cy.tsssHSoa Ci It MeeMotn. f ifcuiliij ay the State to treat CATjrojrTO, Am (unitml or aaonai re fuBOoa. Ail ohhIioumm foradabad ready for use no mercury or to. d) IM'1; for aw no mercari X 1 & lurioaa medicines bikL No d. (If) ieottoo from bnsines. Patients i at a distance treated bj snail sod aadkaoaase espresa. IdMictwa Mat every snare, free from fat or bruakaire. ho mdi (titimlC. O. D., only by agrwimsat. Chtim arts. Over SO.GuO eases cured. Arre end ezpari- anes i lor tai i an important State totr caw and aaud Consultation fro and cuiifuiautuu. meraonallr or by letter. Seminal Weakness rr&Jf odbexual Debility, .i ceasing limn br dreams or with tba arias. Blea BUd DluMk" 0 Ul lace, rlHM Of UOIl tha haad, pains In eeck, confurad Ideas ana fetfaluesa, basbnusiesa, a'aisine, to eoeiety, o( easaal power, lose ef maubood. impa le. Me., eared for life. I ea atop sight lasses, restore wtoil power, wtiia nerve and Ivmlk Dower. '.enlarge am) strengwea nu pant. m Bake iou fit for marriage. 4&trrtfire BudlraHrrnwlvMi ajonrtBd 61 !r lefalla noae Tnslrvtal. ho tiw d OieCC atnuuenta, no part, DO detenJ I from bu-Hneiw. Car guaranteed. Hooki aa-d list of queaUooa free sealed, i WmCOCl. HWROCtLE,rHIHOtlSTA all Hndsnj Private Diseases S Wffl tor both niee M pn. 14 pictures! UUUtV ,. tn Ufa. with full description of a DOT dlasaaaa, tha effects end cure, sent Meled to slain wrar-l-sr for eona to stamps, lot boald reed this book for the Information U CDOteiDSa M. B.-fMat aaaa and aak for listof qnertlnca Wr- ' -' 4 naioajav, for aaaa oalf. DR.McGREW, Office Over 215 8. lath St. j Office npea from la, m p an. da! I jr. Bandar from ft a. in. to S p. nij (Or. M tOrw ai AKe ci.) THE MOST 81 CCKSlFDI, SPECIALIST la tha treatment of nil form r MISKASM AND D1HOKDKK4 OP MEN O.II.V. 2(1 loara' eiwrlrur. is frxtm In Omaha. VARICOCELE AN3 HYDROCELE A rf.KM KXT t VKK (iV A It INTKKI) K A FKtV I A cut Iik, pain or1 loof time. Tlio yim lir.Kr AND MOX'C KATliKAI. H UE that yet lxn !! aorerod. OH A KG KM LOW. CVDUIIIC ln " tKa and ron.lil.ion' dirniLlU curoO, aoil vry tnicn nf th tat-aiw la thorouk-uly elimlust'O from the alo.1. No"IIHKAKINO ODT" on the Kkin or Tuc r any exiornal app"ranr..- i,t the disc Wbatnrer. A troauoxnt lhat ia mora uc cxasfut and far uiiro attafwt'ry iban tha Hot Hi riqra" tr.'an)--nt aud at In than ALP THBOOHT. A cure that la guaranteed lu be psrananaut for lite. UfCllf WCCC o' younr and nilddle aired IlLlllMlLpO niru. I.OM OK MAN OOli, NiKnt ljnart. Kervnux Dfibilttr, !-n af Brain and Norve Power, loomr Vliror and fttallty. Flmplxa on the Kaiv, I'alna tn lite Bark. Fonff t f n I n. Ituatilulurak OVKIi ioooo CArji ItHtu. CTOIPTIIDC wUlckl eiiwd with a new dlnlulUilL and mrniablo liume ir-m-maut. Kidney and UlaUUer Trouljlea, tiou trrboea, Oleet. CtKKa CCARANTKKH. CHAGES LOW. Caaanltallon Fraa. TroatirK'Bt by Mail. Medlcloe flitirery where, free from gare r breakage, ready for um. OBioe bourn: ta. m. to 9 n m. dully. Hun daya 1 a. m. to I p. in. P. O. Hoi ','A. offtca kvur iU 14 1 ht., betwea Faraam and Duuglaa rurewt OMAHA NF.H. IN GOING TO Chicago and Milwaukee : Th Wlae Traveler Delects the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE I ST. PAUL RAILWAY, WHY? It is lb twst foad between Oiniib? and I tin tweittes. It has lh moat perfect truck, ita equlpueutiH the finet. ta alerpitu cars aro pa 1 ludtnlBK car nervica ti eual U tht beat hote'h. fit leclric-llghted traiua ar U-aiu- heated. Its general excellence has do equal. It ia patronlied Iry the teat peojii. t li the f.vorite route lor ladiea ami cbildreu a we' I aa for uieii. It la the most popular road west f Chicago. For further information, apply U nearrttt ticket aent or addrw F. 7. NRSH- Uenxrail WnKra Auout. IA04 FariiHiii O.WAIH WIHTEB TOURIST RATES v5 OMAHA & ST. LOUIS AIO WABASH R. R. KPRCIAIj Tours to Florida. Key VVrr t, Cuba. Bermuda, Old Mi-xn o. The Aledlterrarnan and Ori ent. IfAU" Rates for the round trip t I many