P re s s - J o u r n a 1 Thtksuay, Nov. !9th. 1900. 5 mTTT nTA-XTTMA-n TlTT I TlU .1 AV 9. lie. J, ('anon, Editor anUVop. F. K. 31. V It. K. lime Utlf . OoliiR W est. OoiuKEast. Ho. 5. mixed. 1! : I So. i, mixed s:P0 T M E North-Western JF. E. M. LINE V. R. K. is to and from the the best BLACK HILLS, UfcADWOOt) ASD HOT M'KISli. SOUTH DAKOTA. A. L. Leithoff. this week commeno- d the erection of aa ice bousa for Y . R. Smith and Son. When you want prompt art in li- . A r.illu tli-it. never irrme use DeWitts : Little Early Risers. J. E. PitKXKY. Dr. Reynolds, tlw dentst of Craw : ford who was lit re most of last week at- taading to professional dutiss was quite busv. Drugs, Drugists Sundries, ''Paints. Oils. VarnislieS, BOOlcS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHSNNEY, Pfoprletor. NOTICE, Ev. J. A. Sch amahorn P. E. will preach io the church, next Sunday morning at 10, a. m. anb at 7, 30, in the evening. After the morning sermon the sacra ment of the Lord's Miper will admin istered. Rev hVM WARUKJJ, Pastor. For sale. One High grade Hereford bull, two twoU. has. Seiner. Fancy Lamp?, Store. at Drug NOTICE. Notice of mproval of oillc'jil Bond of Ax iurr wik omitted from Con.u.i-tner proceedings lat week. Ci.kkk. Jewelry, bilverware at -Drug store. A. L Lu'thoff, last week rei-eived the rert froru the government uepart- merit of mechanics upon the examination '-which he underwent at Ft. Kohinson some rix months ago, which give hitn tl.1 out ' of a possible .100 points for perfection. . Go to Pioneer Pharmacy for Xmas presents. Roth makers and cireulfaturs ol com ntei foils commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive yov into worthless counter feits of DeWitts witch Haze! Salve. The original in infallible for curing piles inj , uries eczema and skin diseases.' Toilet cases Albums, ; at Pioneer Pharmacy. Mrs. Fred Langwerthy, aud children t spant Sunday with friends at Crawford, and returned hoilie on Monday noon. Siuce the republicans have gained control of the legislative branch of the Mate, there are candidates without end, for the position of U. 9 Snnatcr. But how -about the Harrison pot office? Will tl)e north ar suth side get it?. Go to Drug Store for pic tures?, & paper pockets. 1 ' -"Cbas. E. Verity, formerly a resident of our little prairie city, but now a c it! sen cf Metropolitan Omaha, was in - our midst last Saturday shaking hands . . with tlie boys and renewing old acquain " Vance He was also here on business as i he represents the Western Newspaper union. We acknowledge a pleasant call ; froovMr. Verity while in town. IVWltt's Ettle Earlv Riserare th lest, Liver pill ever made. E'sy to tike and n-jver gripe. J. E riliNKET. Mas4 will e oeebratd it th four h"u-e, Dec. Sth I'.IOO. at 10.30 oclock. A gool mtsrJance Ik desired. The Indies nid society will met at the rarsoniifje Vv'td. Afternoon Dtc. fi, and sew the new carpet for the par sonafre. Sac V. Tne Journal subwrilT4 continue to increase, t Ids iwk we have added two names io our mu William M.iler, of Bodarc, was in our midst on l ist M.jnJay. and reported his better-fialf just recovering from an attack of fever. He reported his son as being bediust also from an attack cf rht-u mat if m. A stnner alighted from the west bound train yesterday noon, and step ped up to one of our business men. and asked: "Wuat are your resources in this place." Whereujion our enterpris. ing business man rtplied: We bavent got any, but the conductor just unloal . ed a box of it, which was sent out herj by Montotuarv, Ward & Co. it most all comes from there.'' MARRIED At high noon today, at the home of the bride's mother, Sirs. Ve na Will, just north of town. Mr. Her bert B. Ernest, and Miss Allie Will, both of this county, a;;ed respectively 25 and 17 years. The bride is the second daughter of Mrs. Vena Will, and has grow n to young womanhood in this ounty and is young lady of many personal qualifica tions, while Burt is oo of ouronSioux county