Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 22, 1900, Image 7

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This is what you get when you buy CF.AMER'3 KIDSEY CURE.
The Cramer Company can point to more positive cures and
show more unsolicited testimonials than any remedy which has
been on the maiket ten times as loner.
Tln'iifflit Jit- Cmi'iiii'l l,o Cnro.l
A Ii miv, N. V., N..v. 2, l.-'jj.
Cit vt i- i Cm i ;:n ii, ( o.
I c n l i t- !v ii -ni i Ii joy roenrii
ti.r.'i'l y-'ui ('r.:ii-i K J 1 1 v ' m..s
it e '! ti'iy u r- i uc or' I i inn
cuh ii.iiiii Mh( ' it i r I liHfl
in i - up m v ii'i l i Inn I en M 'i
Ii.- c.iumI t I'ii'I 1 1 il i V' i y i ("in i!y
I at-,- f " it 1 n'li --i 'f n'iiM y i
hi! . I ie!7 if l il e st.
niw I- h.H on :ir'!i j il in.i'lt- n
'f I loom 1 f "'i' ini'i I f. ciinm.i m i
II, :i - H l.-'labV Ii. ( .!'' i li" lo I (; ,...
i"i I up in I V .i Ii i'i sol'.-i I t in
J t.i (. 1 . 1, l ; t: i - i k.
C'lmk iu ffec. id au' (Jilicc.
Send For J-nmpU-s to The
pntiw po3 nop
1'trth brCatJaCvlIto
lo .r t'.p i!-
t"i'- .
1 1 1 . ' ;
p.-r t - .
I r
11 v. .
.o.l II.
i v....
You Pay Nothing Until Cured.
Facts Stated by
My Former
ff Vnil Art Afflicted With
Rupture Don't Fail
to t c id them.
Hy Guarantee is, Valuable Be-
- . j .I., n -. . il
.... '
One Cent Until YOU Are
I preaepl U) the resiler of this paper
f n nm m vmi nn mil r tiv n
a f i,..iim,.iiiiil inters and names of
former pan-'ins whom I have cured ol
rupture. belieiiif thai l lie slllicled
would rather correnpoitil will! some one
who ha been cured than read what I
m rhl any abuui myself. They can more
fully luvealiuste Slid convince them
arlvet as lu the merits of my treaimenl.
1 could use this enure space Simrnilf my
i... k.i.... ii, .oi.in.iii
own praises, hul believe the statement
of th-iM I have cured will be more sails-
!. ,rv i,i ih- alMteied 1 will ask VuU
to write to any or ail of ihem. If you
are minded wnti what they any sbout
Biy r'-liatuliiy ami rnethndmf ireHinient,
rite io me or call and see me. Iteinem
ber ihat in at1 raaea I Kimrantee a cure
and d. nol ai.ee pi one cenl u( money nu
ll! you are well. (.'oiiMitiHiitin by mini
or in ieraon is enmely Ir--e. 1 will be
plenaed to ciirreap-uid wilh you rcgard
itiir your ra
Wanl-HI A fl-l I. Cei- l l.al, H"llns "
B.i- re l lir -niilTfia 1
It .luie null O l,r lr.ii.lil'1 f"r
i I -. il Hi tli,r w ei a -U.d
s,ui iii-" . ui of ry
I lllil Luie.l.
"cl'lterni'ii. Kan... Jure I, 1P8.
Or frneil llend-"n. han-a.rn. -.'
llear iniiir:-I ! aiid m te-t'tr.o- ai
letter ui yout a.-eidv aii- li-t. hoi.u.g io In
iueni-e iim nutlriei 10 ii 10 i'j i
I had a laid i-e of minute for ear and
ufta mi a-reet BKonr. I aenno Or Hei.deraoo
lid wanrimd in -lore fn-i-a. I esniml -a wo
aueli lor htm. I ktto i.e tin do ju-l I at he
aava l i an do, 1 lie d'-ctoi d- not a-a cue
,,i ,,f ,.i until toe eatietil -.a
(lie bt .f-:aiaiiite i.e (an on i- io in
ptraiAi aMbcied a I ui ati- er aujuue wno tuii.(i o, in a le week, wit boui .uo
Siho iciei tj o Bioie SbOdi m" ra-e JeeilitK me -,o a dannerouit and painful Opera
Veiy uuiy jo-ri " ubSO.. ,10n ( , (u,( , nmipieie and mnce ii.au 1
ba-e dinrned witu oi true aillioul lucuu-
r.vii for my niBTir. on thk ","IB.,rrM , , wh0 tn ,miclM )t0
L'VKK Of KLrlll''-. a-i'
laaalrealA Add Te.ilmnnial-r art a nil waa
7rm-.!.7 ...r ... elmi I Inn-
lie. F.rnm Henderion.
Mi Pear benoi - I de" ' to dd mr tfatlmo-
nial loilione you r:avr curd of ii.i'i' ' f
r. wa-s liad one and ou ma-iaa le.mar eni
u- n a ftjr' line w.-fcoul a n and I naier
loet a day ftoit mi "' I earmoi sy too
nS lor emit e-.ire ana -Sblliu no; uv ,. ii.