polnta aoiitn on shI- lat and 3d Tuesday eneti month. KATE8 TO Hot Fprlnga. Ark., the fa mous Water Heaort of Amer. i tna. on tale every day in the year. Ticket now on aale to all the win ter retort, of the aouth, good reluming until June 1st, 1W1. Kr rate. le acrlptlva matter, pamphlrta and any ther Information, call at O. H. I L R. Cltjr Ticket Offlr. HIS rarnitn t., or write Harry E. Moorea. C V. A fT. A., Onaaha, Neb. IndUutapoli Journal 'Orabney Diftri can't make nny headway with lilt eourtlac." "Why noir "111 rUal la a railway man Who la always giving the girl paaa to go aomewher " COUNTRY OBtltMEWS COIJP'V UMAHA.VAI. S-W0.7-l00 : STORYETTES. : TUB SON OP HIS FATHER. I ah all have to make a lawyer out of that boy of mine. I don't see any other way out of It, declared a well known lawyer with a laugh. He came Into my office the other day on his way home from achool and laid a d'.me )D the deek before me. "What la th!a for, Hon?" I asked. "Retainer," he answered aoberly. "Very well," said I, entering into tht Joke. "What have I been retained ipon?" My boy dug down Into hla pocket and produced a note from his teacher and placed It before me without comment It was to the effect that he had been "cutting up" and advised a whipping. "Now, what would you advise?" asked he Is a business-like voice aftei I had read the nole and saw the trur lhat the young rascal had led me Into "I think that our first move should be to apply for a change of venue,' taid I. "Very well," he answered, "yuu'rf handling the case." "Then, we'll turn the note over to rour mother," said I, I saw the young imp's face fall at this, but he braced up and s.ild: "Se here, dad, you're bound to sep me through on this, 'cause you've ac cepted my retainer, you know!" "I'll argue your case before the court," 1 answered, "but you will have to accept the decision. 1 would not dart to attempt to Influence the court." Well, I pleaded the boy's case, had It promptly thrown out of court, ana the boy got what he deserved a good whipping. It was the first time I ever played false to a client. JCVN3.9 CITY GIRL AND A TOO PTtKSH FRENCH TOL'TlI. A funny story Is told in Paris of u Kansas City girl who was studying art. It happened several years ago, but ha? cot hart Interest even now In the Ijitln quarter. For some occult reason oi inexplicable whim the masculine stu dents disapproved of nallor hats worn by the Knglish and American girls, and made themselves generally obnvxiou ty rude comments. Onu day the Kansas City girl was go ing to her little room from the atellet where she studied. In one hand nlu carried a portfolio, in the other a tight ly-rollod umbrella. After a time st:e was followed by a sallow youth, whom the recognized as a poet and a leadei In the warfare ujon sailor hats. H' followed her, block after block, loudly expres!ng his disapproval of the hat she wore, until she became exasperated beyond endurance, especially as his ob jections took the form a paper and bread balls thrown at the offending thapeau. Turning suddenly, but calm ly, In front of a large safe, she asked wee try : "Am I to understand that you de sire me to remove my hut, Monsieur?" The poet, long and lank of hnlr and lean of aspect, answered unhesitating ly: "At once, Mademolselli'!" "In America." said Mademoiselle, ge nially, "gentlemen always remove their own hats la making a request of the ladles. Allow me!" And a well directed blow of the tightly-rolled umbrella sent the poet's cherished silk hat spinning into the boulevard under the feet of horses and wheels of carriages, lit stood paralyzed, 8n,J tho crowd at the table, broke Into loud applause, while the girl escaped safely down a side street. Sailor hats ran now t-e worn with perfect Impunity by the girl art stu dents. SITE CKKTAINI.Y IU BETTER. "There are more ways than one to make a living," suid a demure little woman with Hashing black eyes tne other day. "I know a woman who wan left penniless. She