boys, and has in addition to his other property purchased a ranch j'ist out of town, where be with his bride will reside and after tomorrow they will le at home there to their many friends. The PliESS-Joi'RSAL, extends congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Eirnest, nnd trust that they may always taste the sweets and never the bitter of life. The lilt-wins of Music. Fomeona has said that music "washes away from the soul 1he dust of every day hie." We know from ejperi-nce that a song in the htarl keeps tlie spirit bright and elastic and makes it easier to meet the duties and difficulties of every duv life. Nothing so quickly arouses the powers of emotiuii. imairinatiou ind enthusiasm as music. Manv a heart that has tasted the very dregs of wicktdness has been melted to repentance by hearing again a song of an ttnocent childhood: Some of the best thoughts of the anrld li.ive come to men and women while uu;ler the inspiration of music, n ,tt fi that, were nerlv lost have en. ded in victory when the sounds of mar tial music have reachtd the ear, and ral lied the fainting heart of the worn and discouraged soldier. And thus it is in the battle of life when the heart is faint and weary, the words of a helpful song come to us to give fresh courage and lead us to vie torv. trha-is nowhere is the influence of music so strongly felt s in the home and that home is the happiest whose walls echo and re-echo most often to trmlodv. Children love mu dc and their tenrfen cies to wrong doi ng and their evil pass). ons are often belter controlled by little music than in any other way. The old people love music, and long to hear asain the songs they sang in aay that are past. The weary fath r leaves all bis cam behind him as his voice blends in the family song m the qu;e'. aid rest of the cveuing. . , Such songs hive power to quiet The r-M.h;ss puis? of on-. And cune like Uuj benediction Tiiat follows after pr.'.ver." Happy the mother who b:n cultivated the love ofmusic in the home and In the hearts of her children its blessed tnflu- A THE AMERICA?' MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIETS b the one Important trugwine In the world giving la iU pictures, iti text, la its contributed articles, editorials and departments, a comprehensive, timely record o! the worli's current history. Nol the enumeration of mere bare facts, but a comprehensive picture of the month, its activities, its notable personalities, and notable utterances. The best Informed men and women In the world iiad it Indispensable. There are many readers in your locality who have yet lo learn of Its usefulness. We wish to establish active agents in every city and township in the country. We will pay liberally for ener getic effort in the subscription Held. Leisure moments can be utilized with substantial increase of income. Make a list of the persons in your locality who should have the "Review of Reviews," and send to us for agent's terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a p ersjn with a subscription proposition for the " Review of Reviews," and consequently orders are easily secured. This Is the active subscrip tion season. Make application at once, naming your reference. Societies. W. It W'AKrjw, lWor M. E. Cbnrch. HAUKIsOS KKllBASKA. Presriiiiisr evrrr Niiudity rirnlnl 7:30 p. iu-, nnd every alieriinle Knudoy at 1 1 w Hmiday MmjuI 10 a'c'.ui-k a. m. Kuauriu lagtu 0 -.'id p. in. I'rayer MeetUitf Tlinrsdny r-ul"8 at 7 JO Cen'.e one. Come Autoharp Solo Sunday eveuing at tha Church Price. 