Ii rond.tion I mifur iicjii-and do, an
Ihsnk vou and weuid rercmriu r,o oiil K,:pir
aara loan, ft t' '.h.a If So I sm.
a.as b f a' f t Hil'i
mi: I) U iKi'kH ka.ana Aa
mo ia r-int hi tasM(. ov if aw
WHbvM CtlMavla.
Ti.j-4 it a II I Cull (!', lid ill ,'.
nii-ke bii. i iiii-r i c- whether ii l- ni '
dl (;n , w el in dr , C 'l I i.r wafin, s . r
or l Hllll j' Kl full Hie l lid 1 Mill II ..
VM'er grind f.id, li r1', n-in r c
r-1. ii i, -ini i. in vi i (1 umt s, ui any v i,r
tbel i- r qui e.l (if ii f.
Call Hi.il ai-e if at. work at
ALLE.i P. ELY & CO.,
I HO Bellas St., OMiHi.NK.
Me A Wo liny Hint Set! Ww r-i.J-U.iUil
StiflVrpil fir Twenty Yi nr.
Al iok.v, N. Y , I) -ir. 6. 1S00.
CltAVEtt I'll- m icai. 0 .
1 tinniy 1 v- I owe my life t
y-H r w !- i 1 r. imih. I', r L'i)
;. v !' I -nll.-ie-l wi ii Ui nee I ruiil.l-mii-I
c .1 I I liii't im ruin t uywiii rc.
1 j-ji - ni iiiiin'r.-'N : d'lll.ir - n do
'( lss.lt I Inc. oil I- n ml (-mill ll'ily
l'inii'ir:i:V r 1 1 f. t liiinMv tlo-i-i-lcl
ui trv Cr in i ' K d"ev Ope
c.i il i diii mi !. f r " e in (i e
ii mi1 Ii '.! iin i.l i ilic ii . 1 ii-' ii' s i li.i i
';r.. n in t it-.ity w-as. I utu ll vv
hi. i ii-ly we 1.
M ich r:r, ITi'kiins,
Chief A Ii.i.ij F.rc Department.
II i i1-
Li you
rt i- ,
it.lt UtouLiiii, L..v...ii'
Everj ;
ihO - li' fhif" In f.;.
V en po-oiinf
.Ov I r :- ii
I...1 W.. ;!).
: v" i -i i 1 io i.
T .1
... ( y urn
iiii.,i iHr aiiu
& CO,, 0I-1AHA. IIEB.
BufrVrrd for YHr I'tonounofl J neurit ble
by t'i i-Lir lait I1 lu k Tinnifc
Af'f llti tie Ua h .otiuii Muti
W II 1 reiliutit U Ali T iMt a
Cl'im-ii Ute t - ln k t..itiMr
W-J- b ieiniof I'ltl'iciug
Oiliem t I nk Ttml
, na-m.
Dr. T.mmt H"ndisron Kansas City. Ma.
-ar Wtx'ior; I wit to oiaie Umt 1 can mo
bt-artlly recommend 3 our rupture trrauuiit.
hmcewrly yomu 1 had U;en riuuly uubiud
wiui a riithl cruial ruinir that wa
nouncad In docton, lo be lucurabieexce:. i-
aiply. by adattueriMiurtficaloieiai'.iD, Hear
Inn of tour ireaiment I determined lo try tbe
aame and am id I did ao. lor, aftar laklni
your (fibioieut but three weeka lam oownouuu
and ail. Vour irsaimeiu la all lual you claim
lor It
If thla tetter will
Ill do you any rood I would be
n u luu,.ciuu i 1 1 " ' . -. ,. ' ..... ms -
hmay lthe mi-ait. of inducing o I ben to uk
3ur lieaimeul and be cured.
Your. reieitimy,
' om-
box i IiKK, Vvr-.IE IU III A liot T
1 .1 , r
flliiUTt ImefitSnei-a-ftil
Fiamined Oth-
ar I'Mlt HlkM l I-'.miimI Cure ret-iil.ineut
ilrtil Ihiiii lii the liulii . 'I liiuka
IbUlli llti.t llut.oiiul lrt
uieit t uf in. U,y.
becembar ti, IKt,
To whom It may concern:
Tin. will con,) -iiat i nave taken in. Krneit
penue""" ireaimem f.-r rupiuia and Hut I
fli d ii eutiifciy ii' ee-nfui. I baie examined a
n, ( ,;,,,. iu.i ha ha. ireaied and I
HhlJ lhl, m ,K.rn, ,,! cure baa been made lu
..,( cn- enun-d. I hae waiched th-a
tia'.meiu i--r aontf time a I have been In thli
hue of buttif myneif. havuiK been an ext-ert
tr-iu liter (or a nnnilxir ot yraia. 1 urdeva
thi ia lite nionl raiional ireattueiil of the uay,
ai.d tlial he villi be ntitee.ntul in eerv ca-e, 1
moukI ruol iieaituy lecouiniei.d auyone ntiba
ruplute in eolt-otlt Ilr. Menueiou,
Yen' r'lM'i ilnlli yi-ttl.
