Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 15, 1900, Image 6
?5he Eortdrren 4 .. J I " c.,-,ri s $ I By PALL CACTS. Caf. j SYNOPfUS Aimiim iu ue outy deugh- fejg M the governor 01 Iceland. 8 ho fell at love with and married an Idler, gte phea Orry. Her father had other hopes g her and la his anger he disowned her. erry deserted her and rau away to Of Ums union, however, a child was I. and Rachel called him Jason. we ft Orry was neara Iron, in" the Tste of where he v again married and SM was born. Rachel died a woman, but told Jason of felt lather's acta. Jajoa swore to kill fehsi end If wot him. then his son. In the i Orry had deserted Us ship and tefuge In the Ile of Han. and shattered by the governor of the Adam Fairbrother. Orry went (rem bad t worse. a" marled a disso lve, and their child, rolled Michael Sun lacks, wax born. The woman died and ferry game their child to Adam Falr neathae. who idorted him. and he be- past the playmate of the governor's only eeusmaer, OrMhn Time Dassed and the f evanssr and bis wife became astranged. tsshf 1st sons staying with their mother am truant of their iealousy of fiunlocks. hadbseoinc a favorite with the gov f. Finally Stephen Orry confesses is mtssssds to sunlocks, who promuea g to laemnd to find Rachel U possi- na care ror ner, ana it sne mas to find her son and treat him as a brwMsr. He bid good-bye to his sweet twrr. Cjreaba, and started on his lonrney. hiaaathne Jason had started oa his were out In the fields, but Mrs. Fair ItSS. tWHSTM Hesavea brother was at home, and she saw the r Isa of his father unknowingly. Orry dgfi. and his death bed waa recog- CHAPTBR II. MOW QREEPA WAS L.EFT WIT13 JASON. - is waar oariy aununer, ami lit wj man hot; there had been three weeks C dronght. and the roads were dusty. Adas walked with a atout blackthorn atlcfc. bis flaccid figure sometimes sway tag tor poise and balance, and his snow. erhltn hair ruing gently In the soft over his tender old face, now so deep with labor and sor- Cauda was driving hia carrier's art, what eon lay all that waa left of jfatoira' botonging. a ve onljhat the , ' . ... ., . . camea in nis pone aw r hoavy tha road waa to one if lilawfs years, though his own were poor old Chaise, reck- of dignity lost thereby, hare htm to mount the shaft atom on the box behind the pony' Bat Adam, thinking as little of said ffo.that every herring should ko its own gills, and the pony I Ha fott days work before it; more ls Unit It was his right to walk at sarn expense now, having ridden t year at the expense of the 11- etd. 8a he kept the good blackthorn snertnc and Greeba stepped along nlra iy hy hut Side. And when the Castle hsani coaeh overtook and passed them on Its way to Do us) a, and some of the : folk Who rode on It leaned over and hailed Adam by his Chr- ejaa) name, he showed no shame or ran ge, nntil, when the coach was gone, tj. asarght a gUmpse of the hot ctl.T ant had mounted to Greeba's cheeks. without a word, ha turned Jii face to his feet, and strode gdong a good half mile In silence. And aaranttm". Chaise, thinking t( Cghtea the burden of the way with ghnerfit fslfc. rattled along In bis crazy -mm . n-any subiecU. but founc aS came r'TOnd. by some strange rtet, to the nnf subject lht might not tft Mgetrt Then, looking at his f '- mi of thii donkey he hsd before j m thekaaate thai Mi 'hael SunWcks tod. gjL gwara before: how tie himself hud kn !ck an? ett!ll not keep It, and am it wttiiout a penny to a neigh bor for feeding it; and bow when he get hotter be wanted to borrow It, but ' neighbor, in bae Ingratitude and tfincae. would not lend it with'.u.i . "anlth, It's lek that." said c. Cbofsev Give a man yer shirt, ar.d .