Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 22, 1900, Image 8

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V- f
Press-Jou rruil
Tutwdat, Nov, 22nd, 1900.
fie. T, Canon, Editor ami Prop.
f. E. ft X.VK. a. i um table.
Oolng West. . Going East.
Ho. t. mixed. 11 r 1 Do. e. hi lied 8:00
M. V. E. R. is
to and from the
tbe best
When you want prompt acting lit
tie pills that never gripe use De Witts
Xittle Early Risers. J. E. Phbtoey.
Drug store.
Silverware at
For Sale.
One High grade Hereford bull, two
years old. Cats. Scaur.
Temperance lially. At the
Church, Sunday evening.
All invited.
Mrs. Edward Downey, went to Craw
ford, on last Friday evening, on business
and returned on Monday noon.
Dr. Reynolds, Dentist fretn Crawlord,
who isaassciated with Dr. E. C. Kooes,
of Alliance, hrs been operating his prof
feMseon in town for the past two or
. three da vs. He was accompanied by bis
Both makers and circulators of cou
nterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will
not deceive yov into worthless counter
feits of DeWitts witch Hazel Salve. Tbe
original is infallible for curing piles inj
uries eczema and skin diseases.
Chris Ruffing from Indian creek was
in town last night cd reports a girl
baby at bis home two or threeweeksold.
Chris, aeemsto be about as pleased over
tbe new comer as if she was to be tbe
queen of engtand, and why shouldn't be.?
Fancy Lamps,
at Drug
WANTED Laboring man for all
kinds of ranch work. Good pay; per
manent position. Man with wife pre
fered. House to live in and conviences
gratis. T. B. Sxydbb, Collins, Neb.
Sovereign, W. H. Davis of . the
Woodmen cf the World, yesterday, re
ceived tbe draft for $2,000, in payment
life insurance to Mrs. S. B. Coffee, ins
urance on tbe life of her husband, sover
Wa 8. B. Coffee, deceased, Oct 1, 1800.
Go to Pioneer Pharmacy
for Xmas presents.
An impromptu dance was given at
the court boase on last Saturday even
ing. Nearly all of the young people of
town who are in the habit of indulging
in the fantastic whirl attended. A good
"time is reported.
Toilet cases Albums,
at Pioneer Pharmacy.
"I have used Chamberlains Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find
it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E.
15. Phipps, of Poteau. Ark. "It cured
rue of bloody flux. I cannot speak too
Jiijrhiy of it." This remedy always
wins the good opinion, if not praise, of
tbofe who use it. The quick cures
v li.cn it effects even in the most severe
cases make it a favorite everywhere.
For sale by Db. J. E, Phissev,
If vou have ever seen a child in the
Agony of croup you can realize bow
greatful mothers are for One Minute
Congh Cure which gives relief as soon
aa it is administered. It qiuickly cures
oouglis, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. For Sale by J. E. Phdwet.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hester, brought
heme their little grandson Master Bon
ell, from Lusk, to make them a visit
Xmas goods at Pioneer
James I Anderson, of Bodarc, was
initiated into tbe mysteries of woodcraft
as construed by the Woodmen of World
on last Saturday night, is doomed to
chop wooe tbe rest ef bis days.
Go to Drug Store for pic
tures, & paper pockets.
It is Judge Sbilt now, not Charley
Have yon noticed that new Com
smnU hotel sign? Well, then is one
Tbe Woodmen of World wffl give
tta mm1 oyster rapper to lU members
taafceert three weeks.
Wills, bee completed his new
and te now eogsaged in erecting
baUdtMr. joet south, tad ad-
jaimec O, W. Hester.
Br. Md Hi. O. W. Hester, went
a TT. raw last Friday for a
fT Cyt Tkwt with their daughter and
r--M-vtaw. TSt. aad Mrs. W. H. Boneel.
' Trttn, of Kirtley, Wyo..
' OtsAnattbis pmnt last Friday
"V . ZrjtxTtmnH, la, to be by the
; ." of . Ma MS) Will, whose
I li fcxj fry all nnaasec
C0C0C K0000004000
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
DeWitts Witch Hazel salve will quick
ly the worst burns and scalds and not
leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts
and raw surfaces with prompt and soot
hing effect. Use it for piles and skin di
seases. Beware of worthless counter
feits. For Sale at J. E. Phdwkt s.
