Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 22, 1900, Image 1

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- 4 "'.
:eca.:r,:r,iso:n", istebisica, Thursday, tstost. 22, 1900 lao. 21.
The Commercial Bank.
Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PRESS-JOURNAL
C. F. Coffee, President F. W.Clarke, Cashier.
Ciias. C. Jameson. II. S. Clakkk, , A. McOinley,
Stockmen having vkj? for a bank at this point may rely on
us to l.amllc their entire Hanking busint-H.
K4iVTp nro prepared to take rare oT our trade at all tmiesu
pF5np.r,Tsit ki hh g5-
Sul)s i ii.tion I'rlc IVr Ycnr fl.OO.
Official Paper of Sioux County.
(ko. I). Canon, - Editor.
:iw.n l' ht
1 mmJk WIW!
1 !t tj
0 '7M 2
Then? are snio raorchants, says the
fh-t)ini)"iifi World, who advertise be
Mtise lliey huve hearJ it is policy.
5-kmi liecause tl'py hitve been t"ll it in
Tof! table. Kime liwrause they wact lo
l.elp KUpport thf xifier. Alt these read
or.H are (rood b it there is a belter one.
Y(Hi shoule advertise be'-mma you know
it makes you money. Thure is only oee
way to do that a rKu'ar systematic
ilan of campaigD that reaches yor cus
tomer's often. Always with some new
thought. That keeps you and your bus
iness befor the people.
The Xeuninp of Church Bells.
How many of us, fainilar though we
be with the aweet strains of tho cbuub
bell, untlerstantl or better yet how few of
us have ever fe'iven the matter any con
sideration whatever, yet our 20th centu
ry church bells were prefigured when at
the express command of Jehovah, Moses
ordered two silver trumpets should be
blown, to announce the great festivals,
and to assemble the people for divine
worship. Church bells were symbolized
-when Joshua was commanded by the
Lord of hosts to take seven priest with
seven jubilee trumpets, to sond the
seven consecrated trumpets seven times
around the city of Jericho, to destroy its
mifhty walls.
Church bells were typified when David
Inspired from above made musical inst
ruments of various kinds, published
Psalms, and appointed them to be sang
he playing upon the harp. .
Owing to the bloody perscutions, dur
ing the first 800 years of the Christian
era special messengers made known by
a gns the place of meeting Ater the
conversion oi ine emperor uonsianiine,
the faithful were summoned to divine
worship by symbols or tables of brass or
or iroo, struck like a gong.
The introduction of bells in the church
dates back to the 5th century, and it as
cribed to St. Puulinus, an Italian Bishop
the joyous chimes in cities proclaim lo
all, the birth of the Saviour and his tri
umph aver death, on the occasion of the
death of a loved one the beautiful custom
though in our day practiced in rural
district only, in a little country town in
Michigan, we Ant heard the bell from
the Methodist church announce the de-
uartura of a soul (or paradise.
The church bells is Ood.s sonorous
vole reminding all of his word, his works
and his presence. The sound of the bell
should be dear to us, from the fact that
iU marry strains are beard carroling our
joys, while its sad strains are mingled
with our tears by the plaintive pathos of
our ever faithful friend the bell.
Those who say ther will forgive, but
east forget an injury simply bury the
hatctwt while they leave the handle out,
caady for immediate u St. Moody,
- i l r
ar V W
at m m
-- "FV
6? try
f . . 'J
Office as f-troNu ii.ai-m Matuu.
7 1 '
LIC. Every Mond.iy and Thursday a .news-
pa per as Rood as a mairazine and bet
ter, for it contains the latest by tele
graph as well as interesting stories is
sent to tho subscribers of the "Twice
a Week" Republic, which is only $1 a
The man who reads the "Twice-a-wetk"
Republic knows all about affairs
political domestic and foreign events; is
posted about the markets and commer
cial matters generally.