25 cents a number. $2.50 at year. THE RXVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY. ' 13 Aator Place, j - New York CH Professional Cards. J. E. PIHNNT.Y. M. D. PityUcli'.n find Snr?wn. ll cllK'vr l'ro'up' utteiiVton Offlce i" Urnif ftlore. -liARJUSON - SECRAHltA. GRANT GUTHRIE. ftttornsy-ai-Law. Prompt attention given to all lcgl matters in Justice, County and District Courts, aud before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliablr jompanies. Clf Lognl papers carefully drawn. Harrikon, - Neduaska. ence n rid association will nver bi lost or forgotten. An elequent writer h:u beautifully observed; "Music is unive rsally appreciated and practiced. The English plow-boy sings as lie drives li.s team, the Scotch Highlander m-ikt Hie glens and gray moors resound with his au:iful sona. the Swiss lyro.ese nnd Carpathians lighten their labor by muse , the muleteer of Hoain c.-vtes little wtio is on the throne or behind it. if he oan e.llv ,ave his early carol: the vintager of Sicily lias Ins eveuing hymn, even oesiue the lire of rot., Etna the fisherman of Na ples has bis boat soog to which his rock-, ing bond leals time on the beautiful nesi, the gondolier of Venice still keeps up nis midnight serenade and the American iar- mer lightens his toil with a merry whis tle. Let us appreciate more than we do the value of music and culivate it to the fullest extent in our barta and homes. THE TWICE A WEEK IIEl'UB- JAC. Every Monday and Thtirs'. jy a new paH r k good as a nmgaziiu and tel ler, for it contains the latest tele s' rapli as well as interesting stories is sent to the subscriber of Ihe "Twice a Week" Republic, which is only fl a year. The nun who reads the "T ice a week" P.epuLlic knows all about affairs political domestic and foreigh uvinls; is posted about the markets Ui-d commer cial matters generally. Tl e woman who reads the "Twii-e-a Week" lie I l'lic gathers a bit of valua ble information about household nlfain- and late fashions und linos recreation in the hrisrht stories that come under Ixilb the headings of fact and fiction. There is gosiji about new books and a dnsun other topics of especial interest to the wideawake man and woman. 31. J. O'Conuell, - - Co. Atitim j -: Will Pmctirc lu All Courts. Siiecial AUcuiiua (Iveu tu Land Of flew lltisl liens. j l ollntioiis ami all business ntrn't- ed to me will receive piutupl attentiou. lUlllUWlN - NtUI!iVKA. Michael Rjffing, "'Utscbvevou. I uin prendre,! to do nil Winds of Civil tmfliieerliig werk. When in need of the Kurvevors Services, give me a call as I have a full and com plete outfit, together with experienae IO do the work with neatness aud dispatch. ADWiVKS MICHAEL RUFFING, HARRISON, - - - - NEDHASK. Many .people worry because they be lieve they have heart disea.se. The chances are tha their hearts are all right but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest what you eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes the stomach press ag ainst the heart. It will cure every form os indigestion. Sold by J. E PmSN'EY. I'.uHor '' Wonders. '.TJitor W. V. T.arry of Iiexington, Tenn., in xplor.ng mauimoth cave con tracN.il a severe case cf Piles. His quick cure through using Bucklen's Arnica Sslve convinced him it is another worlds wonder, l ures Pilos. Injujits, fuflama'ion and all Bodily Eruplious. Only 2",c at J. E. Thinney". VUluio B!aiUsmitli witc1 hU little M.n lire. V,e. II. II Black. I'.e well known vill age tihu k smith at Oi-ahivmsville, Sulli van Co. N. Y.f says: "Unr lillie son, old hnsalwavs Ueii hiilkctti croup and so bad have the atit k bet i that we have leareu n.wny i.iiirs i.i k he would die. We have lad the do u r nnd usel ntur.v medicines. oulChfmbei ain'sl Couli Iteuis ly ti no- our suit re llmr.ee. ItM'eiiisto CiiMilve tl loi.i l mueos himI ty giving frequent duns when the croiq.y symptoms up) ear e i.l...t the driud-d croup is cur. d before it gets s-tt led " 'ill-re i no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or ether injurius drug and may le give its runf d nily to a, Ixi! as to ati addlt- For bale by LK. .'