was struck with Inc ii-T.Lr'.?; of certain kinds of ad vertisements that are -posted up. Hnp thought that she could write good ad vertisements, iitul she thought out a bt of little rhymes for a certain article. Kill" submitted them to the advertising manager of the firm and they were ac cepted ,and now she is making a deal of money every year with her verses extolling certain wn-." "Pnhawr al'l the Monde, who wnp with the rli-mure little woman. "1 know of a case here that die.oounta that." "I don't belluve I'." id the demure little woman. "Well, I do. and I'll tell you about It. A friend of mine who had been doing some newspaper work gt.t the craw for writing advertisements, and she went round to a lot of place only to tlnd that they were well supplied with people to look after that branch of their busi ness. She did tlnd one him that wa willing to let her try her Hand, und she tgnn work. In !. than a year nhe was comfortably well off for the rest nf her life." "lld she Invent some new style of writing, or something of that kind?" linked the demure Unit- woman. "No," repil'-d the blonde, "'she didn't; but she did better she married th senior partner." OUIt FUNNY MAN OS TVAH1ES. ltables are usuaJly young. Now and attain specimens nuiy be foun4 if twen ty years and over. It eat. live, tinmlstaki able, heard -a-mile-uff babl'-s are always young. llablea have features. With a good microscope you can fee a baby's mm: It has a high foreheadon that goes r.ght over to tho back of Its neck. A baby'a ears are put on for amusement, lolely lo relieve Its great expanse jf cheek. The plaoee) where Its eyebrows ought to be are there, but the eyebrows have not arrived, which gives rise to a suspicion lhat liable are bare-faced creature. A baby haa eye. Which eye It ohlefly caea to expreas tiatonlshinent evoked, no doubt, by the antli a and language :f those about. It bus a mouth, tin which It keM for putting Ita hand ind fct Into, tognther with keya, pen r, coins, pieces nf ral, and other id da and ends It muy find lying about. A baby's mouth Is by far the most jarful of Ita poss'-salonr. Mablun wear cloth'. The chl-f objeet uliried at In Brewing a baby Is to In the baby imOTig the clothes. If you have a foot and a half or two feet of baby, you will require from forty fifty yards of clothes lo dreae It properly. The reason foi this la that every baby Is the beat baby thai waa ever born, ami the fact must fee emphnftiied. . Ifenldcs. somebody atafkt wlah to afeal It; and. In auoh a laat, the longer h had to look for It, n (renter would b the cbanct or Ictrhiar Mo. HOW HE FELT ABOUT JT. "Of course," remarked the proud father of six children, "there Is nothing in all tbe world that makes a man so sincerely happy as to have around him a whole houseful of roysterlng children, every one of them tickled plumb to death when he cornea home at night, and every one of them wanting to climb all over him at one and the same time. Still, It U possible that there may be an embarrassment of riches, as the French say, of even this sort, and when a baby la of the equalling kind he sometimes thinks he wouM almost com mit a crime for tho sake of five or six minutes of peace and quiet. A friend of mine, who lives in a flat, is the father of a rt'gular four-time Eyualler, and there was an incident at his home the other evening that has caused hi wife to look upon him with suspicion. Albert is one of the miUest-mannered men that ever lived. Across the ball from his fiat live two bachelor friends of his, and you know bachelors are not jverly partial to babies with unre strained lungs. Tha other afternoon his -lf came ln where he was reading, or trying to, and she was considerably wrought up. " 'I've got no use for those two friends of yours acroes the hall.' fhe said. " 'Why not, my dear?" he responded In his usual mild manner. " 'Because, when Willie was crying iwhlle ago, one of them said, "Oh, shoot the baby!" ' f'Oh, did