On last evening, nearly all of the
towns people assembled at the Gerlach
home and after a short preliminary re
paired to tbe batchelor quarters of his
Reverence, Mr. Lea Warren, ths esteem
ed pastor of the JL E. church, and took
that devine by surprise, by piling upon
his larder, a bounti'u' nupply of the grjod
things with which to r g 1 the inner man
a mo-it agrttable evrnu g was spent by
all. Music, vocal and instrumental were
enjoyed by all, after which the self-bidden
yet welcome guests, bade their pas
tor a happy good night
DeWltt's Little Early Risers are th
best Liver pills ever made. Eitsy to
take and never gripe. J. K. PhineY.
I want you to know that I am complimented and gratified by the
strong endorsment of you who know me btst.
For twenty one years I have claimed you as friends and neighbors,
but the friendship and support you gave me in the election is more than 1
claimed, yet it does me good. Gives roe prestage and confidence te repre
sent our district in the legislature of our state; with the best ability I
have or can command and honestly.
Yours Faithfully, Chas. F. Coffee.
Say! we will have bulk
oysterp, fresh fish, and cel
ery, at Smith's, next Satur
day. The lionorable county commissioners
Friday last appointed Charles Schiltt as
Co. Judge vice, Robert Wilson resigned.
We endorje tbe appointment, of
Charles Schiltz as county Judge. He will
not, knowingly or intentionally put
Sieux county to unnecessary expense,
as a result of tbe administration of his
office; we also believe be will be fair and
impartial in decisions which be will ren
der in cases that may posssbly come be
fore his honor,
A most agreeable surprise was tend
ered Miss Effie Wright, daughter of the
genial landlord of the Commercial hotel,
it being the 15th bitrthday of Miss Elbe,
Nearly all the young people in town
availed themselves of the opportunity,
afforded them and demonstrated their
esteem for their girl companion by the
larva numbers who attended, to the
pleasure and enjoyment of all. As is her
wont, Mrs. W. B. had a bountiful supply
of good things prepared, for tbe inner
self to regale on, games and music were
indulged in and tbe youthful invaders,
were reveling in merriment, when the
smile of morpheus reminded them of his
waiting embrace, and after wishing their
young hostess a happy good night, tbey
betook themselves to his morpheus.s
Over In Wyoming.
DIED Klein. In Westchester, P.,
on Tuesday, Oct 80, 1900. Nellie'
youngest daughter os Mr. and Mrs. Dan
iel Klein. Nellie had been sick for
about a year and tbe parents bad taken
her from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., to West
Chester, Pa., in hopes that she might re
gain her health, but in vain, death
claimed her for his own and she died
sweetlr in the arms of her mother, in
tbe 17th year of her short life. Nellie
Klein was born near Glen in Soiux
county, Nebraska, in the month of Jan
nary and the childhood of her sweet
life was spent along the banks of White
River, where sbe lived with ber parents
until the fall of 1899, when tbev went
to Wheeling, W. Vs. Sbe was a dear
sweet girl, beloved by all who knew her
and ber host of friends will sorrow deep
ly to bear of ber death. Tbe writer
knew her as an affectionate obedient pu
pil, having known her in school nearly
all ber shool life in Sieux county. Sbe
died happy in the 1 ore ef Jesus.
Mrs. Eva Christian, started eastoa last
Wednesday evening's train, she expect
to visit Lincoln, Central City and Hendl
in Nebraska, and perhaps spend a few
days in Iowa.
Xev. Warrea was calling on his parish-
oners in this part the last half of last
week. He spent a few hours with ye
scribe and family.
Hile Caarch is building as addition to
bis bowse.
Lem Christian was oath sick Net the
latter part of last week. He i better at
this writing.
Mr. T. Taenia was called tot
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
There will be a grand ball in the court
house Thursday evening, Nov. 29, 1900.
Everybody invited to come and have
a good time. Tickets, 50c. No matter
whether the crowd is large or small.
By Order of Committee.
North County News.
