11 I K A IQfflA IS STILL SAFE rrrrr ft,t U ti tta fci'ln c:::oAnons hce com cmiiES OF HIE LEGISLATURE ARE FUSIOil. Btaity Maaabore Elaotatt by ao Smalt Majority That tha Official Count I Ntetmry to Patau1 wars What Thoy Ara. Mr Bryan Loaes tha Electoral Vota of Nobrastca By About Fiva Thousand. 8TATK HENATK. ...17 15 1 Bepahlicans JTacaacy ... lWal .. S3 . , . HOUSE. PuokaataU outside Awwataa county. 50 ttepubMcani' outside Douglas county 41 JTualcnist In Douglas county... te doobt In Douglas county..... .. 6 ..100 Twa! On ah a. Neb (Speclal.The -above Cable represents the strength of the two aartlea In the next legislature. The Mate consists of thirty-three asembera, of which the fualoniata have elected 17 and the republicans 1. One tha republicans elected, however, is 4Ma of West Point, and It has been discovered that he is ineligible, as ha haa not reaided in the district the neci aaary length of time. This Invalidates he eJecton. The senate, therefore, when It meets, will consist of only thirty-two In the bouae there are 10 members, of Whom nine are from Douglas county. Until the official count it cannot be sally determined how the Douglas eotinty taeaibera stand. Five certainly, and- probably eeven. of the nine are fu aloaueta, The official canvaaa may even Ctve them all to the fualoniata. ... Outside of Douglas county there are -one members of the house. Of the republican have elected 41 the fnsionisU 50, while the remaln- n ae representing Cherry and Keyu Paha eiuuei la In doubt. la Douglas county Interest haa be come Intense and both parties are oil the alert. Unfortunately, also. Mime SbUur more than mere alertness haa de veloped, rtnit there wa fraudulent registration and colonization by the re pMftHnn managers.' Then there was ButlntldaUtm and blackmail. " On elec tion y there wa fraud and illegal voting. Cn the day after election an Infamous attempt was made to dis franchise all South Omaha by refusing io accept the ballot boxen. Night be au TMK TWO" arnempt-wcrw- Sm.: orrupt election officers in South Omaha ay the offer ijt money to induce them tu make affidavits falsely charging iri.s on duct or fraud- hi the count. Not- itasta riding a:l deiperata effort la ateal or dtafrar.chls-.; lart or all of Duugla county the fact remains thai the fusion legislative ticket waa elected with the possible eaceptloa of two 'i litre members an! ibis will be above when the official cou&t at aaaca. Oyi aide of OuurIhc county tha uemban W Ibe legislature will be ai follows: SKNATE. Fiuton-Fifth tiausu Dr. U. W. Mac adita; Sixth. KranK T. feaaaom. JmU Uddull; t.igluh. Xhoioaa 9. Zelgiar, JNutth. Ctfw. vtebur; a waUta, JoHepa "aachal; ThlrWreln, yrank Caatp tx?l; Wifteentfi, a. ai. WbUUfy; HU- ieanta, J . E. Miliar; eeventeente, Ju aejih A. WostenavUi: Eighteenth. C. Aviuinhaclt; Minetwe&ia, Ir. ti. Carit wiitu; Tweaty-ntta, Henry KeuUng, Twenty-alath, O. K. fltuey; Twenty aevaata, ur. Joan X. Lyman; 'twenty ighth. tt. Hodges. xwpabttcaa rrst diatrlct. Prank Martin; bacoad, Peter ueriet; Thtrd, t. H. Areada; Effarta. H. U. Cre, iJ.M,.lmmtA H. Hatdrtg; Tento, iu mA Ob iinat ; teieven ta. W. Younn, FourtMata, i. R. Van .Boeklrs; Twen tieth. lUoaard CNel.f, Jooa i. Imin Pm; tweaty-llrat. W. H. fcdgar; Ttn ty axwnd, Buca McOaraet i t wenty. rVrd. C. V. Steele; 1 weaiy-foartn. X. faartaa; Twenty-nloui, j1 M. Alien; mrtiata. fcl D. Owens. HOt'nK. raaton rirst district. Angoat H. Fc! aanbj doba Lachty; Third, O. Mawxcy; ltta, H. H. Marks; Ninth, Ciau fTU; roarteenth, Oeorge L. Lcomis; 4 UvaWk. fteary ffrhlacoxdt; Hlxternio, ii. V. 4 mrray; Nineteentli. A. J. Wat ' "; T Charles crbckelt: Twn j, il. atockweH; Tweaty-third. ' ;, t.aiiairBiaa; Twenty-fourth. " at; TveatynTta, J. W .Tan tatfc, Job c Sprecher; .ria. A. Bowtlw, i.M. iam-jr-eC1. D. Hamilton t; Twmty-atotk, Oeorg. W-M. . 