her said the father, rais ing bis eyebrows, after the manner of some people expressing surprise or re sentment or some other emotion. " 'Yes, he did,' repeated the fond mother. " 'And what did you say to that?' he inquired with a half smile. "'What could I say?' she asked, the anger showing in her face. " 'Really, I don't know, my dear, hesitated her husband, 'but I thought possibly you might have Eaid you didn't have any gun.' "She couldn't say a word; she dldn t try to; she Just looked at him in speech less astonishment and went out of th room." A PIPE AND DOG STORY. A story is told in England of a cer tain well known nobleman who entered i smoking compartment of a Caledonian train, and was followed shortly by an elderly lady who carried a small and ibtrufive dog. , "This Is a smoking compartment, he politely said. "It is not," the old lady answered with atpcrlty. "I beg your pardon," persisted the gentleman, pointing to the legend on the window, "it is." "I don't care," she retorted. "At any rale I never allow any one to Brooke in my presence." Sir T eh rugged his shoulders, and. by-and-by produced a favorite pipe, tha gift of an exalted parsonage, and com menced to smoke. A moment later the, Irate female had snatched the pipe from him, and Hung it far out of the carriage., Quick as thought he is not an Irish man for nothing the aggrieved smoker lifted the pet dog and huried It after the pipe. The lady raved and the knight sulked shamefacedly until the next station, when the owner of the de parted dog gave the owner of the miss ing pipe In charge. Of course the lat ter protested emphatically and the ar gument bade fair to last for many hours while Justice stood undeirfded by. But the difficulty was happily solved by tha arrival of the little dog, who trotted Into the station, carrying the pipe In his mo"u1h. A HAPPY ENDING. A boy about 19 years old came Into the Central police station In a Kansas city, leading a fine shepherd dog by a piece of rope. The boy'a face was red and he was crying. A big poHeeman klnflly asked what was the matter. It was quite a time before the boy could stop crying long enough to reply. "My mother." he sobbed, "is too poor to pay for a license for yhep, and I brought him here to have you kill him." Then he broke out with another wall as If his heart was breaking. Bhep tnnri mute and motionless, looking lov ingly at his young master. A police man blew his nose very loudly, the desk sergeant walked out Into the hall, while the captain remembered that he must telephone somebody. Then the chief of ixillce led the hoy to the door, and patting him on the head, said gently: "There, little fellow, dort't cry any more; run home with your dog. t wouldn't kill 8hep for a thousand dol lars." The boy shed tars of Joy now, arnT ran off with Shep barking and bounding at his side, and It was hard to tell which was the happiest. IN A TINY CRAFT ACItOSS THE SEA r- - ,..nfi Mint TL-aa hnllf for navlira- tkm of sheltered waters, Captain Peter Johansen, mariner, and nts j-year-oia son Peter have braved the dangers of the Atlantic. Their little boat came boldly Into the harbor of Punta Oorda, Kin., fifty-nine days out from Gibral tar. The captain and his son are heroes. It was Captain Johannen's Dual voy age. Tie has made a fortune from prise of the sea, and Intends hereafter to leave to his son and others the tasks of the ocean. He wished lo make his voyage one that would be remem bered long by aeufarlng men. Captain Johanen left' Punta C-orda twenty months ago in command of the Knglish tramp steamer Senator, which took a cargo of phosphate to Yokohama. His son went with him 10 learn tbe art of seamanship. He was oft the Philippine when the Senator met a tropical atorm. Hhe rode safely througn, but ner oecs run ma ,.4 AtiAv an,l nil the anils destroyed. He had to take the vessel Into port for repairs. On hla return voyage to Liverpool the ni.,wt nn at mmn vmul that Uttl'iuui