- mast he lucky or he'll be after axiu' ye Jet yer skin." W t?Bi thr came by Douglas, Chato gras ISr skiitlng round toy "the Spring Vafia taroogh Braddon, but eld Adam, Tmr feei drift, would not pretend to it. snd said that if 'O 4rt" ,a w waa tn gberwsrvf oralning inem wuaoui mr. 'CMlnway wry faees aboet it. And! g- fwr wie people of the town, if ttieyj tlieslir no shame to stare at him he no sUaait io ba stared at, yet j , wt mm" gojd enough for hlm- gsr HOrt he so for one who had iif m and Gretna could go wi:r. I J, '. Braddot!. and they would It, and Greeba could go wi.f. k fey Braddon, and they wouM on Onchan hilt. I a ti Greeba would not content; . .' ea -X. M n... ltftl emais ' jf- SBV awwiawsnrmvi iriPrp WW BUI UMIS BBkV " Or tZm -r -it mte Da--a th Cwwawall antlr with nf carnage "..- m , 1rz7 m if to see the K3e oMWpaay o' cm coveesJ w aoat out ') zr irJ -r m ti z ttTTT"-, , . esossL naif faef la tMa" TtZmtf had ereaa- - i'Aitr Che VtriVfJ. CattheWs ' '"' - " l-rC Cd that this gentleman. In his Am rigging, was come in Adam's place, and was even now on his way to Castletown to lake possession of Government House, and that the bellowing mob that not a month before had doffed their caps be fore' Adam's face, now ahowed blm est the pavement without . seeing a him, stamped and raved and shook his first over the people, as If he would brain them. They slept at Onchan that night, and nest day they reached Kirk Maughold. And coming on the straggling old house at Lague, after so long an absence, Adam was visibly moved, saying he had seen many a hwmMatloo sine the days when he lived in It, and might the lord make them profitable to his soul; but only let it please God to grant him peace and content and dally bread, and there should be no more going hence In the years that were left to blm. At that Greeba felt a tingling on both sides her heart, for her fuars wore many of the welcome that awaited them. It was nigh upon noon, and the men three when they opened the gate and came down under the elms. "Now, I thought aa much," she said within herself, "and I warrant I know their errand." " Adam entered the house with what cheer of face he could command, being hard set to keep back his tears, and hailed his wife in a jovial tone, al though his voice threatened to break, and sat himself down In his old seat bjr the chimney corner, with his black thorn stick between his knees and his hands resting upon it. Hut Mrs. Fair brother made no answer to his greeting, and only glanced from him to Greeba, who tripped - softly behind him. and from Greeba to Chaise, who came -shambling in after them, vacantly scratching hie uncovered head. Then, drawing, her self up, and holding back her skirts, she eald. very coldly, while her wrin kled face twitched: "And. pray, what 111 wind blowe you here?' "An 111 wind indeed. Ruth." Adam answered, "for it is the wind of ad versity. You must' have heard of our misfortune since tha whole Island now knows of It. Well, It is not for me to complain, for God shapes our waya, and He knows what Is best. But I am an old man now, Kuth. little able to look to niyecif, still less to another, and " While he apoke, Mrs. Fairbrother tapped her foot Impatiently, and then broke In with; - "Cut it ahort. sir. What do you went"" . . Adm i:.'ted his eyes with a siupePci lurk, and answered very quietly, "1 want't't come home, KutU." "Horne!" cried Mr. Fairbrother, jijiiirpiy. "And what horn, if you ples.se?" A(ia:ri aat agape fur a moment, ami then :iii. speaking as calmly u be- fore, "What .home, Kuth? Why, what home but tills?" . "ThU. indeed! This is not jour Itmc. wild Mrs. FulrnroU.er. "N't my home!" said Adam., glowtj dropping back In his seat like or.c dumbfounded. "Not my'home! Tld you say that ihi; was not my home?" he aid. suddenly brsdnc up. "Why, woman, 1 was bon here; o was my father before me, end my father's father