7. CMfelaa, ' I, nr. IC Caikaay: Tnlrty. i litwi l.'Vty-aMta. C 7-trH, . M. EaauHMtau 4 r, a raaM;.Rrty-t'n, V i-4i A, g ' aatOr; 1 v --:-" V f .'I Ik FOR USO Tlctst An Elect.! lj i Ssd ti Tit to! Ttef AS Set Ttai. teen th,, Lou is Hmithberger; Kighte.elh. J. J. McCarthy; Twenty-aecuinl, Frank Jnuvenat: Twenty-ninth, W. H. Beck ley; Thirtieth. A. W. Iane, C. R. Teffl, J. H. M.Hkett. K. J. Hhellhnni, Charlet Warner: Thlrty-flrst. 6. W, Mtskett; Thirty-second, Thomas E. Hlbbert, Henry Kteinraeyer, R. W. Laflln: Thirty-third. A. D. Spencer; Thirty-fourth J. K. Mendenhall; Thirty-fifth. Ronen Tweel; Thirty-sixth, Conrad Betsner, Ttilrtv-aevecth. C. A. Fowler; Thirty eighth, A. L-. Sandall: r"ortteth. Di. Oawne: rorty-flrat. A. J. Whltmore: Forty-second. M. Broderick; Korty-aev-enth, George Humphrey; Fifty-first, tf . O. Gallogley; Fifty-fourth, John E. Bvans; Firty-elghth. Kdward Harris. Sixty-sevond. E. Lowe; Jlxty-thlrd. C. O. Olson; Sixty-fourth, Dr. J. E. Ha thorn; Sixty-sixth, Dr. J. E. Andrews. In the Fffty-second district, which was regarded as doubtful. Lunger (fu) has be?n elected by a majority of Horton carried Cherry counly by t votes and Langer carried Keya Paha by 5 votes according to the omclst eount. 4 REFUDLICAIIS CLAIM STATE, Omaha, Neb. SpeciaL) "With seven counties missing, we have carried Ne braska for MeKinley by a plurality of 7,500," said Secretary Malta lieu of the republican state central committee this forenoon. "The counties that are out are smalt and the vote will be, light, though each ought to give a republican majority. "Dietrich is now l.COO ah ad of Poyn ter and the counties from which we yi nave to hear will increase his lead an other 100. The balance of the repuh lican state ticket. Is elected by 'a ms Jorlty of 2,000 to J,m "In the legislature we will have a ma jority of six on joint ballot- In th;?' etimate e count on six out of tht Dduglas county delegation of twelve. "The cnuse of the heavj- slump froir the fusion ticket has been due to tlu iprevalenfp of good times and the con fidence In the principles' which the re publicans -represent Imperialism, ex pansion wnm -immniR -idv22sd by the speakers on the fusion side bun Mr. Uryan throughout Xebranka. Tht pelle looked upnn these issues as br ing trumped up and without any foun datum." CLAIM POYTIIER HAS SAFE LEAD. Omaha, Neb. (Special.) Compu te r turns from stxty-seven( of the ninct. coyntleg in the state indicate the iv ele-tion of Governor Poynter by a plv rality of 1,100, or about l."0 1. ?s thi his plurality of two years apo. Tliese counties g.'ve Poynter 90.1Se. and Dietrich 8V.21K. These si me eoun ties In 189 gave Poynter 75.848 and Hay ward 73.47. ' Thia oompsrl'on shows net lesa if 1JSO0, and It covers alje.i' three-tourtbf of the vote of tbe gtatc.,' Tbat Poynter cannot be' defeated un es there Is a larger percentage of lew In the remaining counties than in thor that have already reported Is evident Poynter' a plurality two years ago i 2.721, Hod aa his loss tbl year can hard ly exceed l,70. according to the return re;eived. bb plurality can be locked fo to remain above the 3,000 ci.nk. The Utter returns indicate lint M Klnley carried Nebraska by R.CO0 plnra; Ity. Complete returns frcm rlxty-sevpi counties give Bryan 95,052 and McKIn ley 99,913. Four years a5-o th-Ke ccur, Ilea gave Bry.