Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 15, 1900, Image 3

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Intrepid Manners Organized by Gam
era! gam Houston.
Discussion In the house of represent
ativea when a feature of the army bill
as under consideration, concerning the
rffectiVRiuaM of the wonderful cavalry
police of the southern plain the Tex
as rangers has drawn general atten
tion to this picturesque and thrltllngly
t merest Ins; body of men, who have no
counterparts (n the world.
The Texas rangers as an organisation
dates from the spring of 1ISC The
hardy Texans were at war with Mex
ico, fur the freedom of the republic ot
Texas from Mexican rule. When the
Alamo had fallen and the frightful
maM'.re there had occurred. General
Sam Houston organised among the set
tler in the territory a troop of I, WO
mounted riflemen. They were the orig
inal Texas rangers. They did wonders
in the face of the army under General
Hanta Ana In the battle of Ban Jacinto.
When the republic of Txss was org&s
sed In December, 1837, the rangers were
retained as a fort of standing army for
the frontier of the unique republic.
During the seven years before Texas
was admitted as a state In the union
the rangers repelled a horde of mur
derous Mexican marauders from beyond
i he Rio Grande, fought into submission
the fierce Apaches, Comanche and
Klowaa d 01 ens of times, and admirila
jvxvA justice on a wholesale plan to a
great number of red-handed outlaws
and ruffians who flocked into the new
republic from all parts of the United
The Texas rangers became so much
if an Institution for the protection of
life and property of the settlers and
lonely ranchmen of the territory that
w hen Texas became a state 1,200 of the
rangers were retained as mounted po
rn :, Wis ilci.esr. border " for
holding In check the almost intractable
Indian tribes of the southwest. Until
the civil war broke out the Texas
Lingers were kept constantly in the
field. At times there were reserve ran
gers to the number of 3,000 among the
frontiersmen, who were called out many
tims to aid in quelling Indian out
breaks, and to drive out or slay a band
of Mexican marauders. After the war
rhe,;nwfrs. were, gradually reduced
from 1.000 to 200 nun, and for some ten
years there has been no legally con
stituted force of rangers.
Still there are In the office of the
adjutant general of Texas at Austin a
list of 1.P0O equipped and experienced
men who are amenable to calls for Im
mediate duty as rangers by the gov
rnor. The list is revised every year
itnd only the moat hardy may serve.
Thero is alo a list of reserve rangers to
the number of 8.000. The stockmen and
owners of the big Texas ranches nil
employ some men belonging to the
rangers on their own o count.
When the civil war broke out Gen
eral Con Terry, an old ranker, organ
ized the famous body of men known
us Terry's Texas rangers, composed of
former rangers and frontiersmen. Thry
fought from Bull Run to Apjomattox
and lost 75 per cent of their original
muster roll. General Sherman's me
moirs comment upon the bravery of
the rangers at Bhlloh. Soon after the
tlose of the civil war the Tixus legis
lature provided for calling out 1,200
i angers to protect the frontiers Against
hostile Indians. They were what would
have been known We years ago as
wardens of the marches. It was a for
midable little army tni in,
for bum vents thereafter the rangers
formed a strong body of troops. As
late a 187J there were organised and
armed along tho frontiers of Texas
Twenty-eight minute companies of ran
gers, and four more companies were
mustered Into service late that year or
early the next.
It Is only by piecemeal that one can
get nn Idea nowadays of the danger
the Texas rangers have faced as easily
as dally duty. In the summer of VM
the rangers followed the Comanchea,
mimSrlnr iwer 3.000. peaselesslv for
two months. Seven times there were
engagements of several hours' length.