before him. Five wrntio'i of my people nave iive anJ died here, and the very root raft i rx over your head must Wnrw us." "I'oi'y tottjT cried Mrs. Kairbroth er, ''and if you had lived here much longer not a rafter of them alt would have been left to shelter us. So, sir, Fve kept ihe roof on this rtouac. arc it' I mlae," , "It Is yours, indeed," said Adam kv ly, "for I gave It you." "Ton gave It mef' cried Mts. Fair brother. "Hay 1 took H as my right when all you had was slipping through your fleeere Hfce sand, aireverything does that ever touches them." At lhat wcrd old Adam drew tilmsei' up with a great dignity of bearing. an said:' - "There Is one thing that lis Indee-I -11 .hrn...rU m v M n . u lib mmA ft- " and that Is the fidelity of the wom.r WW " ill 7 rivic 'JWM it'lij ., wv years ago to love and honor me." "Crtnklcttm-trankumr cried Mrs frothcr A pretty thing, truly t'.iat I should toll and molt at my age (.nil wafflnv frtr vnu whM vmf r unf doings have shut every other dow' iralna yvm. Mlafortanea. Indeed! fine naune for your mistakes tamr v auka mistakes, madam. mM Adam: "bet true it Is. as the wis har-'"0 the be who hae never j " "Jl-takee has never made any 'thlna." -r?Bt. do yen refase l take me In?" gftld Adam. Tkle houae It mtse," wtti she; "mine . ww and deed, aa tgat aa wax cat) yew fsramV t ta aw inr sbm 'tZni tgata, tJt Wi faet rtaw. ksm tvr ItrCiai rvwaatf tv raw glX'y z tate ucnr trllttfi txJ t:J.m Oris t yat f. jt ttu cJ tt? f "dt rrryerg t? $ yourself, but that I warrant ye arver tahaU." . . ;. , . .. . . J Then there was a grins silence for a moment. Old Adam gripped eonvul- ! slvely at the staff he leaned on, and aU but as loud as the ticking of the clack was the beating of his Mart. "God give me patience." be said. "Tea. I'll bear it meekly. Hutu," he aid. huskily, "I'U not trouble you. Make yourself sure of that While there's a horse-walet to hang en my olt shoulders, and a bit of barley bread to put In It, I'll rove the country round. but I'll never come on my kneea to you j and ssy. 'I am your husband. I gave j you ail you had, and you are rki and I'm a beggar, and I am old-glv. me , . .t..n,v , hn.rd." 1 Bnt. unable to support any longer the strife for mastery that waa tearing at his heart, he gave way to his wrath, and cried out In a loud voice, 'Out on ycu, woman! Out on you! Ood forgive me the evil day I set eyes on you! Ood forgive me the damned day I took you to my breast to rend It." ' ' While this had been going forward Greeba bad stood silent at the back of her father's chair, with eyelashes quiv ering and the fingers of both hamls clenched together. But now she step ped forward and said, "Forgive him. mother. Do not be angry with htm. He will be sorry for what he has said; I'm sure he will. But only think, dear mother: he la In great, great trouble, and he Is past work, and if this Is not his home, then he Is homeless." And at the sound of that pleadinp voice Adam's wrath turned In part tc tenderness, and he dropped back to tin chair and began to weep. "I am ashamed of my tears, child," he said; "but they are not shed foi myself. Nor did I come here for m own sake, though your mother thinks 1 did. No, child, no; say no more. I'll repcr.t ir,e of nothing I have nal-1 to hei no. not one word. She Is a hard, a cruel wo;nan; but, thank heaven, I have my Hons left to me yet. She Is not fiefh of my flenh, though one with ma In wedlock; but they arc, and they will never s c- tlKir father turned from the door." At that instant thrc of the ?lx Fair, brothers, Aaher; rtos and Thurstan came in from the stackyard, with llK smell of the furxe rick upon them thai they had been trimming for the cattle. And Adam, without waiting to explain. cried In the fervor of hi;motlon, "Thir Is not you will. Ash:T?'" Whereupon Asher. without, any nalutatkm, an- liwered him, "I don't know what yon mean, sir," arc turned a.