-n 9 S7 and, lit Kink; 15,105.' This shows a net loss for Brysi that nearly wipes out his lend of f-ti year ago, and the remaining countle yet to come ia 111 uedocbtedly givt MeKlnlry a pittrallty of about M. ' It Ul be obatrrtd that -ao far aa re ' sortrd Bryan la receiving mote rote than be aid Coar years ago ta the var: fa cawatlea, but the new rote ht th. pae that aires tbt'tut to MrKttiwy. The rtats ticket teems to be nmaMl tt U with the aororaor, aad aonx f ta Candida tea wtH brobably nwrhr. hHwar atanMty tkaa titat l&airai)' I. Poynter. Tbe ratarai (Jaa aor pi rikrJcb wag art ht many liralltH kof is A tttrrfwr tl meukm ttm m a - F m r-r '""V. . ..--.- e w '-. - j , - , j s v. Jilt tftn 1447 'Hi 1MI lii.x; 131 tie 2.;i liTt "z'u 12T. 2S3V 1041 2444 n 439 ii !- 1312 144 , t9 , KJ2 U2 301 934 24&3 123M 2T2 Ifitt K21 773 1148 lt 148 419 M 39C 1917 130 Kit .102 431 7C 10 ."3 1M1 14at 9&5 178 m 97 1042 513 1078 74 116 mi 37 979 743 1419 1137 2438 146 46 K73 34 1377 Ml 244 U19 tdt ' . vn 1 m . 121 l.V-7 1737 '77S ' ij79 241 1101 2415 12S 2Kt im 1134 20 134 MS &14 100 17CS 1S70 7 ii 14M 1217 im 1109 2I 3tt 49 12I Mt0 119 102 141 1C90 M 1779 lTHa 142 1 1T 244 ! 344 ' 914 lli7 40i Dixon lfltf Dodge 2827 Douglas 1414: Dundy J0 KiUmore ISM Franklin 84 Frontier 930 Furnas UK liage Garfield 2S0 Oiiaper (I miss) 4TS Orant 150 Greeley 4I Hall 201S tot : 201M 117&5 W 173S ' 1M I02 147 , S7M 1 223 t tl 95 777 18 IS 152 11M 24 47 142 4V 12i 1817 1244 111 29 271 : 1593 M87 135 128 1SS 1715 3 1020 951 130 1356 24 11: 11 n 2099 1432 1)1 25 4i 20O4 l8.t 2728 244 187S a KlUwiltOM . Harlan ... Hayes .... Hitchcock Holt Hooker ... Howard .. Jefferson . iret ISM im His Johnson Kearney 10U Keith 24 Keya Paha .... 37 Kimball 137 Knox 15ft Yancaster 7444 Lincoln 13tf Logan lOt Loup 150 Madison ....... 20W McPherson .... .... Merrick 1212 Nance Nemaha Nuckolls .... Otoe Pawnee ..... Perkins ..... Pierce . s Phelps Platte Polk Ked Willow Richardson . vmt 1783 271 2325 m XIU7 12H 102 231 9D 2121 .... 2433 242 2102 10P0 2756 239S 4M0 2310 72 2323 2291 347 20X8 74 2121 230 1GSS :,n 432 155 155 V. 508 92 1597 1337 97 995 1919 Rock Saline , arpy Saunders ... Scott's Bluff Seward (19 out Burt Cans Cedar .... Chase .... Cheyenne Cherry Clay Colfax .... Cuming ... Cuoter .... Dakota .., Dawes ... Da sou . , Deuel .... Of 20) IS72 1425 Sheridan .... .... Sherman f03 "38 -"ioux (J2 out of 15) 7S4 231 Stanton , 75 7J1 Thayer 1S37 150 Thoma" 0 Thtirtoh ..... WM C"S Valley ......... 77K W8 Washington 1 132S Webster VK3 1320 Wheeler 137 ISO Wayne .... sot 833 nis 7 717 8 I.TU 1328 Kl 1110 lS!t Tork Totals 9913 950-3 103064 11007 MR. BRYAN SAYS FIGHT IS STILL ON. Lincoln. Neb. (Special.)