Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 15, 1900, Image 7
A MEDICINE THAT This is what you get when you buy CRAMER'S KIDNEY CUEE. The Cramer Company can point to more positive cures and show more unsolicited testimonials than any remedy which has been on the market ten times as long. Thought lie Couldn't be Cured Albany, N. Y., Nov. 2, lk9g. Cramer Chemicai, Co. I cn fre-lv and wl'h joy recom mend ytfr Cramer Kidney ('ureas it Completely cured ine of kidney complaint and thai a fu r I had msdetipmv mind that I couldn't be cured I had fried every remedy I ruard of without sallsfaciory re sults. I tell you it is tl e best medicine on earth as It made a well man of me and I recommend it a a reliable medicine to l e de- rf tided np,n by a man suffer! ok an did. I. La. Grant. Clerk in Sec. of State's Office. Send For Samples to The CRAMER CHEMICAL JflGQ 6F' ' ALL TRAD OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" Worth Its Weight In Gold to How many of you have tout the pricoof Sclent wind to operate yiiar wind mills. leaving your stock without watch tir, one now It work, hot or cold, wit-or Ort, wind orcsnn. It Ik nil tue Kami' to thle nia:bifit. Will hIso shell cura, grind lid,Miw wood, churn butter and lit handy Tor u, hundred other J. t. In the house or on tbufarin. Costs nothinj; to keep when not. working, i.nd only 1 loSccnis per hour when working. Hhlpre-U completely set up, nrurty to run, no fouoo'niiou lo-ocioil. a great labor and money aavcr. Ken, n Ire practically ni) itttfcntlon, and Is litoluUily hale We make ail hi no of uusllub Engines, from I'.-i to 75 horo-uowcr. Write for circular and tpuetai prices. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.. OMAHA. NEB. 0) p You Pay Nothing Until Cured. Facts Stated by My Former Patients- tf You Are Afflicted With Rupture Don't Fail to Read them. y Guarsstee is Valuable Be. cause You do Not Pay Me One Cent Until You Are . Well. I present to the readers of this paper s few testimonial letters and names of former patients whom. I have curd of rupture, believing that the afflicted would rattier correspond with some one who baa been cured than read what I aiigbt say abeut myself. They can more fully In vest irate and convince them selves aa to tbe merits of my treatment. I could use ibis entire space singing my wn praises, but believe the statement of those 1 have cured will be more satis factory to tbe afflicted. I will ask you te write to any or all of then. If you are satlsSed with what they say about Say reliability and methods of treatment, write to ne or call and tee me. Remem ber that la all cases I guarantee a cure and do not accept one cent of money un til you are well. Consultation by mail r In person Is entirely free. I will be bleated lo oorrsspood with you regard ing your case. DR. ERNEST HENUKRSON. WaaSsa A44 tltar t Us. Hapta ta ! m m Oihar S4iftYrr-Ba4 i mtm mi Kuptara awl OUm Trmibfa for ar4:r4ia thrae w afca-UM Mat Takalttw Cant mt I'ay Ualll Curvd. Nerhenon. Kaat.. Jans S. tSM. r. bnett aaaareoa. Kanat City. Mo. ttaar Uoc.tar.-l a ant la add my ii.ilmonl luier lo roar airaady large int. boplas to la jwsaes mtm uf .rar to so to you. 1 had a bad esae ef raatura for ssr. aad saatewj gnat agony. I vant to Ur. HaoaarMa aae aras canatla ibrae sa I eauaat say tee ash aw hi si. I kaew b a o jast wbat M sarahacaaaa. Taa da lor Sea eat ask ear ass? pay aaUl Uw aUat tiK Tf S taebtm aaiaaiaa.B Za aasslMy la i nf aatsaa sjkietad aal aa. I wUI aaswer aayeaa Va suaka le baes Bars aaaai aw rata. reiy traijr yean. aTlloUON. FOB Sir TSUT1I! OW TM cvfts or Mvmttm. scmy to to al-Csaea Ba4 Oaw Cave la Shed Tlaae- WasjM Mo ha alack la Saasa Vmm- twes tae ati.aaw. Mr. Eraart aaeree. Mr Dear Peetac -Ideelraieaod air tcstlato aiaf te laea yea batt cured at rupture My ease was a bad one sad you and a permaarnt cm la a than Uate