-idc. !He has damned your mother." said Mrs. Fairbrother. with lier mornir.j apron to her eyes, "and cursed the da that he married her." "But she Is turning me out of th house." ald Adam. "This house m father's house." "Ak her pardon, sir," Asher mil. tered, "and ttvt will take you back." "Her pard n! God In heaven!" Allan; cried. ' "You are an old man now, '.r,' Thurstan. "And you are poor as well." "Thai's true Thurstan; t'nnt's though y ur brother foigts ,'t." "So you shouli not holJ 'ur Mid true, he:. (3 oo his;!)." "What! Are you on her tide .also! Asher, Thurstan. Ross, you, are my sons-'would you tee me turned out of the h;use?" The three men hung- their bead. ""What mctlier says, ne must agrrc it;r muttered Asoer. "Ilul I gave you all I had," said Adam. "If Ism old I am your father, and If I am poor you know bent who made tne o." . "We are r-or, too, sir; we have noth li'g, and we do not foig'-t who is to blume for It," Thur.it an srowk-d. "You gave everything away from your barsaln l a rue. bargain, you want us now to stand back of you." 1 And Stean, and Jacob and John win ,ng in at that moment. J.ieob said, rtrj slyly, with something like a sneer; "Ah. y, and who took the side of stranger against his own children! What of your good Michael iunlockl now, sir? , It he longing for you? Of have ycu ver had the scribe of a o from him slnee he turned his back 01 you, four years. oT ' '-' ", (To be- contlmied.) A WHISTLING PKOl'LE. The natlvea of Corners, .nv of th Canai-y Isles, converse wllh one en other by whistling on their Angers. II is potbt to understand a message a mile off. Bach syllable of a word hi Hi own peculiar i-ound. Comers In cut up by a number of deep glens, which r not bridged over, and aa It wmi:l otherwise he Impossible for the Inhab itant en opposite ' sides of a glen It talk to one another without going a ong way ro-iad to meet, they neve h't upon the whistling device at the hesl means of communication. THEIR CONDITIO CS?tfrtD. Crr Johnson." eald the eldec Of om of the cotored chwehee to the reeenU apdpmted paetor. "what coca yo t'lns Welt U-f Junes, tence yor ssas me, I mus- w actwony tw in' ." ; 'S-'- '!" ''-;. -'';V . ''' I -Why. what deee ye weaa. wer lolioeon? Dy has rr.o' eemp iweti' aa' mrt, "Won edtaper mor eay rcnsregaihea In de towa." v "tats Jef It. lifer iewtn, if i Day mm wawt war twt aey tawta InMMW Mt tow n ftgyiof: fey-fdWM " t .. j.. CAPTAIN MOD OF TODAY. Pirate Mere Daring and Flarea Than uceanaara of Old. Nothing could be more erroneous than lo suppose that romantic crime waa at an end w hen pirates and buccaneers, who swora frightful oaths, wore stolen gold lace and carried daggers between their teeth, were driven off the seas. There are thousands of Captain Kidds living and thriving today. If anything, they are cleverer nnd braver than he. Carrying rifles to a tribe at war with the Brmsn, oer mouma. marsny riven, in a irv,uv". ,, - 'J ' lrv," r, down a merchantman and board- Ins her when you had all the advan- '"n of arms and numbers on your side. In Manila we shall have the modern pirate In the full flower of his perfec tion; for Manila Is near Hong Kong, I and Kong Kong is a sort of general headquarters for all the pirates of the far nni There thev can live be- ... 