The woman w bo reads the "Twice-a-VVeek"
Republic gathers a bit of valua
ble information about household affairs
and late fashions and finds recreation in
the bright stories that come under both
fha henilinra rif fuet. and fiction. There
is gosir1 about new cooks and a dozen
other topics of especial interest to the
wideawake man and woman.
If you wish success in life, make, per-
seyeiance your bosom friend, experience
your wise counselor, caution your elder
brother, and hope your guardian genius.
Great learn iiiu consists in an aggre
gate of an infinite number of little facts
which have been separately mastered.
That great philosopher, John Locke,
("aid, "The chief art of learning is to at-
temn but little at a time. The widest
excursions or toe mind are made by
short flights, frequently repeated.
For the special "benefit of our younger
readers, and it may not be out of place
for those of more mature years, to
peruse the fol towing:
One of the commonest mistakes, and
one of the costliest, is thinking that suc
cess is due to some genius, some magic-
something or other which we do not pos
sess. Success is generally due to holding
on, and failure to letting go,
You docide to learn a language, study
music, take a course of reading, train
yourself physically, work with the bible
will it be a success, or failure? It de
pends upon bow much pluck or grit and
pemerverance that word "decide" con
tains. The decision that nothing can
overrule, the grip that nothing can de
ta:h, will bring success. Young people,
should remember the old Chinese pro
verb, "With time and patience the
mulberry leaf becomes satis."
On last Saturday night at Limon, Colo
near the scene of the heinous crime,
wbch lie had committed just a week be
fore, Preston Porter, a negro was burn
ed to death at the stake. Thus in order
to agneve a wrong, another crime,
squally as dastardly and unjustifiable,
was committed. Did one wrong right
the other?.
Tn JocBSAt. will publlxh your brand, like
the following, for $2:00, per year. Each ad
riitiojial brand 7!i cents. n,ve: y rarmer or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
'anuld advertise their brands in ThbJouk
HALuf It circulate!) all over the state. It
may be the meatus of Baviug money for yea
$500 REWARD.
For the arrest and conviction of any party
or parties "teuling or didl inuring any brands
on slock belouciiiK to the undiTalKned par
Ilcirscs branded
on rigti shoulder or
branded I
I on right Jaw Alio, I have
Horses branded
ou left thigh
1'ost Oltlcu Address,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Jiebraska.
r. E. JAN'DT.
I) rands
on left hir-
on left Jaw,
left hip of Cattle. Tost Office, Ilowltt,
Sioux County, Nebraska.
Horses branded
ou left shonl
dor fi."i branded on left shoulder
i and Cuttle
on left side.
Tost (Mllce Address,
i'atrick, Laramie Co. Wyo.
Cattle branded
Horses branded
on left side
on left shou
Ider, rnnse on Soldier Creek.
Any stock branded as above belnpf estray
ed from toy rann, discovered by any body
on giving me information will be rewarded.
Address, Ft. Kohiuson, .Nebraska.
Horses branded on
Cuttle same on left
left shoulder and
Sheep bamded
on back or Swirxa on
back of Sheep.
Range on Soldier Creek and White River.
Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska.
Adversity is the grindstone on which
we lose enough to put an edge of useful
ness, on our lives.
The wife of Ouitteau the murderer of
President Garfleld, is about to try her
third conubial venture. She is a resi
dent of tha windy city.
Last week two noted millionaires, the
one Marcos Daily, the Montana Copper
king and the other Henry Villard, the
great financial agent of the Northern
Pacific R. R. company, passed to the
great beyond. With wealth and influ
ence at their command, they were un
able to stay the hand of the grim reaper
death, which is no respecter of persons,
but reaps down all, irrespective of stat
ion. Joy For Two Hearts.
Dean Swift was walking on the Pheo
nix road, Dublin when a thuuder storm
suddenly came on. lie took shelter un
der a tree whers a party were sheltering I
also two young women aud two young
men. One of the girls looked very sad,
until as the rain fell, her tears began to
flow. The dean inquired the cause and
learned that it was her wedding day.