without pa: and I aeef Wist a eay Iresa ay work. I eaaaoi eay v a ask for year eere, aaa would net be tack la DC eon a i lava inwr a inoueaaa ao.iar. tkaah aaaaad amala raeoBnend tour Rsu:nra caia lasarest Cae thla If yea wtta. I tat, tralff. isaaktsny your. raJlit BAMfE. tat laaiaaa ace. I Bt AM Altm A CURB 0 RCCaTtTM ins raw n air wswa, rA1 la A4 TaiUaiaaS IftMIIS llffl Ml Till in wl at I eao do. and It d u't Risk njr ditierenoe whether it in nlsht or day, wet or dry, cold or warm, storm or rsiiii.Juii call me and 1 r Hi pump water, grind feed, shell crii, separate rrt-ain, churn or irrl.nl honta, or any worn that i- r. quired of me. Call and sew me at work at ALLEN P. ELY S CO.. iiiODiieiu st., CUA31. REB. We AIM Hut and Sell New and Seeond Haad Wooiilaerr. CURES. Suffered for Twenty Year. Albany, N. Y Lo. 6, 1S3S. Clt A MEtt (H KMFCA i. Co. I firmly believe I owe my life ) your wonderful remedy. ' For '20 j ear I ati tiered with kidney trotillt and could find ho relief miywhere. I sprut hundreds of dollar n Io tors and medicine and could only gel temporary reliif. I finally de cided to try Cramer" Kidney Cure and it did mora fr me in ore month than all the medicines f had taken in twenty yeais. I am now entirely well. MfCrTAKL II KJO I N8, Chief Albany Fire Department. COMPANY, albany. n. y. I!. H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE. Every Stockman and Farmer. this Engine In one day o account of Insuf- w cut her dma riot MTi-ct MuflTrMl rof Veitral'rftnuniHMMl lnciirabla by l'tetor -Ulwl lie 'I'OHh Ti-hiumiU After 'l lira Ma. fc. wm sound and W. II Traalmeat All Tuat la C'Uined (r It- Hop.- Latlxr Wl( be .Vfcin of Iddoriug Ulnar. Ui Tnlui Treu mau Pr. Rrneat Headsmm. Ksriki City. Ma. lx-a,- Doctor: I wln m Mats that 1 uaa most beartlly rmmeDd .tour rupture trmuunnt. ainca early ibutb I had ueen itarioualy truui4 with a right trrotal ruptur. ibat pro uaiiueM by doctor, to kw lrirurabiC(t. po ,ply by adaiivrtiu.isunrlealnir.ilon. Hear Ins of your treaiinsnt I Jtrnilnt uj try ilia uat and aoi slad I iM no, tor, attar uklug your trvainient out ttire werk I am bow ouad and well, tour (rwtment I all tbat you claim lor It. - it tnia 'twin i m m ?ci jsy S2" 1 mnnia ha (lad tobaie you publish tbeasfuo, and t boot it nay lie tue mran of luduclnf other, le tak your t:eaiiuut arid be enrad. Yours re(ctrti!ly, WM. LVa.M, Ransom, K. CONSCLTATIUX BY MAIL OH IN FKIl HftH rKKK. WRITE TO Nk ABOUT TOCIt CASE. , flad Tra lmntSiiin-ril - :iamliMl Oth er fad nu a d r'.iunU i'uiv rarmiuiiut Had ueaa In lit Hualn-. Ihlok. I hi. ta Mn.1 K.iIiimiu1 I'raat laaaiurihi, liy. IastTemher IU, lets). To whom it may concern: Oil. will crriliy -ti( I ha takon Dr. Erurnt HenderxHi treat mant foi ruuitit. and that 1 Ond it entirely dii. caf ul. I hat eianilbod a numotr of til"iu. nai n. tuu nmttcd sod i and that a pcrn.&nsnt cure has Oeen ui.de In ry cae emmined. I bate aaicbcd tht. treatment for some time, a. I b.va bano la tale line of bueiceo suynrlf. hating beau an asitcrl tniMltliar for a numliar of yt.un. I belloi. tkl. la tlis rro.t raiUinat treatotent of lb. day. aed tbal be alll be micveuful In erery caea. I would aHist near tl iii leoominoud aeyaae wltba rupture teiiiu!t br. HesuenoD. Very raanortfnll yours. JaouM Wt.ltKL, ladaptaeaDce, Mo. SKND FOR MV TREATISE ON THB rOKK or RUPTI IU Vt TO TOP KMBR. tatharaa WlnUter Cared Altar SoST-rlng lg VaaraTi Mai Man Traaeea kml Tl,y All railed- Lpoe Ailelem or K. Y. Ifklf icrofMNlallH, Wo., Triad Mr. Ilea, etaraoa, the Itupture haaclaUet or Naawna Rlly. The rare waa aouiptrte Has frl ipiaiad arltii TriiMa-Wui An.wer lattera rruco Tboea ABAleted Wba Hia Parikwr farilenlara. Kaaeas City, Mo. Tbl. !