Winter is setting in now in this part of
the country with three inches of
snow te start with.
Mr. John IeBeno who has been sick
for the past six weeks is on the way of
recovery but two of bin children have
taken sick.
Mr. Ashton and Jshn DeBano Jr. went
to Crawford lasn Friday after their win
ter supplies.
Mr. Joseph Bretty bought thirteen
head of cattle from Mr. John DeBaoo
last week.
Mr Frtickie is still hauling thistles,
Claus Christiansen Jr. left for Oilette
Wyo., last week. SuoaR Beet.
bedside of his son Will, wlio is very kick.
Will left here for Iowa, about a year
a0 and was married shortly after his
arrival there. He has not been in good
health for several years. His many
friends hope to hear of hi recovery.
Mrs. F. Church is visiting friends in
Douglas this weekr
Say Dwey, how was that about
County Surveyor Euiling! Did ho kill
3 out of a flock of 20 cranes, and their
legs measured 8feet two inches!.. Well,
that beats Wyoming.
A letter from Mrs. Daniel Klein or
West Chester, Pa. brings tbe sad news
of the death of their youngest daughter
Mr. Klein was away from home at the
time and was wired, but did not receive
tbe telegram until half an hour after ber
death. She died at 12 o'clock noon, and
he arrived home all o"c1ocft p. m.
While getting out wood last Thursday
J. H. Newlin, lost one bis gray mares
over a high bluff. Francis Duel was
with him and they went in search of her
she had fallen over a shelving rock, a
distance of 22 feet by actual measurm-
ent. After striking on the ground and
small pieces of rock she bed slid about IS
feet, leaving hair on the sharp edges of
tbe broken rock over which she had slid,
when found she was lying on her back,
or nearly so, lodged against a sapling,
upon its being cut, she rolled and slid a
distance of 4 or S rods, down a ditch fill
ed with large sharp edged rocks, and
lodged against one. She was able to get
up, but the dlBculty was to get ber out
there being ne way to get to the bottom
of the canyon and about 100 feet of steep
bank to climb to reach the top.. By
makiog a circutous path up tb hillside,
with a shove), sbe was at length gotten
up to the top, and was able to walk
borne a distance of two miles. The only
broken bone was jimt above and to the
left of the right eve, about 2 inches
from tlie center of the forehead. A long
rash was cut and the skull broken and
pressed in. At present she is alive and
getting along, but is too sore to move
about much. The wonder is that th
was nt killed outfight, as her weight is
about 1400 lbs; ad in the fall of 22 feet
was not a thing there to break the force
of it. ZaXUX.
The following anropriate resolutions
ef condolence, on the death of Sovereign
a B. Cotfee, which occured on Oct 1st,
1900, were passed unanimously, by the
members of Harrison Camp No. 55,
Woodmen of the World, Saturday eves
tog Nov. 17, 1900;
Wbereas,Ood ia bis all-wise way has
seen best to remove Sovereign Is. B. Cof
fee,tfrom our midst, we bow in bumble
auemiMioa to bis holy will. We feel
grieved at the lossofoneso faithful while
with us, as a sovereign and fellow citiz
en, therefore be it
RasocvB), That we, the sovereigns of
Barrieoa Camp Ne. 65, Woodmen of tbe
World, toads our heartfelt sympathies
to the bereaved widow, family and rela
tive oa (heleweof a hnabtail Md father.
a I. CerTee.
it. B. Bran,
(Mam (iimrant,
Oaa O. Cajkw.
HarrUou, Neb., Hot, It, 1900.
s, o'clock s. ra.
Board met punmnt to adjournment pre
sent Coiumlwiouera Kohwer, Meng and
Joseph Vsrley appeared before the board
and complained that count' road, between
Sec. SS and K Trrp. 81 and range was ob
struct! by a wire fence.
After doe oocideratlon, the Board find It
is the Koud overseer duty to look after men
matter. Tie resignation of Eobept Wlleon
County Judge, wa presented and after due
consideration It vug on motion aecepted.