-Mr, Bryan today gave out the following stale tuent regarding the election: "The result was a surprise to me. and the magnitude of the republican vlrtcry was a surprise to our opponents as well as to those who supported our Icket. H is Impossible to analyze tba ttums until they are more complete, lut speaking generally, we seem to ;ve. gained In the large citb n and to iave tost in the smaller cities nml in he country. "Ttie republicans were able, to secure lefcets and passes for ail their votets .vho were away from Jtome, and this gave them a considerable advantage. We have no way of knowing at this ime how much money was npent In th v urchase of -cites and cilonlxallon. Kut ,hlle these would account, for mme of he republican gains, they would not iccount for the widespread lacreafe In the - republican vote. The prosperity rnument was probably the m'sl potent we uped by the republicans. "Tliey coRijisred present c.-ndll!ors sillh the panic times of '93 gni) '!. and ;l;ls argument bud .weight with thr-e vhc did not step to consider the rs,,s-. f the change. Th appeal, 'stand by the president while tbs-wxr h on had t great da1 of influence among thwte t ho did not realise that a war agalntt -.e doctrine of self-government 'In 'the I Mpplnes must renct fon us In that iiuntry. :. ' ,,. "We have 'male an 1ione?t fight upon in honer t platlorm, snd having dnna -ur duty a we u It! we hare noth ' t$ to regret. We ate defeatod, but not 'Isroaragcd. The light mnst go on. 1 m sore that the republican pdkriea vlll be repudiated by the peopl when he tendency or thee policies Js fully snderstood. The contest between pi o seiacy and democracy cannot end na il one nr the othr Is completely trl jn;'bsnt." . , . In ansver n Inaalrfea eoneernlnv Umfetf, Mr, Hrysn Mid! "1 hrve hc oit of the rflmpejgrt itii rrfeet health and a elenr con. lener. I !ld mr utirost to bring sue. to the prirHpies fr,; which I stood. ,Ir. Stevenson did ali tat be cou!d; Mr. ones, and I iremaers of the tteat rstic, populist, silver tpobtcn an4 intl-imperlallirt noronrtltoea did all titer oold. Mr. He-rrt and bis awUttr la he club organisation nut forth their est efforta. Oar reits papers, our cam alati aprsrere and u,r local orgmirtri lons all dkl their best. 1 have no faull fid and no reproaches. " "I dealt take an active Interest Ir MUc aa long aa I lire. ! believe II .1 be the daty of evry citlaen to dc . In addlilon to my Interest as a clt- tern. I feel that ft will tave a f stint- f tr9 to repty my political frirndi 'or what they have done for me. ff fiaU aot he a senat-irlaj eantHoata vfn Vn llrture wMeh has Just 1 e'.tan.. kenator. Allsa deerv - 'wef'ta trhlrh to th aoa ' . , kt 1 ofeack and Mr. Tltaata. Wt 4, M Loand Thowpscn ara 1 $Clitti for rht aeRertf i trrt. They both dcrerre we lal 1 ,jr. ! iMtittaMMt ' I 'j -t i-r-tt ta ataad ta. ta-t yr-- rti he b aa f " " (t Mmaitft) SENATSR PmiCWJiYJ KEW PASTY WH.L AXISE Ft. Paul. Minn. (Spe.i;l.) A Sloui tails spwial'lo ihc Dispatch si;.: "1 predict the forniniion of a nt' patty, based o" tlic protsts of the our. rated jcrrtle agsinst repuUliaii.m a taught by Maik llannt," declared Cnlt- 2W i J Sa- Scnalor R. F. Ptttlgrew thl nKiriitiig. "1 saw ho it was aolng V and vrm homo. For weeks I have told lis- m'ion al cirnniitt"e we were dtffAtd it. PfUtth Dakota, but they V pt, clai'ulnp Ihc stMte and 1 Have b-n worklna fi pulitl al effect. No. I wax um di-af-winid. I slept Hell Ifint rilxht. 