t wK v. - - - had been badly damaged by the atorm and had beem ananaonea. ine snip listed heavily, and he found whan he went on board that a heavy cargo of ore it carried had ahlfted. How the craft had weathered a atorm in suen conai tion he could not eiplaln. A crew from the Benalor went aboard k .kanilim vaaal anil rta-hteit the cargo, and the Senator then towed It te Olbraltar. After litigation In tha Brtt toh admiralty courts the prise and cargo were sold, and Captain Jnhaneen ii i iam nrnflt frnm hla Unit. tta T" H 1 1 ' J f ' - - .. - - ' - - decldrd tn retire from the aea, realgned command or ina senator aim ueciura in return to hla home In Punta Oorda In a manner that would astonish hla neigh- it. .rntiwil a twin! 94 feet Inn wrltH T feet I Inches beam. Into this he and hla aon loaded 110 gallona of water and food for W day a and aet sail. They came by way of the Canaries, the tortfe of Banto Domingo, Porto Rleo ap4 Cube t4 laaoed only at Boo 0 rand a. pie el ha m "WWrei -.-at aaa aawflll HAM SWITCHES OECLY $1.00. br LeatlM aawl Gaai- leaaca, $ aad mp Seigfried's Hair Dressing Parlors ib mam au, inilAUU. 10,000 MUSICIANS WANTED! I want a reliable party ln every town, where iber in not aln-ulv a first clans Music KUire, Lo handle a high guide Hue of Musical lijstriiiiicius and Muoiml teuiidrieit a liberal priipiihltion to tbe rlniit patty No inveat ment, no ilppoalt, no esnense 'o you, there fore no rti-k. ltiiftlneK It pleasant uud protlt able and will not nce sarily Inierfere with four oilier work. i lie at once Tor tun par ticular as this fx the harvest eeaaoo In the !nu.ii' business dive the name of a reliable susiuess niuu as reference. C. C. MUDGE, Importer aud Hunulwtar.r, Itognra I'urk, CHICAGO, DLL. Walter Rothschild of Lonwoe bb a Selection of eighty-four turuee from (II put ts of the world. Borne, weighing aver 400 pounds, are believe Cl be tbout 200 years old. last year two Italian railways lines passing through swampy regions sup plied all their station house with mos julto netting. In consequence thert baB been such a diminution in the number of cases of malaria hat other line in Italy and in Hlcily are about to idojtt the same measures. Why not doctor yourself? "Gooova" rablets are guaranteed bv Kidd Drug Co., Elgin, 111., to cure all dlaeasea Inflamma, ulcerations of the urinary ayatem organs, bladder, etc., or send Tree medi ans until cured if guaranteed lot falls An internal remedy with injection com blned; the only one In America. Price, IS ir 2 for $5, sent per mall. Retail and wholesale of Myers A Dillon Drug Co., i)maha: M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Da la Drug Co., Council Bluffa; Rlgga Phar nacy, Lincoln; IL 8. Baker, Sioux City. Complete line of rubber goods; ask for is ha I you want. The crust of earth under Japan must e comparatively thin, Judging by the lumber of earthquake shocks in that :ountry. They average over five hun- 11 cu si, j Cu. STAMMERING CURED at Omaha Htammer'a Institute. JULIA E. VACCHAN, rrin. fourth I'loor, hamgi; mock, OMAHA, NEB KIMBALL BROS..MFGS. lOol Olll fit. COUNCIL III.IFFS, IA. RUPTURE You Pay Nothing Until Cured. Facts Stated by My Former Patients If You Are Afflicted With Rupture Don't Fail to Read them. My viuanmice is Vilusblc Bc cause You do Not Pay Me One Cent Until You Are Well. 1 pres'-nt totlie reader of this paper a few tsliminial letters ami iiatut-a nf former patienu whoai i have curci of rupture, believing that tlie alllicied would rallicr corri$ponl with some One who has been cured than read what I mi(rht aay ahaut myself. They cao more fuiiy in veatiiaie and convince them elvei as to llif meiilsof my treatment. 