The Board proceeded toeiamlue the Coun
ty treasurera accounts to nee what fundi are
available to transfer to the fjencral fund of
19W, and rind the followin amounts, and on
motion the County Trcanrer la Instructed
and la hereby ordered te transfer to the x-
nerul fuud of 180(1:
GenL Fund of Ite tranafcred to 1600,
16 51
13 26
" r.tio,
" IK,
" 1UO0,
" 1W,
" 1KW,
' m
17 9'
hi M
Ppcclal Pbt. Fund 1PJ1 Iransf nl to 1900, .&
- m; HMO, 16 M
lso;! " low, la :q
IA 60
On motion Hoard adjourned till 8 o'clock
a. m. uv, 10, 1'jOO.
Win. J. A. liaiiin, rlerk.
HarriKOii, Neb. Xov. 1", 1(H, S o'clock a. m.
Board met pursuant lo adjournment, pre
sent commissioner Ilohwer Mi-iig n;;d cierk
on motion Hoard adjourn! to view bridge
lu Cottonwood precinct,
W.J. A- Eaum, clerk.
Harmon, Set), nor, 10, !S0, o'clock, a. m.
Board convened after viewing bridge.
present counnistloners liohwer" Mean and
We, K. Rohwer and Jens C. Mong, Tounty
CommUslouers of Slonx County' Nubrraok,
after viewlim County brk!gi in Cottonwood
precinct, find that said brhlge wm bnilt ac
cording to plans and specifications and in a
workmanlike manner, we therefore o.imo.
Uon accept said bridge and on n.otjon InH
ruct the county clerk to draw warrant on
Brldite fund for 1899, in favor of Aaron Stu
art for tJ0,99, and one in favor of II. S. Mil
ler, per order of Aaron gtuart for .?.',Xi.
O. Ward' appeared before the IJowrd.a'.d
complained that he was aec4 tor ioll
tax fn liowen precinct and the Village of
Harrison, the Board flndina eui'U to be true,
on motion the county clerk is Instructed to
Instruct the county treasurer, to strike the
IKjll tin assessed against Oscar Wurd from
the tax list of Ilowen preclnou
On motion tha clerk Is Inntucted to aSver
tU for sealed bids to furli'h li tons of
gojd Lump coal for use of the county all
bids to be presented by Uceeuiljer Kh I'M
the board reserves the riyht to reject any
or all bids.
The following claims against Sioux coun
ty wi-re taken op and examined aurtitel
and allowed or rejected as the case i:my be
Homer i'riddy claim lo refund taxes paid
ander protest. ' licjwted. ;
Claim of A. J. Cireenwood to refund poll
tax for th years isai and &. reJ-ctod:
Tke claim of J. II. Montgomery U refund
tax paid onder protest the clerk is Instructs
ed to aoiify the county Treasure to refund
to J. II. Mpntgotnery tj.2T.
The Claim of James Wilson to refund tax
paid under protest the clerk is instructed to
notify the county treasurer to refund to
James Wilson. 10 3.
Ou motion Charles E Bchllt was appoint
ed Comity Jtiilge to ml vncuiey.
Ihe follow in,; oflci.il Uonda were taken
up, examined and approved:
Charlet E. Schilt, County Judge, Dldriek
SelMon, assessor White River precinct. Cor
win Iws, assessor, Warbonaet precluct,
ou motion Board adjourned till iov. 17, l'JOtt,
at S o'clock a. in.
Wm. J. A. Kantn, cienr.
Harrison, Neb. 8 o'clock a. in. Nov. 17, 1HO0.
Board met pursuant U adjournment.
Present Commiasleners Kohwer and Meog
and Clerk.
Tbe fallowing claims against Sioux county
were presented and allowed, rejected, or
laid over, or reduced' as the e may be.
Crltes 4 tanning, laid over for further
G. W. Hester, allowed Bridge fund of lsliO,
$10 M
Lewis Cerlach.GenL f asd 6 DO
John Srres, to appraising tioedde estate 6 00
Kobert Wilson - 1 00
Bobert Wilson to use ol team " 6 00
Wm. J. A. Uaum, to appralalng Goedde es
tate, W
Antelope Precinct.
Judges, Oscar story No. 31..
" 8. J. Leeling ' SM
John Hermao " Cl
Adnrews l'rocintt.
Judgee, Henrv Covey No. a
" G.J.Martin - la..