( to certify thai I hare xiflered for sis yean with a vary bad rupture, aod during Ul a.' the tir.e I bar worn atffenai kind of iniete a day ad aigai with ib bo of eJetlii( care, but they sit faii4-ibcy eoiy bald tb. raatur la piae. Gpan thaadrteeef tv.. Pflffer,of Saaalla. Mav, aaeajtbea lr. Mraass, Meaaarsaa, tb Raptur apechlbtt, 101 W. ta St., Runs. City, Me., who cured at la a raw weak, without . )e(lBaisa le danfsrou a ad painful para lion. The sure wa. ecapietaaau aloe iba I fear dt.paeatd wltb aty sruwee anavui lacea nicaea. Tetoiauraifall wbe are ante: with law iroabt. I do writ tbte sad haarttly raroa Mad Dr. RaaderMti treat own t. aayea de . ris awrc isforoiation will pleats apply I aw. Dsrseaally ot by lettet. I aa, Bopeclfully JOnM A1 KB, Re 14 MSs. i"JoS at , i.a. City. R. R. la wmlaa ataaa tuebM a eiama fur r. I CRARAXTn A URI OS) RCCKIVR RO PAT rON Mf WORK, full gAI WSIRJI tllHKQ. RaTrsab' APIer ft rat Trrstmrag. Wblek at I'nliite-e-KKt Met loteifrr St'lib M ark ami I'aeetl In Lm ThB Oa. Maaih- ltuiainMde Treatment ' la All Knpiure euaVrara. D Rraast llenitsrtoe :ntr.tbSt. Oty My bear l'-cii r -I writ yea BaM.ie:u, I atytaai ro tiae ! ptrataotn; cu'.ot ait nptaat-akatt ait. at yo aaa. a hI P.rett RE LIT ANY MOTES. Tne Hlnneapolla Journal can Nr. Friedman's novel of poor people "a ten ement house idyl." and juttles Ma de serlptkm aa follows: "la spite of tM fact that the story deals with the grlna meat of poverty, the mightiest of tempw tat Ions, the surest of trials, love of the sweetest and purert kind spring up In the tenement houre. The story is told in a most imprejslve tray. There is no lack of humor, although tragedy pre vails." The Living Churchman of Mil waukee re-marks: "Here is one who has walked and talked with them, loved with thm. supped off homely fare with them, shivered with the same blasts that chilled them, and worked ar.d laughed and rejoiced with them; A simple tale, of simple folk, for which one Is the better fur the reading." And the Trenton Punday advertiser says: "Altogether this !b one of the most powerful, sympathetic, and soul-stlrrlng social tali that have appeared In many a day. It Hhould he widely read." Among the notable features of th. Argonaut for September S. 1900, are: "The Phantom Pinto," a story of the Arizona gold flidds, by Bourdon Wil son; "Warwick Castle and Stratford," a. letter fr :tn Ceruldlne Honour, de arriblng a visit to Warwick Castle. Konilworlh, Shakespeare's home, and the Hathaway house at Shottery: "Charlotte Rrone." a review of the new edition of His. CJaakcH'a blogra phy, with an introduction and notes by Clement K. Shorter; and an eastern letter of breezy personal and general Frederick A. Stokes Co. will publish at once 9lr Walter Bcsanf new novel, "The I'ourth Generation," which, nc cording to the author, is "a romance i of modern days, the motif of which I the apparent Injustice contained In the visitation of the father's sins upon the children." Other books promised ars Cutcliffe Hyne's new novel, "The Fili busters," which deals with the partiei pants .!! expedition that succcssfullj captures the presidency of a Central American republic; a sequel to "Aly Japanese Wife,'' by C'live Holland; also. "Tiie Haelllns of It-auty," in which life In the "emart world" as well ae in the Ktudkis and "dens" of newspaper "girl bachelors" and art students will be treated Willi the "ure touch that knowledge Rives." They will publlnh in September Antony Hope's new novel, "Qulsante," which presents many phases of social and political lifrf in ICngland, and (specially in Iindon, at the present day; ar.d Clcrl:ude Dlx's Im portant noval of 'X lallsrii.entitled "The Imau Breakers." iMCiiinm r ana. (. tD'iik taisn Um .huiw ot. j'Kia'ii) lining tn wrouim. I tn gitl wy tli&', I iKsver hail any trouble rualnlnK It srr thu Hr-i treainunt, stid ihm. 1 am now well num. Thnk lo(jot ud yonrwir. - Vourir-aimnt wan (WliiieM, unit dh) nontop ai frf.m my work. A curt aj made In l .bn a month. -.. Icerialnlv will dowhal lean for ymi nd my .uttering ('llo. mid niot lirsrtlly reconiitif ni ail ruptured lo take j Aur trratmmit. Yok may us ital. Iftler If you Uexlr. 