JaO'iu Uhll l.b, ladejietidenca. Mo.
nri ron my iuisatisk on tub
cl iik or la-pi tin-:. -E.vr to vou
I nllirran Mlnlt"r (Inri-il A fter u(T-rlni; Ma
lrwr 'I li-'l HHiir I eil-.-a bill 'I l-i-v All
Jt a i l-il I pull A-lv.ci-l lie. I-. rii-if-I
i ,il -riirtli.,, tin., lr r.l Or. llnu
drroii, ill.- ItMpinre a.ieclulii.t
ol km..i I My.
The Care w. iinii. In Uaa Iil.pm.ed
wit l ri,-e. Vi . An-wer I etiia
Fruui I liune .irtlieleil i liu Wish
Sur,li.-r I'Mrtie-ilHi-a.
Kana City. Mo.
TnH la to re-tlfy lhat 1 have ntiilori-d for all
yarwitna .eiy I. ad inp-um ami durtiia .11
0' lie nine I I'e-e viorn dirr.'fi-iii kind of nu4
e. dai and ii.yni won u.e l.uina ol edi-ciina a
cd .. nul ii t-r a, I fa. eu-tacy only held the
rniciire in place
I' pun I lie adv.i-e of Hee T. PfelrTer of Sedalla,
uui'tture f-.-n veiiM. put W . lull i.f li.utau. Clir
wo,, ci.tt.ill'eil or r.riir-tt iiuuuei a.iw. it,
la,, iro ib e I dowrite iru. anil neariilj lecura
ai.nd In. Iliindernon tteatnieni. Alilone de-
iiriiiB ami .t.liiin.tiiiiiu will pleaia appiy 10
. pai.oi.a,i) or in le-ier i am,
no. ,o. imSi,,,
N H lu ri'.lnf pieuae aucioae a aiauip lor
..,, ,iiir-A
,VHKN lUlifcl),
NerTroiihe Af ar Flrai Ttealmenf, Whluli
sra. I-untena lllil Nl luleileea l lib
It in k mikI I in eil I . I.e a I lin one
ainiilli !! y iiii.meiiil I ralineiil
lo All Itnpuira su(l..raia.
H Free.- len.1'on -t W. tb St C-iy.
Mf Penrb-'i -I -' a-r.ie mil unid ,e.ua, to
av nai )eu na-e ir.auea , TTai:eni u- cf rat
tva tatt waMa atviifn aaaw.aiaiaa ll.rtai
"And here thcie rnm'i to nn fill
Die dory rf ritii.e tie J 1 y Maid of
Afloat, tet foil!) la verse Ly Aifid
Tuiiiyi-dn. n.a le In to t" is book by Helen
t.iuiieau an Vec. i -n at tin? on
poer Piess, wMcli Is in W::t-au, Wis.,
at the tin Fl;:n r-f the ("Jrcei Tre3, v.- til
(over, title puge and i:i!!tl til dijcn.i
Avnta IS. sfttt anl : i h . 1 thi iMrl
ci.iy of August. W.i " U th qunirit y
trinted Irs ri it io.i li the lack rf t:-
riair.ty ed:iinn of 1 l:.ln?. is; u' iJ ft i.-n
U.e I'll I' fi r cr 1 re-?, f'o t,t-1i. t f-.il t .vj
I.e. n tl.e v. ;i Kir an-!.ip nf t'is yi.o.i Omt
It lia3 t.e'-n so.' I ' 1 ull over the l.'i 1!-i-d
Pt'itrg as with ut eqti :1, an' a re
cent lss-e of th Cr.lls di-voted cvcr.-.l
pa fits to pictures ami 3:ilptk.a ci
the Philorjher orce and the arustic
tiuok it has published.
Ixird Tennytnn'E bpautiful poem losci!
nothing by the tetiinj; hv.r? gi.'en I"..
'.i' rtlnt bl.ick type.-in!tl il t-tla In l o ,p
ing with tl.e poem and a simple yet le
Kant title pipe are combined to null
tl.ls littif voluwi; a J.y to the hu k
.over. Anrl"abov all, whili "r!!-i ou t
rare." tfitr'j is n' t'.i. K EJUy aU.ul it.
I -Tl-.n Art
i-al for i-'i;.
i by 1'ir.f. J.
ii.a f tujy a
I : rirrpt'j
' dent c-;ia i
,3 r:: nifi.
a v:t , k j
--t L-
,i. Ill I..1-J' ha. U is I- -,:.y
tilt I i II -r j il h'TlS ':u' Ii: -i'1!!
; yet coiiip-; ebers iv a fiu
)' am any part "f it in a f
w!,f'i'? it t;;ke:- v. i.,.i i-i r.tii r
, Vi.lunnn. As ti ( auth
i is written f'.r the purp-.! of Ri-:::-.
: ti.e y.iutir f ttnl -.U inio the r'r'n p ith.