Then when the Comanche had been
temporarily subdued the even more
hostile Apaches on the west hod to be
attended to for three month more,
but in this the United Bute troop
were the leaders. In October a half
doscn bands of Mexican bandits, who
t ad burned, murdered and marauded
a!on the Rio Grande while the rangers
were engaged with the Indians 300 miles
sway, had to be (marched oat amid vast
stretches of arid wastes and trackless
foothills, and fought under all Imag
inable hasardous circumstances. In
one week twcntytwo rangers were
Klllcl by tho Intrenched half -breed ban
dits to the number of 300. Altogether
the campaigning against the Comanche
and Apache Indians and the maraud
ers lasted ten months, and there was
not a rest day no time when the rang
ers were secure from danger In nil
those months. In that campaign of 147
fourteen out of every hundred rangers
were killed. Seventeen per oent more
were wounded by poisoned arrows and
bullet so that tbey became Invalids for
Statistics kept hi the office of the
adjutant general of Texas regarding the
rangers, and they give something of a
Idea of the ooastaat dangers " the
almost eeneUat campaigning that these
hardy men have experienced alone the
Texan frontier. la Ml CM ranger
mks aaaaaed an a ftcnt with over lot
Chuiihsee. The hitter were Intrenched
Max where DeaJeoa, Tea., bow flour
tea, bouts reverted the sine of the
Indian body to tha rangers, and said
that If eeruM k3 ttvea miles eS to
tit left tauM ha twined la tha teat of
UK?: a2a t :!aet csrh wm
t ,,
situation. The desperate efeaare waa
accepted. With a whoop of defiance
to the Indiana the Texan rod for
ward. Exactly 137 men fell dea :n
the charge. But the hill was taken
and held until the United Bute troop
came a few hours later to take the
brunt of the battle.
Conditions had ,so far changed In
Texas by the year 1B that the rangers
were no longer needed for defense
against hostile Indiana, as Indian raid
had ceased. Rut the force, now reduced
In number, was still active In the sup
pression of desperadoes along the bor
der, some of them raiding Mexican,
other native products, snd all more
troublesome from the fast that the
Increased vigilance on the Mexican side
of the Rio Grande tended to confine the
operation of such persons to Texas.
The rangers made. In the years 1880-90,
67 arrests, mostly of desperate crim
inals, among them seventy-six mur
derers, 190 cattle thieves and twenty
five robbers and burglars. Although
Mexican outrages had aecrwrrd In
numbers, and the Indiana had utterly
disappeared from the state, the rangers
from December, 180, to November 30,
1892, made more than 900 arrests.
Any unmarried man over 18 years of
age Is eligible as a ranger, but It is
an exceedingly difficult matter to get
into the organisation. Courage, phys
ical soundness, first-rate horsemanship,
precision with firearms and steady hab
its are the requisites for membership.
The term of enlistment Is one year. The
ranger furnishes his horse, accoutre
ments and arms, while the state fur
nishes food for the men, forage, ammu
nition, medicine and medical attend
ance. The pay of captains is $100 a
month, of sergeants 150 a month, and
of privates .'!0 a month. The force is
made up of young men, sober, well or
dered, and, as a rule, fairly well edu
cated. The rangers of iuday attend
to business In the same thorough fash
ion as their predecessor, and In mall
bands of six or eight men they pursue
and capture the worst desperadoes of
the border counties.
In the equipment of Its men and offi
cers but scant regard is paid to military
law and precedent Each ranger dress
es as he pleases, experience having
taught him the best outfit for utility
and comfort on his unending round of
duty. He usually wear a corduroy
coat, with reversible waterproof lin
ing, heavy riding trousers, and boot
well spurred, a flannel shirt, buckskin
gloves, and a big hat For arms. He
carries a short carbine, a bowle knife
and a Colt s six-shooter, which is not
strapped close to his body, but hangf
almost to lils knee, it huvlng been found
that thus suspended there Is less risk
of the weapon catching when drawn in
a hurry. In his belt are his cartridges.
And, so accoutred, he is always readj
to mount and tide.
Out of hundreds of extraordlnarj
deeds of bravery one will give some
Idea of what the Texas rangers have
been doing In smoothing the paths of
advancing civilization In the Southwest
Several years ago the rangers accom
plished the capture of the famous band
tt outlaws and cutthroats known as
the Bill Ook gang. For eleven years
that gang had murdered, robbed, pll
luged, and had wrecked railroad trains
and burned the homes of settlers. De
tectives, sheriffs' posses, and bunds of
outraged farmers and cowboys had
pursued the bandits again and again.
The Cook gang had always fought shy
of Texas, especially localities - where
remnants of rangers were yet In force.