1 could ue tln entire apace sinking my own praxes but believe the sulement, of ihoe I have cured will be more satis factory to Hie afflicted. I will aU you 10 write to auy or all of them. If you ire satisfied with what they aay abuul ray reliability and methods of treatment, write to me or call and aee me. Ketnem ber that In all cae I guarantee a cure and do not aocept one cent of money un til you are well. C'oimiltatiou by mn;l r In person is entirely free. 1 will L pleased to correspond with you regard ing your case Mi. LRNKHT HKNDEUSON. tn lo 4t Letter In l.lal. Hoping to l 0'ie vm O.her HiiAVrera - had (nee nf Kiipture and Oilier Tr.tiinlee rr konras;'iireil In three w eka-'liil ea Inke One 4:enl if t'mf Until Curl. Mcl'bsrsoo Kan... Jure g, lu. In Krnest Bendarson, Kana City, Wo.: liiar Uoelor: I want 10 add my teitlmnr.'ai r-.i'r-r to your already iarite list, hoping 10 In l.r nee soine utTeri 10 o to you. 1 had a bad ea-e of (iii(ur for rrs tnd su lered areat agony. I want 10 Dr. Henderwo 11 1 was cured in tliiee weeks. I cannot asy 100 si ch tor htm. I know lie cse do Jut what ha sa 't he can do. 'ine doctor due not ak but ce it af 11' until ma patient t. well. Ibis Is lb bast a usranlte he can pnasihly gle 10 sny p "son art! leted as 1 was I will aner aoton hi niatie 11 know u:t sooui my ca iery truly yours - sV OLSON. f.xo ron mi ritr.oir on tub. tun"- or kipiik.. h.m to ou rncr.. gje.1 ra to Add Teailinnal-4 aso a Red Owe - rmanMi tre m hmt Time Would ol he Hark In Kan (ass dlllou for Or Kn rt Bander-oil. M I ear Dociof I tlm ra -.0 .da tn '.sira( -nisi 10 those you htse rureo of luptnre t 1 si 1 ul bad one and 1 uu made a onrmsiirni rure ia short tlr. wnbi'ii ;m n and I ne'er tost a day from m aoik I eaiinm say i'.o much f 11 your cure and t;u!d 1.01 he each c tut em dillon I as tor a housnd ! nl tare 1 I hank vou and aiuld recommend your Kup'iii aura to anions. I this .f joj :su. 1 nu, tru.l. tnar.kfulls rour. riKU MARPkK tUVi UdUttid Aid. I UU tRATVr. A ri'KK -' MKCKlf H xo 1 at run kit went.. ov rif waia ccisdx A MEDICINE THAT This is what you get when you buy CRAMER'S KIDHEY CUBE. The Cramer Company can point to more positive cures and show more unsolicited testimonials than any remedy which has been on the market ten times as long. Thought He Couldn't be Cared Albany, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1898. Cramer Chemical Co. I can freely and with joy recom mend your Cramer Kidney Cure as it completely cured me of kidney complaint and that after I had made up my mind that I couldn't be cured I had tried every remedy I heard of without satisfactory re sults. I tell you it is tie best medicine on earth as it made a well man of me and I recommend it as a reliable medicine to be de pended upon by a man guttering as I did. I. La Orakte. Clerk in Sec. of State's Office. Send For Samples to The CRAMER CHEMICAL COMPANY, albany. h. y. sm OF ALL TiflD OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" U H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE. Worth Its Weight ln Gold to Every Stockman and Farmer. - How many of you have lost the price of this Erielne In one day on account of Inaaf Sclent -wind to operate your wind mills, leaving your stock without ter. Get one now to do yon r pumping wnen mere ia no wiuu orwoun uirijr. "u uu u w ita work, hot or cold, wet or dry, wind or calm, it is all the aame to this machine. Will aiao Bholl corn, grind fend, saw wood, churn buttr and la bandy for a hundred other Joba, ln (Vis a nrit.hi r. a- in kAcn whan not worklnff. and onl v 1 mi Zcenta pr hour when working. Shipped completely irreat m dot ana money saver, lioquire! prficiiuaiiy nu at.nuuuu, iiu .iwiutopj We make all 8'-e of Gasoline Engines, from lli to 75 horse-power. Write for circular an spocial prices. I FAIRBANKS. MORSE faffferad far Teare Pronounced iMnrabla by boetnra-Ulad Ha Tok Truallueut Aflar Three VVarka waa Sonini sua W-U I realmnit la All That la Claimed far It-Hopee Letter Will b Ucani of Inducing Oilicra to 1 ka TreaU anent. Irr. Krneal Heuderon. Uansas City, Mo. Dear Doctor: J wisb to stale that I can most heartily recommend your rupture treaimeut. Nine early youth 1 had been aerlously iraubled with a rlrht scrotal