1 twten times when they arc not on in mnuth and. enlnvlna the luxuries of a while man's hotel, Itatuii out new , scht-mce of adventure. i Thouch he flourishes best in the countries where white men govern iav- . age races, we have the pirate at home. There Is a suggestion of him in every f owlxty. and he still flourishes grandly In tho n Iffhborhood of the Mexican bonier. In most of the revolutions in the South American republics he 1ms played a sT part. If he is paid well be will nerve under the banner of law ami order, though he prelers the other ilde. Hi: ha? been a ra''l cirplnye of the pveinmi nu or the Ricat Kurop-:n pun cts again and agnln, ar.il ve.muy have ukc for hlr.i In t;;e I'hll'ppiues. You will find gn. cling cowatde In Hung K i'g ho b-ive ver a falw word rtn lyln rofgiK'fl. TiieV arc t!ie a.tents ond no-hetw eei.K. Tin- r-il l'l rat'.s wl-o htivu physiral rnu:u!;; v'.J t!.t- woik and take the risk. in all, It if ctumaieo i-uv " popilnt'nn of the great civilised conn tiles ;v n.Illlons live as iiaraulus, pure p.nd pl.r.plc Th'! art- pom hers, .'inl tlslLVts, Ki:iuiK!;:erf, bura:!!! an. I th ;i;.c. Ttt':( wl:o take prc.it physical r!t,!s aic t-un.paratively f'V. Ti:i y are ihe g.-nt!Ren of the ta!il:ig. Thfy play for bi gam", ard. a rul", 'hey would no i;-.re be guiity of j". ity crUr.t than a banker. ; FOItTL'NBS KOK AlVENTl'P.F.K?. Like tho pirates of old. they may bury their treasure, but they sol'lcm retire- Their life Is ns fiiccinati-'g to t'-.-m as the stage to an actor, or.n of the exceptions Is a man living In I'm Is today on tho increment of the mor.ty be earned by fom."ntlnK rclx-lllon '.3irt the French in Chlii. Ho I n .......t vi triolic Fnmlimun. He Sif.ldx n.ary government bonds, and he l) li v s in the army and In ImntrlnK Ureyf'i!:n'lf. The- wonf'ir of It in that h? is r,ot a n:t ml.fr of the cha-nber of I'putiirB. if I were poor acr.in'1 could m.ik" n fort uli" In two years," Is one of hia Utile t-aylngs. "All It ro,ulrcs is a little syirit." I.c f!m, who recently died., wa a uod example of the Europ'un a'lv-n-turrr who l up to date. Capt'tlu Kiud lfd a humdrum life beside hif. it lun amaziDK tl:nt he lived to be 50. anil that he rarled only four buliet wountln at the time of his death. Hy birth he wan l Bolp'.in. In his early voyages with hi father, a trave-lir.fr n;ilem.tn. h learned mont of the languages of Eu rope, and developed tb tastes T tnr wanderer. Ills career n a arand ad venturer a lgun as a spy for the Germans In the l'ranco-Pruwdan war, Toward Ihe Inst he ame. near being fhot ou the chtrce of plnyine both tides for v.hat they would pay hlin. "Sr." he sal.l to Von Moltke, "I have hf en ibe victim of an vnfortunatc chain nf elr unnitancrii. It run ea!ly be proved If I am fe.5 w t" you. I win show you She weakest points in the fortliiratlons of paria which have been constructed sinee S;dan. If what I ay turns out to be untrue after yu have made an assault. I submit." HI information turned out to be correct. During the war I Ore met a half brained Russian who had a plan with millions In it. He proBoeed .tfl .At out an expedition for gold mining In north ern China, where rkh pl.vr deposits are known to mist. The pair got a ship In Hong Kong -end disembarked nt VlaeHvostock, in Kula. 'The Rus sian ofllclaJe TrlnhMl at their endeavor. They gathered up another hundred ad venturer, with the hundred they al ready hud. and rear ted on their way. IM Clerc had a great gift of talk, and be mad friends with a mandarin, who told him to go ahead on the basis that f per. cent of whatever he got was to he turned In to the government, the goreriimert being the mandarin, of course. The manflsrtn had a great deal of gold end a treat many precious stones In his palate..' and ' L Clerc's plan was to take him by surprise, rob him of all he had. end leave the country hy forced marehes. The mandarin's Idea was to make Le Clerc and his ad venturers feel perfectly at home and then maeracre the foreign devils. The result waa a hloody fight. The Htts staa waa killed and eo were most of Le Clere's followers. Hut Te Cterc man- aged to get to Vladivostok alive, tho' he had lost a piece of one of hi ear and been shot In the arm. He