Captain Watson of company D of the
rangers tell of the final capture of the.
terrifying guiig In the following words:
"One evening we reoelved a telegran
worded: 'Bring boys and saddles; hot
work.' This came from Bellevue, Tex.,
on the Fort Worth and Denver road,
290 mites southeast of Amarlllo. We
packed UP our saddles, put our guns
in good order, and look the train. We
left the train Just before reaching our
destination so as to prevent suspicion
of our movements.
The man that sent the call for help
mot us and ssld that he had located
out In the country a bunch of men
that bad been acting strangely. We
waited until dark and sent to the livery
stable for horses. Then we rode off to
ward the place where the stranger
"We lay near the house until dny.
light and captured one of the deeper
adoe who wa acting sentinel. He
did not wish to go with us to the boufie,
a he said there was to be a tremen
dous fight; so we .tied him to a tree
and advanced. The outlaws did not
know we were ni-ar until we rapped on
the door and asked them to come out
and see how pretty the weather wa.
Their reply to this polite Invitation wa
several shots through the door. W
then opened fire and those within re
plied. Finally a ball from one of our
gun (truck the mqg&tlne of a Win
chester In the hand' of one of the out
laws and a piece of the broken maga
Ine cut a deep gash In the outlaw's
chin. They all then retreated upstair
and kept up the firing. W broke In
the door and fired Into the room above
through the celling, when the outlaw
decided It wa time to ring down the
eurtaln and surrender. They came
downstalre with their empty hand In
front of them, and we gave each of
than a pair of bracelets. It was four
out of six of BUI Cook's gang of six,
and wa had six men on our side. Among
those aaptnred as 'Ikeeter.' Cook's
right bower. I keep aa a memento
of the affair 'Chester'' leather coat, a
pal of huge spars taken from the dead
body of ana of tha outlaws, and Cook'
batt of cartridges, found In the house,
firr Oh Vmmit was absent and
A great many letters similar to the
blowing have come to me from time
to time. Kach young woman who ad
iresses me believes she ha newly dis
covered the wickedness of man, and
she frequently expresses the opinion
that the world is growing worse and
humanity degcneratelng. This writer
"I am the fourth daughter ot good,
honest country folk and whs thrown'
upon my own resources when Just en
tering my teens. All along I have had
a pretty discouraging road to travel and J
Just two years ago decided to come to
this city. I had letters to several oi
the leading business men of the Wall
tract district, and, of course, applied
to them for a position In the clerical
line. Every one of tnem had an open
ing for me at a good salary, but as soon
is they discovered that 1 wouid not
answer their requirements outside ot
me business line tn.y refused nie the
position. I tried and tried, on, so hard,
to get work without being obliged to
give my very soul In return, but after
many days of fruitless efforts to do ho,
and being reduced to want, I returned
to one who oftertd me work in the first
place and told him I would like to have
the position at just half the Eaiary ho
had offered. He certainly was able Jo
see that I was a good, honest girl, bu.
he was bound to cause my downfall,
and after two mouths discharged me
in order to place a "new face" In hi
office. What is to become of the work
ing girl?
"No one usder i!-.c sua Ur.c-.vs "hit
a dependent girl has to bear In this
way, especially If she is of pleasing ap
pearance, as they all seem to think 1
am. 1 can tell you this, for you do no!
know me, but pity, the working girl
who is cursed with beauty and a fine
"I could tell you so much that has
made me sad and lonely, in fuct, has
wrecked my young life completely, it
I have only Just entered my twenties.
I am already tired and disgusted with
life, since I can have nothing to look
forward to."
This young woman's experience Is not
exceptional. Nine self-supporting young
women out of ten meet sometime, some
where, a similar trouble. The tenth
girl escapes and Is mercilessly severe
upon those who have been tempted.
Such an experience of this kind never
having occurred to her, tt need not
occur to any one. Thtre Is-nothing in
life the average woman so much re
sents as having other women offered
temptations which she has never known.
. . .. - ...
Meanwhile we hear men gravely doctor-j
itig In favor of the tenth girl's opinion.
"No girl is ever Insulted." they t'.ll j
us, "unlefa xhe first commits some In
discretion of . deportment, dress or
speech. The rtuily modest, dignified
und properly dressed young woman is
sife to go anywhere In America, and
hhe will receive nothing but respectful
attention from men."
lMulltudca! Empty platitudes!
Th"y know better.