1 ei! to remain your Mood. k. WK1.TVAN. K. C. StoeX Yard or4H( ljnii('ourt. oxin.TATioN ay aiAii.on l rrit- hOS Fit EK. Wr.Il E lO K ABOl'T YOUR CASK. aulfered With raaa for near rite f mn ( unlit Not atanil It Ant Longer Alter Kntdinc Advertisement Cnnrludml lo Take Trtntm nt-Tald fur Wl h floei.ra-lVllt bUdly Writ- Anyone A boat Ca KaiuasOlty, Mo., JuoeS, iMa Bt. Rmel Henderson. Ciy. My Dear lnctor: It 1 with pleasnrel Inform von tbat I am entirely cured ot a bad cae oi rupture, far which you trmied roe tlrnt alwnl two ye. r au I ultereU lib a very bad rup ture for oner II ve year- many time It waa an had I could n-srcely retain It with the aid of a rum. A ibe rupture wa. conauntly set tint: won, and tlie nalu to erea.1. 1 could not aland It any longer. wa. much dlseoirrated. After readlns your adtsrtleeoient over s d ove: s;rsln. 1 concluded to try your treatment, an-! to my urprt ycu cured ma In le. than foi l wn.'i. 13 y afiarauch a )uu( tlm.' of ugerlng. laoi sbulbtely sotiml ana wen. I paid your ire with plcanure, and tlll feel thai 1 owe yoo a debt of gratitude which 1 hope to pay by Inducing olbritnrere to go to you for treatment, thereby doing a klndneu to tbsn and lo vou. I will gladly write to auyon about my case. J.lmooi ioikoi to my thai I rointidernd your offer of "recoirlr-K no pu t until a cure was ef fected" an the bent Ktiariinte you eon id !, sud i hat Is -Hiat tir.t cave me coutldauca is your treatnicni, a. noon a I talked to you. Rei,uecilully your frleud. J. s. MAMIIK K. 1 least blitb Street TBK I OMXWISG II K BFKJI rt Krn Or RVPTCRK, AMI A'tK ftKLkCTMl At RAROOM fRUM W ANT I HAVKCt ltl. . 1R WRITIKO THEM I I.KAHK KKCIXtbf A STAMP FOR AKttWKKi Mike Gat nor, S KwingS.. Kana.Clty, Xa. A. R. Olauii. M' Phrrou, Ka. Ruber U, Urock, county aitorney. Manhattan, Ka.. S. M. Kent. all Orchard St.. Chicago. III. Oscar Dillon, l Campbell St., Kan.ee City. Mo. II. M. MeDnnsld. lrnison. baa. B. r. Dobba. UO'N. Uthst., KanaaeCliy. Kaa. A. Vouns. 'Mit VVIndnor Ate., Inin'llj. Mo J &. Hammitk. plumhing. IS K. tta h.n us City. Mn. 1 hot. lUlTo Ktnsri City. Mo. W. C. I'eak, gror.r. SI Uentral At., Kaesai City. Ka. M. S. welcb. car Coo llaadei Milling Co.. Fl Scott, K.. Dr. V. r. Parker, I5;l Brooklya At., Keaaet CHy. Mo. liernas Bsgr.lt, Kanea.City, Me, Wm. Ltnn. Kaneom. Kaa. M. 0. tlaruel I, SIS rei I St.. St. Jos. Mo. Fred Harper. laI I IndauaAve., kan-aa City Ma William Weltmao. K Iatll. Ceart. Kanaw Cltv. Mo. Ret. f. PfelfTer, kadalia. .Ho. R. J. Champion, Armour ftatloo Kansas City Ran. J. T. Woea. asrcbaat, Freeawood. Jackson county. Ma ;ha. T. H urn me r. nt Rdaond St.. St, Joe. Mo Will B. Castor, H K. SvrVpg At.. St. Louie, Mo Fred Fbare. tl? Cherry St., Kaaeaadty, Ma R. ft. DacirK. Kaaas. ffrtty. Mo. R. R. OrUlik. r) Lyceuat Bldg., Raneas City, Tbosaa McMSbea, It R. fib St., St. LoaU Mo. I. W. Pfawat, reals iraai keeper, MS X. MM St.. rseldetii 101 Iweuet St Kaoaa City. Mi Child II mouth. old. O. P. Shaw, aeslamai county surveyor. In psndene. Mo. Wa.hingten Baker, Hill ) Summit, Rat. WnllaaHtggtns, IU car At., AravearSal Ka. W. L Qrsr. StsnBerrr. Mo. W.T Wlngtts, Amity. Mo Carl Masweil, V.;e rail. Kat C Sar.dy J t K.n.a At , KansaC1ly. Fa. J.me. McMeckin, (W Tuliu Conn Kaasai City Mo trsnkCiaif. Ufh and Toj.plng Ate., Kantai City. No. i . ASDBXSP OR ERNEST KEKDERSOH. ; m Will Rlntl $!ril urmciiT Cwi;::i eevve - ee ewe I THr TALL HlJFi QUES1S. 1 Two cl Cldrea were slowly ii Mng up the KiucMtlt, luurd rued that led from the highway bo the lewl lelow. The tall ijuiii, who had been rcHtirujr on a ruwtic ticat, ruati and 4ooked down at th approiu-biotj fi(rurea. One waa a irtri, a black-eyed girl, wftth nJiher sharp feat urea taoid wa vy blaclc hai'r. The other waa a