1 t.i.d of giVi.-;r him fio.n v.- i i lr.
j i!ii:e in iifrlsf-s tint are not fr.'y cf
I ni uie to lilm, Lut are po: I'i hit:
! ('riinccs In th way of MulnarriisR t )
j write iroM. p-ir and (inn f:nv!ti. 1'iie
utility of the b--;k is fount cli'ef.y in
j its nseieUes. ' Theye me short, f.om
v.hi.h the studsrt Ciin m u-X ov.-b
; ciff.icna. A-i I'rof. iltl j hii n uinrh,
ti short ci"-iy of ti.oi Hum, chrefully
land thorotr.riy poiiKn-d. wiij uu mn
tor the pujill th'ui a wordy e-my 0 f .
ciany puss. tree l-o la- hcei !'...-. n
the way,
o the p
The bo.,k
it ' i ?!Oi: y
die h.,.r::i.
it Is tin
rind m
a bout
wh:i ouyi
t the ti
every so
t lo
; : i r
for tl.e
ii, h bnr.li..
ii U (.').)
;e. U'ubi
;d by L.
nt to
II -Oika ,'.
Slorv in i' e I. :;'
f'o:,, by tir. Fro I.-:-:
on of thr? exi.oiiiiion,
Ipeolrif' tternla. ( th'e
(e,i,; Hi uu. ne en -,-o.i -e,,
1 1 I ir,ir .el no v i .-. roef
ti h.-l If, e e en', amt u,.,i
1 a ii r nti 1
B.fin. 1 f no ii ' I liOil vnur-'-i,.
our si,-:ii mem ;( e ttioe -s :"l rl'rl not wo;i
Irnm Hi- vtvtk. A cum wes maue iu le t..an
t-nftlet? wl'ldnwhst lean for j-nn a mi
iiiterins; fnonvh titm ito.sI lu-urtily rcei.r.not.11--li
rni'inre'1 lo v,:,ir tn-iite"t. Von rou
tine ilil u'liur If you ues-tte. 1 lie to renoiii
jourlneuii M. KbTliA.N.
K. O. Sioe' Vanlor41nLiinu::aiiri
rON-flTVTHlN II V AI A -1. Ott IN IT.lt
Yntlt CAE.
BuBOi'd With Vnfl f'e fir 0"-t VSre fp
n-.M oi luttil 11 An I..H.C-T A fir
li.,.,,liti; Ail-'-t iii-nt ('i-nelt-ilt-il
lu iHke Tib.iIih nt I'aUl I'ur
Wl Ii I'lfnK- r it I Obnlly
Writ- AtiynlK- About La e.
Kananty. Mo., June 3, 1900.
Dr. Kmeit Ilnndenxin. City ;
My Pear Picli-r:Ii in with pleamire 1 Inform
you ihal I am enilrclv cured ol a bad cn ol
ruilure. for which von treated me ttrnt snout
twoyearsaao I nattered lib a very bad rup
ture lor over ne (earn many limes It a M
bad I could -e a reel')' reiain ii with Ihe aid of s
tniM. Aa Ujj rupture u couaiantty i;eitin
wote. and the aln o great. I could not aland II
anv loniier. I a much dlacouraxed Artel
reading your advertuement over a d ovei
ir.il. I CTl?i"4 t? vntr lrMitmnt arid
.tlT.'..".!.'..'..'. ii,. In U than On!
week, ,m Klad 10 wy after such a ItinK tlntt
of aiitlerlnr. I am abnoluieiy iound ana men.
i ..
, U1 yourfe wllh ieaure. and mill feel ihai
lowe you adeblotKratliude which Ihiito
pav hv liiduc-nu ot her mifferera to so to you foi
tiealment. thereby doing a klndueiw to I ben
'TwUlildly write to anvon. ahout mr caae.
Ialmwi fnriot to iy tlial I conmdeied yotii
oilnr of --receivir.i! no pay until a cure wa, et
reeled'' as the beat Kuainniee you cmud Klve
,,") ' ,tr,l me eoiilldenca I
your i res i ment. a Hin a I talked to you,
auuecuuuy your ini'iiu.
J. . nAMMli-K.
ll kins I but Hi blruet.
tiif. foi lowivfl ii svr. urr.y rrit""
OP Iti ri'l'IlK, AND AUK Slil.lifTK.Il A'
II.lMXI.tl KltlMI M AN V I H AVK fl'ltl. .
IikeR--ynor, t Fwinitsi., Kansas City, Ka
A. K Oi-ioii. iii'Plier.,ri, l'a.
knber t J. Hrock, couuiy auorney, Manhattan,
N. M. Kent. )! Orrhard St.. Chlctiro. ni.
ocar billon, Vol Campbell Si., Kauaiia City
II. M. MrDonaM. Pen-mn. Kaa.
jl. v, iieblw. mi'tN liihSt., KsnaaaCHy. Kaa
A. Yonnu, .H-nH indn.,r Ave , Ivat.i-ai. Cit. Io.
J ft. Maninrnck. piuiiibiiitf. IW si. Dill 61., Kan
aa. Otv Mo.
Tho. pjtlo Kaiinaa Coy. Mo.
YV. C. Peak, groter, Hi Central Are., Rapwi
CbV. Ka
f., welch, cai" GooJlander Milling Co., Fl.
pr. T Y. Hatker, 11IJ Brooklyn Ave., Kanaai
Cl-V Mo.