These theories are bearded with afte
and eo decrepit they have not a foot to
stand on. Man is In a Mate of evolu
tion and Is making sure progress to
ward fhe divine scirnood, rmt tt ts also
slow progrcfs, ond the animal still
predominates. He is a better, cleaner
and more atplrlng creature than be was
a few hundred years ago, but he needs
some centuries more of development
before he will become a wise, safe. and
worthy protector of virgin womanhood.
There was an era In the world's his
tory when cardinals, monks, klngs.lords
nnd gentlemen of high degree thought
woman to be man's rightful prey, and
It was not at all an unusual event for
uny one of theae noble matures to
kidnap and carry off to castle or dun
geons a young woman who resisted
thf Ir blandishments. Where fair means
of seduction failed, foul ones were re
sorted to, and brute force waa made td
triumph over stubborn virtue.
I have read tome Interesting annals
f the methods of wooing In those old
days, and were the writer of the letter
(U0t d above to compr-.re her- own ex
perience with that of her persecuted
elslers of those "good old times" of ro
mance over which sentimentalist sigh
in this prosaic age. she would regard
the men of today as on the rond to re
formation. I would not be understood to mean
.liat In every business house young wo
men are subjected to Insults or temp
tations. The best Bird wlrst 'business
men rever compromise themselves with
their employe, whatever their 'lack of
morality may be. My correspondent
has chanced to encounter the cheaper
ih':s of LuftlncM men. If ho wilt keep
trying to encounter the cheaper class
of burlne men. If she will keep try
ing she may find employment In the
more select and better mannered busi
ness ctrclr.
To every girl who I starting out In
a If supporting career I would offer
this advice:
Itegr.rd men your superiors In the
physical and mental domains. From a
purely Intellectual standpoint they eg
ret us. Io not trust them In any mat
ter where a question of wise behavior
Is concerned If they suggest a single
act on your part which yea could not
let the whole world know. Whan they
make any such proposition to you do
not fly Into a temper or preach a ser
mon. . it will do no food. Xeep per
fectly calm and express pity rather
than anger. Remember wttt eeatu
if iJotttfa tha world h c'it tt i
tad haw meat are the c." "
has until a very modern day encouraged
them la their idea of two codes of mor.
als for the world. Think of yourself at
a sort of kindergarten teacher who caa
train men's morals and help them to a
knowledge of their own better nature.
Give them an object lesson In the
beauty of self-control. Do not pretend
to be an angel, free from moral taint,
but prove to them that you are a sen
sible woman who knows how utterly
commonplace It Is to sell yourself to
any man for a little worldly advance
ment or for a. lew fleeting pleasures.
Never Imagine for a moment that
your temptation Is a peculiar one or
that it Is a tribute to your beauty or
charm. Try and realise that thousands
of girls all over the civilized world are
subjected to the game,
Once convince your tempter that you
understand all this, and It Is more than
likely that he will cease to annoy you
and will become your good friend. I
have known many such Instances. 1
never knew any continued prosperity
or happiness to result from yielding to
the temptation to, make worldly pro
gress by violating a principle.
A girl may have brief vogue by such
methods, and she may have a series of
hardships and misfortunes by resisting
them, but the tide always turns, and
good fortune comes the way of one
who is determined to keep true to her
However hard the pathway of the
self-supporting woman today, there is
never any need for her to relinquish
her self-respect or her virtue In the
struggle with adverse circumstances.
Do not become bitter or pessimistic as
a. "nutii Imier" unatune ut these experi
ences. Theyare only steps on the great
ladder of evolution. Every victorious
struggle, every temptation overcome,
strengthens the moral fibre of the
world and brings you tiearer the heart
ot humunlty.
Remember there are good, true men
in the world, and that every time a
weak or a bad man encounters a pure
woman, he is one stop nearer the stand
ard of worthy womanhood. Help men up
not down. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox In Chif
cage American.
Mrs. McKlnley's favorite color Is blue,
and the walls and hangings of her pri
vate rooms in the White House are all
of that color.
Mrs. John C. Whitln, one of the trus
tee of Wellesley collego," has had built
and equipped for that college a stu
dents' observatory.
A woman In Ohio has secured a 11
rellHA tn run an rnrln Running thinvi
is the specialty of the sex Just now. ano
there is no good reason discernible why
engines should be excepted from the
general lot.