rupture that was pro nounced by doctors to be tncurahieeacept. pos aipl jr. by adaiierooaLiraiealo)X'.raitou. Bear I11K of jour treatment I determined to try tba use and am clad I did no, for, after taking your u-imenl but three weeks 1 am bow aouud and well. Your treatment is all thai 10U cialm for It If this letter will do you any good T would be find to bave )ou publish the aame, and 1 uopa it may be the means of inducing otters to take yjur ircaiweijl and be cured. ours rewtctfiilly, Wat. .LYNN, Ransom, K. CONSULTATION HT MAIL OR IN PER SON mil!, wruie ro um a Bin t onit CASK. flnda 1 re tmenlKiic-nriil-lr.iamliil Oth er I'Hli.-nla a d Kound Cure 1'rrinuueui, -llitil tHen 1m llie Kuslneae-1 biuka 'lhl the Alot Katioual Trent men t of tbe ly. December 2U, lew, To whom 11 mar concern: Tnls will ci-rtlty tliai I have taken Dr. Ernest Henderson treatment for rupime aud thai I ttnd It entirely succeMful. I nave eismlned a numtier of pailents thai lie baa treated and I rimi ba: a permanent cure baa breD nude ia every casv eiamined. 1 liae n niched tills irwaimeni for aome lime, as 1 bae betu in Ibis line af buhiiitibs myself, having beeu an rt truss fitter tor a numner of years. 1 brJIev. Uiln la tlie niost rational tieaimciH of the day and thai he will be niiccosiul in every caae, I would most teiiili y recommend aujone wtlba rupture to consult tr. tlenueison. Very respectfully youra, JACOU VtKlTZlX. Judependaaca, Mo. HKPIIl POK MV IKKATIKE ON THE ixri or itci'iinte. stsr to ot KRKf, Lutheran mints tar Cnred After tin AV Hug Ma enr-.Tried Many Truwae bill They All . f ailed- liuon Adsicenl Hrv. t. I'l'elf Isruf seilalla. Mu 1 rleil Or. Hu-dej-lsuu, the ltuilnre Sipeclaliai of Ksiishi tlty. The Car waa . ninpleto H aa UliuniMd with Troaaea Hni Anawer Letiera sTraau Tbnao AfTllcled IV lio H uh ITurihes Paroculara. Kansas City, Mo. Tills ts to certify thai I have suffered for sli year, with a very bad riiitiro. and during til oT loc tlaie I bare worn oifltreiii kind uf truss as day and mgbl with the hoi or effecting g cura. km tiny ail failed ttay ouiy bald the rupture in plara Ijponlheadriceof Ke. t. Pfeiffer. of Sedalla, MO., I' consulted Dr. Ernest Henderson, the Hupture Specialisi, iu W. gib Si., Kansas City Mo., who cured me In a taw weeks without iab jaoilng ma to a dangerous and uamrul ouara Hon. Tha cure was complete and since the I bare dispensed wlib mj truaaes a ituoul incoa renieme Tc tbe lb erest of all wbo are affllriaa ilt lata trouble. I do write this ana beartlly recom mend ur Uanaerson's ireaimriii. Anyone de siring more mlormation will please apply te sac, urrsonally oi by letter lam, rlasutciluliy. JOHN SAVER, Jos li IN. 1317 Oak 1 si , Kansas Oily. N. ft. la writing rlease ancioae a stamp for ' I OMARAMTtCK A U'HCOk RrtCM g 10 PAT OK III WOB at. TOl PAT Wntfl :DHkCD, NaTrsnibe Afior Plrai Trasstawavt, Whleh as I'ainlasa-lild IHal Inteileiw ITIta Wmh and Cured in Tkaa Oka Month- Mswoiusnemto fiwatsaesst . . AM Mupiare aaaVrsra. ia-rrrmsi Hsadaiicie Wtttfet, cf. My Uoar aeetot -I write yea gaarietMA. M ay skat y eu ka aiaae a aerraaaeai gg of my f naisr-wkat wwk-M g. 4,, TOOTS RANDY UAH Thle Ii w at I can do, and it don'l make any diflerence whether It to Bigltf or dav, wet or dry, cold or warm, an -rat or calm, just call ine and I will pump water, (rrind feed, enell corn, separate) cr-am, churn or rl'd boots, or any work . that is r quired of me. Call ami see me at work at ALLEN P. ELY & CO.. 1 1 10 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB. We Alan Boy and Sell New and fcecoiwi- Hand Machinery. CURES. Suffered, for Twenty Years. Albany, N. Y., Dec. & 1896. Cramer Chemical Co. I firmly believe I owe my life to your wonderful remedy. For 20 years I suffered with kidney trouble and could find no relief anywhere. 