boy, a rather auijid lookinc; lay, whoae complexion and har were light, and wboee Kght eyes wore an uneusiy ko4t, 'i'hey were plidnly hut mealtly dressed, and bu b were scrupulously clean. As they came arrosa the brow ol the slope the tittle ghi caudal pi phi: of the taJSl man and gave him a bow and a smile. The lxy Aung oloser to heir and fel a EHnle back. "tjir," she Hoid with a precise air, "I hope we tare not fcstrudiin'." She waa so quaiivt and old fashion ed, and she looked up at him In sucb a frank and honest way thlatt a smile rippled across his pale and somewhat careworn face. "Xo," he aitd, "you are not Iniinid ang'. . You axe both quute. at Kbeiity to enjoy the 'grounda aa lotnff aa you Hike." "'Jliere iid the qunSnlt MtRle prl. wSth an air of triumph, "I toJd Henry ao. I said to hlim, 'Henry aa long ns we are well behaved tthey wan,'! dSs turb us." Whait tWd you say to that, Henry?" The small boy , pulled forward by the gvi-1. looked up shyly at tHie IIjII man and thus conveyed 1is amswer; "I enld they'd set the dog on us and chuck us out." "Henry's from the coutrtitry," trli the quaint little gtfrl, "and conn try folka ia ao suspsiciouo. He's moat 8, but he's small for his age. Ilia autalt aeniti Mm up to visit its. He aint got amy father or mother, an, she Wed a tag to brim, but he (tore the tag all up because he was ashamed of it. But you knew where you Jived, didn't you, Hetniry." "You berf," ardd the small boy, wtB aoV-inn csurneatneew. town ajul rct voutwcJlvca,' s;iSd the tall man aa he pointed to tue rusitlc Kent. "Thhnk- you," said the grirl. "Sit down, Henry. I'm not ttired myself. When j'ou lo hou6"ework ymi don't have Hme to ge.t tired, you know. 'JTie ta.ll nmai looked hard at ifot cliiUd. "I suppose that 5s qufiie tj-ue," he sadd. 'Ticn you do hoiiRowoirk?" "Only fmr father," she niriKtvered. "Tliere's just fiivher an' me. He eaMs n:e liltle mothcir. lit' a pretty name isn't it ? An' I do the best 1 can, nnd unce a vvindt Mrs. Kyun cornea 'm and helps me." "Liwi's a dandy cxxik," Ixrokc in the boy wiiih much gravity. "And you have got a dandy appe tile," jhghml 'llw gjrL "Howry is he nSceat kti:d of .riiitor," she added, a the turned U the tfall niitns "He likes every tiling. This nitm-tjing after break fust daddy pii ve me S3 cent and dd: 'Sow, you and lle.:i!ry go for a mice long ride on 'Jic stireet cars.' And I said: 'Will lluy let ipie in there bo sj;e the beautiful plsuw?' and dnddy said: 'I guess they'd left a ?:le Kittle gtlrl bo, who didn'i; pick flower, r.pr act Jnipotite, or nothing.' You f he meant mc. So I 'thought I'd lw:ng Henry onit here and have him t his rtch main s pl'jce. I!; 11 bt some thing for him to remember -when he gw home. It cosl jusS four crir fares a-nd two tranfr each way, and there's 5 cents left and tvu h-nea't ninde tip our minds whalt we'll do with it, have we .ileiry?" "Ciindy," said Henry, wli;h ca!ten fiotw gravity. The tall man who was Uning a padiMt. iihe-arm of the ruific bciuh, laughed. "May I a.sk your name," he in quired. "I'm Kfcjra 5fnrisn-ji3k4.'Asl!ttle girl. "My father ia J h.-i Martin, atid he works in 'the rotting mills out at Netvbttirg. Are you a gurd-.!vr?'' The tall man htugV.ngly liook Ms head. '"ilien you're the Vlaiiuit?" Av'wn he shook his head. "Oil, 1 know. You're the mttn thai! tiiows K'o-jde 'round." "Am I?" laughed tlie t4ilJ man. "Well. I gnesa ( am. Do you lSke llcnvcrsi "Oh." cried the child in an ecmacy, "I love -them. I've gctt. thrw pott-d pHiii:a at liome. and Mrs. llyim civys they're doing fin. Yon love flowers, too, ilm'l vgii. llciin V" "No," Ku!d the boy, with grcn-i firm ruHrS. NeverfeRS tbev mil wrnH to the givenhoitaea. and Klra was in n truna pnrt of dcligiilL fi they wandered up and down the rtrrfumed aisle. Once the lall rutin n'Spped nvw.y for a mo men't and rptdte to fxmiconie on the mit.ik1. ani