Carolyn King, the daughter of the
novelist, Generul Charles King, U. 8. A.,
recently finished her course at the Sor
bonne and then took a prize offered by
the Alliance FrancalFe for an essay on
Miss Jennie C Powers, who Is a mem
ber of a Presbyterian Sunday school In
(Sermantown, Pa., has been presented a
gold medal by the congregation foi
what la believed to be the world' rec
ord in regular attendance. She fltst
went to the school a n hnhv in k
mothers arms ant! has not mteacd a
single Sunday in twenty-five years.
Mmo. Adelina Patti (Baroness Roll
Cedarstrom), who recently received
from the king of Sweden the order ol
Literis et Artlbus for giving her serv.
Ices at a (hrtrity concert which she or
ganlsed at the Royal opera house, in
Stockholm, was als.) the recipient be
fore leaving tho city of, the king and
queen's photographs bearing the auto
graph signature of their majesties.
Queen Marghfilta. the widowed dow
ager of Italy, has completed the distri
bution of her personal effects and has
retired from public life. Htr 500 superb
costumes have been apportioned among
friends nnd the wonderful embroideriej
whlrh were cett at the World's fair
here are now In the museum at Flor
ence. Her Jewelry has been given to
relatives, except the royal diadem, val
ued at 200,000. This has been received
by the young Queen Helena.
Mrs. Conltllng of Brooklyn addressed
a branch" of the Woman' Christian
Temperance union at the Clevc Meth
odist Kplsoopal churchln Cincinnati and
began by ordering the women to take
off their hats. Mot of them obeyed,
(jut a few moved to the rear seats rather
than do so. Then Mrs., Conltllng ald
she knew of many Instances where wo.
nen did not dare take off their hats
because fancy curls and frlxses were
sewed to the millinery. Half a doscn
sinner retained their headgear even In
face of this 'ntlmation.
Two of the old cannon which th
English took from the French In 1741
and threw Into the harbor of tool
burg hare been brought to Toronto,
They are among a number recently fish
ed out of the Ixuisburg harbor, and
have been purchased by the govern
ment. The cannon have bnen lying at
the bottom of the sea over 150 year.
Fa eh cannon li about nine feet long
and weigh over 8.000 pounds. It Is
thought that they are of Russian make
and were either purchased or captured
from Russia by the French.
'Talking about political rneecbe"
and the candidate faced the Interloper
"It ws down In the Second ward."
"What wa UT" asked the candidate ol
the red-faced man; "a convincing argu
ment 7" ''It aura wai. Re Jvt leaned
over the walnut and eaya to tha man In
the whit aprons flrrt every aant what-
Now Governor of Porto Rico Haaa
Brilliant War Record .
"He is a small man, poof! small like
my son," exclaimed one of the coinm'.
tee of Porto Rit-sna selected to
respec ts to the new commending mer
of the island, after the ceremony "bui
hi one eye, Madre de Diosl It 1 like
a Mauser bullet when it strike you."
The speaker had Just left the palace
at Ban Juan, Porto Rico, with hi com
patriots, where Major General Guy V,
Henry, the new military und civil gov
ernor of the island, had welcomed the
committee with a mixture of old-time
courtesy and military brusquenes. The
members of the committee still held
In recollection the scene In the gor
geous reception chamberthe staff of
American officers uniformed like veter
an fresh from' the field, the sunlight
gleaming through the stained glass win
dows, the martial trappings of the at
tendant guard and that central figure
which represented to them the majesty
and might of the wonderful republic
to the north which had freed them from
tho yoke of the Spanish oppressors.
Tliat figure was a slight, spare men,
attired in a rather faded uniform, and
with a lean, brown face disfigured with
marks and scars. The members of the
committee mid looked with respectful
curiosity at tnoee marks and scars,
and they vaguely felt that they be
tokened the veteran, but they did not
know that each mark meant the im
print of years of service and each scar
the insignia of a wound received in
honorable battle.