1 w'li Fmaln In Houx Folic and I am eoirs to rps'iime my iri'l norlli of (;n, Th reat 1 the more welcome to me. ac It lias fo:iip. than victoiT would hvi ber If !l csrne by monoing ttte sr.rt sf P" Icy s'liii h the repuhiicsn parry reprt . :11s. -Vis. of f-iMiie. 1 will be iti the nea I ai'.y. What tt will be nilled is r.f lltil, finmcnl. It my be 'social lahnr,' or f: niy bp the 'new d? -.norm tic f arty. It will be mad up 1 if persfmx discontented !th the elcnien: In politica, as a pre led sffiiinst the exiting condl:iinR nr. I (he pvssent trr.denoy of thintri'. Tbe :tiiiM-iit-j wlil grow mplilly and I l-Ht-ve wlil rtefcut the republican party In tfHM. Mark Hanmi n-pnbllcanb'm rncij aces th" rcfmbllc. The ' onc iitrat!en rf vc-;ltli will rrejt uilnfluenr-e to re trlct lie right of rtu'fr.tg" iiutil cap- ' tlnliets i;l say ni one is f:t to tik jiart in the g ivei o:wril who dc-et nef knc I'uoush to tr.nl; more j-. ;- ''The elect km dos not stand - ar indcrrcnicnt of all the admlnlsiiatim tr-.uds for. The cry of pr -k;u -i!y nna U.e inclnl quest Ion re ttiore apparent no wll.an i v-r hffove nf ijei'.hij Ell w rau and keeping n'.l f- s.i. N'o Ac-;!ii-SiNcn t-aci ever won -against, th -rrty In p.wer while inyoivt-d In war. 1 thousl.t it woul I be different ib'f I iltr." bHuc of general dl?. .n:'?nt li.c divorcement of the di n-.omitl" and r'pulist p.irtics I? asnired. but the new -isnr o" rf' P"Pler one. i can--.ot s.iy whtt!ser 11 f, lirytin will anilatj ivith !t or not." mm HAI1A HAS A PRESIlE'iTIAL BEE la H S NAT ClevelHiirt, O., Nov. 8. ?eakr Hen l!rscn of t!t national hone of repre :rntativt was entertained at dinivn at the, Vrtln club by about tenty pr-m inent repiibli-ans of Cleveland 1 the v of iVtober 31. when he dclv ercd u campaign speech In this city, lie Sratb surprised Mime of his hosts d'lt -ir.p h- tabic talk by telling tijera tlH ; Senator Hanr.o's tour of the norttiwew! i had sk stirred up that country thst the , tP3.itcr was bi ir.g talked about thcte 1 n: a presidential poseiblliti- four ymr j l;ci:ce. , J Hc.iator IlntTna was aked wbfther 'at j bud beard of any such sentiment in the j northwest. j "YfH," he answered, I have herir) j rumors to teat effect. At some of the loiectings I addtessed in the orthwest .cries a 4-re laired about the next pel hU'tjey, hi-h I could not help hearing. There bus been some talk of the elmr acter y-u nrjnlinn. But I do not want j to Im? the next president after SlcKHi j ley. I will have naming in de rijh iL 1 have had enough of politics and public ilf to suit any one." Hentitor Hnnra st;irts tonight fcr New Yor to dii-p ise of unfinished campaign r-'jelnvss. lie will return home n Mon ilsy and leniiiin until Dee ember l,wbci lie will si'i ti Washington fr the rit of the whiter and the secsion of con gress. ' Senator Uitr.na teday received abuut IC'i ttflegrains eonsratulstlng him upon the result of the election from prom inent republicans ail over the ecintry, C0X6RATUUTE KCKIMLEY. ' " Washington, l. C Hpw Ul.) Among Iho congr.-tluliitcry telegrams rer-clvcd .y the president are the following: "I'atis, Nov. 7, I9M.-HK Excellency, MMislcur McKlnley, President Vnlt-.d Wales of Anu.-rlca; I beg you to accept my niot idtvere eemgratulatkms on jour r-elelion to the supreme, offloc ttutt you h ive fill, d with such luHio ard duiing which the bonds of frlend ti:lp betve-n our twj countries have, to, my gnat delU'il, len drnwn still jlost r. K.MILK IOritET." 