pnwi.ly, when they came from tlie lat grivtihotite. tlitT.' stt'od a tti'im Ut.'le horse w'V h a Intra sii.'tcd phiietv.) tH'luiiid lidm isnd num h. -Iding Iii'h heed. "Now we will take a look about, ih' groundK." wtiid the t.'ill nun, and thr ehHirTcti and tfw 1!1 nin grit Inlto the plinction and begiisi the most de lightful ride t h:i( Riza wnr qut'iie sure she hiul ever taken. Such Hplemrlft' rcc'da, such beautiful views, mvh shady dells, such nunny knolW. Ttw y'ri rnttiled tm tifflnurt oe,-ii on.arii i, hc st illd Henry's eyea grew bigger and bigger. "Is'nt it 'the lovet'est rldf. Henry?' die" presently turned tt ham and asked. "Cirent," said Henry, with arning emphaiH'e. "And donTt vou rctrrvt t hi i t yoti eart ro to achtxt??" r.Tie tfji',. man lireaently asked Ihe giiI. "IhtiWy feela wcrse a. out .t llicn flo."' she rriiwercd. "P.i.i every HU he teaches mf all he citti. A".l 1 rend jrrvltv gt:orl n.rd :i cl it lot ol vore-. nnd v.Iirn dnddv g-Vi 1i-h 'elite p.il i in vybc he'll 1,'lrc Hi.m. di !' lo liivp houre ff-e i:r. nnd se-hl nu; t' "chc't fcr tl v '"'le. We t::!!s it -.net Infivtfcrf I ts of :i'ii;cs." When t'V.n' fictiWy dove up f:r fh houre, a frckh aurpnixe awrJle i brra. "1 wasat you to ccrfc 4a Bud bate . titOa refrehi!M-nt,"saad the tali iuu "Your iCde must Rave made you hutv Henry 'a eyea aoapped an at J lei pa ticav, btit EUza simply said: lli ink you. I should like to 'iiavte souus oody edae'a cooking." "The ladiea of the family are not at borne," explained Ibe tall man, "ao you must accept my escort, about the house." and be took them iiuto the great reception room, aJid ihe parlor, and the ilbrary, and presently back to the grand dEaCinf; room, where the hsnch waa spread. "And what do you tMnk of tbe botsse?" inquired the t&l mam with a quizzical Rirale. "I'd hate to have to take care of ft," said tbe practical Eiwa. .., "It ia some thing of av batlheir," he langblngly admitted. (And then be seated them at Ihe tag table, and EPiza pinacd a napkin around Henry's neck, much to his da gui&, and spread her own napkin acroesi her lap. There ware two heap ed up places of wonderful saeidwiches, and a pitcher of milk, tarnd a silver dlinh of white and yellow cake, and a plate of dainty crackers, and straw berries and cream; and, hint of all. a neat young womata, wearing a w'hi'te cap aind a, White apron, broughit in two big san cere of ice cream with all ldiii:1 of fruit ia. dt and such a lovely Savor. Henry attended to the business be fore him wStJi serious intensiity that adnjitted of no tnltefrruptiion, but Eliza ate and talked, too. "Do you knatrw," ahe said, "l ve always thought I'd like to have a set of dfishea aomething like thda, and he tapped cm the plate before her. "Oh, I like nice Tliiitogs." "I'm so glad to hear thart," aald the ball man. "It's a aemltimemt that would do anybody credtU" BMza looked around at him a little quickly. "Are you qttflte sure," she aaked, "tjhait It's right In our being here? St aeems to me a tittle queer. You surely dont treat everybody like you have Henry an' me?" "No," raid tie tail man gravely, "we uos'i. But w always make am ex ception lm favor of nice Mttle girls who do not pick flowers nor act impo lite." i "Amd the ladies wttt not scold you for letting us in?" 'I ttliink not ," replied the taJIl man, and there was a queer Mile break in his voice. "Wc wouldn't have you lose your place on our acoomut tor anything, would we, Henry?" "Nope," replfied Ithat redouhftable yioutb. He waa not a good talker at the. best, and mow luig mowth was full. "Dau't worry abotft me," said the tVW man. The fact is, I'm -tiMnking seriously of leaving here tomorrow for New York." "And will they keep the p3iace open for you?" inquired the child. "Yea, I guess Ithey win," he answer cil. with a low chuckle. Hetr.ry leaned back in bis chair with a deep 'sigh. The saucea" of ice cream empty. "We miiKt, go," iod the grl, ar.d she swiftly removed the napkin, from the Iwy'a neck. "I've got to get sup per for tail her, you ktnow. We've .jad such a good tiiine, haven't wellenrry?" "(ireat," said the satisfied youth. "Yon nmM come again, KMza Mar iiin," jJd lilie tall maini, as he walked with the children, to the road. 