" O. E. Kasher " aH.
Boweti J'aeclact.
Judges, J, H. Ilai U ll No. SO
f Sainael Teolel " a
- O. r. Ward " 7-
.3 00
. 30
, 800
Cottonwood Precluct.
Judges, Y, M. Smith Ho. t
" John H. Howard
" II. 8. 1'arki " 830
Hat Creek I'reclnct.
Jodgaa, Ssnford 11111 No. 831
" I'aul berre 332
WUlum Miller ' IB
Montrose Precinct.
Judges, Jarob Waser burger No. et.
" flolruon Borkey ".836
Herman Ksmrsth 81
8 W
Banning Water Preeloct.
J edge, W. AMatUaoe. No. 887 8 00
- Jams H.Cook " IBS 800
- a. J. imitofr " sa too
ghesip Creek Preelnct.
Jadges, Clia. Newman No. 0 8 00
" II. A. Keating -3418 00
Cbarlee Urewell " 84i 800
Inak Creek Precinct.
Jadges, Repose Bsrrta No. MS 8 00
" JoknCarnn " 844 300
" g.C. Tkompson U ) 0
Sugar Ixsf.
Jadges, John Mosley No, V 8 00
- V. t, Bowinb'irg "W set
A. Greenwood " iH i OS
Warboniiet Precinct.
Jsegea, Ch arias Rlehln No. Mt
. sso
. 8V
" John U Slralton " 3M-.
Jamn Johnson " ail.
Whistle Creek Precinct.
Jedfes, V. W. Usniaker No. 2...
- Alvto W. JVUuetaon " 8M.
James Wilson
White Kiver Predict.
Judges, John fcpray No. 5& 3 00
" Jamns I. Hilton - V 1 00
" A. E. tiatea " S57 S 00
I, W J. A. Bacm. hereby certify that the
above and foregoing ia a true and correct
list of tbe Judge of Election hild In the
several precinct of Sioux county, as certifi
ed to In the roll Books returned to tula
Wis. J. A. BsCM,
itit j
til I County Clerk.
Aatelop Precinct.
Clerks, Solomon Story No. S93 3 00
August King
" SA-.
. 300
Andrews Precinct.
Clerks, Cbae. Staudenmaler o. W5 3 00
- A.T.llughsoa " 296 8 00
Bowen Precinct.
Clerks, Geo. D. Canon No. 7 3 00
" J.W.Smith "28 300
Cottonwood Precinct.
Clerks, Carl M. Lux o, 21-9 8 00
Charles T. Grave " 30ii 8 00
Hat Creek Precluct.
Clerks, J. L Fialey .No. 301 3 00
" . F. Antrim " 'M 8 lX
slontroxe Precluct.
Clerks. Claus Chrlstsusen Ho. 303 3 00
' Jhou S. Ashtou ' l 8 00
Uunnlng Water Pn-cinct.
Clerks, Wm. Valentine No. SOS 3 00
' John F. Cook ' M 8 te
fclioep Creep JrecliK-t.
Clerks, Marshall P. Bird No. 807 3 00
" Kalcigh I!. Xdiiford " 3s 3 00
bnake Creek Precinct.
Clerks, I.. E. Iliektiisou No.jO.1 2 00
" Thumua Cnrren "310 30
Hii.ir lxif Precinct.
Clerks, Sam Hm-iho-ihK No. 311 3W
UoWert Hsrrison "312 3 00
Warboniiet Precinct.
Clerks, Leonard Uout ho. 31S 3 00
J. H. Lacy "81
Whistle Creek Precinct.
Clerks, James J. Young No. 8l5.
j. v. nmpiey aw o Oi
H hit Uiver Prsclnut.
Clerks, M. J. Weber No.317 300
Cbaik-i IJIppcrt " 3! 8j0
I, We. J. A. Uicii, County Clerk, hereby
certify that the above Is a true aud correct
list of tbe the Ck'iks i.I Election as sliow.i
by the Poll Books returned lo this oUlce.
. . H. J. A. Kirn,
J ual f couuty Clerk.
Bowen Precinct.
J. H. BarteU, ItcKinis BUI No. S 53 00
Antelope Precinct.