had enough gold with him to lake him to Comrtantlnople, whither he was at tracted by the Rns-Turklsh war. He soon had made a contract to blow up the whole Uussian army hy a plan of bla own, some Belgian Arm furnishing the materials, mmttntt to the la wa of neutrality. The laltaa cave hint the aecenwry money, and that waa the mam potst Bit explosives never reach ed DaraaaaM mi he got oat at i.ttr-t neat crr & km. tefl the story e Ma Ufa wtt any detail would require a volume. In bla time be waa In all parte of Africa and South America. He waa in the eapiul of Madagascar when the Treuch cap tain arrived. He had furnished the rebel with arms, and the queen had paid him for them. He wept tears of joy when he saw Colonel Duquesne, commander of the expedition. He told the general all bla efforts had gone to ward dissuading the rebels from mak ing any fight, and even spoke of sac rifices he had made and danger he had Incurred In France's behalf. He went to Madrid during the late war to sec If he could not do some se cret service work for the Spanish gt;v ernment, and died In his hotel there of heart disease. IXDIA SWARMS WITH BANDITS. India swarm with su-h adventurers. The government s secret service is kept busy following up their devices and br inging them to booh. The great am bition of most of them Is one day to . ... ,.i. 4... nA tHev steal a ramus " .- don't mind rinklng their lives in the stts'pt. iit"T sn?ti KJS " til? rifles that the Afrldls had In the late rebellion. The Ma. Fn'ttir r.f Swat did not have so much confidence In rellslon ns a weapon aH not to V wil'inn to give tVX) for a Martini rile. The pen alty of smupRlirst rifles to the nallvea is a lnnjr term of Imprisonment. Home fellows were caught In liie act of emuR giir.g whl'e the r'belllon win in pro preos and were eliot for high treason. One of them was a dlsrltargod servant of the Tirltisli army v.-'.ih a. S'xxl record. Smug:!lrtt brandy to tr rnjahs. who f.re not aMoed by t!i-lr .r.'lig'.on to drtnir IntoKlcntl.vc linui rs. Is (toother fdvorl'e trick. O.ne.oM pnt'-ntite In th far north of ln.ll hl n-ver tasted bunrfy until it frit put to Hp u Un wa a KAoti-hmAR bv birth, l.m a rnwnl in all IiIh thougtil. The tajah likol H so well ;hnt ha ian I willing to pay ary rrlce to set It. pio j V !..-. .Ill- r . !fnd him out. The Pmtrhmsn proiled ' . . . t ,.t.T.v ii, ,t ., f.r-r.oie on not that thty HhouliJn't. ami r-'e-.eu n present of n flue ruby for migprnting that In n r-irlaln secret place he would always find a bottle of Scotch, and (or rvry WJe brov:ght he w.is. to leave :o'J rupe-e. At tiilsi rate of prr.Hl and T.ifi the old rajah c'.ift:m!.lg neatly a Lottie a CJy the 5entihn)4n would htve bfflne ii h had not the rajah'e r.iothet-ln-luv, who Jt anxlius to hav? Hie rnjnh'off the' throne, so" as to give hi on a chance, not granted the Scotchman n. f,ub;'! to enr-ourasi" the old roan's apiK tlle., As remilt the rajah lived only a year, then the S.tehman r that not hlmxelf hut l.ic ir.otht r-ln-law had the hest of the liiirjtain. and '-ursed hlin-m-lf for having ki;i-d fie gooee that r.l.l th" t'old.-n (KK J't to please her. Tit old la'ly (fuicldrr'd him such a inrjr'. roi: mm thai r.hn (lid r.'ft think he oitRht to live, ho, i bct-ame ar. oriental dome, rhe told him that she wished li!ta I'M rnenner of health and happim-f a. u::& uemin-d him U.,it se luv a frl i'l wi.uld ul-Jiy be wfl fia at r'.ii-t, Tiirm she save ordure t'rat the Sc.'Uhn'nn be afHiilnEted. Iiut the 0 wxwln Er.adc a fulne m jvs snd he escaped.' ?i-;nKT ck niruprivK p.kvolt. Vi-.e P'telllm In Hie I'MMpriaea waa ,n. !l-J by the mlv- rtur-1 from Itor.g Kong as a iipecuUOen. They w '.'