Herman liar'-H. Kam-ti. Oily, Mo,
w m. I.i tin. tit, iim.iii Ka4
M. 0. I la ri ceil, '-I- I-elm Ml., Bt, Jen. Wo.
Fred llaiper i ll bid ai.aAvs., kau-a) CltT
William vVsltmaa. 4IP Fandli Court, Kanaai
tl'V, Mil.
Hnv. K. P'eiffer. Sedalia. Mo.
It. J. Champion, Anuoursiailon, KannaifMtj
J. T Wnoi. merenanl, creenwood, jaeksoi
county M"
nun T Hummer 3I Kdmond St . 81. job mo
V ill II I'a-tt.r. ' I N. S rins; Ave M. mihIh, Mo
. Fted Pharen. 01? Cherry M , Knnasi City, Mo
Fi. It pem.ue-1 Ksnnaaf.'ltV. Mo.
R. H. Qriintb,2.r7 Lyceum ilidg., Kansni City
Tbomai McMaboo. 704 S. 7ih St., St. Louts.
It W Pement restaurant keeper, 109 T. ltb
St.. retldc nee iUi' bocual St., Kan.aa C'liy, Mo.
Child a month old
G F Sum aaaiaia ill county aurreyor, Indo-
pemitnre Mo
W .mn-n Daker, Hall a Summit, Kaa.
W.illtm II Sa'". HI Car Ave,, Armourdale.
w b Orav. K-anoerrr. Mo.
W. T iViniaie. Aniiiv i-o
Purl Maxne.i. Vailey Fail Ka
C Sandv f S Kama. Ave , Kan-rnClty, Faa
Jnmea lilcMoekin, i32 Tulllj Court Kanai
C.iy Mo
r-ank Cra.. ISih sod Topplnf Are., Kauaat
Oity. Mo.
IC3 itt Nistk UitV,
iilSASU.Y. .... tissca
J BOilASC- cr A r.ciL
I A few of us lineieJ in the
B.V..i.g IlK-l.l HI i- I I j.iii a Jfl iaiH,
isci( I uii lioinie j.j.1 x Uangi'iS
i biii'A iii-.t-r the itfl i.i'l K'-I,e 10 "-
' U i...y liii v,B.i tuu i i.iiii arriVfU
, la..e i..i '. liay j i.i re 4a jr pai iy
i in he i.uu,', but i o.d lie. t.i,ow iiuii
j Wiin ct last we Lrolie up. Jack
; Tail i.u.i..i, buu: "I'll i..i.e juu by a
t.wi.-i (u.. 1 kimw my roij u.ojtj i've
been -.! ing lure t- oIli ii ."
I .i.o ,i..ij..ni (uaii in ing knowledge
I ll.l.OU.J I, I,. I iil'II.SA ull Up-Jl
spate, m-re a wlu,t of mghl
a.,- f x i in u.uli' U all our cuud
its. in at ,i time door, up and down
IV.'.) f.i-iu.s ui ia, Is. in una out ot ev.
nul (ci.doif. till ui Ijbt Jack paused
bt-ivji e a i',(inrd door.
"t.tie you in e. liejrpy." he said to
C:e. "Ill is where ou l.ve."
i turned tiie inmate and went in.
Ti,P lo'Oiu was (J ni K . i lie biindu were
low ii, ln- cuiviiiis elue Ciiiwii I
felt iriy way louaul the niiiiiliepiece,
;il.iiii by ioe pasup;e lijjiil ltKaiih'j
Lor. 10 il , Ik' OJIi'i) OOliI'
"t . i.ioiiud it no matches?"
". ore, 1 li;,vc." i-a.'l .l.irii
'il r ! ,iin ow l.n.i-d op. Icokefl
rti in ;.,! . niiinii iliin II -i not the
ivi.i.i v, i.ere I b..rj dro-seif for (l oiit-r.
'li.i-ii wiie none ol n.y I'eloniijys
i,r. :i... 'I he di s ,i i; tal ie uiiU OS
l:.iii .,r v.o.s lrn.i i in hiee and piuk
I ls; ii.tie wt'ic m n-iiil li.iiL.iie
;,. i,i... s to U- si i ii pii i of miver
ii .i.o.ni Imir bi us-aei-. a lo. ndiuss in
i,,'n r fi a), e. iiiioii.oi ol 1 1 iiii.t-;;-:,
bii.i'i .eis. riio.'s aiiii Loojooiio. an iory
iiv or .Vi.i i.ml he'l e li. .1 ii itutiii u!'
i. -.ay u lii.ck cod ol n-u.lisli biowii
",: s not n;y inrin. Where ihe mis
thi. I have ,ii Inoii'hl me. J.k'1-.V i.L's
a irrj .-i.r Jo,,c, lois."
"l. n.-ii --,n iiinins n.miV! 'Sou,
Hi-; ; i.ml Jaeiv o;o.:e uiii ot that !"