A, T. Hughson, llelunis BUI No. afl, 10 miles
Andre s I reelect.
Kunnlng Water Precinct.
J. F. Cook, Belarus Bill So. 361 24 miles
4 M
Aatelope Precinct.
3. J. Lellug, Itetums B.il lo. i. 2.' miles
W'aroosuet Praclnct.
Charles Blehle, Beturn Bill So. 14, 10 miles
, too
ViUlstie Creek Pfnelatt.
J. O. Wilson, Returns, P.IU No. M, 38 mile
; . 6 HO
Hut Creek I'l eciuct.
Wm. Miller, Beturus Bill .So. 3(, 18 miles
Wmte Klvcr Precinct,
M.J. Weber, 1U turns Bill .So. VA, 20 miles
Cottonwood Preelnct.
Chas. V. Grev, Keturus Cill No- 3G7, 23 miles
Mniitrose Precinct.
Ciuus Chalstensea, Keturus Bill No. 3T8, ?0
Mii .r Iaf precluct.
John Mostly, itetums Bid No, 9,3S miles
Sheep Creek Precinct.
Charles Grewell, Eelurus B1U No. 370, 40
. 7 00
Snake Creek Precinct.
Sohn Cnrren, Beturns Bill Eo. 371,60 mllea
, 14 00
I. Wm. J. A. BnM, Ounty Clerk of Klonx
county hereby certify that the above la a
correct list of the several parties and the
days and mileage given in by each In mak
ing the eie.tio?! returns from tha several
preclnculn the county.
, . Wn.J.A. Ra',
j seal j County Clerk.
John E Marsteller, services on canvaslng
board SOU
Grant Gnthrle ' " " 2 00
Wm.J.A. Kaum " " "oO
- - " cetifylug retnrns and swear
ing board 2 00
F. E AT- Hnghson, error In milage 180
Charles Blehle, Juror 2 00
I). M. Sutton, services special dedutv sher
iff 10 M
Michael KufflngsurveytngGoeddeland 10 00
Wm. J. A. Kaum delivering pall books and
ballots to U precincts, 45 00
Win J' A. Buum, postage stamps, 3 00
" " H express, freight A dray 4 71
J. B. Burke, services Co. sipt. X 00
Fremont Tribune rapplies 24 40
Samuel Tebbet boarding prisoner I DO
A. E. Gates, use of building lor election
purposes, i M
W. 0. Patterson, jailers fees, 39 00
Ed. O'Connor, guarding prisoner, defined
33 00
Allowed, 29 0)
George 11111, special deputy aneriff (00
Wm.J.A. Kaum, to two wire kr ashes for
ese of court house, S te
George V. Canon, printing and election
supplies, 3.8 11
Mrs. Mary Holly, services rendered by
Thomas Holly. S M
Edwin Lyon, services, Jsllers fee and for
posting election (otires, 63 00
Robert Wilson, appointing judges end
clerk of election, claimed it 00
Allowed a 08
Jena C. Meng, services as county eo tents
loner, IS 28
K. Rohwer, lr ti
On metieo Board adjourned without a day
Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk.
Call far Olds.
Notice Is heleby given that fouled bids
will 1m received at the office i f the ci an ty
Bierk of 1l nt county, Nebraska, Until 12
oVock noon, lw. w, lXi,fur fiirnlslifiig
SlouiConnlV with tvelvu tons of good,
I il 'ii p Coal.
The Board reierves the right to r Jwt any
or all Wds.
WM. t. A. UstTw,
County Clerk.
W. k. WAintx,
Pastor M. E. Chnrch.
Prearhlni every Snedsy evening t 7:Sf
p. in., end every alternate Sunday at 1 1 m
Sunday School 1 e'eloek a. m. Kp worth
Leagne 6 :.10 p. is-
Prayer Meeting Tbsnday evening st 7 :30
Come one. Come all
Autoharp Solo Sunday evening at the
Professional Cards.
Phyisdaa nd Snrgeon.
All calla given prompt attention.
Office la Drug Store.
Prompt attention Riven to all
matters in Justice, County and Dmtriot
Courts, and before the United SUttei"
Land Oince.