Several months ago, while In Ponce,
Porto Rico, I saw General Henry,
"Fighting Guy V.," his men loved to
cull him. stand up In the quaint old
plaza of the city and address, through
an Interpreter, a number of natives on
the 'subject of good government, and
on the value of becoming honest. God
fearing citixens of the great republic
I also saw him bold a Sunday school
service in the open plaxa, ond, as he
stood upon the steps of the kiosk In
the center, with a bible In his crippled
band, and told In simple words the sto
ry of the Christ, I noticed a number of
American soldiers, roughly uniformed,
and some of them in drink, stop and
listen with wondering Interest. As the
crowd dispersed after the affair was
over, I heard one old bearded sergeant,
who also bore marks of long service In
the army, turn to a comrade and, with
a slap of his brawny hand, exclaim:'
"I fought under that man out in the
Black Hills in '74. He is a scrapper,
every inch of him, and he's the best
officer that .ever drew a saber, bar
none. And he knows when a good word
Is better than a good bullet, too. He
ain't much to look at, but you can bet
every scar he's got has a story."
And the ' sergeant was right. The
stories of those scars are written not
only In the records of the , United
States, but also in the hearts of every
man, officer or private, that served
with Guy Henry in the Indian cam
paign of the '70s. This is the story of
the crippled hand that held the bible
that day in Ponce:
In the fall of 1874, when the Cheyenne
Indians were setting the frontier ablaze
In the northern part of Dakota, Gen
eral Henry, then colonel in command
of several troops of tavalr. came
upon a village of the enemy nestled
among the hills. There was a brief
but decisive fight, and the Indians fled
toward the Canadian boundary, 100
miles distant.
Forty-eight hours nrter the trin.il
fierce sleet and hold storm sprang up,
the wind sweeping across the plains
with the fury of a hurricane. It finally
became so violent that the trail was
lost, and the troops rode blindly on
through the blizzard. Presently one
of the subordinate officers ventured to
ask If It would sot be well to camp in
the shelter of a rise of ground until
the Inclement weather- had abated.
Colonel Henry shook his head. "No,"
he replied firmly, "we will keep on
until we capture the Indians or run
them to the boundary line." Drawing
down hi rough fur cap, he urged his
horse steadily onward at the head of
the straaclinur troop. Finally a brief
rest was called, and, after many fail
ures, a fire was started and coffee
made. When orders were given to re
sume the march, the surgeon accom
panying the expedition went to Colonel
Henry and reported that five of the
trooper were suffering with badly fro
zen feet.
"Help me off with this glove," replied
the intrepid cavalry leader, extending
his left hand. The surgeon wonderlngly
obeyed, and, ns he touched the flesh
under the gauntlet, he cried: "It I stiff.
Your hand Is frozen, sir."
"Mount men,'' ordered Colonel Henry,
calmly. And as the cavalcade prepared
to obey the command It was found
necessary to assist him to his saddle.
On through the snow and sleet, on
until the wintry sun rising over the
es-itern hills, proclaiming the coming
of day, rode the. little party of soldiers.
There were many straggler, many who
lurched in their saddles, many who
rested benumbed and almost uncon
scious upon the necks of their mounts,
but none failed to follow that stern fig
ure riding In advance. When day final
ly broke a number of black specks
were seen moving over the crest of a
ridge a mile In advance.
"They are the Cheyenne," remarked
Colonel Hanry, "and that ridge mark
the boundary line between Canada and
the United 8tatea. We can go no far
ther." Tha memory of the retreat back to
shelter will be aa a tlank page to most
of the party. Several day bites the
troop stumbled painfully Into the wet-1
some gates of a fort, hearing with them
twenty-one of their number frown al-
most to death. Colonel Henry kept
ecrnmand until he saw hie au la ac .
ty again, then he took to hs bed CZ3
hovered between life and death
many weary week, CnaShy sVlstasj Ww) -
his left han; crippled, and hie i saarj
lit Ion so.btuken that he waa reperta?
a unfit for further duty. But ho was ."
In harness aga'n after a brief rest,
When the committee of Porto Rieaa
met Cent ral Henry In tho palace at
Han Juan, the members aaw that tho '
face of their new governor bore aaajsjr
scars. There was a bullet hole thrsesjlr
each cheek, the bridge of the nose wa
broken, and the left eye seemed )
and colorless. To them It waa possibly
a disfigurement, but to the men
served with Henry In '7 each
spoke eloquently of a thrilling
In that famous expedition
Sioux tn the Big Horn and Yellowatoaw
country, when tho "troopers of tho yet
low stripes" taught the boetiiee a last
ing lesson.