'i i..s i.s an i!p;ii..C'i w lnpei Irom
the r; on door, ft i.i i ii l o:1 ov sLood
iilit,l;.! io the cm m i- lu-.il ll III. I
'ii. i . mil. i v,,..w i.ui! i hi- li, ii was- !
in 'li;,; (oii.or. M d 'li Ilie oed a 1 e
tinul 1 1.1 r.Hiiic. Ihe bead plainly visi-
b.e. 1.
up in seine s.H I
.1.1 I .. t.o , so ll A
.1 liuilv Slii.
P .linoi:
p. Hi
.....in,.! asloi
i de
t li
t i e i
. I,
-.. ,.o I,
,!.il a
.nil i:
1 . . e
1, i.
i- iii rp.-.-
eu1 1 IO.
;, .tin i.
.m I.
r. I,
1 i.e
hi in
:. io
I in. I,
i t.io i;
:nis,- (,f
i ... h.e
p oi I.
I h.ld
i.-it i :i
n , 1 1 . 1 1 1 " s . ami I hen t lie swish
mm', 1 1 lien v i ,i p, :i ud I i.e e.ej;
--e s,i'j.t o s on tiie floor
(ii..'? oi.e I'l.iiiirr, one Iie.jie
:::ot snp on. iolore she-ei.s
I, ,e, l.ut t.o.s w.is (one next
fur Wil IC I St0..ij ibelv hold
iiei. ;ii sir- ion up ug.iiiis.t me.
- H
lie., iin I.
il:g my
'I otic whs a
no d isiii ni.u
isj). a nit, I Mil cam, un.i
io come.
Fu.i.ii.g out m.v hand I quickly siez
lier i y the wust.
"Ubiic is it? What do you want?
How dare you?"
1 apclugi.ed eagerly, nay. numbly
I had come to the wiong loom Now.
when 1 wauled to leave it, Ihcy sdiul
lire door in my face-
"They? They? Who nre they ? Tel.
me. or I will go siraighL ui l.ady
Freshfird." As I hesiuind In tictruy
my liicnds, nhe went on quickly
"11 does nol mailer. I know you
Cop!. Fhnyre. 1 saw you when llieic
wins a light, rrccgui.etl you, uud 1
know your voice."
"Fui 1 don't know yours"
"I'm glad to hear ll. Isu't M right
I should remain unknown? Have you
any chivalry left in you Or are 3v.11
.-St you cr.ll-.ri the dUer, a cad?'"
" 1 v 0 . i i "y . ii i V " . ii ii ii
known. No one shall licnr u word ol
this from me. And if other dare In
talk, I'll cruin the words down ihrir
"Thank yon, Cap-' Thnyre." and n
she Koke quite soflly nnd low. I fell
her hand just, -touch my coalalpcve
Hnd mine, and shake Ll winb uunuatak
able graiitude.
It wns she who nowjjprnerl the door
lor me. nnd for a 9 short aeronds
mo a Kill figure in Unlit, loose drapeiy;
then I turned nnd tied. Fled, but not
so fast that I quite esrnped n blow
from some missel thrown tifier inc.
anil it must lime been ly b .
Something certainly snuek me on
the back, find ns I stooped to pick i't
tip found n tiny bedroom slipper of
pale blue silk, embroidered in seed
jicuris. 1 seized it, nccrting it as an
omen of good luck, ns n 1-oV.en of
frit 'miliums perhaps of forgivenets.
Why else had she thrown it after me?
K was not -the only relic of that
night's escapade. 'A'lun, by and by, 1
gv.it. back to my own room, not with
out H long search, nnd empti-ed the
prxi-'a of m.v smoking jacke-t, I found
Hint I had ah;o carried o(T the coil of
lcdiFsh-hrown hnir.
1 lwilicd nt -these -two trophies with
minglid fi clings. The slipper please-1
me, but I v,aa vexed and disappoint!
by the hair. 1 thought of the pi-erKy
fiJt the tlippcr bad framed go neatly,
and Im gan to frame a theory t to its
owner. Then I caught sight of the
false hair and shuddered. I was hurt,
srvoclred. annoyed. If 1 went near fall
ing in love with the slipper, remember
ing bow I got It, -there could b no
aort cf romnnce in a wig.
There was to be big ahoot the
Bert day, nnd we men fill came drwn
early. I ctitigbt Fnlrholme alone and
was about to give him n bit of my
mind when he broke in with:
"My word, lleggy, hut you're In
luck. Don't you knrrw who It wit
lust n'i-K? I set my mother' maid
to find ont. I'll tell you."
"'Uiujmvrot. Thr, it wis T.ndy I!-
loves, she's worth piK-s. Fat, fair
43. No liwtimhrnnees, only n
tileee. Ask her to marry yon the
urwf. nrt -lie rih-ee. If alio won't corns
to me. I'll make her."
"Drop It. Fidrlm'm, or . must irof
your neqno'ntanrje." 1
All he romance fioVal art A thr
taaidcut vvLa I loU tvt Lad? fat-
owes. This womanfat, ir.l Mle-: g J,
pa.-se. the heroine of the prev.uus
0 y li-t's artif uture! Now 1 undersUud
ibr false hair.
Lady Fell .v.-ct did nrt eem to be
inucli allet-ied by v, hat bail happiiied.
Hie did no4 look my way. but lead
bet lelier. ate her biieaUi.tSt compos
edly and tu-limed in a most discreet
and matier-ol-liiei lash on.