Fire Insurance written in,reliabl
EX'Lega' papers carefully drawn.
Harrisok. - Nebraska.
JJ. J. OTonr.rll, - - Co. Attornry,
Villi l'rfifllce In All Coortn.
Nxil Attention G'lvcu to Land ON
flte Business.
Collections and all business entrust
ed to me will receive. prompt stteutiou,
Hahiukon - Nebkaska.
Michael Ruffing, coirSaBVEYoa.
I am prepared to do all kinds of Clv!
Engineering work.
When in need of the Surveyors Services,
Rive me t-fill ns I huve a full iiml an
plete outfit, togetlier with exiKirierrje to
do the work with mitt hum ubtl ilisputt'li.
HARRISON. - - - - NF.EntSKA.
Yillagt; Itlacknailth saved hi littlw
miii'.i li!c.
Mr. II. II Black, tno well known vill
age blin k Htnitli at OraiiiimiVilU', Sulli
van Ck. N. Y., a:iy: "clur liitle aiiti,
five years old litis ulwavo ln uuhje,t v
croup unci bo bad bave tbe utliicks been
that we have feared tunny times tht
hewoulddie. We have luul the rloclor
and used ixmr, metticioea, out C!i;hiIht
nio's CJougb Itemedy is u-w our mbi ru
liiame. Ittetnlo dissolve il.etf'ticti
niiiciis and by giving freuen; duate
when tin; croupy eiyniploins f.per v.
have found thut tbe divnilid irwwp i
con d before it ixets setlled " 'lb-te is
no d'tneer in eivuig this ren.nlv fur it
con ui in no opium or other injunus
drug and may Iw give ascotifnli utly lois
babe as to an adult- Fur sale by 1)R. .'.
JJ. Puisxrr.
When you feel that life is hardly
worth the candle take a done of ( ham
Ur'aiu, toiuui:h and liver Tablets.
They will cleanse your stomach tone up
your liver and regulate your bowel
making; vou feel like a new man. For
sale by L'n, J. 11 Fhdwey.
To remove a troublesome corn or bun
ion: Firat soak the1 corn or bunion in
warm water to aoften it, then pare it
down us closely an pofsible without
drawing blood and apply Chamberlains
Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vici
ously for five minutes at each applica
tion. A corn plaster Hhould be worn for
a few days' to protect it from tbe shoe.
As a general liniment for Kprains, bru
ises lameness and rheumatism, Fain
Balm is unequaled. For sale by Dr. J.
E. Fhixset.
Made Tounj AT"tri
"One of Dr. King's new Life Pills each
night for two weeks has put me in my
teens' again" writes D. H. Turner of
Dempsey town, Pa. There tbe best iu
the world for liver, Stomach and bow
els Purely vegetable. Never gripe.
Only 25c at J. . Piq.vney'8 Drug store.
Many people worry because they be
lieve they have heart disease, Tbe
chances are tha their hearts are all right
but their stomachs are unable to digest
food, Kodel Dyspepsia Cure digest what
you eat and prevents the formation of
gas which makes tbe stomach press ag
ainst the heart. It will cure every form
os indigestion. Sold by X E. PraxVKT.
Six Frightful Failures.
Sis terrible failures of six different
doctors nearly sent Wm. U. Mullen of
Lock land O. to an early grave. All
said he hrd a fatal lung treuble and that
he must snen die. But he was urged to
try Dr. King's New discovery for On
sumption. After Uhing five bottles he's
entirely cured. It is poaitivelv guaran
teed to cure all diseases of the Throat.
C iest, La Onnne, Pneumonia, Kroechl-
t s, Asthma, Hay fever. Croup, Whoop,
ing Cough. 50c ami 1.00. Trial bottles
free at J. E. Phinneyr. drug store.
F.J I for ( Wonder.
Vditor W, V. flurry of Lesington,
Tnn. , in exploring mammoth rave orm
tnitod a severe cum of Pile, If f n
uiilck pure thmiiarh uIna Rbla'
Arnica Halve convinced him it Is another
worms wonder. Cures Pi lee. Initiates,
Inflamation en! all RnHitw sViaiu.
Only Vic at J. K, Pnornr'a,
. Ml
' -