'I have enjoyed your eail very much.' A fitep sounded behind them. Tln: young, woman in the white cap hand ed a great! Ixiquet of ros in the tall num. "Oh. yes," he tiifd. "These are for you, KUii. They may help to bright en your supper table." 'Oh, thfnk you," iel the child, e& she eageiCy ee'ze'd the! flowers. Then she liceitaied. I'd Kke to come again, some time," she said. "Cuine Cind' weJliwme." "Hut you tt-.ZgW mn. ire iiei, the otheir folks wouldn't Ivikhv me." "Wafts" stud the lall man, with a laugh, "i - give you a pass." He took a ernrd front his inner pocket and wrote across the face of it: "Cpon )irewntat4on of this Jass adtrr't K'l.a Mair,;!'n at any nml all vCnicB. "(Ib'-id until reculled." Ajid then he signed Ids inaine. He shook' hawida gravely with lxtfi the children and wnitched thcriKHitiiey passed hand in hand dowiv the road. 'Hiat eveiuing over t'hc aupier tabje aa Kiia recounted to her futher t..e delglufftil events of the afternnon, and told him of all tihe k indue- of the. tall mai:i who showeil Uiem 'riniitd. slic wound up the Tccitul by hiiiailiirg him Iwr precdous jxiss. When he caitghlt eTghi of the name upon ': he gave a Ving, Vow whistle. Cleveland liuin Dealer. . Da-rrlvrd by Appcaraueca. The otlu r inorniiig, going downtown fn a bth avenue train, in New 1'ork, a woman, shabbily dressed, reached over to 'another sein and pick ed up a paper that had been left by man who had just gt off. Tbe woman with the shabby dress hud her noae buried in the paper. A philan- thropriwt and a . business man were riding in the seat buck of her. "You see," said the philanihrophist, 'how eager the poor working pe.ip!e of 4hls country are to acquire knuiw- ?dge. ftatv, uiiw goxal woman attend jf Us cannot' afford to buy a paper, iut slic is ready, nevertheless, to gain n forum t Ion, and picks up a puper iberever she can. Commendnlile, isn't U?" "Do yon know who. that woman ia?" nuked he business man. Xo," said the philanthrophia!. "Who s ft?" "HeKie Green!" said the business man. J.t-iiri 5s a corrupt on of the Chinese went Klsi-peu-kue, which niearifl "rvoi of rtav," or stiriHKe ktltigdnm," bciMiuec Japan is directly east of China. The Hrii.'nh soldier's drrf,s was rtoi iil'.voyR m, ( wb wlni liln the rnign of lieiirv- VI II ami thu-k gieeu iu tht tliuH! tf 'Uizobctii, Dn.ncGRElVw Over Rift R, 1401 RC mprm Haa If faana S a. avR sJa.aaUy. Baaderftaea ayautaiaja (Dr. MeOrew at Age SS.) turn most mvcamrm. SPECI 7 LIST la tue treeiaaaat ef all feraaa mt DfSEABKa AND DISORDERS OF It RJi ONLY. f FaatV uaortaaee. IS yeara la Pan ha. VARICOCELE AKD HYOROCCLE A PRBaf ARKKT CDBE OUABAKTi'lCD IT A FEW DATS without cutting, pain of loss of tlm. Tb QCIC'KfeSr AKD MO XT NATURAL CUBE tbat bas yet been die covered, charges low. CYDUIIIC !n a" stages and condltfont U I rniLIu cared, and every trace of Md disease I tboroug-hly elimiuated from tb blood. No "BREAKING OUT" on tbe skin or fact or any external appearance of the disease whatever. A treatment that ia more suc cessful and far more satisfactory ttmu the "Hot S' rings" treatment and at ieim tb-a HALF THE COST. A care tbat ll guarantee t . be permanent for life. ef youmr and middle- ge4 men. Lo-S or MAN- HOOK Niaht Loans. Rervoua DeWlttT. Lo of Brain and Nerve Power , Los of Vigor and V lull ty. Pimples on tbe Face. Pain In the Back, Vorgetfulness. Baablaloea, OVEH se.oea caks cubed. quickly cured wttb a new and lnfalllhlo home treat ment.. K'orwv and Bladder Trouble, Qua orrnosa. Gleet CCS 8 GTJABAKTEETa. CHAGES LOW, Caasaltatlaa Free. Ttaataieat Ry MalL Medicine, sent everywhere, free from Kara sr breakage, ready for tue. OfBo boars: S a. m. to 8 p. sa. dafly. Pnn d ays S a, m. to 6 p. m. P. O. Box Wlf. 