. E Pll.'N.VKY. 1 iBl Km 1 1 II nf nil Mm&Q fthasn Rirt BimerSniilh, who has ten quite in' disponed during the greater part of last week is now feeling better. . -Mims will ba calebr-Ued at the court lious. Dec., 5lh 1000 at 10:30 oclock. A . iiood attendance is desired. The temperance lecture, at the t;hurch oh last Suuday evening wan ade- idd success. Great interest was mani fested by all, but especially by trie jronnger op!e. Miss Nora Neece is es pecially deserving of praise for her very . appropriate essay oo the suject , Tem- jierance should be given much serious thought and discussion, in order to fa miliar the youth of our land, with the -tf hin trirt.lv tmoentte. Xmas gooda at Pioneer Pharmacy. M. E Miller, was over from Adelia, lt Thursduv on business. While in town he dropped in for a few moments cUit with ye scribe. There are other wedding bel Is that can be beard only, a little way off. prob nWv about Ohnstrnas or New Year's. Aain't that so Ed? we dont mean the cook at the Harrison House, either. One of .he largest funerals which has oocured in this vicinity was that of ' 'Masler IVid Lewis, on last Sunday af tor noon from the residence of his grandpar ent. Mr. and' Mrs. Amlrew McGinley. Yeeterday, Dave Berllet,''" com- nteoced the errwtion of the new addition of IJtney Sutton house, 11x22, which will U a 10 foot story. It will be W j'.iued to the present house on the east , next to the street. We lenrn, indirectly, that one of our most ewtetmed and prominent young tne of thm Village, has purchaeed a lot futt near the rheuharh on the east side which, in all probability pretends an cir ' Ijr Marriage or another bouple of ilarri m! yountr people. We notice in our 'Fire Poin tewe' Uetae, that our 'Over in Wyoming,' cor- W'f?iatlar'lernplatee nxM iog into Sioux ,fy to eejgivxe in the aaixl-liill crane C rzmtn. We preaume our ready ha M mind to raising bird fur - ) MMh ahotep the Boggy country. ; Mcat 1H w 4 for corrMpandeot Well, now doctor, how about thow j turkeys? Of course, you wonld'nt own that you got them, and no body would suspect you did, either. A. Procunier, chairman, of the Board of county commissioners was in town Tuesday, attending to county business, signining up the Couety warrants. A lage number of our townsmen and citzens mljacent to town, took part in a turkey srioot iiiesd3y afternoon, quite a few of the boys carried a.vaj a fat tur key for thanksgiving. Pace Bigelow, sterns to have out done all the boys in shooting at the raf fle Tuesday, he won two turkeys to each of the other boys o.ie. A the Ir ishman said he is little, but owld. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kendall, who have been suffering of mountain fever, during the !ast sevaral weeks are lioth veey much better and will doubtless be up aud arjun 1 e'ere another k has passed. Incidentely we learned Mr. Bert Er nest and Miss Allie Will, are to be unit ed in matrimony today. The Press Jo TRNaL sends greeting among the first, to tlie young couple and hopes for them all joy and happiness. Father McNamara officiated for tlie last time in Hemingford Monday. Thif place will do longer lie supplied from Chadron, a new priest having been ap pointed pastor of the parishes between Hemingford and Ardmore. Father Mc- Namarawiil be missed greatly by all his parishioners in this county- He left Monday night for Omaha which city he will visit before returning to Chadron. Hemingford Herald. Today, we celebrate the glorious feast of Thanksg iving, and we were feel ing as blue as could be, owing to the seemingly unavoidable necessity of our being competed to sitdown to our thank sgiving dinner and return thanks for black crow. But the unexpected hap pened and our "Fairy Godmother" arriv ed in tlie person of Gene Bigelow on last Mrs. Carpenter, w-ho has been quite an invalid during the past two week's, rom the effects of a fall which she re ceived about that time and during which she had t wo ribs fractured, under the care of Dr. Phianey she is slowly recovering. About a week or ten days g". At torney Guthrie, purchased all of the one aod two years delinquent land taxes' io Sioux county, possibly about two hund red. Well Grant is a hustler. A special meeting of the camp of the Modern Woodmen of America, of Ham son has been called for next