Not fo her n.eee, nil exceedingly
pret'ty pirl. whose brown eytb bifjaii
at once to roam around tin tall ', ai d
1 soon cane. lit lliein restinsf on me.
At 11 est Willi a look of amusement, I
thought, chocked ins antly; then wvih
a vivid blush and a frown as he
dropped them demurely. IJer aunt
of course had iold tier
Lady Fresh ford summoned -the
shoc'inp party to start, and for 4he
rest of that day I was engaged id the
It was nol until we werp assembled
in the dm wing room that I sow Miss
1-ellowes. ami men I wtm up n.iK.i.y
to I.nd v I'reshford and asked her to
send ns in to-je-iher.
When we liad Kntiled flown into our
se.-Ks I went on with Ihe usual com
monplaces Still no reply. Indeed,
she turtle "her hark on me nnd lioan
she turned her back- on me run! bipan
talking with pieal animation to the
1 1 ii ii on the oiiii r side. It w.-ik Ihe
Cioarest ease of cjt, ami 1 began to
feel like a fool.
Id lat'v evideutlv lind nl;rn my
conduct in I -nd part, and had seit the
i girl iipnii.s-t ;oe. It. did nol increase
I i i v love for Ji-ck Fairlioline, hut what
was I to do.
j Flic coiit lined obstinately dumb, and
. a'iogeiher miniied my eisfenee. It
; v.a so mark'-il that 1 saw I.ail.y Fcsli
I foul lool: her way vi;li a li-.ilf lis
i trio si (I. Iia'f amos"d gianee. and ncd
t .w.iul me. as tliongh reiiundiiig her
i of ilea-ineiit that amounted to pusi-
ti vn d oi i-lesy.
Mi-s Fellowes responded io the ap
I peal bill slraiigeiy. S!ie d.d nol speak,
j oii'y blushed dieply, a blush Hint
! criinsoned even her neck and sdiould
j er?.
I was siczed with a sudden inspira
t.ioe, "Mi s Fi lie wes " "Sr answer. "Miss
l-'ellowcs " No answer "Fray lisien,
evm if vrn w II net sj enk. I believe T
have semi- rd yr.ur property. 1 should
lilce to restore ii "
"Vru would rot be 0 base. SO utl-
e n ! !e oi i ri ' i ': e "
'"'.fi il,e f!I-vo r" I v.er.-t on, calmly,
.,l.(,.., f r .,;,' , ! v.,- r i in ,my
"I s'-a-! 1 eel : )' i' a '-' on eni r:
ii -. iooc Fit; brir. you
:. i.i
, c i- : ,
innct '--nk
; wi:ii!,ut it
I'i eve,
oti th
O-ee ;-:
low nn v.v-1 -.;
at bavtf I
" Sh" ilioi.ist
e ; r- i',;e, en I the
-."ii'.. n-re vi-rv i';ir her tin;' eyes.
"Wbv r'o v ol ci-; no-? !)o I d vcrv;
I'o-.r? V"i l.rou' ii was nol mv I'.-ot't
. 1 10 n I'v bast nigUi 3'0ii aeoepicj
to v ,, p- b' r:fo-"
"' ;iV I hrii're, vou are real!-.- too ter
rible That is no: my false hair."
"'tit it was in vr-ur room"
"TI in is iiii-i rev room. That Wan
r-unlic's renin Phe i a vei r liad
slci -el, nnd sometimes likes to chanke
i-er bert So jt night she look mine
nii-1 I hera "
"r;o it's bcts -ihe hair. I mean?"
"II -sh1 She ntiiy bcai ; t,:iu v.oti'J
not foiL'tve us"
')ii(-stt'i she know'?"
" ith'iiii! not u Fvlbible I Men? she
never -.-ia M if you ran only t.eep
hose h'-trld companions id 0ui'
qu et I beitt ve I can tiusl V i "
"Thai vou can. Fnt the sbiiper, li'
fl'n vot is i f course? Why don't you
tin ii,.- 1. 1 v,iv?''
impulse: perhaps T bated yon "
"Fm not sure she sat.) shvly. "An
im,iiilsei perhaps T haled you."
Not now. Mirrlv?"
Ami in Ihe end she became Mrs.
rUuy re. London Illustrated Newa.
a lleiilmm-e viuiiiiia
On the tonibsione of .lohn Donougli
cf New Orleans ihe following maxima
nre engraved as Ihe nieichant s guide
to young men in life-
lieiiicinber Ihai labor is one of the
?ondiliins of existence
Time i gold; throw not one minute
away, bill place eaeb one lo account.
Do unto all men as you would be
done bv
Never put ofl' till to-morrow whatyou
can do 10-day
Never bid anolher do what you can
do yourself.
Never covel what is not your own,
Never th nl any matter is too tripling
ns not to di serve net ice
Never give out wlia-t does not come
Do not spend, but produce.
1et 'the greatest order regulate tiie
ac.ions of your life.
Study your in course of life to do
the greatest amount of good.
Duprivp yourself of nothing that is
necessary to your comfort, but live in
honorable simplicity and frugality.