'I.'at.Il.j. Nov. 8 - The lYt-sldcnt: 8ln rere irgi-itulatlnii. The most Import. nl step in brngl.ig peace and prosper (y to these Is Urdu bis ticen taken. "COMMIHHION." ' "nuat-mala, Nov. 7, 190O. Mr, llt A.)nty: I sincerely felicitate you. , M. K SITU ADA. Pi-ealdente." ; lY GUiXS KIS ELECTICI WaslUngtctj. D. C. -8rtil.)-F'-r i-.er Kenater M. f. Quay, who will leave lereiumorrow for Florida, tonight gav tll the following statement for puMlea. 'im: - "The contest of Tursdnr resulted tn a iweealnf Victory for the stilwatt te (itibiicans of the state, The nal will oe araaalcod br the regulars, no mat ter about the statement to the con trary made by hortlle aewapaper or inr.tiraeala. aerator W. P. Mayder of Chcatar cdairty wilt be beted ttrarldent hr teat at the aaaata. ana Raereaenta. tire W. T. Marrhall, a atalaran from 0nhay Mmtr. he rtartad aeeak. fr at th kotisa. la-aba afas'.atl Valttw tet jator tlw C out of a trl r.'i a tU, m tit Crat ballot ta '-c . ''t 1 tl-GhM " it--i MP1UCAIS JOYFUL. New brk. (Ppeclal)--Aa eathusiustic rrowd of repoWk-aas tliri.naed the fw llonal headquarters tonight. Tnr hundred and lorry had ben asked to sit down to a feast, which hsd been provided by Ihc natlin:il committee. By. 10 o'ejy-k ail the roins nnd hall ways were crowded with men, who rhatted and laothed rnd Jostled each jther and moved here and there carry ing tidings. When It was announced that Nation il Comm(lte-niah l'ayne hud telephoned trom Chicngi that Chulrtnan Jones of :he di'meicratlf national commit tee had omeU-d Illinois and Indiana to II" iinley a gre.it shrut went up. Henator 8ftt of Wert Virginia sen! nie loiiuwing t-Us.-ani t snur M. A, Unnna: . , ., "Shake. Old I.lmpy. shake." - The reply was: "Telftgram re-eivcd: I am net limping in much as 1 did. Congratulations to you nil." Al 10 p. m. both (be nstionsil. and tte headquarters were crowded to their , utmost eapacltv, The crcwd tayed for a while, but about 11:30 all left, thinking it not neee:nry to hear any more itiurns. Refreshments were served at W. but nil hands were t much engrossed in the nws to l-.ive thir ptacea, so the food was brought round by waiters. One r'OHi was bountifully supplied wifn sina, and this was served in prodigal .'afhion. Jl'BlLATION AT W.?lllNTON. 1 Washington. D. C The Jubtlstion vre over Prenldcnt MeKlnlcy's re-eiec. tlnn broke all blonds. , Xevr, except 3t inausuration timey, did (turn ero-rtr surge tip and down Pennsylvania nv- 1 nue. cheering, slnsins and blowing tin j tinrns, In the abyencc- of the president' there BRYAN IS UncoTn. Neb. -tPr"la!.-WIllIam J. Hryan retired for the niabt a few min utes after 11 o'clock. Ife declined n make any statement even of a conj- e. tural nnture until tomorrow. "Conjee lurBl statement may be uil right be fnre eb-ction," he remarked laughlrg!?, "but they strve Irt tic poipiffe after the election Is over." j IVith Mrs. Kryun by his side and nith the familiar look of couraseous and In- j dmiltoble good hnture in his eye hej bade each of the newspaper men who j had spent the evening at h's home a j eorOlal good-night.'' pr';rsiirlng to see; them again at 9 or 10 o'clock tomorrow! morning. "Itelter make It 10," suggest. j ed Mrs. I'ryan wi'.h an eye clnglc to j tfie icngreyt possible rest for her hus band after his Herculean and nerve f ra. king labor of the past four months, Plointed