Monday eve ning, at the usual hour. A full aten.1- anoe is requested, important business ue- mands the preseace of all members. Roy Wright, has purchased tUoSun, and is now sole proprietor thereof. We wish Roy success in his new role, and trust that dollars may fl iw into hi cof fers byYhe hundred. Success, brother of the quill. The M. W, of A. at this place, has made phenomenal growth dnrinii this fall, increasing its membership close to the one hundred mark. At present they have over twelve new applicant, who will in all proball-ity bo initiated into the mysteries of woodcraft. Today is one of the days, nbove all others when Americans gorge their stom ach's, with all the good things immag ir.abl e. They will eat and drink, as if they never had a square meal in their lives liefore anil never expected to have another. Tlw temperance rally Sunday evening at tlie M. E. church w certain ly a timely notice to the intemperate people of the country. Of course all our people are not intemperate and, hence all are not obliged make the appli cation, willingly or unwillingly. J. Ben net, agent of Kimball Bros, of Lincoln was in town two or tbre days this week, for the the purpos of placing the monoltih, recently furnished by the Woodmen of the Y orlJ's camp of Har sison over the grave of the late Hovengn Siturday nnd lauded a nice looking (ur- j 8. B. Coffee. It will undoubtedly be the ley at the door of this sanctum; so we ' most beautiful ard magnillcient piece of have a two fold reason for being thank-1 architectural work id any cemetery this ful, viz: first for not being obliged to eat aid of CloVon. The Woodmen of th crow, and last but not least, for having j World should not be confounded with tlie turkey on t'unksgiving. Is It a repu- j Modern Woodmen, aa it is distinctly sup b i'Mnbird? We did not sk Gene. rata). Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warntka, Tues day evening, went to Crawford, where they took the B. & M. train for Denver, Colo., where they will spend two or three weeks visiting with friends and relatives and bight seeing in the Western metropolis. The new house now fieing built by Jerry Will over on society row will bs completed and ready for occuptucy in course of a week or two. The build ing is 16x24 aud will add very mater ially to the appearance of the east side. "I have used Chamberlains "Ylio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to tie a gre-it. medicine," says Mr. E. S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. ""It cured me of ulnodv HtiX. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praiso. of thoe who us it. Th quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by Dr.. J. E, Piiinsky, ,-Tbe Woodmen of the World's gives tn all its deceased Sovere;gn, a (10), monument, to mark their final re-ting place. In the cae of Sovereign. S. u. ColTee, his wnlow, paid vIo. more to the organization and instead of the 100 monument, she lias procured a hrue scotch granite monolith, which was pla ced in position on last Tuesday, by.J. Bennet. aod w ill alorn tliu cemetery for all lime. . Dr. Mend! th of Crawford, was sum moned to Harrison, on last Tuesday, by Dr. J. E. Pfiinney, and together they per formed a difficult surgical operation; that of removing two fatty tumors from the body of Mr. and Mr, ('has, Newman.s litsle Imy. Only a couple of weeks ago, a similal ooerntion was performed on tlie little fellow, by I)r. I'hinney, but since that time two others, of like nat ure have made their nppemance on just the same plve, and spread with mush- roon like rapidity However they are not considered dmgerous, DeWitts Witch Ha 71 salve will quick ly tlie worst burns and scalds end n t leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts nnd rar, surfaces with prompt and soot hing effect. Use it for piles and skin di seases. Beware of worthies counter feits. For Sale at J. F- PuiNNtYs. 