1 spent hundreds of dollar on doe tors and medicine and could only get temporary relief. I finally de cided to try Cramer's Kidney Cure and it did more for me Id one month than all tbe medicines I bad taken in twenty years. I am now entirely well. Michael Hioaivs, Chief Albany Fire Department aet up, ready to run, no foundation needed, 1 & CO.. OMAHA. NEB. th. Aret tTWAlmftnt nan. Taanaaiotioaano jiurwu. Your treatment waa palaleaa, sad aot tWi me from my work. A cure was made In lea thaa a month. . I certainly will do what I can for yea ea4ai uffertnj fellows, an mo.t heartily leauueMM all matured to take your treatment, tea aaa Dae una letter 11 you uaaira. 1 '-a jour friend, WM. WBLTMA, K. C. Stock Yarda er 4 it lAadtaOaaaia, CONSULTATION BV MAIL OR W Wr" SON FBBE.WBITB TO U.U ABOtT YOTJIt CASE. r. f ueraA With Bad Case far Orar Pteajaar nuld Kat Stand It Any Longor-Anaw ft Heading Adrertlaeasant CciaUsaaa ! I to Take Traatmrnt Paid foe i-i With Plenanre Will ilstl I Write AoyoneAlmutCa . i Kansas Ciiy, M , Juca I llOtt Dr. Krnest Henderson. Cllfi . . ' My Dear Doctor: It It ffllh pleasure I lnfo you that 1 am entirely cured ot a bad case of rupture, for which you treated me first a bo us two years aito. 1 suffered with a rery bad rup ture for over Are years many times It waa as bad 1 could scarcely retain it with tbe aid of a truss. As the rupture was constantly geitlasl worse, and the pain so great, I could not slaant (1 any longer. I was much discouraged. After, reading your advertisement over a d oaw again. I concluded to try yaur traatsnant, aad - ; surpr!;e enead ma In bus thaa fat weeks. I am glad to say, after such a loagtisae of suffering, I am absolutely aannd aad wall. I paid your fee with pleasure, and still feeltAki I owe you a debt of gratitude which I fceae as pay by inducing other sufferers to go tOyoalaai treaiment, thereby doing a kindness lo Ultra and 10 ypu. . I will gladly write to anyone about my cans. I almost forgot to say that I considered yeiif offer of "receiving no pay until a cure was ef fected" as the best guarantee you n!d give, and that is what first gave me confidence 1 your treaiment, as toon as I talked to you. Respectfully yout friend, J. f. HAMMICK It aAst Sixth Street. i 1 THE FOLLOWING HATE HEPJH :IJKEWV OP Itt'PTlRE. AND AWE HM.ltTKD A P KANDOJI FROM MANY I HAVECDRIs... IN WRITING Tnt.M PLKAHU KMCLOSl A. STAMP FOR ANSWER: f Mike.Gnynor, ti EwlngBt.. Kansas City, Ea. A. K Olson. McPherson, Kat. Kobert J. Urock, county attorney, Manhattan, Has. N. V. Kent. 401 Orchard St.. Chicago. HI. Oscar Dillon, SOI Campbell St., Kansas City, II o. II. M. McDonald. Denlson Ras. 11. r. Dobba. ITtb gt.. Kansas CUT, Ha ' A. Young, 3418 Windsor Ave., KansaaCltf . Mo, J s. Hammlck, plumbing, iv K. tth at., Kaa sanCily. Mo. v Thos. Daffo. Kansas City. Mo. W. C. Hiat, grocer, 21 Uentral Ave., Baaaat City, Kas ' M.S. Welch, car Coo llaDder Milling Co., TV bcotl, K.'S. Dr. T r. Psrker, 15 H Brooklyn Ave., Kaaaat City. Mo. Herman BskiiI), Ksn:s Ctty, Ma, Wm. Lynn, Ransom. Kss. M. G. llaruell, JlH Fell t St. Joa. Mo. Kreddsrper. JUll Indiana At., Ksasai Ol. Mo. William Weltmaa, I0 Landlt Ooort. taaaaa- Clty. Mo. Rer. V. Pfelffer. Sedalia. Me. U. J. Champion. Armour Station Eanaaa ctta. Its. J.T Wood, marc bant, Greenwood. Jechao eonnty. Mo. ( has T. Hiimaer, 4M rdmond t , . Joe. Me, ' Will M. Castor 11 N. Snrloa Ave., M. rooie, a. " Pred Pharea, I7 Cherry at , Kansas City, Ma. B. R. Demorasi. Kansas City. Mo. , JL B. OrllBth,lt Lyceum slldg.. laasia Oty. Thomas MeMaboa, 70 !. rib tl. It. f nla. ' Mo, t B. W. Dement, reataorant keeper, mt t Wm 1., residence loit lwust Su Kansas City, lua Chlld 'J months old 7 a r. Shaw, assistant county tomyor, 1nde pendence. Mo. Washington Baker, Hall i Summit, tat. William niggint. 11? Car Ae.. Arataardast, Kaa w. L Gray. Stanherry, Mo. W. T Wingate, Amliy. Mo l.ari Mas well Vallsj rails. Kss :. andr.TM Kansas gse , Kansas City, Kaa ,.,J'S fccMo. kla, tit Tullls Court kanea Cri. Utb and Top,U At,, KftM Oily, -ss .... a . - a - ASSRX8R - , ' ca. tr'EST nciiri ; W'J UrZa? Ctla I m m i