.,. fijipottunlty of einbarrasifirig S.aln when (ihe already had the retllllon in They furnlnhcd rnl on her hands. Agiilnaldo and his I'-aoers with arm and ammunition in promls" of a share of the loot if lliey Koecc-edi d, and tor a fhare of Die tribe money of the Spaniards should "fettle" with the lead, er. while they nominally granted re forms In order lo approve Ihe poor fools who were Agtilnaldo's followers. Hpain chose to "?ettl." as we know, and the adventurers made a big stake out of "the bribe money. ThT got it direct from the Spaniards, it Is snid, not being willlnkr to trupt Aifuifistldo to de liver It up. Agulnaldo then went bJt to Hong Kong with a fortune under promise not to start another, rebellion, which he- broke at the first opportunity. Many of the. adventurers In the Fhll Ipptue are Germans and Frenchman, or those mongrel Kuroiwan which ere a ieiuller product t.f the etmtlnent. The Hparlarti wa an easy prey for the in. They played an important part In the effort that Germany made to embar rasa our ocuupullou of Manila, If they are driven out by the establishment of a stable government, thy wiil go te China or somewhere le, where there Is a cliance to piny the pooefcar or the pirate. All tl.i; weapons which Mcnelek umtd to defeat the Italians were furnUhcd by thl same luns. some of whom were Kusvlnn ard In direct' employ of the goeirnment. They wonhl unload hun. deeds of rlfii s on th shores of the Red sea. In a single night, and the next morning all wwuid be gone. Out of atgbt on the drset t, mule and men that be longed to Merit lek, and had been wall. Ing for the vi-sstl, were hurrying the tiries on ui Mcprltk'a camp. All the rifles and air.in jnitlon that the Der vishes had in battle of Omdurman were smuggled. The white men whe speak the language of the dark-skinned scum Of Fort Hald delivered these materials on the shore of the Red sea and received their pay from the wild men of the desert, who acted a mid dlemen. The Hervlshes, however, had auch a had reputation that few middle men would take- the risk, For the kha lifa waa Just aa likely lo cat off a man' head who presented the BUI at U pay It. He regarded all white men aa better dead, and ao be mlased the aerrloea of haadreda ef . adrantareet who wsjajid have made their way to him K the ettaJKae vt (tatta tdtl UisfMem v " . ' ' t ,V! - - , pkeq c:::3 Mr. William Morris of Crisp, Iowa, ame to Omaha to aee Prof. Kharaa, luffsriag with what the doctors had mid waa gall stones. la fact, he had een operated npoa rast year hy the lurgeona at aX. 's hospital, hat tfter the cutting wt done no trace of nil stones coulC b foond, and the hagrioed aurgeoits had Incurred all langer and risk for nothing. Mmpiy lidn't understand tfcr. case. Mr. Morris was afflicted very ntirh Ilka Mr. Joha uoland. whose case was reported In .his piper some time ago. The doctore .hougiit Mr. Boland had appendicitis, out he had nothing of the kind. Kharaa avert him from an operation. Mr. Mor rs had an operation ' performed last tear before he heard of Kharaa. Afier varda he suffered continually for a year antll he came to Kharaa through the !ff rt of some of Kbarss' pet ten te. He area In Omaha only a few days when he went home sound and well. After te!ng at home several weeks he wrote Prof. Khaias. highly endorsing his method and treatment, saying he bad bad no indication of a return. Mr. Baldwin, a banker's wife of Hamburg. la., bad suffered with a :ump In her thror.t. and no doctor of -nediclne could give her relief, and her was getting dispe.r!te. Her father isd been cured of paialysd by Frof, thara. so be Inflated that she go to maha and be examined. Prof. K haras ound that a. small glar.d In the aide' of aer net-k had for ime reason enlarged. producing a nervous ten-don which -aused a constant contraction of mas ses In the throat in fftieh a way as te ippear like a lump, though what the loctors had said