In that expedition Colonel Guy V.
Henry wa in charge of the Becoos)
battalion of the Third cavalry, whteb)
formed part of General Crook's one- '
mand. One June morning, while tho .
troops were coming for breakfast, hi
little ravine, the out pickets rusts
back with the startling announoenssssl
that the Sioux were coming In fewe
There was barely time to sound 1
and saddles" when the heights
the valley Swarmed with the
Within twenty minutes a regular pttefe-
ca buttle was in progress, the India ;
of whom there were several thotsmxsV
coming down from the ridge Is a aetieo
of desperate charges.
During the heights of the combat one.
portion of the American line under Cap
tain yroom was pushed out beyond Ho
support ,and was being punished se
verely, the hostile getting between It
and the main body. Colonel Henry, see
ing the peril threatening his brother of
ficer, sent his command pell mell to tho
rescue. Just as they swept upon the
Indians with uplifted sabers, a dying
bullet struck Colonel Henry in tho
face, tearing through both cheeks,
breaking the bridge of the nose
completely severing the left optic
The force of the wild rush carried
him on, but he was seen to sway In the
saddle. A trooper near him called ou
hoarsely, "Are you struck, str7 Grip
ping the pommel tightly with one bans?
Colonel Henry tried to wave his sword.
"On, on," he gasped. "Charge "
Down under the galloping hoofs of the
combatants he lurched, and In an in
stant he was lost to sight in the awh.
ing dust.
The loss of their leader caused a tem
porary panic among the soldiers, too ,
they soon rallied, and, after driving otP',
the Indians, they searched for theit
colonel. He was found at last, covere
with blood, but as they tenderly picked
him up they saw" that life still re
mained in the bruised body. He waif
placed upon a blanket in the shad
and everything possible done to aid
him. It was then that one of the
other officers condoled with him. say
ing, "Colonel, this Is tood bad. ft h
too badi" And It was then that the gal.
lant Henry, suffering untold agony and
barely able to articulate, whispered
"It's nothing. Jack. It's what we an
here for."
It was long before he recovered, hut
when he Anally returned to active srrw
ice he carried with him the indelfM
proofs of gallantry and daring In actus
ht tie. The same quiet heroism carried
him through week of weary battrtna
with the torturing pangs of a Port
Rican fever, a struggle""whlcb sapped
his strength and wrung his soul afte
which he quietly and calmly replied U
his physician's orders to leave at ones
"No. Here 1 stay, where I have bee
It seems peculiarly fitting that the
future. Indian fighter should have a
hi birthplace an army post in tho
very heart of the western frontier, Ijr
Smith, Indian Territory, and that Ida
father, Major William Beaton Henry or
u.. Tkl. 1-rnlA.l Bthtaia Infantru WmM
IIIC ... 1. 1 (.1. ... v u ........ -- .
be engaged In a war with the savages
ing, "Colonel, this Is too bad. It h
also appropriate that a man who wa
destined to become the military and
civil govprnor of a foreisn ten I tor
won by the sword should be, tiie grand
son of one who iv.ic vice president of
the United States and twice govern
of New York state. Daniel D. Tomp
kins, and Is also grandson of a forme
secretary of the r.avy and Judge oP
the supreme court. Smith Thorn peew.
He was fortunate enough to gradV
uate from West Point at the very out. ;
break of the civil war. He waa assign,
cd ns second lieutenant to the First
United States artillery ond served
with distinction In that regiment -til
he was made colonel of the Fortieth)
Mnsachusctts Infantry In the fall of
1863. He continued throughout the war
with tbnt command, being present at
msny of the most Important battles.
Reds are quite an Innovation la Ran.
la, and many well-to-do house are
stilt unprovided with them.
sleep on the 'tops of their ove
middle-class people and servants row
themselves up In the sheepskin and
lie down near the stoves, soldier rest
upon wooden cots without beddlrafiad
It Is onty within the last few years
that students In schools have been- al
towed beds.
A London plumber It under arrest far
stealing two houses, He waa twe '
months at work tearing thtm dowa til
one inHnmoi witn nni n w
when the -owner woat ta aw tt C ,
houses himself tUt aa for-) t - :,
y.trtt ha wanta"