Labor, then, to the last moment of
your existence. '
'I he waste of the world would erase
the need of the world.
At last, after many months of dark
ness, Sig. (risriii, Italy's aged Kt,nc-3-mnn,
is able to see, owing to the re
moval if a cstnract from each eye.
The other day he rose wtith the band
ages still nominally on, Jmt after
brenkfastf he was ld to an open win
dow of the Villa Ieria, where he lives
in Naples, under which foirctches the
glorious bay, with Its islands end
amolring sentinel, glilitcring ns only
the Mrditcrnnenn can In -:he sn, and
the clollm were removed. ,As Ms eyes
became acctist'imed to tne sunlight
nnd fell tiion his favorite view, he
drew a long lin-atll nnd his evos filled
villi tears. Alter n rest the np-ed
stniiesmiin had the pleasure of open
Inrr his own lehtrrs nnd telerrrnms, of
tvliaeh many were congratulations.
"I bouirlit ttli's cane of ymi yew'er
day, nnd you sn.id the liandie wns gen-
nine Ivorv, but 1 find It's Imltntion."
"Indeed? Why. I irrler my gooda
llrert from re-ylon. but H'a nfff Im-1
possible, of emiirse. that te elephants
ttvar wtar fa lax Hk." j
Offl e 0r 315 . I Hh Mr.
ftffii'eM-n coillimnlv lrm .".
9 ti.ua. daily, unitiir f"m .iiiiiiJ
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'in V- trealineut ..full frmfll.K.MK
ASU uiisimnKitu of MEN only.
ycurm cxirrieiee. IS y,m Iu Oiuli.
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APHDIANEKTC r It E V, V A It A . Ti i I'i !
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NAIL It A l, (IKK (lint tins yet been US
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Nu'-PPF.A KINO 001" on tliesMn or V,,rt
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ilebty. Pimples oil llie l'.,e , I' tins i tl
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STDIPFIinC quickly enr' il with a le w
I 1. 1 1 U IlC nd ti.fabiH- ln.iii- l-it-d.eni.
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3l i uoea, (J icet.
Coiistt lutloii tree. 7'rerttutiiit ly Muil.
Me.licin. s -cm everywheie, free fro... gii.
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Says s a. in. to 5 ii. in. P (I. Hnx '.Kit. of r
' i, , ,,- I.-,,.,,,,,,,
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CI tai 103 V.. Ctb St., ,
f!.. n roort err
!.s:.1i; (,
t-rthon?.!'! by
Miv V it C51 '
1 !s 1'Jit., I A I, I1'
r3 guar,-.; o-il or rnooer r
.e. it, Aii 11:. o,CO,..f Hlt'lil 1 ij
i.iy for u(-no nti-reury .-r :
4 1
i i'A innona r
.! ( j tooti-m .1.
o, eelnesi
p:-.. -- f
ted by read io f ''
& ' ": J .... i:o;. i:iw sftnt ever
where, free from Raze or brete-inee. i me-.V
eiteas-ntC. O. l..,only by awiiien. Uta. !
low. Ovur 0.uaj enaes eureu. Aiwaml
auea ere imi..rt ,r.t, Stutu J'-var ea-e. H .
tor term. Cormiiltation froe aad cooJusoutJe
perioaaily or by loUr.
Seminal Weakness Tlot
and bexual Debility, liwominxn--
es-caosina leses by droattas orv. ith tbe
ptmiilns ami blotches on the itiee ry hen of b, J
5o toe bead, pains io buck, c.ulu4l
forteetfulness, baslifvluess. aMaion to iwjJ
inS of Eexual Dower, iona oi mantiood, tme
taaee. .to..- cured for Ufa. I "B 'I
UwKoa. rnstore eerual power, res-t .ra nerve andj
brain power, eel aree and f,trer.ffilu we partai,
and make jou lit for marriage.
s , n .1 .ov, . ... arxt
StriCttire ;?i;,"fie Trt.i..l. Nie
and Gieet atrullientK, no pain, n, T.
Hon from business, cure i''"'""-
aud list of questions free sealed.
' . pormaueotly ctirrat
Private Diseases or money rrfui.
above diaeases. the effects and c tire. Bent wale
m plain wraptKsr for 6 eo.t.f ''" 'Tuoe
.honld read this book for the InformalMai "
aontaina. ... -
H. B.-State eas. and ask for list of qb-ob
A l-arge Monthly Magezlne,
fs r.on iuuy for mailing. It confains,
l large number of interesting facts,.
itrange and peculiar incidents, also glv-
ng- several new portraits of p&.iil
onnected with the Kharas Concerns tt
lova and Nebraska.
Xis y ALijHLSS. Wr.te for It.
Prof. Theo. Kharas, Pub'.isher,
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Omana, NeU
SPECIAL. Tours to Flor'da, Key "West,
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ent. HALF ltntrs for the round trip t
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RATES lo Hot Springs, Ark., the fa
mous Water Hesoit cf Amer
ica, on sale every day in t"n
Tickets now on sale to all the win
ter resorts of the youth, (rood returnieff
until June 1st. lul. F--r rates, de
scriptive matter, pamphlets and any
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