was a lump was no lump at all. He eured Mrs. Baldwin in twenty minutest Mr. A. W. flicker, a lecturer of eop 4!erah!e prominence of Lone "Free. la., went to Kharas fr treatment tor stum, ich trouble of even years', standing. H" was cured In a week, end i now taking tn Kharn course In Magnetic Osteopathy, and will work for Kbara U r a month for the first ywir. and 2S a month for the second ytr. etc. It you cartr ui mww uoir wvi this bunlnevM write to Kharas. If you l.jn't want to write to Kharas write to anybody who kuims Kharas eacept the d'rtors ther know him, but don't write t. them. Information ol'talni'd from a physMan Ih wnietlnie stfe find sometimes not. Kharas refer to those who know blm bist his patrons. Ue cai Kt:id you name of over t.MO whom he ha cured within the lust two year. IIt hust bi am h elliit"t in many places In Iowa and ffebranka. Investigate his ii.uk it will i.av you. Kharaa. bead- liuurter are locate! at 14li-1517 ' Chl- r.igo street, on.arai. rico. Wish its mlleg of ralirosdff. oc rupyins nine stater, includes as Hs weetern or Tr.in-MJoiirl Kyvtem the Fromont. Klkhorr. & Miiiirl Valley H.)l!ru.I. whic h oecupies Ihe. hent eec (ioii of Vel-iafki, Uoth for ayrk-ultursl und Ki.n'iig purport-. It alto pene irstcn to tin- centir of Wyjir.tng. thro' the cattle r.inK"ar.d Into ti c celebrated hep countj-y ami Ihu oil r'Klons of Natrona otiunty. Vyow.Mg. II. also It the pl-me-r !l::e ti the Black Hill. whoe niythlral (Mxt Is so intimately axMHlatcd with Indian traditions and their leiferidory ltire The modern Black hills ate especially famous for their marvelous richness In gold and sllvet ore. atid for Its equally m-irvelon iber- m'.:l rpring. Near by these Blin k Hills are sec- tlorts of th so-olled Had Lands," I nr?. .mJ'.'1. ""?. """ The agrlrulliirivt f.r stock growei j should f. location on Iheae line, as I a ... ...i. ..iit koM tana. he miner the upper Hill, tne Invalid 'he sanitation of the thermal spring. It i ald that v hi-n n Chinaman de ircn to wreak vengcune-e ujKin .m en emy he commit sclclde. Hlnce the al lied army invaded the Flowery King dom very few of the natives have lived Up to the rule except under pressure. HOW'g THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ease vf Catarrh that can not be eured by Hall's Catarrh Car. F. 3. -CHKNET d CO.. Fropeu Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known I. J. Cheney for the last M years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In aH business transactions, and Bnanctalty a Die to carry out any obligation neade hy their Arm. WKST ec TRUAX. Wholesale Drag- gist. Toledo, O. . WALIM.VG. KIVVAS MARTIN, Wholesale frngglstt, Toledo, O. Hall's Cstarr1. Core I taken toter aally, acting directly upon the bleed snd mucous surfaces of the system Prloe, 7c per bottle. Hold by all drag gist. Testimonials free. Helis Family Pills are the beat. After els ytars of agitation on the part of the trade unions of Cincinnati frot" schoo books have been obtained for the pupils of the Intermediate grade of the public, tchouts. It Is aimed to exiond the system until It embracet ' the schools of all irradee. Vital weakness ana nervone i he eurwi. " virtue ma ' Taatem are gaar. anteed by KkM grog Co.. I ifUle mtr nil narvewa dleeosss, eWity and vi tal lsisa. or eead feww medlclae smj cared if f aaranteed let feita. Peie. I , meisn. trswimnig ina nsrvoua ghould try theee tablets; greatest i tome, it you are nm wnat yew aagr to or want te be and ami ha, Wtw trial and you wtt praise, (ham fce r. a. rmefwge.. er f feeMwVMk Reian ana wnomsnw oi .mysre m I Dm! Co.. Omaha. M, A. tnJoe, I- a smug caj- ran nne wt rwew s CUr, ah far what yew Oar old friend and Wayier. sns tots at ptgwhw kCM. rid aa he waa la Cob. Bag pcg gm. gment does got sharMw tcm c r ' - i