'OfBc over 21b Bo. Mth Sr.. berweea Kara am atul Dmglas Street, OMAHA, MKB, KIMBALL BROS., MFG3. 1081 Stb St. COCNC1L BLUFFS, I A, COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMP'Y OMAHA, Vol. 8-N0.44 1900 DO VOU Wnte abont rooraelf, v i w j giarnmerod fro CTllllirnO childhood aud was per SlAMMtn Vnbed Mn appreciate the Intense desire one has to He cured. If you are afflicted, orhavecblldrea who are, write to me for terms, literature, eta. Address JULIA E. VAUGHN, Pair,., oaH.Taataca- intitutc RANGE BLOCK, OktAria NCB Dr.UGUDEnSOt 101 wad 10S W. aHk Mtn KJaJCSAS CITT, K3. CTeeC gea4tlaol teeoSii A Itraulmr 0rm4hutt, tn RfeeTtotaa, Peep Yamrf tpteial Frartitm, AawMriasd by tb Baate toJniCnKOiriX VMJirvVM AMD BfMOIAI, pISEAMJOt ynrss gTwruawa or moasj re funded. All medicine, furniabad ready for aa no mercury pr in jurious medicine, rued. Mo oa atntioa from biulneea. FaUeots tdietaDerMtadbyilan4 araera, ft from gas or break ags. Mo Sed ptaee ante. O. D., only by agreement. Chare, lew. Over eD.noo eawe evred. Age and expert- pa are imponana. aaa. your eae. aaa R term, conssltattea Da ana liawasjTj otbyhtair. o. 7' a 'a - v MV m seminal weaMess 70!: and Sexual Debility. fS.,Jdsc I 1 V . MHld, 4k n .4 u. . and blotcbee on tb face, raabts i or t wd. Mlaata back, confnaed 1--- 1 J MvnBl I,,, - Ia f menhondL isn rxt taaoa. etc., en rod for life. I can stop DicM ioeeee, reitor aexual power, nstor nert and Ui. M.H mUm iul aeninwalieA weak narta tad make you fit for marriage. ttrlctttre Rndiallycnredwlwjnwtni 3Xf A7fr IttarrM. fteae TrMtaeat. jo ia ana vice, atraments, no patn, no oetea Boa from bnainee. Core grmmnUed. Bool and Uat of QDeetions free eealwd. riltfC0Cf',fr0f'J.rfM0Sl.ndaniMB4jol Private Diseases or money innmura BOOK trne to lifo, with full deeeriptbw i ti above disaaass. tb effect and core, sent sealed S plain wrapper for S een ia rtamp. xoi onld read this book tor tb bitormatloo U ootaina. M. B.-SUte cat sad k for lint of cjatMons rw Jfatasi mt Amnio, tot i Winston. Churchill, the novelist, .be gan writing as soon as he graduated at Annapolis in IDS. He then went oa the staff of the Army and Navy Jour nal. His first story wa publlK-l li the Century. Why not doctor yourself? "Conora' Tablets are guaranteed by Kldd Drug CO., Elgin, III., to cure all disease Inflamma tions, ulcerations of the urinary System, organ, bladder, etc., or send free medi cine until -cured if guaranteed lot falls An Internal remedy with Injection' com bined; the only one In Amertaa. IMc, OL or t for S5, ent per mall. Retail an wholesale ef Myers A Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Da. vi Drug Co.. Council Bluffs; Rlggs Ptuir. macy, Lincoln; 11. 8. Baker, Sioux City. Complete Una of rubber gooda, ask fat what you want W, T. Btead,, tbe well known Jour nalist, la, of the opinion tbat nobody ae bums the candle at both end as tht -Ameiicaf) bualaesa man. "He even hur rles in his sleep," ssys Mr. Rtead. Tilled fltate Senator .Jonathan Rost has been chosen president of tbe Van mont Bar sssoclatlon. Men surely wroagtit on rekrataitp toppreasion neglected often result a blood poisoning and quick conaumptloa and I the direct cause of women' trou bles; therefore keep the income regulai wtth "De Le Due' female fteculntor,' and women will be happy ant healthy If It fall, Kldd Dr. ig Co. Elaln, 111., load free mellr-ine until relieved and fni:i curd; Bt per iwckHp-, or 2 for 15, pet mail. H-tall and wholesale of Mywra d) Dillon Drug Co.. Omulm; M A. Dlllni iouth Omnlta; Davlr Drtif On.. Cwunoj HluffS; Riga Pharmacy, Lincoln; H. I linker, lloux City. A complete tins ol rubber gooar an bam), aah far wbat rat want.