but admiring eomHpondentf shrik the hand of r-nch afel departed. Four years ago Mr. Kryan went to bed and slept quietly and soundly ar, hour after the returns bogan' coming in. ror.igbi before 8 oeprk, after first scan ning the unfavorable curly 'returns from New York, he peacefully sought hl bed, and slept most of the time until a few minutes before II. romlng down then only to oblige the correspondents who were anxious to see him before re tiring for the night. Not a word cr gerture nor facial expression of the groat leader of the democratic hosts In dicated aught of discouragement or weakness as he stood smiling and good natured by Mrs. Bryan's side with the newspapermen crowded ab.mt them. HOW HB TOOK DEFEAT. Mr. Itryan brought down stairs with Mm a bulletin Just re-clvA which told of his having gained SKi.OOO votes In Greater New York as compared wl'h four years ago and n increased vote In New York ats'e. One of the corre spondents read the bulletin. There wa silence fer a moment, theg the reader commented: "Welt it's not so bad after all. buj it's not as good os It sl.i-uld have been." "No," responded Mr. Brynn with a gentle smile on his face, which looked wearied and wotn. "No. It's Wol quite what we cxpeeted.'' j That wae all. Not a word or a look of disappointment, discouragement of1 111 nature, Husband and wife stood side by ride as the newnpap'-r men trooped silently through Ihe door. Mrs. Bryan remained In the library ind sitting room throughout the even- PAYKECVESTXAm. Chlcago.-(Bpeclxl.)-Vlee Cbalrmn Payne of th republican national com mittee mad lb following stalemnt .Ma afternoon: "I claim the election of McKlnley br Iff electoral rr.ua. We bar carried every state wt aald we would, and two 3 three atatea w considered d :abtf ut, saaaety, Mtbraatu and Utah. "Th leattlatara af Rottth Dakota will h orrrwitaftazttljr rtpuMUaa, aa4 th east dehat hj reattWIoaa by tSJM io 1M2& Tkh aaaaa th ret!rt ttm raMke klfa af a ntaa who in a traitor ta KbHMCf, traitor ta hi Party at h tff m U aatmtiy. t m that r j tci,e traj itct tha vm ' - f i r f?rr"ta r?rr-i t - u 'it'ir t vt was no gathering at the White hoase, and sucb advh-es as were received them were conveyed by teieiahone to th member of ttie cabinet, no- In Wash ington, f niy three are hete, Secretartea Hay, tlage and l&.ot. tbe latter reaeb Ing the ll y during ttie evening aftel cartiiig his balb.l In New York. Seo ,.rry Hay remained at bla home dur ing the evening, -but Secretary Oage sss at the treasury department, and with a number of friends heard the re sults there. At the war department' Secretary floft. (lefterni Miles and Adjniant Gen eral Corbln wi-re on hand 'and remain- until iHtc In the evening. At the repub-Id-sn and democratic headquasteni the officer t,f the committees were engaged in figuring n the i-ofripSfixten rf th next bailee of representsUvsa. Kepre. ientative lyittdenslager was tn cbargs of the republican headorters, and (!halrman Riehaidson of the democrat ic congressional committee ratne Obwb fmm Vm- Vfttl- ml-.tw HA tkas hsSSi . much of ihe time dnrtrig the camoaigo. to assume cl arge. ( ' KeKCLEn PLUHALITT II CA. . Iridiuniiiiolls, Ind. (Special. turns Indicate that MeKlnleyw atoral Ity wllVlie from 18,000 tn Xjm. The n puullcami have pmbubly Otevrn oat af thirteen cenKwrsmen. STOCKS Krj. New Tork.