The young couple were on their way to
church, and now her white gown wet
aud she could not go. "Never mind
I'll marrv -you," said the dean. And
then and there be married them; their
witnesses being present To make the
thing complete, he tore a leaf from bis
pocketbook and with his pencil wrote
and signed a certificate, which he band
ed to the bride.
The certificate was worded as follows:
"Under a tree, in stormy weather, 1
married this man and woman together;
Let none none but Him who rules the
thunder sever this man and woman as
under, Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Pa
trick's." There is no pleasure in life if yoo dread
going to the table to eat and cuo't rest
at night on account of indigestion. Hen
ry Williams, of Dooneville, Ind., says be
suffered that way for years, till he ooi
menced the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and adds,"Now I can eat anything I like
and all I want and sleep soundly every
night" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will di
gest what you sat, Said by J. E. Puonarr
viW. ..XI
On left sldo of cattle and oa left
Rboulder ot horses.
I"-? Ranar on inteloM creak
V. O., Ghilcbrit, Sioux Co., Neb.
On lctt side or hip of cattle, j
On left shoulder of horses. )
lli ante on the bead ol Wur bonnet
Addrcsn Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb
Frank C. Ltwis.
Cuttle Branded ITS'KII on left side and
Horses Branded
on left shoulder
Bi'.uge on bead of White liivcr.
' P. O. Address, Harrison, Neb,
Owts the follow-
iir.;l.iaud oueah
er Also HG on cut
tle and horse
rattle oo leftside
birrsfs ou left
Range on Silver KprlngJ and east ot stata
Ine, Postoftlce Harrison Nob
T,i. M-nnri rnrntil In t.hla notice
and branded any where on left side
of cattle, and over lap cut from the
right ear.
Also the same brand on left thigh of
horses, belongs to the undersigned.
Irtiuge near East Springs, south part fo
BloSx county. Charles Newman,
Harrison, Nebraska.
f- Branded on left shoulder ol horses
md on eft side of cattle,
i Range on W hlte River, near Glen.
Sly m P.O. Address, Glc , Nebraska.
Branded on left hip of Cattle
and on left cheek of Horses,
Range on Deep Creek. .
Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Cow
i triiAS Bo, n .
T r "'' - . Glen, Nebraska.
10 Branded
on left side.
Range on
P. e. Address
Agate, webrnska.
TIjelrllR. Ilicks 1901 Almanac.
Whatever may be said of the scientific
causes upon which the Rev. Irl R. Ilicks
baws his yearly forecasts of storm and
wt&ther, it is a remarkable fact that
spyciio warnings of every great storm,
floJ, cold wave and drouth, have been
plnly printed in his now famous Al-
I msjpoc for many years. The latest star-
I flifc proof of this fact was the destruc
tion of Galveston,' Texas, on the very
dae named by Prof. Hicks in bis 1900 al
maeac, as one of disaster by storm along
tria gulf coast. The 1901 Almanac, by
fa the finest, most complete and beau
tiflil yet published, is now ready. This
remarkable book of nearly two hundred
pii;es, splendidly illustrated with charts
ae.9 half tone engravings, goes as a pre
mium to every subscriber who pays one
ddCtur a year for Prof, Hicks' journal,
WliUD and Works. TheAlmanic alone
is sent prepaid for only 25c. Order from
Word and Works Publishing Company
2201 Locust Street, St Louis, Mo.
i Yoa Cant Cheat God.
took his cousin Grace along to
beep him company while he worked at a
jo be bad to perform. "I don't think
yn're dying your wojk very well," she
safd. "It looks to.'.roe as if you were
tijihting it "That's all right," laughed
Kail. ' "What I, m doing will be all cov
ered up'you know.i'
f'But isn't like most cheating you
'Tbats not the way to look at it," said
Grace. "If its cheating, its cheating;
yu know that. You can't excuse it be
cau'e it isn't the worst kind of cheat
lBut -the man wont know about it,"
sftfd Ned. - v"
f'Tla may not, ""said Grace soberly,
'but God will." You cant chtat Grod."
Ted stopped work and went to think
ing. Presently he said: "You're right.