031TUAUY. (Contributed) DIED Freddie Iwis, agd four years, ten mouths 21 days, and a son of Charles Iewi;, at tlie home of Mr. McGinley, Nov. 2 Sth alwul 8 a. m. The funernl services were hell at the residence of Mr. Mcliinley, and were im pressive throughout a large concourse of sympathysing Irieud: attended. At the grave, "Safe in 'he arms of Jesus," was Sung. We laid him to rest 'leneilh the sod while the pure spirit rests with Ood. "When the roll is called up yonder, may we all be there. To remove a tro-iblewune corn or bnr. inr.; Kirt i-!k CO-n Or bullion ill warm water n soften it. ihen pai '. down as cloel.V as poi sibU v. itl oi.t ' - ' . i , .1 nHr.U CJtmlu.fiiiia wi"i"R "" - .-,-.- - l'.nn Balm twice dr.iiv; rubbing vig oiisiv for five minutes at each applica tion, A corn plaster should be worn for a few days' to protect it from the shoe. Asa general liniment for sprains, bru ises lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm is unequal. For sale by Dr. J. E. Pir.JiNKY. , Stale Young AS"!'1 "One of Dr. King's new Life Fills each night for two weeks has put me in my teens' again" writes D. II. Turner of Denipsey town, P.t. There the bust iu the world for liver, Stomach and bow els Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at J. E. Phisxct'u Drug store. Fred was born In Sioux county, and dorii.g his short life, had been a great source of consolation to all, especially to his grandparents, whose greatest happin ess seemed to consist in haviug their dr ling with them, and the little fellow wua equally us delighted to lie atgrandpa's. Freddie isgone, but bis loving miro. ory will be ever present with pipi, and mama, as well as with Orandpa, and Grandma, and will ehenr the latter par ticularly in her daily allliction, until the sweet moment burst upon her vision and Fred will again call dear Grandma. Li! tie Freddie now has left us. From thisenrlh o sad and drear. Gone to live with Christ our Savior. To tlie land where is no tear. Free from pain is our loved Freddie. Free from all this world of woe. Gone to Heaven and forever. Willi the Angels as they go. Father, Mother, Orandpa, Grandma, Gome to meet me with the r In our home of all true ploesures There with Jesus, we will rest. A Card of Thuiiki. We desire to tliank the kind friends and neighbors, and sll who were so ur tiring in Iheir assistance, during the ill new and death of our darling hoy,' I.1 Mr. ak Mian. Cha. Lewis, Mk. Miw. A MiJwiJ-.Y. Six I'llglitrul l'ulliiri e. Six terrible failures of six different doctors nes.rly sent Wm. H. Mullen of Lockland O. to an early grsve. All said he hrd a fatal lung trouble nnd tl at he must oon die. But he was urged tc try Dr. King's New discovery for Con sumption. After taking live bottles be' entirely cured. Itls sisiliye)v gnarai -teed to cure all diseases of ttie Throat, Chest, Ia Grippe, Pneumonia, Mronchi t'i. Asthma. Hay fever, Crnnp, Whoop ing Conch, fiftc and 1 00. Trial lottles free nt J, E PlflNNEYR. drug store. Bfxlurc Gleanings. o We had a foretaste of winter Isst wk qtilu s snow storm visited Itodnrc conse quently the limns were snowed onder, e learn the sndw fait was much heavier north and esat of here. Willi- MI'.lrrsnd YA. Ho made a t-lp to A. f. CbrUtlena ranch on rridajr rctKri.iijf Mondny with a small buiieb uf calves lir Wm, Miller, f M. Hmtth of Fl I'mntS wns srou' 4 makings few pieman t calls amonK bis . dure Mi lKlilsjrn lt Thursday, Willie Hunter baa been sick with qelnsy for the Hit week but Is afaln able to to about. J. 1.. Ander-on Is nny shlnflln; shs'ls and snd otherwise Improving "mi looks uf the 0 10 bir rsneh tsi'ore wlni r ets ! , Utile Artbiir SI 111 or liv. leen real .Ick fi r a week .d U mill (eellns T'dte Iwl. 1 Mrs. J. II. Montgomery Is qelte slrk wltll a heavy rold nnd wire lliro't. A letter from Mrs 0. f.. Ulsn this week ssys sjrs that tiar. Iinsl.snd hsalUi conllsoss the same tint nd'jVblu css Is one of so ion atnm I st that It Is too soon to look for njr Improvement we hope soon to hear of a elimiffi! Iit the butter, M.A.U,