-"fHpeelal. Stock market ojieiied in a buii ujiy-'b&r!? tsdy TiansnctioriH were on a large sinala, aad it was difficult at tlnn-s for brokers to execute tl-.clr ordera. The baying power expressed Itself most rmpbatJoufty In ' the industrial list. Hrnel and ' Iron I stocks hhvveil oiwntng gnhia of tare te ' three points. .- ir.g reading and commenting quietly an turns, which were almost uniformly dis couraging, chatting pleasantry with fi-lendj. and correspondent who a era present, with never an outward tremor or sign indicative of disappointment. The allied reform forces of the fritted F tales, hvwever di -wiraging the news flashed over the wire tonight, would hnve been supronuily proud and amnwt happy could they hae wltnessefl the simple and unaffected and truly aoble manmc In which their gallart and ehlv alroun leader and hbt winsome wife bore the weight of a second defeat. Mo one bemildii.ft William J. Bryan In the hour of this reversal, noting'l.la undiatvrbed eriuanlmlty and serene nnd lofty cour age, but felt that In hia presence one stands befor a high-mirdel, idncere and devotd pattlot, in whoea nrlflab personal Umldtion is most strikingly absent. The returns at the Itryan hone wet received over direct Western Union 'nwi, Postal wires and, long distance tek phone connecti jn with Chicago and New York. Among those who spent th evening there were Mr. and Mm. Cbait. Ilryan, Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Allen, Vr. und Mrs. James C. Dahiman. Mm. I;og. ers of Kanraa Ci'y, A. II. T.ifb.H.'W. F. Schwlnd, H. F. Hockey and J H. Broody. DA HUMAN HUXO OM . " ' Numrrooa friends of the family called duiing the evening to Inquire In oha tened tones If "aay more anooaragibg nes-s la coming here thap what la be ing received down, town." Within' aa hour from the receipt of the flrat bul housa hadabrii shrd slirdlu abr aanj letln. With Mr. Bryan already tn bed and asleep, almost every person la the house had abandoned hope, of Mr. Bry- Dahlman. Mr. Dahlman had kfca with' Mr. Kryun on Lis last tour, had wit nessed the tremendous ovation - ac- - corded him and could not conceive of the possibility of defeat. When flnalty even the New f ofk World conceded ' New Tork to MrKlnley, IXthlmaa In sisted that r.ryan could win without New Tork. and named the etatao ha could do It wlli. Even when it tapear ed that Ohlor and Illinois were aeeni Inly hopeless, Mr. Dablman still flout, ly contended that Indiana, Kenhachy. Delaware, West Virginia and Otlifor- nU would el"Ct Bryan.'- The correspond, erts laughed solemnly, but Dablman was unflinching. It was not until bite ' In the evening that he gave u. and then he went all In a heap. BRAVE HIS DEFEAT. SEVERAL jCfaSES. ,tcagooneclal)-The victory of tha rrpublk-ana national ticket 1 greater than had been expected by tha aartr committee, i Outside of tha aavth, which la no longer anlld on!y two atatea ar avrety democratic. Colaraia aad Montana alone are roared ht Bryaa. taeaa being tha two chief atirar ara4ae big autes. Coiomdo s majority I JAT3( tV , yrara ago It wa eat dawn t 15. Mowtam give but ta CX , liaha and Karada, 2tw rf'halaj atahtfl, arnr to arohably he djoaatmlls. hut arc tatd by tt rapartas, Ooa af tha great tarfirletii Ii tTtab, Wtafft Sryhara, atarMy tt Um Ftaw 1 4C-" (J a. " f".! V X. .. v v' 1 t - ir yhr " r, . . . Kl " e,S, 4 ' 1 . . Il ' --.. i -ti 1 1