I'm glad you said that Uraoe. I'm going
to begin over. There shant be any
cheating this time."
Ned undid what he had done and began
again began right and I know he felt
better. I hope he will always remem
ber that no one ran cheat God.
Cianted-In Idea 5S5S3
Si Wl
$ 100 Reward.
For proef to convict any person of steal
ing, altering, running off, or in any way
datnaglngs stock branded
side or hip.
Address, James Fobce,
H arrison. Neb.
Brinj combl doublepon loft side
of cattle. Horses lameibJ L-ion right
ut out right! ear cattle,
Cattle all dehorned.
Hauge on Kyle Creek,
Post Office, Glen Nebraska.
Patrick Lacy, plaintiff
vs ( Notice to Non-Rcsident defendant.)
Maggie Lacy, defendant
To Maggie Lacy non-residentdefendant;
You will take, notice that on th 24th day
of October, 1900, I'atrick Lacy, plaintiff, filed
his petition in tho district Court of Sioux
County, Nebraska; the object and prayer of
which petition, istoobtiin an absolute di
vorce of the bonds of matrimony existing
between you and the said plaintiff,
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 3rd day of December 1909.
Patrick Lacy, plaintiff.
Grant Guthrie, Attorney for plaintiff.
Unequalled in Stylb on DaoiaN
op Caob.
A. HOSPE, Gobi, Neb.
OFFICE": 161 a Dooglu Street.
FACTORY! 1614 laud Street.
k. War Csdehrsto Our SSUi weinaas
To Rent.
I will rent my place North of Harrison
14 miles, until May 1st, 1901, with 100
tons of feed on the place, also 150) acres
of pasture. Good Running Water on the
place. Address JaMBS NOLAN.
EckanVS. Dak.
Now that the year is drawing to a close
and more especially as the holidays are
at hand, when almost everyone has ''at
least one gift to bestow, what is more
appropriate than good reading matter,
in the perusal of which you become fa-
mi lar with current events, as well aT
tbe writings of famous authors. It is
you will iiud the most unique magazine
and highly illustrated Journal combined.
Young people and scholastics should be
come subscribers of this bright educator.
. Boston, Mass.
You can't afford to risk your life by
allowing a cough or cold to develop into
pneumonia orconsumption. One Minute
Cough Cure cures throat and lung trou
bles quicker than any other preparation
known, Many doctors, use it as a speci
fic for grippe. It is an infallible remedy
for croup. Children like it and mothers
endorse it Sold by J. E. Phtnnky.
In tho Hatter of the Estate of James F.
Hovey, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that In pursuonf e
ot an order of Hon. W. II. Weatover. Judge
of the District Court of Sioux county, made
op the 26th day of October, 1000, for the sale
of the real estate hereinafter described,
there will be sold at the office of Orant
Guthrie, at Harrison, Nebraska on theSth
day of December, 1M0, at one o'clock p. m
at public vendue to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, the following described real
estate, to wlt:
The west bait of the north-west quarter,
the south east quarter of the north -west
quarter, the south-west quarter of the
north-east quarter Section ten, Township
thirty-two, Range 01 ty four, in Sioux Oouu
ty, Ni-braak. ald sale will romaln open
on hour. . '
Dated Nevember 14, 1(00.
. Martha M. Hovsx,
Administratrix Estate of James F. Hoyey,
.V ,Av . 'fL'';. '''
f ! j-JACjl r- fir Vl
, nsica ma '- scBFusE IT
(her own selwtlonito evry .ubrllwr Cftmstlfal J.
ored liUiOi'riiuij' J j mid dltitUitlrnx. Gilvtful.
laust, artlu, e.guiiiw: and stritUy up-i'x)t any
.r. u m f 'J I . KM '
VI 1Mn -v h
DmmiMki-c mwI.i, ttoey work., I''i.- i.olil I I.
