosed by tbe end
of tbe week. Oh, no Ed, we doubt your'e
building that bouse to rant. Of course
that will do to tell, you have to have
some kind of an excuse and a poor ex
cuse is batter than none. .
Superintendent J. B. Burke, and our
three teachers, attended tbe teachers con
vention which was held at Crawford
on last rrauy, a most proniaow as
well aa a moat enjoyable meeting was
bald, and an interest was manifest by all
those present
It ii high time the town board were
putting in a new pump in the town
cistern, or have tbe old one repaired, so
t can be used. If there ia uo mooey in
the treasury to boy one to replace tbe
old one, tben a collection should be tk
en up aad repair the watering place, so
that when one weat for a pail of water
tbey would be aura to get it
Rev. Warren, of tbe M. E. chursh
of tbli place aad Rev. Father McNam
era of Chadron, were the guests of boa
or attbeWoodmcaof the Werid. supper
last night Father Mac. as be is farai
larly called, invoked the divine blessing
apoa tbe sumptuous repast that ta aa-
aaally prepared for the regaling of the
inner man of its Sovereigns aod their
New ia the time when croup aad lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. Tbe only
harmless remedy that procdoces immedi
ate raselte la One Minute Cough Cure.
It ie vary pleasant to take and can be
lied apoa to quickly cure coughs, colds
and all long diseases. It will! prevent
. E. PaUHHIf.
The Woodmen of
the World Entertain.
Claar Brain.
Tour bait teetiags, yoaraecial poattioa
Borloct aottoa of year Ctoojaob aad liver
Dr. Dart Hew LfeFtUi rive faw-ai
abeea.atotrbraia. Me aatst-
a will BMbaeei foal
Tbe annual banquet, and oyster up
per held by the Woodmen of the World,
was given to tbe members, their famil
ies, and a very few invited guests, at
Andrews Hll, on last evening, a most
delightful repaitt was served' with tbe
camd soveriegns iu full charge, from
chefFdown. Games of various were
enjoyed. Right here we wish to say
that ia the art of table waiting, the
Sovereigns are without a pear. The
champion dishwasher of tbe camp, ia our
good natnred friend Sovereign Charles
Biehle, who will yield bis office to no one
be is si ways assisted by a corps of trained
attendants. These annual banquets are
looked forward to with a great deal of
pleasure, as their special object ia to fur
ther promote sociability among tbe Sov
erigna . The lodge baa for ita prime ob
ject, the care and protecteoa of its mem
bers during time of sicknees and after
death it tools after widow and orphans.
or other benefiaeriee, aa tbe case may
be, by tbe iosuraese it la always willing
aad ready to pay, and last, but not
least tbe organization places at the
grave of all ito deceased Sovereigns a
costly monument to nark their final
resting place. Are not these facta wor
tby of ooBsldsratioa by all men, aad par
Ocularly by the man who baa a family
aad baa not very bright prospects of
leaviag their family comfortable should
be be called away suddenly.
Camp dues are iDsignifioant, when tbe
benefits to be received are considered.
chilled could not get outaud wer drown
Mrs. Leonard Diut, was taken quite
sick with LaGrippe, wbile visiting at the
borne of her parents laot week. Her
little daughter Irva, was also sick, but
we learn today (Tuesday) that both are
very much better.
Clarence Zimmerman, who has
working for C. F. Coffee, at Rawhide all
summer is at home again and is attend
ing school. M. A. C.
Cojirc Gainings.
Tbe literary society (a progreaalag,
Oae who attcaded last Tuesday evening
aayt, it was the very beet entertoi-
a steal the bad held vet
A quoit sootcsal aaaos was give at tbe
boaee ef Joba Eeerspechsr, oe last Fri
day eveaiae:. a aaoet eeloyaMe tiaay to
J lint Saved 1IU Life.
It was a thrilling escape that Charles
Davis of Bowerston. O., lately had iron
a frightful duath. For two years a s-
v-tre lung trouble constantly grew worne
until it seemed he must die ef Consu p-
tion. Then he began to nse ifr. fing
New Discovery and lately wrote: "It
gave instiot relief and effected a per
., i i r --i
Two cows beloninz to the Haass boys roaoenl cure. ouci wonuer, u. tu
fell in the creek last week. and becoming h tor 25 years, proven it's power to
cure all Threat, Client and Lung troub
les. Price 60c and $1.00. Every bottle
guaranteed. Trial bottles free at J. E.
PrntntKYR drug store.
We hope the Bod arc items wont be
Mowed under" very often as they are
always eagerly looked for. We are soi.
y to bear of much sickaese and ef
Mr. Rice's continued illness.
The weather has been as fine as any
sane man need asK ror. Edougn snow
to cover the ground once but only lasted
a day or two. Perfectly lovely Thanks
giving day, and the union services in the
town was greeted by a crowded bouse.
after which we helped "Orandpa" Hock-
ell's dispose of a fine turkey.
We want our friend to know that we
re now settled in our new home, and
Why do'nt you write for the paper", to g,V6 hearty welcome to any
ia the query propounded so often ia our 0f -., passing this way. Our name ia
letters coming from borne, that I will a(cb a hen on, Uy body 0o the college
take up my pan again. Oueat tbe last auction can direct you to the Knott cor
itoms I seat went astray as they did aot m,., , Mrs. Fred Knott.
We get the Pmhs-Jocmal on Satur
day night and we all want it at once, so
are we to bear from borne.
Wa extend
congratulations to our old friend Charl'y
aod hereafter will distinguish him, as is
hie due. by aaylag Honorable C F.
A Few Gem Thoughts
From the Trenchent
Pen of Clio.
School Deport
Report of Diet No. 7 for month ending
November 80. . Those not absent or tar
dy during the asoath were aa follows,
Marcos Valdec, George Morrow, Alex.
Morrow, Daisy Holiingsworth. Lucy
Schilt. AurusU Schilt, Ellen Lchilt Ida
We presume the old aad youag beobe- p.nDton. Louisa Morrow. Verne Man
or Btoui county are rejotcusg as . ,,.. rnA Larson, Jo, pmrenee, Delia
aeyer before stace the Wasserbnrger boys Johnson, Edward Priddy, Alex. Lereon,
shipped their bones to pia., as they IjeOerlachandFrank Llndeey,
promissd wbeu tbey came tMk last year I Maid A Stiwakt, Teacher.
that if they ever weat back again tbey I GRAMMAR ROOM.
would bring back a oar waa oi mern
- ... I rwtl VmLUw rum PvMhw.
Mr. Nswlla. was lucky for ooce that I -""i' ,.'rZl w".,!
be did aot loose half of Ms teem. II
doubt if the bones henoould bavei
aay bettor, aad they
pice either.
Marateller, Viola Wallace. Basil
Ida Moravek, Lucy Oerlach, Montle
Pattsnoa aad Fred Clark. .
Oawira & WaVf , Teaoher.
whoa yoa get alt the craaes I Cay Lewis,
off up yoader. there to a t thnoa, aad Joasedi Barko.
DarHha Pat-
reportod ky all who were preaeat
chance ben to try year skill at wild
Obq, W. Mrmw, Prto.
if i