Oaiyaxi.Jly- iMii) aouu wauteJ. SaiMtluriuiuk
Ft ' if. f?
t Idle. mlniM. !rH and llttt rtlldrwl. "nv-t
a nrit'i " ctue " t attMr.wl l.y t
wr tiAtwrns Hvno iiia1 lorit,eanl pui'-J
other pattern
Enlr put tcyrth.r Only 10 and .'
hlllier. Sold la BHyI7rt'T''JV
Ajk lor tlitm. Aixolutely very lataft up-tr-daw ij
ISMM Wa Mtk Stmt. ...- Wr,
We aim to farsish the best piano pos'
ble, aad to sell U at the leweat iKMudb.s ,
Description ef our style' Ik Cabinet
1-S Octaves.
S Unlwme; Ovf rat-runs Tt.
Full Irou 1-jfci
tn, liroawMt ana urct
,l.'iill Vrneailirg
DtiuM Y'-ypered Pw.
riilhw! in (i ll, V-.ilioiMity and W.lt"
V, .ii-j Cnrv li I'-T'lu.
,iIb JiUriW licaifi KftllliiH Kcl
Kr.ai-0. ...
NicM Fluted CoBt.lo-JB Huti;' 'a
J': il fc,.!.M. -
Thre- l'-'f!al I'ldaJ ri ri "
l.'-OllTUi V Firii.lirfl 44 rJifci. , .
l'ttirV.: Vl'M. &
i ,.. aff! li: lV I. ii'
J iwn. J 1 ."!' a
',!ir In Ctr.v -"Valeut Vner,
tttvt Ok'.;. jvii;Ihu 0ai.-a Jmiw),-,
' .:. ., - y ' ' -j -.
.Wttte tor 'fcrmif a"d I'ticu.
not numuiutp or "riJi. - ,;
By Pytii-.
A smell eb arnt aod es "on.-
IF in:RBH .r SRenTe M Km
splendid pteitoe ttt your bntie. q
A ereoe! letr eonwil:ig .ji- ini t
nrtoee and full 4ecriptton of mr eniK, .
yayment plan free upon application.
Aoulveraanr October 23, 1803.
Brave 'Explorers.
Like Stanley and Livingstone found it,
harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and
Ague, and Typhoid disease germs tlnn
stvage cannibals; but thousands hae
found that Electric bitters is a woncii -cure
for all malarial disseases. If j 'i
have chills with fever, aches in hack (
neck and head, and tired, worn out test
ing a trial will convince you of thew
merit. W. A. Null of Webb 111 , wntte:
Hy children eufiereu tor tnura !-
year with chills and fever; , then t .
bottles of Electric bitters cured then., '
Only 50 cents. -Try them, Guaranteni.
Sold by Dr. J. E. Phtjinky, Druggist.
We would deem it a great favor, ir
any of our subscribers, who for any n
son do not receive their Press Journal
regularly will notify as of the fact
- Editor.
Tram Marks
Anyone Madia
. . . -
flu tnlliMi met
aalcklr eeoarteln oar optoion free whetaer en
Invention H probeMy geiewewe. txrniajnnia.
tlons itrMtW eonaeent&L tiandbook oa PnMnu
lent f re. OleMt ayanoy to aerlpeiel let l.
Paienu taken throats Mann SoaTrsastve
SjwoiS noCtos, without SSarn, In the
Terns, Ha
otM,ai. msrannraejawa.
leeTfa F SU Wsjatnai na, ft 0.
Dyspopsla Cure
Digests chit you cit.
It artlflcUIly dbrssu lbs tood and slf1 s
BMnrt la sinDgtbenlns and tscoi.
stroctiDg tbs uaottM fUgssttTs or
gans. ItigtlatestdlmTert4Ugesr
ant and tonJo. Ho other progamic i
can approach it la sfSciency. It
untfy relieves and pennaiwnUyeur.
Dnpspsla, IadigssUon. Bwnbar...
FlataleDos, Soar EtODaeh, Cauit.
Sick HsadaCrtfatr'a,Ctrr-ar,'i
alloUMrrsnUaoftzCr 'or. "
mux. t - it, m.m pi pl
vt0 BO YEAItr
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